Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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Oh, and if we are committing all those alleged criminal offenses, why are there no law enforcement agencies investigating those criminal cases?

Calling someone a criminal who has not been convicted of a crime or even investigated for having committed a criminal offense is unethical, offensive, and what’s that other term? Oh, yes, illegal would be the proper term. So you are committing an illegal act right there on your “blog,” and seeming to be rather proud of it.

In spite of your MENSA claim, smart just doesn’t seem to be part of your MO. (You DO understand what that means, right, Mr. SWAT guy, claiming to have directed SWAT training in a community that has never has SWAT. Another less than smart move.)

How many times did you brandish that Wilmer PD badge? If you still have that thing in your possession, you really should consider mailing it back to them. Tossing it into the trash would not be smart either. Is it numbered, as in it can be traced back to you? Maybe if you just drop it in a postal box somewhere it will find it’s way back where it belongs without implicating you in more illegal, immoral, or unethical behavior.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Oh, but didn’t you know, Cheavyliar has the AG of something or other all worked into a lather, and heads will roll I tell you. HEADS WILL ROLL! (And so will the cheese wheel!)

Just an Old Dog

Cheeseslayer is whining like a bitch about the Colonel supposedly sharing a private Email, yet he himself has posted two of the Colonel’s Emails on his site.
To top that off all the Email have the dislaimer that they are niether “secure or private”.
I’m sure the AG of the TSG will go out of his way to procure justice and reenstate Cheese-boy,,,NOT.

Open Channel D

Jeez Dennis, it’s not THAT bad!

It’ll be a lot worse when your only title is “defendent.” That’s when the real humiliation begins.

The good news is, you’ll more than likely be back in a uniform real soon. One with stripes that you actually earned.


LOLZ! Good one!


What is CFP?

Open Channel D

Creative Fiction and Poetry

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well CheeseFlake, this is what happens when you live a life of lies. You will never know the meaning “Band Of Brothers”. I do, and that is all that matters. Your train wreck has just begun, and if you search here recently, you will find a little story about a one Gregory Banks, but CheeseFlake, the local news did not go to his defense, no, they exposed him and his lies for what they are, LIES.

We warned you that you would not want to ride this train, instead you just had to show your ass even more, and what has it resulted in so far. As for the visits to your blog, do you think that they are coming from the WWW to give you support?, no CheeseFlake, they come from here, and your blog stats will probably back that up.

Now then CheeseFlake, as for you not being able to find another gullible woman or even to find a good job bfrom this point on,,,,,,oh well, you will have reaped what you have sown and your empty baseless threats about criminal prosecutions and appearing on your local news has been pure B.S. from the get go.


Dennis H. Chevalier said: “This slap in the face and public humiliations by my supposed band of brothers destroyed me. I was thrown away like a piece of shit paper down a toilet.”

LOL trying to imitate the quiet toned, faux educated chevy voice and saying this line….I just laugh. Shit paper Chevalier!


But flushing the POS sounds sooo appropriate! (Paper optional.)


WOW!!! I guess everyone posting on TAH is: faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap buildings in a single bound, etc. Can ‘anyone’ believe that the TXSG would ever ‘bow’ to anyone’s supposedly implied threats??? HAH!!! This guy is dreaming! As Bugs would say…”What a maroon!” {Granted, I am personally not military, but I do have greatest respect for those who HAVE served!} This temper-tantrum from Dennis needs to be flushed! From all Dennis’ own “public postings” how can he keep straight what is ‘private’? By his own actions and admissions, even HE hasn’t the faintest clue of what ETHICS means. Carry on!

A Proud Infidel®

”Ol “Blobfish” Chevalier, still scavenging the bottom of life’s pool scavenging for whatever scraps fall from above!

Pineywoods NCO

Dennis Let’s review a few things here, shall we: 23.5 years in CAP? It seems like on other sites (such as Rallypoint) you were claiming 33 years. Which was it? Regardless or not that you were in the Texas State Guard, it was brought to our attention that you claimed it as Active Duty time on Rallypoint. You were caught and your information on that site was promptly corrected. There were numerous posts where CAP wasn’t mentioned alongside your LTC, all it said was USAF and that is what was brought into the focus here. For sake of time, let’s not talk about your degrees. It’s been already discussed enough already. No one here asked Dora to say what she did. No one hacked into your son’s account. No one pressured your fellow volunteers to remove you. Where do you live again? North Richland Hills where you claim to work from and had supposedly filed complaints at? Irving? Allen? Which one is it? Hounded you? More like brought to light the truth you deliberately do not want told, after we had to endure one of your very “professional” comments that usually carried words not spoken in such colorful metaphors. Everything that has been found is public record. We have asked you to just provide real proof of all your claims and instead you refer to YouTube comments, various posts, but nothing concrete. Heavy financial loss? From what? Zero?? Emotional terrorism? How in the blue hell did we cause that? By the way, what is emotional terrorism? You believe we all have criminal records? Are internet terrorists? Excuse me while I laugh hysterically at your comments. We violate privacy laws and post private documents? Look who’s talking, please? Threats? Coercion? Again, please look who is talking… KCEN TV, local?? What are you doing pleading to a channel from Waco and Central Texas? KTHT?? The only KTHT out there is not a TV station and it’s definitely not local either. I think you meant some other station, but not sure. Could you have been the reason that your got this “general discharge”… Read more »


Im still trying to figure out what story Dennis peddling around here. He said he resigned on March 30th. But yet he had to ask his status to Palmer on 4th of May?

Dennis doesn’t seem to know or care about god. This is a man that is so hell bent on lying that he will do anything to make himself look good or stay in the good graces of the public. Despite how much he contradicts himself.

Check out his comments on first two blogs just to get a sample of how he makes a fool of himself.

Dennis will never bow down and be humble.

Pineywoods NCO

I don’t need to check his comments, C2Show, as I already know he is a bonafide jackass.

And Dennis….don’t forget (one-fingered salute to you). I know, I know it’s not very Christian, but then again, I apply the corollary to the Golden Rule when it comes to you, which the corollary states: “Do to others what you others have done to you first.”


See Piney, this is where I must respectfully disagree with you. In situations such as these, it is best to apply “The Iron Rule”:
Do unto others before they do unto you.



Pineywoods NCO

LOL…Yes, Sir.


Pineywoods NCO

I forgot one thing….I noticed this after voting in the city elections today…

A cloud formation to the west…looked like an one-fingered salute..

Wonder if that was directed to Dennis.


Pineywoods NCO – it is also the lyrics to a song by the group Tool. The name of the song… “Prison Sex”


In honor of Mother’s Day, time to hammer someone that terrorized, stalked, and bullied mothers in the past… Dennis Howard Chevalier, Non PhD, phony Retired USAF LTC who never flew C130s, who never served in the Middle East during Desert Shield/Storm. :mrgreen: Twisted: 😎


No Dennis Howard Chevalier, you were not a member of a SWAT team, just like you’re currently no longer a member of the Texas State Guard. 😎

And what’s this “we” stuff with regards to this “we investigate” nonsense? Chevalier and Associates consists of you and your sock puppets Linda Day, David Cooper, and the others. :mrgreen:

You talk about serving for 23.5 years, that’s different from your 30 years claims… or even from the modified DD 214 that you posted, which showed you doing less than 20 years in CAP. As of the time you retired, you could retire with 12 years of CAP service. You can’t get your numbers straight.

Your dilemma started the moment you decided to stretch the truth about your CAP status… to the point of lying about it. You retired from CAP when you no longer could be mistaken as an actual USAF officer.

Again, Scotty Hughes had no issues with the links that you posted. He had issues with you stealing the artwork from his facebook page for use on yours. You pretended to be a valor hunter, when you were actually pretending to be a valor hunter while attempting to get the accolades that folks like Scotty, Jonn, and others would get.

Scotty Hughes also had issues with you womanizing with the female subscribers on his page.

This never was about your claims about being in CAP, or the Texas State Guard. This was about your claims about being a retired USAF LTC, a C130 pilot, and a Gulf War veteran. Those claims weren’t true. You got outed for that, so links to the TAH page about you got posted on your websites.

The only reason you got incensed was that you knew that you had just gotten exposed because of your lies. 😆


This wasn’t about something that occurred in the early 2000s, and got dealt with then. This was about your continued claims of the above. Jim Parker went after you, Dennis Howard Chevalier, with regards to some of your academic credentials. Scotty and others went after you in regards to your phony military claims. See a trend? You should, because you made a video talking about how you’ll go after people that claimed to have earned things they never earned… or to have experiences they never had. This isn’t about the Stolen Valor Act, but about you claiming military status and experiences that you never had. You did this intentionally, as stated by Dora Lee and others. When you attempted to baffle us with bullshit, we cursed at you. No, we didn’t make up additional false claims about you. The above three military related claims are factual claims about you claiming to be something that you’re not. In the course of you continuing to fight us, more facts came to our attention… facts that we’ve called you out on. Dora Lee jumped into the thread to give us the facts about you, based on her first hand observations. Her statements about you matched what we had already gathered about you. 😈 Employers in the Texas State Guard? You weren’t getting paid, so they couldn’t be your employers. But, when you complained about getting your employer to fire you, or fire people, you admitted that you had already gotten kicked out. Go back and reference my replies to you pointing that out. As for searching every site, we do that to gather more information about you, and to see the extent of your phony claims. If you made false claims on those sites, we made sure that we presented the audience with the facts. It didn’t matter if those sites had anything to do with stolen valor or not. People needed additional indication of the fact that you’re a liar. You claim to be a SWAT at Wilmer, but their police chief stated that they never had a SWAT team at that… Read more »


You complain about us not using our real names. You don’t pay much attention to this site, don’t you? The fact that Daniel Alan Bernath, Dallas Wittgenfeld, and Paul K. Wickre have given people problems… to include harassing family members of those that post here, should tell you why most of us don’t post under our real names. 😯

Given your attitude and track record, the last thing we need is for you to be able to get the information you need to talk our families, our refrigerators, and us. 😯

You’re not an “unsuspecting” person. You’re someone that has lied about having extensive military service, and you know it.

You know that we’re holding you accountable for those claims. The “ridiculous claims” that you lament are your actual statements lying about your service, lying about flying C130s, lying about deploying to the Middle East during Desert Storm, etc.

What’s really funny is that one of your ex-wives stated that you never left Texas during the Gulf War… that you weren’t qualified. 😈 😆

We’re not forcing you to admit to “ridiculous” claims. We’re requiring you to come clean about your lies about military service, and to move on sans those lies.

Also, you’ve posted private medical information on your ex, you have no leg to stand on complaining about others “violating privacy laws.” The cold hard reality is that we didn’t violate privacy law, you did.

This IS a 1st amendment issue, and we’re protected by that first amendment. We haven’t gone to those “limits” that you’ve talked about.

You keep talking crap about filing criminal charges of harassment and stalking, yet you haven’t done such a thing. You’re talked the talk, but not walk the walk. Either reach for the damn cheese, or close the damn refrigerator. 👿


Like Josey Wales said….
“You gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie? ”

*Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away
Look away
Look away


Sing it Dennis!


Originally posted by Mustang2LT:

“You gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?”

His wives were talking about taking actions against him. Dennis Howard Chevalier’s response to them?

“Shit or get off the pot!” … or something like that. I turned it into something about cheese. :mrgreen:


Given your attitude and track record, the last thing we need is for you to be able to get the information you need to talk our families, our refrigerators, and us.

LOL Funny, I was gonna send Dennis an email under my Air Force email. But I figured this fucking loser would have tried to call the base looking for me. He would have attempted to enact some kind of false revenge.

Green Thumb

I have called this guy.

He just hangs up.

Typical, weak fucking poser.


What a pussy he is…I bet if you told him your name and where he worked via internet. He would probably try to call your employers.

Dennis H. Chevalier is the type of 6’0 250 lb coward that does not have the balls to face a man face to face.

He talks a lot of shit when he is control of a situation. Minute you got him in public standing, I bet he is quick to back down and run to the authorities.


You made a blog in an attempt to baffle the general public with BS. You couldn’t stand a chance against us in an argument, Dennis Howard Chevalier, so you figured that you could run to your room and shake your fist in our direction.

We’re not the ones making ridiculous claims. You’re making claims that mostly don’t match reality. Every time you lie to people to pad your ego, we reply back with the facts proving your statement wrong. Again, here’s the relationship that you don’t see:

Let “X” be your lies, red herrings, straw men, BS, etc…
Let “Y” be our fact checking your statements.

What’s happening is this:

If “X” then “Y.”

You keep advancing “X,” and we counter with “Y.” The more you advance “X,” the more we advance “Y.” The more this happens, the more your name gets mentioned. The more your name gets mentioned, the more options come up when someone does an internet search.

You have yourself to blame for someone being able to easily find you through an internet search.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

I am not without fault. I did in early 2000 did-not complete an email signature while retired from the civil air patrol during a period of years of extreme illness during a cancer battle…

This is an example of your lies. The capability to create a “signature block” was around in the ’90s. This means that you created a signature line through your “control panel” intended to convince people that you were in the USAF. Once that signature is set, all you have to do is post and that signature would show up.

Laziness is a poor excuse. This wasn’t laziness, it was a deliberate attempt to make phony military claims.

We’re not getting on your case for a “typo” or one time “oversight.” We’re getting on your case for repeatedly making claims/stealing valor. You repeatedly used a signature that identified you as a retired member of the USAF. You set your signature block to read that way, deliberately deceiving people into believing that you were a retired USAF LTC that flew C130s in Iraq during the Gulf War.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

They made a ton of straw men references. I believe these are attempts to divert attention away from areas they were losing the battle in to bring new allegations against me to keep me off balance during their attacks.


This is precisely what we’re talking about when we tell you that you’re deflecting your own traits onto us. You just summed up your OWN strategy for dealing with the hammering that we’re giving your argument.

You’ve resorted to the straw men, red herrings, inductive fallacies, etc, in order to divert attention from the fact that you made claims of being something you weren’t. You knew we were kicking your azz, so you try to switch this to a topic that we’re not even arguing about.

Our consistently hammering you with the facts, and our remaining on your case, is keeping you off balance in this fight.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

During this fight I was informed by the cadre they would attack every person in the guard if I didn’t bend my knee and admit to all their demands so I resigned from the Guard in April.

No, during this fight, some pondered at what the true nature of the Texas State Guard would be like if they knew you were behaving this way, but decided to keep you anyway. The argument was that if they kept you, then your attitude would’ve been a reflection of what they considered as “acceptable.” This would’ve reflected badly on them.

We also advanced another argument… that if they gave you the boot, then they’re an organization that expects its Soldiers to behave professionally. This turned out to be the case.

You need to wake up to reality, and realize that the Texas State Guard didn’t “throw you under the bus” for “no reason” just to appease a group. The Texas State Guard saw you as not acting consistent with how they’d expect someone to behave while a member of the Texas State Guard.

Not only did you deviate from that, toward the worst end of the scale, but you included them in your blog while insinuating that they supported you in this fight. Your own actions, and statements, argued for them wanting you out of their organization.


Not only did you deviate from that, toward the worst end of the scale, but you included them in your blog while insinuating that they supported you in this fight. Your own actions, and statements, argued for them wanting you out of their organization.

Thatis the most embarrassing part of this matter. Crazy that he even leaves this blog up and admits that he was terminated and banned from Texas State Guard.

He got some balls to leave that up…he should be crying.

I bet Texas State Guard Commander sent a MFR/Memo out saying not to talk to or contact Dennis H. Chevalier.


Rounds on target, thebesig… center mass.

Chevycheesedick is probably searhing for a place in the DFW area that sells 7lb blocks of cheese on Sundays

Danny-boi… any luck getting employment with your non-accredited pee H dee?


Thanks Senior. :mrgreen: If only Dennis Howard Chevalier could be center mass when it comes to things in life, instead of his just being mass. 😯 😈


It bothers you that you can’t control us, doesn’t it Dennis Howard Chevalier? You have a control problem, as well as an anger problem, eating problem, and all sorts of other problems. We’re not trying to control you. We are; however, letting you know what you’re up against if you persist with lying to us.

Our recommendation consists of you apologizing to all the groups that you stole valor/credit from. It also consists of you going forward without claiming to have experiences that you don’t have, and without you claiming to have credentials that you don’t have. It also involves you apologizing to the remainder of the groups covered in these threads involving you.

What you dismiss as “making you dance like a marionette” is you protesting the idea that you have to humble yourself… to accept what is, and what you have, rather than what you wish were the case.

We required you to prove your claims related to what we were arguing. We also required you to answer simple, straightforward questions. You failed to do both. You demanded proof from us in areas you knew we were right.

We didn’t need to prove to you that you’re a violent person that’ll resort to violence when he loses control. Just ask Dora Lee. Her firsthand accounts are proof if this fact.

You claim that you demanded proof, but when someone presented that proof, you refused to post it on your blog… and you reacted in an angry way.


Yes, you tried to present proof. The proof that you didn’t alter happened to be proof to an argument that we weren’t making. The “proof” that you provided in an attempt to strengthen your arguments WAS altered.

Do you remember the document where you claimed you complained against Jim Parker making things up about you being a USAF LTC retired? Jim Parker jumped on here and stated that as being false… and not being present on the copy that he has.

Do you remember the criminal complaint you posted on your blog, with a narrative that didn’t have you as pulling a gun, as Dora Lee accurately stated? Scotty has the original, and it has the non-altered statement that indicates that you did, in fact, do what Dora Lee said you did.

THAT’s an example of what we were talking about, Dennis Howard Chevalier, when we said that you altered documents.

Since the facts are on our side, the only option you have in this argument is to consistently lose.

Your bringing up articles about veterans that commit suicide misses the point about what we’re doing. We don’t harass real veterans for claiming to be veterans. We hold them accountable for claiming military experiences that’s not supported by their official records.

In other words, we get on their case for embellishing their own experiences. What they do after the fact is their decision, not ours. The ultimate decision is on the veteran, not us or anybody else. 😎


Dennis Howard Chevalier, you should learn from what we’re saying to you… and take action that’ll help you better yourself and your life. 😎

Instead of putting up a losing fight, like what you’re doing, you need to come clean. The first step will be for you to apologize to the veterans for trying to steal their valor. You could word it as an apology for making claims of military experiences and statuses that you never had.

Include the specific claims that you made while you apologize. Correct the record by stating the fact that you weren’t a USAF LTC that flew C130s, and that deployed to Iraq during the Gulf War.

Your statements that you “never made such claims,” and that “You’ve said no to those” were made as part of a bigger lie… they don’t count.

You need to follow that up with apologizing to the police community for claiming to be SWAT, as well as embellishing your police experiences. Your “recommendation letters” from the different police departments show you as a below average “run of the mill” police officer that got by with the bare minimum of what he was required to do.

You also need to follow that up with an apology to other investigation organizations that are actually doing investigations. Also, you need to apologize for the treatment you subjected your ex-wives to.

After those apologies, you need to commit to NOT trying to steal their valor again.


The next course of action for you would be to get help for your anger, stress, control, eating, low self-esteem, and other issues that you have. ➡

Dennis Howard Chevalier, you’re no longer in the Texas State Guard because of things that YOU did. Your reaction to your discharge shows that you haven’t learned your lesson. Your experiences are related, and tied to what we’ve pointed out to you:

* You got discharged from the National Guard for fraudulent enlistment…
* You got discharged from the Texas State Guard for your substandard moral character…
* You are a six timed divorced man, where your ex-wives complained about your character…
* You had short stints at different police department, with a radio personality ripping you a new one for your fraudulently arresting him…
* You retired from CAP at a time that you wouldn’t be mistaken as an USAF LTC…
* It seems that everywhere you post, those that disagreed with your character sang the same tune…

There is a trend from all of this, and this trend, this common lowest denominator, is YOU. Your anger issues, stress issues, eating issues, control issues, low self-esteem issues, and your other behavioral issues also have one common thread… it’s the same common thread that connects the above bulleted list of things that you’ve failed at.

In order to deal with that one common thread, you must humble yourself… something that you don’t appear to be willing to do. As long as you refuse to do this, you’re looking at continuing with the same string of bad luck that you’ve had with the above. ❗

Just an Old Dog

The Cheese-slayer consistantly goes back to that “cut off” signature block excuse. Not that there werent other examples found of him claiming to be a Gulf War veteran.
The thing is, only an obnoxiuos twunt would put LtCol USAF Aux CAP on a signature line anyway.Common sense would dictate Lt Col, CAP be used.
Of course this is the same shit state that shortens Texas State Guard to “the Guard” when it is convienient for him.


Dennis, Even with the convoluted mess this has become, thanks to you, its still easy enough to track your original claims and the subsequent fight that ensued over your childish behavior on being called out. You first came to light here due to your claims about being a retired USAF Lt Col. It was rightly pointed out that your claims were a lie. You responded angrily and with excuses. You were tired one time. Then you were hacked and someone spread it all over the internet. That still doesn’t make sense, because usually character assassination is supposed to make someone look bad, not build them up. During the investigation into your retired USAF claims, it came to light that you had also claimed to be a C-130 pilot, Gulf War veteran, and you said you had been shot down. Those claims also quickly became part of the, “I was hacked” defense and you even went so far as to post manipulated documents in a pathetic attempt to “prove” your case. The person you accused of that set the record straight in short order. Again you got angry. Your claims to being a PhD were found. It was proven that those claims were false. Your diploma came from a diploma mill and isn’t worth the paper its printed on. During all this, in a sad attempt to prove you were of decent character, you made claims of being a SWAT officer and having been shot in the line of duty. Those were also claims that were quickly shot down. Sorry Dennis, a few tactical courses does not a SWAT officer make. You have also failed to show any verifiable proof of your claims to police heroism and being injured in the line of duty. You just got angry and cursed all those who questioned you. Now you’ve even been booted from a volunteer organization. The “discharge” was general in nature, you admit. Now tell us what the reason for your discharge was. I’ll wager it was due to issues of poor character. And there again, you got angry and blamed everyone… Read more »


Are we still talking about Dr. Formage LeTwat?

Dennis not chevy

chevy, listen to ArmyATC. Admit your lies, apologize, and don’t lie anymore. It is that simple.
Recently, I met several members of the Civil Air Patrol. I found them to be honorable people, I learned some things from them, and I enjoyed the visit. These CAP members were serving their communities voluntarily with no thoughts of reward or embellishment. The visit was more pleasant because you and your ilk were never mentioned. The cadets said things such as, “I’m not the only one, there’s another cadet at such and such a place that has this award and there’s two more over there.” chevy, do you see what they were doing? It wasn’t about them alone, they freely spoke of their fellows giving them credit where it was due. Their behavior wasn’t special; it’s what is expected of a member of any group. As expected as it was, they’re behavior reflected well on themselves and their adult leaders. Neither the adults nor the cadets seemed to want praise.
chevy, follow their example and stop lying.


Dumbass Dennis deleting “evidence” now…cowards way out.

Green Thumb

He should have taken the Turd Bolling defense.

“I neither confirm or deny…”

Those two turds have a lot of similarities.


Most definitely…

Dennis is staying quiet now. Must have something planned up his dingy little sleeves.


Fyi… Dennis is deleting a his rants with the TSG, where he threatened his own CO. I hope someone did some screen capture?

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

The internet never forgets.

Not only that, his comments about Texas State Guard are still on facebook.


Trusty old google cache:

Seems I was lied to again this time by my own Col Palmer.
Sent me an email dated the 5th of May saying my status wasn’t determined and then I get a letter dated the 3rd saying otherwise and for what?
Because of the past that has no bearing on my work performance?
Because I didn’t kiss your ass?
Because you had a fit and demanded I be kicked out because of your madeup bullshit?
Because a Bipolar ex lied about me?
Screw you and the rest of you.
Let’s see you dodge the criminal complaint.
And Col. Palmer, do you think the AG will like the fact you posted a private administrative file letter to the goddamn world?

Just an Old Dog

Any in depth info or commentary availiable for when Cheese-roach fucked up with the radio peronality?


Definitely would hear about this story.


Wasn’t that Bernasty?!?!?


/or do we have a whole new program of entertainment??


If memory serves, one of his fanciful stories was about a local radio guy who went after him for false arrest, and won a lawsuit against him. Of course, there was probably hacking involved. Or a lying ex-wife. Or something.

No one suggested that stolen valor was involved in that one – just his massive ego.

the Al

Haven’t been able to find a link, but it was mentioned somewhere in the many quotes that one of Cheeze-dick’s many brief jobs with police departments may have ended after a radio personality nailed him to the wall for false arrest


This legendary story has been mention a few times on his older blog and this one. Dennis refuses to elaborate on what happened, of course.


It was first mentioned here:

I have not seen the transcript.


Dennis latest comments are now in the “my situation” section.

He made up some story about SWAT Team in defense.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Oh Sparkle Blobfish Dennis CheveLIAR/ Dr. Fromage Le Twat~

You have made yet another lie.. 😯 Nobody named “Riley” called Wilmer PD to verify your SWAT claims. Nor were they laughed at and told to Eff OFF.

How do I know this? Because it was ME who called and I can assure you that my name is not Riley and I had many pleasant conversations with the Chief, none of which ended with being told to EFF Off. The only laughter was us laughing AT YOU and all the lies you have been spewing and getting caught in. He was mighty interested in your asshattery. Especially about you still using a badge you are not even authorized to have anymore.

Care to try again? 😈


Riley’s in jail, remember? The Chief was real nice to me too when I spoke to him on several occasions. He’s supposed to call me back this week about something. Cheeslayer has a picture of that Wilmer PD badge on his mangina monolgues website somewhere (that’s “evidence”). He loves that badge… it and his bearcat scanner soothe him when his rash flares up.


Yeah I just read that mess, surprised he posted my comment asking about his deleted evidence.

He has a new section coming soon called “The Cadre”, dreaded and feared name.

Now he is going to attempt to ID people I guess.


I wonder if Magnum (girth) PI will figure out my ID, being that I bought a long gun on the internet and he did the transfer for me. That was apparently before he started operating out of a hotel room though.

I still cannot find any state registration for any business entity named Chevalier and Associates. Just like Dennis, it is a never-was.


LOL Seriously?

Well you know Dennis does seem to forget more often than not. He claims that only one wife/girlfriend only came to TAH to talk about him.

He claims his sickness(cancer) has allowed him to fuck up his email signature and be careless now.

He is now claiming that you GDC, Besig, etc are shitty detectives compared to him. So I guess he is going to be doing investigation work against Toasty, you, Scotty, Jonn, etc.


Yeah, we’re shitty detectives and he can’t even find his own posts, much less his own dick.

Doesn’t he say that he developed cancer in early 2000? And yet on this very site, he posted that he wasn’t diagnosed with cancer until 2004.

Furthermore ‘ol Dumbass, in recounting his history with this blog, never mentions the fact that he was a “valor hunter” until the spotlight got shone on his ass. He never mentions this post (or the one beneath it): http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=39007&cpage=1#comment-1106317

He scurried off down the rat hole. Wouldn’t you think after Scotty’s reply he would have said “Hey bro, call me” or something? And yet, all he did was block his pages and pull as much stuff down as possible. I may be a shitty investigator but I know damage control when I see it.


So again, Dennis contradicts himself and fictional history. Yeah I remember him talking about that, he said early 2000, claims 2004 and sometimes claims “came back in 2004”

Yeah I mentioned that in comment section about how he no longer talks about being Valor Hunter and asked him why he shut down his page if he was such a great Valor hunter.

I asked him numerous times to tell me who he outed. And who were the 6 he was gonna out. He changes the subject usually.

AT one point, I wish I would have captured the image. But he claimed Frank and Scotty were post malicious viruses (aka links) on his Stolen Valor page. Told his “fans” not to believe them.

So he also lied about Scotty posting angry shit on his page.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Oh I forgot about that.
Dennis, Never was, Nor Ever Will Be A SWAT Lt, PhD Holder, or USAF LtCOL Chevelier/LIAR, simply can not keep his lies straight.

I found Chief to be a very gracious man. He was very interested in our SparkleBerry 7lb Block of Cheese Eater.

Funny though, he was quite sure that in all his years at Wilmer there has NEVER been a SWAT Team there as they are just too small of a PD. I asked him how about way back in the 80’s and 90’s. Was there ever a SWAT Team then? His reply. NOPE We were to small then too.

So there you have it.

I’ve got odds saying that Dr. Fromage Le Twat will say the Chief is lying and is a liar as well.

Who’s in? 👿


Thats a guaranteed win for you LOL.

He will also claim he has a recording of a phone conversation with the Chief claiming he was SWAT and chief acknowledged it. Similiar to what he claims he has with Shipley.

He altered that page now to say that he put his resignation with TX State Guard in May versus what he originally claimed. He claimed he resigned in March.

I guess the cheese got to his head. Without the cheesy goodness…Dennis becomes uneven.

Toasty Coastie

It appears you win Sad….

Cheese Blob now has a fake email from the Chief of Wilmer PD up stating that he spoke with a woman and denying he ever told the woman he spoke with that they never had a SWAT team.

Now I am not sure, so perhaps some of the LEOs here could answer this, but would a Police Chief write an email telling of conversations he has had to just anyone who inquired and drop names?
Knowing Be-Sparkled Blob Fish’s penchant for making up documents, I would think not. I would also think it would be very bad for business for a Police Chief to be discussing phone calls that could be deemed confidential to anyone who was not in a need to know position say a curious citizen who does not work in law enforcement.


It should be noted Toasty:

1) That is another one of those “Dennis Classics” – “Treat as Confidential”

2) It is yet another forwarded email which he could alter and edit on Microsoft outlook

3) Second email is definitely a fake. or Either one. Notice how one has a signature for Kemp and the other one doesn’t have a signature.

4) What I find strange about this email is that Wilmer email address is a organizational Box I thought. You figure a Chief of police would have a personal email box.


First email about Kemp and email signature at the bottom is legit. That one is real, it also doesn’t prove much other then there has not been a SWAT team there in 12 years he has been in charge. Also said he did not give out information.

Dennis probably rubbed Victor Kemp the wrong with what he wrote.

The second email is a fraud. I think Dennis edited it via forward email. Which is typical mickey mouse bullshit. Why would he forward the email to himself and post it? Stupid move.

Toasty Coastie

Thanks C2 🙂

I looked at them again and they both seemed altered. Where I live, a former employer is not allowed to tell former employees who has called for references. Right along the same lines of an employer being able to say what the circumstances of said employee left/was let go.

I find it odd that a Police Chief would talk about any phones calls with just anyone who would ask.

It just doesn’t “smell” right.


I agree, something is up with both of those emails. Why would Kemp even talk to him about this when Kemp has no clue who Dennis is. He says he does not even have records on Dennis allegedly. Which is poor record keeping.

Phony Kemp character also says he has no idea about the record keeping of his own office. Not even sure where the Riley name comes from at this point. It is not mentioned in that email.

Dennis is up and active now on his blog. He is commenting to me saying I would be kicked out the air force for lying. Which is comedy.
This isn’t the Texas Guard, silly (Denny boy).

Toasty Coastie

lol I just read your comment there and his reply…it seems he thinks when you said “Riley” posted here he actually thinks “Riley” did, instead of A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs, who clearly states her name is not “Riley” but did make a call to the Wilmer PD.
It also would appear a few other folks here called the Wilmer PD as well, so how would the Chief know to whom he was asking about calling him.
I call BS on all of it 😀

Oh one more question for you..Would it be a crime or illegal in some way to forge/alter an email from a LEO?


That I wouldnt know. I know someone here could answer that though. But from experience in talking with agencies such as Police, they would never give out that information.

From my correspondence with them in my job now. I never seen a guy respond to someone directly and give specifics like that. Also never seen a Chief say “I don’t know” when comes to their record management. It just wreaks of unprofessionalism.

Toasty Coastie

It definitely sounds very unprofessional, not to mention, even small PD’s I think are accredited by CALEA and they require above reproach record keeping for everything in the PD. I can’t imagine that a Police Chief would risk CALEA Accreditation for Sparkle Pony.

But as we have said before, it all smells.

I am still curious though if forging/altering an email from a EO would be a crime though. I also wonder how the Chief would feel being dragged into this.


Oh yeah toasty, another thing that is interesting is Dennis ridiculous use of “confidential” which he continues to make his emails “confidential” over an unclassified, plain jane laptop he is using.

Makes zero sense and shows Dennis lack of knowledge in classification of messages.

Not even sure why he does that, he did this same stunt with Col Palmer.


Funny. Dennis calls himself an investigator. He thinks that the Chief saying there’s been no SWAT at Wilmore in the twelve years he’s been there is evidence that he was a SWAT officer. Even funnier, on his own blog, Dennis posted a pic of himself with one of his wives. He has a “tactical” tab on his police uniform. I guess he still thinks that a few tactical courses makes him SWAT. He also finally admitted that he was a reserve officer. I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of a reserve cop being on a SWAT team let alone leading it.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

I have just realized, SparkleBerry BlobFish’s head looks like a Baby Bell Gouda… 😀

Oh hey all, give a like here please…


Green Thumb

Denny is like a bad penny, flip it and you always lose.

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet ‘ol “BLOBFISH” Chevalier was THIS kind of a LEO:

Green Thumb

This idiot is separated from reality.

Hopefully the men in white jackets are on the way….

Toasty Coastie


Scotty has posted Chevelier/LIAR’s discharge letter from TxSG and its a hoot! 😈


jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Ok, color me dumb, but I can’t seem to find it.

Ok, so it wasn’t just me

Toasty Coastie

Oops, :blush: My bad, its on Scotty’s FB page..he hasn’t posted it yet on the BOS…

Sorry about that…


Do you have a link to Scotty’s FB page?

Toasty Coastie

Here ya go…


If you can’t see it find me and I’ll add you to my page.


Thanks!! I sent a friends request. We’ll see what happens.

Toasty Coastie

Cool…if your on Jonn or TSO’s page you can look me up through them..I have the pic on my time line

Toasty Coastie

Oops, :blush: My bad, its on Scotty’s FB page..he hasn’t posted it yet on the BOS…

Sorry about that…

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Ok, what about those of us not on facebook? 🙂

Yeah, no kiddin. Now I may have to reactivate my facebook to see this


Could you or someone post a screen shot of the letter?

Toasty Coastie

Check my FB Valky. 😀


Thats kinda cruel,
There are allot of us that disdain social media….

And we always share what we find with the rest of the class 🙁

Toasty Coastie

I’m sorry guys.
If I could post the pic I would.

I’m sure Jonn will post it too shortly.

Toasty Coastie

Oops, cut my self off…

I do have another present though for you all…


Enjoy! 👿


Gawd, that’s funny!!!! The pic he has on that site shows him wearing a combat shirt with stupid fucking morale patches on it!!

Doc Savage

‘Embrace the suck”?

Should read “Embrace the cheddar”


Did you see Dennis Howard Chevalier’s profile picture in one of his forged email exchanges? It looks like there’s a black hole inside Dennis Howard Chevalier’s head, and it’s trying to suck his face in. :mrgreen:


I remember actually being facebook friends with this turd back when he was still posting on Senior Chief Shipley’s page. I always thought there was some a little off about him, but couldn’t quite place it, aside from his constant need for attention like the narcissistic drama queen he is. I remember once he started yammering about “needing a call sign” and having his fans come up with names for him. What kind of loser tries to come up with their own call sign/nickname?

He friended a lot of people in the Shipleys’ circle of facebook friends, trying to ingratiate himself in that community. When Senior barred him from attending the ESE course, Chevalier posted some big sob story about how Senior took his money, but flaked out after that weird business with the gross pictures Chevalier was posting, and wouldn’t let him and his son attend. Implying as if Senior was somehow dishonest in the way he had treated Chevalier. And Chevalier said this about a guy he supposedly “deeply respected.”

Character assassination and categorical dishonesty is this guy’s modus operandi. Reading the evidence you guys have posted only confirms everything I suspected and shows him to be the POS he really is.

One last thing, I noticed a screencap on one of the blogs (Scottie’s, I believe) which states Chevalier had a TS Clearance during his time with CAP? If that, like everything else is a lie as well, do you know if it is illegal to lie about holding a security clearance? Food for thought.


Well, he certainly earned a couple of call signs here:

“Blobfish 69 Actual”

“Cheese Slayer”

“Cheese Dick”

Maybe he can emblazon one of them on the back of his fake flight helmet


Scotty has the letter posted at his site now. It’s pretty telling. Chevalier is permanently barred from re-enlistment in the TXSG. While he did resign as he says, it’s obvious from the letter that he really didn’t have a choice. His discharge is general. The letter goes on to talk about morale problems within the battalion Chevalier was assigned to. It also states the permanent bar was placed after COL Powers spoke with Chevaliers’ senior NCOs and CSM. It would appear they didn’t have anything good to say about him.


Yeah, that’s gonna leave a mark even a 10-lb block of Swiss won’t fix. (smile)

Toasty Coastie

Gooood Morning All~

That lovely TxSG letter to Dennis H. Chevelier/LIAR BE-Sparkled BlobFish is up on Scotty’s page now.



OIF '06-'07-'08

Well, that was nice to read, and it seems that blobfish’s service in the TSG was mediocre at best even without our help.


Wow. Getting thrown out of a volunteer organization. Started out as a LtCol in the “USAF-CAP” and kicked out of the TXSG as a CPL. The wives must be laughing and high 5’ing.



CPL Chevalier:

You are discharged under General conditions, and are permanently barred from re-enlistment in the Texas State Guard. A copy of this letter will accompany your discharge and become a part of your permanent file.

Your past actions, which the “This Ain’t Hell” blog has brought to light, have cast an unfavorable light on the Fourth Regiment in particular and the Texas State Guard in general. They have exacerbated morale problems within your battalion, and negatively affected the good order and discipline within its ranks.

As the Regimental Commander, I am charged with taking all actions necessary to protect the regiment’s reputation, and that of the Texas State Guard.

I accept the resignation you sent by text message. The effective date is 03MAY14. Again, the type of discharge is General. Based on the comments of your senior NCOs, and the advice of the Regimental Command Sergeant Major, I am permanently barring you from re-enlisting in the Texas State Guard.

I wish you luck in whatever venue for future service you find,



Based on the comments of your senior NCOs, and the advice of the Regimental Command Sergeant Major,

Dennis Howard Chevalier didn’t help his situation out when he got on a Texas State Guard senior NCO’s case for posting a reply on this blog. 😯

The NCO support channel saw Dennis Howard Chevalier for what we see him here… thus they wanted him out of the Texas State Guard.

As usual, Dennis Howard Chevalier fell short of average… this letter suggests that Dennis Howard Chevalier was that below average mill Soldier, just as he was a below average mill law enforcement officer… and below average with anything else he has attempted.

This all boils down to what we talked about above… Dennis is his own worst enemy.


Dennis has no clue how the actual military works either. He seems to think people can be petitioned into being kicked out of AF kinda like what happened to him in Texas State Guard.


Dennis Howard Chevalier lacks what you have… real military experience. Unlike him, you actually served in the Air Force.

I saw that comment of his on his blog. 🙄

Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier in the Mangina Monologues:

And if you ever DID serve in the USAF, they would have petitioned for your removal for all of the lying and conduct disorders you have displayed.

That’s him trying to project his traits onto you. That comment is Dennis Howard Chevalier’s subconscious admission to what actually happened at his Texas State Guard unit. 🙄


LOL Yeah I was waiting for him to post my comments in reponse to that ridiculous matter. He must have gotten pissed and logged off for the night.

I tried to explain to him before that I was Active duty for 10 and currently an Air Reserve Technician now.

I was inches away from just emailing him with my AF address. Just to see how he would response. But he is such a pussy he would try to call the base try to get me in trouble.


That’s just like him calling us “POGS,” never mind, for a second, that the way he wore his “full battle rattle” read “POG” all over. :mrgreen:

Dennis Howard Chevalier is driven by pure arrogance, so he’ll tell an actual airman that he’s a phony… despite the fact that he went around claiming to be an airman. 🙄


Yet another failure to hang on his wall of shame. I’ll wager that he’s still running that line of fake BS to all that will hear him. People like him never learn.

I wonder how many co-workers/acquaintances have asked, “If you’re a retired air force LTC with a PhD, why are you working as mall security?”


I also wonder if there had been people that asked him why he didn’t he join of the retired military organizations or get-togethers in his area.


And I think I know his response: “Nah. Those places are full of phonies and fakes.”


Or, he’d say, “My records are classified!” :mrgreen:


So, to summarize:

Not an AF LTC.

Not a C-130 pilot.

Not a Ph.D.

Not a TXSG Corporal.

Stick a fork in this one, folks – it’s done!!!

Green Thumb

So negative, you are sir.

Is a clown.

Is a turd.

Is a deadbeat.

Is obese.

Is a bullshit artist.


Is: Dr. Formage LeTwat


OMG! He broke up with “The Guard” through a text message?! That my friends is what I call classy! For a 15 year old!


hey, wazzup.
jst letting you kno that I quit.
plz dont call me.
thnks bye


Wut? but we r gud 2geter!

Haha! I can not stop laughing over a grown man “breaking up” with a state militia through text message. My 13 year old thought that was “a dork move”.


I am so glad to hear that this shitbag got his. This punk pissed me off on many levels. First, he brought further bad publicity to Civil Air Patrol. As a former CAP cadet, this bothers me because I see chumps like Chevy and Tesla turning my former organization into a joke. I enjoyed my time as a Cadet and was proud of earning my Mitchell award and serving as Cadet Commander of my unit. Many of my fellow Cadets went on to serve in ALL branches of the military and served with distinction in both combat and peacetime roles. I recently was contacted by a former subordinate who enlisted in the Navy, earned an appointment to Annapolis from the enlisted ranks, received his Commission and is currently serving as a Lieutenant Commander supporting E-2C Hawkeye operations. He thanked me for my mentorship when I was his Cadet Commander and it put a whole new perspective on my time in CAP. However, even that paled in comparison to when I was able to present my daughter with the same Mitchell award 18 years after I earned mine. That allowed me to see that this organization was still relevant and grooming our next generation of leaders. Second, his posing as an Air Force officer and his quibbling and deceptions using his CAP service to con unsuspecting people infuriates me as a former enlisted Air National Guardsman who actually DID serve in Iraq. And then to further stoke the flames of my fury, he continues to try to parlay his pathetic 22 days of service in the Texas National Guard and his time in the Texas State Guard into actual service in the United States Army is the last straw for me now as an Army National Guard officer preparing to deploy overseas in service to my country. EVERYTHING this fucker has done is like a Bizzarro inversion and perversion of everything I have done with my life. HEY CHEVY! AS A FORMER CAP CADET, A FORMER AIRMAN, AND CURRENT ARMY OFFICER……FUCK YOU, YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT. GET YOUR OWN FUCKING… Read more »

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I pray he sees that.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto, Enigma.

Mustang, I look forward to hearing about you and your Personnel coming alive, safe, and unscathed.

A Proud Infidel®™

*OOP!* I meant “…coming home alive, safe, and unscathed.” Not enough coffee yet, I’m just waking up and getting ready for another night shift!


Thanks for the kind words and thanks to the folks here at TAH for their thoughts and prayers. Also, thanks to the admins for the awareness of these Valor Thieves and providing a forum for exposing these clowns and for the laughs on the threads. Good stuff. Well, this one is just about wrapped up unless the Chevmeister here gets a wild hair and unleashes more weapons grade crazy. I really hope that he learned his lesson, but I’m pretty sure he hasn’t.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you


Please drop me an Email wesley_wilson@me.com


Well said. Hope you come back safely.


BTW, by Dennis resigning from Texas State Guard or even attempting to shows admission of guilt.

Which is something he has refused to acknowledge. He knows what he did was wrong. He just does not have the balls to admit it.


Now he could form his own “home defense force,” with him as the commander, and his imaginary friends as the members of his element. :mrgreen:


You mean his Make Believe Cadre? 😉


TM: You cant use cadre, that is a word designated for us as an evil term.


Originally posted by tm:

You mean his Make Believe Cadre? 😉

Yup, his make believe battalion, with Linda Day, David Copper, and his other sock puppets as company commanders. :mrgreen: Their uniform will be the ACUs, but with Dennis Howard Chevalier’s blog avatar as the unit patch, and a flag with a picture of a 7 pound block of cheese on white background as the flag. 😈

He’ll “deploy” himself to his neighbor’s yard, and authorize himself a second unit patch on the right side. 😆


Wait a second besig, isn’t that what Chevy and Associates basically is?

Cheddar Chevalier is waiting to strike!


Like this: :mrgreen:


Not convinced that he knows that what he did was wrong. We know he was wrong. All sane people know he was wrong. No one with any sort of sense would argue that what he did was anything but wrong.

He seems to judge his own behavior by a different standard based on what he wants instead of what he should do. Is he full blown psychotic? Maybe. He certainly appears to be at least a sociopath.


Damn shame OWB, I don’t think he has a set of standards at all either. He believes he can do or get away with anything while others can’t do what he has done.

Should be noted, I had to re-read his comment he replied to Mr Maynard on the 9th. There, he just lies his ass off.

He claims he resigned due to Frank posting a picture of his unit. Makes no sense at all…I don’t think he resigned, I truly believe now he was forced out. I bet though, he tried to threaten Howard Palmer with resignation as if he was a big shot who was a big deal in Texas State Guard as a Cpl.


With the NCO support channel basically throwing him under the bus, it appears that way. 😯

He was looking to be discharged with disgrace, and he knew it. He resigned to spare them the trouble of giving him the worse kind of booting, not because he “cared” about his fellow state guard members.

His attitude on this blog was consistent with his attitude elsewhere, including at his unit. They wanted him gone, they needed a reason. His attitude gave them the justification.

When the NCO support channel recommends a banning from returning to the Texas State Guard, you know that Dennis Howard Chevalier really burned his bridges with them while serving.

He really needs to learn some people skills. 🙄


I get the impression that Cheyliar wasn’t given a choice. Resign or be booted. Get a general discharge with a bar or a bad conduct discharge. So his supposed early promotion to SGT and all the awards he said he was supposed to have been put in for were just more lies from the king of prevaricators.


Those lies were probably noticed by his SNCOs. Which his early promotion lies were detrimental to the TX State Guard and his “brothers”…Guessing that blog full of lies and disturbing page on his wife and phony cancer was all detrimental to the members of the 4th.

He probably did not have a choice. But they probably took his resignation via “cheap flip phone texting” to allow him to save face.

Dennis has been quiet once again. If he came here and saw that his letter was posted. He could be fuming and going into a psychotic rage.

Toasty Coastie

Aww he’s just re-stocking his supply of Spray Cheeze and Babybel Goudas for tonight. I suspect he’ll have a nice long rant about how we the TAH Cadre ruined his life.

Dennis H. Chevelier/LIAR will never own up to his caziness. He is a pathological liar and probably has a touch of Manchausen’s.

He’s lost just about everything, and the sad thing about all of this is it didn’t have to go down this way.

Life is choices, and choices have consequences. he made his choices and now he has to pay the consequences of trying to Stealing Valor.


Originally posted by Toasty Coastie:

He’s lost just about everything, and the sad thing about all of this is it didn’t have to go down this way.

Life is choices, and choices have consequences. he made his choices and now he has to pay the consequences of trying to Stealing Valor.

Like I told him before, he’d only have himself to blame if he didn’t take the right course of action. We tried to guide him, but he refused to listen… Oh well. B|

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs


Little bird says emails from Wilmer…fake.

That is all.


I have not heard from Chief Kemp about “that matter” he was going to look into for me… but he has my number. Guess I will wait.

Open Channel D

I don’t think he’s working mall security–that would be a step up from where he’s at. He’s working lot security, which means driving around late at night at car dealerships and in industrial parks. That’s just about the end of the road in the security business. The only thing lower is a sleepover in a trailer inside the barb-wired fence of a tow yard.

52-years old, six ex-wives, no steady job, no shot at a pension. Just sad-ass attempts to squeeze a tiny hope of legitimacy by constantly lying and over-inflating his value to society.

Dennis, you’re about to be a cast off. You won’t make much of your life if you don’t drop the fake shit now and move on. Join the Salvation Army, unload donation trucks and work in the thrift shop. That’s gonna be it for you. You spent a lifetime stealing what others earned, and expected to be rewarded for it. You’re a grifter and a con-man, taking advantage of weak women, children and sympathetic vets. Your day is done.

It all boils down to this. You’ve led a nothing life that amounted to nothing. Keep living that life and you’ll never amount to anything. My advice to you is to stay off the internet, get humble and pray the likes of TAH forget you in time. Find a way to pay back humanity for all you’ve stolen.

If you can’t do that, at least shut the fuck up.
We all die, Dennis. We all don’t have to die a lying loser.


The only thing lower is a sleepover in a trailer inside the barb-wired fence of a tow yard.

Kinda like that dude from Sons of Anarchy who is sleeping in a compound of a motorcycle mechanics shop.


OF course, according to Dennis, he doesnt do security like that because he makes good money with his investigation services.

If that was the case, he wouldnt be 52 yr old living in apartment. This is a guy who spent his entire life in Dallas area. Some how parlayed a mediocre career in law enforcement career field. One thing he is in denial vehemntly about is his lifestyle and his advancement in his career.

I dont wish the worse on this guy, but he needs some jail time or even an ass whoopin to straighten him out. He has lived one fucked up life and he has to be lonely.

Toasty Coastie

Sending light and love to you, your family and Troops.

May your mission be successful and you all come home the way you leave.

Take care and if permitted please let us know how you are doing and if we may send care packages to you 🙂

Green Thumb

All my life I wanted to be…..

Like that action star I watched on TV!


One of these days I am going to be Jim Rockford (but I wouldn’t exactly call him an action star).


Jim Rockford was The Man!


Yeah, and unlike Chevy, the character of Jim Rockford was a decorated combat vet. Oh, and James Garner was awarded 2 Purple Hearts in Korea….just saying.


He’s never going to change folks. All the effort imploring him to apologize, straighten up, and fly right was wasted. The guy has been a serial embellisher (as documented on the interwebs) for 30 years or so. At this point, all he knows how to do is LIE. The part that pisses me off, is that he is SO FUCKING STUPID, he’s not even a compelling liar, he’s just a zero credibility Dumbass that can’t spell. Go MESNA!

Mustang2LT, what you said was well said. Of all the military persons that I have had the honor of working with, both Officer and Enlisted, there was always a discernible core of humility. The mission was always bigger than the individual, no matter how mundane the mission was. I do not sense ANY humility at all emanating from CheveLIAR. (He presents his embellished resume to women he meets on a first date for God’s sake.) Oh well, that’s my statement. Come back safe Mustang2LT.


Is that the MESNA in Sweaden?


Originally posted by GDContractor:

He’s never going to change folks. All the effort imploring him to apologize, straighten up, and fly right was wasted.

We knew that, but we had to mention that to him, and advise him of the best course of action to take. We also knew that he wasn’t going to listen to our advice, and that he was going to be the same guy he was before we graced this board with his azzhatery.

As we predicted, he blamed us for his continued downfall… he’s also in for more downfall.

We have the comfort of knowing that we didn’t just hammer him, we tried to help him even though we knew he wasn’t going to take our advice.

In the end, he’s his worst enemy, he’s destroying himself, and he only has himself to blame.

dennis not chevy

I have often wondered if most folks got that “oh shit” feeling when they were promoted. You know, you think about other people who are/were that rank and wonder if you’ll measure up? chevy will never know this feeling; honesty and integrity are not his way.

Just an Old Dog

Denny’s first thoughts were where he was going to hang his warrant on his “I love Me Wall” and where could he get a challenge coin or coffee mug.


There is definitely a feeling of doubt in those first moments after being promoted. It sinks in again after meeting your troops for the first time. But then you remember why you’re doing this and it helps. It also helps having a solid group of NCOs, no doubt about it.

Just an Old Dog

From Cheese-slayer’s Blog,

“After a month went by I started to inquire as to my status. Was I out of the guard yet and what would I receive in the form of papers or certificates from awards that were in the process of being vetted and so on. On April 28th the Col. said he should know something later in that same morning but nothing came.”

Typical of Heavy Chevy, He is in the process of getting the boot and he is asking for certificates and awards. I hope that letter that ejected you and banned you will suffice.

Toasty Coastie

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members/>

(this will be move to the “comments of the cadre” in a few days so don’t have a bowel emergency like you did when I moved the others)

The only statement the cadre has made that I agree with is “…The mission is ALWAYS bigger than the person…”

No humility huh?…..
When you went after the members of the guard (folks that never did ANYTHING against you) because you hated me and wanted to harm me (which is a chicken-shit cowards way of not dealing with the situation) I resigned to protect them from YOU!

Folks (people that continue to make nice comments in favor of my situation) I am begging you all, PLEASE let me post your letters and comments about these terrorists. They just don’t get it and never will.
I know they will assault you like they did Linda (rest in peace), DB and the Prof. but they need to know it is THEM that need an attitude adjustment.
Take a stand folks!

Back to the jerks of the cadre….
However you got the letter of my discharge, that is NOT public information and you broke 2 state of Texas laws posting that. An investigation is underway to reveal who did it and they as well as you will have an additional charge to the stalking and harassment added to your indictments.

Posted by Chevy at 03:26


Just an Old Dog

So Im taking it that Linda “died”?

Toasty Coastie

The sock got worn out with too much cheeze goo and had holes so it had to go to the Big Puppet Place in the Sky.

RIH (Rest in Hell)Linda Puppet…you won’t be missed 👿

Just an Old Dog

I am wondering what kind of “right to privacy” statute there is for people who join a volunteer group, does not get paid and whose members do not sign a privacy statement.I see it as the publisher of the coorespondence ( Col Palmer) electing to make HIS letter availiable to the public.
The subject of the letter could be Chevliar or a mangy dog shitting on the sidewalk. it makes no difference. Chevy has no say it what Palmer chooses to release.


He thinks if we can call him out on violating HIPAA, he can do the same thing!
Yeah. Except it’s completely different.
All of these investigations on his behalf, man, who does he think he is? The Mayor of Peoria?

Toasty Coastie

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members/>

(this will be move to the “comments of the cadre” in a few days so don’t have a bowel emergency like you did when I moved the others)

The only statement the cadre has made that I agree with is “…The mission is ALWAYS bigger than the person…”

No humility huh?…..
When you went after the members of the guard (folks that never did ANYTHING against you) because you hated me and wanted to harm me (which is a chicken-shit cowards way of not dealing with the situation) I resigned to protect them from YOU!

Folks (people that continue to make nice comments in favor of my situation) I am begging you all, PLEASE let me post your letters and comments about these terrorists. They just don’t get it and never will.
I know they will assault you like they did Linda (rest in peace), DB and the Prof. but they need to know it is THEM that need an attitude adjustment.
Take a stand folks!

Back to the jerks of the cadre….
However you got the letter of my discharge, that is NOT public information and you broke 2 state of Texas laws posting that. An investigation is underway to reveal who did it and they as well as you will have an additional charge to the stalking and harassment added to your indictments.

Posted by Chevy at 03:26


OIF '06-'07-'08

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

This is stupid X10. With the style of his writing above, he seems to be on the edge of a breakdown.


Yet more lies and delusions from cheddar head. He just doesn’t know when to quit. If he had shown this sort of determination during any of his (brief) stints in LE or his job, he could have been a success instead of the abject failure and laughing stock that he’s become.


CheeseSlayer Chevalier said:

Folks (people that continue to make nice comments in favor of my situation) I am begging you all, PLEASE let me post your letters and comments about these terrorists.

Allow me to translate from Cheeseheadish into English:

English translation:

“I’ll post something as soon as I can Make Sh!t Up (MSU).”


Dr. Formage LeTwat says …


Best way to sum it up. Some phony name similiar to his. Dell Harold Carter is coming aka DHC.

Toasty Coastie

What the hell is up with the double posts? It keeps happening 🙁

Admin, please remove the duplicate.

Thanks <3


Who else was going after other Texas Guard members? This man is delusional.

Linda magically dying…thats comedy at it’s best.

And begging to post other Texas Guard Members comments? He did not do this before with Palmer or anyone else. He just posted emails without their permissions and same with Kemp. Now that he is out of the Texas State Guard, he could post anything he wanted to.

Dennis H. Chevalier is such a sick fuck that he had to make up a death for one of his personalities.

Wouldn’t surprise me if Dennis was putting on lipstick and a wig along with high heels and pretending to actually be Linda Chevalier.

Toasty Coastie

Wait a sec…..

Wasn’t there another Puppet that suddenly upended before? 😯


Well there was his old “neighbor” Robert Quentin or something like that.

The interview of the WFAA style interview. He just happened to vanish.

Toasty Coastie

Ahh yes..I thought so. My poor brain just could not compute.

Just too many lies to keep up with…

Add though, Be-Sparkled Blob Fish Dennis H Chevelier/LIAR didn’t do a RIP on him being such a good pal and all.


Trying to confirm with Dennis how Linda died.


Oh yeah, “The Professor” is Robert Quentin. Really sad that Dennis is treating these folks like real people. I am not sure if this is a joke or he is serious.


Don’t forget Dennis’s daughter! How long was she with us?

I have such fond memories of Linda…couldn’t remember if Dennis’s son got murdered or not, but had him on speed dial! Oh those were good times!


LOL oh yeah forgot about that brief comment about his Daughter was laughing at us.

This guy is just sick.


I found Linda’s Funeral,

Its very sad, grab some kleenex.
Spew Warning



No sock puppets were harmed in the production of this Video.

Sound effect thanks to Squirrel Girl,
The Most awesomest teenager I know


I am heartbroken and saddened to learn of Linda’s passing. E4U that was a very touching video, you sir are a good man and a smartass! I think I might love you a little. Haha!

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Why Thank you. We enjoyed making it. There were some real tears shed. from laughing.

Total time in production from concept to upload was less than 15 minutes


I almost wish I’d bookmarked Pennis’ site so I could see the coming cheese-plosion when he sees that. Almost!


LOL Good stuff

Pineywoods NCO

This is so righteously funny. But do we know that it was confirmed of her passing by a block of cheese being sat upon her…or was it the stench of being on someone’s foot or worse yet, somewhere else on their body….heavens no!

It was the stench of the smell that makes Limburger seem tame and fresh as the spring flowers. I tell you…she died from being around a cheeseslayer who has used baby wipes to clean themselves with.

Can we get an AMEN here?


That was extremely moving.

In fact, I think I’ll have a movement right now.



“…The mission is ALWAYS bigger than the person…”

If dumbass was quoting me, he didn’t even do that right.

I guess he DOES NOT agree with me that March 20, 2014 to April 05, 2014 does not equal 4 months. And hey, Dumbass, it doesn’t equal 3 months either, but thanks for trying. You might want to put an “s” at the end of “send”, because the way you have it on your blog (even after the edit) still makes you sound retarded.


Dude, you got to cut him some slack. Chevy Cheddar here has been tracking down time traveling hackers, so his ability to calculate time durations is totally shot now.(END SARCASM)

HS Sophomore

How is this thread still alive now that Chevalier is banned?

Toasty Coastie

He still reads TAH and this thread HS, then he responds on that mess he calls his “Evidence Blog”


Yep and he is making up new accusations each week on his blog about TAH people.

We already seen his nightmare of a post on Scotty.

Since he is making a Cadre section. I am guessing he is going to go after GDC, Besig, Toasty, and anyone who has mocked him on here.


A Cadre section? Ooh, ooh, can I be a Platoon Leader? Please? Come on Chevy. From one CAP member, airman, and soldier to another. Oh wait, you weren’t IN the Air Force or the Army. Never mind.

Toasty Coastie

He still reads TAH and this thread HS, then he responds on that mess he calls his “Evidence Blog”


Im seeing double or you have one hell of a cyber stutter….

Toasty Coastie

Ohhh hell you are right Enigma!

My cyber stutter is acting all kinds of goofy…must mean I need a new puppet to play with or something. 😀


Scroll up for puppets

Toasty Coastie

I (heart) U Enigma 😛


TC shoot me email.

Toasty Coastie

Incoming to you Master Chief 🙂

Toasty Coastie

Dammit, what the hell is up with the double posts? I hit post once and I get a double…I’m becoming a frigging double post toast troll gahhh! 😡


Isn’t it obvious? YOU’VE BEEN HACKED!!!
My advice is to go to Tarrant County JP Court (small claims) and pay the $12.50 filing fee. I know someone with a super duper huge IQ and that is what he did!


Dr. Chaz LeFly

Green Thumb

In my cheese and potato soup.

Toasty Coastie

Here ya go Shield Maiden…


Apologies if this stutters..


Hearts and flowers to you darling!

We need to chat soon, gimme a couple days to get over this cold/flu thingy I have.


Just saw this on his crappy “evidence” blog. I think we’ve all determined that his blog is evidence of his pathetic attempts to cover up and whitewash his lies, fraud, deception, and failures.

“Poking fun at my writing abilities

You like making fun of my writing abilities or as you put it lack of ability.
I have a partially paralyzed left hand from bullet damage and arthritis in my right hand, so sometimes I use Goggle Voice to write with and it does a crappy job, but it’s much easier to ridicule and make up lies about my lack of education and intelligence so that you feel better about yourself than it is to actually ask.”

Well Dennis, where’s the proof that you were shot? You stated that you were shot in the line of duty and received a police purple heart for your injury. Yet you won’t post any evidence to back that claim, even after repeated requests. It shouldn’t be too hard to point a single news article about the shooting. Those things don’t happen in a vacuum. But you won’t do that. So we can chalk it up to another lie from Dennis Chevyliar.


Maybe he shot himself in the hand? Would that be newsworthy? Would he even have sought medical treatment for it, if it even happened?

Naw. it simply did not happen, most likely. At least it didn’t happen until we can confirm a police report of a GSW.

Or maybe he is confessing to yet another criminal offense that HE committed – got a GSW without reporting it to the authorities? Had he shown up for medical treatment, it would have been reported. It’s the law.

That Guy

This shows a distinct failure to understand how google voice even WORKS. Google voice doesn’t spell words incorrectly. It may sometimes USE the wrong words because it can’t account for every strange accent and lisp, but it doesn’t misspell words ever.
Reality is that he writes these things himself, and all the spelling errors are entirely his fault, and now he’s just insulting our intelligence with this phony bullshit.

BUT, if you’d like a sample of how google voice works, anyone with an iOS or Android phone, take it out, hold down the ‘home’ button, and speak into the phone a full sentence. Notice that, though it may use the entirely wrong word, it doesn’t misspell anything.

Denny continues to lie, and not even a good lie. I doubt very much he has been shot in the hand, because I know people who have had serious hand injuries who rehabbed their hands to work properly (even musicians). I also know that arthritis doesn’t stop a lot of guitarists from being able to play, so his excuse is just a hide for his own sloth.
Fuck you, sparklepony mccheesedick.




Hmmmmm. Last time I checked, hand injuries didn’t affect the injured person’s ability to make a logical argument or tell the truth. Denni-boi’s writings show marked deficiencies in both of those areas.

Try again, CheddarSlayer.


Didn’t stop him from giving the one finger salute in a photo either.


I think he was just trying to give the “thumbs-up” gesture, had an “Iraq flashback”, and got confused as to what gesture was apropos . . . .

(I hope the sarcasm above is obvious.)


Funny. All the words were spelled right this time. Must have been using his buddy’s veinerpenzil. This guy is really an embarrassment to those of us here in the Great Republic of Texas. Maybe we could ship him off to North Korea and he could be a knobnugget there…


He’d eat them out of cheesy-ramen.


Now, now… we should be caring and compassionate towards Chevycheesedick. How would you feel as a non accredited school pee H dee holder who is flaunting his skillz about like a $20 hooker in a cow-town on a Saturday night?

/sarc off

Plus, Chevy is still recovering from his traumatic taint injury that he suffered from the TSG for the “unfavorable light cast upon the Fourth Regiment in particular, and the Texas State Guard in general. They have exacerbated morale problems within your battalion and negatively affected the good order and discipline within its ranks”.

Dude sounds like he wasn’t the “perfect” soldier he claims he was… he was a shit stirrer of the highest magnitude. Cutting him loose was probably something that was a long time coming for Chevycheesedick…


Are you saying that the most he can blame us for is being the catalyst which sped up the inevitable negative reaction of the TSG to his asshattery? As has apparently occurred with every organization he has been in or attempted to join.

What’s the latest count of organizations that have thrown your ass out, Deni Peni? Or refused to accept you for membership? All the same same from this perspective.


Kinda seems like the were looking for any excuse to boot Chevyliar.

Just an Old Dog

TTI … Traumatic Taint Injury… thats a fucking keeper Chief!!!

Its the updated version of Butt-hurt.


I’ve read this same sentence several times and something was always niggling my neck of something wrong…NOW I’ve finally clued in…Dennis himself on his own blog writes: “…easier to ridicule and make up lies about my LACK OF EDUCATION…..” Gee whiz…for a PEE haitch DEE and MESNA guy, why is he ADMITTING he has a lack of education? OOOOOHHHH yeah!!! Because he HAS NO EDUCATION!!!!! And his intelligence does NOT extend to proper spelling…the occasional flub is one thing, Dennis’ continual ‘oooopsies’ are ridiculous! Thanks for letting me chime in here! Good luck, Mustang2LT.

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