Airsoft=active duty

| August 29, 2012

So, this guy claims he’s on active duty and you can tell he is because he’s wearing ACUs and, of course, there’s the CIB and the Ranger tab and the 75th crest on his hat. Never mind that he has one of those devil beards.

Funny, though, there are no jump wings. I guess he didn’t want to go full retard, but since there are no leg Rangers in 75th, I’d question him. And he’s wearing a 173rd combat patch – they’re an airborne unit.

From his YouTube comments;

So I guess that being an Airsoft wienie counts as combat. And he doesn’t look too old or fat to be a Ranger at all.

Thanks to Joel for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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m16 acog

@ Jorge why… im not that bad of a person but when i get angry i get really angry because i thought everybody was tryin to make fun of e


m16@99..Oh, sea cadets or….so you’re a Scientologist? Jebus H Tapdancing Christ, I KNOW we’re getting trolled probably by Keith or Donald or some other kind of window licking wannabe. It’s just making my *brain hurt* trying to decipher whatever it is you’re posting.
I don’t know why I bother.

m16 acog

Chip united states naval sea cadets corps not look it up


HAHAHAHA! “Please don’t join my navy, please don’t join my navy”…I just spit out my copenhagen laughing.


m16 acog: WTF is a “little gullibal”? Bing Translator (formerly Babelfish) even throws up it’s hands and gives up on that one.

People are giving you a hard time because you waltzed in here and, with your first comment, made an absolute jackass of yourself. You failed to assess the situation; fired off your mouth – ineffectively – without aiming or thinking; and then realized you might have engaged the wrong target. Clue for ya, youngster: you were indeed out to lunch. We were talking about the tool on the video in the article linked above, who appears to be completely full of shit. Most of those posting here regularly are military vets with in some cases 30+ years of service. Many if not most have served in combat. We generally know what we’re talking about with it comes to military fakes. We’ve see entirely too many of them.

You really would be well-advised to work on (1) self-control, and (2) expressing yourself in writing if you hope to succeed in any of the more elite military specialties, son. They all put much the same value on brains and discipline as they do on physical ability.


United states naval sea cadets is pretty much the exact same thing as CAP…..looks good on a resume….doesn’t mean diddly anymore.


m16 acog, Jedi is and you are for defending him. Its so obvious he is not In the Army at the present time, and no veteran would wear a screwed up soup sandwich uniform like that. On another note I love the comments on the Youtube page hehehehe.


m16 Acog, I am confused about your whole rant..but especially this part.

“i dont think im a ranger and all that bull shit but other airsoft fucks do”

So other people think you are a Ranger? Please elaborate.


Dally Girl is all over his comments on that video…awesome!

m16 acog

@Hondo my apalages but that probably will not work for my outrageous comment i know my spelling and punctuation is horrible and i need to work on my mouth but i pretty intelligent because i did pass my BMR’s already and past my test in boot and next month i am going get my promotion to an E2 i became an E2 at boot but i am not official and E2, i am super happy and for all the vets serving thank you for serving and hondo thank you for being nice and honest with me
And just a question have u ever worked with Navy EOD


@109 I saw that…lol. I tried writing but Jedi Lardass blocked me.


@101 Is there some reason you cannot keyboard? Are you using a phone to post? Is there any reason you sound like a window licker?



Slava bogu, please learn what punctuation is and how to form a real sentence.


Don’t make him angry, you wouldn’t like it when he is angry!


Angers easily… I see a “NON-GRAD, NON-ACADEMIC” in this guys future….

m16 acog

is long range patrol another fake?


What does long range patrol have to do with this?


m16 acog: If you’re talking about this tool – our own Dallas Wittgenfeld, AKA “Thunder Chicken” – at least partially. He’s made some claims that didn’t check out, as well as some that did and some that are still in question. And he’s an asshole extraordinaire as well.

Here, he posts as “LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41”. I don’t know if he toggles the shift key like an teenage girl throwing a tantrum everywhere he posts, but I’d guess he sounds like the same blowhard prick pretty much everywhere.


m16 acog: to answer your question, no – I’ve not worked directly with Navy EOD. At one point in my career, I had some personal acquaintances in Army EOD. Pretty sharp group of folks with great self-control in a crunch, as I recall.

Then again, without smarts and self-control you didn’t tend to make it through EOD training – or to last very long if you somehow did.

Bubblehead Rsy

you know all we Navy vetrens r whey too smart nd badaz to uz pucuation nd speeling stuf.

I weep for my Branch of Service

Old Trooper

@43,44,45: The picture of his “weapon” are of an airsoft gun. You can tell by the plastic bolt lock button and selector switch (plus the word “save”, instead of “safe”, is a dead giveaway).

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@88 Hey there little fella, if you want to get into the military you might want to pay more attention in your English as a Second Language classes. The Navy isn’t really looking for uneducated foul mouth air softers in large quantities. You are welcome to ignore the advice, don’t be surprised when your dreams fall apart though because of your inability to communicate efficiently and effectively. For the record though nice try in your attempt to impress everyone with your adult vernacular. Possessing the rapier wit of a small soap dish does little to advance your point, if you had one.

Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors.


From comment 62, response from the turd:

“My 173rd was a uniting served in before ranger school and as far as hot I don’t give a shit. The only site is the one they created crazyncman has don’t this to me for years. To cast doubt on me because he can’t compete and he’s a child my military service Cosby have Jack to do with my videos or my company periodically have nothing to prove. To anyone. I proved it to me and my dad. And my grandfather questioning my service is an insult. I do not need anyone’s business that doubts me nor do I need to put up with any of this anymore. I worked hard in my Army days. Very very hard. And frankly say what you want its just cordells way of being an asshole like he always does you can tell him its not going to work I’m not leaving YouTube. I do not mess with him he should stop with me. As for my DD214 according to the Army it cannot be accessed by anyone. My words get twisted to suit others ideas of me. If you or any others can it accept my honor or my words I do not need you”

From Comment 88:

hey ass holes im m16 acog and if u wanna know im not a dumb ass i was just asking a fucking question i dont think im a ranger and all that bull shit but other airsoft fucks do so i decided to ask why i dont know but i did im 14 and when i turn 17 im joining the navy not fucking army and wanna do eod unlike all u shit heads who are fat shut the fuck up and get a like these comments when public cus som mother fucker who is a fucking dumb ass go shit on yourself and i respect the jedi 270 more than all of u fucking combind so go fuck off

Could it be…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@120 who says nobody likes a smart 4ss…well done indeed…

m16 acog

@ hondo, any other sf u think i might make it through?

AW1 Tim

m16 acog: As another Navy veteran, I can guarantee you that unless you find a way to increase your vocabulary and spelling skills, along with syntax and grammar, there is NO WAY you are headed to anything in the fleet but the handle of a needle-gun or a toilet brush.

Seriously, go to summer school, night school, whatever it takes, but your inability to form a complete sentence, let alone use spell check won’t fly in the Fleet once you’re out of boot.

Adding to everyone else here, this isn’t a site run by posers, wannabes, or any other such nonsense. Almost every single commenter is either current active duty, or has multiple enlistments. Posers and other frauds don’t fly here.

As for that 173rd Airborne patch the guy in the pics is wearing, he’d damned well better ditch that before one of the real SkySoldiers, like the one commenting on this thread, or my own son finds him and makes him regret the error of his ways.


I’m just sitting here waiting on Dallas….oh Dallas…where art thou?



Gotta have somebody to crew the USS Murtha, don’t we?

m16 acog

@AW1 Tim I did not know this site was run Active Duty/and or vets When i Posted my horrible comment my apologies.

Bubblehead Rsy

Bwahahahahaha. Awesome!

Seriously, maybe this kid can be mobile ballast or something.


@127…I think Jonn has Dullass moderated, his posts can only appear when/if Jonn approves them…lol


m16 acog: I’m probably not the best one to ask, as my experience in the Special Operations community was (1) of limited duration, (2) many years ago, and (3) in a support vice operator role. However, as I said previously: all of the more elite military specialties appear to require brains and discipline as well as physical ability. If you’re deficient in any of those three, you’ll have a helluva time in any elite specialty.

You’re young, so you’ve still got time to learn. But AW1 Tim is correct – if you can’t learn to express yourself better, your prospects frankly are not so good. Ditto if you can’t learn to control yourself.

m16 acog

Hondo: Yes Hondo its been nice talking with you.

2-17 AirCav

@65. A nigerian email scammer? Lost a mouthful of cherry coke on that one. Dammit.


I do recall the Sea Scouts pulling exercises in the Potomac in 1968 and 1969. They tied up at a landing across the airfield from NAVPHOTOCEN, near an old hangar, which I think is now gone. But they were sort of like the water-borne version of the Boy Scouts, aimed at kids who liked the Navy. They had to learn all the skills in the Bluejackets Manual, including knot-tying, sail repair, and other things any bosun’s mate knew how to do, but that was about it. It don’t think they went to the shooting range at Bolling, just to the south, but I wouldn’t swear to that.

However, I will echo these other people and tell you flat out that the Navy is extremely high tech, has serious requirements of its personnel including a comprehension of basic grammar, puncutation and spelling, and does not suffer fools gladly.

And I will echo Jorge and ask you to please stay out of my Navy.


m16 acog- Let me be blunt. The military has working dogs smarter than you. It’s not even close. Having been in the military recruiting field I’ll bet you were a CAT IVB (look it up) meaning that if in fact you did get in the service you had such shitty ASVAB line scores you had little if any career field options open to you. So don’t be making any career plans based on special operations. Others on this thread were being kind because there is little chance that you have the maturity or discipline to overcome your inability to communicate at the most basic level. You must actively work at sounding as indecipherable as your posts read; either that our you have a seriously good drug stash. I’m not even certain you can understand what I wrote.

That sound you hear is the majority of this community both laughing and crying. The former at your ignorant posts and the latter in despair over the fact you may have graduated from high school.


I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry.

m16 acog

@ Elrik i can understand what you are saying perfectly fine. Im not a dumb ass. Just not the smartest person.


Comments on the Youtube page are now locked and subject to uploader approval..

Anyone notice he was wearing 1SG stripes, No self respecting 1SG would show up on a video looking like a Soup Sandwich in a uniform, not to mention the ball duster on his chin.

Dealer5 His name is keith taylor – I have HILARIOUS screenshots of this fucktard that I just captured before he shuts his hit down. Email me- and I will gladly send


I think Long range Patrol is the douchebag trying to lend support to himself. The account was opened today. You can see it on the profile.


@141…That would be waaaay too coincidental. I think we all know who “Long Range Patrol” is. He probably saw this post and rushed to defend, like he always does. Turd burgular that he is…


#4 beretverde

I’ve been wondering the same thing. Where are all these dingleberries coming from!!?? Have they always been THIS plentiful, or are Jonn and TSO just getting really good at smoking them out?

What the Heck, over?


Go to his wifes facebook, more pictures of him wearing the Ranger Hat … What a POS


BTW Dealer5, Good Find. Let the FOIA requests FLY !!!


@138, One could learn a lot on a site such as this by lurking, reading, absorbing, and retaining what is said and how it is said. Notice the sentence and paragraph construction and how the thought is expressed and detailed.

On these pages are a small collection of current and former military professionals encompassing a vast variety of different career fields, and specialties with experiences from Korea to present day in the peace time and war time service in all branches of the US military.

Stop and think about the wealth of knowledge available here for just the time to read and do some internet research to understand the history some of the folks here have been a part of. The occasional question asked in a humble or polite manner will usually be met with a detailed explanation or links to a place where the information can be found.

Example, some required reading although Army related, it applies to all branches, and sums up what our values as warriors should be, and is a lesson you would do well to understand completely.


I just read in the comments of one of his photos that according to him, the 173rd never disbanded after Vietnam, that it “Keith Taylor Nope 173rd was a regimental training brigade after nam but was never disbanded”
What a douche.


It seems he supposedly graduated high school cicra 1986, puts him in the 44-45 year old wheel house, born roughly 1968.


Cannot fix stupid. They just keep popping up.

Stuart Clark

The douche blocked me from youtube…. Suicide imminent… All for asking his Ranger School Class number… His response:

yes it is cause now im fucking pissed as well as insulted. heres my side im here as a retailer of airsoft parts and upgrades and I play. i said yes when i shouldve said former ut i get no lie over 300 emails a day. my words get twisted and AND my militayry service has nothing to do with it. it is one competitor starts this shit every month. All the time and I’m sick of it. So NO HELL NO! Don’t shop with me or. View me but harass me and I will fight back. Good day to you.