Spot the error in this uniform

| April 20, 2009

From a reader via email comes this picture of Sergeant First Class Lieutenant Colonel George James of the Medical Corp Infantry Branch. Can you spot the error in his uniform? (He’s all over the internet, so researching him now, but you just know his story will be phenomenal.)

He’s the Chapter President of the Rachel Corrie (think they have pancake breakfasts?) Chapter 109 in Olympia Washington. And I strongly suspect his entire story is fake, so let’s take him down folks.

OK, my buddy looked through the ribbons and this is what he has:

Left pocket, what is with the Master Sgt rank on the pocket?


Jnt SVC Commendation (?) ARCOM Good Conduct (wrong spot) (also not eligible to Lt. Col.)
AAM army reserve/ng achievement medal too washed out to tell
?? Overseas Service Rainbow Bright Badge (looks like there is a device on it)
National Defense Saudi Lib of Kuwait The only thing this looks like is the Kuwait Lib of Kuwait award upside down, but I don’t see the black.

Jonn added: Here, I blew it up a bit;

ADDED: Sporkmaster
It seems that he is still at it.

Category: Politics

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Another POS that is more than likely a phony. If he did attain the ranks he’s wearing, then he sure doesn’t know how to wear the awards.

Excerpted from a June 7, 2006 article here.

[…Former Army Lt. Col George James, who’s now an anti-war activist, salutes Watada. James resigned his commission three years ago for the same reasons…]

Note: he also goes by the name of “Jim James”.


He’s a sergeant-lt-colonel, it’s a new rank they’re trying out.
During the Korean Conflict a buddy of mine, Walter O’Reilly, was a candidate for corporal-captain rank.

It didn’t work out but he got a grape Nehi out of it.


Back in the day, we had a guy (Ron Sapp) in our platoon ticked off the NCOs so often that he remained a PFC far longer than the rest of us. One day, Ron got another bright idea, went to clothing sales with a pair of pliers in his pocker, and came back with subdued CPM stipes on his collar. It took several hours before SFC English spotted that he had clipped off the top and bottom two stripes from a set CSM collar pins. While us fellow lower enlisted guys thought it was funnier than hell, Ron was lucky that he did not get busted from Command Private Major to PVT E-1 for that stunt.


Back in the day, we had a guy (Ron Sapp) in our platoon who ticked off the NCOs so often that he remained a PFC far longer than the rest of us. One day, Ron got another bright idea, went to clothing sales with a pair of pliers in his pocket, and came back with subdued CPM stripes on his collar. It took several hours before SFC English spotted that he had clipped off the top and bottom two stripes from a set CSM collar pins. While us fellow lower enlisted guys thought it was funnier than hell, Ron was lucky that he did not get busted from Command Private Major to PVT E-1 for that stunt.


#46, Steve, I agree, better than tv! I love it when they turn up another one here! Go get ’em, guys! 🙂


Well, the guys here have put their heads together and have figured out WTF this joe is wearing…we think.

Korea Defense Service Medal, ARCOM, MSM
AAM, Reserve Components Achievement Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal,
SWA Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon,
National Defense Service Medal, Kuwaiti Liberation Medal-Saudi Arabia, Kuwaiti Liberation Medal-Kuwait (upside down).

link to the discussion and closeup photos.,27753.30.html


Dutch, you guys are highspeed as hell, good stuff.

Where did you get the better picture of his salad?


websearch for the retard. found a better jpeg and boosted it.

We’ve got a good cross-section of MOSs and locations, so at least some of us know some of the crap. Not to mention some squidies and jr. birdmen are on hand to help out cleaning the ‘head’.

there are even a few marines.

(we clean up the rooms after they leave, of course).


I just joined and posted there Dutch, good stuff.


Besides all the other stuff everyone has mentioned you do not wear the individual and unit awards on the BDU in the first place. Didn’t happen. I was in when we wore the BDU and the medals were only worn on the class A jacket. The CIB could be worn on the BDU but it was usually a sew on and was subdued not the bright badge.

That black and white patch he has on appears to be the Veterans for Peace patch. It looks like a dove with an olive branch in its mouth. The Air Force is the only service I know of that wears or used to wear the large patches on the front of a uniform or on the headgear and even they wore the subdued version of the patch on their BDUs.


Did you get my emails about this guy? Is there any way we can do a Freedom of information on this guy from what we know to be false already?


Back in the day (1980) most of the SFCs that I worked for (in the US Army) also had a reserve commission of LTC, this had to do with retired pay for highest rank held. So the combination of E-8 stripes and LTC oak leaves is not totally out of the question. Weird but true.

However the MEDICAL branch + LTC would make this guy an M.D. and one look will tell you that this guy is not a Doctor.

The rest of the stuff looks very Stolen Valor.

Anonymous in Jax

He doesn’t have to be an M.D. to be a LTC. I worked with many a LTC when I was in the Army (medical branch) who were not M.D.’s. Lots of them were nurses and social workers as well.


He’s not a veteran, people. He’s an antimilitary, liberal FUCK poser.


what may i ask, is a ‘Rest of the soup sandwich’ ?


Maryland, Rachel Corrie didn’t get “killed for no reason”. There’s a few I can think of, off the top of my head. 1. She died because she stood in front of a bulldozer, which was probably moving slower than paint dries,meaning she could have got out of the way, but I digress. This brings me to reason #2: She died because she was fucking stupid.


2009?! Shit nevermind.