Dahlia Wasfi the lying POS

| October 25, 2010

Dahlia Wasfi was born in Iraq and fled the Hussein government with her family when she was six years old. In recent years, instead of blaming the Hussein government for conditions in Iraq, she’s found it more profitable to rage against the US. In this video which someone sent me, she makes the outrageous claim that since World War Two, 90% of causalities of wars have been civilians. You’ll notice that she’s on Iran’s PressTV – the English language press arm of the Iranian government.

Ya know, if you factor in The Sudan’s persecution of Christians, the Rwandan genocide, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Vietnamese extermination of opponents, she might be right. But, of course, her assertion is that 90% of the casualty in US wars have been civilians.

It shouldn’t surprise you that Wasfi was a vociferous supporter of Carl Webb and his philosophy that IVAW should support the killing and maiming of US troops. The length of time that Wasfi spent in Iraq during the war there can almost be measured in days – she spent three months there in 2006 and plays the expert. She banks on your acceptance of her expertise on the subject of Iraq based merely on her parentage.

Every bio that I can find on her says the same thing about her education “Dr. Wasfi graduated from Swarthmore College in 1993 with a B.A. in Biology, and in 1997 graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.” Graduated with what degree? She calls herself a doctor, but it seems to me that she mention what in what endeavor was her doctorate. See the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine has several areas of study, some have little to do with medicine.

Given her activism, I’m guessing that whatever her degree was in, it probably wasn’t as profitable as yapping about shit with which she’s unfamiliar.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Yet “Anonymous” doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to own his/her on post.



*Own post.

WOTN Editor

Newsflash: Wasifi was off by 2%. 88% of casaulties in Iraq were in fact civilians. Clemens is just another idiot with a piece of paper. No Further Information required.

Facts and Figures:
112,865 Civilian Deaths since 2003
More than 110,000 of these were civilians successfully targeted by the enemy.
Assange was off by 3,865 and hence found no new civilian deaths.
More than 98% of Civilian Deaths were at the hand of Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Special Groups, Mahdi Militia, criminals, and assassins.
All violent deaths in last two years (including terrorism, crime, etc.) is at 25% the rate of Saddam’s purposeful targeting of his own civilian population.
Fewer civilians killed in EOF incidents, than American Troops that have sacrificed much and risked all to bring peace to Iraq.

Get your facts straight:

When you express outrage at the civilians killed, know who killed them (AQ/Hezbollah/Iranians/Mahddi Militia, NOT US) and condemn the enemy (Islamists) not the good guys (US)

WOTN Editor

The Hard Numbers you need for this discussion:

Wayne Clemmons


The name is Clemmons. Two ‘m’s, one ‘o’. Got it?
I am not in any way related to that ‘roided-up redneck.

Now when some idiot shakes a beehive for the fuck of it, and everybody around gets stung, do you blame the bees?

Nah, you blame the genius who shook the hive.

The U.S. is 100% responsible for all sectarian violence and terrorism in Iraq, because these are the consequence of an epically stupid invasion that was never justified and ill-planned in the first place.



Generalize much, asshat? Newsflash, dipshit. Shias, Sunnis, and Kurds have been fighting each other in that region for centuries. Saddam gassed the Kurds mainly because he had a hardon for them–tell me he would have done the same thing back in the 80’s if they had been Sunni. Ditto what he did to the Shias just after the first Gulf War.

Get your facts straight.

Michael in MI

NHSparky — Dude, you’re still not doing it right. Where’s your # signoff?


WOTN Editor


My apologies to the redneck who may have been falsely associated with your comments.

“Now when some idiot shakes a beehive for the fuck of it, and everybody around gets stung, do you blame the bees?”

So you’re now saying we should be upset with you for quoting the doctor, but the Iraqi for falsely portraying who the good guys vs. the bad guys were? Ok. The bad guys are terrorists, the same ones that attacked on 9/11, in Beirut, in Kenya & Tanzania, in the Gulf of Aden, the Embassy in Tehran (79). Got it. They kicked over the bee’s nest called America on 9/11. They’ve been killing Muslims in record numbers for decades and we didn’t do anything until they hit the towers.

And yeah, I know, Iraq didn’t do 9/11. Except Al-Qaeda had Saddam sponsored camps in Nasiriyah and Fallujah and paid $25k/suicide bomber and Iraq attempted to assassinate a Former President.

But don’t dispute the facts, which are that AQ and Iran killed over 100,000 Iraqi Muslims. Instead try to tell me it’s America’s fault because we deposed a different tyrant that killed 330,000 Iraqi Muslims. It’s not AQ’s fault that they wanted an empire so bad that they’d kill as many Muslims as they could to get it. It’s America’s fault for opposing the slaughter.

Anyway, got it. You don’t care about the facts and have no background in the Military or the wars we fight. You just care about your political agenda, which is oddly at odds with the allies you keep.


Michael–sorry, I’ve reached my “pretentious asshole” saturation point. I’ve passed the mocking stage and am rapidly heading towards throat punching stage.


I just had to add



[…] Naser Abdo reacts to helicopter crash August 6th, 2011 One of my ninjas sent this screen shot from Dahlia Wasfi, the scary-smart (according to her friends who come here to defend her) anti-war […]