Just 2 hours of online training for Donald Trump Butler agents

| September 6, 2024 | 25 Comments

Whistleblowers claimed that the agents assigned to protect Donald Trump at the Butler rally were under-prepared. According to these whistleblowers, these agents just received a couple of hours of webinar training. Most of the agents were apparently “egregiously under prepared”. Senator Josh Hawley subsequently sent a letter to the acting Secret Service Director detailing these whistleblower complaints.

From Daily Fetched:

“Think about this: This former president of the US…is sent out on stage, most of the people there are not trained, they’re not qualified. They only got a webinar training, and even that didn’t work.”

Hawley sent a letter to Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe highlighting the new claims about Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) agents that partner with the Secret Service.

He said the recent allegations “suggest that a significant number of personnel tasked with providing security for former President Trump at the July 13 rally were egregiously under-prepared by the Secret Service to carry out this mission.”

“When Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents partner with the Secret Service, they should be properly trained. New whistleblower allegations contend that this isn’t happening…,” Hawley wrote.

Hawley added that a whistleblower told him “that the only training received by many HSI agents reassigned to work protective details is a two-hour webinar on Microsoft Teams featuring pre-recorded videos.”

“Imagine 1,000 people logging onto Microsoft Teams at the same time after being informed at the last minute that everyone needed to login individually,” a whistleblower said, according to Hawley.

“Once it got rolling, the Secret Service instructor couldn’t figure out how to get the audio working on the prerecorded videos (which I’m told are the same videos as last year). All told, they restarted the videos approximately six times …. The content was not helpful.”

Additional Reading:

Walsh, J. (2024, September 4). Whistleblowers says agents assigned to protect Trump at Butler rally received just ‘2 hour online training’. Daily Fetched. Link.


Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Government Incompetence

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