Kyle Barwan arrested for Fraud and Stolen Valor (Updated).

| November 24, 2010

Yep the same person that was posted here for posing as a Army Officer has been arrested. Here is a photo from the side, I have seen the patch before but I cannot Id the unit off of the top of my head.

Police in Knox County are holding Kyle Barwan of Crestwood, Illinois on charges of possession of cocaine and impersonating a public servant, and even more charges may be coming.

I want to thank Smoke523 for bringing this to our attention. There is also a video included with the story that is too big to post.

Just a reminder this is the Kyle posted this on August 28th 2010a few months back.

By the way I impersonated to get into a bar and got caught I was being stupid I’ve learned from that I never stole any medals from my grandfather he earned those not me I have no right having those I have more respect then that for my family all I did was were the wrong rank no shiny medals no fake Iraq stories the army sniper blog was for my friend mike who was an army sniper who lost his life in Iraq back in 2007 I put that there for his memory I’m so sorry for all of this mess ladies and gentlemen my sincere apology to you all

Or the people that he Scammed

My family and friends were victims of Kyle Barwan..if that is even his name. He stayed in my house stole from me and my family, racked up debt that I can not afford to pay, and told unbelievable tales before I told him to get out. He was sleeping with underage girls and even told everyone he was going to be a daddy. I began to question when he did not have a military ID and said that his “orders” were constantly being changed at the last minute. He had multiple fake ID’s and I feel such anger that he would take advantage of people, like my family, that honor and hold all military personnel in the highest regard.

Update: I got a photo from An Old Friend that shows him in ACU s as a 1st LT. It looks like he is wearing a Ranger Battalion Scroll above another unit’s ID. Because even the President’s hundred tap is being close to that big.

Seen wearing ACUs, a beret (With 1st Lt. insignia), a combat infantry badge, ranger tab, First Cavalry patch, Jump wings, and a combat infantry badge.

Update: goes under the following names/usernames.

Kyle Reacher, Kyle Felucifer, Klutch, Klutch_Reborn.

Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags

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an old friend

Then Sara would you say that Brian is like Kyle then. He uses people. That sounds like kyle.

an old friend

Brian you did defend Kyle and now your trying to say you didn’t and then you change your story. Your not to smart are you. If you would get your brain out of your ass then you would know not to try and lie about defending him.


Will you fucking children go back to Facebook and have your dramafest over there? To quote a phrase, “Quit jacking the bandwidth, fags.”

Oh, and whoever is still friends or knows Kyle, bring him soap on a rope. He’ll be less likely to drop it that way.

Finally, ENGLISH–do you speak it, motherfuckers? Because you sure as hell can’t spell it or generate a readable sentence. I don’t think I got through a single one of your posts without getting a headache. Enough, already!


So by the sound of it, this Kyle guy has been active for quite awhile until he just got caught. So what he’s been doing this scamming for approx.2 years now. If all of you knew he was out there why did it take so long to bring him down. I mean I see a lot of hate and detestment coming from all of you but what did that do to resolve the situation. Just wondering how all the complaining and swearing actually aided in the capture of this criminal.

an old friend

People have told the police what he did. They said that what he was doing was not a crime. Waring the army outfit from the surplus store was not a crime. There was nothing anyone could really do cause know one could really pin anything on him. He started doing drugs which led to his down fall. That is why it took so long trust me people tried to take care of it before.


I guess that makes sense…I just thought impersonating an officer or public servant was a crime…or does he have to be caught in the act of posing.


Thank you, Sparky. I’ll pick up the pieces of your brain if you’ll do the same for me.


I used to be friends with Kyle. He lied to me. He lied to a lot of people. At one time I thought we were close then I started putting things together. \
And then he starting saying thing to me I didn’t like. One day of blue I got a call from him telling me he moved to Indiana.
I got on facebook and found a message about Kyle on Thanksgiving. Maybe some time behind bars will be good for him.


wow brian u do scam people u know u do dont lie


brian ur a lying piece of shit ur no different from kyle

The Sister

this is a total disgrace, i never want to be associated with kyle ever again..!!!!!


yeah i dated him 2 brian is a lying piece of shit and he is smart 4 awhile then gets sloppy at using ppl.


Just a side note to ,nhssparky and others of similar posts, first and foremost, the bandwidth hogging is irrelevant as it will have more to do with your own connection to the internet, and regardless of where you look on the internet there is drama.

Second, as for Kyle needing soap on a rope, I believe dropping the soap and dealing with the negative assault to his rear orifice that may occur as a result of the drop would in essence be consider poetic justice.

Third, I have read many posts, and considering that most people when typing speed their thought ahead of their actual typing speed, it should be considered obvious that there might be mistakes in sentence structure, which allow for quicker completion of said posts.

So for anyone who wants to complain about topics not having to deal with the primary topic of this blog, please post elsewhere. For those that just want to throw in their comments regarding fraudulent soldiers, go right ahead.

Thank you.


Civy–if you can’t type, spell, or construct a sentence which makes sense, back away from the Internet until you CAN do so. You’ve no place to come here and lecture anyone who has posted here as long as many of the regulars about, well, anything.


I’m not trying to lecture you. But considering that this is a rather serious matter, I find it rather distracting when the majority of the posts continue along the same pattern of containing miscellaneous materials that don’t have any purpose other than to display hatred and displeasure towards Mr. Barwan. Instead why not spend more time adding constructive and viable information that could lead to further incarceration. Simply posting what you think about him is meaningless.

The damage done to the uniform and those it represents is unfortunate and embarrassing. However, the damage done to the people he has scammed is real. Whether physically, mentally, or financially damaging, these people are the real victims. The US Army has withstood public opinion on greater issues than the acts of one discharged national gaurdsmen. The real concern should be for the families affected by has actions.

Sorry if my empathy for their continued suffering disagrees with the desires of some to use this blog as a means to vent frustrations of being unable to actually do anything about Mr. Barwan.


I’m not trying to lecture you.

So for anyone who wants to complain about topics not having to deal with the primary topic of this blog, please post elsewhere. For those that just want to throw in their comments regarding fraudulent soldiers, go right ahead.

Sounds like a fucking lecture to me. And no, he does damage to anyone in uniform by disgracing it the way he does. Since the liberal justices in CO and the 9th Circus have decreed that this isn’t criminal, just “free speech”, shitbags like Barwan are (for now) free to spout their shit with minimal chance of legal action being taken against them.

Shame and exposure are the only weapons legitimate veterans have to use against shitbag poseurs. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. POW Network is FULL of phonies, and those are just the ones who have been caught. So if you think we’re being tough on him or “mean”, too fucking bad.


No, not at all. Being aggressive towards him is what is necessary, but it should be constructive as well. We already have him in custody, but now we need to tag on the supporting evidence. He will be charged with impersonating a public servant, so having as many examples of when he did this either for personal gain, or abusing the power that comes with the rank he was wearing will add fuel to the fire that will bum him. The more he is burned the stronger the message it will send.

We already have messages posted on has facebook and from earlier posts there are people here who have been scammed by him or know people. Can we get a statement to forward to the investigators. I’m sure any evidence to help their case would be appreciated.

I’m sure my reasoning is the same as yours but being as how we already have caught him, why not work together to keep him where he belongs. And I don’t mean for this to sound like a lecture but want this motherfucker to stay locked up.


Remind me who exactly you are to dictate what people post here……..


Civy, just FYI. You’re starting to morph. You have gone from asking about Kyle to sounding like the officer in charge of his arrest.


Internet is srs bsns.

sara borkowski

cant believe this post is still goin.

The sister

SaraBear, thias post will go on forever untill something happens or it gets totally deleted. I wish i could see you and what he did to you was totally rong and i dont blame you for getting him away from you. I wish that nothing ever happened but it did so yea. I love you girly, wishes to you(:


ok who the heck cares about brian as a bf he just deserves 2 get what he did just like kyle is right now.


I told everyone from the get go he was on bullshit 17 and telling me he did a two year tour the United States does not send 15 year old boys into battle. I am surprised it has gone on this long, but thankfully his ways have caught up with him.


I heard this cat was actually acting as a recruiter which is why the guy he was arrested with was also in uniform and knew nothing about what was going on other than he was about to be shipped to boot.

Kyle was actually seen taking “recruits” to different NatGuard locations to show them around. If this is true, wouldn’t this add on to the charges and confirm that the victims were just that, victims, and had been played by a young, but seemingly convincing, con?

Outside of this dbags friends, no one could know this shitbag was lying and not who he said he was (unless you’ve been on forums like this), allowing him to lie his way into these peoples’ lives, creating false trust where there is no reason to disbelieve.

as for the grammar… please get a high school education before you begin preaching and teaching those who have lived productive lives, taken the time to educate themselves, and have earned the right to comment on uneducated dumbasses leaving dumbass comments.

sara borkowski

emily- i miss u too hun 🙂 the next time u come back up here u better hit me up !!!! lol and yeah i no he was wrong for all tht he did but hes getting wat he deserves now. finally. but love u gurll!! and i mean it! hit me up!! lol

and as for the rest of this post. u all do realize that ur arguing about who is smarter and who has the right to lecture who right? i mean this post went from talkin abt the db. to lecturing people about grammar. if ur nt going to stick to the topic, dnt argue about random pointless things. im not in any way trying to dis respect. i hav no reason to, im just saying, its really pointless.


brian orrico has a penicl 4 a dick just sayin

Rich C

Says Yoda

A trainwreck this is…;)

The Aunt

Let me get my two cents in here as I think I would like to add to Kyle’s humiliation. He is my nephew I’m sorry to admit. He has been a liar, a cheat and a thief since he learned to walk and talk. His whole family has disowned him. When he was about 12 I decided to teach him Kenpo because he was always getting picked on at school (i now know why and he deserved it). I made him promise me he would keep it to himself because if he went around bragging, someone was going to call him out and kick his ass. Well…guess what happened next? 2 weeks into his instruction at the facility I was training at, I find out he did exactly what he promised me he wouldn’t and if I remember correctly, that person whooped his ass. I told him he deserved what happened to him. I haven’t seen or heard from the kid since he was maybe 13. Until this summer past when i hear a knock at my door. i opened and ask “Who the hell are you and why are you at my door?” It was Kyle…I didn’t even recognize that asshole. He wanted to stay with me because he lost his job, and his car got wrecked (yeah right). I told him sorry, I don’t have room for you and sent him on his way. Closed the door, called his father, who told me to not even open the door for him if he came back. Suffice to say that my past experiences with him when he was only a little boy was enough to make me wary of him to this day. It doesn’t surprise me one bit to find out about all of this he has done. I expected him to turn out this way. He never had a hard life, he was not abused or treated badly. His family cared about him and all he did was shove it in their faces and rip them off. Way to go Kyle…I hope you rot in a prison… Read more »

The sister

I definatly will sara(: you know the only way that i get on here is through school and its like wth would they have this at school?? everything else is blocked ahahaha how great lol but ohwell. ill be up there soon enough.. inbox me on fb wit ur numbrrr?? love you <3


Wow. What a complete shitbag. There are some of us that earn that CIB (not myself. I am Cavalry) and some that die deploying with units like the 1st Cav he has on his right patch. How extremely disrespectful and depressing.

The sister

I know what u mean ‘CavScout1990’
We are all completely disrespected by him and all that he has done. Our family is completely over and done with him and all his lies.


Kyle Barwan is the biggest piece of shit I have ever met in my whole life. I met him when I was 15 and being gullible, I fell into his manipulation. He used to go around saying he had heart cancer and would fake pass out. Also being 15, he was my second boyfriend. I began abusing coke with him and his fucked up friends for a year. I was put through some terrible things. Yes, I made my own decisions. But I hate this kid more than I have ever hated any one. He used to wear his little outfits all the time and would steal all of his grandfathers medals. I’m not the type of person to wish death on some one, but I honestly wish he would die. For some reason I searched his name today and I found out about him going to jail. Words can’t even describe how happy I am. I hope he never gets out. I’ll do anything I can to make sure he is some one’s bitch.

from kyles myspace blog

Memories Best Forgotten

On the battlefield in Iraq
A place no man should be,
I fought for the price of freedom
So that we could be free.

The horrors that I witnessed there
No man should ever see,
Those horrors are forever
Etched in my memory.

It is hard to talk about
The things that I have seen,
Every night I relive
Those horrors in my dreams.

There is no escape
I live from day to day,
The memories they still haunt me
They will never go away.

When my time comes to die
And my soul is set free,
Then and only then
I will be rid of those memories.

Southern Class

What in hell does comment #134 have to do with the topic posted on? Regardless of the value of the poetry, this is trolling.


IMPLIED? Fuck, he was Sgt. Rock and Audie Murphy as well as rolling with Ballduster McSoulpatch and MSgt. Soup Sandwich, all taking out Col. Wat Du Phuck’s youngest son, Al-Q terrorist Hous Bin-Farteen.


– aha wat a lie


everythinq i believed.
jus if i cuda kknown the TRUTH .
i neva wannna c dat nikka aqainnn .
how cud sumone b so fakke.
need dat attention so mch huh ?
hope u rot..
biqq ” i qot heart cancer” bahaha .


Kyle Barwan was released from the Knox county sherifs department, having served his allotted time. he is with an individual posing as a Capt in the US army who goes by the name Capt Higgins in Vincennes, IN. hes was released monday morning and is at large, possibly intending to return to the indianapolis area. he is currently using cell phone number *******. be aware he is under the delusion that he is a modified super soldier fighting in covert wars for his country

Sporkmaster:While I have no love at all for this person, Personal information such as phone numbers will not be made public on this blog.


yep hes out. fucker is already causing drama in my neighbor hood. out in front of my house at 3 am skidding his tires in front of my driveway. hes currently around the oak forest area, seen driving around with his friend brian, a large fillipeno guy and another man, driving in a beat up old grey pick up truck.


He’s at it again.
This time he’s declaring himself as general petraeus’s son.
Saying he won the silver star and is a captain in the U.S. military.
He’s scamming rides and money from people claiming he needs “epinephrine” to combat his “PTSD”
Basically he’s smoking crack and lying to honest people that he needs medication.
If he were really in the service, he’d have VA Benefits to pay for a legitimate “prescription” – he wouldn’t be having people drive him to Illinois to go to crack houses to buy crack.
This is actually what we was arrested for *last* year – manipulating some poor kid into driving out to Illinois on a “secret mission” when actually he’s just buying crack. He’s a liar, a fraud, and will manipulate anyone for anything.

I’m beyond through with this man. If you can even call him that

an old friend

Just to let everyone know we put kyle back in jail he is in cook county now he tried to use his brothers name but the cops were already informed they told him to give his real name or they were gonna throw every charge on him he stuck with his brothers name and was arrested yesterday night

Frankly Opinionated

Cook County Jail. What a great address for this asshole. I hope his butt will be hurtin’ when he gets out of there.

- -

He is at it again! What do we do to turn him in?


i found out he told a greyhound terminal that he was a veteran and they let him ride for free to kentucky.

fuck u kyle

this guY is also gay he dated one of my guy friends wow this guy is really a wEirdo he is currently telling people that he is on a secret mission in kentucky IF IT WAS A SECRET U WOULDNT BE TELLIN PEOPLE DUMBASS