Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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OIF '06-'07-'08

Dennis Chevalier will never have a good paying job. Dennis Chevalier is now well known to any single woman with half a brain. Dennis Chevalier does not have any family that will even come to his side. Dennis Chevalier is a fake, phony, womanizing failure whom will work at the bottom end of the job market. Dennis Chevalier could not hack it in a volunteer organization one step up from the boy scouts.

Dennis Chevalier is a complete waste of protoplasm and oxygen breather. Dennis Chevalier will have nothing good to look back on his pathetic life.

Dennis - not chevy

Now he has a partially paralyzed left hand and an arthritic right hand. What’s next cooties, the andromeda strain, what?

Green Thumb

I think Denny boy here is about to break the record on posts.

Who will get 3,000?

I am out, but the race is on!!!!!


Understood GT but hell, Bernasty beats everyone for all time…How many threads does he have? 15, 16, 17??


Bernath has 15 Threads that I could find with a total of 5682 comments and still growing


Buy the trophy and engrave his name. He is a WINNER!

A Proud Infidel®

My offer still stands. I’ve proposed buying a horse’s ass medal myself, cutting it in half, dressing it up and awarding it to “Blobfish” Chevalier as a Second Place award and to remind him of what a HALF-ASS he’s been all of his pathetic life!

Anyone second my motion?

Toasty Coastie

I’ll second your motion Proud 🙂

I’ll even chip in for the sparlke glitter 👿


Engrave it: Dr. Formage LeTwat.


No need to go to a lot of trouble or expense.




2 threads with a total of 4789 comments.
Facebook comments are not included in either count


Dr. Formage LeTwat … Loser.

Toasty Coastie

Poor SparklePony Dennis H Chevelier/LIAR will never ever be a winner…

Never was or will be a USAF LtCol, Never was nor ever will be a SWAT Lt, and Never was nor ever will be a Legal Owner of a PhD, and Never will be a member of TxSG ever again…


One almost hope the grocery doesn’t run out of cheese…

His life would really suck then. 😯

Just an Old Dog

Toastie, his life sucks so bad anyone who walks in the same room as him gets hickies on their feet.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

*TweeT TweeT

A little bird whispsered something about CALEA…

Wonder what’s gonna happen next to our Special Cheeze Block next…:eek:


Oh Dear Dimwit-Dinny. First off let me thank you for the wonderful “evidence” website that you’ve put up. It will make it that much easier to find fun facts and figures to throw at you (not that it was hard to begin with). It’s so much more fun however to use someone’s words against them – it’s a little harder for them to say “it’s all lies”. Now, where to begin….Oh here’s a good one – pretty much where it all started: “After retiring from CAP during a period of extreme illness an email signature block that I got lazy with the long title of the CAP…” (you didn’t get lazy – you got caught) This is one of my favorites: “I have already unmasked Scotty Hughes as being a convict for felony theft.” Ever heard or seen the words nolle prosequi? Those words are all over the document you’re showing about Scotty. I thought you had some law enforcement background because you should understand that phrase to mean: Latin for “we shall no longer prosecute,” which is a declaration made to the judge by a prosecutor in a criminal case (or by a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit) either before or during trial, meaning the case against the defendant is being dropped. The statement is an admission that the charges cannot be proved, that evidence has demonstrated either innocence or a fatal flaw in the prosecution’s claim or the district attorney has become convinced the accused is innocent. I strongly suggest that you commit that phrase to memory becasue any charges you try to drop on folks on this website will end up with that phrase stamped all over them. You need to just get over it. You’ve caused tons of embarrassment to not only yourself and the Great Republic of Texas (of which I take great offense to), but to the CAP and even the Texas State Guard. BTW, who in the hell get’s kicked out of the Texas State Guard??? That’s right up there with being kicked out of the Boy Scouts for being a gay Scoutmaster.… Read more »


Simple reality that normal people understand – the truth is the truth no matter who speaks the words. We could all be multiple felons (which we are not, by the way) and it would not alter the truth of the words that we speak: Deni Peni is a fraud.

Evidently there were lots of people throughout his lifetime who for one reason or another chose not to prosecute him or otherwise call him out on his illegal, immoral, and imbecilic behavior. He really should have known better than to challenge this bunch, but alas, he did it in spite of himself.

Oh, well. You are reaping what you sowed, silly excuse for a man.


And another thing about his knowledge of the legal system and lack thereof. Supposedly we are guilty of stalking and invading his privacy. Well, MESNA Cheesedick posted his SSN no less than 8 times on his “evidence blog” including his DOB. He posted links to his “evidence” here on TAH and instructed us to go see for ourselves. He posted a scanned image of a CAC, which to my knowledge is a crime in and of itself (I think mine had verbiage on it stating do not photograph, copy, or duplicate). He posted his TXDL#. He currently has posted there a scanned image of his ex-wife’s TXDL. He posted his own email address, his ex-wife’s name and email address, and the name and email address of his TSG CO. He posted the name of the Wilmer PD Chief and suggested we call him. The only picture I have ever seen of his TSG class was on HIS “blog”, so nice job there Dumbass. He has consistently intimated of criminal proceeding being initiated against us, while undermining those supposed actions by alluding to them (Dennis – study up on OPSEC. Clearly, you need to).

So pardon me if my opinion of what constitutes “invasion of privacy” differs from that of Doctor Fake PhD CheveLIAR. Maybe it is different in Sweaden.


Ya know, I’m guessing Denni-boi really doesn’t like this book:

A Proud Infidel®


Pineywoods NCO

Wow…just think of it.

If the cheese moved 1/100 of an inch, Dennis would have a hard time finding it.

You could give him 12 digit grid coordinates and he still wouldn’t find it.

Put a GPS tracker in the cheese and he would still need help.

All of that is possible because he’s only seeing red from all the crying he has done lately after he was found to be unworthy by women, by the Texas State Guard, by us.

Just an Old Dog

One thing that’s been overlooked as far as his claim is that he is saying he is an “open water rescue diver”.
There is a certification process for that also.


To be certified means you have to have worked for a recreational facility ( beach or a lakefront, etc) and been instructed by someone certified by the USLA.

It mentions being “physically fit” and having the ability to swim 500 meters over open water in under 10 minutes.

Looking at cheese-slayer and citing his own physical ailments there is no way on God’s green Earth he could do any of that.

If that fat fuck ever showed up trying to be a lifeguard Greenpeace woud roll him into the water

Toasty Coastie

You are correct Old Dog…

I just looked at that mess again and he claims “Advanced PADI Open water RESCUE diver.”

If he is a “Advanced PADI Open water RESCUE diver”, then I am a MCPO 😯

A Proud Infidel®

Hopefully it would be near salt water, and Greenpeace would haul him out so far he’d get harpooned!!

Doc Savage


I actually am a PADI open water diver….I did it when I was still kinda young(ish).

The requirements for Rescue diver are a physical monster, and academically intense ( not quite as difficult s a PhD I am told)….if he was remotely as sick and injured as he claimed..( cancer, gunshot wound ), and, given his additional mass and “natural buoyancy” due to uncontrolled cheese consumption, I find his claims to be highly suspect.

But, stranger things have happened….just not without proof.

Just An Old Dog

Not sure what all the requirements are, but I imagine like most swim instructors they would be beasts.
When I was on the Drill field they DIs who did their 6 month to a year support Bn time with the Pool and had to go through WSSI course were some of the biggest studs on the depot. They had a hell of a school to go through, then they normal spent a minimum of 3-6 hours in the pool every day except sunday.


I swim 2 miles non stop regularly at the city rec center, or at the on-post pool.

Most of the Dennis Howard Chevalier body types that I saw in the pool acted more like barely moving barges than they did act as swimmers.

There were very few obese swimmers that weren’t bad, but they didn’t swim that far. I saw a couple of them swim fast, but they had flippers on. Thankfully they stuck with the slower lanes. 😯

Sometimes, some of those slow moving barge idiots would hop into one of the faster lanes and be more of an obstruction than going with the flow. 👿

I can’t see Dennis Howard Chevalier having that qualification just from the swimming aspect alone. :mrgreen:

Toasty Coastie

I am too….Although no longer certified because of my back issues. But when I took the course it was really intense and at the time I was a pretty strong swimmer.

Somehow the idea that if I was ever in need of rescuing and Cheese Poof was the only rescue diver available, I think I might just prefer to drown…Well come to think of it, I probably would drown, cause the hump whales would most like mistake him as one of their own and try to mate with him 😮

A Proud Infidel®™

Toasty, the odds of him getting harpooned the moment he went into the water are at least twenty times higher!!


I am a Rescue Diver. Have been since 1990. This guy? Yeah, no.


I just thought I’d link this here, too . . . .


A Proud Infidel®™

The Chevy man has finally given up? He finally accepted his failures?

Toasty Coastie

He’s probably in a hospital suffering from cheese withdrawal 😈

Toasty Coastie

Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: Marriage issues This section is reserved for my ex wives that claim to be perfect, that claim they did nothing wrong in our relationship, and that have continued to cause me grief WAY after the divorce. They have hounded me, stalked me, and lied publicly about me. This was hard to do as both of us were at fault in the marriage but they are making claims that are slanderous and in no way possibly true. These claims include physical and mental abuse. My ex’s got together for revenge and decided on a way to do the most damage and that was by making these claims on a blog that does not do any real investigating of allegations. In fact they enjoy making up false claims against others to see how they respond. THEY came to the site This Ain’t Hell and posted lies THEY followed and stalked me THEY would not stop when asked Because of this situation that they created, I was forced to assemble this information about them. Interesting note: After the attack by Dora, I posted her information. In retaliation she filed a false report of harassment. Either she didn’t know it was a crime to file a false report or she just did not care. This is typical of a bipolar in the Mania phase. — In a marriage when it becomes unsupportable because of discord and conflict there is never just one person that made it that way. Having said that, there are some deal-breakers in a marriage as I see it: Infidelity, Lying about your past of whom and what you were/are and Abuse I have been through 6 marriages and all of them involved BOTH parties in the dissolution of them. We will start where all of my latest trouble comes from. Dora, then we will move on to Alma and Barbara. This isn’t a slamming of my ex’s by a long shot but rather a defense to their allegations and lies about me on a site called This Ain’t Hell… (http://valorguardians.com) . They made damning allegations… Read more »


He contradicts himself all over the place in that marriage issue page. He claims that what is doing is a defense and its in no way slamming his ex wives. Then he says He is going to air out all their dirty laundry and make them look bad.

You wonder why Texas State Guard want no part of Dennis. He makes a webpage which full of slander and faux evidence.

He then throws temper tantrums like a 12 yr old.

This is a 52 yr old man with serious emotional issues and maturity issues. It is a wonder how he ever got hired at any police station. If a police station did a psych evaluation or a polygraph test on him. He would fail with flying colors (rainbow assorted colors)


Dunno about failing the poly, C2Show.

I understand that many psychopaths can pass a poly pretty easily. To them, there’s no difference between telling the truth and lying.


True, because if they tell themselves what they are saying is true. The mind believes it I guess. Dennis of course has been telling his lies since 1984, so his lies are true (in his mind) at this point.

Just an Old Dog

“I have been through 6 marriages and all of them involved BOTH parties in the dissolution of them.”

The ONE common factor in ALL of those failures was Cheese-slayer.

It’s like someone who have had 6 failed businesses, and consistly blames their business partner.

Open Channel D

“I have been through 6 marriages and all of them involved BOTH parties in the dissolution of them.”

It’s hard to act that stupid, but it’s easy to BE that stupid. Hey CheeseTool, you can’t get from one marriage to the next without a little dissolution along the way.

While it’s admirable that you don’t have to seem a problem initiating a commitment, it appears it’s sustaining one you’re having a problem with.

Actually, the only reason I stopped by was to ensure that you continue to stay in the Top Comments. Keep acting stupid and you’ll be able to do that all on your own.


Amen to that….

He needs to stay in the top comments until he fesses up to his bullshit on his evidence blog.

Just an Old Dog

“While it’s admirable that you don’t have to seem a problem initiating a commitment, it appears it’s sustaining one you’re having a problem with.”

That’s because Cheese-fucker ha an entirely different idea what a marriage or reationshiop is supposed to be. He isn’t looking for someone to be an equsl partner with, he is looking for a loyal subject, not just fidelity-wise, but one who will believe his bullshit claims, praise him and lie for him when he is questioned. He is ALWAYS going to be an emotional and financial leech. He needs constant adoration and praise, thats why HE will never be faithful in a relationship. He need groupies.
When he can’t control a female or make them believe or back up his bullshit he lashes out. This behavior is why he gets kicked to the curb.


Dare we hope that he is perhaps finally willing to admit bearing some responsibility for himself? That is a first – he is actually saying that it took him and her to fail at the marriage. Not necessarily true, but much closer to the truth than we have heard from him to date.

OK, OK, I know – not even close, and most likely just a misstatement on his part. Or some more of his “I am at fault but it wasn’t my fault.” Always blaming others for his own failures.

One of these days he will address what got him in trouble with us in the first place. He is not and has never been a member of the United States Air Force.

Quite a few of us have known, some even have been, members of the CAP. No one has stated that members of the CAP refer to themselves as this misfit has done. I have even known several former members of the CAP. None of them refer to themselves as retired from the CAP even after more years than this clown has.


Never seen any CAP member lie or fantasize as much as Dennis H. Chevalier has in these past few months. This guy can’t even get his lies straight. Which is why he is or has gone into hiding.

I have never seen a person EVER say they “retired” from CAP. Up here at Westover and Barnes got alot of CAP folks. They say they participated in CAP activities. Never heard a “I am retired”…thats is like saying “I am a retired Boy Scout” or “I am a retired VFW Commander”

Just an Old Dog

One other thing that is irksome in Cheeseslayer’s Credentials is he lists one of his certs as “Combat Arms Instruction”. At best he should consider himself a “firearms instructor”, Those who go through training and have the ability may consider themselves “Tactical” rifle, pistol or Shotgun instructors.
Since Cheeseslayer never served he is confusing weaponry with a collection of Military MOSs that deal with directly fighting enemy forces. Tanks, Artillery and Infantry are “Combat Arms”.
Unless Cheeseslayer has attended an operations school or worked in an S3 in a Combat arms division he has zero credential to teach “Combat Arms”


Mr. Cheesy deleted his his blog entry. He might be backing down now.

Toasty Coastie

Nawww, I don’t think so C2. I think he’s gearing up for another melt down blaming us for all the hell that’s rained down on him.

He will never give up his fantasy or accept that he alone is responsible for all that has happened.


Dennis got some heart huh? LOL He will not quick or back down. Well he does kinda back down on his lies. Alters his stories to make it seem like an innocent mistake.

This is the most quiet Dennis has ever been since February.

cheese whiz

I think he is one of the sock puppets on the Larson website. Check out the spelling errors and verbosity.


He was one of the 3 people that went to DC for “American Spring” (he flew up there in a T-38 Talon). I happen to know that on the way there, he studied diligently for The Oddfellows Lt. Gen. exam.

So quit making shit up about him backing down and being quiet!

He’s just busy trying to defend our country and better himself! (Plus, he is crazy about that Oddfellows hat/glove ensemble.)


It’s obvious that Dennis Chevyliar is in love with uniforms and the idea of serving in uniform. But he lacks the requisite character and honor to actually do what it takes to earn the honor, the valor that he’s stolen. He’s an ego driven fool that can’t stand the thought that good people have actually done what he claims to have done. He’s jealous of them because he lacks courage and the willingness to sacrifice for his country. He sees young men and women 30 years his junior who are better than him and he can’t help but see the failure that his life is. So he dreamed up a larger than life heroic image for himself that when threatened, send him into a rage.

Just an Old Dog

He is about the attention, 100%. well now he has it.


Hey Cheeslayer, handsome, single, combat arms instructors needed asap at DFWGun ladies night. http://www.dfwgun.com/about/ladies-night.html
Too bad you are none of the above! How’s your valve?


He could show up and be a TARGET.


POOF and he’s gone……for now……


Oh Chevy…We hardly knew ye.


Oh come now LebbenB…..at 3,000 + comments…..although…he’s no Dancy Bernastypants.

Chevy fails at failing and winning the Tournament.


We have not yet plumbed the depths of Chevy’s cheesiness, my friend. I’m certain we haven’t heard the last of him.


Dr. Formage LeTwat …

A Proud Infidel®



Chevy Who ??


I used to have a Chevy II, so don’t ruin my memories of it…..

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Seems our beloved cheeseslayer is laying pretty low these last few days…


Chevy dickhead is back in the news: Check out the new blog.


This dumbass seems to think this is proof, of wha I don’t know. It just goes to show that he can’t hold job like many have said.

That Guy

How many people get hired onto a SWAT team and only keep the job a year? At least around here, the only people who get hired like that for SWAT are trainers (who, allegedly, are all on contracts) and the occasional ‘operator’ type.
I highly doubt that Wilmer PD had him as anything like that. I can’t conceive of him being able to be fully trained to be a SWAT member in that time as well as actually doing his work.
His story is full of holes either way, and he keeps grasping at straws to cover his girth when only a blanket would do.


Perhaps further proof of his idiocy? That letter only says he worked there. Based on my experience, if someone writes a letter with as little information as that, it speaks VOLUMES about the character of his service there. If he was high-speed, there would have been comments such as “valuable member of our department”. Since there are legal issues with trashing someone in a letter of this type, saying nothing says it all.

Toasty Coastie

Chevelier/LIAR Never was nor ever will be a SWAT Team member…that letter just shows he worked for the PD of Wilmer as a RESERVE OFFICER.

Give it up Be-Sparkled Blob Fish…go get yourself some more cheese and crawl back into your cave.


Howey Chevalier should be embarrassed by that blog. Any normal man would be….but not him.


SWAT claims aside, I’d love to know how he made police LT in the little time he actually spent there. And as a reserve officer? I thought the whole point of reserve officers was that they didn’t work full-time.


Probably greased the right wheel or got on his knees….well you know the rest. Dennis probably kissed a lot of ass.

Toasty Coastie

@ Disgusted~
He was never a Lt either. He was just a below average RESERVE officer who was terminated from 9 different departments all with less than a year at each.

Chevelier/LIAR has never accomplished anything of merit in his life. Simply because he has no honour, integrity or morals.

He wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in his large cheese bum and waved hello.


Has he ever shown any proof that he was a LT on the force? The ID he shows doesn’t state a rank of LT nor does the letter he provides. The only thing showing him as a LT is a pic of him and one of his wives.


Yep, letter says nothing about SWAT either.
I highly doubt Wilmer budgets SWAT for a year and destroys the program after just 1 year. That letter proves just how sorry his police career really was. He seems proud to post this letter and showing that he was also a reserve cop.

Toasty Coastie

Now if he wants to show that perhaps he worked at the Dallas PD, Rockwall, Ft Worth or Tx Parks and Wildlife, well then maybe, but doubtful…

He’s still a cheese tool.

Just an Old Dog

Since he hasnt worked in any capicity for them in over 20 years do you think he should stop flashing the badge he scarfed from them?


LOL Nope, he won’t stop at that. I bet he used that to get out of domestic violence charge and speeding tickets.

Toasty Coastie

Suckers bet C2 lol 🙂

He’s going to keep twisting himself into a large cheese knot proving to us things that are not in dispute, such as him having been a RESERVE Police Officer. He can’t and can never prove he was a SWAT TEAM member or trainer in ANY capacity because he wasn’t.


Well thats the thing, I don’t know if Dennis is just stupid or he thinks sidebar this whole issue with “I can prove I was cop, I dont have to prove the SWAT”…so far this moron has done this with his CAP Bullshit..wihch he lied about how many years he did that. His marriages only proved how unstable he is…

This guy is just shit for brains for life. I sent him a little message on his blog. Doubt it gets posted asking him what does this prove exactly?


I did the same. It’ll be funny to see how he tries to twist it, if he puts the posts up at all.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he’ll just bang his head against the wall of his cheap motel room before he goes on his next cheese binge!!


Oh yeah and its funny how he deleted that blog entry of his childish rants and his threat to Col Palmer. I guess he had second thoughts.


I worked with a SWAT team for about two months!

Yeah, out Battalion sent me over to assist their armorer in unpacking, cleaning, and servicing a new set of M4s they received.

Just an Old Dog

I also noticed there was no mention of the awards he had supposedly earned earlier from other departments and was permited to wear while at the Wilmer PD,
Yes Dennis we haven’t forgotten about the Purple heart you claimed for being wounded in the line of duty and the Medal of Valor from the School hostage incident.


Why did he even bother posting that letter? I don’t think anyone doubted that he served on the Wilmer PD. The letter doesn’t prove he was SWAT, as he claims. But it does show that he was only a reserve officer as some had guessed. But in Chevy Cheese world, a one year reserve stint with a tactical course is equal to SWAT. Fromage fucker.


Oh yeah, he also claims he called the people who were involved in the accident with Dora. Claiming he recommended they sue her and Honda Financial. What a retarded, vindictive lil fruitcake.

That Guy

I’m not seein that one?


Go to the marriage blog section. he updated it on the 20th.


Marriage issues that is. He seems to secretly update things. You’ll never know when he updates those pages unless you check em out. Its halfway down that page. He is an idiot.

Just an Old Dog

I’m pretty sure that is something that the insurance company has taken care of long ago.
The funny thing is that his ex-wife seems to being much better without him. He is nothing more than a turd she flushed from her life. She doesnt need to come up with a website blasting him, she answered his bullshit here and is content to just watch him take a nose dive all by himself.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Alright cheeseflake, what the hell do you mean by another nail, nobody here has never said that you never was a LEO. What we are saying is that you have never been a LTC and a pilot in the US Air Force, but you have never been a SWAT member period if you want to drag your short pathetic law enforcement career into this argument.


Oh you know OIF, Dennis trying to provide another misdirected claim. Second or third time he has done this. Just like the CAP crap. The entire evidence blog is just wrong. He must think that nobody reads TAH or he has a comprehension issue.

OIF '06-'07-'08

What I do not understand about this IDIOT, is that he him self cannot see his own idiocy. What does he think he will accomplish with that blog of his? If anything, the only reason anyone goes there is from the links provided from here. If you go up to the left side of TAH’s page, you will see the visitor stats that shows how many visits are made here(315,00) in the last 28 days. Dennis has had what, 6,000 visits to his blog for the entire time he has had it going.

Wow, he has threatened with criminal actions that are false, I have checked with the Tarrant County DA’s office twice now and they have just laughed at what I have told them about his accusations here.

Oh Dennis, if anyone is on their radar, it is you, not us, so keep up with your BS.

Toasty Coastie

He does it because he is desperately trying to hang on to some small thread of his lies.

He has nothing now and so he is trying create a bamboozlement of shennigans to confuse unsuspecting folks he may run into. If they see his blog then come here they “might” think he is legit.

Unfortunately, most folks just aren’t that dumb.


If I was to go on Dennis blog for the first time. I would probably be saying to myself: “Man, I dont wanna be fucked up like this 52 yr old man when I am older…”


That letter didn’t help him out that much. 😯

In fact, Dennis Howard Chevalier is so stupid, he doesn’t see how damaging that letter is… if it’s real. 🙄 But again, what do you expect from someone who has a black hole in his head, and it’s sucking his head in from the inside? :mrgreen:

That letter is basically saying, “He did this at this time.” Nothing further. It also substantiates what Dora Lee said about him all along… that he was a reserve police officer while at the Wilmer Police Department.

Like the other letters, it falls short of setting him above the pack.

Dennis Howard Chevalier did the bare minimum, he more than likely missed his already low standards while a law enforcement officer. 😈

I won’t be surprised if he were a substandard cop. :mrgreen:

For him, it was more about wearing the uniform… so that he could womanize… than it was about him serving others. 👿


Howie Chevalier will soon enough take that letter off his site. Realizing it does nothing but provide the truth to what TAH posters like you, Toasty and GDC were saying.

Howie Chevalier has crawled back under his rock after this lil letter he posted.


Not for nuttin, but does it seem odd to anyone else but me that the badge graphic used on the letterhead is unlike any other graphic the Wilmer PD seems to use?

Must be a Texas thing.


In other graphics news. Bernath seems to have ripped off a graphic on veteran suicides that is copyrighted by the AP and KRDO in Colorado.


There is no attribution to the original source and it is highly arguable that his addition changed the original meaning. In other words, it is not a derivative work.

I believe he can add IP theft to his list of accused crimes / morally bankrupt activities now.

Toasty Coastie

Good catch gitarcarver….Its a fake…

You can see their badge/logo here.


Toasty Coastie

Correction on my post above.

It APPEARS altered and or NOT REAL.

It very well could be authentic, simply by what was written.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Where to Start..

Im not a documents examiner. however I did notice a few things.

This appears to be a computer generated document. There are no fold lines.

The Date is yesterday, how did it get into Dennis’s chubby little hands the same day?

The signature is not in ink.

The document is a .jpg If it had been Computer generated and Emailed it would be a PDF. Scanning a document would produce a JPG however this does not appear to be a scanned document.

Now I don’t doubt that Dennis was a Police officer at some point. I don’t really doubt that he was one in Texas.

I just dont think this letter is real. I may be wrong.


Seems legit!

I mean what you said not the letter. That makes sense to me and is sound rational. I do believe you are on to something.


Anyone with a TCOLE account login at http://www.tcole.Texas.gov should be able to view his “credentials” I think. I have been hoping that someone on TAH could/would do that. If he ever was a Lt., it could only be because of his PhD. and advanced online USAF crimestopper training. As MCPO NYC Ret pointed out, the Cheesegobbler never attended a real police academy. And yet he supposedly instructed at several…while marrying one of his students…while complaining about her lack of ethics. What a turd.


FWIW, the badge on the letterhead appears to be the same as the badge on the side of their patrol cars.


Is it just me or does “Chevy” ask and answer questions to and from himself? In the comments it looks like Jay called him out by asking what that letter was supposed to mean and after a very long and repeated comment by Chevy, Chevy then makes a comment about banning someone’s “drunk ass” again. So is he finally losing control of the voices in his head, or was this a sock puppet screw up? Or is it just to early for me to be awake?

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he’s just mumbling to himself like some old bum on a street corner or a bus stop, he’s just doing it on the internet?


Oh yeah Valkyrie, that was me (Jay). Some reason Dennis seems to think I am Frank and Jonn Lilyea. He referred to me being a “drunk” in two forums. That one and his marriage issues thread. Mainly because his stories make zero sense. He wrote that on March 30th, he resigned from TX state guard. Yet on May 3rd, he is asking about his status? Why would anyone do that if they allegedly resigned.

See Dennis is trying to save face. He took that letter down because I believe someone from Wilmer PD called inquiring about his badge along with forged letter. Of course Dennis also seemed to forward emails to himself which allows him to edit all information in there. Dennis forges, alters and tampers with evidence. Makes me believe that he was probably a corrupted piece of shit.


More on the image: (I apologize for the length of this. I do imaging for a living and so I can get anal about it.) I too have trouble with the document creation and had thought of many of the things Enigma4you had, as well as others. Here’s what I can tell you for certain: The image was created using Google’s Picasa. Picasa is not a high end editor / manipulator such as GIMP or Photoshop. Picasa does not allow a direct conversion of a PDF file to a jpg. This goes to the question of “how was this image created?” Picasa allows a border to be placed around the image. That border can be seen on the bottom and right edges. The borders increase the image size from the original. (Which makes sense if you think about it.) The borders are about 4 pixels (a little over 1/16″) wide which means the document image should be larger than 8.5″ X 11.” Yet the image as shown is 8.49″ (and some change) by 10.49″ (and some change.) In short, it is smaller than it should be by any measurable standard. You can also visibly see the cropping as the top of the badge is cut off. Further visual confirmation that the image has been cropped is evident because the borders are missing on the left and top. The image has been cropped from the original for some reason. No one, and I mean no one, who legitimately uses a document to prove something messes with the document. Secondly, and maybe most importantly, there is a blend line that should not be on the document. Take a look here: http://tinypic.com/r/2ih6vy9/8 That is expanded top of the image. There is a definite line beneath the header. That line should not be there as one would assume the entirety of the document was on one piece of stationary rather than a pasting. It appears that either the upper header or the lower text was pasted onto the image. One would not expect such ghosting as the stationary on which the letter was allegedly… Read more »

Toasty Coastie

Well after considered studying of this “evidence”, I printed it out and showed it to a Chief of Police I know here and he noticed a couple of things as well.

1. A chief’s letter head would have a graphic of the Chief’s Badge or PD Logo, not a patrol badge.

2. In all his years, he never signed a letter of any sort with just initials and his badge number. In fact, he never used his badge number on anything once he became chief.

3. A chief would not be adding verbiage to a formal letter citing the memory recollection of someone not in the PD. In fact he would not site a memory at all. The time frame in question would be documented by a record number found in the archives.

But this is all SPECULATION and not at all an accusation that said “evidence” is fake.


I think the signature is okay per se and not “initials.” I think it is just a signature that is from someone who has signed a lot of things and whose signature has gotten “sloppy.” (I say that in part because of the “p” at the end of “Kemp.”

I too noticed the badge number. Maybe it is a Texas thing.

The badge image is what initially caught my eye. It made no sense to have a patrol badge as an image the first time I saw it and it makes no sense now. The image would be that of the department because that is the header – not specifically the Chief of Police. If the Chief wanted to have stationary with his badge, the header would read:

Victor A. Kemp
Chief of Police
Wilmer Police Department

and not the way it reads now.

I agree that much of this is speculation (some things are factual,) but I have to say that there is so much going on here that in my opinion, this letter or image would never be used in a court of public opinion, much less in the court of law.


Unless I am missing something, the image of the letter is gone now.


Toasty Coastie

It has indeed gone POOF! 😈


This clown is still at it? What an irritating piece of nothing.

It is impossible on this particular weekend to not feel rage toward this insignificant, lying PoS who is attempting to steal honors reserved for only the few, none of whom remain with us except in our hearts and minds.

Listen up, you filthy excuse for a human being! You failed in your effort to claim what others have earned. I know police officers who actually were shot in the line of duty during the timeframe you claim that you were shot. I know firefighters who died around that same time. We all know veterans who gave their lives to protect YOU, you ingrate. We honor them because they sacrificed all for each of us.

Instead of being grateful for their sacrifice, YOU, the self-serving, arrogant scum that you are, denigrate them, and all of us who actually honor them. You wasted the opportunity to thrive that they gave you.

Your thieving days are over, you prick. It is probably much too late for you to simply apologize and slink away somewhere. Your disgusting charades have drawn the attention of too many agencies and groups for you to be able to hide anywhere now. Every group you claimed association with has both formal and informal communications mechanisms, and let’s face reality here – your fingerprints and mug shot are well known and well distributed.

You think you are suffering now? Just wait until all the criminal charges finally catch up with you. Maybe the inmates will believe you when you tell them, “No, really, I wasn’t really a cop. I lied about that. Really.”


Does the Wilmer PD Chief know that Chevy Cheese still has, and uses, one of their badges? I would think that flashing that badge would be a crime, impersonating a law LEO.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Yes he knows. I am not aware though as to what has been done about it.


Victor Kemp probably has no idea. Then again if Howie Chevalier was forging a chief’s letter. That would be pretty stupid.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

He does know, I sent him a screenie of the post Sparkle Boy had posted of it when I spoke with him. Chief Kemp is aware of TAH and Chevelier/Liar’s “evidence” blog.


Jesus christ…..

Dennis just dug his grave then. I bet today he received a phone call from kemp. Because at 12 pm, that letter was still posted.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Sorry for the confusion, I sent screenie of the Badge post Chevelier/Liar had up not the Kemp letter.


Ah Okay, damn that letter should have went to Kemp too. Oh well, kemp or Wilmer PD probably called Dennis and queried him about that badge. He is probably shit himself and took the letter down out of fear.

Toasty Coastie

Agreed OWB…

This is a weekend of reflection and sadness, yet celebration too.

By that I mean, we reflect upon those whose live have been lost, but celebrate those same lives for having the honour of having known them.

Dennis Howard Chevelier/LIAR is the lowest of the low, a Blob Fish if you will. A bottom feeder scrounging for the crumbs of others to make himself larger than life. Well he is rather large, and not in a good way.

He has been caught, charged, convicted and will now suffer the punishment by the court of public opinion.

He has nothing left, and will never have anything ever again.

As I have said frequently, Scandal on the web leaves the shame a click away, forever.

This is what this a narcissistic loonytoon can look forward to for the rest of his pathetic life.

Do not let his melodramatic bullshit cause such anger like a bowl of spilled cheerios consume you on this most hallowed weekend.

He and he alone must suffer the consequences of his actions and seethed in anger and turmoil over what he has done. The maelstrom of emotions that he will go through will be his punishment for trying to steal the valor of others and by the Gods, suffer for it for eternity.

Take comfort that we are and forevermore, the Oath Keepers and we have done just that, we have kept our Oath to Protect and Serve. We have protected others from him and that is the best we can do.

Everything he does from now on will be scrutinized and torn apart for the lies they are or not.

I wish you peace today. Something that Dennis Howard Chevelier will never know again.


Oh, no problem here other than a general sadness that one who was given so much would turn his back on everything that he could have done with his life. Then lie about things which really didn’t much matter, until he used those lies as intimidation tactics and to commit fraud.

He knows that it will not work with us. He has convinced himself that he is somehow worthy of unearned accolades and that he will manage to escape paying the consequences for his irresponsible actions.

Sure, the statute of limitations has run out on many of his criminal violations. However, memories are long, not just here but in law enforcement circles when someone takes advantage of them. Some of his criminal violations are ongoing. For those he will eventually have to take responsibility. Since he will likely never do so on his own, others will have to force it upon him.

That impersonating a police officer thing will not go away. You just can’t go around telling people that you are one even if you were one for a few days or weeks 20 years ago.

Pineywoods NCO

Perhaps our good blowhard realized how quickly we would catch on to another fake letter.

NAH!! Who am I kidding??

Dumbass turd.


Ha! A smart person would never have posted it to begin with. Go MESNA!!!!


Well, when you have a pee H dee from a non-accreditied school and are rocking the lie about your past, you can so anything (including showing the world you mad photoshopping skillz).

Is someone forwarding this stuff to local authorities, including the Wilmer PD? I’m sure that they would be not too happy about their former Reserve Officer playing POPO and waving one of their badges around for all to see…


WOW, did anyone notify Kemp of this? What are the chances that Kemp saw this letter and called Dennis.

Or Dennis panicked and took it down when people caught on to it.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

I was unable to get a screenie of the letter to pass on to Chief Kemp. I am hoping GD Contractor has one and can pass it on.


Well no worries, that chickenshit Dennis Howard Chevalier is deleting and hiding at a killer rate. I will have to check my laptop when I get home. I may have saved it or still have the page up.


Never fear. I save ever image I look at or use. All these drives are good for something. 😉


That is the image taken from his site. It is not a screen capture, but the actual image he used. (it is 611 X 756 px.)

If you want an expanded version at 1601 X 1980 px, let me know.

Just an Old Dog

Dennis has been at this game a LONG time. We are about the same age, when I went into the military he started learning how to be a poser.
I suspect that he tried to get into the military, but was disqualified. There is no shame in that, many great people want to serve, but cannot. His next step was to try Law Enforcement.
What he ACTUALLY did in the 1980s is a mystery. He probably went through some sort of Security officer training, and he became affiliated with CAP. He claims that he was decorated for valor and wounds, yet he can not provide a location or PD he worked for.
He did a stint as a reserve LEO in the early 90s, which was one of the biggest foundations for him to build on his LEO embellishment. For the next two decades he drifted from one security job to another and failed at 6 marraiges and security business ventures.
Meanwhile he built up the persona as a Desert Storm Pilot and got his fake degrees.
Every time he so much as wiped his ass he got a diploma for it and built up his persona.
The problem is that Denny Boy didnt keep up with the times.
The facsade he built around fake documents was easily destroyed by the ability for other to check his claims via the internet in minutes.
His claims of DS service being a C130 pilot, a police Purple Heart and Medal of Valor, were shot down and his PHD was called out to be bullshit.
Now he is a crazed, bitter Loon, lashing out at anyone who dared question him, talking to himsef on his own blog, posting idiotic rants and then realizing that he is destroying any credibility he had.
Instead of being the hero he wanted to be he is looked at as a liar and a buffoon.


Perfect description of a sad old man who is trying to create a collage of “glory days” that he never had. Why you described it is why I felt sorry for Dennis for a second. Then I see how he treated his wives and how treats others…he deserves what he gets.


Maybe Chevycheesedick needs to borrow Uncle Rico’s time machine…

Mr. Blue

The sad sack of cheese got to his pathetic position in life the old fashoned way- he eaaaarned it.
Chances are he’s been long on talk, short on action for his entire life… and just dumb enough to believe his own lies and nonsense.
If only he had the guts to take a good, hard, honest look at who he really is and then make some honest changes…Naaah! He’d rather make up stories about his awesomness!

Just an Old Dog

I looked over cock-mole’s bullshit blog again, and he has posted “evidence” of his heroism in the 1980s.
The “evidence” is an exchange between him and some agencies called Metro Monitor,E-Releases and Burelles Work-Flow about archived news video
He asked them if there is any archived footage of him and they respond that they don’t. Of course his email doesnt mention any particular date, act ,or even that it LEO related.
He justs gives his name, that he was in the Dallas Fort Worth Area and supposedly was on Channels 4, 5, 8 and 11.
Cheese dick at his best. He uses a vague email that does not mention a action, date or time and uses the negative response as proof of what he did. He said he did have VHS copies of the news stories he used in his firearms classes but they were worn out from constant use. The kicker is he claims that they said they could find and provide it for him at a cost of 550 dollars. He says that the Newspaper articles are not availiable either. How convenient. Oh by the way he still never says the exact date, Law enforcement agency and location of his wounding or his acts of bravery were. You would also think he would be able to name the suspects in both cases.
He has jack shit.


Cheese-boi is claiming that his “police heroism” incidents made 4 different TV news channels, but that no newspaper articles referencing same exist?

Yeah, that really seems legit.

Sheesh, even a 3rd grader would see through that BS!


Dennis is back at it again. Stupid explanation that has nothing to do with why he deleted his evidence. Continuing to call TAH folks – “terrorist”

Just will not end with this loser.

Pineywoods NCO

Another point of his bullshit.

Channel 11 was an independent station that had no affiliation to major networks, much less a newscast in the 80s.

Nice try, dumbass.

Just an Old Dog

By the way you would think that a site that had hits for over 50 searches for police shootings from 1985-1988 would have something about cheese dicks heroics.

Just an Old Dog

Dallas area Police wounded at this time were :
John T Bell(face) April 1985
William S Mears (hand)August 1985
Rick a Watson ( thigh)November 1985
Ronald L Jackson( Hand) Sep 1987
Ronald D Lindsay ( hand)July 1987


Dennis probably stole the last two’s stories and merged them as his own.


From Dennis H. Chevalier:

Their incompetence is at such a grand scale they should all be taken out and SH%$%##**&*$( so they cannot go on to contaminate the rest of the world with their moronic buffoonery.

Folks these fools are the same fools that hunt so-called fakes. From now on EVERY ONE THEY EXPOSE IS TO BE DOUBTED.


They are a disgrace to mankind everywhere!

Yeah I got it Dennis, you are a loser. You living quite the fantasy and delusions as if people like you.


He is sooo ticked off that we would not allow him into our club without his paying the dues that he is now issuing death threats toward us? Isn’t that special. And adult impersonating a 2-year old.

In the meanwhile, maybe the “injury” came when he failed to secure a job as security for a junk yard – and their dog bit him when he tried to scale the fence later that night.

Any sane person would have gotten it by now, but since this one is a very slow learner: DENNIS, YOU ARE NOT NOW NOR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE.

A Proud Infidel®™

That, or some kid shot him in the face with a rubber band or a spitwad while he was hurrying to get to the doughnut shop in time for the 50% markdown on day-olds!


LOL Funny how Blobfish Howie Chevalier will not give a reason for why he deleted his letter.

He did not delete his letters of recommendations, but he surely will delete this letter that showed he had 1 year and 5 months on duty as a cop.

Just an Old Dog

More than likelt he got “shot in the face” while he was being a “meat shield”.
I have never ever ever heard anyone use that dumb ass phrase when refering to military or LEO.
Maybe he learned some LEO tactics from the fake cop from the village people.


Just an Old Dog…He’s just too stupid to get how pink and queer, “meat shield” sounds.


LOL Meat Shield…never heard that line in my lifetime.

I wish an actual Texas TCLOSE LEO guy would show up and just embarrass him.


Anyone who’s played organized baseball know what a meat shield is – it’s called a “cup”.


LOL still new to me. Funny term though. I guess Dennis was a human cup for mens’ dicks.

Toasty Coastie

Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members
introduction of my situation
Introduction to my situation (the short version)

I just read the latest installment of excrement from TAH and I must say they have finally lost it.
How is it that I can leave my blog alone for days at a time yet they claim I am deleting things from my site “… at an alarming rate”?

They post lie after lie and no one holds their feet to the fire yet they are after internet “liars” of military service?

Terrorists, simply terrorists. They say things, do things to invoke reactions such a bewilderment, job loss, disdain, humiliation for their own purposes and enjoyment…terrorists.

Every post I have made is the truth, every documents posted is real and ANYONE with a goddamn brain can verify them yet these idiots cannot find one god damn document on their own.

Their incompetence is at such a grand scale they should all be taken out and SH%$%##**&*$( so they cannot go on to contaminate the rest of the world with their moronic buffoonery.

Folks these fools are the same fools that hunt so-called fakes. From now on EVERY ONE THEY EXPOSE IS TO BE DOUBTED.


They are a disgrace to mankind everywhere!

Posted by Chevy at 03:26

Oopsie…Someone ran out of cheese again 😯



Now we have Dennis denouncing TAH. Awesome.


Every post I have made is the truth, every documents posted is real and ANYONE with a goddamn brain can verify them yet these idiots cannot find one god damn document on their own.

Since I am the one that raised some concerns with the last document, I feel compelled to answer this charge.

It is difficult to “verify” any document that is sent to an individual. The assertion that “no one can find a document” that he alone has is ridiculous on its face.

Secondly. as I noted, no one messes with documents they want to be seen as evidence. There is a reason that is illegal in a court of law. While this is not a court, tampering raises questions that are asked, but Chevalair has not addressed.

Lastly, why take the documents down? The letter from the Wilmer PD is the latest in a series of documents and letters that go up, found to have questions, and then are taken down.

One is left with the impression that instead of letting the documents speak for themselves, Chevalier feels he has to control access to the documents lest they be discovered as fraudulent.

I am not willing to state categorically that the documents are false, but as someone who does graphics for a living, I can tell you that there are issues with them. Those issues raise a lot of questions rather than end the discussion.

As it is clear that Chevalier is reading this blog, I will say that he is free to contact the blog on which I work. (available through my name on here.) The blog owner will forward the email to me and we can go from there.

Until Chevalier addresses issues that are raised, his complaints come off a yapping in the wind.

Just an Old Dog

The asshole-spasm is also in total denial that 99.9% of the visitor to his “evidence blog” are amused members of the TAH “cadre” who are wondering what stupid shit he will pull next.


Just like his “4,000 visitors are coming to see my Scott Profile” bullshit line he fed himself. Serious denial that its TAH coming to mock him. Which is why he refuses to allow any of us to post anymore on his blog.

It is that thing you guys mentioned, control…it is what he craves.

Just an Old Dog

I have visited his blog at least 75-100 time, if not more, at least 10 times in the past 24 hours


About the same. I even added his sad sack of shit blog as a favorite on my chrome just so I can get a cheap laugh in the afternoon before work.

Many of us have just to see what stupid shit he is updating and what lies he will tell.

Now he is denying anyone access to respond to his lies. He has less avenues to make up lies. Explains why his updates are coming less and less.

Just an Old Dog

Cheeseliar is going batshit, apparently it bothers the nieghbors,,,,

Toasty Coastie

Awww…..Be-Sparkled Blob Fish Dennis Chevelier/LIAR removed his little rant… 😯

Must have found some cheese to soothe his nerves.



I’ve written two comments to his fiasco of a blog that he refuses to post. The first was about the letter and the second called into question his integrity by deleting his posted “evidence” that does nothing more than call into question his claims. For a, “Multi- degreed, former member of: MENSA, the ACFEI, the IAI, ASLET, IACP and CAP. Advanced PADI Open water RESCUE diver, Commercial Pilot, Private Investigator and Consultant, combat arms instruction and CHL instructor, FFL dealer.” (he does love to toot his own horn), he isn’t very bright.


He is a coward. I had to email him directly and he is still refusing to answer. Chickenshit coward through and through.


Chevalier has another “message” up today. On this Memorial day the disgraced cadre members of TAH now claim (like this is a new tactic) the only visitors to my blog are them. That is mathematically impossible being there are only 7 that have been ragging on me continually. According to them, you must assume they each are viewing my blog entries over 1142 times each and from 11 different countries. Once again changing REAL facts to make up lies in fostering their agendas. So far NOTHING they have presented is real. They are like drug abusers trying to increase their fix each time they shoot-up with more outrageous lies and claims then pat each-other on their backs claiming how great their “investigative reporting” is. United States 6402 United Kingdom 63 Germany 52 Romania 35 France 22 Dominican Republic 20 Czech Republic 10 China 9 Australia 9 Netherlands 7 Afghanistan 6 Japan 5 Their approach to defamation of the target is to do the following: They make a false claim they think no one can disprove against a target. When irrefutable proof is presented, they then claim they never “… said they doubted it…”, however they present more slanderous claims demanding you answer those. Each one more outrageous than the previous. A tactics called diversion and deflection. Repeatedly they insist I have deleted things from my blog. Lilyea was seen deleting entries all the time in April. If that were true it is my right to do so however I have instructed them to look in the “comments of the cadre” section after I move things from this location but they are just to mentally incompetent to remember that or to just simply look or use the search bar. Should people of such a low I.Q. be trusted with damaging people’s reputations just because they don’t like or respect someone? Most normal folks say no and ALL of my visitors that are “NOT CADRE” members agree. In answer to R.K…. yes they did go after me because of what happened almost 11 years ago and no, nothing was going on after… Read more »


That might have been the greatest threat Dennis has ever told. Funniest threat too.

“When the warrant comes, I will get each and everyone of you are…I will fund posters for each one of you!”

Sure you will Dennis, sure you will. Dennis if you are reading this, man up and respond to my email, coward.

Green Thumb

Dennis avoids calls seeking clarification of his claims.


He has taken that a step further now.


Yeah his method of deleting his rants and not starting a new blog is a bit of a mystery. He claims he was doing it because “it is easy for viewers to read his new updates”, well its not. It makes people have to search his blog to see if he actually made an update.

He just is not an intelligent guy. He comes off as a psychopath.

Just an Old Dog

Cock-mole Says:

“When I finish their backgrounds I will post the results on a new page on my blog and I will mail to each cadre members families those wanted posters, criminal histories and military records”

I will save you the trouble ass-face.
My “criminal” history consists of three Speeding tickets ( all for 65/55MPH zone) one moving violation ( didnt come to a full stop at a “blacked out” traffic light. This is in over 35 years of driving. You would not find them anywhere, since they are minor traffic.
OK Military. 20 Years Active Duty. Honorable discharge/retirement. Nine personal/ unit awards. Two Qualification badges. Six foriegn deployments to 11 countries. Operation involved in were Firey Vigil and Desert Storm, No Court Martials one article 15 during my first enlistment.
Run with that Denny. you piece of shit.

That Guy

I’ve got a few speeding tickets and two collisions. Oooooooooh expose me, bitchtits.


“When I finish their backgrounds I will post the results on a new page on my blog and I will mail to each cadre members families those wanted posters, criminal histories and military records””

I’d like to see my elementary school teacher, Mrs Durance, diagram that sentence, written by a “PhD”.


SJ…I agree. Dennis (PhD), if I may interject, please Google, “run on sentences”.

Just an Old Dog

“When the warrant comes, I will get each and everyone of you are…I will fund posters for each one of you!”

Wow, I have never been “funded” before, what % of the cheese budget are you slashing to print up my poster?


He’ll need a lot of OT at the Mall to do that.

Just an Old Dog

You can’t forget his side business of letting hobos shit in his mouth behind the dumpters at 5 bucks a pop.


When the warrant comes? Bitch, it ain’t even breathing heavy.

Better than you have tried to sic the legal system on us, and all are either failing or have failed miserably.


Oh, that is so precious that it has me quaking in me boots! What an absolute loon. (Yeah, that was sarcasm.)

But really, who claimed this to be investigative reporting?

And which is it – are none of the posters here visiting his site, or are we stalking him? Is he still pretending that he can have it both ways? Dumb question, huh?

Here’s your clue for Memorial Day: YOU started this, deni peni. Every comment we have made about you has been in response to something YOU did or said. Otherwise, you are of no interest to any of us. Got it? Naw, probably not.


I’m guessing that this was “fear tactics 101” by Howie C.

Green Thumb

Denny looks like the missing character from MacDonald’s: McShitbag.

Toasty Coastie

Just for posterity lmao 😈 Dennis Chevalier: Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members introduction of my situation 26MAY2014 On this Memorial day the disgraced cadre members of TAH now claim (like this is a new tactic) the only visitors to my blog are them. That is mathematically impossible being there are only 7 that have been ragging on me continually. According to them, you must assume they each are viewing my blog entries over 1142 times each and from 11 different countries. Once again changing REAL facts to make up lies in fostering their agendas. So far NOTHING they have presented is real. They are like drug abusers trying to increase their fix each time they shoot-up with more outrageous lies and claims then pat each-other on their backs claiming how great their “investigative reporting” is. United States 6402 United Kingdom 63 Germany 52 Romania 35 France 22 Dominican Republic 20 Czech Republic 10 China 9 Australia 9 Netherlands 7 Afghanistan 6 Japan 5 Their approach to defamation of the target is to do the following: They make a false claim they think no one can disprove against a target. When irrefutable proof is presented, they then claim they never “… said they doubted it…”, however they present more slanderous claims demanding you answer those. Each one more outrageous than the previous. A tactics called diversion and deflection. Repeatedly they insist I have deleted things from my blog. Lilyea was seen deleting entries all the time in April. If that were true it is my right to do so however I have instructed them to look in the “comments of the cadre” section after I move things from this location but they are just to mentally incompetent to remember that or to just simply look or use the search bar. Cadre comments Should people of such a low I.Q. be trusted with damaging people’s reputations just because they don’t like or respect someone? Most normal folks say no and ALL of my visitors that are “NOT CADRE” members agree. In answer to R.K…. yes they did go after… Read more »


Wait….. my copying and pasting his screed here wasn’t good enough? We have to have it TWICE?


(Just kidding, of course.)


Looks like Dennis has changed his restrictions for posting on his blog. Talk about cowardly. He has it for “team members only”

Team Dennis? Consist of just Dennis.

Mr. Blue

Now, come on. Dennis can easily increase the numbers on his team. First, he goes to the sock drawer…

Just an Old Dog

Not a team…he has a “cadre” of his own.


Notice that “Cadre” is always in a evil form to Dennis. He would never use that on himself LOL.

Just an Old Dog

“Meat Shield Cadre”


That lil cowardly right is now avoiding TAH members. I think Linda and Coop were meat shields for him.

Mr. Blue

More of a poly/cotton blend.

Toasty Coastie

Oh Dear…I’m sorry gitarcarver.

I did not see your post when I made mine…

as an aside, this post has goon poof as well lol

Pineywoods NCO


I cordially invite you to discover the reality that not all of us want to respond on your corner of dirt, I mean, blog…especially when it full of ants, I mean, errors, and continually being washed, I mean, erased,….by rainstorms…I mean, the numerous times you have been exposed for lies, omissions, and violations.

Your comments and remarks are the latest in the series of fails.

I offer you this scoop, so you figure out how to shovel the cat shit out of your sand…and no, I won’t do it for you. Neither will anyone else.

Please think….of something other than cheese and then get over yourself by going away.

Just an Old Dog

Cock-wart claims that there are only 7 people who frequent TAH that visit that festering infected pig’s ass he calls a blog, hence all the visitors are all his staunch supporters.
The fault with that is that he assumes that since he had 7 different people COMMENT on his blog they must be the only ones that visit.
I for one, NEVER commented on his pathetic page, nor do I plan too.
He has seen my questions on here and has not answered them.Im not going to bother posting something that has already ben asked that he will simply delete.
I have no doubt that probably 30-50 regulars here have visited his site up to 100 times easily.



Just like Frankie Visconi….

The *ONLY* reason I’m certain Jonn cares to keep allowing us to keep posting here (but not YOU!) is because you’re going to come up short in the tourney and you will fail at being a loser and we will have a GLORIOUS time to continue to MOCK you,


Damn shame he won’t let Dennis post here. Just so he can make an ass of himself even more.

Top 5 SVT Rankings:

4)Round Ranger

I know I am missing one important name in there


I will post complete and detailed histories of each person, complete with criminal wanted posters that I will pay for persons to distribute at each cadre members home town area.

Bitch, please. My life is a total fucking bore. No criminal history. No speeding tickets since 2000. One red light ticket in 2006. 12 years active duty Navy. Currently employed and working for a company doing regional contracting.

No Purple Hearts, never flew a C-130, never was in the Air Force.

You know, just like you never were.

Mr. Blue

Note, it is “I”, as in Dennis that will do this. Which causes one to wonder just where his “team members” are in this quest.


Since most of his world comes from his imagination, is it really a surprise that he would have imaginary friends? Uh, I mean, have an imaginary team?

Yeah, he has graduated from mere scumbag to making up his own laws which he will prosecute himself. Maybe he already has, and is just waiting for his “team” to make the arrests and jail all the infractors of his laws. Yeah, that’s it.

It might be more beneficial for him to submit this fiction as a screenplay. Trouble is that he would need to learn some verbal skills.


LOL This whole “I am going to out every TAH member by posting their information and background” stuff is imaginary. Not a chance in hell that this guy is going to do any of what he claims.

He just likes to blow a lot of smoke. His team consisting of Linda (RIP, imaginary suicide) and DB Coop (Who is relaxing on his lazy boy) are going to help him bring down TAH.

Dennis might make a good movie script. Almost like “Catch me if you can”

Now he has trumped up his “Team” approach to a new level with this “Team members only can post”

Team Dennis, indeed.

Mr. Blue

Wonder if the sweatsocks are ranked higher than the dress socks on the Team Dennis org chart…

3/17 Air Cav

Listen up Cheese Boi………we are not CADRE! We are Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Coast Guard.

Cadre is your glorified Boy Scout outfit in Texas!

Get back to your cheese Chevy!

Just an Old Dog

A “Cadre” in the military is group of experienced officers and NCOs/Instructors that wil form the backbone of a newly formed inexperienced unit. Occasionaly it is used to refer to instructors at a school. Another fail by cock-mole trying to sound like a resident expert..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2y8Sx4B2Sk

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