They can’t end the war, so they’ll end troops’ futures

| December 22, 2009

Does this sound like the military you guys served in;

It’s a place where drug abuse is rampant, suicide is common, and mental health is severely placed at risk. One in three women stands a chance of being raped — as do one in four men — and the violence directed toward each other undercuts the real fight against the enemy.

Not mine. But that’s what’s being described by “IV”AW members Cherish Summer Ray Hodge and Brigitte Wooten to their local media in Ventura County, CA.

What sounds like a prison environment in theory was a near reality for people like Cherish Hodge or Brigitte Wooten, members of a local peace group formed by recent veterans of the Iraq Conflict.

Their search for new members willing to come forward and join the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) punctuates the proud military sentiment set forth this season, after the passing of Veterans Day, with a sharp caveat: awareness of the injustices and dissent within the ranks of the U.S. armed forces’ own soldiers.

“It’s different for us to be in an environment where there’s so much racism and bigotry and homophobia,” says Hodge, 26, president of the IVAW Ventura branch. “The military is a melting pot of all of those things. Suddenly, you’re exposed to that.”

Of course, both of them have never been to Iraq or Afghanistan, that’s a membership requirement now, apparently. So they’re not speaking of the war, although they’d like to think they are. Here’s Cherish Blah Blah Blah’s profile from IVAW;


Brigitte doesn’t have a profile on IVAW, but in the article she describes her military service;

Wooten was discharged from the Navy one year ago this month after a five-year stint in the Navy that sent her to Kuwait for about eight months. Having served as a hospital corpsman, she, too, was witness firsthand to blatant drug and alcohol abuse, which, among other soldiers, led to medical problems from drunken brawls, near overdoses and attempted suicides.

“I went in knowing I would be seeing some things. I didn’t think I would have seen as many rampant things,” Wooten said. “When you go to boot camp, you’re taught to look up to your officers and enlisted; you expect a certain amount of professionalism and a family-type bond. But you don’t see that very often.”

Someone buy Wooten a dictionary, or tell her what “rampant” means.

And, of course, they have Dahr Jamail and his useless contribution to bolster their yammering;

Jamail recounted stories about women GIs stationed in the Middle East, so afraid to use latrines after dark, for fear of being jumped and assaulted by their fellow male soldiers, that some died of dehydration.

Yeah, that story came from Col. Janis Karpinski and her useless testimony to the Commission of Inquiry for Crimes against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration which has been thoroughly discredited for nearly four years by Greyhawk and Soldier’s Dad.

“A lot of veterans, the last thing they want is to get back into these problems,” [Cher-blah-Summer-blah-blah] said. “Just because there [aren’t] a lot of outspoken veterans, doesn’t mean we aren’t here.”

Or, maybe, you just like wearing a shirt that says “Iraq Veterans” on it. The lie that IVAW has 1700 active members is false – with all of the resignations, has anyone seen the number fall even a hair? What was it 79 members who showed up at Silver Spring? 1621 were busy that weekend? Only had enough money to provide Carl Webb with free transportation?

Out of the hundreds of thousands of men and women who’ve served, IVAW can scare up 79 for their annual convention. Well, 78 and Carl Webb – as long as IVAW pays.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Brown Neck Gaitor


It must be tough to type on your blackberry while waving your arms over your head hysterically.

” I think the reason you folks deny them is that you do not want to accept the current definitions.”

Or maybe you are modifying the definitions to try to make sense of how you were unlucky to find the exception of the male species and not the rule. So now you have turned it around so that the exception you found was actually the rule. Then you don’t have to see that you are an enabler. IVAW, a certain type of man. It is all the same, you enable.

AS, you are not being honest and you are twisting definitions to justify your feelings. You will in the future chew through a few nice men in your days as you try to come to grips with your issues. You won’t know they were nice because they will say, “I don’t want to go to Taco Bell, I want Pizza”, and you will freak out and walk away.

You will also use your feelings to justify treating men like crap and being a jerk.

I hope you get some help and soon.

BTW, my experience with females close to me that have been assaulted (“old” definition of assault) is very real. So you can back the f* off, and lose your holier than thou attitude.


BNG, I wished you’d posted the last two sentences of post #52 way up at the top. It would have saved just tons of bandwidth. Well said, well said. And, having gone thru this with a family member and spent 27 years trying to separate wheat from chaff as a law enforcement officer, I know that “assault” ranges from physical assault to hurt feelings. Been there, seen that, way too many times.

Army Sergeant

BNG: These theoretical women you know that have been assaulted, are you as much of an asshole to them as you are to me, or is it only the anti-war soldier DV survivors who come in for your particular brand of paternalistic hell? What people are ignoring is that this shit doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It starts small and keeps going unless someone stops it. Is a shove the same thing as a gun to the head? No, but nine times out of ten, the latter starts with the former. And if people can recognize the behaviors and stop them before it comes to broken bones and scars, so much the better. Is economic control ‘as bad’ as physical? Maybe not, but when it prevents battered wives from leaving, it is just as real. OldTrooper: You are right, DV and sexual assault does occur by women against men. It’s not as frequent but it is no less real. It’s hugely under reported because a lot of men are ashamed that it happens, and when they report it, they are less often believed. I’ll pass along your sympathies to my boyfriend, though. He seems happy, but who knows, he may have been suffering in silence, since I’m such a ball-busting bitch and all. I’m sure the knowledge that TAH commentators are feeling for him will be a great comfort. UpNorth: You’re right, it won’t be fixed by making everyone either a victim or a perp. It needs to be fixed by societal change: by creating a society in which respect is the primary underpinning of relationships. By encouraging both men and women to understand what a healthy relationship is and isn’t and refuse to tolerate something unhealthy. By removing the stigma on single parenting by both genders, and working on a world where no one marries for economic reasons rather than purely emotional ones. Do you remember the military marriage dynamics? That shit was unhealthy-as was the behavior of some of the people going out to bars for differing purposes. When you have one gender primarily going out to the… Read more »



Brown Neck Gaitor

+ 1


+ 2



1stSgt D

Domestic violence, Sexual harrasment, Bigotry, Racism have always been the exception, not the policy. Every command I have been privledged to serve under, has hammered anyone involved in this type of behavior. These things listed are the exception, not the rule. Its all disgusting behavior and is treated as such. 1 in 3 women in the Marine Corps do not “stand a chance of being raped.” This statement fits right in there with calling people you dont like “Hitler”
Over the top crap.

Casey J Porter

Selena, I blame the Men just as much as the Women for the unprotected sex thing. I was just pointing out what I saw when I was in.

Army Sergeant

It’s OK, Case. You’re not the real problem here, and the ones that are aren’t going to change their minds.


Selena, I thought that “societal change”, started last January? And yet, we find that the human animal is imperfect? Holy Crap, Bat Person, what a revelation. And where did the “stigma on single parenting” BS come from? No one brought that up, is that a cause of DV or CSA?
I know, I know, just pointing out that you’re going very far afield from where this started, just to justify a point of view.
So, the people who don’t accept your point of view are a “real problem”?


Oh, I see, I’m the problem? How in the hell do you make that leap? All I pointed out was that your broad generalization in defining what is sexual assault and domestic violence portrayed by your “statistics”. How you keep leaping around from one specific to another while avoiding the gist of the original thread is “the problem”. Now we are throwing un-protected sex into the mix? Why blame the guy when the only un-protectewd sex he can rightfully have is with himself? If the female, or male (DADT) partner tells them to put on a jimmy coat or no sex, that is the call of the receiver; is it not?

I haven’t denied that the assaults don’t happen, however, I do have an issue with your definition of what that constitutes, which you have never really outlined.

When you decide to pull your head out of your ass and actually address the gist of the thread, I may engage you in a more civil conversation. Until then GFY.

As far as your boyfriend is concerned; I could give a shit whether he’s happy or not, but with your generalized outlook on men, it should make it an interesting relationship.

Lastly, I never called you a “ball-busting bitch”, nor did I ever insinuate such. You gave that moniker to yourself.




When would you say that this post jumped the shark exactly claymore?

Casey J Porter

Yeah, this thread went way off base. lol


Dude, even the Fonz is sitting there saying, “Aaay…that shark tank is like 15 miles back…whoa.”

Damon Rammers

Why won’t,any of the “liberasts”,ever publish what’s going on in Russian Army? I can contribute a header:”Russian army,exposed,uncut!” The content of this article will look like kindergarten stuff ,compare to atrocities and total lawlessness that goes on in Russian units on a daily basis,just google it up,no one wants to touch it though. It’s not on the “Liberasts”, USA bashing, agenda.


Ok, Claymore, you’re dating yourself with that reference 😛

I would love to get back on topic. I tried to in a few posts, but some didn’t get the hint and unfortunately, being the dog that I am….squirrel….I get pulled back to the dark side.

Brown Neck Gaitor

I tried to let this lie, but a night of sleep didn’t help…

“These theoretical women you know that have been assaulted…”

Theoretical? How DARE you! If someone referred to you as “a theoretical victim of DV” you would get even more hysterical. And you would be justified.

I am sorry that my life and my experiences don’t fit what you think you know about me. Your statement above shows you to be a petty person.

I am further sorry that you think you are being singled out (there goes that perpetual victim mantra OT referenced again) because you are a victim of DV, but you are not. Your silly and infantile statements are being called out. Just like statements by Chiroux, Carl Webb and the other trolls are.

TSO: In answer to your question, the moment we went from discussing 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men being a victim of rape to a contorted definition of Sexual Assault.

Or when Joanie and Chachi hooked up…


Yeah, AS, you don’t know BNG like I do, but you are WAY WRONG on this.

I obviously like both of you, but your shots on BNG (at least in this regard) were WAY beyond the pale.

Frankly, I think you owe him an apology.


“Umbrage is itself, generally, a lie. The ostensible victim of the offensive remark (call him or her the “umbragee”) is actually delighted at the opportunity, while the ostensible offense giver (call him or her the “umbragor”) is sorry to have wandered into this thicket, or is made to feel sorry as the umbrage game plays itself out. The rules of the game are perverse but simple: I scream with pain until you cry “uncle.” — Michael Kinsley