Yeah, that’s what’s important

| February 17, 2011

With Iranian ships steaming towards the Suez Canal and the Israeli coast, with Iran’s nuclear plans proceeding after recovering from the Stuxnet worm, with Hezbollah running Lebanon, the US decides to join the Palestinians in opposing new Israeli settlements;

The U.S. informed Arab governments Tuesday that it will support a U.N. Security Council statement reaffirming that the 15-nation body “does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity,” a move aimed at avoiding the prospect of having to veto a stronger Palestinian resolution calling the settlements illegal.

But the Palestinians rejected the American offer following a meeting late Wednesday of Arab representatives and said it is planning to press for a vote on its resolution on Friday, according to officials familar with the issue. The decision to reject the American offer raised the prospect that the Obama adminstration will cast its first ever veto in the U.N. Security Council.

Yay! Our first Security Council vote will be in support of Hamas. See how smart is our diplomacy!

Thanks to ROS and Old Trooper for the link.

And, oh, Jimmy Carter tells us that the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing to be afraid of. So I guess we should start worrying now, given Carter’s record.

Old Trooper sends a link says Iran has canceled their plans to sail through the Suez to Syria.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter

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Doc, Joey just throws shit at the wall to see what sticks. He has yet to source anything, and if he does, it’ll probably be from DU or Kos. Or, maybe OFA or MediaMatters?


The N.Y. Times.

Old Trooper

Will you answer my questions, Joe?


’97 was eons ago, Old Trooper. Yassir Arafat is dead, different Israeli and Palestinian PM’s, the Sept. 11th attacks had not yet occurred, not the wars with Hezbollah in Lebanon or Hamas in Gaza. Instead of looking back 14 years, how about dealing with the present?

Old Trooper

Why? You want to go back to 1967; right? Also, Hamas was involved back in ’97, or are you too naive to believe they didn’t exist back then? They had the opportunity for lasting peace 14 years ago, but it wasn’t good enough. Are the Israelis supposed to sit around and wait until the Palestinians are ready? Screw that. Maybe Poland should give back East Prussia to Germany? I mean, Poland was given that land after WWI, after all.

It all comes down to the Palestinians don’t have shit to bargain with. If it wasn’t for the benevolence of Israel, they would all be living in Jordan and Egypt right now. Maybe someone should sit Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as the rest of the Palestinians, and tell them to knock off the attacks and maybe Israel would be inclined to negotiate? Until then, it sucks to be them.

If we’re talking the present; fine, then the land belongs to Israel and they can do with it what they wish.


Just to correct one bit of misinformation, out of many, on a previous posting of yours OldTrooper, one of the Palestinian concessions in the aforementioned 2008 peace talks was the prerequisite that Palestine would recognize Israel’s right to exist. Duh. So in answer to your question, “I guess that there will never be peace until Israel ceases to exist?” – the answer is “no”.


When you talk about Palestine are you talking about the West Bank or Gaza.

Frankly Opinionated

Joe, you have not answered: “Where is Palestine”? Who are the Palestinians? By what means do they carry the name? It would suggest that they are from “Palestine”, but no map that I can find has any reference to Palestine. Enlighten me, please. In your #47 response to my #46 comment, you did not address my questions,restated above.
Dancing is fine, at the Arthur Murray studio, but pointed response is the key to making it here at TAH.


To quote Deiter from Saturday Night Live, “You bore me”.

Old Trooper

Joe, you have no argument, no point, and a very weak premise to which you base your opinion, so if anyone is boring, it’s you.

You have failed to tie in your pre-’67 border argument to anything, but tell me we need to talk about the present, when I bring up common sense (I know that part is hard for you).

So, in a cliche from my generation “don’t go away mad, just go away”.

Doc Bailey

Joe, you don’t think being under siege for over 60 years doesn’t give Israel the right to be paranoid? Also perhaps being accused of every bad thing since Palestine (the ORIGINAL made by Rome) fell. Black Death, flood, famine, angry cats. I say let em have the whole area. the Arabs can learn to live under Jewish rule if the Jews can live under Arab rule.

Frankly Opinionated

I guess being asked the same questions time and again would be boring. But anyone with any sense can see how to break it. Just answer the questions. Until then, you are just a joke.


The NY Times? You’re allegedly using the NY Times as a source? Which editions, which page, which article, Joey? Or, don’t you know yet, how to source anything, or post a link?
But, thanks for the quote from SNL, is that where you get all of your so-called information? Or, is it the Comedy Network?


An article in the Sunday Times magazine a few weeks ago, can’t remember the title or author.

Doc Bailey

Joe, you throw out articles you don’t know as PROOF you’re right and force us to search it out. The burden of proof is on the prosecution not the defense. you want to prove you’re tight we’re wrong. Fine. Don’t be vague, be specific, with sources, and facts that are easily verifiable. You throw out “facts” in a sometimes near hysterical way. Calm down, and remember you’re talking to a group that is used to being spoon fed bullshit from higher (usually at the behest of our civilian leadership)


That particular Sunday newpaper has long since been recycled. Didn’t commit the title and author to memory ‘cuz I never expected to be discussing it here in Colorado, much less getting the third degree over it. It was by an author who had numerous private interviews with Abbas, Olmert, and a number of other lower level diplomats (the talks were extremely complex and detailed, involving functionaries from many levels of government) in the wake of the collapsed talks, and it included many intimate details of the process not mentioned in the mainstream press.


Well, Joe, if you’ll go here: and look at the top left of the page, you’ll see a little empty space thingy that you can type letters in; there’s a little box that says “search” right next to it. If you’ll type in the letters “o-l-m-e-r-t” you’ll get this:

Now, pick one of the pretty articles and say “That’s the one!” really loud where we can all hear you.

Next week: Teaching Joe how to super glue his fingers together and mouth shut.


“A Plan for Peace That Still Could Be”


OK, now right click on the link to that particular article (up there in the really long empty box, it’ll start with “http”), click on copy, click back on this page, then right click again and hit paste in the little box where you usually run your fingers on the keyboard.

Voila! You’ve now posted what you consider proof backing your accusations.


Or just search for ‘ “A Plan for Peace That Still Could Be”
By BERNARD AVISHAI’ and you’ll be there.


The onus isn’t on me, lazy ass.


C’mon, ROS, you know that Joey, like true libs everywhere, expects us to take his word on things, while expecting us to provide at least six sources for anything we post. Ok, exaggerating just a bit. I’m sure he’d be happy with 3 sources. But, he does exhibit the “I’ve provided the idea, it’s up to you to flesh it out” disdain libs have for conversations with facts in said convo’s.
I’m always amused at the “That particular Sunday newspaper has long since been recycled.” bit, or that video is no longer available bit, some think it absolves them of so much, and we’re just supposed to take their word for it.

Doc Bailey

Joe, you made the counter argument. You want to convince/convert us, then you should do the leg work. Like I said before the burden of proof lies on YOU.

were I to go on the boards where you are at “home” and tell everyone how full of bovine excrement they are, I would, naturally provide my own sources.


I basically just wiped his ass for him and he can’t even make the effort to hit the handle.



“he does exhibit the “I’ve provided the idea, it’s up to you to flesh it out” disdain”

In fairness it ain’t just libs that exhibit that, lol, I frequently do it when I’ve just lost my patience with folks. Say my bit and move on, lol.

Frankly Opinionated

Geezus ROS, you are nasty. I couldn’t get within arms reach of one of them Lib types. LOL


Thank you, Frank. 🙂

In all fairness, Italian, at least you become frustrated and throw in the towel after having provided SOME evidenciary support, even if it is usually wrong.


J, you at least try to provide them with facts, before you “throw in the towel”. Joey’s just a drive-by poster. Rolls past, throws things out, and motors on.


OK, I got as far as “the demilitarization of the Palestinian State“, and quit. Any moron that writes for the NYT and really believes that Hamas will turn in it’s guns for butterflies and unicorns, is beyond delusional. That goes for former PM’s of Israel and occupants of the seats on the NSC and in the WH. And posters on TAH named Joey.


And it only took 80 posts for you to do it, Joe.
