Meet Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich

| June 16, 2011

UPDATE: Nicholas Androsky died on Saturday February 22, 2014.

Someone at the RTB sent me these pictures with a story about how this guy showed up for his son’s stepfather’s graduation from basic training at Fort Benning dressed like this. According to our source, the MPs escorted his monkey ass off post;

Notice that on the desk in the last picture, the nose picker even had a Green Beret to round out the ensemble. I’m surprised the MPs didn’t shoot him on sight out of fear.

“He’s coming right at us!!”

Added: His real name is Nick Androsky according to someone who found his Facebook profile . Check his photos “Routine Patrol” and the one of him jumping at 30,000 feet from the Space Shuttle, I suppose.

Second Add Sporkmaster: Just to remove any questions about the Combat Badges crossing over from Army to Air Force that the regulations do not allow it. This is on page 149.

Permanent assignment denotes non TDY status. This rule also applies to other badges or patches i.e., Army Combat Patches earned or awarded by sister service components. Upon Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to an Air Force unit the member will remove them.

Also anyone who has received the CIB, CMB, CAB, or CAR can have it converted to the new Combat Action Medal. (Which our resident POS is wearing on the top row next to the Silver Star.)

Scott sends these screenshots of his Facebook Wall before he tore it down;

ADDED 6-21-2011: The guy at “Copy All” has uncovered Androsky’s appeal for his court martial, apparently for drug use back in 2004. Thanks to Chris for the link.

ADDED July 20, 2011: We have Androsky’s actual military records, now.

Category: General Whackos, Phony soldiers

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Wow! Finally we’ve found a guy who has wears as many ribbons and badges as General Petraeus!


I believe this is his MySpace page. It has pictures of his badges and halo jump.


I will stick up for the nut-job just tiny bit. It is a Men’s Service Coat. The button are on the RIGHT side of the coat, women’s coats have the buttons on the left.
Now, everyone else please feel free to continue ripping this guy to shreds. Each jab at him continues to bring an even bigger smile to my face.


Every time I look at one of these posers, I just lean back on my chair and sigh frustratedly. This piece of work is a slap in the face to every single Soldier, Marine, Sailor, Airmen and Coastie that has ever shed an ounce of their blood in a foreign land for us all.

Beating this guy up to a bloddy pulp wouldn’t stop this practice from accuring and it makes little for the brothers and sisters that have lost limbs and lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. This little piece of work parades himself like a blinged-up attention whore, trying his damnest best to look all HOOAH when in reality he lokks all “Huh?!”; I mean, look at his uniform jacket…

It is both funny and pathetic at the same time.


A good ass-chewing in public is the best treatment you can give fucks like this. They’re in it for attaboys; if they get their asses publicly handed to them by someone who knows better (which, judging by the hangdog expression on Sammich’s face up there is probably exactly what happened to him), they’re less likely to try it again.

Frankly Opinionated

Anyone with a myspace account could go to his:
And comment on all those photos in his photo section. I don’t have an account,so I was only able to look at his claims. Master Jumper, “MY Jump wings” Master Aircrew, “MY Aircrew Wings”, Random photo of a C-130, “MY Herc”. Etc.
Beat him up. He closed his FB account when I and others began commenting on his photos there.
Also, someone please try to come up with a town, address, phone number, whatever, and post it here or e-mail it to Jonn.

Junior AG

“Besides all the age issues previously discussed, on AKO there are only five other people with his last name. One is a future soldier/DEP from Michigan. The others couldn’t be a recent BCT grad. While one never assumes kids have the last name of their parents, there is more to the story surrounding his attempt to get on post.”

“This dude claimed to be the father of a trainee and wanted to speak to someone about how this cat was getting treated…
Key word being “Claimed”– was not related to the kid”

Good God, I hope no kid who is actually earning the right to be a Soldier is related to this clearly Coo-coo for cocoa puffs case…


Hey, little Nicky is a friend of Miranda Lambert, Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney and a lot more stars. This guy is just too cool.


I am totally pissed. No CAV patch. He needs to go back to phoney school and get it right.

I think this is the funniest I’ve ever seen. Gonna take this link over to Patriotfiles 2.0 so all my bros can get a laugh.

Thanks Jonn…as always!


This man was merely trying to save taxpayers money on training. He is obviously qualified for everything he has badges for. As a noted economic expert thanks to my extensive coursework in college (I took both micro and macro), I can say that we need more of his kind in the military for when the masses revolt. I would be proud to have that airman preparing my A-10 for strafing runs against the crowds of American citizens that I some day hope to mow down.


Frankly, I can’t believe you didn’t do an “extensive” search on his friends…He is friends with OMG!Magazine (which is where his photo up there needs to be 😉 ) and American Idol..

(kidding of course)


Sporkmaster, that’s a CIB not a CMB

By Sporkmaster:
He is wearing both. The CMB with two stars is on the bottom left next to the Air Assault Badge.


This guy is like 34 years old and had a 26 year ol STEPSON graduating Basic Training. I work in the same unit (198th IN)


I wonder how many posers there are out there that we don’t know about because they simply do a little bit of research first.


By the looks of the pics and his FB page…it seems like he has a serious mental illness.

Geronimo Doc

Wow this dude is one Crazy guy! And some people think that they won’t get found out.


Wow, a real lIfe space shuttle door gunner! I love how the losers think that the only way to get noticed is to be some off the wall crazy moon base amphibious assault sniper recon ranger. I did two tours with the AF. Iraq and the ‘Stan. Did I parade myself around with 9680 medals or an occupation badge I didn’t fill? No, but then again I know that the majority of the AF is support, not ops, and I’M OKAY WITH THAT. what did I do? Air Transport, made sure the trigger pullers had ammo armor and food, humble job though I took pride in it. I live close to Benning, maybe I’ll run into this jackass at some point, maybe even do an interview. Yes, exactly what should be done…

Old 1SG

Holy Crap! The only thing missing is a Condemnation Medal with a Rupee Pendant!


No longer on facebook. He has gone back into shameland. Too bad too. Would not be hard to put this guy in for action under the Stolen Valor Act.


This ain’t nothing…. look at what we have as a president.


Holy penguin feathers! I know this guy, he is the military advisor for all the Hollywood movies!

GI Jimbo

Looking closer, not only is he some kind of super spec ops stud…. but he was also in a marine amphibius assault in Iraq….

Frankly Opinionated

They have him up over at SOCNET. This is one comment that I found there.
A little background; this picture was taken in the foyer of my Battalion HQs. My SDNCO came and got me, and I was addressing this guy when I’d had enough and told a Company XO to get a picture of this clown.

He came looking for my CSM to file a complaint because a Drill Sergeant had shown him disrespect…We had a little Q&A before I called the MPs, and his claims were so outlandish I’m not sure where to begin. From head to toe–
-He wears the Green Beret because he was ‘assigned to JSOC’…as a loadmaster.
-He was medically retired (you know, cause he was wounded and all) and cannot tell me the circumstances of his Purple Heart nor his Silver Star (or BSM-V).
-He says he served in Iraq and AFG, so that is why his CIB has two stars…
I’m fairly certain he served in the Air Force for a little while, and probably was a loadie; he knew too much to be a civilian. I had the SD photocopy his driver’s license before the MPs took him.
He showed up to OSUT graduation this morning in cutoff multicams, a cheesy ‘Death from Above’ tshirt, and a Special Forces baseball cap…His 28 year old stepfather/PFC is married to his 54 year old mom.

I’m pretty impressed how fast this has made it around- this happened Wednesday night, and I sent the pic to six people yesterday morning.

Frankly Opinionated

If y’all think the comments here on this post are good, go on over to SOCNET and get their take on it. ROTFLMAO Over and over, and over……

Frankly Opinionated

More from SOCNET Comments:
RN47; Sir, please tell me you let your CSM loose on this oxygen thief. Or, possibly arranged for SPC-4 mafia to snatch this guy up and take him into the woodline.

Wow. Just wow.
Unfortunately my CSM is on leave; the senior 1SG (acting CSM) told him to pound sand about 12 seconds into their conversation. The SDNCO then tapped on my door and said “Sir you really, really need to see this…”


“His 28 year old stepfather/PFC is married to his 54 year old mom.”



“His 28 year old stepfather/PFC is married to his 54 year old mom.” And, she rolled up the windows and locked the car doors when the MP’s showed up? Bwahahahahaha. Whoever said it is right, you can’t make this shit up.


Yeah… JSOC loadmaster.. I met and worked with AFSOC loads, and they were like the rest of… just the regular guy. The hardware would be different too. AC/MC-130’s are the name of the game for AFSOC, not the typical C-130 herky bird.


I’m an actual AF MSgt(Ret). I worked fighter jets and had an average career…never saw action, never was outside the wire or in contact, nor do I pretend to have done any of that. Having said that I’ll pay for the lawyer if one of you fine folks at Benning wants to crack this son-of-a-bitch in the mouth with something hard.

Much obliged


[…] soup sandwitch Don't know the validity of this story but here it is. This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here Blog Archive Meet Master Sergeant Soup Sandwi… Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread « Previous Thread | Next […]


Ummmm is there anything left to say? How come I don’t get to meet a person dressed like this? I can’t believe he showed up to his son’s grad dressed like that.

Currahee John

Just one outlier comment about his AF uniform jacket – did they go from four buttons to three, with no upper pockets and no buttons on the lower pockets at some point? I kept looking at it, thinking something (else) looked funky about it, and there it was.


FAIL! His “U.S.” insignia’s are off…if he’s going to showboat he better have that sh*t straight!


lol his wings are carrying his metric shit ton of ribbonage…


To Currahee John–

Yeah that’s the correct coat…it changed in ’94 if I recall correctly. The old one was criticized for not being “distinctly Air Force” enough. So we went from a military looking coat to this ghey corporate looking bullshit.


He’s a fake no doubt but who cares. Good thing he was escorted out for his own safety. Why he’d want to pose is a mystery. Could have picked something more convincing instead.

Currahee John

Artus – My sympathies, I guess I hadn’t paid much attention to the AF uniforms over the years. That does look just…off to me for some reason.

One other questions, what in the world is that round badge directly under his 2-star CIB? It looks just like the little logo that Paladin Press/SOF Magazine uses.


I do believe that to be Special Operations Diver Badge (US Army) I could be wrong though.


Here is the truth about uniforms…for all services:

This next link says that he was an E4:


Wow, the dude is also a combat medic (3rd award)???? His VetFriends profile said he was just an E4… his hole keeps getting deeper and deeper!


People, people, people! What I want to know is….Where is this asshat’s fQQking 1st Cavalry patch! Somabiotch! Oh yea, he forgot to fly MP badge too fQQking asshole….

Tyndall TB

Just a loon. Never been through basic training ANYWHERE, to have that much S!$@# out of place. Everyone one knows the ribbon rack has an order,,,unless they didn’t go over that at the Mil Surplus store. Just a loon, hope it didn’t come from a gun show, giving the rest of us a bad name!

78 Mile

He would have a Medal of Honor but they’d have to declassify his missions first. (Hint: he’s the reason the Soviet Union collapsed)

Old Trooper

Thanks for putting up the background FO. It seems his “stepfather” was surprised and ashamed to see this when he was brought into HQ and saw this cluster. The troops said that the graduating “stepfather” did well in basic and all in all was squared away. Of course, when you have a “stepson” that’s older than you, there’s some red flags waving to begin with.


Put his boots on the ground in Libya!


There’s “Stolen Valor” and then there’s “flat out crazy”. I think our friend here belongs in the second category. If he were sane, he’d at least have worn footwear that went with a blue uniform and, maybe, stuck to one branch of service.


WTH? I am so freaking curious as to why he wasnt detained until they called the local FBI SAC instead they just released him. And the award with 2 stars is the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the CMB has one star. Niether one are awarded to AF personell among a whole lot of other awards he’s wearing.

Frankly Opinionated

Dumb enough to go on Benning in a costume like that, I bet he would respond to an e-mail from me. Anyone got an addy on him? Or even a phone number? I soooo want to get in contact with him.


I don’t know, FO, the easiest way would be to chat him up on MySpace, but who wants to join, just to mess with this douchenozzle?
I looked in a few places, can’t seem to find anything specific on him.