A new career in the Army for one wounded warrior

| July 12, 2012

David sends us a link to a story about Sgt. 1st Class Josh Olson who thought his career in the Army had ended at the site of a roadside blast in Iraq where he lost his right leg, but that wasn’t how he wanted it to end;

Nine years since the day that changed his life, Olson isn’t just still writing his Army story, he is creating new chapters as a pioneer and inspiration to a generation of wounded veterans and Soldiers.

When Olson, a member of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, participates in the 2012 Paralympic Games opening ceremonies Aug. 29 in London, he will officially become the first combat-injured active-duty service member to ever take part in the event.

Through competitions and World Cups, Olson did well enough to secure a spot for the U.S. in rifle competition. In turn, the U.S. Selection Committee picked Olson to compete in two rifle event at the Games.

“When I got the call it was such a relief,” said Olson, who will compete in Mixed 50m Prone Rifle and Mixed 10m Air Rifle. “I felt like 500 pounds was taken off my back. I sat down and knew I would never have to carry that weight again. Now I could focus on the games as well as getting the new guys here to the unit.”

Not satisfied with his own rehabilitation, Olson also concentrates on the other wounded warriors as they return home to an uncertain future;

The poster child for humility, Olson recognizes he is setting examples all over the place for Soldiers who have been severely injured in combat. He said he looks forward to the day years from now when he can look back on this chapter in his life and see its results.

You should read the rest of the story.

Category: Military issues

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This is so many levels of awesome; I’m not ashamed to admit that I tear up at every paralympics commercial I see.

These men and women are simply amazing. Team USA – FY!

Green Thumb

SFC Olson leads the way.

Setting the example.


Truly a STRAC trooper. Awe-inspiring.

AW1 Tim

Absolutely wonderful story. Thanks for posting this. Anytime I feel frustrated with my own pain levels and problems, I think about guys like this and feel so humbled.

God bless ’em all.