Obama: You just don’t get how great I am

| July 13, 2012

If you’ll all excuse a drive by posting by a really busy guy:

Obama told Charlie Rose today that his biggest failing as President was that he didn’t spend enough time communicating how successful he is to the spooked herd of sheeple roaming the American countryside which constitute the voting (or polled) public. You see, he’s been doing a bang up job as President, he just hasn’t worked hard enough to let you know about it. But don’t let me tell you, take it from him:

“The mistake of my first term – couple of years – was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right. And that’s important. But the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times.”
President Obama said he’s fallen short in “explaining, but also inspiring” the American public, which is why he has been spending more time traveling the country.
He continued, “It’s funny – when I ran, everybody said, well he can give a good speech but can he actually manage the job? And in my first two years, I think the notion was, ‘Well, he’s been juggling and managing a lot of stuff, but where’s the story that tells us where he’s going?’ And I think that was a legitimate criticism.”

Get it?

Now of course one can make a convincing argument that Obamacare, the largest give away from the rich and middle class to the poor since LBJ, is a huge PR problem. After all, it’s always been more unpopular than popular yet the Democratic Party has spent the past 50 years winning votes by giving away other people’s money in just such fashion. As George Bernard Shaw once said to inadvertently indicted his own Progressivism, “A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.”

So what’s the disconnect here?

Explaining away the rest of the tangible numbers over the past four years as him not spending enough time with the American public on his knee might prove to be a bit more difficult.

Category: Politics

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@48, The question was still never answered, why use the phrase “Comrade Banana”. They word wasn’t chosen at random, so why was it picked. Maybe it’s a referance that I don’t get. Maybe I’m in the wrong. I just want to know what banana is referancing. Until then, it isn’t a far strech to consider it racist. If he was Mexican, and he said “Comrade Beans”, would your first thought not be that of racism. But, maybe he ran a bean company, then it wouldn’t be racist, just a differant referance. So, I say again, explain the referance that I’m not getting because using the word banana wasn’t at random.


“It is becoming more clear every day that most leftists really are insane. Being mildly delusional is not necessarily dangerous, but seeing things which are not there in every conversation and in every person’s heart is just crazy, and not in a good way.”


Yat Yas 1833

@ 46 Anonymous, it’s “assonance”. Obama/banana. In this case it’s the repetition of the “A”s. My late father taught me over 50 years a go, people are people. When I started dating he said, “I don’t care who you bring home or who you marry. All I have to do is call her my daughter-in-law, YOU gotta live with her!”


Anonymous: the fact that “oil companies set the price of gasoline” is nothing but a persistent myth.

The actual breakout (as of Jan 2012, when gas prices were virtually identical to what they are now) of the cost of a gallon of gasoline is as follows:

Marketing and distribution costs: 6%
Refining costs: 6%
Taxes: 12%
Crude oil costs: 76%

Oil companies thus “control” only approximately 12% of the retail cost of gasoline; taxes and raw material costs account for 88%. And half of the part that oil companies “control” is the cost of refining the gasoline from crude. That is rather essential in having gasoline. The process is very mature and likely cannot be substantially reduced any time soon.

Bottom line: except for panic spikes (like those occurring after Katrina), gasoline prices are pretty much pegged to the cost of crude. Cost of crude goes up, gasoline will go up. Cost of crude goes down, gasoline goes down. They operate generally almost in lockstep.


And supply and demand controls the price of crude. Oil companies don’t.


@49, yes. We have to buy gas, and they set the prices. Go ahead an look at some yearly statement of some of these companies, profits don’t lie. Also, I’ll trust Hondo @41; since June 2009, gas price has increase 85.33%, while in the same time period, oil price has increased only 22%. I’m all ears for a better explanation.


No. 51:
“. . . I just want to know what banana is referancing . . .” —
As far as I am concerned — in my comments here today — I actually reference, ACTUAL, REAL bananas — a well-known food .
(What did I miss ??)


@54, Your input, on @55?


@56- Doc, I believe what we have here is a real-deal, in the peel case of fruitism. It seems our new friend is a potassiumphobe with something against monkey pickles.


@56, so he just randomly picked the word banana while referencing a black president? Just, completely at random. “Hey, it’s not his fault. He just randomly used the word banana and had no idea of its cultural reference in today’s society. He just thinks bananas sum up the president because they are yellow, white inside, and looks like a penis”. Or, is it more probable, that he knew the exact reference to blacks, and that’s why he used it.


@All, why is it that I’m considered a leftist? Left and right are both full of equal amounts of crap. I believe what I actually experience; I’m not set to one doctorate. Drug tests for welfare, damn right, gay rights, all for it, 2nd amendment, pry it from my cold dead fingers, IDs at voting booth, I don’t see the problem. Why do you people have to always see someone as a liberal or conservative?


“…bananas sum up the president because they are yellow, white inside, and looks like a penis”.”

And we have identified the racist……….

Just Plain Jason

I love bananas and I am a cracker. Here is the thing a real leader never gets to blame the guy who had the job before him. He doesn’t get to say well it’s pretty fucked up right now, but don’t you remember how fucked up it was? He walked into the job and was blaming everyone else from day one well sorry as soon as you put on the mantle of leadership that goes out the window. You man up and take the leadership role. It things aren’t going right don’t blame the previous guy, take responsibility, but I don’t think he has done that once in his presidency.


No. 58:
Right, these CULTISTS are pretty strange .

No. 59: — “. . . cultural reference . . .”
Oh no !! —
We are not permitted any more to refer to WHITE & BLACK
(black & white is the conventional order !!).
We are not permitted to refer, in other words, to THE FACTS OF REALITY.
We are not permitted to refer to MORAL OPPOSITES.
Ah-Ha !! — I see now, what the evil socialist philosophers are doing
— shutting down discussion — by inciting SELF-CENSORSHIP .
(among the fools who take on “guilt” — when they’re not even guilty !!)


No. 60: — “. . . not set to one doctorate.” —
Nice for you, and congratulations — I, on the other hand, have ONLY ONE .


@ #60: “you people?” Really???


No. 62 Mr. Jason:
Thanks — you speak THE TRUTH — no question about it .
I like REAL CRACKERS, also .


Anonymous: I would have thought someone who worked in the financial industry would understand the concepts of fixed costs and variable costs. However, here’s a simplified explanation. Gasoline costs have 4 components. One is fixed, two are partially fixed, and one is variable. The fixed component is taxes. (These actually can vary, but in practice do so so slowly that they can be considered fixed.) At current prices, these are about 12% of the total of each gallon of gasoline (on the order of 40-45 cents per gallon). The two partially-fixed components are (1) refining costs (which include refinery profits) and (2) transportation and distribution costs (which include profits for distribution companies and gas stations). Each of these is about 6% of the cost of a gallon of gas at current rates – or about 15-18 cents per gallon. The former (refining costs) generates some profit for oil companies. The latter (transportation/distribution) generally does not. Both include huge amounts of fixed or otherwise necessary overhead costs (costs a bundle to refine the oil and to distribute it to gas stations). The last component is the raw materials costs – e.g., the cost of crude. At current gas prices, this component accounts for about 76% of gas prices – or around $2.60 per gallon. Now, cut crude prices by 1/2. That drops the share of a gallon of gasoline due to crude to approx $1.30 – but it has little effect on refining costs (maybe those costs drop by 10%, or about 2 cents per gallon) or on distribution and transportation (say those costs drop by 20%, or 4 cents per gallon). It has no effect on taxes per gallon. So the new cost of gasoline becomes $1.30 + $0.45 + $0.14 +$0.16 = $2.05. This is a “quick and dirty” calculation, so it’s not exact. But it should be fairly close. So let’s check this analysis against history as a sanity check. Crude oil cost $46.47/barrel on January 23, 2009. Regular grade gasoline cost $1.84/gallon on average. Crude oil cost $84.96 about 2 weeks ago (June 26, 2012). Regular grade… Read more »


@63, so what does that have to do with me not believing that calling him “Comrade Banana” wasn’t him trying to make a racist comment? I’ve got to say that you’ve got the wool way over your eyes if you don’t even see it as a possibility. Here’s a list of ones that could have been used without screaming monkey…
Comrade Liebama
Comrade Cuntbama
Comrade Taxbama
Comrade Lazybama
Comrade Freedomhatingdouchbagbama
Comrade Bastardbama
But no, “Comrade Banana” was chooses for the (cough*bullshit*) reason of that is contains the same amount of syllables as Obama. I’m not on a racist witch-hunt, but you’ve got to be kidding be if your are telling me the first thing you thought of when you saw banana was “Oh how clever, ba-na-na, o-ba-ma! I get it! Man, talk about using assonance to the funniest level possible!”


The banana distraction is ridiculous…..but maybe I’m just not up on whats trendy in racism nowadays.

Obama’s narcissism is a shame, but it too is a distraction from his damaging policies.

It’s unfortunate that we don’t really have a better, viable alternative in November. More of the same in a different suit.


“He just randomly used the word banana and had no idea of its cultural reference in today’s society”

I seem to have missed something. If bananas have replaced the watermelon as the forbidden fruit of racist jokes, then my milkshake has alot of explaining to do, and fast. Also, I hereby denounce Harry Belafonte as a foaming at the mouth racist for his anti- black screed “The Banana Boat Song” (Day-O). Fuck that racist prick, right in his racist face.


Never forget — the Party Liners want TO WASTE YOUR TIME AND YOUR LIFE, on, the inconsequential, the unremarkable, the arbitrary, the made-up (THE UNREAL) .

Yat Yas 1833

You complained about being called a leftist then you pull this. I’m not going to explain myself to you anymore. You are convinced I’m a racist and that’s that.


MR. HONDO !! — (ALL your brilliant BUSINESS/ECONOMICS lessons):
You are the Good Professor here !!
(There are so few good ones anywhere.)
I learn, every time I read your comments .


So, the bottom line is that someone who chooses not to even ID him/her/itself wants to let us know that he/she/it took a single word as a racist qord. OK – I do believe most of us got that the first time it was posted.

So far, this country is still free enough for you to believe whatever you want to believe based on whatever exaggerated delusions you wish to use to justify whatever it is that you want to see. (Yes, you see racisim there because it is your choice to see it.)

Then again, telling us over and over again does nothing to bolster the argument. It is your belief, but repeating it didn’t change the fact that I (and evidently several others here) did not see what you saw, anon.



or even “word,” not qord…

(Is that maybe Klingon for banana?)


@67, no, you obviously know more about the complexities of oil precaution then I do. I understand fixed costs and variable costs, but you’ve calling into question my knowledge of finance because I’m not as well informed as you about oil precaution. With that sort of hubris, I guess that you are well versed in fixed and variable costs of almost every industry out there.

Yat Yas 1833

@ 48 OWB, I’ll be offended if you DON’T off me some banana pudding!?:) Do you make it like my mom does with Nilla Wafers and sliced up bananas layered in?

The day I graduated recruit training mom broke out with a bowl of “Pudding Stuff”, as we call it, right there on the grinder at MCRD San Diego! She brought it all the way from Phoenix in an ice chest in the trunk of her car! Pudding Stuff never tasted so good!


Anonymous: no, I don’t claim omniscience in that area. I actually don’t work in either finance or the oil industry. But I would have thought you could have figured this out for yourself after you looked at the first article I cited, given your background in finance and the raw data contained in the article and otherwise readily available.

It only took me about 20 min to do the research and write each of the above comments relating to gasoline pricing. And I’m no expert in economics, finance, or the oil industry.


@74, Anonymous is a screen name, so how does OWB identify yourself? Are you not just as anonymous as I? So what does that have anything to do with my statements?

Yat Yas 1833

@ 48 OWB, I’ll be offended if you DON’T offer me some banana pudding!?:) Do you make it like my mom does with Nilla Wafers and sliced up bananas layered in?

The day I graduated recruit training mom broke out with a bowl of “Pudding Stuff”, as we call it, right there on the grinder at MCRD San Diego! She brought it all the way from Phoenix in an ice chest in the trunk of her car! Pudding Stuff never tasted so good!


No, OWB (@75) – Qord isn’t Klingon. He’s a Star Wars character. (smile)



@81- Damyoo! Beat me to it.


Anonymous: this blog’s software attaches the name “Anonymous” to all who fail to provide a name when commenting. Most who comment regularly here use a consistent screen name. It helps prevent misunderstandings concerning who said what, and is also considered much more socially acceptable here than posting as “Anonymous”.

Some here choose to use their true name. Some use a constant persona but make no secret of their true identity. Others use a constant persona but opt not to reveal their actual identity. All of these are considered preferable to posting as “Anonymous”, if for no other reason than clarity in interpreting who said what.


OK, OK, Yat! Here’s your Pudding Stuff!!

Of COURSE it’s layers of ‘nilla wafers, bananas and pudding. Vanilla pudding – none of that artificial flavor junk. Homemade vanilla, too, just in case you didn’t recognize it. (Used to get great vanilla from Mexico, but times change.)


No, ROS – I’m not Dam Yoo. She’s a dancer – from Korea, I think. (smile)


Yer killin’ me, Smalls.


@ #79: Well, no, actually.

@ #81: But lower case qord – would not to offend Qord.

And Yat – pass that Pudding Stuff back here! I forgot to put the real whipped cream on top!!


OWB: Well, I did find one other definition for “qord”. But I don’t think that one’s exactly apropos in this context.


@88- WHY did I look that up?????


ROS: I’d guess you know now why I didn’t post a link.


Indeed. It was humorous, though. 🙂


And perhaps why I am claiming it is Klingon for banana? Yes, I am sticking with that claim.

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, maybe you should talk to Jonn and compile a list of banned words! You know, real “1984”, right speak and all.

May I offer “coconut”? It’s used by home boys from the barrio to denigrate those of us who rose above that life style, i.e, “That vato is a purro ‘coconut’, esse.” I’m called a coconut because they say I’m brown on the outside but white on the inside. It hurts my feelings so I don’t want anyone here to ever use that word again! *sniff* To hell with the fact it’s a tropical fruit that makes a wonderful pie, some good ‘foofy’ mixed drinks, a great shrimp dish and is in my favorite cake!

How about “cracker”? Or “zebra”? Maybe “Oreo”? Let’s not forget “Boy”! I’m gonna miss my Davey Crockett “coon” skin cap. C’mon guys, a little help here!


Yat Yas 1833: Can’t reply – would have to use a banned word. Sorry. (smile)

Hell, can we even say “He went apeshit!” anymore when talking about a guy who loses it and goes berserk? Wouldn’t that be potentially racist as well as scatological? And, according to the late George Carlin, that’s the same as saying “bananas” anyway! (smile)

Seriously, I agree with you. I understand why some words are offensive, but the “racist” implications of many terms leave me scratching my head. And the willingness of some to see everything through a racist lens has always baffled me.

Look for something hard enough and you’ll find it – even if it isn’t really there.


Sorry guys – at least some of those, with a little imagination, can be turned into an actual slur. My favorite non-pc word will always be “articulate.” But I also agree that most of the “code words” are beyond me how anyone can twist them into anything negative.

Kinda makes we want to sign up for a creative writing class somewhere. Maybe they would have a list of words which can are still allowed for use by normal people who don’t particularly want to offend anyone? Probably a very short list.


Well hell’s bells…and here I was thinking I was the only flaming racist at this site. Anonymous, I promise I’ll try to work in a banana reference next time I post a piece about our affirmative action president. How about comparing the Obama economy to a rotting blackened banana, hmm?

Got that Insipid?…Insipid?

Insipid…are you out there, Insipid?



OWB: certainly they can. However, so can virtually any standard English term by those with closed minds who are also fixated on the issue.

I’ve actually seen published accounts of people objecting to the term “black hole” (being used properly to refer to something that consumes resources profligately and with insatiable appetite) as being racist.



There is a “N” that means same thing as “stingy” which is avoided at all costs. African Americans objected to the use of this word because it had a connotation to the other “N” word. Supposedly many famous authors have used the “word” such as Mark Twain and quite liberally. Heck, I read a book by Special Forces Colonel Charlie Beckwith in early 80s and he used it more than a few times – I know what he meant, but it was a little jarring and yeah I wouldn’t use it – unless I had a death wish.


Hondo, do a search for John Wiley Price, a Dallas, Tx, county commissioner. He considers “black hole”, “angel food cake” and “devil’s food cake” to all be “racist terms”.
Of course, he’s a moron, but….Wait, was that racist, too?


No. 96: — Well, there goes half my Louisiana cuisine —
can’t use any more [BLACKENED out] fish, etc. All my buddies here in Baton Noir . . I mean Rouge, won’t like doing without .