Idiots in the gun control debate

| December 16, 2012

Yeah, I’ve read some real stupid shit in teh interwebz today in regards to gun control, but this one just deserved a public answer. It’s from some shithole called Balloon Juice written by a guy named John Cole who explains that he was supposedly in the 11th ACR stationed at Camp Doha between the wars with Iraq;

So why am I telling you this? Because in the middle of one of the most dangerous regions in the world, even with clear Rules of Engagement, every time I went on gate duty, there was a piece of tape over my ammo clip on my M-16 and M1911 .45. Why? Because the most heavily armed military in the world did not want accidental shootings. If a situation arose, I would have to eject my ammo clip, remove the tape, and reinsert and work the action before I could fire.

This was in a combat zone. Yet I have spent the last two fucking days dealing with armchair commandos telling me they need unlimited firepower to be safe in… Connecticut.

If there are bigger pussies in the world than gun nuts, I don’t know who the fuck they are.

So, because he was such an incompetent boob that he needed to have his ammo taped in his magazine, gun nuts are pussies – yeah, I don’t see the connection either. Besides, he calls them “ammo clips” – who, with more than a day in the Army, calls box magazines “ammo clips”? So, I’m thinking that John Cole was a cook, or anything except someone his unit would allow to guard something. And, I’m pretty sure that between the Iraq Wars, the Army was using 9mm Barettas and not the M1911A1 .45 cal pistol.

And the reason any magazines were taped wasn’t to prevent the ammunition from loading. The Army did that when ammunition was passed between guard shifts for accountability. But, of course, any dingus who thought they’re called “ammo clips” wouldn’t know that.

So why do I call Balloon Juice a shit hole? Because all of their writers are gun grabbing facists, apparently. They write shit like this;

Bernard Finel: If it were in my power, I’d seize every fucking firearm in the country other than revolvers, shotguns, and bolt-action rifles and melt them all down.

mistermix: If you must own an AR-15 or Bushmaster or AK-47, it should stay locked in your personal gun cabinet at the range, never to leave. If you change ranges, a bonded courier can take it to the new one. The same is true of the high-capacity clips for your Glock, your 100-round drum magazines, and all the other expensive toys that let you bang off a couple of dozen rounds in a minute. Yeah, that’s expensive and a nuisance. So are the laws surrounding other potentially unsafe pursuits.

Mistermix, my Glock uses high capacity magazines, not clips. The ammunition for my M4 is in clips until I put the bullets in the magazine. If you’re going to talk the language of gun control, learn the language of guns first.

After posting the Wikipedia entry for events leading up to the UK’s gun ban, Imani Gandy (ABL) posts this;

Am I suggesting that we ban handguns? No, not really. I am suggesting we have a sensible discussion about gun-control laws that leads to, as President Obama put it, meaningful action.

If you weren’t suggesting that we ban guns, why did you have to tell us that the UK banned guns because of an incident somewhat similar to Sandy Hook? Every leftist gun grabbing fascist on the internet is talking about “a sensible discussion”, but their discussion of a sensible discussion is senseless.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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2-17 Air Cav, perhaps the ones that get into the hands of crazy people? That wouldn’t have helped in this case, but didn’t the Gabby Giffords shooter buy his own? And didn’t he have a history of mental illness, including being hospitalized? So, maybe a reasonable place to start would be mental health background checks on all gun sales?

Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S.

“He STOLE the guns that he used. He STOLE them from HIS MOTHER, DUMBASS. And he used his MOTHER’S guns to KILL HIS MOTHER.” I wonder whether it would be reasonable to suggest that if the guy’s mother hadn’t had any guns, then he couldn’t have stolen hers? Yeah, yeah, there would always be somebody else he could have gotten it from, but it would have made it just a little harder for him; it might have taken him just a little bit longer to get a gun. In that time, there is at least a chance that somebody might have stopped him somehow. You idiots whine about how, yes, some asshole killed a lot of people in Norway, where they have gun laws far stronger than those we have. True enough. But, shit, how often do we have these massacres? Every year? A few times a year? I can’t keep up with them. When was the last time before that Norweigan KKK guy shot all those people that anything like that happened in Norway? Anybody? Sure, people can kill with knives, swords, pikes and even iron frying pans. But try killing 27 people with a frying pan–or even a sword or crossbow–before somebody wrestles you down. We’ll never stop every slaughter like this. That isn’t the point. The point is to cut down on these awful sprees. The point is to make it harder. By the thinking here, there’s no point to having seat belt laws, since you can still die in a wreck with your seat belt on. Seat belts won’t keep every driver and rider alive through every wreck, but it’ll keep a lot of them alive. That’s the point. But you assholes will never understand that. There’s a reason that 3 times as many people die every year from gunshots than died on September 11, 2001, and it isn’t because you don’t need a license to buy a frying pan. This reason is related to the reason that only about 100 or 200 people die from shootings in the U.K. I’d suggest that you idiots think… Read more »

2-17 Air Cav

@98. Now, Beth. You made a statement. I asked a question. Did you attempt to anser it? No, you went off in a different direction. Take a deep breath and try again.

Arm The Homeless

“Why are they so selfish as to fixate on the things THEY find scary (mass shootings) but utterly ignore the countless other mundane and eminently preventable deaths?”

–Because after having just about every prominent physician and climate scientist telling you that childhood obesity and climate change are really pressing problems which will have nation-wide implications, only to be met with cries of, “Broccoli Mandate” and “AlGore is fat!”, it’s become obvious that you’re not capable of being approached like adults. So tonight I will pray for a well-timed aneurism in either Thomas or Scalia so that we can simply roll back recent SCOTUS precedent. I will also pray for a giant bucket to collect all your tears when it happens. Amen


“So, your contention is that making something, say meth, illegal does *nothing* to restrict it?”

Only to the law abiding-I want the law abiding to be able to defend themselves as they see fit.


@99, in many cases, as in the one in my comment, think and feel are synonymous. But if it helps the readership here, please substitute “I’ve always found that . . .”

Does that help?


Gun ownership = instant death? Nah, I don’t see it.

2-17 Air Cav

Okay, hope remains, however slight. Where did the 20% come from Beth?


My wife had a close friend over today and she was telling us about her recent divorce. She said she wasn’t going miss him that much as he was “hung like an NRA member.” Bad news, fellas. The word is out.


No guns are responsible. There’s your answer. Guns are simply tools. Quite lethal tools that should be restricted heavily.


@#101 So that’s your plan? You’ll use your empty gun to defend yourself?

Sounds plausible.

2-17 Air Cav

@108. So, if I look up either think or feel in a thesaurus, I should find one when I look up the other. Um, that’s a no go, Clay.


Zapruder F. Mashtots, D.D.S.

Pipe bombs are easy to make. A resourceful lunatic could make a dozen or so and meander through a school murdering to his sick heart’s content. Of course I would prefer that someone there shoot him dead first, but that apparently makes you uncomfortable.



“Mantooth”…suuuure, I believe you have a wife.

What’s his name?


Bethany…ever had your life threatened? Ever wish the threat presented to you could be stopped cold in its tracks?

Might I suggest a reading of John Lott…you might learn something.

Oh, and how many shootings were in Chicago, DC, NYC, and LA since Friday?

2-17 Air Cav

No, no, no, Bethany. Again, your reply is altogether nonresponsive. I can’t have a give and take if you keep changing up. Is there some statement other than the vulgar ones some of your little group are making that you would like to share?

John G

You forgot to point out that Camp Doha has never been “dangerous” . And certainly not more dangerous than Major cities in the US. Hell I am pretty sure if you do the math for comparing population size to murders and deployed soldiers at any given time to death frequency I am sure you will find that the death rate (for murder or combat) per population is actualy highern major united states cities.


Clayton-do you understand why my gun would be empty in the first place (hint, it’s because I will have expended my rounds trying to shoot you first). In any event, I can always try to use my empty gun to bash your skull in, but you may be bigger and stronger than I am and take it from me-ah well, the gun would have at least given me the chance to successfully defend myself.


In re making something such as meth illegal does nothing to restrict it?

Since the manufacture and use of meth is on the rise, in spite of its illegal status and its physical destruction of the user’s brain and body, whether it is illegal or not has become a moot point. In fact, the production and use of meth has become an expensive medical problem because it not only causes extensive damage to the human body, it also causes hallucinations which are as difficult to eliminate as those caused by the use of PCP, a horse tranquilizer.


Well, if you ask “how many” and I respond with “none”, and you call that nonresponsive, then I can’t help you.

And I assume that I would be quite awful with a gun while someone was threatening my life, NHSparky. I might fuck up quite royally, and a person intent on harming me might just take it away while I was stressed and trying to do the right thing. Nope, not for me.


@114 I’d actually like to see you do that — look up a word in a thesaurus. I would likely be entertaining.

2-17 Air Cav

Now, 68W58, let’s not be rude to our vulgar guests. They are uber sensitive and, besides, Bethany is a good egg. I do believe she wants to understand.


If the government wanted to protect its citizens, it wouldn’t be arming Mexican drug cartels and breaking Mexican law! All of you trolls forget about that! And Nanny Bloomberg never leaves without armed thugs. So take your ignorant hypocracy elsewhere.


See how well the cities that have banned more guns are doing, Bethany, vis-a-vis crime rates.

They’re doing REAL well.

The critical issue in this story is mental health and how society deals with the seriously ill, not guns.

2-17 Air Cav

“I would likely be entertaining.” Freudian slip? I can accure you, Clay, you are quite entertaining. I’m missing an NFL game right now just to have a laugh, thanks, in part, to you.


BethanyAnne-or he might run at the sight of it. At least you would not have to trust completely to his questionable mercy, though you apparently seem to prefer that option.


@120 Ah, I see. You admit you are a very poor shot.

And there is really no need to imagine that it is me you are missing with your precious gun. I promise to never put you in that embarrassing position.


If what I said in #121 is not clear, try this: whether or not something is illegal is immaterial. Laws do not stop lawbreakers.

Use of heroin is illegal, but people still shoot up.
Use of cocaine is illegal, but people still snort it.
Human trafficking is illegal, but that has not stopped the sex/flesh trade.



Homosexual panic doesn’t really work on this crowd. Calling someone a fag doesn’t carry any weight. It’s pretty predictable on your part though. Enjoy the next few years of Obama in the White House.

2-17 Air Cav

Okay, so far Bethany is the only one with some semblance of value and hope. But she appears to have made an early exit. Maybe she’s googling, “How to attack 2nd amendment supporters” and will return later.


Carrying mace is the option I actually prefer. No one can take it away and kill me with it.


Chainsaws are lethal tools too BethanyAnne-but both they and guns are useful to the law abiding.


So you do prefer to arm yourself-good. You know you can get less lethal rounds for your firearm too, right?

2-17 Air Cav

@131. He’s in the White House for a few years? Hell, he’s been president for nearly four and hasn’t spent more than a month there to date! Those links and fundraisers, don’t you know.


Wow, you really are a pussy.


Okay BethanyAnne…but just because YOU’D fuck it up royally doesn’t mean the other 80 million gun owners in this country and millions of CCW holders would. And as such, your shortcomings should have no influence on those of us who choose to responsibly exercise our Constitutional RIGHT.

Let me say that again…RIGHT. Not your alleged rights like free shit paid for by someone else, etc. Do try to not get confused over that.

Oh, and Molon Labe, fuckers. I’m tired of you fucking bleating like the sheep you are.


@127 Preview and edit would be nice, but this seems to be a low rent joint. So, I will restate, again, just for you: It would likely be entertaining.”

I still don’t think you could actually do it.

And isn’t there some fancy gadget that lets you watch the TV you want when you want, even if you get off to a late start?


#122, That’s why when you carry, you train. Alot.

2-17 Air Cav

“Carrying mace is the option I actually prefer. No one can take it away and kill me with it.” Okay, my hope is now vanished. Bethany, what if those teachers at Sandy Hook had mace? Perhaps one or two actually did. Do yourself a favor. Move to Idaho or buy a gun and learn how to use it.

PowerPoint Ranger

I guess the entirety of John Cole’s online readership (all 8 of them making several sockpuppets each, most likely) took the title literally, thinking that Jonn rolled out the virtual red carpet for all of the aforementioned “Idiots in the gun control debate” to come in and put on a show.


Clayton-firefights often result in many missed shots. There are numerous videos of cops and bad guys exchanging dozens of rounds without any hits, the adrenaline is pumping it is difficult to hit a target that is moving or shooting back. At least I would have the option to defend myself-which is what you would take away from me-no thanks.


#89 ““banning all guns” would only impair the law abiding.”

In that case, Nancy Lanza would not have any gun and Adam would not have been able to load them into his car en 20 children woud still be alive. I don’t think those 20 children and their families would find that an ‘impairment’


@133 — A spray bottle of perfume works just as well as mace and is less likely to burn your eyes if you aim it upwind.

Hair spray is equally effective.

In fact, anything that is aerosolized when sprayed is an effective weapon of self-defense, as is a heavy purse or a phone camera with a strobe flash.

Your ignorance of self-defense methods prompts me to suggest that you take a plain old self-defense class at a dojo some day soon. Also, might be a good idea to learn to yell loudly and angrily. Muggers don’t like troublemakers.

2-17 Air Cav

@139. That is not restating what you wrote, Clay. That is an altogether different statement. Now, I’ll ask you what I asked Bethany. Is there something you would like to say, other than, “Guns are bad, okay?”


The mother had a gun. Someone took it away and killed her with it, 2-17 Air Cav. Personally, I don’t care if the solution is to restrict gun ownership, or to increase taxes and spend that on mental health care. I think the amount of violence we have using guns is a problem, and I’d like to do something to solve it.


Polder…bans only work on the law-abiding. FYI.


I’m liberal and I am not for banning guns. I’m the only person in my family who does not have a gun but I certainly know how to work one. I do not believe that law abiding citizens should have their guns taken away.

What I think we need to be talking about is gun safety. Connecticut has an assault rifle ban and strict background search regulations. They do not, however, require gun locks. Would it be such a bad thing if laws were implemented to require gun locks? It might have prevented this shooter from stealing his mother’s guns or stalled him long enough that his mother could have stopped him or called for help.

That, to me, is the responsible kind of debate we need to be having. What kind of safety regulations can we put into place to minimize accidental deaths and reduce the risk of the wrong person getting your guns? And who should possibly lose the right to bear arms because of previous criminal action? If the legal system can take away your driver’s license for irresponsible driving, why shouldn’t they be able to take away your guns if you’ve been convicted of a violent felony? That sounds like a good foundation for gun control, really gun safety, regulations.

I do think regulating magazine size should be part of the debate. It is not the entirety of it but I think it should be discussed. How much ammunition do you really need in your gun at any time to protect yourself? If other regulations have a greater impact on gun violence, we need to figure out what they are and push for those.


Polderboy-as I pointed out above, pipe bombs are easy to make and a murderous lunatic could just as easily make several and toss them in classrooms killing dozens. I would prefer that teachers or principals be able to shoot him first, but you guys just can’t get behind that.


Clayton said:

“There are numerous ways to defend yourself and stay safe, particularly if you are an adult. Having a gun is one of the least effective ways.”

I’m shaking my head at that one. Truly one of the oddest claims I’ve ever seen made, even in one of these gun discussions. What methods of defense are more effective than having a gun?

Why do police carry sidearms if there are more effective means of defense out there?


@144 — Just how do you know that Lanza could not have found another source? According to the news reports, he was a very intelligent student. He very likely took chemistry in high school. Chemistry classes have all kinds of materials that, when mixed together, make amazing explosions.

Magnesium, for example, burns bright white and hot. Copper burns green and hot. Sodium, yellow. When you mix two common household products together, you get a gas bomb, and the labels tell you DO NOT MIX THIS WITH THAT for a very good reason. Just how difficult do you think it would be for a very bright, if dysfunctional and antisocial young man to poison his mother and then go to the school and do the same thing? Or even go so far as to construct a few pipe bombs and throw them through the school windows?

Or are you really so dumb and naive that you just don’t get that part?