From the frontlines

| October 29, 2015

Don Shipley called us from Dan Bernath’s front yard. Bernath has been inviting Don to meet with him face-to-face for more than a week, telling us that Bernath is wearing his SEAL cap all over town, so Don should “catch” him.

Bernath email

Don and Diane flew down this morning, bought Bernath some helium balloons and knocked on his door, camera crew in tow. That’s what I’ve been doing all day, keeping Bernath at home and on his computer while Operation Shipley deployed.

Well, Dan won’t come out of his house. He sent his wife out to close the garage door.

Don says that he’s going to camp out there for the next three days if he has to. Don has already told the local police what he’s doing there. I’ll update as I get reports from Don.

From: Extreme SEAL Experience
Today at 3:52 PM

To Daniel Bernath

Its hot out here, Dan… Can Diane and I at least have a glass of water?

From: Daniel Bernath
Today at 4:23 PM

To: Extreme SEAL Experience

I have spent my life helping the helpless.
You are a high school bully.
For profit.
Picture: You pushed Mr. Hall and pushed Mr. Hall in the hopes that he would take off your head. Incite to riot. Then you and your gang arrived at his job to get him fired. Diane Shipley “did he say he was a SEAL to get this job?”
Malice hidden under a clown face.

You’re trying to provoke something here and scare my wife (age 64).
Here is Mr. Hall about ready to react to your provocation.
You monetized your service and as I have said repeatedly, you are a disgrace to my US Navy.
Do whatever you want but come back to following the law and don’t stray from it. We are all watching.
Have you contributed to the victim of your stolen valor hysteria in Sacramento yet?

Dan says that he has us right where he wants us.

From: Extreme SEAL Experience
Today at 4:04 PM

To: Daniel Bernath

I’d bet Dallas would come out…

I don’t know why Dallas has anything to do with you he outclasses you so much.

Perhaps now Dallas see’s what you really are. All talk…

UPDATE: Don wants us to flood these media types with requests for a news crew at Dan’s house. Here’s one link and another. Tell them to call Don at 757-572-7203 as a point of contact and tell them why Dan is newsworthy.

Category: Bernath

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Yeah, when Dan saw me at first in court, he did not know what say, could pronounce my name and he ran out of the court room so fast, presumably to go the the mens room to freshin’ up a bit, he forgot his cane.

Interesting, because when he entered the court room it would have seemed, from an untrained eye, that he actually needed one to walk.

Yeah, he will do as well with a SCPO SEAL just as well as he did with a MCPO shoe! Not well at all.


MCPO NYC USN Ret. is Don Shipley? …Thee Don Shipley?

*sits upright in chair, curls fingers (as in D & C) and suddenly has an urge to say “Sir/Ma’am”


I remember that. It was hard not to crack a smile.

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet you enjoyed every second of that, Flagwaver, and deservedly so given all the heartburn that Bermaggot has given you. Enjoying the show so far? I’m willing to bet that Bermaggot is going to try to run off somewhere tonight to run away from the Shipleys.


MCPO…..It was only around April of this year I found this site and began posting comments on it.
The one name that has continually been through the wringer that seems to agitate and piss off so many is of course the Bernath fellow. Just one look at his pix and Bimbo’s Discount Fake Wig Shop products makes me wonder a lot. Not at all familiar with the guy, so I have little to say in respect to stories about him. Late yesterday I did spend a bunch of time going over
a composite of much of his “work” connected with TAH. Not pretty, some of the claims were disturbing to say the least.
Having followed your posts for some time now I have reached my own personal conclusion as to your values and respect held for you by others.
You can probably use some $ for the expenses you face in dealing with this fool. If you feel comfortable accepting unsolicited support, please have Jonn email me your address and the help will be on the way immediately. He can vouch for my willingness to help….and ESPECIALLY my demand to remain anonymous. Recognition is not what a giving heart seeks. S/F

Steve S.

Old Danny boy, keeping it classy…

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY DANIEL A. BERNATH, this song’s for you!!! 😀

Dave Hardin

I struggle to remain mute on this post. I know myself well enough that when my humor goes away it rarely ends well.

I will say this much; if I planned on doing something that could have an adverse impact on the Stolen Valor Community as a hole, I would consult those it will impact BEFORE I made plans for the trip.

The guy is fun to watch, but so are train wrecks….if you are not on it.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Its been all over the other site for days…

Dave Hardin

I know, I can see the other sites. I support what he does, not always the manner in which he does it.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Dave, I am saying this with respect not sarcasm. I respect the fact that you speak your mind and very often your point of view is contrary to what the majority think. I would love to have a beer with you and offer you a cigar. In this case might I suggest that there is way more going on than you may know? Bernath has attacked and harassed countless people for no reason other than he gets some sort of enjoyment out of it. If you were to go back and read every post about bernath and every comment in every post you would see the I and many others that he has gone after did not say a word about him, that is until he attacked us. He went after myself and my former business partner for no reason other than I refused to kowtow to his demands, he believed that there was an Oregon judge calling all the shots here at TAH and was demanding the information or he would sue. His attack on my former partner (He emailed everyone in his company and every customer he could find) left my partner with no choice but to close my company. That put me out of work. He also accused me of Murder, child molestation, child pornography and several other felonies. His action have made it almost impossible for me to find work in the field I have devoted most of my adult life to. I have been fortunate that I have been able to scrounge up enough side jobs to keep food on the table, but make no mistake I have lost almost everything it has taken me a lifetime to achieve. He has done the same to many others, Don Shipley did not know who Bernath was until Bernath began to Slander and attack Don and his wife. I know for a fact that Don had tried to ignore Bernath and move on, yet Bernath persisted. He has attacked and attempted to destroy Dons lively hood. How much is a man supposed to tolerate, how many cheeks… Read more »

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Well said, Enigma4you; fortunately, I am insulated in several ways. I am old enough that he cannot touch my income,(but he thought that he tried to), I have a squeaky clean record, (unlike what he thinks and has posted), I am in close contact with law enforcement in both a professional and social manner, and best of all, is that I take every one of his false allegations, and show them immediately to all around me.
He doesn’t even know where I dwell, though he knows my “legal” address.
There is no limits that we should abide in dealing with him, other than those that bind our honor. If we were 1/10th as ugly in our actions to him as he has been to us, it would show. We have not.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Frankie, I think the title you gave Bernath back then fits him well, Bernath is truly a “MEGA-CLASS PATHETIC LOSER”!


Well said Enigma. There’s frustration in the cadre because we can’t believe the DRG isn’t in jail. The filth that Bernath publishes is beyond libel. The American Legion doesn’t care if its trademark and leadership is used like that? Etc., Etc., Etc.

Whenever anyone brings this up the response is the wheels of justice grind slow. It will be worth the wait. For years! Oh well. It really isn’t any of our business…and that’s true. I just hate to see criminality such as what happened to you and others go on unpunished*. I’ll STFU and go color.

*Bernath bucks for 3 vehicles, college, AND THE HOTDOG SUIT were the only bright spots…and they were fantastic.

Silentium Est Aureum



I have to agree as I am one who took the fight directly to the enemy (figuritively speaking of course).

There is more to this subject than is currently known to other mortal men.

Having said that, I recommend that everyone stocks up on beer, popcorn and copious amounts of eye and brain bleech.

There are few entities NOT tracking this story.

There is an end to the story, however Bernath needs to face off with Don (with a well prepared statement) and give him a piece of his mind.

Because, Bernath finally has the upper hand and has Don right were he wants him.


Still waiting for the free copy of the book you’re writing of this entire shindig.

Daisy Cutter

I enjoy watching Don Shipley confront people, but I do think it is unpredictable and therefore risky.

It is the same feeling I got when I watched Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. I thought it was terrific what he did and you could tell he had a heartfelt genuine enthusiasm for it BUT I also thought something bad is going to eventually happen to this guy. It will be bad for all the shows and sponsors that got behind him. I may go so far and say some of that may have been pushing him to go further and take more risks. The shame in Irwin’s practices and choices was it denied him longevity. This counters those that will say he died doing what he loved and wouldn’t have it any other way. He denied us an ongoing, long term involvement in his love for animals and may have put a damper on it. That’s just life.

I see some parallel with Don Shipley. I liked the phone confrontations as they are somewhat controlled and do not have the risks with face to face confrontation.

Face to face is definitely more entertaining and may deter the phony even more… but at what risk? I have to say that although there is a certain thrill in watching the unpredictability, I value Don and Diane’s safety and long term stability in the Stolen Valor community that I’m willing to forego him taking these risks.

So, do you want to watch someone go over Niagara Falls in a barrel? Absolutely. Do you want to encourage them to go over the falls? I would be more hesitant.

Again, I applaud what Don Shipley is doing. It is rare to see this kind of courage and we all learn something from it. I do care enough about his and Diane’s well being that I would like him to be around for many years and not have a slight misstep cause him legal or physical harm.

I can’t read his mind, but perhaps this was what Dave meant when he said about watching a train wreck?


BERNATH is a chicken shit and your absolutely correct. If he doesn’t know your true IDENTITY the harassment continues until you stop posting or he finds you.
He’s claimed that I’m a man, women in uniform, then every race possible. It’s time he gets payback for the vicious crap he’s accused me of. Hope enough phones calls and emails get A NEWS CREW involved. Bye bye ? BERNASTY

Dave Hardin

Great post, thank you. May I ask you to consider the possibility that I do have some “Skin in the Game” as you say. Also consider the fact that I use my real name, address, phone number, and DOB when posting. I understand many people have very valid reason not to. My post was not about Birdbath. I am fully aware of his bullshit. In his deluded mind he probably thinks he is standing up to some evil valor vigilantes. He needs to be confronted and stopped, his days of bullshit are coming to an end thanks to the efforts of many people like MCPO NYC who has put his money where his mouth is many times. Nothing but respect for everyone who stands up to this narcissistic ass wipe. I have my own Attorneys, sadly it is a fact of owning your own businesses. I have had to defend myself against too many people in court, to include a 4 million dollar wrongful death case. Bernath is on the oppisite side of the spectrum from the idiots that slap some kid around in a parking lot for making some bullshit claim. My point is, the days of any one individual who has been fighting the cause doing shit rouge that effects all of us has to stop. You have no idea how much work I have put into things behind the scenes trying to get everyone to cooperate, share resources, create a defensible legal entity, secure insurance, back up our collective web presence, share resources, and become more efficient and effective and still preserve the individual integrity of those who have developed their own followings. Bernath does what he can to strike back but is by no means the worst opponent we could ever face. There will be others with greater resources, more money, and far more effective legal wherewithal. I didnt post the video that stated I was going to do something that could effect the whole stolen valor community in a negative way. Nor would I, do so has all kinds of ramifications, is irresponsible, misguided, utter… Read more »

Dave Hardin

I know brother, you in particular have paid a hefty price for taking a stand. You got guts and guts is enough for me.

You have helped lay the ground work for things more than you realize. In a twisted way so has Bernath.

We learn from our battles, we adapt, we overcome. Semper Fi my Brother.


Dave – what’s the atheist version of the serenity prayer? This atheist wants to know.


It would start with “To Whom It May Concern”and go on from there.

Dave Hardin

A simple daily reminder to read. May I have the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I remind my self of that all the time, I have stood corrected here and publicly when I am wrong. I hope I never loose that bit of humility, I hope others learn to display it.


Hey Dave, you are always ok in my book. Rock on. //no sarc


DH: here, you conduct yourself as a grown man – and a good one at that. You stand by your arguments, support what is right, and admit it when you determine you were in error. Would that everyone did so.

I may not always agree with you, but you have my respect.


You’re just saying that because of Hondo’s Harem.

Dave Hardin

I appreciate your words and all the others as well. I always fumble with words or a response to such things.

I doubt Bernath will catch my drift, resentment destroys the soul.

Ok, this is going to hurt a little, THANK YOU HONDO.


De nada, amigo. Truth is truth. To deny it is folly.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I like your words Dave, you’re honest and not afraid to exercise your right to free speech. A free society requires all of us to hear the words of our fellow citizens whether we agree or not. You often keep this place from becoming an echo chamber, that’s an admirable trait in any individual and I appreciate your efforts.

Here’s hoping things always come out your way, and I hope E4U gets to take a big dump on those who’ve hosed him….

I’d say that I hope the good lord keeps watch over you, but neither you or I believe that Dave so maybe Karma rears her pretty head and rights the oh so many wrongs we’ve all seen.

Dave Hardin

The thanks go to Jonn for putting up with us. What he has provided here makes a difference. The man has made more of an impact in my life than he could ever possibly understand.

Semper Fi


Some of you should be given a chance to be on the receiving end of the demented, disgusting crap that bernath has tried to foist on a few of us.

It’s plain as day that he’s a coward, a thief, a compulsive liar, and a few other things that are far worse. Everything he does is aimed at you, personally, in an attempt to destroy whatever you may have accomplished.

You all need to learn some patience. Are you this antsy when you’re waiting for the bad guys to fire at you? I’m confident that this will come to its proper end.


EX..since you, me and countless others have been in BERNATH and Dallas unbelievable harassed insanity, those who haven’t don’t have a clue. The pigs will do whatever it takes to get us to stop posting and they both haven’t realized IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN. The two have misidentified me as whatever their cell less brains come up with.
Morons HAVE SEEN me and still can’t put two and two together and never will. Maybe they will when we’re face to face in court but I doubt it. To everyone that have been in Bernaths path of harassment keep the faith and trust that he’s a big airbag and runs faster without canes when confronted. Under the definition of CHICKENSHIT, it says Daniel A. Bernath

Guard Bum

The awesomeness of this entire thread and event is just beyond belief! Go Senior Chief!!


Hear, hear

A Proud Infidel®™

WILL *SLUUURP!*41 CoMe To tHe AiD oF hIs mASSteR?

Here’s what I think:

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Queefers is all dressed up in his purple suit, drinking DRG cocktails and eyeballing the neighbor’s Pomeranian before he “COMETH” to Danny-boi’s rescue

Green Thumb

I wonder if Bernath has an All-Points Logistics parking decal in his vehicle?

The False Commander Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) should weigh in on this.


does anybody know which channel on Don’s website he is uploading updates? i didn’t see it under stolen valor or phony navy seal of the week


He has his own channel.


SIU2, Go to extreme seal experience. You will need to be a member to watch the full light video’s. You brows around with out being a member. But go to the main page and look to the right side there are videos there his update is the first one. As for the channel’s it look’s like he is putting this one under Don & Diane for now. Hope that help’s


Thanks. I am a member of ESE, and just couldn’t find it.

Semper Idem

Mr Bernath,

The great military strategist Erwin Rommel once stated: ‘Never fight a battle if you have nothing to gain by winning.’.

So…let’s say you win. What do you gain? Is it worth it?

Just my four ha’pennies on a chilly Friday morning.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Danny-boi, you fucking little bytch… you called out the Shipley’s and they answered the call… go ask your wife or QuEeFeRs for your balls and meet him and face the music… or be called out by the SV community, the Shipley’s and the local press for being the pussy that you are.

As for QuEeFeRs – where the fuck is your drunk ass? Aren’t you going to “cometh” and put the Shipley’s in their place. Or you under the desk at your butt buddies house suck-starting his catheter again?


Word ^^^^^^

Green Thumb

He is probably having drinks with the False Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics.


I wish I could travel..I’d jump a flight right now and go down there just to stand there with the Chief and his bride, film the whole thing and use it for a greatest hits video when I needed a laugh. Get em Chief…Semper Fi and God bless. Sent in news tip and will share this with everyone I can with request to do the same.

A Proud Infidel®™

What’s next, will Bernutless screech for a restraining order against the TV news reporters?


I just can’t see a Judge signing a TRO against the TV Reporters.
What Shipley and Diane are doing is something 99% of TAH posters would love to do. Bernath is now on the receiving end. Only difference is Shipley’s doing it with HONOR, BERNATH hides behind emails, messages, threats and intimidation.
I reread everything he ever sent and my son pointed out, IT’S ALWAYS AFTER DALLAS ASS CLOWN SENT ONE FIRST.
He’s a big mouth FOLLOWER that will accuse you of being everything from rapist to child molester. Bernath doesn’t have the ball sack to against Diane in person, let alone Shipley. Buddha bless you on your mission.


Reb, you mentioned awhile back that there would be a transcript from the last hearing. Did I miss it?


Sj..still waiting on my copy. I don’t think I will get one until the Supreme Court makes their decision to let things go or disbar him.
Dallas emailed me that Bernath is retired and doesn’t give a damn about his license.
Really? Then why the hell has Bernath been wasting his time, trying to get my identity so he can subpoena me?

Just An Old Dog

Ha, Bird-turd. Its like you were a shit talking boxer who got his teeth knocked out, his nose broke and knocked out in one round.
“I’m retired”…

Green Thumb

Bernath works balls.


Hooooleeeee shit! WTF happened around here while I’ve been out of pocket?

Did the crazy train stop at our station again? I’m just catching up on all the comments and shaking my damn head… WOW

Silentium Est Aureum

Atta boy, Bernath, insult a man’s wife and family, and what do you do?

Send your woman out to face the music instead of you! What a brave motherfucker you must be! What stones!

How’s that old phrase go, Dan? Payback’s a bitch, and she’s in heat? Or is it, “Rustle, rustle, bitch?”

Any way you look at it, Dan, this situation is one entirely of YOUR making. Nobody else. Own it, bitch.


Yeah, the phrase “hiding behind a skirt” does seem somewhat apropos here.

Anyone surprised?

MSG Eric

I guess his mom wasn’t available to hide behind, so he let his wife step in.


I think the phrase was “Karma’s a cold bitch, and she’s wearing a 12 inch strapon”, or something to that effect.


Danny the troll, what a coward. Trolls people and when they come looking for answers from him…he cowers behind people.

Pathetic, he needs to stay off the internet.


More likely he’s hiding in his bedroom closet, behind the shoeboxes.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s probably rocking back and forth in there while fiddling with his catheter. I’m sure his sniveling sidekick the *SLUUURRP!*41 hasn’t shown up yet, where’s the big bad “Trail Assassin” hiding out while his master is “under siege”?

Green Thumb

Maybe Bermaggot needs to get Turd Bolling down there to secure the perimeter?

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Should have Chevy CheeseeaterMcBlobfish as back-up in the “Compass Call”… and Visconti available to provide him with “sound legal advice” at the going rate of $20/hr


bernath is a crashing bore. Period.




Here’s my contribution to the vibe. It’s a word search puzzle. How many times to you see the word “denied”?

10/29/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 10/14/2015: Denied MOTION TO SET ASIDE ATTACHED ORDER

2/17 Air Cav

A big ole stamp in red ink across the page (DENIED!) would have been more attractive and cost efficient.

A Proud Infidel®™

As of today, Daniel A. Bernath (GH!) is still ZERO and something in his imbecilic escapades against the SV Community, the fercockt shmendrick!


Maybe if Dugout Dan ever does come to the door, SCPO Shipley can ask him how it feels to be DENIED on all of his set aside motions… the set aside motions he filed to resurrect the license he no longer cares about because he is retired.

It’s a hard life Dan.


“If you fail to timely move to set aside
your default, this Court will enter an order
recommending your disbarment without further hearing or proceed”


Like time slippin away ….

Silentium Est Aureum

This makes me smile.

And on a Friday, no less.

Happy dances for everyone!



Is the deadline for response passed by now?

I never did get that date.


I am not sure about deadlines and dates. However, it looks like they just sunk his battleship. No doubt he will file more set aside motions even though he really doesn’t care about his law license don’t you know.


Thank you, GDC. The more stuff piled up in that wall he’s trying to destroy, the better.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

The state bar PIMP SLAP DA FUCK out of him yesterday….DENIAL… DENIAL… DENIAL!

It ain’t no river in Egypt, Dickless Danny Bernath…DENIAL


Another Pat

Gee Whiz…are he and Visconi twins that were separated at birth?


Oh, I got all that too. I check the Bar everyday. The Supreme Court has until November 20, 2015 to make their decision.
WHEN he’s disbarred, its my turn to flood him with lawsuits and its not in State courts. Adding Dallass to each filing and let’s see who they can afford to represent them. No attorney in his/her right mind will take them as clients. Represent himself in court hasn’t worked yet. He’s going to bury himself and his butt buddy.

A Proud Infidel®™

What about the heartburn Daniel A. Bernath has caused for every one of the EIGHT Men he has accused of being me? Each of them ought to be able to get at least a wheelbarrow or three of Bernath Bucks®™! Me? That snotweasel of a roach turd still hasn’t found me yet, so to hell with him and his sniveling lackey, the *SLUUUURRP!*41.


an insult to Townes to use that on Bernath…

A Proud Infidel®™

WHOOOOA, NELLY!!! The last time I checked, Florida WAS NOT an Open Carry State, it has to be concealed unless one is a sworn LEO.


That indeed appears to be the case, PI:

Assuming that report is accurate, I do hope someone (Don and/or Diane, perhaps?) manages to take a date/timestamped photo or video of the act in question – and is willing to swear out an affidavit to the local authorities.

It’s always a good idea to check out local firearms laws before wandering around in public with a weapon – concealed or otherwise. Those laws are not the same from state to state.

Silentium Est Aureum

Especially when one claims to be a lawyer, even a shitty one.

Poor stupid Dan, just when you think he’s hit bottom….


Is he allowed to even have a firearm?

Or did he visit someone in the Cuban section for that purchase?


Diagnosed with PTSD? Can’t have a firearm and I was sure Florida is a no carrying state. Hopefully he falls off his bike, side arm goes off, hitting Bernath and colostomy bag spills. Another biohazard to clean up with taxpayers money.


How does one ride a bicycle with a catheter inserted? I guess that would mean he has “a round chambered”! 😀


Exactly what I was thinking Sparks.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve traveled around the Continental U.S. , and I do my best to keep current on CCW laws, reciprocity, etcetera as well as pending legislation in States. Last I heard, Open Carry in the State of Florida is PENDING LEGISLATION, meaning it ain’t legal right now! Now if he stays on his property he’s legal, but the moment he leaves his property with an openly carried piece I’m sure he can be charged with Unlawful Display of a Firearm even if he keeps it holstered. I am not a Lawyer or Attorney, what I’ve said is from what I remember reading and it’s my interpretation of it.

Spaceshuttle door gunner

You are dead on here. The fl sheriffs association also voted to not endorse it – in a private ballot initiative avoiding publicity for people scared of teh gun lobby.


What good is having a round chambered in a dead weapon?




Can we get pictures of the armed bicyclist at some point?

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Just what the local POPO needs – a half-witted former lawer riding his tricycle around town with a loaded gun… hope they pick his stupid ass up before he shoots himself.


I hope someone notified the local PD of a man with a gun….just sayin


When you slap him on the head, does he bang cymbals together?


Bicycle? I thought he was disabled and could barely walk and needed a cane?

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s known to suddenly be healed of his need for crutches or a cane in the presence of a REAL USN CPO, thus I’m sure that the healing aura of The Hair®™ reached and invigorated him. Now as to the allegation of his roaming around openly carrying a firearm, FL does not allow one to do that outside their home, property or business, it’s Concealed Carry only!

gas tank

Riding a bicycle? Did he have a handicap plate or placard on his car? Does he have a Florida drivers license now? The Florida DMV might be interested reviewing his handicap application and check out the doctor who signed off on the application to see if 1) the doctor exists 2) the doctor’s license was valid when signed 3)the applicant was a patient of the doctor 4)the applicant had a diagnosis that qualifies them for the handicap permit 5)the doctor’s signature was not forged/photoshopped Per the Florida rules, an out of state doctor can sign the application. “WARNING: FLORIDA DRIVER LICENSE OR FLORIDA IDENTIFICATION CARD IS REQUIRED WHEN THIS PARKING PERMIT IS IN USE.” Criteria for the handicap permit in above form. I would think that the Florida DMV might want to see the videos of him walking and riding his bike, oui? “(9)(a) At least once every 6 months, the department shall randomly review disabled parking permitholders to ensure that all required criteria for the ownership and possession of such permit remain valid. As a component of the review, the department shall, at a minimum: 1. Review death records maintained by the Department of Health to ensure that the permitholder has not died. 2. Review the number of times the permit has been confiscated for fraudulent or unlawful use, if at all. 3. Determine if the permit has ever been reported lost or stolen and, if so, determine the current status of the permit. (b) At least annually, the department shall verify that the owner of each disabled parking permit has not died. Such verification shall include, but need not be limited to, consultation of death records maintained by the Department of Health. If a disabled parking permitholder is found to be deceased, the department shall promptly invalidate the decedent’s disabled parking permit. (10) The department shall develop and implement a means by which persons can report abuse of disabled parking permits by telephone hotline or by submitting a form online or by mail. (11) A violation of this section is grounds for disciplinary action under s. 458.331, s. 459.015, s. 460.413, s.… Read more »


It is 137 degrees in Ft. Myers today.


Good reason to stay away from there, eh?


Methinks MCPO be pullin’ yer shapely leg, lass. (smile)

Accuweather says 78F currently, with high of 86F this afternoon.


An homage to boiler efficiency I think. Although I do not pretend to be a BT. I’m certainly no CPO.


Perhaps. Or perhaps he’s simply found the Whiskey in the Jar a bit early today. (smile)


…Or maybe Master Chief is referring to putting pressure on someone. 🙂


Ya think? (smile)

HMCS (FMF) ret.

It’s AFRICA HOT there in Ft. Meyer’s


Hey John how many times has The Bernasty visited TAH in the past 24 hours.


I was curious about that also.

Silentium Est Aureum

Hope so. As crazy as he is, I’d hate to think what he’d do if he really flipped out.

Hell, he’s already (likely) committing a felony just riding around strapped.


The FL statute I linked above seems to say 2nd class misdemeanor, SEA. But if other factors concerning the incident indicate the weapon is being used to intimidate or threaten vice merely being openly carried, IMO you could well be correct.

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, I’ll have to look deeper at that and what, if any, laws Florida has regarding terroristic threatening, reckless endangerment, et al, and if they would apply here.

CB Senior

He might go all Kamikazi and fly a plane into the ground.

Spaceshuttle door gunner

or corn field…

Hack Stone



Bet the media is impressed with that filth he has on his Special Day site. Total focus on masturbation and sheep screwing.


I do hope someone told the media about that website and provided them the URL. I’m guessing someone else may neglect to mention its existence.

Silentium Est Aureum

I know there are reporters at the newsrooms of WBBH and WZVN who are aware of it… (wink)


And the link to audio of Dan the TSA man who runs towards danger. That one’s awesome.


I emailed everything from TAH, Stolen Valor, emails from Bernath to Fox news. Added that there are other victims of Bernaths harassment and I was sure they would like a put in their two cents. I didn’t name anyone, but did supply the website and Jonns name.
Hope this drives him to a nut house and we can finally breath.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget his homosexuality and pedophilia allegations as well, I hope it comes back to bite Bernath BIGTIME!!!


It’s the sunlight. Batshit crazy people don’t like going out in the sun. They prefer hiding in the dark behind glowing computer screens, dressed in polluted spandex, with tubes permanently glued to upper lips so that they can suck down MD2020 and Red Bull without leaving their seats.

I hear that stuff comes in superlarge 2L bottles now.

Just An Old Dog

Ha, leave it to Bernath. The news crews should have some comedy gold there if they play it right. Hopefully they will do some research and do a nice piece on Stolen Valor and what a crack pot Bernath is.

Aaron Balm

I’ve been casually following Bernath and his antics for a while. He seems to be one of these people that commands respect due to his unpredictability and legal intimidation.

That is NOT respect. That is just giving someone a wide berth because they’re crazy enough to make life miserable for you. Not rational behavior at all. Same for Dallas.

Is that really how you want people to ‘respect’ you?

Maybe your lives are so much in the crapper that it doesn’t matter. You just need a boogie man to focus on to blame all of your problems.

Some sound, sober advice: quit while you’re not ahead.


As you all know I have nothing to do with what is going on down there.

But I am glad to hear that Bernath finally got the press time he so richly wanted.

Score another for Bernath … He got us!

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, I’m quivering so bad from the fear.

Really. Fear. Look at my hands.

Or just my finger.

Silentium Est Aureum

In case I need to clarify, that look at my finger was directed and Lawn Dart Dan, not you, Master Chief.


Don’t you just hate it when you think of someone and your hand reflexively gets a boner? (smile)


After all of Bernath and ass clown threats to my family..Shipley and Diane took it higher than I expected.
Had it been just a women, BERNATH would of come outside and started a pity party.
I’ve been worried about threats by a chicken ? hiding under a rock. Anymore news after his bicycle ? trip?


There is SO much I want to say… but I promised I would not… until I get the signal to communicate.

But when I think of beernutsky down there in the land of Oranges and Lemons… I start giggling.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, the hunch paid off and the op was a huge success. As we figured, he didn’t careful check the credentials of the “media.” A hearty congratulations to our Northwest Operator Cadre!

Open Channel D

I’m refreshing this page every 30 seconds in the hopes a videologue of the event pops up.

I haven’t this excited since I stood my first Chief of the Day watch!


I’ll just park this here for a while:


Brilliant… but it could use some photoshop.

Disclaimer: In no way, shape, or form, am I suggesting that ANYONE should use ANY copyrighted images in the attempt to enhance this image. That would be bad, esse.


I would never suggest doing anything outside copyright laws. Fortunately, sarcasm and satire is protected use of copyrighted images.

Use with you own discretion. 🙂

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Hey Danny and Queefers:

Another Pat

Gee Whiz…are he and Visconi twins that were separated at birth?

Just An Old Dog

The Hair has accomplished his mission. All that needs to be done with Birdbath is to give him an open forum to flap his lying cock-holster.
I’m betting the media around Fort Meyers Fla is going to be watching him like a hawk. Birdbath had a chance to simply slip into his golden years in obscurity after being disgraced and disbarred (yes fuck-face it’s as good as done) in California.
Instead he continues to pick battles with the wrong people.
He is about as intimidating as week old dogshit.


tripwire sends: Check of TV news station broadcasts in FT Myers area returns nothing on Bernath, Daniel. Will continue monitor news stations & websites, over.

tripwire out


Don uploaded an update about 1hr. ago on ESE site, he said he would upload after he got some film from NBC NEWS. I think it’s local NBC but I hope it’s NBC National. He did say he got what he wanted so how ever you want to take that.


Roger that, SeeBeeCPO. tripwire took an interest in the post and sent on that they’ll monitor FM, Fl news (local) for any Bernath related. Its a way for tripwire to contribute without the hassle of being drug head long into the quagmire.




Got to ask brother did you work with or were you a Bee? The reason is that is actually the correct way but every one always writes it down Seabee even all SeaBees do that. So I would say you have some knowledge and Cap’s CPO. any way thank you for the respect.

Keepin' It Real

Video posted by Dan Bernath a few days ago. In the comments section, Bernath talks about the recent visit by Don Shipley to his house.

Delilah T.

That’s strange.

I saw beernutsky running away. I was right across the street, watching everything!

Oh, but wait! I forgot about deflecting blame! Silly me!


Interesting. That “video” was posted on 27 October. My understanding is that Don and Diane didn’t visit him until yesterday.

I’m also guessing he never cleared his use of the video source with Don. I believe the video of Don in the link is taken directly from a previous clip (or clips) Don’s posted on his YouTube channel, and was original content created by or for Don. That would mean Don is almost certainly the copyright owner.

Now, I’m not a lawyer – but that clip also doesn’t seem to be parody or otherwise fall under one of the “fair use” exceptions to copyright laws. If that material was used without the owner’s permission and isn’t covered by a fair use exception, the term “copyright infringement” comes to mind.


Aw, come ON – you wouldn’t expect the special widdle snowflake, bless his heart, to actually know much less follow the LAW now would you?

Keepin' It Real
Retired Egress Troop

I found one of his webpages, and it made my head hurt with all the stupid. I can’t wait to see Don’s videos.


I can’t wait. I got my membership. Go Senior Chief.

Hack Stone

Please tell me there is at least one shot of his mailbox.