Robert Danny Hay; shortest USMC career in history
Scotty sends us his research on Robert Danny Hay of Helena, Montana who rides around with his Marine Corps career on the back of his pickup;

The word on the street is that he’s picking up a large VA check every month for his injuries in Vietnam that go along with all of those stickers. However, that’s not what the USMC says about his career;

According to Scotty, there’s going to be a knock at his door this morning.
Category: Phony soldiers
@100 You would know all about felonies, is that right, Bobby?
Like many cities, Helena is not very big.
I can only imagine word is getting around.
I wonder if the known military imposter Robert hay still has those stickers on his truck?
Word has it that most of Ft. Harrison and its employees know about this stooge.
What’s worse is this shitbag is drawing benefits while the MT VA is screwing over deserving Vets to maintain budgets and quotas.
VA IG will be notified by the middle of next week.
Its about time for someone to do a records review on Robert Hay. If the records are lost, then Robert Hay will probably need to come in and explain his story.
Knowing the MT VA, they will probably shake his hand.
But we will see about that….
@100 Oh, and Bobby, if that’s you darlin’, you also IDENTIFIED YOURSELF AS A POLICE OFFICER. I sure hope you have a real badge with a real ID to go with it, because the police take a dim view of people IMPERSONATING POLICE OFFICERS, even on a milblog.
Have a nice day. 🙂
@100- you do realize that if it can be gotten with a FOIA request, it’s considered public information, and can therefore be published on the Internet? You’re not much of a police officer if you didn’t know that.
Hay: you’re so full of it above that you must have fertilizer coming out of your nostrils.
Absolutely none of the information in the article above is protected under the Privacy Act. Federal law allows the release of the info listed at this link to the public without the veteran’s consent – because it is considered public record information. What part of “public record information” are you too dense to understand, fool?
What is protected is the release of the entire OMPF. That requires your consent. But dates of service and decorations awarded? Not at all.
The next link most cordially invites you to execute the act I feel most apropos at this time. (Warning for all at work or with small children around: link is **NSFW**.)
#100 sounds a lot like the conversation I had with Robert yesterday on the phone. I tried to explain the FOIA process to him, but he hung up on me. But he did tell me that the Department of Defense sealed his secret squirrel records for 60 years that’s why his truck shows a different career than the FOIA records. He also accused me of posting his DD214 on the internet. I guess he doesn’t know the difference between a FOIA and a DD214.
Yeah, he threatened to have me arrested yesterday, too.
Bob, I’m not hiding from you, my name is right there on the post. But, that’s right, Agent Orange affected your eyes even though you never went near Vietnam.
Do you know how stupid you sound when you say they sealed your records? The biggest secret of World War II, the enigma machine, was only classified for 25 years. That little lie might work in Montana among civilians, but you’re among military people now.
And, oh, yeah, if your career is so classified and sealed by DoD, why do you put all of that classified shit on your truck? Numbnuts.
Call me.
Jonn … Give him my cell!
You are a POS … please call me so I can tell you that.
BTW … If you are so secret … why don’t I know about it?
Has Hay been talking to psul the uncool or dullasatick?
Haven’t we heard all these threats before?
Besides, if he posted ‘I’m a cop’ on the internet and can’t back it up, ouch! That’s REALLY naughty. And threats, too?
Weak. Lame. Turd.
PintoNag: could be him. IP of comment is indeed Helena, MT.
— break —
Hay: damn, are you that stupid, toolbox? Not even a nice try.
First: that’s not a DD214, Bobbi-boi. That’s a NA Form 13164 – the form NPRC uses to provide publicly-releasable information in response to FOIA inquiries concerning a veteran’s military records.
Second: the NPRC records fire occurred in 1973, not 1972. The fire did NOT destroy “all military records” – it destroyed only veteran’s records in archival storage. Records of those still in service at the time were not affected.
Third: virtually no USN and USMC records were affected in the 1973 fire. The fire was in the Army and USAF sections of the records repository, and only 2-3 dozen sets of USN/USMC records which were out of storage and on analyst desktops at the time of the fire were affected. The rest were not.
Fourth: since you claim to have left the military as an E-8 (or maybe an E-9 – that pesky little sticker on the back of your truck isn’t very clear in the photo), the only way your records could possibly have been at NPRC in 1973 is if you retired as an E-8 before the records fire. Even if you were medically retired young, that means you’d have to have been at least 30 (it took around 12 years for even the fast burners like Robert Howard to make E8) when you retired. If you were an E9, make that around 18-20 years. That in turn means you’d be at lest in your 70s, and maybe in your 80s. I don’t know of many cops out there in their 70s or 80s.
Lastly: please see second link in comment 107 above.
This fool is demonstrating typical poser behavior.
I hate to say it, but you could probably quantify it at this point.
Some people just never learn, do they?
Oh, Bobby, you poor stupid fuck.
If I was in jail every time someone here threatened they’d call the cops on me, well…I’d be under the jail with Jonn.
The fact that he and I and most of the other posters here still breathe free air should tell ya something.
Threats of arrest are my personal favorite.
When I get one, I know I a having a good day.
And the irony is that I am polite.
Generally when posers such as this maggot do not wish to discuss a subject, they will have you arrested, tracked, sued, etc.
Great stuff!
Yeah, I was supposed to be arrested yesterday…but I’m in the EZ-chair again. I won’t be eating supper off of metal trays tonight.
BOB ain’t too BRIGHT.
Hey, Bobby-boy,
You’re a Grade-A, 100% certified turd. You didn’t even make it out of boot camp.
Your horseshit about “records being destroyed” is used by numerous posers. Maybe you should have done your homework (instead of Hondo having to do it for you), you’d have known that that fire didn’t do a thing to your records.
You don’t have what it takes to make a pimple on a Marine private’s ass. So do tell, why did they boot you out so early?
I quote Ron White: “Ya cain’t fix STUPID.”
What? Is someone running a special on the poser’s handbook?? (Looks like most of them skipped the sub-title, “What NOT to do to maintain a long life as a poser.”
Hey, Bobby boy,
A check of three – count ’em, THREE online databases turns up NOTHING that shows you were awarded the Silver Star.
Now those databases may not be complete, so do tell…describe the action for which you received the Silver Star, including date, your unit, and the location.
Please, no horseshit about “the citation is classified” or “I can’t tell you, the records are sealed.” We hear that from other phonies and poseurs, and it’s pure unadulterated BS.
Based on your short and less-than-stellar career as outlined in the records that are posted above, don’t bother to post an answer unless it’s an unconditional confession that you lied.
Scotty at Stolen Valor Exposed deserves a TAH “Bravo Zulu” for his hard work in busting this and other phonies he exposes at his blog. Thank you!
What are the odds that the next post from Bobby’s side will be from a “lawer” purporting to represent Bobby? And what are the odds that that post will be from the same IP address that Bobby has been posting from?
Do we have another poser coming here to defend their lies? Only to say that their records are sealed, destroyed by the fire, ect, ect, ect. Like this is nothing but the same broken record played by different individuals that threaten to have us thrown in jail, sue’d, the blog taken down, and so forth. Robert Danny Hay(Google Hit Bobbi Boi). Go fuck yourself.
you know,i could sit here all day and go back and fourth with you all,,,,,,,but that would only make me as big a fool as you are!,,,don’t you people have a life?,is all you have to do is this?,,,,,,,,,all i can do or say at this point,,is quote God’s word,,,,don’t criticize the splinter in your neighbor’s eye,when you have a log in your own!…there seems to be a lot of logs out there,,,,,get a life.,,a real life,,,because their is a much higher judge that any of you fools!,,,,,,,and say hello to all your BUDDIES IN HELL! ,,,,I’M A BETTER MAN,THAN SIT HERE AND LISTEN ALL YOUR B.S. and to answer one of your questions,yes,the stickers are still,,and will remain there,,,it’s real easy to be a tough guy on the computer,,,,come to my house since you now know where i live,and we will see who the REAL MEN ARE.
His records are sealed in the same secret drawer as Rick Fine’s secret records and every other moron who thinks that line carries any water.
@124, The “Stupid” is strong with you ain’t it Bobbi Boi?
I love it when one of these idiots swings by and rezzes a dead thread.
Bob boy we know who the real men are . there the one who don’t brag about what they done and claim there records are sealed. Your a punk loser and always will be
I have been reading thru all the replys here .It would seem to me that Bob is a special kind of stupid. Hell there have been posers that never spent a day in the service that don’t come off as dumb as Bob .Face it Bobby boy you tried and failed
If we’re wrong – prove us wrong, “Bobbi-boi”. Here’s how you can do exactly that:
1. Photocopy your final DD214. If you served in Vietnam as you claim, you’ll have more than one DD214 – so make sure you use the FINAL one (that’s the one you got when you left the military). It will list all your awards and decorations.
2. On the PHOTOCOPY (that’s important – you don’t want to ruin your original DD214, so make sure you use the PHOTOCOPY), black out your SSN or serial number, date of birth, address, and next-of-kin info. If you’ve got something to hide, I guess you can also black out the discharge type, reason, code, and reentry code too; otherwise I don’t really see a reason to black that out.
3. Scan that blacked-out DD214 into a digital image. Someone from Staples, Office Depot, or Office Max can probably help you do that if you lack the equipment (or are too dumb to figure out how to do that yourself). Last time I needed to use their services (traveling with no working scanner available and I needed a digital copy of a document to e-mail to someone) it was reasonably priced – about $2 or so, I think. Best image formats to use are probably PDF or JPG.
4. Attach the digital copy of the blacked-out DD214 to an e-mail and send it to Jonn. You already have his e-mail address.
Otherwise – please see second link in comment 107 above.
I swear, this bobbi-boi has to be a cone of psulie-o the uncoolie-o. Same incoherence, same threatening and bullying tactis, same blowhard ‘better ‘n you’ hogwash over and over.
I hope you don’t get stuck in the 24++ inches of snow going on up your way, bob. If a MT state trooper-type comes along and you’re stuck in the snow, and he knows that you said you were a cop, in addition to lying about your service, he might tell you he has more important accidents up the road.
And by the way, how DID you manage to make it to ‘Nam when you spent less time in the service than I spent shining my boondockers in boot camp?
you people as hilarious,,,,,,,buy a bible and try reading it,,if you can read,,,
That’s funny stuff, coming from someone who obviously has problems with basic grammar and punctuation usage.
Put up or shut up, Robert.
Bob, explain to me how if publicly available information is to be kept private, police departments can release ANY information on arrests?
I was looking for a good laugh today, and along comes this fool, Robert Hay. Love the typical phony poser excuses, the blatant stupidity, the blustery threats “come to my house, etc.” Pathetic, disgusting, sad.
Hey Bob,
Ok … Here it is, page 394 … Yep it can read it.
It says, “go fu@k yourself.”
Robert Danny Hay:
That Bobbie Boi, is a Gooooooooooooooooogle hit. The more we use your name, the better the odds that people in your neck of the woods will see you for who you really are. Every time one of us uses your name, (directly commensurate with the number of stupid comments you post here), another hit is registered at the altar of St. Google.
While I have no desire to leave my beautiful Florida Panhandle Farm and come to your place in the Big Sky, I do have a deep interest, even a driving desire, to contact the local newspaper, the local Veteran’s posts, and your local evening news TV station, to enlighten them on just who you are and are not.
Enjoy your days of infamy.
@132, The Bible has nothing to do with this “Bobbi Boi”. This has every thing to do with your false military claims, nothing more. You were found out, and proven to be a liar. So maybe it is you that needs to go and read the Bible. You just might learn something from it, and will you please go to your nearest Community College and sign up for a course in remedial grammar(Like Third Grade Level).
Ya know, somebody just has to say it:
Robert Hay! Hey!! No one here actually claimed to be better than you. But since you brought it up, evidently a bunch of us actually are better than you.
Why, you might ask? Simply because we do not lie to people about our military service. We do not makes claims which are not true. We served honorably and claim nothing more.
It doesn’t really matter if you or I is smarter, prettier, wealthier, more righteous, or much of anything else. You might want to check with your pastor or whatever you call your spiritual advisor about lying, cheating, stealing valor, fraud, making up excuses for bad behavior and generally not claiming responsibility for your own errors. Of course, if you are affiliated with the Westboro Baptist Church, that would explain a few things about your abject misunderstanding of scripture.
@ 140 … OK … I would say you have covered just about everything.
OWB – Slow clap! Beautifully said (written).
I have a cousin named Robert (Bob) Hay,please tell me you have never lived in Florida. Please!
you know what,,,,,,,all you still born idiots,,do what what think is right,,,,,,you can make threats,,,even comments about my service,,,,,,but the MARINE CORP,,and the DOD KNOW THE TRUTH!,,,IT IS IDIOTS LIKE YOU,,,,THAT MAKE THIS COUNTRY SAD!,,,,if you served,,,,,witch you evidently didn’t!,,,,,,,,are a disgrace to God AND COUNTRY!,,,this is my last comment,,,you idiots keep supporting each others stupidity,,,,,,,,evidently this whole thing was started by a jealous vet,,,,,who was a coward in the military,,,and wants to take HIS OR HERS anger out on someone that served with honor and pride!,,,,,,,,,God bless you my friends,and have a nice day!
Yes, BOB, DoD and the US Marine Corps do know the truth – that you served for 5 weeks and didn’t complete Marine boot.
May we take #143 as an admission that Bob is a jealous “vet?” And a coward?? Since he is the one who started it, nothing else would make a bit of sense.
No, bob, the only disgrace to God and country right now is you.
You’re right – the Marine Corps DOES know the truth about you: you served barely five weeks and got your flabby ass kicked out of the Corps. Frankly, I doubt that you could have even made it through the 10 weeks of WAVES boot camp that I went through, because PN Fenstermacher was all over shitstains like you.
You can quit pretending now, because everyone here knows exactly what you are. And while you’re at it, you could learn to spell, too.
No jealous vets, here, either. Everyone here has put in REAL time serving on active duty longer than you did.
People, I swear, this dorkwad is a clone of either, or both, dullasastick witlessandwandering, or psul the uncool, a/k/a the wickre mann, a/k/a psulieboi. Nasty lies and sloppy, illiterate writing skills, topped off with threats and invocations of religious entities.
They must know each other.
PH2. Seems to be par for the course.
When I read the name Fensternmacher, I heard horses whinnying in the background, LOL (Frau Blucher!)
Oh, no, LebbenB, PN1 Fenstermacher was extremely real. She was short, stocky, had a voice like bullhorn, and would walk on some unsuspecting soul in the chow line and snap something like “Don’t touch those potatoes! They’re fattening! Look what they did to me!” at the top of her lungs.
You tend to remember people like that.
Frau Blucher – oh, laws! “Ovaltine?” “No… thank you.”
Hey, BOB, go take a remedial English class, with emphasis on spelling and punctuation. You were in the Marine CORPS and don’t know how to spell it? Pathetic.
Thanks, Smaj. I was about to tell the idiot the same thing, but now I won’t have to.
As for you, Bobbi-boi – see last link in comment 107 above.
In case you’re too stupid to figure out how to follow the link, I’ll spell it out for you: G-F-Y.
Robert Danny Hay:
That you come on here with no offer of proof of your service, that you chose to try to denigrate us from the start, that you resort to UPPER CASE Shouting; all goes to bear out, that not only are you a phony, but that you are reading from the phony playbook, and following each and every tip on how to try to be the biggest douchenozzle in the bunch. Whatever service you did have, however short, however mundane; has now become just worthless horseshit. We see you as a Phony, one with no valid argument to stand up for himself.
You are not exceptional, you are a dime a dozen among the flakes.
And, you get another Gooooooooooogle hit, Bobby Boi.