Marines against Shamar Thomas

| October 20, 2011

I know Sporkmaster has written a few times about Shamar Thomas, the huge clown who thought it was appropriate to pin his ribbons on his utility uniform and yell at police. Apparently, some other Marines have taken exception with his behavior and formed a Facebook group called Marines Against Shamar Thomas…and he’s not happy about it. Paul sends us these screen shots;

Category: Shitbags

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>>>>believe it’s immoral to serve in the military for personal reasons, especially nowadays when a large number (maybe even a majority?) of people enlist simply because they don’t have any other economic / career choice. I believe it’s immoral to fish for recruits by highlighting the financial benefits. You should only serve if you believe in protecting the country and its citizens by doing what is right. I also believe in the outcome of the Nuremberg trials, in that you shouldn’t blindly follow orders simply because they are orders.>>>

God I truly hate the media who perpetuated this belief that only the impoverished serve in the military… or the belief that the military are a bunch of uneducated robots. The height of ignorance is repeating stereotypes that have no foundation in reality…UGH!


>And, really, what evidence do you have that the OWS protesters are committing crimes and breaking the law?

BTW, there are newsreports all over of protestors getting violent.. You realize that Trespassing is a crime. Squatting on private and public property is a crime. I know that you “protest” types just pick and choose which laws you wish to follow, but those are crimes.


So,in other words, nothing. The military is no longer a final option when all others have failed, that info is 30 years old at least. Do everyone a favor and stop perpetuating it. Not once did I highlight financial benefits to get someone to join. If the first thing they asked was “what’s in it for me” or “how much is the enlistment bonus”, I kicked them out of my office. Amazingly enough I still had a successful tour. Keep drinking the kool aid pal.


Your Dad sounds like someone I’d have a beer with. 😉


You are weak, marine. Your unit is divided. You get beaten up by police. How shameful. Now I’ve lost a ton of respect for your soldier.

Now you gather on the internet – mimimimi. That Thomas dude at least had the balls to face the police. Most of you are probably too afraid. I have no respect for marines anymore.

They shot one of your guys in the face – and you, you stand next and applaud the police cop who did it. Your man is lying on the ground in pain, shattered skull – and you applaud the police cop. He did not listen. Mimimimi.

Some of the people here could work for Gestapo. Would you like that?

United States of America – hahaha. No, divided. Divided People of America. Next: Civil war.


It’s amazing to me that this blog and its commenters scream bloody murder whenever the left does virtually anything, but you’re totally fine with the government crushing a protest because in your mind one rape accusation is justification to label the entire protest “violent”.

Some of you are just fascists in patriots’ clothing.

thomas vesely

October 20th, 2011 at 3:42 pm

“There’s a damn good reason we divorce our military from politics as much as we can.”

i hope that is NOT about to change.
what if the military gets orders to shoot on citizens,
“terrorists” alleged…….?

thomas vesely

not clear above,
i meant protestors mainly.


Thomas, were you born this retarded or did you have to work at it?

Never heard of “Posse Commitatus”, have ya?

And point–it’s been a lot more than just “one rape accusation”.


#105 Like I said before, being a vet doesnt give anyone the right to break the law. If you choose to disobey the police, be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. As far as OWS “causing no problems what so ever” and “no proof” of OWS causing problems….well…..someone obviously hasn’t been paying attention. As far as the former Marine posing as a Sergeant, I guarantee you it was a Marine that called him out first. We eat our own son. You do anything to bring discredit upon the Marine Corps and you are promptly cast aside. Mr. Thomas brought it on himself.


NHSparky, so how many has it been? And how many rape accusations is the threshold for shutting down a protest as some sort of rape festival? You’re grasping at straws to try to stop people because you don’t like their politics.

Also, FYI, Posse Comitatus only applies to the Army. That is why the Marine Corps has been used since the Civil War to put down riots and workers’ revolts.


Damn I think the last time Marines went into the fray with LE was the LA riots in the early 90’s.


Maybe Hurricane Katrina? Don’t have much info on that one, I was out of Country.


I’m thinking it was the ice storm last year…all that rioting and shit outside Home Depot…

Oh, and point, get a fucking grip–AT LEAST five reported so far (NY, Cleveland, Oakland, Dallas, and Lawrence KS) on top of the other arrests for assault, theft, etc., over and above the usual “civil disobedience” bullshit.

You’re getting a reputation you don’t want and can’t shake. Hell, even some Democrats are backpedaling because of your antics.


Me get a grip? FFS, you’re talking about shutting down the Constitutional right of these people to protest because “at least five” rape accusations have been lodged. There are THOUSANDS of people out there. You’re the one who needs a grip. Good lord what an anti-freedom pants-pisser you are.


Nobody said shit about that. Do I have to put up the text of the First Amendment again?

You remember, that part that says “PEACEABLY to assemble”?

Tattoo that shit on your fucking forehead until you understand it, mkay?


All I see is a growing puddle around your nether region, and a tear in the corner of your eye.

Restricting their right to “peaceful” assemblies is meant to insist that protests not become riots. It’s not meant to empower weak-bladdered little boys like yourself to go shutting down your political opponents if every person in that crowd doesn’t behave “peaceably”.


When they stop being peaceful, then they no longer have a right to protest in such a fashion. Kinda like taking the toys away from a petulant little child. Has nothing to do with your incontinence or other perceived butt-hurt.

Fact of the matter remains is when Mister Policeman has to break out the blue gloves and taser or pepper spray, you are no longer being peaceful. When Mister Policeman tells you its time to move along and you don’t, you’re gonna lose. Nobody told you that you couldn’t demonstrate, but you have to be an adult about the whole thing.

When you’re not, don’t be surprised when this happens.

As stated previously, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Now you’re just ignoring what I said.

I’m pretty sure back in the 18th Century, protests weren’t exactly public square picnics. Based on your douchery here, I’m pretty sure you would have been a Tory.

“Someone should really shut those disaffected colonists up. I heard a boy was pick-pocketing in the crowd, and another man was cooking with an open fire. Send in the soldiers, clearly this mob has gotten too unruly to be respectable.”

You’re just a sunshine patriot with no balls and no respect for principle above ideology.


ROFLMAO…I’d say your Massengil moment has passed, scooter. The fact that there are still protests going on nationwide pretty much invalidates your entire argument.

Now play nice or your toys will get taken away again, mkay?


And you still miss the point. I’d say your Geritol moment has arrived.

Check in with your kids, they’ve been looking for you.


Congrats. The fact you don’t like that the little children can’t throw their temper tantrums without some form of retribution taking place shows that you haven’t the first fucking foggiest about that of which you speak. The First Amendment doesn’t give people the right to be dicks, criminals, or create a public disruption. I’m sure you are aware there ARE limits to free speech. If you don’t, keep pushing the public around and find out how far it gets you when normal people get a good hard look at your shit and what you’ve been pulling these last several weeks.

Oh, and you may go now.


Some people just don’t get it, and never will. Until they get shot in the face with a CS canister….


You still can’t overcome your cognitive dissonance to understand the distinction between a handful of people in a crowd being disruptions (which will always be the case) and a crowd that is being riotous and needs to be disbursed for public safety.


Actions. Consequences. Somehow you can’t overcome your cognitive dissonance to understand the fact you can’t separate the two.


Damn… Where to start? Just another retired Marine here, reading all of this – ‘stuff’ – written by people who should know better, and others who obviously don’t. I am not a war hero or an ‘operator’. I just had the opportunity to do a lot of really neat things during twenty years of active duty. Firstly, to this Thomas guy. Nice speech, and it’s true that if a Marine had been filmed beating down Hadji like those cops did, he’d be up on charges. But if you had done your job right in the first place, it would not have been necessary. If you are going to try to lead civilians, at least attempt to organize and train them first. You should know better. You can do better. And – If you are going to wear the uniform, at least do it right. If this movement is that important to you, wear your goddamn dress blue alphas. You may be our brother, but you are embarrassing the rest of us with your appearance. You look like some kind of half-assed, thrift shop comman… Nevermind. Second. Depending on the spin factor, these OWS folks were either ‘peaceful protestors’ or ‘a criminal mob’. The truth is probably that they were a peaceful mob, spiced with a few troublemakers. I’ve had to organize civilians, in an official capacity. It’s not pretty. Getting a bunch of un-trained, un-disciplined, un-focused and prone to un-ruly civvies to march in a straight line, is… Well, it’s just a bad idea. Ask any Green Beret. For an example on how to do peaceful protest, some of the civil rights marcher from the 60’s got it right. Link provided below. Unfortunately, Occupy Wall Street is not as clear cut of a cause, as equal rights for all. Next, as far as the whole OWS thing goes, it looks like just another misdirected side show. There is no target identified, other than ‘Wall St.’ There is no objective identified, other than ‘occupy’. There is no clear mission statement… What is it that they are trying to accomplish? Waving… Read more »

DC Guardian

Shamar Thomas is a useful idiot for the socialist movement.


And another thing…

Thanks to John Riley for the cue to Saul Alinsky.
It gave me a good afternoon’s worth of reading.

By the way, where did you get ‘communist’ out of anything that he wrote? In his day, he was considered a radical non-socialist. America was considerably more conservative back then.

He seems to have accurately predicted our current state of affairs, back in 1972. Read for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Link to interview here.

Also check out “The Spirit of Liberty” address, by New York Chief Justice Learned Hand. See how it compares to your own interpretation of what this country stands for.
It rang a bell for me.


Simply Wow……..our Country is in deep trouble………wow, George Bush was right it seems, it is only a “God Damn piece of paper”…, Sgt. Thomas actually did what you “Service” people are supposed to do…….not kill innocent people in other counties in the name of “protecting our FREEDOMS”……wow


Jesus H. Tapdancin Christ. Who let the stupid through? That’s twice today. And no, Shamar Thomas (I won’t grace him with a rank or position he no longer holds and sullies with his actions) didn’t do anything that will be worthy of remembering down the road, unless you could possibly count making a total jackass of yourself.


So we’re supposed to make ourselves look completely retarded on National television?! WOW! Who knew?

2-17 AirCav

@133 and 134. The comment to which you refer is in code. Deciphered, the message reads, “I cannot stop being a trolling asshole, even on Veterans Day.”

bill brasky

Good to see all of you shitheads perpetuating negative stereotypes

2-17 AirCav

Yes, I agree, bill brasky: PointOhThree and that idiot thomas vesley are shitheads.


[Quoting Shamar Thomas in YouTube of OWS]: “This is not a war zone. It’s not a war zone. It doesn’t make you tough to hurt these people. There’s nothing tough about it. Nothing. If you want to go and fight, go to Iraq and Afghanistan. You don’t want to be here beating and hurting US citizens. Where is that in the contract? Leave these people alone.”

No, it is not a “war zone.” But how is this subjective classification relevant? What defines a war zone? Why should any place be a war zone? And why should such an arbitrary classification change the rules of civilized behavior? The police should not have the power to create such a designation and neither should the US military Mr. Thomas represents. Yes, there is nothing “tough” about what the police are doing but there is also “nothing tough about” the US military hurting people in Iraq. And the fact that this particular country has been declared a “war zone” by those inflicting this violence does not justify or excuse such activity.

“Go to Iraq and Afghanistan” if you want to fight? Fight who? Natives acting to repel brutal aggressors? Is that somehow more honorable or rational than attacking protestors on US streets? Why is it wrong to hurt people in the US but quite acceptable to hurt people in Iraq and Afghanistan? What did those people ever do to you? Why would anyone even sarcastically suggest to hurt them if one feels a need to “fight?”

~ Roger Young, “Sgt. Thomas Is a Hypocrite”


And “Sic semper tyrannis”?

You guys really ought to start with the “tyrannis” here at home.

You know, PATRIOT Act? Drug War? TSA? “Homeland Security”?

Indeed, I wonder that they don’t keep you all focused on whupping up on foreign “tyrannis” — AND their hapless civilian subjects — to distract you from all the domestic “tyrannis” here in the United States of Godblessamerica.


Shamar Thomas does not represent the military, let alone the Marines, anymore than code pink does.


Frank, are you a paulbot? Never mind, the question is self-answering.



Ad hominem much?

Yes, this vet’s a Ron Paul supporter. Bring the troops home and defend the US, don’t pretend we’re defending the US by garrisoning the globe.

Which, BTW, was the view advocated by Marine General Smedley Butler (1881-1940) in his book “War Is A Racket” (

Are you aware that Rep. Paul receives more donations from active duty military members than either President Obama, or the rest of the combined Republican presidential field?

So yes, I’m a “PaulBot” — proud of it.

Next time, bring an actual rebuttal.


“In that five-month interval the people had not been asked whether they had changed their minds. The 4,000,000 young men who put on uniforms and marched or sailed away were not asked whether they wanted to go forth to suffer and die”.
“There is only one way to disarm with any semblance of practicability. That is for all nations to get together and scrap every ship, every gun, every rifle, every tank, every war plane. Even this, if it were possible, would not be enough”.
Both quotes from To Hell With War. Admirable sentiments, impractical as hell in today’s world, or even the world of Smedley Butler.
As for “ad hominem much”, all I can say is “One of the most widely misused terms on the Net is “ad hominem”. It is most often introduced into a discussion by certain delicate types, delicate of personality and mind, whenever their opponents resort to a bit of sarcasm. As soon as the suspicion of an insult appears, they summon the angels of ad hominem to smite down their foes, before ascending to argument heaven in a blaze of sanctimonious glory”. Is that where you were going, Frank?
And, Dr Paul is going to remove US troops from Afghanistan “as soon as the ships get there”? You might want to drop him an e-mail and remind him that Afghanistan is land-locked. But, maybe the Mullahs in Iran will let him dock the ships there, he seems to be cozy with them.



Re. ad hominem:

Clever words (from Stephen Bonds at But no, that’s hardly “where I was going.” (And BTW, thanks for putting me in touch w/Mr. Bonds’ site; I’ll have to give it a further look.)

So I found and read the article you got the “ad hominem” quote from. Not having received any actual training in logic and rhetoric, I readily concede that my use of “ad hominem” was incorrect (

So let’s back-track: At [139], I mentioned examples of the soft — but steadily stiffening — tyranny we experience here in America; and how it would be nice if the troops would give them more attention than they give foreign tyrants (like Moammar Gadhafi), who don’t fall under the legitimate jurisdiction of the United States anyways.

Your (non-)response? Name-calling.

No substantive engagement with anything I said. Just “Must be a paulbot.”

Not ad hominem, I grant.

But hardly a rebuttal.

And as for my being “delicate”? Hardly. Call me (or my mother, wife or sister) whatever you like, it won’t bother me in the least.


Frank, you need to lay off that Lew Rockwell shit. It’ll rot your brain.



Re. the two out-of-context quotes from Butler’s last chapter of War is a Racket:

Not entirely sure what your point is. You reply, “Admirable sentiments, impractical as hell in today’s world, or even the world of Smedley Butler.”

But Butler was hardly a pacifist. He knew the political realities of the world. And the technological ones — that more and more armament “genies” keep getting out of the bottle and will not be put back in.

He was not an advocate for disarmament, but for genuine national defense. Go ahead, read the rest of “War is a Racket.” You’ll see. (It’s a very brief “book” — you can read it in an hour or less.)

Butler didn’t defend the US by fighting against the Philippine insurrectionists or the Boxer rebels, or in United Fruit Co’s Banana Wars.

Young men conscripted to fight in the Great War, Korea or Vietnam, weren’t defending the US.

And neither the 1990 Gulf War, nor the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq, were legitimate — i.e., defensive — wars.

I also recommend Butler’s Sep. 1936 article, “An Amendment for Peace” (




Is that all you got?



“Dr Paul is going to remove US troops from Afghanistan “as soon as the ships get there”?”

… please …

And Ron Paul is “cozy with the Mullahs in Iran”?

Sheesh, is this really the best “thinking” that apologists for US militarism can muster?



Frankly, I’ve been dealing with Ronulans for the past five years. I’ve got shitloads more than is worth posting in a single sitting, but nothing that 1–hasn’t been told you and your fellow Kool-Aid slurpers ad nauseam, 2–you will listen to even if I did.

Suffice to say anyone who follows a guy who has/had a racist newsletter, hangs out with truthers/Stormfront/other assorted whackjobs, has a foreign policy which would result in widespread death and destruction on our shores, and holds up a guy whose only claim to fame was the fact he was awarded the MOH twice under circumstances he himself felt didn’t justify the award (in either case) when the fact that if he HADN’T received the MOH you wouldn’t give him the time of day makes me want to do something more worthwhile with my time than to argue with you.

Included in those things I’d rather do than waste time with you would be activities like filing my teeth then chewing on tinfoil, crawling on broken glass followed up by a swim in a pool of rubbing alcohol, or simply punching myself in the balls. At least with those actions, the pain eventually subsides.


Hey Frank,

I’d call it “pretty cozy” considering he doesn’t seem to have a problem with the mullahs getting a nuclear weapon.

Now consider, unless he’s totally fucking delusional (not beyond the realm of possibility) he KNOWS full well that Iran will use it. Three guesses who gets the first one. Yeah, you see where I’m going. And yeah, Paul IS an anti-Semite.