Morons in the gun debate (UPDATED)

| April 3, 2013

The most disturbing part of this whole gun debate is the fact that the people who making these laws aren’t even familiar with what it is that they’re scared, for example take Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette, who according to her staff and the Denver Post has been very active on writing some of the new gun control legislation. Talking about magazines, she explained why it’s important to ban magazines that have more than ten rounds capacity;

“I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

I’m not even sure that is English, but I think she means that she thinks magazines come pre-loaded and after they’re emptied, you toss them. But, see, the explanation from her office is even more disturbing;

“The Congresswoman has been working on a high-capacity assault magazine ban for years, and has been deeply involved in the issue; she simply misspoke in referring to ‘magazines’ when she should have referred to ‘clips,’ which cannot be reused because they don’t have a feeding mechanism,” Johnson said. “Quite frankly, this is just another example of opponents of common-sense gun violence prevention trying to manipulate the facts to distract from the critical issue of keeping our children safe and keeping killing machines out of the hands of disturbed individuals. It’s more political gamesmanship that stands in the way of responsible solutions.”

So even her staff doesn’t know what they’re talking about. The congresswoman was clearly misinformed about magazines, and the staff doesn’t know what “clips” are, either, because Congress isn’t trying to ban “clips”. Clips are dunnage which hold bullets in little clumps so they’re easier to load into a magazine, or directly into a rifle that accommodates that method of loading. But clips haven’t been used in modern rifles since World War Two. I haven’t seen any legislation to control clip capacity. Yet.

Speaking of morons, Jim Carrey is butt hurt because you’ve been telling him to go back to Canada and telling him to disarm his body guards. So he whines in the most common place to complain to conservatives, the Huffington Post;

For those who say I’m a hypocrite because I have an armed bodyguard, lets make one thing clear: No one in my employ is allowed to carry a large magazine and NO ONE IS ASKING ANYONE TO GIVE UP THEIR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, though it is in the vested interests of those who profit by gun sales to make it seem so.

And a guy who has released his first movie in a decade doesn’t have a vested interest in making a big noise about something which he knows nothing. But, yeah, blame the gun companies for your sudden need to be a moron.

I would trade my money, my fame, my reputation and legacy if there were the slightest chance of preventing the anguish of another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, or Sandy Hook Elementary School. I ask you, truly, what manner of human being would not?

Such a humanitarian. I used to enjoy Jim Carrey back when he was funny – when did “In Living Color” go off the air?

I have been aghast at the level of hatred heaped upon me, my family and the people I work with over a mere difference of opinion on this issue. Perhaps my words were a bit harsh at the onset, but calling someone a “Motherf*cker” is far different than wishing them to die. It is shocking to see this concerted effort to brutally intimidate anyone who speaks of a compassionate compromise.

Um, I don’t know how it is in Canada, but here in the US, calling someone a “motherf*cker” usually escalates the argument, but, I’ve only spent a few days in Canada, for all I know, there it’s a job description or a skill set folks brag about. Or aboot.

No one is allowed to own a bazooka. In a movie theater an assault rifle with a 100-round drum magazine can cause just as much damage.

Detn8r told me in the office the other day that we should issue all potential spree shooters a 100-round drum because every time one has been used in a spree shooting, the infernal thing jams after a few rounds and becomes useless. And no one is talking about banning 100-round drums, or 99-round drums – they want to ban everything with more than 8 or 10 or 15 rounds. So bringing bazookas into the conversation is mighty stupid.

Every American has the right to bear arms. But it is up to every American to draw the line when it comes to the type of guns that are considered a reasonable means of self-defense.

And we’re supposed to leave it up to someone who calls us “motherf*ckers” to decide how we can defend ourselves?

UPDATE on DeGette; In this video, from Jeff, DeGette tells a constituent that he doesn’t need large capacity magazines because he’s probably going to die anyway;

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Powerpoint Ranger

This article is worth a read. It’s an account of someone who has had the chance to interact with and observe both Jim Carrey and Charlton Heston on film/TV sets.

TL;DR version: Heston was pure class and kind to everyone. Jim Carrey injured a female co-star while being a careless dumbass, laughed about it and didn’t bother to apologize or show any concern whatsoever for what his actions caused.


Clips are outlawed? (They only fly if you use a rubber band).

Are those the clips she’s talking about?

(Now they’re gonna confiscate my rubber bands?)