Meet Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn, the youngest Marine SGM

| May 19, 2013

Bumped back up to the top because Mailahn wants us to take it down. He threatened us with a law suit until I sent him our attorney’s email address and now he just wants me to be cool (You used to be cool). Just some background; he’s ALLEGEDLY behind on child support, he ALLEGEDLY stole $12k from his daughter’s Little League Association. He ALLEGEDLY got fired for making $800 worth of phone calls from the fire station where he worked for phone sex – but I’m the reason he can’t find a job.

Lately, every time I try to be a nice guy, I get it stuck right in my ass, so those days have passed and Mailman is a fixture here. I think he started in again because the Stolen Valor Tournament is gearing up this week and he’s shooting for another one seed. But he even failed at winning the tourney last year.

Yeah, that’s Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn who claims to be the youngest sergeant major in the Marine Corps. He’d have to be with only nine years in the Corps, according to his hash marks on the sleeve. The good folks at POW Network decided that he needed broader exposure so they sent him to us.

They tell us he’s a 43-year-old car salesman who lives in his mother’s basement. He was a fireman until he ran up the firehouse phonebill with more than $800 in telephone calls to phone sex numbers and they fired his horny ass. According to his own profiles, he graduated from high school when he was 20 years old – a real over-achiever.

Did I mention that he was arrested for embezzling over $12,000 from the Barrington New Jersey girls little league association? Well, he did – that over-achiever thing working for him again. his defense in that case? He’s a Marine and he’d never violate his code of ethics and do something like that.

Well except that the NPRC has no record of him ever serving. Ever.

He has a philosophy that the more websites that he posts this information, the more credibility he has. So here’s his information posted on yet another website. let’s see how that philosophy works for him.

Oh, by the way, he just sent the good folks at POW Network an email threatening to…guess what…sue if they don’t remove the information from their website that he himself posted on the internet;

U have my info on your site I want it removed asap I gave no permission to have any of my info pix or anything on your site I would also like to have the name of whoever put my name on there I have the collingswood police dept looking into to who put it up there but I want it removed forthwith

I’m sure that “forthwith” had Chuck and Mary shaking in their shoes. I know it gave me a feeling.

I will keep sending u my request till u do oh and I contacted my lawer if its not down with in 2s hrs I will sue u

If I ever start typing like a twelve-year-old girl, I’d hope that one of you fine people would put me out of my misery.

So, now his “info pix” are posted on yet another website…I wonder what his “lawer” will advise. I’d better call my “lawer” and tell him that there will be one more in the “I’m here to sue TAH” line at the Mineral County Courthouse next Tuesday.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Did some looking and it seems that going full retard on the law suit thing drives serious comment numbers. Maybe that’s what this idiot is doing to cement himself into the TAH Hall of Shame?

Sam Naomi

Would you all allow me to make this the last post???



Ronald, you fucking mouth-breather.

Engrave this shit on your hand, and beat yourself in the head with it until it sinks in:

“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

SpinDrift 2010

Well- now he says that he worked at the Army.

Big D

Whoa. Your about a worthless piece of shit Ron. For all you real devil dogs, Semper Fi. This piece of shit is not worth the time. Let this stupid fuck chase rabbits in his own little world.


Seeing as NPRC says he never served, ever… After already being busted as a Poser, then contacting Jonn threatening to sue, why in the hell would you claim 6 years in the US Army?? This guys needs a 24/7/365 timeout at a nice quiet facility with lots of crayons and jello. He is nucking futs

Mr. GameAndShow Formerly C2

He is still claiming on facebook that he served in the Army still, thats the strange part. As if NPRC records are bullshit and doesnt matter what the government has on him.


I checked that FB link. It’s no longer available, which means he either took it down or someone told him to do so.


Still up. Not sure why it isn’t for you.

Mr. GameAndShow Formerly C2

Yeah its still up and still showing Army. Thats why I asked the question at #599.

Guy is still parading around. He made most of his pics private it seems though.


Well ladies and gents. Hes not just stealing valor from REAL service members, he is stealing from everyone in the world… Constantly, at the same… For the this ladies and gentlemen is a textbook Oxygen Theif.


Well, I went searching and I could find only two FB pages related to him, but found his MySpace page plus an article about his arrest for stealing funds from his daughter’s Little League team. There is also Terminal Lance, which has a thread discussing posers, plus the Leatherneck dot com blog, so there’s plenty to show that he’s not what he says he is.

Also, I found it interesting that someone ran into him driving cab, and Mailahn started talking about being a Marine, but when the guy confronted him with a military ID, he shut up.

So, you see, your real history catches up to you after a while, especially since I have screen caps of all that stuff. 🙂


Ron Mailahn, if you’re reading this, you’re a colossal bore.

Just an Old Dog

“the fire station where he worked for phone sex”,,,, Classic selective cut n paste on my part, but it sounds right up his alley. Ron and his “lawer” need to take turns violating each other with a chainsaw,,, “forthwith”.

Pineywoods NCO

Another victim of sniffing Monkress’ turd powder.


Said it before, say it again–what are you gonna sue someone for, Ronald? Definition of character?


Yeah NHSparky,
You guys have all defined his (lack of) character quite fully. It’s incredible that this thread still has legs. Some idjits are just “stuck on stupid”!

E-6 type, 1ea

Well, according to his facebook page, he’s a Captain at Starfleet. Prior to that, of course, he was in the US Army as a heavy equipment operator from 89 to 95. Yeah, and I’m a Chinese jet pilot.

Also worth noting is the number of friends he has. 😉

Frankly Opinionated

Looking at the photos here and at his facebook page, I can see that he has put on about a hundred pounds since the photos above were taken. Are they sure that he ran the phone bill up on phone sex, or was it Krispy Kreme deliveries?


I think I know why I can’t see that page. I’m not on Facebook at this time, and have a reluctance to sign up for that just to view this boring little jerk’s ego trip.


I would like to jack his ass up on GP.


Mailahn’s FOIA can be found here:

About 11 months active duty – not 6 years. Rest was USAR/ARNG.


This thread, though a good read, brings back painful memories for me.

You see, Driveway was my horse in the ‘Dusters. He was an unstoppable juggernaught of douchedom. I talked him up on TAH’s boards like the star-struck fan I was, and he embarrassed me when it was showtime. Gunny Driveway is the Sonny Liston of stolen valor. The Goliath of shitbaggery.

Now I’m just supposed to welcome him back and cheer him on in this years’ tourney because of some half-assed lawer play during weigh-ins?

Fuck you, Gunny Driveway. You had it all: Fakery, fraud, lawers, sockpuppets, easily mockable photos of your girlfriend in bondage… and you threw it all away. All of those scams on your daughter’s little league, all those jobs you were fired from… for what?

After watching such a massive let down, I know how your daughter must have felt when it dawned on her what a deadbeat scumbag her father is. I suppose I shouldn’t have been expecting any less, though. You’re such a fuck-up, that you fucked up an easy win in a tournament that measures how big of a fuck-up you are.

Up yours, Gunny Driveway. You cost me a dollar and a week’s worth of bragging rights. If you somehow gain entry to the ‘Dusters and win your bracket, don’t expect me to join in on the dramatic slow-clapping.


I have Bad news for u all.
I served with mailahn over Korea
First met him in basic At Fort lost in the woods
He was okay guy guy Always there to help you.
So I can’t say Anything Negative.
He was my battle buddy And help me out a lot
I made His rack And he shined my shoes.


@630- of course. The government and his family both say he was never a marine, but anonymous poster who randomly stops by vouches for him.

Hey dickwad, I’ve got some bad news for you: It doesn’t matter what you two did in the bathroom during that flight over Korea, or what line he used to get you in there to “make his rack”. He was never a marine.


teddy, it’s mailman stopping by to pump up his douchebaggery by pretending to be someone else.


628Hondo Says:
May 19th, 2013 at 11:51 pm
Mailahn’s FOIA can be found here:
About 11 months active duty – not 6 years. Rest was USAR/ARNG.



yes, and? How does time in the army reserves = marine?

You’re… not that bright, are you? Must have been easy for him to convince you to “make his rack” over Korea.


Apparently he took Aint Ready To Be Marines Yet literally.

I feel like a sucker having actually graduated bootcamp now. I could have just joined the Army.

Hack Stone

teddy996@629, I feel your pain. I was a charter member of RVFGD (Real Vets For GySgt Driveway) and did all I can to make his dream become a reality. And just like Jesse Jackson getting short-changed in becoming the first African-American President, this was not meant to be.

And now, due to his failed campaign to get the recognition that he truly earned, he is finding it difficult to transition from the campaign trail to back to his career as a…… as what I don’t know.

And seeing how we are all veterans here, and as a band of brothers and sisters it is our obligation to help each other in times of need, I think that we should offer him some career advice in order for him to become a productive member of society. With his stellar record as a pretend United States Marine, his acumen as a financial administrator of his daughter’s softball team, he communications skills that he displayed as a fireman, he is more than qualified to become a certified unicorn herder.

A Proud Infidel

Or a pixie breeder!


Wow, 6 years in the guard and he got out as an E-2….. what a stellar career. Having done 6 years in the Guard myself I can say you only stayed an E-2 if you were a worthless piece of shit, or you royally screwed the pooch and got busted down. Not one single achievment award… all “I showed up” awards. Shocker.


Are “shined my shoes” and “made my rack” new code words for some kind of illegal sex act??


I never said he was a Marine. I said we both was in basic and kora together in the Army .
Now I know why u guys are called jarheads.
And btw I’m not Mailahn. I’m L Blunt
And yes I’m a friend of his. Yes the man made mistakes and he also admitted to them.
There is no reason to put him down. I only know one man that did not
And his name is Christ. And none of u are him
So don’t judge others. And if u want to look up where we both at its Camp Castle

Mos was 62 E ! Our platoon Sgt was Sgt Sheffield


If he admitted to his mistakes, he’d take his lumps and know that while people might forgive, they sure as fuck aren’t gonna forget.

And no, based on the whole “pattern of conduct” bit, I’d say he’s a bit slow on the uptake there, sonny.

Finally, for the record, I’m a bubblehead, not a jarhead, but thanks for playing.

Green Thumb


Your a turd.

Green Thumb


Your a moron.


While it is OK to attempt to defend one’s friends, calling criminal acts mistakes is just dumb.

Mistakes are things like forgetting to put the trash out on the correct day. Fraud, theft, pretending to be something you are not, and lying are not mistakes. Those are conscious acts and frequently illegal.


#640, your time in JROTC before you dropped out of school DOES NOT count as Military Service, ditto with your imaginary service alongside poser-boy!

POSER starts with POS!


But did u forget he did what u all ask admit he that he made the mistakes ?
Did he not admit on this board he was wrong in what he did?
Let it go now and know one knows the truth about the other things he was accused of doing.
You only read what others put. The truth is
He got probation. The truth is the league prez used his card and tried to blame him that’s why he got probation. Also the league got there money back.
But none of u blog that did u. U all said he never was in the Army but it was proved he was .
All u know about him is what others post on here and other sites.
I have been friends with him since basic and will always be his friend.
So before u judge someone know what happened.
And we will all be judge by the great man upstairs.


Hey L, glad you are defending your turd of a friend. Here is my problem. He wore a uniform he did not earn, with decorations he did not earn and lied about it. I earned that uniform and wore it proudly for 24 years. I earned the decorations that I wore on my chest. I do not like when those who have no claim to wearing the Eagle, Globe and Anchor wear it. I do not care what traumatic event in their life pushed them to be posers. I do not feel any sympathy for them. I would simply like for them to stop and then go back under the rock from which they crawled out. Now this no dick little shit wants to threaten to sue the admin of this site. For exposing him as a poser. Fuck Mailhan and fuck you. I aint waiting on Jesus, I am judging you both now. Get bent tool bag.


My G-d, the insult rendered to our Marine brethren aside, I AM OUTRAGED that the Army wasn’t awesome enough to pretend to be a SMAJ with that. Then, in addition to embezzling from little girl little league, he could have yelled at them for not wearing eyepro while at bat.

As a member of the Hebrew people, I’m not beholden personally to Christ-like forgiveness, but I’d like to think Jesus would give the Stolen Valor dirtmerchant crowd the same treatment he ostensibly gave the vendors in the Temple. You don’t get the fish and the loaves; you get the frenzied avenger/protector of the Holy Places, dammit.


So “L”, when you served in Korea with him, how long was that for? Was that Active Duty, because the only active duty I see on his NPRC Papers is for training. Or was it a national Guard extended AT?
Doesn’t really matter, the guy is a piece of shit and you can try and defend him all you like, it will not wipe out any of the lies and crimes he has comitted. Stealing from kids…
Jesus will not judge me in Heaven, God will. On earth we judge our selves, and I judge your butt buddy to be a freaking loser. You too… Kind of have a feeling you are him though.


Holy crap I could eat a bowl of Alpha-Bits cereal and poop a more coherent paragraph than what L posted.


Again I’m not him and as for how long we was in Korea 1 yr
Then I went to Texas and he went to his guard unit.
Now I know why we never hung around Marines in Korea.
Cause u have no heart. Like I said u think he is a bad guy but no matter what someone does
I forgive them and he is still a Vet and I know in the Army we stand behind our brothers who served with us. I’m done trying to talk to people like u
Cause u are the kind of people that say I never did wrong.
Well I have done a lot of things wrong and can admit I did .
U Marines talk about honor but u show none when u tell the man admit u lied and we will move on but u don’t .


@ 651,
All I heard was “blah, blah, blah, I am scared of Marines so I will now go back to the watering hole and eat some more leaves”…….

OIF '06-'07-'08

@640 & 646

Would you please go to your local community college and sign up for a course in Basic English 101.

OIF '06-'07-'08


Keep piling it up jackass!

OIF '06-'07-'08

Okay L, you are definitely Ron Malihan. I just reread your post at 640, 646, and 651, and just like in the emails you sent to Mary at POW network. You use the letter “u” in place of “you”. So stop with the BS.


Okay something isn’t adding up with the time in and claim of Korea. Korea is a year long tour (at least), and March of 89 this clown was still in AIT, which means if he went to Korea he got tossed out from there as his active duty ends 11/22/89. Minimum Active Duty enlistments at that time were for 2 years Active, 6 Guard/Reserve or IRR.

So I think even “L” the butt buddy is not being entirely truthful… Why did he get tossed out with just a year in service? You said you knew him then, so what was it for?

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