Meet Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich

| June 16, 2011

UPDATE: Nicholas Androsky died on Saturday February 22, 2014.

Someone at the RTB sent me these pictures with a story about how this guy showed up for his son’s stepfather’s graduation from basic training at Fort Benning dressed like this. According to our source, the MPs escorted his monkey ass off post;

Notice that on the desk in the last picture, the nose picker even had a Green Beret to round out the ensemble. I’m surprised the MPs didn’t shoot him on sight out of fear.

“He’s coming right at us!!”

Added: His real name is Nick Androsky according to someone who found his Facebook profile . Check his photos “Routine Patrol” and the one of him jumping at 30,000 feet from the Space Shuttle, I suppose.

Second Add Sporkmaster: Just to remove any questions about the Combat Badges crossing over from Army to Air Force that the regulations do not allow it. This is on page 149.

Permanent assignment denotes non TDY status. This rule also applies to other badges or patches i.e., Army Combat Patches earned or awarded by sister service components. Upon Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to an Air Force unit the member will remove them.

Also anyone who has received the CIB, CMB, CAB, or CAR can have it converted to the new Combat Action Medal. (Which our resident POS is wearing on the top row next to the Silver Star.)

Scott sends these screenshots of his Facebook Wall before he tore it down;

ADDED 6-21-2011: The guy at “Copy All” has uncovered Androsky’s appeal for his court martial, apparently for drug use back in 2004. Thanks to Chris for the link.

ADDED July 20, 2011: We have Androsky’s actual military records, now.

Category: General Whackos, Phony soldiers

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Frankly Opinionated

With a birthday of Born on November 8, 1978, he would be what? 33. Do the math on an 18 year old kid, and he was 15 when son was born. Holy shit, he was a stud before he was a stud. Studly sucker, eh?

Frankly Opinionated

“S” Shit Kyle Barwan can’t hold a candle to this guy. He has it ALL!


…third rack from the top, dead center…that’s clearly a Battle Of Yavin with Lightsaber Cluster.


82nd Airborne Photo? Maybe?
similar photo, different angle, bottom left here:

Toothless Dawg

Damn, once I stopped laughing all I could think of was, “WTF?”

Frankly Opinionated

I just grabbed this from his FB album showing the jump:
Wayne Stinnett: Poser! That’s a CH-46 Sea Knight MARINE helicopter, which can’t go higher than 12,500′. And those are MARINES doing a HALO jump. Looks to be a few years old, too. They’re wearing woodland camo. Here’s a better image of that exact picture:

Wayne Stinnett

He’s blocked access to his facebook pictures now. God, I hate posers.

Open Channel D

After 36 years in the Navy, I only have 8 rows of ribbons and only one warfare device. I feel like so much less a man.

BTW, that’s toupee he’s wearing.


Good networking everyone, take him down.

Amos Robinson

He’s certainly an all-around kind of guy! Seriously though, was this meant as a joke?

Wayne Stinnett

Top row visible: Silver Star, AF Combat Action Medal (out of order).
Second row visible: Distinguished Flying Cross, Airmans Medal.
Third row visible: Bronze Star with Oak Leaf, Purple Heart.
Fourth row visible: Meritorious Medal, Air medal.
Fifth row visible: JS Commendation Medal, JS Achievement Medal.

I could go on, but he’s apparently got just about every medal the Air Force gives.

AW1 Tim

Sigh……. his facebook page is gone now. I so wanted to “share” some of his stuff with others.


Well, I’ll be a sonofabiotch! This dude is like one heavy duty god damn *stud*! Damn it, boy! *Popping muh collar*….emmmmmm! My boy & manhood just went down the ol Mississippi, sonofabiotch! Somebody send the USCG after my manhood….the undertow just got me! LOL!


The uniform just isn’t complete, it seems to be missing something.

Got it, a 1st Cav patch would even everything out a make it perfect.


He a supa duty *stud*! Think he’d qualify for IVAW? Hot potato’s…..Lilyea, you’ve been out-studded bro! *Sizzling* hawt!


Oh *snap*! Leave it to Daniel to mention the 1st Cav patch….kill roy! hehe!

Wayne Stinnett

Close Melony. Here’s the actual image:

As you can see, they’re jumping from a Marine Sea Knight chopper.

Old Tanker

Daniel….that has to be the first phony I’ve seen without one!!


That’d be numba two(2) Old Tanker…..

Frankly Opinionated

This post took Jonn’s Anger Management post right off the table. This is better than Kyle Barwan.


Wrong article, whatever. But I just came across this today.

The SWAT team that murdered Guerena was cleared of any wrongdoing by their peers:

I haven’t seen it reported here, and I know you guys have been trying to follow the story.


thanks Wayne…I guess I should have posed the question..couldn’t that be a “stock” photo, found on any military site…

Frankly Opinionated

Melony: I first saw that photo while looking through the military’s own photo albums online. He snatched it from that one, as he did with the “routine patrol” photo.


@ #72….Yea that was a couple of posts back, bro.


Thanks! I kinda thought so when I first saw the photos..

Wayne Stinnett

That’s how I found it Frankly. Did a google image search for “haol jump” and it was the second image.

Wayne Stinnett

Make that “halo jump”.

The Sniper

In the former Soviet Union this dude would have less medals than a private.

You know what this is? This is Medal Bukakke and this guy is the champ.


Damn it Sniper! ROFLMAO!

Cedo Alteram

Sorry for possible double post.

Whoa, don’t these guys have any honor? To try to pull this crap at Benning of all places too. ASS!

Prosecute and humiliate. Its the only way they’ll learn.


I personally know several bad ass team guys with 25+ years in and they don’t have half the salad this fucktard has. And the badges.. really dude? If that didn’t tip the spectators off, thebloused desert boots with the dress uniform alone should have gotten his ass kicked! Go home and kill yourself!

I wonder when his tour in Antarctica was?

Old Tanker


Dunno Wayne, looks like a Chinook to me….look at the windows…

MSgt. Jeremy Sims

This is just disrespectful in every damn way i would have smoked his ass if i would have seen him with that green beret we have to earn that you shouldent even be able to buy that stuff with out a Military ID but nothing less this is as funny as hell!!


None of you caught that this “Man” is wearing a /ladies/ Class-a Coat??!?!11??!1?

Old Trooper

#85: If the dude was making a semi-serious attemnpt, I would be right along with you in the anger department, but this is so bad you can’t do anything but laugh. Plus, he got on to Benning dressed like that in the first place, which makes me more angry than what Soup Sammich is attempting to wear.


I caught a bit of his fb page and he had 300+ friends and was all about promoting religion and his combat experience. Just like Matthis, his photo examples of combat experience never actually identified him. However, I am suspect about the backstory of him attending his kid’s BCT graduation. Not sure where that came from in all this mess… Besides all the age issues previously discussed, on AKO there are only five other people with his last name. One is a future soldier/DEP from Michigan. The others couldn’t be a recent BCT grad. While one never assumes kids have the last name of their parents, there is more to the story surrounding his attempt to get on post.

Frankly Opinionated

Somewhere an institution is missing an idiot.


Also has a Humanitarian Service Medal (middle, second row from bottom.) Guess in between all his high-speed, low-drag missions he was saving kittens too. Me, I had to clean up Guam for mine.

Jesus, I try to spend ONE night with my girlfriend and I miss all this?


Holy ballheaded ape shit, they let one escape.

Judge Judy

@ CPT Me: Not only did he show up looking like that on Family Day at BCT, he tried to lock up a 1SG. I used to work with the guy that took the pictures. This dude claimed to be the father of a trainee and wanted to speak to someone about how this cat was getting treated… Unbelievable.

Judge Judy

Key word being “Claimed”– was not related to the kid


If you’re gonna be a fake, read the frickin’ manual… holy cripes!


The SOB needs to be shot


This poor SOB truly has big holes in his sea bag. He looks like he went to a surplus store and told them to give him one of everything……moron!

Spouse of a real soldier

Put his ass in the military so he gains a little respect for what are men and women do for this country!


I think that should have shot him just to put him out of his misery.


“Ov’ corse’ I’m an Amerikan; why you ask me such? I looove Amerika. Is great country, or wha? Yebitz!”

What a pathetic jerk; a walking, talking rectum of the highest order.


It is a CH-47. The external engine pods are the dead give away. I’ll remember the difference ’till I die, my first jumps with the Paramule team at USMAPS were at Quantico out of a CH-46. Engines are inside the fuselage, no pods – REALLY loud in there!