Sneaky quick: a by the numbers look at how VoteVets is quietly cornering the market on the milblogosphere.

| November 18, 2010

[We NEED your help people. Either come up with advice for us here, or we will have to hire an expert to look at the numbers and correct this creeping malaise.]

Look, everyone knows that I hate VoteVets, and that I think dicksmith is a no-talent assclown. But, I am man enough to admit that they really are quite a success story, and I don’t just mean their over 9 percent success rate in the most recent election, but rather their ability to draft up posts and get huge numbers to comment. Jonn became very concerned about this a little over a week ago, and tasked me with finding out why we were hemorrhaging readers while VoteVets was growing faster than Michael Moore at an all you can eat buffet.

My first step in approaching this situation was to start with a control period of time in which to conduct my research. I decided to arbitrarily begin with November 9th as my start date. It was a great day for VoteVets, who did a story on the missile launch, and got a comment from frequent commenter “dememe”. (This is their third most prolific commenter, tied with a spam for Uggs boots and another spam commenter for “Cheshire Wedding Photography” for 1 comment each.) This day concerned me greatly, as our post on the subject by Old Tanker only brought in 2700 percent more comments. I knew then we were in trouble.

Anyway, I looked first at VoteVets commenters, and found the following information about their commenter demographics which I put into a helpful graph form:

As you can see, in the 9 days of my study, got 22 comments, which is pushing 2 1/2 comments a day. That is an astronimical number, possibly attributable to the fact that Veterans Day fell in there, and the head of VoteVets, MOH recipient Motor Pool guy Jon Soltz appeared on national TV on the 534th most watched program, Keith Olbermann. (It should be noted that Olbermann’s show “Countdown” may pass “When Chinchillas attack” from Animal Planet this week to take the 533rd position.) Of those comments, 14 were Jim Staro (who we have profiled in the past) 2 were the spam, and 6 others were other folks, like DeMeme.

What concerns me is the prolific nature of the commenters, and the vast numbers of those prolific writters. Each of them (and there are 8 if you count the spam as seperate) are writing at a clip of almost 3 comments each over 8 days.

By way of contrast, This Ain’t Hell during that same period only had 607 comments. Put again in graph form, it looks like this:

Now, if I know dicksmith, and I truly hope I don’t, he is no doubt standing on his Barbie play station desk right now giving a speech to his troops, quoting Chesty Puller:

“So they’ve got us surrounded, good! Now we can fire in any direction, those bastards won’t get away this time!”

It’s pretty obvious from even a cursory look at that graph that TAH is in peril of floundering like Guam during fleet week. So help us. Help us to help you. We don’t have the millions of dollars that VoteVets has, we don’t have the cult of personality that is Jim Staro, dicksmith, Tony “My name is sealed bitch” Camerino and the rest of them.

So, what can we do to fix this problem? Please comment.

For JAG:

For Spade.

In the comments Spade states:

This post needs more charts. Like ‘comments over time’ and stuff.

This is exactly the kind of comment that scared the brown into my boxers. Just reading it I started shaking and had to go take a Crying Game Shower because it just illustrates the precariousness of our position. These guys at VV are nipping at our heals, and no graph could make that as clear as this one.

Look at the surge of November 15 in particular. Now, just stop and ponder what might have happened if this tsunami of comments been on an magnitude of scale 800 percent over what it was….they would have had 72 comments to our measly 66. We are on trecherous ground my friends, and we must right this ship ASAP.

Category: Politics

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How can I resist posting when there’s more cowbell? To say nothing of charts!


Oh, and yes, I’ll click on the google ads!


Anymore grunts in this place and people will think this is a Basic Training latrine filled with newbie recruits who just ate their 1st Meals Rejected by Ethiopians and are now suffering the after effect of intestinal blockage caused by Jalapeno Cheese and Crackers. 🙂

@GruntSGT you lay off my happy candy and go get your own. I have ninja lawn gnomes guarding my happy candy. 🙂


Bar graphs have been mentioned, but what you really need are scatter charts. And I don’t mean those wimpy charts from Excel… I mean pictures of shotgun blasts.

I dread seeing the immense traffic spike that VV will see upon the launch of MSNBC’s new reality show, “Barack Obama’s Indonesia”. I only hope this site can survive as VV bandwidth crowds out everything else on teh internets.


Will y’all just clickle his google links a little. He ken’t askya to, but ah’ll poin’ out dat’s how ta pay ‘im outta Gore’s pocket.


Great post

Cedo Alteram

“When Chinchillas attack?, laughed my ass off TSO. They must have some kind of foundation/slush fund, created by a few dozen or so wealthy donors.

Ican only recall maybe a dozen members of that organization. Only the Dude, the Marine who was fired from responding to Jonn, “beaker” Freidman, and (at least in theory) Jonn Soltz are the only Combat Arms Veterans of the bunch. GI Kate the journalist, “love me more then you” arabic translator broad, the interrogator who’s identity and book are in doubt, and unspecified Fobbit/REMF Dicksmith.

I did read Friedman’s book many years ago, it was not aweful but he comes across as a whiner before 9/11. There is a battalion commander and a journalist who also wrote accounts of the 101st in the initial invasion/occupation. Have a tough seperating the narratives in my memory.

Great post TSO, your first essays on these silly organizations pulled me here to begin with.


I think I understand the problem! A solution is being worked on! As I type!


To match that astounding level of participation, I suggest you suck more. A lot more.




I took a screen shot of the “error” message that came up when I posted that…Very clever…

Mike W

What you really need is a TSA agent to do “Love Pats”.


OK, now I am LMAO! I guess I must be a bit slow on the uptake here this morning because I thought there really was a problem and was going to do whatever I could to help solve it… Now I realize that this is a huge pile of Sarcasm! For the life of me, I never could figure that stuff out… Never saw a need for it really. Have always been the kind of folk that just said what they ment and ment what they said. Wonder if that is the reason I don’t get many visitors at my home??? Is there a such thing as being too honest??


No, Marlene, you’re okay. I will ashamedly admit that it took me down to the THIRD PIE CHART before I realized what was going on; and that was only AFTER I’d re-read the whole top section again. They can be just a little subtle with their humor here, I’ve found.


“They can be just a little subtle with their humor here, I’ve found.”


Humor and fine ladies have much in common. They are beautiful and so much more desirable when they are demure, subtle and coy.
