Douche bag being douchie

| November 19, 2012

Meet Lindsey Stone, a self-proclaimed douchebag. See that picture? She thinks it’s hilarious because she’s being her douche bag self. Of course, she’s at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and she thinks that doing what she’s doing is like smoking under a “No Smoking” sign.

This is just us, being the douchebags that we are, challenging authority in general

Whose authority, Lindsey? The folks enforcing the “Silence & Respect” are soldiers. The Tomb is property of the Army, more accurately, the soldiers who are interred there. Of course, the sign is just supposed to remind you of your own proper conduct, the proper conduct you were not taught by your parents, apparently. There is no authority to challenge, really, well, except your upbringing, which by the looks of things is lacking.

Of course, the reason that you think this is funny is because popular culture tells you that the more outrageous you are, the more popular you’ll be. I believe your generation calls it “pushing the envelope” or something. Congratulations, Lindsey, you found the outer edge of the envelope, outside the limits of what we as a civilized society will accept.

Of course, Lindsey’s friends told her that she was wrong, but she left the picture up on her Facebook thingie – right through Veterans’ Day, so she wasn’t chastised quite enough to make her feel any measure of shame for her behavior.

Thanks to JP for the link.

Edit by NSOM:

Pending a follow up from Jonn, do not post home contact information for anyone you think may be Stone. It may not actually be her, innocent third parties may live there and just because YOU’RE mentally stable doesn’t mean the next person to read her home address is too. Her workplace and work number are fine, home addresses are not.

Category: Shitbags

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Hey .. Frank FUCK YOU!



Awww….well this is just a joke too. Much as Ms Stone found it the height of hilarity to show such utter disrespect in one of the most solemn places in this country, maybe we find it funny to witness her well-deeserved aftermath.

Now stop being so uptight and enjoy the laugh. Asshole.


Arlington National Cemetary is not the place for a joke like that, you fucking dick smudge.


Okay all of you who are stepping up, whats the worst thing you’ve ever done? I bet it was worse than that, because that was just a harmless joke. If you let it get to you, then you let her win at “pushing the envelope” to get a rise out of people. Stop saying shit about her, none of us have the right to judge her based off of one picture.


Why not, Frankie? You’re judging people here based on less than one picture, aren’t you?

Virtual Insanity

Frank, I have friends buried at Arlington. I think I DO have that right.

Just Plain Jason

This is what I feel like saying to her in her near future…



I believe the saying is “a picture is worth 1000 words”. Well that picture told us a lot about her.

And, if she considers the reaction to her “joke” to be a win, I hope she enjoys it and savors it and gets to experience it over and over and over.


When did i judge anyone here?


Oh, you weren’t judging people here when you said to “fuckoff” in @96?

Or when you said we should take our tampons out to avoid being so uptight in @97?


Given the fact this picture went viral in a matter of hours, and the majority of reactions to it are negative, it seems like it isn’t exactly harmless.


If this were just a harmless joke, she would have taken down the picture. Her “friends” on facebook reportedly told her it was disrespectful. Now, that’s not what I consider to be a joke.

That said, she chose to leave her disrespect on display. That alone shows her abject lack of character.


If she intended to insult people then yes, this would be okay. She didn’t think it was that bad, she thought it was harmless. She doesn’t deserve this humiliation. Malclave, whats the worst thing you’ve ever done?

Green Thumb






I hope eventually will the guilt of this and people telling how much you are P.O.S. are , I hope you go threw depression , get medicated , loose everything important in your life and serious hope you suffer with the pains that this life can bring for the rest of your life People voice how they much they dislike the military all the time but how dare you go there and do what you did!


Well she should have thought about what other people may think of it. Some people have to learn the hard way that,yes, you have freedom of speech, but sometimes it has consequences.


Frank … I have a right to judge her … because it is my Brothers and Sisters she was giving the finger to.

Eat that sandwich you moron.

I take it you are a friend, the sorrowful husband of, the brother, or perhaps the father of this POS. You should be ashamed!

Virtual Insanity

Frank, she described herself as being “douchie”.



She left it. Even after being told it was “that bad”. Even after being told it was disrespectful. Even after being told it was insulting.

She absolutly and without doubt or prevarication earned every ounce of humiliation. She certainly is getting an education. Free of charge, courtesy of those she offended.

Why is it that we, as Vets, have to shut up? She was exercising her right to free speech. Why can’t we?


Green Thumb .. you are awesome … “TURD”


I’m just saying, the majority of people on this are speaking down to her, meaning they think themselves above her. You just don’t have to be so rude. She’s gotten enough shit for this. Have a heart.

Mr. Blue

Hey Frank, would, say, burning a cross in front of the White House be a joke to you? Would you find giving a nazi salute in front of the Holocaust museum a funny joke?


Most of us don’t act like complete ass clowns in public so yes, we are above her.



Worst thing I’ve ever done? Not going to tell you… but then, I don’t go around bragging about my sins on the internet.

You say “she doesn’t deserve this humiliation”. Why not? She posted the picture, didn’t she? She thinks it’s funny to be a “douchebag”… but doesn’t that just say that she knew from the beginning that she’s in the wrong?


Malclave i know that point your making, i agree and i respect it. But your telling me all of this humiliation is a proper punishment?



Who are you to say when she’s gotten “enough”?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She wanted attention, so what’s the problem again?

Signal Soldier

Lindsey M Stone
Home (508) 888-****
*** ****** Rd
Plymouth, MA *****-****

*Edited by NSOM*

Do NOT post Stone’s personal address. You all have her work place and number. You don’t know who else lives there and you don’t how crazy the next person to read your post might be. Unless Jonn says otherwise, no home contact information.


The fact that everyone here is shitting on her constantly and being rude to her, and the countless pages about her is a lot. If your gonna sit here and talk shit about her, and say she’s childish, just so that your even, then your just as childish as she is.


@ Frank: I imagine we’ve all done bad things – and, when the shit hits the fan, we usually have to own up to them, as is the case here. The fact that you say she doesn’t think it was that bad conveys the real problem here – she doesn’t get it. Look, I understand the humor – ‘silence’ and ‘respect’ get turned into yelling and the middle finger. Not my kind of humor, but I can see the attempt. Except that this is a solemn place to many people here for what it represents. Ever had people in your family die? You wouldn’t like people disrespecting their graves, would you? If someone took pictures of themselves mooning a camera, say, right next to your grandparents’ grave stones, that would annoy you, right? You wouldn’t find humor in it? It’s not an exact parallel, but it’s a start.

My suggestion for her, if you know her – tell her to REALIZE how important this is to people, not to downplay it, and to make some serious amends. Ask forgiveness, own up to it, and volunteer with some local veteran’s charity, learn a little and grow from the experience.

Anger is high right now, and rightfully so, but if she can turn this into something good, show a little growth, and own up to the mistake, I’d consider that a ‘life lesson’ and let it be.



Humiliation is a damn sight cheaper than the price paid by the people she’s disrespecting. They gave their life to defend her right to free speech and this is how she repays them.



So… leave her alone because she’s a dainty little flower and her feelings are being hurt? She doesn’t seem to care much about others’ feelings.

If she doesn’t want to be “humiliated” by the comments here, there’s an easy and obvious solution.


Well it goes back to most of us not acting like total ass clowns in public. Calling her out on her bullshit doesn’t make anyone childish.


Lindsey needs a quick lesson on life! Let us all demand that that bitch be sent to Afghanistan….put her on the front lines and let her see what exactly she needs to be grateful for this Thanksgiving! She needs to be noted as a traitor and excommunicated from being an American! Let her pray she doesn’t meet me, a friend to many friends with kids fighting for her, and my other friends, who have children fighting for her and friends who have lost their children for her! What a disgrace! She should screw like the bitch who killed her daughter in Florida! You have been seen Lindsey…remember that! You are an embarrassment and a complete idiot!


If she wanted the experience of “challenging authority” and being a douchebag, I’d say she’s getting the full package.


@130Anonymus I don’t know her. I’m just a kid from Worcester. And i’ll stand up for her because no one else will, and nobody deserves all of this. She got her lesson, and now its being taken too far. Posting her address and home phone number? Just let her be, she’s had enough. She’s a person too, and right now she has everyone against her and probably isn’t doing too hot and is losing her job, so the less hate, could possibly save someones life here.


Frank …

I know you won’t sleep tonight, neither will Lindsey. But that is ok with me (us). You see there are tens of thousands of us around the world tonight not sleeping, standing the watch, care for those less fortunate, kicking in doors, killing YOUR enemies, protecting our country. So yes, Lindsey is a causalty of her own making, she is nothing now, on to the next violator, there are so many! Wishing her many sleepless nights!

Tell Lindsey I said happy job hunting in this flourishing economy!


Is this some kind of a test? Why are there people commenting in her favor? If this is a test…you should be ashamed of yourselves! You have hurt so many! This is bullshit…flower…daisy…what? You people need to stand in the shoes of a soldier or one of their family members! Ungrateful bastards who do not stand up for them! So it is noted….



I’ll agree with you in one respect… that posting her address and phone number is going too far.


Yo Frank … let it go … kid! You are playing in a minefield and you have zero experience!

BTW if you believe that she will do harm to herself or others call 911. Report what you believe. Her address is above.



If you’re talking about Malclave’s comments (@132), I believe that was sarcasm.


Malclave, i’m glad we can agree somewhere. I just hate seeing someone get so bullied and have no one to stand up for them. And MCPO fuckoff i have no experience you don’t even know me.

Virtual Insanity

Frank, again…tell us about yourself. All,we have so far is a kid from Worcester.


Guarandamntee he’s a fuggin black ops II Ninja. He’s seen things man. So much trigger time on the 360 he can kill you with his thumbs.



Not everyone deserves someone to stand up for them. A person takes an action, that action should have consequences, positive or negative. That’s one of the problems with our society, we’re systematically removing the consequences from actions.

I wouldn’t have posted her home address or phone number, and Hondo or Jonn or another admin should redact that post-haste. But, unless she does something stupid, she’ll live through this. Her reputation tarnished for a time. And maybe, just maybe, she’ll learn something of a lesson. Or at least she’ll maybe learn to be more discrete.


I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot.

Proud of our Vets

@ Frank – #97 – “harmless joke”. Really harmless when a a family friend was just buried there the other day. Really harmless when people are grieving their loved ones. Apparently you and your friend Lindsey have no clue what it means to respect, honor and cherish all these brave men & women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the “harmless joke”. And your comment about tampons – you too are disgusting. Both of you are beyond words disgusting.


I’m a kid from Worcester. I’m in college. I play rugby, and I act, I’m a theater Major. I grew up with two parents, a sister and my favorite food is lasagna.

Virtual insanity, anything else?


Posting an address you believe to be Stone’s is not a good idea, please don’t do it.