Tip for Room Service – Get the Right Room

| April 8, 2023

The INQUIRER.NET writes that the US Special Forces, conducting a training exercise, burst into the wrong hotel room and detained a guest for over an hour. The guest was subject to an inquisition in his hotel shower. The article didn’t say whether that involved water… or soap.

Room service? US special forces nab wrong guest in mock hotel raid

Agence France-Presse / 02:53 PM April 08, 2023

WASHINGTON–US special forces burst into the wrong hotel room in the middle of the night and detained a sleeping guest during a training exercise, drawing a shamefaced apology Thursday from the military.

The unfortunate guest — a Delta Air Lines pilot in his 30s — was handcuffed and questioned in the shower of his Boston hotel room for nearly an hour, according to US media reports citing unnamed sources.

The training exercise “was meant to enhance soldiers’ skills to operate in realistic and unfamiliar environments,” US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) said.

The team “entered the wrong room and detained an individual unaffiliated with the exercise,” USASOC said, expressing “our deepest apologies to the individual who was affected.”

I’d love to read that After Action Report as well as the Lessons Learned.

The USASOC said in its statement, “we are reviewing this serious incident with our partners and no further details will be released at this time.”

Tip for guest – if you see these you are probably safe.  However, don’t assume the knives are rubber.

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