Airsoft=active duty

| August 29, 2012

So, this guy claims he’s on active duty and you can tell he is because he’s wearing ACUs and, of course, there’s the CIB and the Ranger tab and the 75th crest on his hat. Never mind that he has one of those devil beards.

Funny, though, there are no jump wings. I guess he didn’t want to go full retard, but since there are no leg Rangers in 75th, I’d question him. And he’s wearing a 173rd combat patch – they’re an airborne unit.

From his YouTube comments;

So I guess that being an Airsoft wienie counts as combat. And he doesn’t look too old or fat to be a Ranger at all.

Thanks to Joel for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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That also synchs with the “I was in the 173rd 25 years ago” comment. Can I put some money on MP for 2 years stationed at Ft. Riley?

Stuart Clark

here’s his email from his store web site:

I say we blast him asking for his creds…..


I can only imagine this clown’s personal “heroic stories” woofed to an ill-informed public. The people that he has pulled the wool over (lied to) now has a strange view of the military thanks to this guy’s exploits (173rd, Ranger, Ninja etc…). The damage done to the current serving soldiers, airmen, sailors, Marines etc. AND veterans cannot be measured. Stolen Valor is serious and EVERYONE pays a price… except the thief?
These thieves sicken me and piss me off at the same time.


OK – if anyone can come up with a good full name, I’ll file a FOIA on this tool. All I have now is “Keith Taylor”, and that’s too common a name to have any chance of success without at least a full middle name. Even that might not be enough, given how common the name is; DOB and/or SSN would help greatly.

If you have that info, post a comment here indicating same and advise it’s OK to contact you via e-mail. Please don’t post the info here publicly; that could lead to ID theft. This dipstick might richly deserve some pain but there’s no need to help/encourage criminal behavior.

fromer 97G

He must have a time machine since the 173rd was deactivated in 1973 and brought back in 2000 as a combat team. Anyone ask him if he has a scroll or just the tab? Maybe he was with the 173rd Speaial Team code name Blue Light when they had to retake National Airport and Bruce Willis messed up their plans. Guys like this should be dressed in a Mickey Mouse costume and a flag and dropped into Tehran or the North West provinces, you make it out alive and one piece you can claim what every you want, until then shut the hell up and honor those who have served and earned thier awards and never ask for credit and sit quietly with their breathern to talk and not on youtube etc with such low self esteem that they need to make desperate cries for attention like this.


Hondo, Contact me I have a DOB for ya .. Should help with the FOIA



Colt must have restamped the words near the selector switch.

On “Jedi”‘s model, it reads “Save” and “Semi”, as opposed to “Safe” and Semi”.

“Save”? Is it a weapon or an Dell computer?


Silly me, I thought that the 3rd Ranger BN fell under the 75th RGR RGT. Was the 173rd ever at Benning?


MSGRetired: e-mail sent. If anyone can supply this tool’s middle name or initial, looks like I may have enough for a good FOIA soon.

Old Trooper

@158: Bobo; you are definitely being silly. Didn’t you know that Space Shuttle Door Gunners came from the 173rd in 1987?


@160 Old Trooper…..

Shhhhhhh You’re not supposed to tell about that. I already have enough problems swinging from my harness in zero G on orbit without having to worry about training newbies.


Old Trooper

@161: Sorry, my bad. I thought that Obama’s administration had already leaked that information.


@162, yeah just before we all found out that Obama was a time traveler to Mars as Barry Soetero even though the White House denies it.

I’m sure they’re going to cover this up too when the Curiosity Rover uncovers the evidence


Here is ahis claim that he served in the RGT =


@146, I lurked here for a while to get a feel for the place and the people commenting before I made my first post and I darn sure ain’t no wet behind the ears kid.


and the video has been removed


Wow…I take off for the evening to celebrate the completion of the boy child’s first day of kindergarten and I missed all THIS?

And to think, m16, my 5-year old can probably write and spell better than you. This bodes not well for your future EOD plans. And contrary to whatever that retired CPO told you at Sea Cadets, running through fields until you step on some shit that goes, “BOOM!” does not make you EOD-qualified.

I weep for my Branch of Service

Take heart, Ray–he’ll never be on a boat.


@157 Haven’t you heard the tower ever tell you to rotate your selector levers from save to semi?


@166 CombatCAsh,
No worries. I believe we can all this a WIN. BOOYAH!!! Mary and others over at were working this too.

Hey @156 MSGRetired and Hondo, can you forward anything you have or get to Mary so they can post that stuff on their wall??


Chip@NASA: Certainly will. FOIA will go out in today’s mail.

Last call: if anyone knows this individual’s middle name or initial with certainty, please post it in the next 1/2 hour. Got to depart then for everyone’s favorite afternoon game, “fun at DMV”. (smile)

Old Trooper

@164: Interesting that his combat patch, in the video above, is 173rd when he says he’s a combat Vet of 3/75 in his bio on his airsoft page.


@172 Dealer5,
Priceless. “Game Over Man, Game OVER!!”
/epic win.


He’s just substituting his thumb for what normally goes in his mouth.

Gotta keep those lips soft and supple, ya know.


Video has been removed. Haha…this dickhead seriously thinks it’s over that easy? The fun has just begun!


I’m just waiting for this shitstick to come here and threaten us with his “lawer”.

Memo to Airsoft POS poseur–already been tried. More than once, in fact. As Jonn would say, line up at the Mineral County Courthouse at 0900 on Tuesdays. Line forms to the left.


Sparky, congrats on getting yo’boy thru his first day of separation anxiety at kindergarten.

Geezo pete, I leave this board to get some sleep and come back to a better display of buffoonery than anything on the Bozo the Clown show.

This is priceless.


@175 JP,
Yep, Here’s another douchtastic video he has yet to delete that talks about using airsoft for home defense. WTF,
You can see him wearing his hat with the Ranger tab at the top. I’m just stoopid chairforce.
My thought is if you need to have a firearm and someone is breaking in your home, you better not be shooting paintballs at an intruder YOU BETTER BE PUTTING LEAD DOWNRANGE.


Here’s another he has yet to remove with the full blouse on with all his “decorations” (desecrations?!)

He says he’s wearing the 1Sgt tab on Memorial Day in honor of his father. (BULLSHIT!) Not Yours, DON’T WEAR IT!!

/I say we make him CRY

Green Thumb

He is the “Jedi”.

Fucking Turd.


Chip@NASA – is he wearing TWO tabs oon his right sleeve? abn & Ranger? Looks like he is to me.

Stuart Clark


Yes, yes he is. Douchebag extraordinaire….

Old Trooper

@181: It looks that way to me, also.

I looked at some of his pics on his airsoft page and in a couple of them, it looks like he’s wearing a MARPAT boonie hat with ACUs.

El Marco

Geez, I wait one day to re-check this site and all y’all have gone ballistic. I should drop in more often.

88 – PLEASE join the Navy. I want my god-son Chief Wheeler to get ahold of you.

tavern knight

As I have said of another site, “This place is very educational & highly entertaining.”

@173 I thought the same thing – whatta dooffus…

@167, Sparky, I weep for all our services.

m16, even AF M.W.D. Program is out of your league (unless you come up with a major case of smarts (NOT smartass either).


FOIA away. Hopefully Firstname/Lastname/DOB is enough for a definitive hit.

Sangarius Deleon

M16, you would not last 3 months in EOD school let alone the year in hellof school. If some ball busting is not something you like: keep your politicaly correct 5th point of performance out of the military.

The guys know fake when they see it, We police our own, and this monkey is not one of us- so we use public call outs- to do the job the courts will not do.

Happy hunting Guys!

Virtual Insanity

“Video removed by user.”. Huh.


This guy’s gotta be at least a fourth or fifth seed in next year’s tournament. Don’t think he’ll get any farther than that, he’s just stoopid enough to be cannon fodder for someone with more imagination and intelligence.

Re m16 acog: let him sign up for EOD and try to finish the school. The Darwin Principle will kick in and he’ll end up being an example for the rest of the class about what NOT to do.


It’s early, man. But at the rate we’re going, TSO may have another field of 64 ready to go by Christmas.

But yeah, this guy is a special level of douchetastic. Enough for a high seed? Only time and the competition will tell.

But douchetastic–you want to help your case, come here and threaten to sue us–that’s always good for at least 3-4 seats up in a bracket. Just ask that fucktard Oliver, who had his WIFE come on here to try to defend him.

SFC Holland

You gentlemen let one slip by on you a few dozen posts back. The M-16 poster stated he was 14 years old, and when he is 17 he plans to enlist. Later on he claims to have completed BRM and Boot camp as a member of the super wonder friends or some such thing as he begins the contrite tongue dragging across his i-pad, i-phone whatever technique he has been using to bang out the semi-coherent robotussen fueled nonsensical ramblings of wanting to be an EOD training tool. How is it that 14 year olds are doing BRM and Boot? I can imagine a boy scout or junior G-man camp where guys describe what the insides of their sister feel like while they dare each other to take an airsoft round to the twig-n-berries, but I don’t think they would confuse it for Army training. Sure a weekend of watching Stripes and Hamburger Hill may be traumatic, but it is not exactly PTSD inducing, or is it? And this young man is probably a Jedi supporter because the guy prestiged on Call of Duty a few times. Hey kiddo, holding the L1 trigger and pressing the A button repeatedly doesn’t make you a sniper. Ask someone who knows, and no. your hashtaggedfag buddy isn’t a knowledgeable source of information.

Everyone else, I am going on R&R leave tomorrow! Going to the preflight brief tonight and should be home by Monday if weather holds. Looking forward to getting home and playing airsoft with my kids… wait a sec…


#191 SFC Holland

Welcome home, Brother! I hope you have a GREAT time with your munchkins.

Sagarius DeLeon

more of this bunk bastard- complete with 1SG and tabs-


This guy is still at it! I nail him in this video for posing as the owner of a company. The REAL owner stated he only bought the domain name yet thejedi270 claims he owns part of the company. If anyone has anymore material I can publish please send it to me.


His name is Brian Keith Taylor, he was in the Army but never a ranger. He got an early medical discharge for trying a rodeo and falling and goofing up his knee. Never in law enforcement was a jail guard at a local jail in Virginia.

Spam Source

I want to join the navy seals


@197-You’ll join the Navy-and then try to qualify for BUDS. Good luck.


Jesus what a loser…you wonder why people get the idea that Air Soft nerds are losers. Look at the people on his youtube page and how they stick by him even after he has lied again and again.