Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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3/17 air cav

I have been talking to some of the rank and file members of his VFW post. They all know he’s full of shit. Further, they do not believe he is a member any longer. I’m supposed to be getting a call from the post commander, who is a Marine. Stay tuned, will give a update after the call.


Val: but did you at least get to the “battery club” line (see comments 1382 and 1383)? (smile)


Thanks, 3/17 AC! If you need any back up on that, please let me know. But, your simply telling that other VFW members are aware and waiting for them to do the right thing should be sufficient.


@1405 You and me both Valkyrie. What a self serving pile of steaming scheisse!!


Dannyee Boyee,

The archivist at the US House will probably be forwarding your bogus US House document to the SGT at Arms …

We know all you photos are bogus … we are now picking through everything you have ever posted on line and or wrote!



I don’t know what I can add to this discussion, other than to say that I’m glad my instincts for finding shitass bastards were right on target and made me stick to my guns.

I will have no sleepless nights over whatever happens to this morass of stupidity known as DANIEL A BERNATH, a/k/a dandan the bernastypantsman, a/k/a dumbass bernutsky.

Karma is indeed a bitch. I’ve seen this for myself.


#1410: Hmmm…if he lied to to officials of the Library of Congress, that might open him up to 18 USC 1001:

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—

(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;

(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or

(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;

shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.

Joe A

Ironically, Mr. Bernath appointed himself as “editor” of the “Oregon State Bar Reporter” in order to attack numerous Oregon lawyers, including the SSA judge he grappled with (Judge Hyatt), and to encourage citizens to file complaints with the Oregon state bar.


He must have been well loved by his competitors.


Great observation, Jeff!

Chief, oh Chief! If that one is not already in your basket/box/file cabinet full of potential charges against this clown, it needs to be. Although it seems like someone already mentioned something along those lines waaaaaay back when.

(No disrespect intended. I just call everyone wearing brown shirts in the Navy “Chief.” It used to keep me out of trouble. Hope things have not changed all that much.)


Half way down his masterbation of a Resume is a photo of him “serving the community” or some such crap as a judge.

Got news for him. I blew that up and yet again the head is photoshopped on someone else. The shadows are all wrong, the pixels are off and you can tell the rough size of the head he erased. Now I will Google until I find that real judge’s photo. It will take a while but it will happen Bernath.


Man, I can’t keep up — too many posts to read! In this photo he’s wearing a personal award of the VN Cross of Gallantry with Palm (bronze). Not the same as the Unit Award!




OWB – new Navy uniforms. Everyone wears brown shirts now. It looks like you’re screwed.


Here’s asshat’s coveted “US Navy Unit Commendation Medal” for the Apollo 8 mission. $60 on e-bay.


@1417 – Seconde that, Bobo, as the recruits at Great Lakes are now calling their khaki shirts and dark pants uniforms ‘peanut butters’.

They’re also wearing a garrison cap with a fouled anchor pinned to it, a la the pin for the WAVES bucket hat without the screw behind it.


Even better, one of his “medals” available with the buy it now price of $3.50.


Guy – the pic is just not him. He photoshopped his face onto another man’s official photo. Maybe someone could supply another pic that is actually him? The man whose body in in the pic has posted here, and I rather doubt that his image should be used on a wanted poster! (Even if it is only of his torso.)

Bobo – isn’t the first time! But being retired and no longer around Navy guys while in uniform, it doesn’t matter so much. Phew! I used to get a perverse kick out of not saluting Navy officers but giving them a warm and friendly, “Good morning, Chief!” with a pause and an “Uh, Sir! Excuse me!!” thrown in as if an afterthought. Much better than insulting a real Chief by saluting him! It may even have been a Chief who suggested that ploy some 40-something years ago.

Joe A

@1416 by ghp95134 – Bear in mind that the photo you link to appears to be an image of a TV show scene in which he’s acting, presumably cast as an extra. Note the “IFC HD” bug in the lower right corner.

LeRoy Jenkins

If this guy is such a sh*t hot attorney,why oh why won’t he defend his ass-hattery?


@1423 LeRoy Jenkins (by the way I knew several LeRoy Jenkins’ in my old home state of North Carolina) Anyway, welcome aboard and the answer to your question is way back in the thread. He made a phony attempt at defense, threats, name calling, intimidation, etc. The usual poser, caught in the act, defenses. The problem is when the photo at the top and in post #808 came to light, his last leg of ass-hattery was kicked out from under him. He put the noose around his own neck and got up on the stool. Then it got kicked out, one leg at a time and then some. He defrauded a true and real retired Navy man of honor. John Sheppard, the man who’s image he stole along with everything else about him. As to being an attorney? Well I’ll put it like this, faced with time in a real jail, versus having HIM present my defense…I would plead guilty just to not have to see him or speak to him. Or better still, since I would be going to the can (pun intended) anyway, I would want to see him in court just long enough to get close enough…to get my hands on him for a minute or so until a bailiff or two could pull me off him. That, is how I feel about him and what I think of his attorney credentials.


This bit of info may be of interest: dandan the bernastypantsman claims to be a founder of the Yorktown Association. On the Board of Directors, in fact. Nowhere in the Yorktown Association’s media releases and/or newsletters, going back to 2011, is DANIAL A BERNATH’s name even mentioned.

I used that very effective subroutine called ‘SEARCH’. It’s quick, efficient, and does not require case matching. And nowhere is this lying asshole’s name to be found. NOWHERE.

Yeah, he makes a ‘big deal’ out of taking people on tours of the location shoots for ‘Grimm’, but you have to clear that with the production crew before you set even one toe in the set shot area. And now, don’t you just wonder how much this rat bastard annoys the production offices?


Oh, Look! It’s Tuesday! Don’t worry, DANIEL A BERNATH. We have not forgot you.

In fact, you’d probably like that song by Blondie that goes “Some day, I’m gonna find you, I’m gonna find you, I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha….”

Have a nice day, danddan the bernastypantsman. Your turn in the spotlight is no doubt coming, too.

And for the record, nothing here is a threat. It’s just a wish for the VERY BEST for you… you shitass rat bastage.

Wharf rats in Napoli are more civilized than you are.

James Gardner

Is keel hauling still an option…..if not then it should be. All that being said I don’t think I would want any of it sticking to the bottom of any ships hull.

James Gardner


Dannyee Boyee,

You have not heard from us because we are stocking up on pop corn and other munchable snacks for the long multi-media frenzy of activity that will hit Portlandia soon!

A Proud Infidel

DANIEL A. BERNATH THE FAKE US NAVY CPO, just take a look at the threads on Gregory C. Banks the FAKE US ARMY OFFICER, and think to yourself “OH, SHIT, that could happen to me, too!”.

SWEET DREAMS when/if you go to bed tonight!! 😉


After having read a bit about this clown, I can’t help but wonder why he hasn’t been thrown in jail yet. It seems like he’s doing everything humanly possible to self destruct. Could it be that many people are simply afraid of his bluff and bluster, his threats of lawsuits (which he seems more than willing to jam the court system with)? I’m particularly curious about his accident. How is it he can sidestep a NTSB investigation into what appears obviously to be a case of pilot error? My background isn’t really in GA, spending my time in the biz on the commercial side. But from reading the transcripts that I can find, it seems more than obvious that he ran his aircraft out of fuel. Then he has the balls to sue just about everyone in the industry due to his own stupidity.



Yes and it is in process!


I did receive something from Master Chief. Was that what you sent him?

I’m mostly keeping my lips zipped about stuff, you see.


Bernath issue is moving forward … no need to discuss details here!

I think Bernath may read English … we know he can’t write for sh!t!


Oh, goody. In cases like this, I LOVE surprises!

Popcorn is at the ready. A selection of beverages also at the ready. Remote control close at hand. Yeah, life is GOOD!


@1431 ArmyATC

Yep! I so love that pilot’s forum. Those guy’s comments are almost as good as TAH. My favorite comment was “math is hard”.

I needed a new keyboard after that one. 🙂


Master Chief, he’s trying to “skull” everybody with that updated horseshit. But! He still has the chopshopped picture up there, the dumbass.



He was an extra in Top Gun …

And now he has produced the Honorary CPO Certificate …

Oh boy!


@1438 – take a good look at that certificate. If this was such a huge, earth-shaking honor, don’t you think that the certificate would include the ACTUAL NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION THAT SUPPOSEDLY BESTOWED IT? But it doesn’t. No NANP; no “Naval Photography Association”; or whatever. The heading at the top says “United States Navy Chief Photographer’s Mate”. The United States Navy sure as hell didn’t give it to him; who did? The certificate doesn’t say.


@1439 – “and as such is entitled to full rights and privileges accorded to members.”

Members of WHAT?


Master Chief, that certificate looks like something that would have been awarded for the winner of the 100 yard dash at a 3rd grade field day. I’m going to guess that the ink on the signatures is still damp.


@1438 Master Chief, my 11 old niece could take a boiler plate certificate and phony it up better than that one. I mean most all official certificates I have seen are ALWAYS hand written instead of typed or printed professionally. /sarc/


@1438 MCPO,

That certificate is a joke – something for elementary aged kids. The lower case “a” letters look identical between the attempted different people whom handled this fraudulent document. The “h” from the written Daniel A. Bernath and the chairman signature look similar in the fact that they look like a inward slouching chair seen from the side. The letter “e” – from the recipient and chairman swings up, curves left, comes down straight, and drifts right-ward in a straight line – as seen on both the name of the recipient and the signature of the chairman. The blue inked signature of the secretary looks suspicious as well – perhaps meant to distract. The “J” of the secretary’s first name loops and has similar/identical curves to the “G” of the chairman’s last name. The document looks recently made (fabricated). Finally, knowing Daniel Bernath’s track record – he, more than likely, poached the name of another dead or dying US Navy Chief Photographer’s Mate.

Here is a quick link that certificate: http://www.aspecialdayguide.com/cpo%20001.jpg


Daniel A. Buttbreath,as a WW2 veteran and a lurker here at TAH, I’m going to add my two cents. You are a scrotum felching butt jockey, an irredeemable spaz wanker and you deserve everything bad that’s about to come your way. Fucking narcissistic fools like you are a stain on the honor of real veterans who have served this country since it’s inception.


@1441 – Yeah, a preprinted form with a cartoon photographer on it, with a blank for the recipient’s name to be filled in by hand. Real professional. If some organization did have such preprinted forms on hand, the fact that it’s fill-in-the-blanks-by-hand suggests that it’s something that was handed out like candy.

The one signature I can read – Thomas H. Gardner allegedly signs as “chairman”. This may merit some additional research. I found an obituary for a Thomas H. Gardner who died in 2012, and who was a life member of the NANP.


The NANP site shows Thomas Gardner as President in 2004; and there’s a Johnny Bivera (the other signature resembles that name) who is listed as the current communications chairman. If this is the NANP it directly contradicts what was said above, that the NANP does not bestow the title of Honorary Chief.



So what are the penalties for forging a Federal/DOD document?


He has posted at this site as “ussyorktown” as his screen name. Seems to have a problem getting along with others (go figure). In one of his posts, his signature includes USN CPO(HON). The whole thing about flying rescue dogs is basically a tax dodge to allow him to write off his (insufficient) fuel (it is in one of the threads there). Got banned from the forums at ctflier.com.

Green Thumb


“He was an extra in Top Gun …”

More like Top Turd.


Guys … the hammer is coming down shortly ……

Can’t say exactly what!

Enjoy the disorganized mayhew for 2 more days.

After which … the mayhem will be very organized and precise!


Two more days Dannyee Boyee and you get to meet me!


Then you might figure out how all the dots are connected, and trust me they are all connected now …

Green Thumb


You rock!!!!


@ 1444 … “an irredeemable spaz wanker”



@1450 – Master Chief – looking forward with great anticipation!!!


So I went searching for the cast and crew of ‘Grimm’ and here’s the link to the full cast and crew for one episode in 2013. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2532050/fullcredits

Anyone who tries to say ‘well, they left me off that list by accident’ should understand that a production company has to account for every penny spent on logistics and people, whether the people are in front of the camera or behind it. And it gets audited.

Ditto his claim that he was an extra in ‘Top Gun’. Extras get screen credit in the end credits. Everyone is listed, because they get paid to be there. They’re in last-name alphbetical order, and guess who is NOT listed there? Go on, I dare you.

So if you guys want to research bernutsky’s imaginary association with La-LaLand, you now know how to read the map to get there from here.

Glad to be of help. 🙂


Here’s the thing, boys and girls: if you are going to make up bullshit stories about yourself, at least do your research and get your bullshit straight.

If, for example, you read the list of extras, common sense tells you that a high-end production company like that has no need for a sport pilot with nominal flight experience to do any kind of flying or stunts, or even work as a walk-on extra. If they need stunt pilots or realtime fighter pilots, there are more than enough ex-Navy fighter jocks waiting in line for a chance to show their stuff.

So, we are now at #1455, and I’m happy to be here and see this trash heap known as dandan bernastypantsman sink into its own hole in the ground. And stay there.

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