The William Derek Church apology

| February 18, 2014

Derek Church Hooters

So we got an email last night from William Derek Church, also known as the Round Ranger. He sends this photo of his receipt where he allegedly turned over his uniform to Goodwill. It’s actually not proof of anything. It says “Clothes” so he might have given them his Scooby-Doo PJs, and even if he did turn over his uniform, that only means it’s available for another rotund phony to buy it.

Derek Church receipt

But the photo comes with this email message;

Here is my proof where I took the uniform and gave it away. It is a photo attached.

Once again I’m sorry for the hurt, disrespect, and mess I have caused. I have openly admitted before that my actions were wrong and inexcusable. I guess I should thank you for giving me a chance to start over and be a better man. Now with the burden of the lies lifted I can be the MAN God would have me be. I have truly turned my life around and this has also shown me the commitment I have in many life. You may not choose too believe me but my wife didn’t know until the blog. This could have torn us apart but she chose to love me through it and help me see my errors and how to fix them. This has changed the way I view myself, I no longer need a lie to give me my self worth. So once again my formal apology for all threats, lies, hurt, and damage that have been caused. The uniform and medals were donated, what they have me as a receipt is attached. This is all I have.

You, other veterans, and service members have many up most repect.

William Derek Church

Well, he finally said that he’s sorry, even if he should have done it weeks ago. I’m just the messenger, but I’m done with him.

Well, except that this was spotted in the Lenoir Post Office and sent to us;

Lenoir Post Office

Category: Phony soldiers

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Frankly Opinionated

@#97 Seadog: OMG! Now that is scary! He said that he would bury me under the Darby Queen. Under his “Dairy Queen” No Way, NONE! The earth shakes when she walks.
OMG! Not buried under her. That is just plain scary.
He still hasn’t answered my email that I sent to his closed g-mail account, even after I went to all the trouble to copy and paste it here, as well as at Topix Lenoir. Guess I will just have to send it to his “Dairy Queen” and have her read it to him. And at the same time, I will ask her to describe how he “built that Mopar from the ground up”. Y’all know, the one that was supplied by someone else and used as a prop in the “wedding photos”.
Bury me under his “Dairy Queen”, jesus, makes the hair on my arms stand up just thinking about it.


Breaking News !! Eyes on with Good Will !!
It has been confirmed by boots on the ground.

Okay. They sold the military suit. They NEVER had medals or anything especially no purple heart. Confirmed by the manager himself. He did laugh about derek and thought he was a sorry person. But to confirm no medals were with it.

So there ya have it, a face to face with the manager and guess what ?? Do you even have to guess !

A Proud Infidel

WHO bought it ? His Dependopottamus or his boy Will Chamberlain?

Combat Historian

Jabba the Fuck lied again…shocking…

Toasty Coastie

Give the medals back you stupid piece of pickle shit William Derek Church…May the wrath of all the deities visit you forevermore until you do.


@102 MSGRetired. Thank you sir for the update. Not what I wanted to hear. I figured if he can find a way to Ebay off those medals, those probably cost him the most. I will be on the look out for them on Ebay and Craigslist around Lenoir.

AND his wife is ugly. I mean draw a blister in the bottom of a galvanized shit pot ugly! 😀


In the topix Lenoir site at #235 the Mrs is quoted as saying: “How about you get my husbands name and career and my name off your pages”

His career? What would that be? Drawing welfare is a career?

Actually, it might be in today’s world…I remember when doing so was embarrassing.


I was also informed it was a woman that bought the uniform but no description available.
So lets see, He takes the uniform in to good will to get a receipt, then the Dependapotomous goes in and buys it back. Sounds about right for these two Dregs of Society.

OIF '06-'07-'08

So the “shame train” continues on for William Derek Church and his enabling bride.


Derek William Church Concocted a scam to get TAH off his back?

Was not very clever this situation will never end. Until he is in trouble w law or soemthing serious happens.

2/17 Air Cav

@107. “I remember when doing so was embarrassing.” Yeah, me too. My father worked two p/t jobs and one f/t job for quite a while. A neighbor (also a Veteran) worked two f/t jobs. He would come home in the late afternoon, pour a quart of beer down his throat–straight from the bottle–and take a nap. Then, up and out. Food stamps were temporary and not something anyone talked about. Now, it’s a way of life. There are generations of people who don’t know what work is. And, yes, I blame them.

HS Sophomore

Church, I know you’re reading this, and I think you’ll probably be on us in the comments for our relentlessness, our lack of respect for your personal privacy, our insults at your wife (who chose to insert herself into this and made herself a target), and our lack of ability to forgive and forget. So in preemption of that moment, I have this to say. Through your own actions, you have completely scuttled any credibility you may have had with this crowd. Through photos and family accounts, we have established conclusively that you have been lying and embellishing your military background with abandon for a great deal of time. For this reason, we demand absolute proof from you before we can believe a word you say, preferably verified by someone else. You were told repeatedly and plainly to hand in that gruesome perversion of a military uniform to the VFW or American Legion or representatives of this blog, but you chose to give it to goodwill (so even if you really did get rid of it, someone else can still pick it up and run with it, and we have no way to verify that you even did that). So, either you’re a major dumbass, or you plan to go back to your old tricks. Possibly both. And that half-assed receipt is not proof. It states that you donated clothing to goodwill. For all we know, you pulled your illegitimate great-grandfathers tie and cuff links out of a trunk in a forgotten corner of your attic and donated that. So, no, due to your and only your previous actions, we don’t buy that because it’s not conclusive proof. If you want to put this to bed, go back, buy the uniform if you ever donated it, and hand in that and the medals to the damn VFW. They’ll verify for us. The ball is in your court.

2/17 Air Cav

It takes a very special asshole to wear a Purple Heart not his. He got it pretty good and took it like a first-rate sissy mary, what with the early threats and the pleading and the whining. Nevertheless, he did come around, if only to stop the thousand cuts. I’m done with him, too.


@102 MSG, I’m not surprised. I was wondering about that after Church said he turned everything in to Goodwill. Goodwill, according to those who spoke with them, only mentioned the uniform. So Waddlin’ Willy is simply stacking more lies on top of the ones he’s already told.

Army Medical

Do you guys think William Derek Church, is just a plain idiot that can’t help himself?

I mean.. really!
He actually had the nuts here to post as Will Chamberlin, his Halo qualifying alias, and think he wouldn’t get caught?

Imagine his shock when Jonn posted that his IP, Kiaya’s (PIG) and Will Chamberlins all match!

What an idiot.
I am starting to think he is too stupid to fix any of his problems.

Maybe all the bacon grease and chicken wings clogged up not only his veins, but his SKULL?

I wish the guy the worst.

Aids, Genital warts, herpes, chlamydia.
It’s all good.


I think William Derek Church is a immature, narcissistic fat little toad who thinks only of himself. Stupidity most definitely has something to do with it also.

Toasty Coastie

It appears that Santorum Stain William Derek Church and his Pompous Pickle Swallowing Pig Wife Kiaya Church have scrub this FB page..

If anyone has any other links please let me know and I’ll keep monitoring them.


Are you really this stupid, this would have all blown over by now if you had just done the right thing. But your continued lies and stories just continue to make it worse. You have rallied even more Veterans to post about you and your Phony claims keeping your name in the Google Highlights !
So lets try this again.
1. Post public Apologies that outline each and every one of your claims as being a lie. Now that PUBLIC so everyone can read it on your Bill n Louise Facebook page and also on your very own TAH Thread.
2. Turn over all military related items that are in your possession. ALL OF IT, especially the Purple Heart Medal to one of the following. The American Legion Post right there in Lenoir, or the closest VFW Post. Advise them that they will receive a call wanting verification and an inventory list of items turned over. Post on TAH where it was turned in to.
These are the two thinks keeping you from a peaceful existence as an ex-phony. Also be aware that all eyes will be upon you in Lenoir for the rest of your life and any lapse in judgment on your part will bring the Full TAH crew down on your head again !
Any questions e-mail msgretired2011 at yahoo dot com but I don’t think I can explain it any more simple than I have posted right here!
So if your gonna be dumb be tough and live with the consequences or you can do the right thing.

Army Medical

William Derek Church, the pain train is coming. You might want to listen to the post above.


William Derek Church……

Beware of the Knock on your front door.

It *IS* coming.

Local News Media with Cameras?

Sheriff with Warrant?

U.S. Marshals with a warrant?

Child Protective Services?

( Food Stamp Fraud is punishable as a Class H felony for amounts over $1,000, which carry a possible prison term of up to three years.)


Dominos with the 6 pizzas your ordered?

You never know…….

Toasty Coastie

Hey Santorum Stain SparklePony William Derek Church…

Use that fancy phone of yours and have your Frolicking, Dancing Pig shit eating wife to video yourself returning all of the Military gear, medals and any other clown suit uniforms you have to the VFW or American Legion and post it here…that is your only way out at this point.

Have a nice day you pygmy turd.


120: whoever knocks on the door had better be careful…have you seen the Church homestead? Getting TO the door would be a challenge.


@122 SJ…I went back to the previous threads and got the google street view.
JEBUS Christ tap dancing on a cracker whilst riding a pogo stick….
That looks like some kind of abandoned garage with an outhouse on the right.

That’s just sad. There’s NO WAY that this shitbag has any semblance of manhood.

HOMELESS people would say…”Fuck THAT noise”

A Proud Infidel

WILLIAM DEREK CHURCH the roly-poly Round Ranger, THERE IS NO REFUGE from our indignation that you have provoked with your chickenshit stunts. If you had even one functioning brain cell, you would realize not only that WE ARE NOT people who back down, and were not ones who take cowardice and Stolen Valor lightly. You’ve done this to yourself, you sniveling, slovenly, corpulent thieving COWARD!! OH, and the money your Dependopottamus bought the uniform back with, OOH, did you have to give up a couple of “40’s” and a bottle of Thunderbird to do that?


I can’t fathom a mind like William Derek Church. How can anyone who calls himself a man heap such shame and dishonor on his family? How can he be so selfish and self centered? How can any woman put up with such behavior, and even encourage it?

Green Thumb


A transvestite with a paternity suit.


Hey!! Don’t forget that we still have a bunch of Hooters Girls suffering from their close encounter of the turd kind. We must provide adequate and meaningful aid and comfort.

Frankly Opinionated

RE #127 nbcguy54:
By all means, in honor of the attack on their eyes by William Derek Church, we should all strive to
“Hug a Hooter”, and do it often. It doesn’t matter what town, what state, just “Hug a Hooter”, it will help them in their recovery.

Frankly Opinionated

RE #127 nbcguy54:
By all means, in honor of the attack on their eyes by William Derek Church, we should all strive to “Hug a Hooter”, and do it often. It doesn’t matter what town, what state, just “Hug a Hooter”, it will help them in their recovery.


@119 – Choo, choo, baby! All aboard the Pain Train! DAMMIT! It’s a shame that Don Cornelius (a genuine Marine Corps Korean War vet, by the way unlike our current subject) is no longer with us. We could have done a tie in!

Frankly Opinionated

William Derek Church, who has been out of work for 7 years, but yet has the skills to build a Mopar classic “from the ground up”.(His wife said so); must not have looked for work in a body shop. They would love to employ someone with those skills. Is there no requirement to welfare to look for work?
Hell, he could also try out as a Fiction action writer. With the stories that he has told, if only he put that to print, with a good publisher, he could be sitting in a Barnes & Noble right now, signing books, making enough money to by the fresh donuts instead of the day old variety.
Get after him Kiaya Louise Church, make him bring home the bacon, after all, he is the one eating more than his share of it.
Are you two really proud of your ease of lying?
You are both a disgrace to procreation.


I posted this on the open thread. Hope I’m not violating a forum rule re cross posting.

Break Break: turns out I need to be in Lenoir for a few weeks starting next week. My future father-in-law’s residence is a baseball’s throw from the Maison Church. Said gent likes to frequent area diners like the Blue Moose Coffee Lodge for breakfast and dinner.

Damn, I forgot to mention that said gent is a USAF Master Sergeant that has more time in VN than I, an Army 82nd/101 guy. He is a bad ass but none of his family knows it because he doesn’t talk about it. What a strange concept. My fiance is amazed when he and I talk about stuff. She had never heard any of this. To be clear, nothing secret squirrel…just two bubbas doing what they were trained to do. Ribbon racks for both are ho hum.

Memo to self: hit the Class VI store on the way to Lenoir so I can pry more of of the REAL story from said USAF Master Sergeant.

Might be a fun few weeks. We’ll do nothing threatening or illegal. Hell, the Master Sergeant is in his 80’s and I’m in my 70’s….but we are both more fit than Mr. Church. Maybe we’ll just hand out some wanted posters. I’m guessing that the Church’s will go into hull defilade. As a courtesy, I’ll advise when we clear the AO.

But then, the Church’s might just decide to do what others have suggested and get this behind them. If they would like for me to be the intermediary, send a note to Jonn. At age 71, I’m not an offensive threat (defensive is another matter). I believe in forgiveness. I’ll be glad to meet Mr Church at the road side and receive his paraphernalia without comment. I think I’ve been here long enough to be objective. Hell, I even back channeled Jonn earlier that I thought we were going too far. I was wrong. Won’t make that mistake again.


Quick correction to my previous post….the late Don Cornelius was a Marine Corps vet who served 18 months in Korea after the cessation of hostilities. For those of us from the Chicago area who are of a certain age, we remember the TV show Soul Train hosted by Mr. Cornelius. However, the rest of my previous statement still stands…….CHOO CHOO, BABY!

A Proud Infidel



@133 Mustabg2LT Lieutenant Sir, thanks for that. Didn’t know about Don Cornelius. Before or after the war…he was still a Marine and served our country honorably. So he gets my respect for that like every veteran. Thank you again for the history I didn’t know.


@133 Sorry meant “Mustang2LT”…darned pain pills. 😀

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

@133 The Hippest Trip In America




To the late Soul Train conductor: “SA-lute!” …. But let’s get Don Corleone to drive the PAINNNNNNNNNN Train to Lenoir.


E-6 type, 1 ea

SJ – Before you do anything else, can you secure the Purple Heart?

Combat Historian

SJ, good luck on your mission, but we can all guess that Jabba the Fuck will go into deep hiding and refuse to come out to play. I do hope you succeed in your mission, though; good luck and safe trip…

Toasty Coastie

Good luck on your mission..respectfully request video of possible of the securing of the Purple Heart and other medals..

Toasty Coastie

Hellooooo Sparkle Pony William Derek Church…

Are you and Mrs. Piggy having a nice evening? How’s that SOS tonight? Nice and creamy? Please don’t choke on it..would hate for you to be ill when the cameras come…I know you wish this would be over but…

It ain’t over till the fat lady sings. I’m sorry to bring your wife into this…….So you know what to do…Better get busy…

Nighty nighty 🙂

William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC William Derek Church Valor Thief of Lenoir NC

OIF '06-'07-'08

Damn, this POS is still wanting to drag this out. Well William Derek Church, we will not back off in till you do what we have asked of you, and I am now to the point that I believe that you no longer have the right to wear any uniform of the US Army, so just give up your little fight. This “Siege” we have going against you will go on in till you unconditionally surrender and turn in all uniforms, medals, and berets, along with an admission to all of your stolen valor lies fat fuck.


Keep us posted SJ, have a Good Trip and maybe just maybe Church will do the right thing and turn everything over to you. If not I am sure the wanted posters will be a Great addition to most establishments in Lenoir..

“All The Way”


I live in Lenoir and will keep an eye out for this turd.
What kind of POV does he drive? Does anyone have any confirmation on custody of the PH?

Semper Fi


SJ. I dare ya and double dare ya to getter done!

Your approach is a good one.

Sh!t that rhymes!


Maybe Chief (as in CWO Chief) and I’ll have to meet and have a rock drill over some BBQ…I prefer JD’s in Rutherfordton College. I often do breakfast with the USAF MSG at Clarence’s in Lenoir. Jonn has my email and is auth to pass it on.

Master Chief…you’re putting the pressure on me. Good. I need it.

Frankly Opinionated

William Derek Church: In just a few days I will attend a Silver Star Medal ceremony. It is being awarded to a REAL Ranger. Someone you have neither the spine, the gonads, nor the physique to be. Not now, not then, not ever. As I watch this special ceremony, I am sure that your name will cross my mind. When it does, it will further etch the distaste that I have for you and your fellow posers. You are all nothing but the lowest of the low, standing in the blood and glory of better people than you.
(For the readers, this is the article describing the deeds of the day, regarding this ceremony: )
This is not something the the aforementioned TURD could even watch, let alone be a part of. Bedwetting bitch.

Frankly Opinionated

A correction to my post #149, above:
The link describes just one of 3 events that the SS awardee was involved with. It appears that the SS is after downgrading from the DSC.
Carry on.