Gays in the Military: A Pox on the Radicals of Both Sides
I honestly don’t know which is more retarded, VoteVets and their demagoging the issue, or the Center for Military Readiness which apparently thinks Teh Gheys are the biggest threat to readiness out there. I will flat out tell you that with both of these groups on each side, there is no chance I am taking a public position to be in any way affiliated with either of them.
Let’s start with Dicksmith, who responded to this quote from John Boehner:
Boehner predicted that any action on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would lead to a “divisive debate” and “do nothing more than distract the real debate that should occur here about helping to get our economy going again and getting American people back to work.”
Now, read that a few times, and reconcile it with Dicksmith’s characterization:
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is a policy that removes brave, qualified American servicemembers from their jobs in service to their country. It would appear that House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) thinks that gays who have served their country and been removed from service are either not people, or are un-American…Repealing DADT would allow qualified gay troops who have been discharged as a result of the failed, discriminatory policy to return to work. It would also allow qualified gay Americans who have heard the call to service in uniform to serve their country without sacrificing their integrity.
There you have it, John Boehner hates gay folks, thinks they are not people and un-American, and doesn’t realize with the keen insight of Dicksmith that the best way to cut down unemployment is to tackle this issue. I think we can all agree that Dicksmith is 100% retarded, and if he could find a job, anyone should be able to.
But, before anyone jumps to the other side of this debate, I give you the Center for Military Readiness. To my shame, I long ago applied for a job with them. Frankly, I am embarassed I did, but only because I thought the name implied that they were concerned about readiness, and not just Teh Gheys. Just read through the list of “CMR Research & Analysis” on their website if you disagree with my assessment. How many of those readiness issues *don’t* deal with DADT?
Anyway, from an email solicitation from them:
CMR has repeatedly analyzed in well-documented detail how the new LGBT Law would work in actual practice. To make the information more manageable, we have drawn a “picture” in our newest CMR Policy Analysis, titled:
Consequences of the Proposed New “LGBT Law” for the Military
The CMR Policy Analysis uses few words, but every “box” placed on the charts highlights complicated social realities and problems that, taken together, would impose a crushing weight on the men and women of our military. Even a quick review of the flow chart diagrams will impress on you just how radical and problematic mandatory implementation the new LGBT Law would be.
I’ve gone through their chart several times now, and I have no idea what they are getting it. There is no source material for any of the “facts” they give. My all time favorite is found on Page 3, wherein:
Living Conditions Remain Same + “Homosexuality or Bisexuality Whether the Orientation is Real or Perceived” (Proposed LGBT Law) + New Forms of Sexual Misconduct =
Three-Fold Increase
In Misconduct
No empirical or even speculative evidence is given to support this mind you, but there it is.
And this is exactly why I would be reticent to jump in on either side of this debate. You have Dicksmith who thinks that not only is doing away with DADT the panacea for all that ails the military, but also the economy, and the CMR who thinks that all those wiley Gheys are waiting for is for the law to fail and then it will be misconduct for everyone! I initially considered that the rates of men walking around wearing nothing but a kaiser helmet might skyrocket, but then I took into account that The Sniper and S6R are both out. So, who knows.
In the meantime, a pox on the radicals of both sides.
Category: Politics
I think TSO’s question (at least it is mine anyways) was were they actively drafting in 1948? Selective service registration was a requirement then but it still is to this day and yet we say we “don’t have a draft”