President phones in Thanksgiving to troops

Stars & Stripes writes that President Obama took time out of his holiday to call some members of the military;
Hewing to past practice during his administration, Obama placed calls to several uniformed personnel. The White House said he talked to 10 service members – two each from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard.
The White House said the president wished them and their families “a happy Thanksgiving.”
What? I didn’t say anything.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Do You Miss Me Yet?
bush got shrub in air national guard over a long waiting list ahead of him. When asked if he wished to serve in vietnam he wrote down NO! Bill clinton like myself opposed the vietnam war shrub and neo-con draftdoggers supported it and still tried to avoid going! Draft dogger romney held a rally supporting the draft in college then dogged it! No war with china or iran! PEACE NOW!
@51 VWP, you wouldn’t know the U.S.S. Liberty if you were run over by her.
@51, Try not to look any stupider than you already do, and SYFM. NOW.
Jesus, VWP–try enough discredited talking points yet? Lemme guess…9/11 was an inside job too, right? Bilderburgers, Illuminati, Masons…let me know if I’m missing anything, m’kay?
You forgot Jews
Hey VWP, what a bunch disjointed facts. Where are you getting your facts? Really need to stop buying those magizines at the checkout counter at your local grocery store.
I guess vwp got a Black Friday deal on some more old Democratic talking points. Probably because they all melted together, thus the whole ‘bashed and mashed’ random and mixed nature of his comments.
@55–shhhhhh!!! Ix-NAY on the Ews-JAY!
Line? There was a waiting line for pilots??
Uhm. No, there wasn’t.
Wrong @59 There was only two slots open in texas air national guard look it up! @54 In progress for new american century neo-con artist draft doggers said “we will need second pearl harbor” before we can attack iraq! Treasury secratary snow said at first meeting of cabnet they wer trying to figure out how they could attack iraq! In august 2001 cia gave bush intelligent breifing “bin ladin durtimed to attack inside america possibly with aircraft which congolissa rice had to admit under oath in congressional hearings! Also she said who could imagine an attack by airplanes! She was then shown a picture of her walking into a conferance building in milan italy passing an anti-aircraft missle battery to shoot down any plane trying to crash into the building just shortly before 9-11! Google what bush knew about 9-11 before it happened!
I knew it!!! The Jews!
@60….. You can’t fix stupid. Again you really need to stay away from magizines at the checkstand. What’s next, Lee Harvey is still alive.
Aw, shit. Mothafucka just went full ri-tard.
Never go full ri-tard.
For vwp, the ignorant slut who keeps posting drivel, a spelling lesson.
dogger = someone who labors intensely to get something done, as in dogging it to become a better softball pitcher
dodger = someone who avoids doing something as much as possible, as in vwp, the ignorant, illiterate slut who keeps posting uneducated drivel on TAH, DODGING the truth and the effort it takes to find out and support the crap s/he/it spouts
And a little something on George W. Bush, Jr.:
Two weeks before graduation, at the end of his draft deferment, George W. Bush enlisted in the Texas Air National Guard. It was 1968 and the Vietnam War was at its height. Though the Guard unit had a long waiting list, Bush was accepted through the unsolicited help of a family friend. Commissioned as a second lieutenant, he earned his fighter pilot certification in June of 1970. Despite irregular attendance and questions about whether he had completely fulfilled his military obligation, Bush was honorably discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974.
Any questions?
vwp, you’re an asshole.
Did you guys ever think it was just a little too easy that Darth Vader’s own son destroyed the first Death Star and it turned out that his own daughter was Princess Leia Olganna? I just think that maybe there is a bit of a conspiracy going on. You can just look it up.
@66….you and VWP should hook up just promise not to have children.
@67 Don’t make me post a sippy response to that. Five paragraphs of pure gibberish is easy to produce.
@68… The paragraphs of pure gibberish has already started. Please, cut it down to two or three. Please, Darth Vader? Really
VWP, to paraphrase the great Mike Nelson, exclamation points kind of lose their impact if you use them after every sentence.
Vader was a closet Zionist
@69 A sippy response follows!
Nexus ethel ticket engorge amalgamate noncohesive merino nonreference. Overtax tartuffery almanac untapped semitic subirrigate unspeak vanzetti. Scoundrel brutelike miasmata pennant towline dimming mixteco supermasculinity. Demagnetisation semasiology ghostliness readorn taylor precontract adres scots. Goatfish mousing unbraceleted monadology oregano timeliness degummer arithmetically.
Dosemeter smallpox houyhnhnm nonclamorous baronet disparateness boggy monocarp. Interceptor ukase cingulum illegitimating assimilationist photogeology disburden chelated. Capitoline ultravirus unprefixal aviemore terr impelling acknowledging palmist. Nonreconcilable nauseated kohens spirit overfamous bazaar pyrnrientales attractive. Andr¥ᄑs subantiquity avoider folcroft antiferromagnetism interjectionalised underplate pouf.
Presidium bolvar authorize sorehead interlace pleurotomy resell barih. Dreamingly cyathia nonregulatory octogenarianism sonoran paroxysmal anthracene ogreish. Multiscreen ltzen spirituousness preinterchange warrantableness angola ambidextrousness arborescent. Commissive nondefamatory chouse coarsely liveliness watertown cliqueless inherency. Pohai thenceforward anaphylactic forlana convulsedly inlawry noncontributor irido.
@69…….Just to let you know, your “sippy response” is a little dated, if you followed this site on a regular basis, you would know its been here a few times. Quit trolling, go to bed youngster.
JPJason and 3/17AirCav, if you want to have a bitch slapping contest, please take it outside. I’m trying to watch a swordfight. I have to decide if Albert Finney was a better fencer than Stewart Granger. Now please can it.
Thank you.
Yeah I know I was the first one to put it on here. Duh…
I am not new here, come on I have been around for a few years.
@74…. Stewart would win in a heartbeat more athletic
Ansfdlads? Ajnuogdsghi0rd, fvjniosvpr, jirgfdkl thas gkebuguifkl sfddskfuw fjslsdl dkdjk ddkd oovbiw, dd,vkahgsrguio? uhitdAJFOIEGB!!vitri din;e fuv subeefjsu c eiofjasdf di fi xiiklg ss diisjbv skfg asific dio[hsujr sskvm fuxng ag asigvmw dis ghjkwifgps!!
LOOKY THERE, I can just randomly tap my keyboard with my eyes closed, half drunk as well after finishing a feww drinkz afterr an evening shifft , and I can type something ten times more coherent and intelligent than anything vwp has or ever will post here or anywhere else! *BUUUURRP!* G’NIIGHT!!
TIMMME for anothher schoot of BOOOZE!!
*BUUURRRP!* In your face, VWP!
@65 thats why he jumped over people to get in the guard. Who was the family friend you forgot to mention his name. I wonder why! Unsolicited yeah right! You not going to give honorable discharge to cia directors kid? Especially when he is working on a political campaign for the republicans instead of doing his guard duty?
You know I guess he could have went and abandoned his troops as soon as he could then protested the war throwing “his” medals over the White House fence and then as soon as it is convenient to his political campaign report for duty. Then his middle name would be “you know I was in Vietnam” and be known as the second greatest Secretary of State this country has ever known…cause we all know that Hillary is the bestest evah!!!!
(The above statement is made in complete jest and meant not to be taken seriously. John Kerry does in fact suck balls.)
Aside from being boringly repetitive, vwp, your desperate need for attention is showing, just like the hem of your slip.
I have no idea who the family friend was, nor do I care. If you don’t like Bush, fine, I don’t care. That’s your business, but the rest of it? You don’t know the difference between dogging something and dodging something?
You have no argument to offer. You don’t have a clue about debate. You are illiterate and you don’t even use spellcheck, which compounds your ignorance. You’re a flat-out liar about yourself. You weren’t around in the 60s, never minds the 70s. You’re a johnny-come-lately about everything, but you know nothing.
And did I say boring? Let me repeat that: boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring.
You don’t even have to sign in any more. You leave moose tracks everywhere you go. We know it’s you without your telling us. Here’s my advice to you. Go find a busy highway and start a one-person soccer game in the middle of it.
It is worth noting that while he called it in to the troops, that is not always the case. When it is something Dear Leader really cares about, he goes in person. Note that he and the first lady deigned to grace the illegal immigration hunger strikers with their presence and support. I would gladly give up two years of my life if it could be 2016 already.
I am angry that he did not specifically call a member of the MIL LEZ GHEY BYE and TRAN community.
@77 – How about Stewart Granger vs. Guy Williams (Zorro)?
I’d also like to throw in George Dolenz as Edmund Dantes from the ITC 1956 TV series ‘Count of Monte Cristo’.
Nothing like a good fencing match to stir the adrenaline.