Change of pace

| June 28, 2024 | 35 Comments

Well, been picking on the Biden folks pretty hard lately. Lest anyone think there is any bias from my end – I heartily dislike ALL of ’em – let’s go look at some Orange-spew for the day.

“What I want to do, and what I will do, is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country,” the presumptive GOP nominee said on “The All-In Podcast,” which aired Thursday.

He continued, “And that includes junior colleges too. Anybody graduates from a college — you go in there for two years or four years. If you graduate, or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country.”

Big difference between a junior college degree and a doctorate, for one. But looking at college campuses in the last few years, and particularly the pro-Hamas demonstrations, encampments, and occupations of this last academic year – he wants to REWARD the foreigners of that lot with a green card? Has he lost his freakin’ mind?

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said that graduates would be screened “to exclude all communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters and public charges.”

Sounds to me like she’s covering ass faster than a White House Press secretary. Have to wonder – given our current college campuses, by the time you screen all of them out – who’s left?

Trump on the podcast complained that some foreign graduates of top US colleges cannot start companies in the US and instead found their companies in other countries like India or China.

“You need a pool of people to work for your companies and they have to be smart people. … You need brilliant people and we force the brilliant people, the people that graduate from college, the people that are number one in their class from the best colleges. You have to be able to recruit these people and keep the people,” the former president said.

Trump’s remarks are at odds with his efforts to limit immigration when he was in the White House, including targeting visa programs that tech companies use to bring in thousands of skilled workers and directing federal agencies to employ what he called a “Buy American, Hire American” strategy to promote the hiring of American workers.  CNN

I’m filing this with Biden wanting to allow in-country filing for spouses of American citizens and DREAMer kids. Election year pandering to a fringe electorate.

Category: 2024 Election, Trump!

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