UPDATED: You’ll never believe who is still calling himself SF, despite all proof that shows he isn’t…

| September 26, 2012

Well, actually maybe you can guess.

Bear in mind that he’s now been tossed from the Special Forces Association for being a weapons grade asshole and a liar, but this myth of his, by hook or by crook he’ll keep repeating it until you believe it.  It’s downright Orwellian, wouldn’t you say?

Once a day I check in on him at his multitude of haciendas, just dying to hear what is going on in his dreadfully important life.  Has he painted the house?  Posting pictures of the kids he ignored for year?  These are the questions that plague me.

So I was happy to note that he now has a 5th website I can track his insanity on, the http://stolenvalorhuntershomophobes.weebly.com/index.html

For the record, I am not a homophobe, just ask any of the guys at St Jacquestober fest last weekend when I was handing out hugs like Wittgenfeld hands out candy in his windowless van down by the creek.

 For those who are not retarded, kindly compare MOS 18E with MOS 05B.


Holy Sheep Shit, get a load of this “No shit there I was story….”


You know what this calls for?  A Claymore-esque style phony war story competition. 

There I was on the path, wearing facepaint and a banana hammock with only my AK47 standing between me and certain death……

OK, now you finish it.

Category: Politics

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Oh shit, now he’s gonna claim he is in THOSE pics, too.

Yat Yas 1833

@ 92 Air Cav, LOL! I understand there are other branches of the service, then there are the Marines!? Ya know, something I love about this place is that we can give each other hell all day long but at the end of the day, we have each other’s back. Ok, except for turds like whatthef#ck.


@88 SJ Can you explain SF in that era not necessarily a good thing? I’m just curious. BTW-I was there during the “Pine Cone Rebellion”, and that was not good.

“…but not SF. And, BTW, in that era, being SF was not necessarily a good thing.”


Beretverde: I’ll let SJ confirm or clarify himself, but I think he’s talking in the context of “a good thing, career-wise” for officers. Before implementation of the SF branch in the mid 1980s, as I recall the “common wisdom” was that officers should not spend too much time in SF lest they end up non-competitive for promotion to LTC and above.


No shit, there I was. I was at 170,000 feet above the drop zone. I jumped doing the first ever HALO (That’s Morris code for Heinous Anus Licking Ops) I hit the ground and wiped the mud (Morris code for shit) off my chin, I set out to find the enemy. I knew that their standard operation was to wave their AK-47 (Morris code for penis) to signal each other. Since my Ak was inoperable and plugged, I used their secondary tactic of waving my naked ass at them. As they started coming at me, I single handedly made them wait in line and exhausted each and every one of them. I was immediately promoted to Super Senior Chief Master Major Sergeant. I was also awarded the Bawny Fwank Congressional Medal of Superhuman Achievement.


#87…the MOS was O5BS… the S identifier meant the soldier was SF qualified, also known as “flash qualified.”


#102: Hondo must live in my brain: exactly what he said. I would add that even some NCO’s were not that enamored with the Snake Eaters because they were elitist etc. Of course this comes from 82nd/101st paratroopers who are also elitist and the reason Legs didn’t like us. I would also add that officers were cautioned about staying in Airborne and not getting tickets punched in, say, Armor units.


SJ: no, I’m not telepathic – though I’m certain some have accused me of being a touch “mental” at times. (smile) Just spent a bit of time at Bragg as a youngster and had the good sense to listen.

Well, most of the time I listened. No one listens all the time when they’re young. (smile)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@108 “Well, most of the time I listened. No one listens all the time when they’re young. (smile)”

My experience was the older guys would laugh when you didn’t listen because they knew the outcome for you was less than pleasant, I was not sharp enough then to realize it was because they had done the same stupid sh1t I was doing….

Now as I mentor guys young enough to be my children, I get to smile a bit as I see them not listening as well….I’m hoping I do a better job of getting through to them than others did getting through to me, but I remain unconvinced as of this time.

Virtual Insanity

@109 That’s why I like my current position. I am no longer in uniform, but work with and around young officers every day. A quiet mentoring discussion with a chubby old civilian has a less confrontational connotation to the youngsters than, say, Major Insanity all up in your grill.

I find I am much more calm and personable in my interactions with the young ‘uns now, and they seem to appreciate and internalize it better.


I’d guess you probably won’t, VOV. I’m convinced that part of being young is certainty that you already know all the answers. Experience is just a fancy name for life teaching you otherwise.

Some youngsters will learn from both their own and others’ mistakes. Others only learn from their own.

I tried to stay in the “both” category, if for no other reason than I generally didn’t like learning unpleasant things the hard way. And usually, I succeeded in avoiding such unpleasant learning.

Usually. (smile)