I’m sorry, did my back scratch your knife?
melle1228 sends us a link from the Army Times in which John McCain throws military retirees under the bus.
“Military retirees and their families deserve the best possible care in return for a career of military service, and nothing less,” McCain said on the Senate floor during debate on the $526 billion defense authorization bill for fiscal 2012.
“But we cannot ignore the fact that health care costs will undermine the combat capability and training and readiness of our military if we don’t begin to control the cost growth now,” he said.
You know what else undermines our military capabilities? Throwing taxpayer dollars down the dark hole of the Education Department and the Commerce Department. And hiring legions of lawyers for the Environmental Protection Agency…but I don’t see anyone threatening those agencies.
And, oh, yeah, in a related article from the Army Times, McCain is reportedly thinking about pulling our Tricare Prime out from under us;
McCain, ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has proposed barring military retirees from signing up for Tricare Prime, the least expensive Tricare option available to them.
Yeah, well, fuck you, too, ya pencil-dick moron. So how do I get my youth back after fulfilling my end of the contract, fuckhead? After yapping about supporting the troops, he has no problem sticking it right up our collective ass now.
Where the fuck is the American Legion, the VFW and DAV now? Yeah, they write mean editorials, but why aren’t they camped outside of this fuckstick’s office? Dave Rehbein went straight to Obama’s office when Obama tried to buttfuck us. Where is Fang Wong?
Category: Veteran Health Care
@49-51. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Well I’m not sure about the time frame in which the germans died but if it was after the Malmedy massacre I’m sure they weren’t too worried about it and maybe could have been a small middle finger to the germans. Who knows? I’m at Campbell right now and I’m pretty sure we have more aviation assets here than any other post in the army. 2 full aviation brigades plus the 160th. There are always tons of birds in the air at any given time.
Moron…so, tell us about your military service.
Did you man up and serve…or not?
If you never served, then shut your cock holster, boy.
And if you did, thank you for your service…and you can still shut your cock holster.
#39, a troll posting under numerous names? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!!!! That cannot be, those more enlightened than the knuckle draggers who post here can’t be duplicitous, by definition. They are the ones they’ve been waiting for. Just ask Joey.
Or, is it more likely that .03 lied, much like his Moron alter-ego?
@53. We–the 2/17–were in our own corner of the Campbell world. Cobras, Loaches, and the queen herself–the Huey. Good luck to you Rak187.
Ahem, gentlemen, you still haven’t defended your lavish “Pensions for POGs” program. Congratulations on being able to use a GeoIP locator, though, and yes this place is speeeec-tacular.
So in other words, fuckstick, no, you never served.
Got it. And SLO ain’t all that, homeslice. It’s a so-so college town with a bunch of old money in it. Trust me, BTDT, got the t-shirt.
It’s interesting that if you don’t have a good answer to something, you resort to attempts at intimidation and rage to try to get around it.
Hey asshole. You. Moron. No one has to explain, justify, or defend anything to you, you dried hunk of vomit.
Woah, hey now, “dried hunk of vomit”? Them’s playground fightin’ words.
Yeah, you like the playground where you can watch the little kids and play with yourself, you shit.
…who would even think of responding like that?
Do you have a reply for comment number 36 Rueta?
Yeah, I think he has valid points that there are exceptions to the general rule that people in the military are economically very well cared for, but I don’t think those exceptions are powerful enough to override the general point of my troll premise.
@63. Me, you puke because pedophiles are the most loathesome creatures on the planet and when I think loathesome, I think pedophile and when I read your crap I think “Now, there’s a loathesome piece of shit.” You probably didn’t get that the first time around, moron, so re-read it slowly.
I don’t get it, are you accusing me of being a pedophile now?
Is this POS insipid too?
Do I taste bland to you?
Insipid or not, it’s certainly a faggot.
Could you tell that by the taste?
Somebody else can deal with the penis vaccuum. I’m done with it.
Alright, fun is fun. Here’s the point: As the first person who could read my name backward realized, yes I’m trolling. Your values here are so incredibly lop-sided one can’t help but notice how furiously you screech against public-sector employee unions, and any sort of entitlements (usually no matter how small) for the rest of society. It’s starting to get embarrassing to other vets.
Not just TAH, but the entire so-called “milblog” community, where on any given day you can find outrage over the rest of our society getting virtually anything back from its tax dollars other than DoD contracts, from veterans that are ironically opposed to any cuts in their own lavish benefits packages, or even demanding even more benefits.
Has anyone noticed that whenever Barry goes out in public and steps on his dick, or his poll numbers go lower in the toilet, places like TAH, among many others gets over-run by trolls?
Guess those denizens of the 51% who pay no taxes aren’t getting enough of “their” tax dollars back, right, .03, or whatever name you go by this hour?
“It’s starting to get embarrassing to other vets.”. And, you’d know that how?
They pay taxes, but despite the fact that we live in a very wealthy country in terms of simply dividing GDP by population, 51% of the country (by your calculation) doesn’t even make enough money to pay very much income tax (they still pay the myriad of other taxes).
The point that a lot of people are trying to make, and the main thrust of movements like OWS, is that wealth inequality (low wages despite high corporate earnings) is sinking liquidity. No money is moving because it is stagnating in isolated wealth pools of the “1%”, people who have the power to control wages. It’s a problem.
And the reason it’s embarrassing is because you as military retirees are not prone to the same hazards that the society that works to fund you are prone to. It reflects on all veterans when you have such utter disregard and animus for the well-being of the machinery that makes your well-compensated career possible.
“And the reason it’s embarrassing is because you as military retirees are not prone to the same hazards that the society that works to fund you are prone to.”
And what hazards are those? I don’t think anyone would bitch if the cuts to military retirees were being mirrored by the other social programs like medicare, social security, welfare, etc., but they’re not. Plus, if you are a student of historical documents, you may have noticed that the military is one of the few enumerated powers of the federal government in the Constitution.
Since you keep harping about the 1%; can you tell me how much of the overall tax bill they pay? How about the top 10%? If you want to look at inequality, look at the tax code.
It is incapable of rational thought.
What was the topic again?
Lets talk about the government shut down were active duty Service Members had to come to work when they were not getting paid and had to deal with only getting half of their pay check?
Yeah, I think he has valid points that there are exceptions to the general rule that people in the military are economically very well cared for, but I don’t think those exceptions are powerful enough to override the general point of my troll premise. Tell that to the public union retirees who make six-figures in RETIREMENT PAY. Had I stayed in for 20, and assuming I made CPO, I’d be pulling in about $1800 per month, before taxes. Tell me, would you rather be one of those guys who gets a job in a school system, or as a fireman or cop and make AT LEAST 4-5 TIMES that? And you have the audacity to claim WE’RE the ones overcompensated for our service? Tell me, when’s the last time a public school teacher had to hump a 100-lb ruck over a few dozen miles? When’s the last time a cop stayed on station for 2 1/2 MONTHS at a time? (Oh, and for the record, yeah, I know how to fight fires too–even got to fight a few real ones, thanks for asking.) 51% of the country (by your calculation) doesn’t even make enough money to pay very much income tax You once again show your woeful ignorance of history. Go back even just 20-25 years and look up the tax rates back then. In that era, virtually EVERYONE paid into the system. Only when your boy Billy Jeff came up with the EIC did the moocher class really come into play. the main thrust of movements like OWS, Well fuck me with a pineapple, why didn’t they just say so, instead of raping, overdosing, and coming down with scabies, lice, and drug-resistant TB? So was it the 1 percent that these “protestors” were keeping from going to work/school yesterday? Hmmmm? military retirees are not prone to the same hazards that the society that works to fund you Go suck start a fucking shotgun, boy. Show me a veteran who retires after 20 who doesn’t go to work when they leave the service, and I’ll show you a guy who… Read more »
>don’t think anyone would bitch if the cuts to military retirees were being mirrored by the other social programs like medicare, social security, welfare, etc., but they’re not.
BINGO! They are singling out Veterans only… When they cut the DOE like they are cutting military obligation; call me.
>It’s interesting that if you don’t have a good answer to something, you resort to attempts at intimidation and rage to try to get around it..>
A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. –Bruce Lee
Old Trooper, as a retiree (if you are one) you will never go without. You will get a paycheck every month for the rest of your life, you will have healthcare at an extremely affordable rate regardless of what happens to you. Virtually nobody else in society has that. And yet you are begrudging the fact that programs that provide minimal services to just keep people alive exist for people, most of whom have worked their whole lives. I think if you see all these people as lazy couch potatoes just mooching off the system that reflects the very insulated and protected life you have lived.
And I’m not actually against military retirement benefits. I just think it’s ridiculous that you defend with vigor your right to collect vastly superior retirement packages as a veteran, but you’ll begrudge public sector employees, or people protesting in the streets for better pay and more reasonable financial regulation to prevent such wealth inequality.
The problem with your question is that you’re going to tell me that the “1% pays 30 to 50% (depending on what stats you pick) of the tax burden”. While true, if you delve deeper into the numbers you’ll find that the 1% carrying such a large tax burden of the over all national tax load, it’s still roughly about 15 to 20% of their earnings. The often cited statement is that per-dollar they make, the 1% pays a lower tax rate than their secretaries.
But even still, this misses the point. I don’t care how much they’re paying in taxes, the problem is wage depression and lack of hiring. Sending money to the government in the form of taxes might provide the services needed by people out of work or out of luck, but it won’t really hire them unless you want to have a centralized economy that funds everything in terms of a perpetual stimulus project.
NHSparky, calm down and read rationally.
For example, yeah 20 to 25 years ago the level of wealth inequality wasn’t as much of a problem, so people *could* pay in to the system. Now wages are so depressed that more and more people *can’t* pay into the system.
Your tax policy sounds like setting up a cargo cult around bygone eras to try to rekindle their spirit, not addressing the identifiable issue causing brokeness: wealth inequality.
Paying taxes isn’t like titheing. You’re not going to magically find more money in your pocket through some convoluted spiritual means just because more people pay taxes.
And didn’t the Republicans run on this platform that Barack Obama was going to raise taxes on poor people? And now they’re talking about “widening the base”… Hmm….. Hmmmmmmmmm….
>You will get a paycheck every month for the rest of your life, you will have healthcare at an extremely affordable rate regardless of what happens to you
Ding Ding Dong–Try again.. Please see teacher’s retirement, police officer’s retirement, fireman etc. There are a lot in the system who retain bennies BETTER than what Veterans get..
The top ten teachers in Illinois will make over $200,000 a year for their pensions.
Yeah, here’s a little article on the “main thrust” of the Occutards. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/11/17/ows-protesters-chant-follow-those-kids-as-small-children-try-to-go-to-school-on-wall-street/
You try to legitimize a “movement” that has at it’s core the goal of denying others the ability to earn a wage and educate their children.
Oh, and Sparky, my pension from the PD is not quite double your $1800/month. Not a complaint, it’s still more than Social Security would have been for a similar work history. Just saying, don’t assume that retirees from a PD/FD in flyover country get what they get on the left coast or the liberal east coast.
I’m pretty sure my pension will be just enough to pay my mortgage. How again is that overcompensation? Even with TSP and roth IRA that’s not going to cut it for sustainability. Definetly not gonna stop working just because I have a military pension. The “thrust” of OWS seems to be spoiled rotten little punks that feel they don’t need to work their way up the ladder and deserve to enter through the roof just because they have a piece of paper with the D word on it. and if their message is different, they’re sure doing a shitty job (pun intended) of getting it out there. Their sense of entitlement is failing them. It just doesn’t work like that.
But you are ignoring what retirees from the military have to do to reach that twenty year mark. If you think it is such a cake walk why not enlist and do tweanty and see if you still have the same view.
And lest you think that it is just Illinois- here is New Hampshire..
melle1228, ten teachers will make over $200,000/year in pensions. Ten. Out of the thousands of teachers in Illinois. What is the total pension cost of an O-10 at retirement? But I guess I could spin that as just a “soldier’s” retirement pay, right? Instead of specifying exactly what rank they held.
And more info on how military retirees aren’t rare… In fact, based on the numbers military Vets get shafted.
Sporkmaster, I’ve been in the military and out of the military. Trust me, life was much more cush inside the military as far as income security. And I was in the part that actually gets wet.
So you are suggesting heavier taxes on the 1%…on corporate America?
Just how will that create jobs?
As for your point that “…per-dollar they make, the 1% pays a lower tax rate than their secretaries…”; when secretaries begin to have the capital to build businesses of any size, hire train and maintain a work force AND comply with the burden of local, state and federal regulations…then and only then will I begin to be concerned about that supposed discrepancy.
Private sector investment and success create jobs that bring about viable, healthy economies, communities and nations…the .gov or the .mil have roles, but are not the main engine for economic success.
Redacted1775, your pension is enough to pay for a mortgage?! Jesus, I bet a lot of people would like to have that.
>Ten. Out of the thousands of teachers in Illinois.
Good try, but if you look at my last link you will see that just in Illinois alone:
“Based upon current rules more than 25,000 public employees will have $100K plus pensions by 2020.”
Proof of service?
Virtually nobody else in society has that.
Bullshit. It’s called Medicare. And for the record, if I were over 65, I’d have an easier time finding a PCP who accepts Medicare over Tricare.
Social security, should it still be around when I turn 65, will pay more than 50 percent more than what I would have received in retirement pay had I stayed in for 20-plus years.
I see people drawing SS disability for shit like your neighbor in California. You remember him–the fat fuck who sits around his house all day, shitting in an adult diaper becase he wants to play baby?
Vastly superior? Try what members of Congress get. Try what civil servants get–AND THEY OFTEN PAY NOTHING for their care, no copayments, no deductibles.
And the top 1 percent pulls in 18-20 percent of the income (depending on year) and pays 37-40 percent of the taxes. That’s the IRS’s data, not mine. Now 25 years ago, they had 15 percent of the income, but paid only 25 percent of the taxes.
That’s right, big boy–they pay MORE now relative to what they did when Reagan was president.
Compare that to the bottom 50 percent. Then as now, the bottom 50 percent pull in about 15 percent of income, but in 1986, they paid 7 percent of taxes. Today? Barely 2 percent. And we’re being told that WE are supposed to give more?
Oh, and the average tax rate of the top 10 percent is over 10 TIMES HIGHER than those in the bottom 50 percent.
Hey, shitbrick–I pay OVER 40 percent of my income in taxes before I ever see a dime. 25 percent federal taxes, 15.3 percent in Social Security (with my employer’s match) and throw state taxes, etc., on top of that. Yet I STILL see people quitting jobs because they’ve gamed the system to the point that they know what income levels they have to stay under to get free medical, food stamps, EIC, etc., etc., etc.
Don’t fucking tell me about cush, you slimy little fuck.
Alot of people do, and alot don’t seem to realize something like that is EARNED.
Spigot, I think the critical part that you are missing there isn’t that corporations are low on cash for investing, it’s that they aren’t investing. It’s not because they’re evil, it’s because all other things being equal it’s smart to not invest your money until you’re sure which direction the market is going.
The problem is that that behavior that is good for an individual company is bad for the overall economy. At that point it is the government’s job to prevent a depression by preventing them from simply pooling more money that should be going into the rest of the economy. They can do this by incentivizing hiring, or taxing the companies and creating work projects that create demand, or just by taxing them and redistributing the wealth in the form of entitlements to maintain basic living conditions… things like medicare, medicaid, etc.
Redacted1775, a lot of people work in this society. The problem that is being driven home is that due to wealth inequality, a lot of people aren’t getting out of the system what they put into it.
NHSparky, I think you are completely divorced from reality if you believe that even a large portion of people who live on food stamps, SS, and medicaid are there because they want to be.
Seems to me most of the OWS crowd want it handed to them.