Friday morning feel good stories

| October 30, 2015

Andy11M sends us the story of Brian Hackney in Dallas, Texas, who was carving pumpkins with with his 7-year-old daughter when a car thief broke into his house while evading the police. Hackney took the only weapon he had at the time – a carving knife and confronted the thief embedding the knife in him and holding him until the police arrived.

A lesson on what not to do comes out of East Mill Creek, Utah where 34-year-old Jesse L. Bruner tried to break into a home owned by 47-year-old Russell Reed Jacobs. Bruner was armed with a shotgun and Jacobs had his own firearm. Jacobs convinced Bruner to turn tail and run, but then Jacobs and his son chased his for a few blocks when Bruner turned and fired at Jacobs. Jacobs returned fire and both the criminal and the victim died right there. There was no rational reason for the homeowner to chase after the criminal – that’s what the police get paid to do with their body armor and everything.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Owning a firearm and intending to use it to defend oneself is one thing, but to do so without knowing when and when not to employ it is foolish.


Ah, someone knows how to use kitchen utensils as defensive weapons. And you guys thought I was being silly. Uh-uh. You use whatever is at hand.

Mr. Hackney did a fine job.

That other fellow in Utah – what Jonn and Frankie said – don’t chase the bad guy. That’s the cop’s job.


Just don’t use ’em outside the house. Anti-knife laws are in many cases Draconian, and you can get in more trouble carrying something like a 4″ double edged knife concealed, than an illegal gun. Here in Txas they are not even consistent city to city – what you can legally carry in Houston will get you a year or two in Corpus or San Antonio.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

According to what I read on that websight, No longer than a five inch blade may be carried openly. I will bring it up with some of the LE troops in my Guard unit. See how different their interpretations are. A lot depends on what the officer knows (or does not know). My ex-wife used to ride a bus to her kitchen job downtown San Antonio, while carrying a wicked assortment of sharp pointy things. She was very skilled in their application, and not worried about anybody accosting her in her travels. She also felt justified in carrying them, since they were her work tools.

Tom Huxton

Yeah, there is a good reason why biker “club” members prefer to carry ball-peen hammers. A good 24 ouncer can give you permanent dimples.

B Woodman

GO Mr Hackney! Pin ’em like a bug!

I live not to far from Mill Creek, and have been following this story. I agree, Mr Jacobs should NOT have chased Bruner down the street. It would have been enough to have Bruner DRT or chase him away, but YOU stand your ground.
Several pictures and info about Bruner have been coming out. Ink and tatts all over, including extensive coverage of his face. Plus a rap sheet as long as your arm. Really inspires confidence in him as an upstanding citizen. And all Bruner’s family can say is, “he’s been a victim of unfortunate circumstance, now go away and let us mourn.”
Oh, and did I mention that Bruner was supposedly armed with a sawed off shotgun? At least, that’s what the news is saying. No pictures of the actual weapon.


Shocking, I know, but Bruner had an arrest record. He was also armed with 3 knives that night he died.
The linked article also shows pictures of the victim and Bruner, who allegedly “worked” as a tattoo artist. Wonder if they mean he was into prison ink?