Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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that guy

The dishonest idiot is off the deep end, eh?
Hilarious. Saw this coming,of course. But still fun to watch, especially as he clung to lies and repeated them in an attempted defense.

Toasty Coastie

Re-Posting so Blu Cheese Blob Fish sees it without typos and added commentary. Awww, Sparkle Pony, Phony Wanna-Be USAF LTC Blobfish Dennis H. Chevelier/LIAR~ Did you lose your cheese again? Truth hurts doesn’t it? Don’t you find it rather odd that NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON has come here to verify your claims? Only your make believe Puppets. I know I do. If I were you in this situation, I would be bringing in everyone I know and providing all that was asked of me to stop this from happening. You haven’t. Says a lot doesn’t it? The only people who have come here in reference to you were women that you have hurt on multiple levels. You state that they are liars and mentally ill. Sounds like you are projecting. Several people that you know personally have all stated the same things about you. Kind of weird that everything they have said all have a common thread, they corroborate each others experiences with you. Do you feel like a “man” when you hit a woman smaller than you? Or any woman? How about terrorizing children? That must really make you feel really big and strong. You see Dennis, all your stomping of feet and holding your breath is not going to change any of the FACTS that have been proven here time and time again. The simple fact that you refuse to answer direct questions posed to you many times show that you can’t answer them because the answers would be just more lies. Your foolish threats of legal proceedings against any of us here are about as real as your made up Military career, PhD and SWAT claims. Not ever going to happen. So please, just stop. The correct answer to lies are truths, and that is what we have used here. The truth via fact finding and research. All your claims have been debunked many times over. We have tried to give you chance after chance to apologize and make amends for your lies, yet you keep digging that hole. You will cling to these lies until the… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

Toasty, IMHO, I think you’ve insulted Blue Cheese. Given the way he spreads his stink, I think the term “Limburger” would fit ‘ol Blobfish Chevalier MUCH better!!


Now, tell us how you really feel.

A Proud Infidel®™

DAMMIT, MAN, I’ll try!! In the meantime, I’ll have another beer AND I HEARTILY encourage all of the fine People of TAH to address Dennis Chevalier by the nickname “BLOBFISH”!

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I’m kinda partial to “Cheavyliar” personally.

HS Sophomore

I’ve been intentionally trying to stay away from this debate because I didn’t have the time or strength for it. But I thought I’d mention the story of Don Shipley’s encounter with this tool. I don’t know if this has already been mentioned and I don’t have the time to look through 2k comments to see if it has, but this is cross-posted from the good SCPO’s Facebook (posted on April 2): “Lots of guys on Facebook help me out phonies. Masters with keyboards they help track these clowns down and are indispensable. Indispensable except when their phonies themselves and I’m forced to learn another hard lesson. One Facebook friend was a strange guy. We were friends on Facebook but I didn’t know him outside of that. He posted constantly on my page and when he’d leave a comment he’d “Like” his own comment. Strange… He claimed he was a Private Investigator, or so he said and he would look up backgrounds on guys I was looking into and send it to me. When I did post a phony it was him who attacked first. After he attacked the phony he begin attacking his family and his attacks were ruthless and vulgar and I’d often tell him to stop and tone it down. There was no good reason to do that, no good reason to go to those lengths and certainly not by a man in his 50’s. I attacked a phony SEAL once who had a large following of the Tin Hat club; the conspiracy theorist guys and gals and when I attacked their phony leader they LASHED OUT AT ME IN FORCE. The verbal beating they gave me included messages of love and nothing but kind words that I was just ignorant of the fact that he was a Secret SEAL. I never received a single threat from them… My Facebook Friend however began posting headless corpses on my Facebook saying they were threats he received from the group and that he had his wife in hiding because of them… I realized then that he was full of… Read more »


Oh yeah, its been discussed about Shipley’s remarks. Dennis is in such denial. He claimed it was Shipley’s wife that was scared. He also claimed that Don never denied him access to the class. But that he turned down the course.

He also blamed his ex wife, Dora for the issue with Don.

Notice the pattern, its never Dennis H. Chevalier’s fault. It is always someone else. Dennis claims he will never mention Don’s name again and disappointed in him.


Naaaaaaaaaa, Surly this couldn’t be one and the same cheese flake..

Fast forward a year when this clown finally ended his stalking of me for “Un-Friending” him on Facebook. He ended his stalking of me because he had bigger problems, the biggest was he was exposed as a phony Air Force Lieutenant Colonel pilot on the Internet…
I’ll offer a tip for guys exposed as imposters on the Internet… Don’t fight it, you only make it worse when a well-known and reputable organization outs you. They do their homework, they have the proof and 1800 nasty comments later he’s even more famous than when he started blaming his wife for hacking his accounts and posting lies. Oh Boy…


I would post a link about his comments on the blog about this lil skivvy.

Scotty, according to the Peoples Champ, Dennis H. Chevalier. He pretty much is calling Shipley a liar. And he claims he was going to “remind” Don Shipley about what happened during this incident and the truth about him not attending his course.

In reply to me, he also blamed you (scotty), saying you did a hatchet job to convince Shipley that he was a phony.



The image of him in a CAP uniform with the explanation that he was wearing hard rank in between the time CAP officers wore maroon epaulets and silver ones because of a transition issue is demonstrably false. After the transition to maroon epaulets, they never went back to hard rank (aside from flight suits which wore the plastic encased hard rank insignia). So, he was either wrong and mistakenly wore hard rank or he wanted to look more like an actual officer.


I think someone on the CAP Talk mentioned that too. I a lot of people in CAP see him as a phony and a liar. I am not too sure about CAP rules and regs myself. But listening to what they were saying, he seemed to be tore up.


There are a couple other things that are hinky but I can’t nail it down 100%. As for his rank, maybe his uniform got hacked?

Just an Old Dog

CAP (and the TSG) both seem to be rather casual organizations. They are designed to give Patriotic people who want to give something to the community a way to contribute. They are also wide open for people to violate that trust by working the system to get rank or awards to be show offs and boost their ego. Chelle Lynn Testla was another prime example. An Army PFC she lied about her service and was a Capt in the Va CAP. Denny and her need to connect.


Heh…I wonder what happened to Spankerella.

A Proud Infidel®™

FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY, DO NOT introduce them to each other until she’s been spayed and he’s been neutered!!

Just an Old Dog

Dont worry about them breeding, Denny is incapable of performing his manly duties. Just like some men who abuse women never have sex… It’s about control with him.


Just an Old Dog, better watch that talk. Dennis may threaten to sue or file criminal case on you.


Originally posted by chiles:

or he wanted to look more like an actual officer.

He wanted to look more like an Air Force Officer, so that he could post pictures of him looking like he was in the Air Force.

With the new rule change, he would’ve looked more like a member of CAP than a member of the Air Force. He didn’t want that… he was in CAP for his own selfish reasons.


That idiot cheese flake. I don’t even take the time to go look at his evidence blogspot.

And before today , I didn’t even know that SCPO Shipley had made any comments referring to this wife beating wanna be Air Force Pilot. In fact, I very seldom bother the Hair because I know how busy he is.
Just another lie of Cheese Flake’e and his normal MO of blaming someone else for idiocy
BTW , Denny Boy, I’m still on the Senior Chief’s F/B friends list. Too bad he kicked you off. wife beater !


Oh shit, I thought you knew about that Shipley incident that was on fb and Dennis responding. I should have showed you earlier. He insist that Don Shipley is a liar and that he was going to set him straight. I know Mr. Shipley won’t waste time with him. But it would be awesome if called Dennis and chewed him out for youtube.

He seems to think Frank, me and you are the same person.

In that blog, he mentions you at least 30 times saying you conned people into believing that he pretended to be a USAF Lt Col.

I remember when he first said it was a little misunderstanding then turned into a “hacking” situation.

Dennis H. Chevalier Top 3 Excuses:

1) Hacked

2) Wife did it, they belong in mental institution.

3) Scotty cons people and his “Cadre”


Cheese flake makes a new account on F/B and automatically blocks me. He acts just like Dallas wittgenfeld with teeth.


I added that segment of Senior Chiefs post to Chevy’s BoS too .


You are not missing much on his FB account. I think he eliminated his fake Linda and DB Cooper account.

He does have a person of interest on his page that probably needs reaching out or someone may have already.


This one of the problems with the new format, C2 – that info is posted back there somewhere. Maybe. Seems like someone posted a summary of that bit of history. Maybe even Jonn.

Did I miss the memo on who all is in Scotty’s cadre? Guess everyone who IS got the memo. One more thing I don’t belong to. Better than being accepted, then voted out. Not that Denny Penny would understand that concept at all.

Just to be clear, if we are NOT in Scotty’s cadre, then it is not possible for him to con us, right? (Trying to keep up with the convoluted thinking of these fools is a strain at best.)


Yeah it was Jonn or Hondo. Along time ago. It is a pain to go back and look unless you remember the page somehow.

You are part of it OWB, I think some of your post are on Dennis “evidence” blog.

Anyone here pretty much who has mocked Dennis, is part of the “TAH Cadre” or “Scotty’s Cadre”, strange because I have yet to see Dennis mention Jonn or Hondo or TSO.

I am starting to think that Dennis believes that Scotty runs TAH.


Oh, goody. Leave to a civilian to hold one responsible for something one didn’t even know existed. Of course, since this clown’s entire world is make believe supported by lies and fraud, it’s no surprise.

And just so there is no further misunderstanding: Denny Penny, you do not have the authority to place me in a cadre. Why? Because you are not now nor were you ever a member of the United States Air Force.


Well, the silence truly IS deafening.

I think what it boils down to is that cheviot cheeseslurper can’t handle REAL women. In fact, it seems quite plain that he actually runs from us as soon as any of us show a little backbone or let him know up front that we think he’s a twinkie-squeezing havartihogger from the get-go.

I don’t believe he can handle REAL women.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I have a feeling this is why he has had his little meltdowns lately, he tries to find a woman, tey Google his name and dump him like a hot potato. He then come here to vent his being as the old saying goes, “shot down in flames”.

I believe I either stated on this or his original thread that John locked down was that if all we accomplish here with CheeseFlake is to keep any good women from becoming ex-wife number 7,8,9,10,11,12,13. Well you get the idea. That would be the number 1 accomplishment we would have done regarding CheeseFlake.


OIF, I completely agree with that effort.


Originally posted by Ex-PH2:

Well, the silence truly IS deafening.

He was sleeping at the time that you posted that. He appears to have the night shift. If he comes back to post, it’ll be in the wee hours in the morning.


He will be back around 11:30 pm or 12 am tonight. He will post sporadically around 2, 3 and 4 am.


for those who missed this info from my post back in February…

Chevalier’s TX PI license info and how to file a complaint with the TX PI licensing bureau:


https://www.txdps.state.tx.us/rsd/psb/individual/individual_details.aspx?id=80461t8|G (Chevalier’s link info shown below)



Person Details

New Search | PSB Home

Person Details
Status: Approved
Gender: M
*In an effort to protect the personal information of our registrants, this site will no longer display dates of birth. It will remain as a searchable field in order to differentiate between individuals with the same name but will not display in the results screen.
Registration Details
Registration Type Issue Date Expire Date Status
Owner/Manager/Private Investigator 8/10/2010 8/10/2014 Active
Qualified Manager 6/26/2012 6/26/2014 Active
Commissioned Security Officer 10/26/2012 10/26/2014 Active
Personal Protection Officer 1/25/2013 10/26/2014 Active
Private Investigator 6/16/2008 6/16/2010 Expired
Instructor 12/11/2012 11/30/2013 Expired
Instructor 12/11/2012 11/30/2013 Expired
Employment Details
Company Company License # Registration Type Hire Date Terminate Date
A & K PROTECTIVE SERVICES B17999 Owner/Partner/Shareholder/Officer 3/13/2012
A & K PROTECTIVE SERVICES B17999 Commissioned Security Officer 3/14/2012
CHEVALIER AND ASSOCIATES CSIR A16595 Owner/Partner/Shareholder/Officer
CHEVALIER AND ASSOCIATES CSIR A16595 Owner/Partner/Shareholder/Officer 5/1/2010
DENNIS HOWARD CHEVALIER J03039 Instructor 11/14/2012
DENNIS HOWARD CHEVALIER W00382 Instructor 12/4/2012
ICS – MERRILL A09694 Private Investigator 4/8/2009
INSIGHT SERVICE GROUP, INC. A16416 Private Investigator 10/1/2012
INSIGHT SERVICE GROUP, INC. A16416 Private Investigator 10/1/2012
MULTIMEDIA SECURITY SERVICE B06869 B06869 Security Salesperson
THE DIAMOND GROUP C18189 Commissioned Security Officer 12/17/2012
THE DIAMOND GROUP C18189 Personal Protection Officer 1/2/2013
TITAN INVESTIGATIVE ALLIANCE, LLC A15073 Private Investigator 6/1/2008 5/29/2009
TOP GUN SECURITY & INVESTIGATIONS C17683 Private Investigator 11/26/2012 1/12/2013
TOP GUN SECURITY & INVESTIGATIONS C17683 Private Investigator 11/26/2012
TOP GUN SECURITY & INVESTIGATIONS C17683 Commissioned Security Officer 11/8/2012 1/7/2013
WGI SERVICES, INC. B03378 B03378 Commissioned Security Officer
Training Details
Training Date Training Description
12/6/1985 Level III
Level I
6/14/2001 MMPI
5/26/2010 3 Years PI Experience
5/24/2012 1 Year Supervisory Exp – Guard/Courier/Armored
5/24/2012 2 Years Guard/Courier/Amrored Experience
2/8/2012 Level II
2/15/2012 Level III
10/23/2012 Firearm Proficiency
12/4/2012 MMPI
11/21/2012 Level IV


Wow… I was out camping for a couple of days and looks like I missed a CheveLIAR Temper Tantrum.

Yeah, Chevy…. glad you got the FBI to find me for “hacking” your son’s email. What was the proof again?

dennis chevalier says:
April 27, 2014 at 9:33 am

Valkyrie, Bryan, my son said he was hacked

And who are you chastising for being led by the nose? That’s all you got Fatboy? Your son said he was hacked? He wasn’t hacked by me DipShit. Ask your son why
the evil hacker” pasted his “hacked” email up on Pastebin, but removed your son’s identity and email information before doing so? Is that what an “Evil Hacker” usually does, Dumbass? File false reports with the FBI much?

I am sure the FBI regards your complaint with utmost credibility. I mean, being that you were smart enough to post your very own SSN, DOB, and TXDL #’s on your “evidence” website.



Went to go look for the pastebin page. I guess it was removed?


Fatboy – Were you a “Training Coodinator” before, or after you were an “Elite Sniper”? Your resume doesn’t really make that clear. I don’t want to be guilty of misunderstanding something that YOU WROTE and posted publicly.

Hey, when you and Bryan contacted Pastebin and had them remove that Father/Son/Father email, did you ask them when it was posted to Pastebin and by whom? Yeah, guess not…. kinda like the Flightaware situation isn’t it?

How’s your valve?


“Training Coordinator” aka: coffee bitch


I take it nobody screenshot that email?


I don’t think I bothered to screenshot it. It made me feel slimy just reading it. No doubt the FBI will be waiving a copy of it in front of my face soon, because, you know, they have a whole filed office dedicated to serving idiots like CheveLIAR and Visconi. Excuse me while I hold my breath.

Hey Dennis PhD, MESNA, and all that…. yeah you. Have you learned your sons’ nicknames yet? DUMBASS


*field office*
Damn phone… SWEADEN SWEADEN!!!


You could always blame it on google talk.


LebbenB: I am no PhD, and I don’t even rate POG either…. but I have read the classics!

GDContractor says:
March 18, 2014 at 10:49 pm

Dennis reminds me sorta of the main character in The Confederacy of Dunces…. “OH MY VALVE!!!”

I ask him how his valve is doing, regularly. Why? Because I care.


He’s Ignatius J. Rielly made flesh. All that needs to happen now is his mother committing him to an asylum.


[from “Cheeslayer” greatest hits album]


OMG … Are we still on this guy?

Argh … Thought we would have kicked it up a notch since I was OCONUS …

Oh well … If he wants the attention … Bring it on!


OCONUS isn’t as sexy as saying “downrange”, particularly if you are downrange about 30 miles from home in Weatherford, Texas. Just sayin.

Welcome home Master Chief!

A Proud Infidel®™

You posted “F*** OFF, POGS’ previously, but you say youeself you’ve never served other than the CAP, thus you admit you’ve never even cpmleted Basic Training, something EVERY “Pogue” does, which says to me that YOU are lower than a “Pogue” that has done Basic & AIT, an Army Finance Clerk has more Military Combat training and experience with Military Weapons than you do!!

It’s dropping your way, BON APETIT, BLOBFISH!!

A Proud Infidel®™

DAMN, I need to proofread before hitting “post”!


Don’t insult finance clerks like that, lest some of our AD members “suddenly” develop pay problems, LOL.

John Giduck has more actual time in service than Dennis Chevalier.

A Proud Infidel®™

Duly noted. What I meant was that ALL of those said Clerks have completed Basic & AIT, something “Blobfish” Chevalier HAS NEVER done.


Dennis H. Chevalier at it again

Updated his blog with more contradictory and near libel.

This time going after all his ex wives by claiming the blog entry is no “knock against my ex wives. Claiming its a defense…isnt that going to be knocking them?

How low is this guy? On his Marriage issue blog. He updated it pretty much saying his ex wife had poor genetics, so it was the cause of their kids death. Claiming also that she blamed others? This is stuff that should not even be mentioned in public.

Its just unprofessional and ridiculous. This is why you do not have a GOOD job, Dennis. This is why you live like you are in the slums.

Texas State Guard is actually seeing his blog and this blog, please tell me you dismissed this head case.


Isn’t the gist of his monologues about hi ex-wives that they all cheated on him? Wow. Denny doesn’t know how to keep a woman satisfied at home? Maybe he is ill equiped. I’m beginning to wonder if all of fatboy’s embellishen is him trying to compensate for something…like an aft cg. The etymology of a fatass with small penis syndrome is very complex, NOT.


Ole Denny is lucky one of these women have not discussed his sex life or his ill fated short game yet.

Pretty sure he would cry foul if they mocked him.


I get junk mail for Viagra and Cialis all the time.

Should I forward that stuff to him?

Just an Old Dog

I’m pretty sure his pee pee problems are beyond Viagra and Cialis. The only hope he has is that some sort of Zombie Apocalypse virus will be injected locally into his pee-dinky.


Fatboy said:

dennis chevalier says:
March 20, 2014 at 11:56 am

ok mother fucker post the screen shot of my so called claim of an atp license goddammit!
right fucking now!!!!!!

And I told him I would post it when I felt like it. I think I feel like it now. Here you go Dumbass:

You had over a thousand YouTube comments as I recall, all of them stupid, well, besides that embarrassing ManCrush ode to Don Shipley which was kind of sweet, in a very ghey sort of way, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Where oh where did they all go? It’s kinda like that Flightaware situation all over again, isn’t it LtColCheveLIAR?

BTW, you hold a FAA Certificate for: GROUND INSTRUCTOR, you’re not a flight instructor… you embellishing lying sack of shit. Oh, and by the way, you are not an ATP rated pilot, nor a PhD, not a Serial Rapist Profiler, nor a Psychologist. At the end of the day, you are just a fat lying dumbass that can’t spell.

What’s my name bitch? What happened to those databases that most police departments would be jealous of? Put the jelly donuts down and do some investigatin’ you fat bastard.

How’s your valve now?

PS: I left one of my balls for you at TopGolf with a message just for you. You’ll know it when you see it. Look for the monogram “ATP”.


Chevy don’t do donuts. He’s all about the CHEESE Danish.


Busted yet again…

It just does not end with this guy. I wonder what he will say now. You gotta force this to his attention.

A Proud Infidel®™

There’s a reason why I refer to him/it as “Blobfish” Chevalier, he looks and lives like one. The Ocean Blobfish has very gelatinous flesh which is slightly less dense than water, thus the blobfish merely uses the mimimal amount of effort to swim barely over the Ocean floor waiting for its next meal to drop from above, much like “Blobfish” Chevalier loitering around the doughnut shop waiting for the price markdowns, or pestering the fast food franchises in the shopping mall for their food they throw away because it sat for too long after it was cooked. That, and how he waited for each of his six ex-wives to come home with groceries so he/it could gorge. DENNIS “BLOBFISH” CHEVALIER!!!


Momo (Dennis)

how in fucks name do you only last 20 days??!
Still trying to wrap around. My money is you lied about a medical or admin issue. Lie to your self all you want- but don’t lie here.

we see bullshit, and well your defiantly TEXAS SIZED BULLSHIT. You claim were all wife beating stalkers with anger issues.

This from broke dick with 6 divorces- and all his exs claiming the same story. Dude your about as useful as a broken condom on prom night. Your employment history on DPS is concerning. All your companies are expired, unless the company fired you.

You know what you need to do. Were not going away. We will continue to “RICK JAMES” your monkey ass until you do the right thing

A Proud Infidel®™

DD, I wonder if “Blobfish” Chevalier even made it to Basic Training? I’m convinced that he likely “wussed” before he even shipped out for Basic & AIT, making him a truly snot-spined WUSS in my book! When I went through OSUT on lovely Fort Lost-in-the-Woods, MO, we had a couple of dirtballs that got thrown out that soon, a couple of the biggest wastes of flesh and oxygen I still have ever seen! I have also met a few turds that washed out of basic, and I had to suffer through them telling me it was because they beat up their DI/DS/1SG, and the last few times, I just laughed right in their faces. One of them was as fatassed as “Blobfish” Chevalier, he said he was gonna “beat my ass”. When I laughed at him, and as soon as he said that, I told him we could go behind the woodpile NOW, and of course, he backed down. Blobfish Chevalier, Bernath, Psul of the ballsack, Visconi,… They’re just “internet Rambos”, they spout from now ’till doomsday here or on the phone, but meet them face to face, and they’ll be shuddering like a field mouse face to face with a Hawk! When I was a trucker, I had dispatchers and others that barked at me over the phone like a PO’ed Drill Sergeant, but face to face, they looked at me like they were scared shitless. I could go on and bore the crap out of everyone, but hey, just venting.

EVERYBODY should believe in something, I believe I’ll have another beer,… CHEERS, Y’ALL!


LtCol(N)Doc(N) Chevy: (The N is an abbreviation for “Not”)

I posted at April 27, 2014 at 9:53 am

Hey “Hollywood”: Please confirm your current status re the TXSG. Are you still a member? If so, what unit and what “rank”?

I plan to call the CG/JAG tomorrow and see what things they have planned for me since you say that they are pissed. I.e., “Did you really think the JAG would sit still for calling the entire command of the guard fakes? Reference Frank and SJ on FB and here)”

I want to properly cite who your are (as if they didn’t know).

Cheesewhiz: this is a simple request. Why can’t you answer it? Are your afraid for me to ask the “CG/JAG” about you? Do you think I’m intimidated to ask a TXSG “CG/JAG” about you? I’m LTC, US Army (Ret) and wasn’t afraid to wave the bullshit flag to O-# anythings when I was on active duty and I’m surely not intimidated about a TXSG person.

BTW: I doubt you’ll be on any TXSG recruiting posters.


Just don’t call the Wilmer PD Chief….that’s Federal! I think….yawn….maybe not…I’ll ask Bernath…he’s a Notary.


I won’t bother the TXSG folks since Chevy won’t answer. Kinda confirms his BS.

I wanted the JAG there to splain how insulting the TxSG was a criminal offense in or out of Texas. Even there Chevy was off base. I said that the pix of the TXSG folks (including Hollywood) would seem to indicate that PT was not on the training schedule.

I also said that a VA equiv were a bunch of pretenders. Those Chevy equiv’s wanted to impress us with their BDU’s. Poor advance planning…all of us were active/retired service.

So, is TXSG pretenders? Judging by Chevy, yep. If I paid taxes in TX, I’d demand an audit. TXSG can come here and defend or denounce Chevy.

SGM John

I have and will continue to denounce him, as he is not representative of the TXSG as a whole. I would never condone this behavior or fraudulence among my troops. Please do not judge us all by this one bad apple.

Green Thumb


It appears you had a turd in your bowl.

It also appears he/it has been flushed.

Just sanitize the bowl.

No problem with me.

Currahee John

On a related note, I found a quite useful “Psychopaths Checklist” here:


I think all four of these most recent characters hit all all cylinders here, especially Chevy.




I don’t know anything about the “Texas State Guard” or whatever, but I can state with some authority on the matter that “the JAG” will indeed sit still and do nothing with regard to this nonsense. However, if the TSG is like the real Guard, I can see “the JAG” and the CG getting involved for purposes of the TSG equivalent of chaptering Mr. Chevalier out of the organization for his embarrassing behavior… Throwing the ire of “the JAG” around is bush league and any “Lt Col” will know that… This is a threat more akin to coming from a private.

OIF '06-'07-'08

but,,,, at least a private has completed basic/ait, unlike CheeseFlake having the Texas National Guard giving him the boot after just one drill weekend and not even attending OSUT.

HS Sophomore

Well, in any case, denny has put on a jolly good show, but I don’t think he stands a chance in the tourney against a fakery powerhouse like Daniel A. Bernath. However, perhaps we can hold a consolation contest that he will be sure to win to boost his cripplingly low self-esteem? A circumcised penis look-alike contest…now he should win that for sure. Jonn, get on it 😀


I don’t know. Dennis is up there..he could make a run in the SVT. Daniel Bernath is just a filthy, smarmy asshole who stalks people in his stalk.

I guarantee if anyone lived in Dallas. Dennis would be doing the same thing.

A Proud Infidel®™

Chevalier could win a BLOBFISH look-alike contest hands down!!

Just an Old Dog

“C2Show says:
April 28, 2014 at 12:08 am
Just an Old Dog, better watch that talk. Dennis may threaten to sue or file criminal case on you.”

Denny can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. Scratch that, he can’t waddle fast enough and he can’t find his flacid dick under that cheese engorged belly. Even if he did him putting his dick in a donut would be like a hotdog being thrown down a highway.

Doc Savage

*sigh*….Cheddar boy…..

You don’t call, you don’t write ( legibly or coherently) you don’t sue, you don’t send out restraining orders to me..

Where’s the love??

A Proud Infidel®™

Damn where’s ‘ol Blobfish Chevalier at now? Is he walking the shopping mall beat filling in for someone on vacation, or is he sleeping off another cheese scarfing binge?



jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I’m sure he is whipping up some witty retorts (aka pure BS) as we speak.

A Proud Infidel®™

The usual all-caps two word replies, or will the Blobfish rack his brain extra-hard to come up with three word responses? I couldn’t quit laughing at his calling US “pogues”!

Jermaine, stop teasing

Have any of YOU ever been in REAL COMBAT? Not like DENNIS!!

I’ve seen it and the nightmares, oh the NIGHTMARES. I heard all about it and the retelling of it is *horrible*, I must say MAN!!….

Hand to Hand and CLOSE QUARTERS. Sometimes with a weapon and sometimes *JUST WITH IS BARE HANDS.*

Dennis was a *TRUE* warrior and I can say this *WITHOUT HESITATION* that to a man or a woman here, you would have not been able to fill his shoes…had you “been there” and “Done that” like all of you “claim”, you’d have had PHAD like Dennis.

HE SELFLESSLY PUT HIMSELF IN HARMS WAY If you saw what he saw and *DID* what he did, each of you cowards would have been left a quivering MESS if you even attempted even *HALF* what Dennis did.

Dennis should be PROUD of his accomplishment and he should stand tall with his head held high for his Dedication…his BRAVERY to take on such a thing that you could only *IMAGINE*.

Each of you should just BOW DOWN TO HIS GREATNESS… because none of you could, would, or would ever even try to do what he did….as a matter of fact YOU PRAY TO YOUR GODS….you should *never*, *EVER* have to face what Dennis did and lived to tell about it….as a matter of fact….to the best of my knowledge, Dennis was the *ONLY* one to walk away alive from the confrontation.
This Speaks To His GREATNESS.

You all should be ASHAMED…ALL OF YOU for not recognizing this feat….and Dennis’ *OBVIOUS* superiority over each and *every* one of you.
You do not have and, will not *ever* have and can only imagine the intestinal fortitude of one Dennis H. Chevalier.

You should be thankful he allows you to live in *his* world and should humble yourself in his presence.

/a 7 lb block of cheese in one blow, indeed.

A Proud Infidel®™

He STILL looks, acts, and lives like a BLOBFISH!!

Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevaler, lifelong failure and underacheiver
Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevaler, lifelong failure and underacheiver
Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevaler, lifelong failure and underacheiver

Doc Savage

…In this episode of “Cheddar Blart, Mall Cop”…we see our Hero Cheddar speeding on his Segway to the rescue of lonely brie wedges held hostage by the nefarious Swiss Colony cheese store…

SEE, Cheddar eat his way through the dairy section to rescue the brie!

SEE, Cheddar wound his own hand after chewing through a hand held gouda!

SEE, Cheddar call in Faux Aux USAF airstrikes on the salad bar at old country buffet!

SEE, Cheddar blame the world at large for his failures in life!

See, Cheddar deflect personal responsibility and accountability like krypton deflecting superman!

..all that and more in this episode..”The great limburger massacre”

Check local listing for times, some content may not be suitable for young children, the elderly, people with a history of heart problems, fake PhD holders.

This movie has been rated BS-13 by all real Service members and actual USAF LTC’s.

A Proud Infidel®™

Dennis Chevalier – THE HUMAN BLOBFISH!!


Why this has not yet been done to date is just *beyond* me……


/spew alert

A Proud Infidel®™




I am confused about something on his blog. (Crazy talk, I know.)
He talks about Alma losing a child but blaming “his genetics”. Was the child also his? If so why refer to him as “her son”?

As a parent this is very telling about his mindset, to me. If he was the father.


That is the same thing I asked earlier when he decided to take a shot at his ex wife. He claims he is defending his wives, yet he is telling his business about a childs death that they conceived.

Him mentioning this is just very telling of his character. Stuff like this, makes me wonder how he even got into CAP or TXSG (Shipley kinda helped him out)

He probably got kicked out of National Guard for mental problems/psych issues. Chalk it up to medical I guess.

Who openly speaks like this about their kids death or even an ex wife death. Stuff like that seems sacred or private.

A Proud Infidel®™

That, or he “wussed”, quit showing up for drills, and got thrown out for AWOL.

OIF '06-'07-'08

He was kicked out of the Texas National Guard for “fraudulent enlistment” as was mentioned early on in the original thread.


Wonder what was fraudulent, there’s so much to chose from – Education, Law Enforcement creds, and PI creds.


Originally posted by LebbenB:

Wonder what was fraudulent, there’s so much to chose from – Education, Law Enforcement creds, and PI creds.

From Dennis Howard Chevalier’s blog:

“I tried but after I had surgery on my gut I was permanently disqualified. I applied for 8 waivers but all were denied. Below is my NGB22 for the ARMY. I was sworn and served 2 drills before I exhausted my waivers so it was characterized as an erroneous enlistment (meaning they shouldn’t of sworn me in).” Dennis Howard Chevalier

Two drills in 20 days? Yeah… also, notice that he says, “Army” and not, “Army National Guard.”

What probably happened was that he reported to his unit for in-processing and disclosed to the unit what he held back from the recruiters. They probably told him to not report to any drill… then they rapidly got rid of his ass via the administrative channels.

He probably thought that all the medical stuff he gave them was going to be used for the “waiver.” Little did he realize that they used it to rapidly get him out.

When an enlistment is identified as “fraudulent,” it’s usually because the person being discharged withheld information from the recruiters that would’ve made him ineligible to serve.


“Two drills in 20 days? Yeah… also, notice that he says, ‘Army’ and not, ‘Army National Guard.'”

He tends to do that. He refers to the TSG as simply “The Guard” to allow others to (erroneously) infer he’s a member of the TXARNG, which is patently false. Typical poser bullshit.

Open Channel D

He infers, others deduce.

He’s spent most of his life making inferences of self-importance, whiles others have deduced that he’s a stupid fat fuck that could fall into a barrel full of tits and come out with a mouthful of dicks.

Not too put too fine a point on it.

Open Channel D

“Not to put too fine a point on it.”

Sorry about that.


Fraudulent such as “Criminal record” or “Mental health issues”

Fits Dennis perfectly. Pick your poison.


OIF: National Guard or State Guard (i.e., TXSG)?


SJ: pretty sure that Cheese-boi here was booted out of the TX ARNG, not the Texas State Guard. Although getting the boot from the latter is perhaps a distinct possibility if he keeps acting like a jackass.

OIF '06-'07-'08

To clarify, Texas Army National Guard, not thr Texas State Guard. I have done some research from the TSG’s main web page. This is mostly a voluntary organization that does not require any of it’s members to be prior service. They do have what is called a “Basic Orientation” which does not include having a Drill Instructor “ten feet” up your ass for a few weeks in any of the US Armed Forces.


Makes me wonder if he used his “retired LtCol” bullshit to get into the TSG.

Just an Old Dog

“Makes me wonder if he used his “retired LtCol” bullshit to get into the TSG.”

If he did it didn’t pan out,,, he’s a Cpl. Not exactly what you would expect for someone making a move over from USAF.
It also shows how much being a LtCol in CAP counts for. You would think that it would count for something.
Alas it’s like many other things in cheese-slayer’s pitiful life he has “accomplished”, All fluff and feathers, no substance.



Originally posted by Valkyrie:

He talks about Alma losing a child but blaming “his genetics”. Was the child also his? If so why refer to him as “her son”?

According to Dora Lee, that child was also his. He didn’t want the child, he subsequently put her through a lot of stress. His identifying the child as “hers” rather than “ours” is just another one of his deflection games.

not only does he refuse to own up to his mistakes and errors, he refuses to own up to the results of a pregnancy he helped start.


According to Dora Lee, Dennis Howard Chevalier’s “investigative” services didn’t do much for him. He relied on her for his support, because his “business” hardly ever brought in any income for him.

I doubt that Dennis Howard Chevalier is doing any investigations right now. If anything, the only investigations that may be happening in this relationship are the ones that are being done on HIM.

For example, the Texas State Guard is doing an investigation on him. I’m hoping that Dora Lee gets the feds to investigate Dennis Howard Chevalier for violating federal privacy laws.

Now, if only someone living in Texas could gather a time frame of when Dennis Howard Chevalier used his phony PhD degree, a Texas resident could get a state level investigation on him…

Then we’ll have Dennis Howard Chevalier being investigated at all three government levels.

He should end up being a “hot potato” for the Texas State Guard. When that happens, and he gets the boot, he could start his own “driveway defense force.” He could be its LTC. 😀 He’ll have stuffed animals under his command. 😀

Oh yeah, based on that WPD letter that he posted, Dennis Howard Chevalier shouldn’t be using their badge to get out of tickets. I wonder if someone has notified that police department about this, so that they could investigate him.

Dennis Howard Chevalier would then be the investigator that’s not doing any official investigations… but is the recipient of multiple investigations. 😀


Sooner or later he will become B. Gen Chevalier. Hot shot from “The Guard” and the ex “ARMY” member. Motel Defence Force is his new job.

What a piece of shit this guy is…denying his kid. Talking about his childs death in public matter and pretty much talking down to his ex and his kid.

Hopefully Dennis H. Chevalier took a tranquilizer and blacked out for a 15 hours.

Dennis is quiet once again…wonder what is next in his plans.


Word has it that he impregnated one woman while married to another. He kicked the mother, of the deceased child, out to marry his other ex-wife.

Here’s the grave of the child that Dennis Howard Chevalier denies:


Miles Davidson Chevalier was born in March 29, 1991.

Bryan Chevalier was born in September 11, 1991.

Do the math on that one, hoping the ladies researching him come across this post. I wonder what the folks at the Texas State Guard would think of having a man like that in their ranks.


I found one of his ex wives (alma) on facebook, tempted to ask her some questions. She probably wants to be as far away as possible from this turd puncher.


His stuffed animals would all have to be little furry kitty cats. We all know he’s a big pussy.

Hack Stone

Cut him some slack, bigsig. Haven’t you watched any of those detective shows from the 1970’s? At the end of the hour, when Mannix, Barnaby Jones or Cannon reunited the kidnapped girl with her father and put the bad guys behind bars, they always waived their fee.


The fecal four probably have a schedule of who posts when so that they each gets the most attention and are not competing with each other.



A conspiracy of dunces!

A Proud Infidel®™



Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

4/28/2014 1129 hrs. The cyber terrorists of “This Ain’t Hell” (http://csciwww.etsu.edu/gotterbarn/stdntppr/) are finally formally charged with crimes against a person and will be forced to appear criminally for their acts against Dennis H. Chevalier in Tarrant County.

I guess I’ll have an excuse to visit my cousin in Texas. 😀

If you click on that link, you’ll get information that doesn’t apply to us, but does apply to Dennis Howard Chevalier’s acts against his ex-wives. If this turd nugget goes to court and tries to sue us, he’ll end up facing the same fate as Paul K. Wickre. 😀

It’ll even by funnier if the presiding judge walks in with a book about blobfishes. 😀

This guy needs to quit embarrassing the Texas State Guard.


They need to get rid of this guy. Or maybe they have who knows. HE is just an embarrassment to the human race.

Despicable acts, he seems to think his shit does not stink. He claims “he made mistakes”, more like catastrophic mistakes in his life.

He can’t even be treated as an adult with crap like this. Its mind boggling how any woman managed to put up with him or did not catch his horrible act.

A Proud Infidel®™

EeeeeeYES!! I was wondering how soon y’all would join me in addressing that critter as “BLOBFISH” Chevalier, I’m havin’ another shot & a beer to celebrate, he looks, acts, and lives like a Blobfish, and he’d take first place in ANY “Human Blobfish look-alike contest” anytime or anywhere!!

Just an Old Dog

His recent employment history shows that while he worked for companies that provided different services ( Private Investigator, Body Guard, IT security and armed and unarmed security and Armored Car Guards) most of his stints were as a Security Guard.
Having a State License for something and actually getting a job doing it are two different things. Fuck-wit got the certs but he never succeeded at establishing himself in those fields.
A comparision is all the programs that came out getting people “certified” to be an office assistant in a medical facility or a billing specialist. Tons of people got the training ( often through goverment programs) but few found work.
Cheesefuck reminds me of all the people who went out and got a real estate license when the market was huge. 99% of them never used it.


Now that’s total failure. He even fucked up service in a volunteer group with low standards. Was he thrown out or forced to “retire”?

OIF '06-'07-'08

They probably told him to simply GTFO.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well good GAWD damn. About fucking time with this piece of damn shit.

CheeseFlake, I have hd fun watching your little train wreck, but the thing is, this wreck has only started for you.


It also might explain his last blow up, prior to his “going dark.” Either that, or he got called back to active duty to fly a top secret Compass Call mission. Good riddance, Jack Ass.


Dennis Chevyliar is so fixated on wearing a uniform, I wonder if he’ll come out of “retirement” and attempt to rejoin the CAP.


Inmates wear uniforms, too. And that’s a uniform I truly think he’ll earn one day.

A Proud Infidel®™

So thus his last eruption must have been after the TSG told him to turn his shit in and not to let the door hit him in the ass on his way out?

Like ‘ol Red Foreman said “Life sucks because you’re a dumbass!”

I’m willing to bet a shot & a beer he’s curled up in some corner in the fetal position cuddling an empty cheese box!!


That would be my guess as well, Proud Infidel. But we both could be wrong.

If we’re wrong, the tool may make another, even more entertaining appearance soon. Like maybe this weekend.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Couldn’t have happened to a “better” guy.


Originally posted by Jonn Lilyea:

We just got word that Cheesvalier is no longer in the Texas State Guard. That might explain his silence.

I wonder how long it’ll be before he posts a modified SGB-22 on his website with his alleged accomplishments. 😀

Dennis Howard Chevalier, if you’re reading this, you should look into doing a community service job… do something for the community so that you could learn humility, empathy, and compassion. You’ll be part of a cause that makes a difference as well.


I remember Marlon Brando in “The Freshman” when the kid finally said yes to his offer of work. He said, “Now I’ma happy…I…I don’t know why I’m so happy”.

Right now I know why I am! Congratulations on your recent dismissal from an all volunteer organization Dennis. This calls for more cheese!!!


Only problem is Dennis is denying it. He probably did get the boot. Just in denial.


He went dark because he’s looking for the golf ball I left him. I hear he is an excellent ballwasher . . . very dedicated.

It’s a sad day when the TSG loses an elite sniper. Damn allergies.


An’ his die-uh-beat-us. Can’t forget that. Or maybe it was his multiple gunshot wounds from his glorious career in law enforcement. Or his chemical exposure during Desert Shield/Desert Storm while flying Compass Call missions.

So many injuries, allergies, and maladies to pick from.


Chevy is crying in his little motel corner. Best news I heard all day.

Just an Old Dog

Dont worry Cheese-dick, for a few bucks Im sure this guy will send you a certificate, plus free samples.


Fatboy loves him some certificates! Think they have any morale patches??


It’s the Air Force’s fault. They shouldn’t have flooded his apartment .


From the Mangina Monologues:

The cyber terrorists of “This Ain’t Hell” will be formally charged with crimes against a person and forced to appear criminally for their acts against Dennis H. Chevalier in Tarrant County.(edited for relevance)

This from the rocket surgeon who cannot spell “Sweden”, “Perjure”, “Discuss”, “Counsel”, or “MENSA”. Pardon me if I am not shitting in my pants right now.

Yes that one really amazed the investigators.

“Yup, occurred across state lines, on communication lines regulated by the FCC for the purpose of extortion to force actions and conduct designed to humiliate, control, and malign a person without their consent for a protracted time as to cause financial and physical harm and induce/create expenses related to that harm for self-protection that was implied or real or both”.

In the text above, isn’t he describing damn near EXACTLY what Don Shipley does on a regular basis? I.E. “You better clean up your shit trail or I am going to make you REAL FAMOUS”. Doesn’t it describe what Dennis “the stolen valor hunter” CheveLIAR claims to have done in the past (but the DA’s won’t let him talk about it yet)? What a fuckin nimrod.

Hey Dennis, wash my balls and STFU. How’s your valve?

BZ my man …. http://www.anony.ws/kimE

You really shouldn’t have claimed Air Transport Pilot. 😉


Uhmmm, say what? That quote in the second block sounds like what he has done, tried to do, or otherwise pretended to do.

He does that projection thing pretty well. Maybe he studied that in his voluminous PhDEE program.


“2000+ hours in type ATP rated.”

Wonder what type he’s rated in? Could it be *gasp* the C-130 he claims?


Reading an aviation magazine at the garage today and there was a full page for sale ad for a C130A (1957 era) complete with paratrooper seats, pallets, etc.

Thought of Chevy…they might even throw in a helmet with “Hollywood” on it, I bet. I might have jumped that aircraft, I’m sad to say.


But wait! Chevy told me the TXSG JAG was pissed because I and others insulted the TXSG command group and was coming after us.


Game over for Chevy. I guess he tucked tail and ran. Or he probably destroyed his computer.

Lets not forget: Dennis H. Chevalier was suppose to make us “whimper and beg for mercy”

Yeah, Dennis. You shoud have taken our advice. You know, the one you claimed was an “extortion”


The only whimpering and begging I’m doing is from uncontrolled laughter at the turd Chevyliar.


Fuck YEAH!


LOL So much for Dennis pretending to be a bad ass.

Question is: When will the blog disappear?


This should remind you of someone we know. 😀

Salem Man Arrested After Allegedly Absconding With Pound of Cheese

At 5:09 p.m., police responded to a shoplifting incident at Steve’s Market on Margin Street. The owner told police that a man left the store with a pound of cheese without paying for it. Donald C. Grant, 68, of 286 Washington St., Salem, was arrested for reportedly having an outstanding warrant.


Oh yeah, on Dennis Howard Chevalier’s claim about a drunk driver killing his first wife… was that before the divorce, or after the divorce? Word has it that if this incident happened, it took place after the first divorce.

This cheese blobfish stains the Texas State Guard.


You mean EX-member of the Texas State Guard.


Yup, I saw that after I made that post. Another post coming up.

I’m still doing the other installment of the interview. We still have unfinished business. 😀

Green thumb

It might not be too bad for Chevy.

Word on the street has it that Phildo needs a driver.


Originally posted by Green thumb:

It might not be too bad for Chevy.

Word on the street has it that Phildo needs a driver.

All Philip Dale Monkress has to do is claim that there’s cheese at the destination point… and actually have cheese there.

I’m pretty sure that Paul K. Wickre could bully people into making sure that there’s cheese there. 😀

“Have cheese, will travel.” 😀

Green thumb

It might not be too bad for Chevy.

Word on the street has it that Phildo needs a driver.


Green Thumb…good idea but Phildo likes looking out the windshield. No way that happens with Chevalier’s gigantic, blow job control handles blocking more than the whole driver’s side.


Even worse, trying to use his wife’s death for what reason I don’t know. Sympathy from “The Guard” as big bad Dennis calls it?

We know he does not respect family. He talks about his own kid’s death as if its nothing or not even his kid. He clearly hates his ex wives and now he seems to pretend that the only thing in the world that matters to him is his son.

Do you think Dennis will pull a Pete Rose and admit to his problems and apologize?


“Thank you for your support” – Dennis Howard Chevalier

Followed by picture of Texas State Guard color guard with him in it…


Dennis Howard Chevalier is extremely narcissistic. He’ll distance himself from his deceased child, and his ex-wives, as if he didn’t do anything wrong.

Dennis Howard Chevalier, follow the advice that we give you here. We’re trying to help you. You only have yourself to blame for not being in the Texas State Guard anymore.


Time to test a new tag…


That didn’t work…


McD’s is giving away one free cheeseburger with each cheeseburger you buy. It’s the BOGO thing on cheeseburgers.

My guess is he’s taken all those receipts he collected and has run off to the nearest McD’s to claim his prize. If not that, then he’s at the Cheese Castle on I-94, snabbling all the freebie samples he can get his champers into.


He’s in the denial phase right now. His next stage is the anger stage. 😀

2/17 Air Cav

It’s the cheese. Cheese addictions are particularly vicious. Go into a burger joint and what do they ask? Right. “Want cheese with that?” Try to order a pizza sans cheese, or attend a Super Bowl party where no cheese dip is offered; a baseball game where there are no nachos w/ cheese. It must be hell, pure hell. You just don’t know how ubiquitous is the cheese until you try to put the wax on it. Poor bastard.


Dude could have saved himself a lot of heartache if he’s just fessed up at the beginning, promised not to do it anymore, and then just went away, never to return. Instead, he had to act like an asshole, inspiring the denizens of TAH to dig, dig, and dig some more. As a result, the full spectrum of his assholery is now on permanent display for all to see. A gentle smackdown with 100 or so comments could have faded into history – but no! He had a legacy to build!


He did assholes but you are going to lie about that too!


The only asshole that has lied about nonexistent aplologies is CheveLIAR. That’s how he rolls….he wrote a blog about it.


GDC, he was trying to target you I think in his criminal charges.

Just waiting for Dennis to show up in denial about what happened.


He was targeting all of us. 😀


Yeah he sure did. He wanted to name drop first on people.

He might be waiting to say something extremely stupid.

I am not sure why the chickenshit coward known as Dennis H. Chevalier aka David B. Cooper is even pretending to be DBCooper again. His aliases are dead.


Dennis B Cooper. Nobody lied, he was caught buddy.

Now Dennis needs to realize that he cant get away with lying. He has ethic issues he needs to work out.

Hope this was someone mocking DB Cooper name.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier as “DBCooper”:

He did assholes but you are going to lie about that too!

Again, you didn’t fess up and come clean. You denied making claims, you insisted that you made other claims, and you claimed that we had issues with these other claims.

You advanced a red herring/straw man argument.

You didn’t come clean with your claims about being a USAF LTC retired that had flown C130s in Iraq during the Gulf War.

Dora Lee gave us first hand accounts of you making those claims.

THAT’s what MrBill is talking about.


He did no such thing. Let’s just concentrate on the core claim that brought him to TAH: USAF Lt Col He first tried to say he never made his poser claims. When that lie was clearly exposed, he moved onto the “I dun got haxked” excuse. When his ex-wife showed up to confirm him trying to convince her that CAP = USAF, he claimed she was mentally ill or some such (and in the process managed to violate Federal patient record privacy laws). His “I dun got me hackered” claim got more elaborate as well: Dennis tried to claim that he caught the guy red handed, but instead of handing the guy over to the authorities, Dennis, the self-described criminal law expert, let him go after filing a civil court case that he dropped out of the goodness of his heart. Yeah. That was a lie too. The guy in question found this here TAH thread and chimed in. There was no hacking. Dennis filed a baseless lawsuit in TX state court against a FL resident. One that would clearly bring all of Dennis’ lies to light and into a permanent public record. So Dennis scurried back to court to drop the case. Let’s not forget, Mr. Sockpuppet (named after the infamous DB Cooper), the numerous times Dennis got caught sockpuppeting on TAH, creating a whole team that all shared the same IP address. Dennis tried to claim that his team was in a van. Except the IP address was for a residential ISP. All throughout, Dennis and his sockpuppets have talked about our alleged lies. Yet there’s no proof. He can’t point to a single instance where we have brought facts and he has managed to come up with actual evidence to counter it (ie: not excuses, not made up BS he puts on his free blogspot that looks like crap). He has no public document that anyone can look up to prove us wrong. There is no disinterested third party that we can all contact to prove us wrong. What he does bring: Stupid ad hominems, appeals to… Read more »


He actually wrote on his blog that it was all just a misunderstanding. I believe he told Frank that it was misunderstanding and an error. Even the CAP people saw him claim that the pictures were cropped and if you blew up the picture it showed ” Lt Col (ret), USAF CAP Aux at the end instead of USAF.

He then went to the hacking claim. So its like he lied and lied again. First mistake he made.


He did? Including the “went away, never to return” part? I must have missed it. Especially the “went away, never to return” part.

Doing it right would have required ONE post on his part. One. And the discipline to go away and never come back. If he (to heck with the charade, YOU) would have done this, most of his (YOUR) dirty laundry would have never come to light. For that, he (YOU) only has himself (YOURSELF) to blame.


I really don’t appreciate you using my name. I AM the REAL DB Cooper. My one and only skydive. Worked my way through the Oregon outback for days covering my trail. Thought I’d hide the money for years before spending it. What happens? They change the format of the US currency and now it stands out like Chevalier’s ears! I use it to like the BBQ now.

2/17 Air Cav

Dr. Chevalier, PhD ($1500, frame not included) is the salt of the earth, a prince of a man, a man’s man. See, I can lie too.



Dennis is now updating his page and denying that he was canned from the Texas State Guard.

So it is confirmed that it was him as DB Cooper. Enough time to post here and update his shitty blog.


Dennis Howard Chevalier already doing damage control on his propaganda blog. He’s accusing Jonn Lilyea of being a “liar” and has posted what may be another one of his doctored documents to “prove” it:

“The tag blog said they were just informed I was kicked out of the guard. What the hell is going on sir? -Dennis Howard Chevalier

“Don’t know, haven’t seen it.” -Howard Palmer


I googled this Howard Palmer guy who is the Commander of the 4th Regiment. But nowhere in newsletters or information do I see Dennis Chevalier in there.


Nice how dumbass prints his CO’s name and email address on his blog. What a fucking idiot. Go MESNA!


“Col” Howard Palmer @ h.palmer@verizon.net is probably going to be pissed at Chevy for posting the entire email, including his address. The “Col” wasn’t very supportive to Chevy it seems.

Chevy (aka, “Hollywood”) is the JAG still coming after me?



You wanna piss Chevy off and fire an email to Howard Palmer?


I was thinking of it but I hate to bother a guy for Chev’s stupidity. He’s probably reading here and knows even though Hollywood said it was the “TAG” blog, not “TAH”.

Plus, I don’t have much sympathy for the TXSG. If I were a Texan I’d be writing Perry asking why my tax $ were going to a para military org that has no real purpose. A quick scan of the web says it seems they pretend to soldier and their being in uniform causes issues because folks think they are the NG and they, it seems, don’t disabuse the citizens of that perception. I’ve never met anyone in the TXSG, only a Virginia equiv so that may be the reason for my disdain. JMHO. But Chevy says the TXSG JAG is going to come after me.


I hate to sound Taps because I know there will be excitement here when Chevy finishes his 2200 Mall security patrol and “Col” Palmer checks in. Should be fun. Depending, I might call the JAG tomorrow and see what their charges against me will be since Chevy said they are coming and Chevy never lies.


Re. Mall patrol…Don’t forget ballwashing at TopGolf. That fat bastard can wash balls for hours sometimes.


Damn, I hope they are his own balls! Eye bleach, please!


Looking at their newsletter. They are misleading, they do the same functions the Guard does and they seem to work with Coast guard and do base exercises as if they are legit military unit. Yet they do not do PT or have any standards. Got guys running around with brush handle mustaches and sideburns.

I met a few people in Denton area and one in Frisco that was trying to join and realized that people in there are just as tore up as TSA security employees (sorry TSA for the knock)


Originally posted by SJ:

“Col” Howard Palmer @ h.palmer@verizon.net is probably going to be pissed at Chevy for posting the entire email, including his address. The “Col” wasn’t very supportive to Chevy it seems.

He took that down from his update, but too late, the information is here. 😀

The CO’s response looks like he’s expecting Dennis Howard Chevalier to get the boot from the Texas State Guard, but hasn’t seen the official paperwork yet. As was already mentioned, that doesn’t sound like there’s much support there for Dennis Howard Chevalier.

That’s assuming that Dennis Howard Chevalier isn’t lying about already being kicked out, and assuming that he didn’t doctor that screen capture.

If he’s telling the truth, then it could mean that the CO is expecting official documentation that gives Dennis Howard Chevalier the boot from the Texas State Guard… and that information about the decision to boot him out was leaked to the administrators of this blog.

Until actual evidence comes up, I’m going with Jonn Lilyea’s statement that Dennis Howard Chevalier got kicked out of the Texas State Guard, and that Mr. Blobfish is falsely claiming to still be a member of the Texas State Guard.


BTW, the chain of command seems very flat at the TXSG. A “CPL” emails direct to a “Col”? Plus, what a blow to Chevy to go from a LtCol in the CAP/USAF to a Cpl in the TXSG.


Thats probably why Chevy thinks he can skip his chain. We know he probably has a supervisor in there since Texas State guard attempts to run itself like an actual military branch.

So Chevy probably thinks his Lt Col CAP rank equates to him being a Col in Texas State Guard.

Just an Old Dog

Check out some of the CAP “squadrons”… The one closest to Cheese-slayer is really a High School JROTC unit. Thet have at least 6-8 adult “officers” ( including 2 LtCols) and about a dozen Student cadets.
To be a Lt Col in CAP all you have to do is stick around a few years, attend a seminar or two and do online courses. An active duty resident NCO course has more training than what a CAP LtCol has to go through.


Dennis Howard Chevalier should try the Salvation Army in his area. 😀



Kicking myself in the ass that I didn’t think of that one first.


They do wear uniforms … and have a chain-of-command ….

Salvation Army divides itself geographically into territories, which are then sub-divided into divisions. In larger areas, regional and area commands are also introduced as sub-divisions of divisions. Each territory has an administrative hub known as territorial headquarters (THQ). Likewise, each division has a divisional headquarters (DHQ). Each of these territories is led by a territorial commander who receives orders from the Salvation Army’s International Headquarters in London. A territory is normally led by an officer holding the rank of colonel (for small territories) or commissioner for larger territories. In some countries, the work of The Salvation Army may be called a command, led by a command commander. A larger command is typically led by an officer holding the rank of colonel.

The current world Leader of The Salvation Army is General André Cox.

He could be an ossifer after completing their training:

Candidates for officership undergo an intensive two-year course in residence at Salvation Army colleges in Chicago; Suffern, New York; Atlanta; and Rancho Palos Verdes, California. The curriculum combines theory and field practice, including Salvation Army doctrine, sociology and social work, psychology, Salvation Army regulations, homiletics, public speaking, Bible studies, church history, composition, community relations, business administration, accounting, and vocal and instrumental music.

After two successful years of training, cadets are commissioned as lieutenants, ordained as ministers, and assigned to active duty while continuing their education. Lieutenants are required to devote five years to additional studies….

It could happen ….


If he’s willing to learn and practice humility, he should go this route. He should do this in conjunction with getting help with his control, anger, low self esteem, eating, etc, issues.

It wouldn’t matter if he regained his colonel rank in this scenario, but he should start out at the bottom… preferably in a position where he’d interact with people.

With Dennis Howard Chevalier’s current attitude, I doubt that he’d go this route… the old CAP and the Texas State Guard offer uniforms that are comparable to those used by the armed forces.


At 52 years old, it is too late for him to rehabilitate his career and his attitude.


SJ…when I was in I sent a memo to the Commander once…ONCE! The NCOIC took great time and detail in telling me how that would NEVER happen again. (and it was a friendly kinda memo too)

Just an Old Dog

The cyber terrorists of “This Ain’t Hell” will be formally charged with crimes against a person and forced to appear criminally for their acts against Dennis H. Chevalier in Tarrant County.”

So they have to “appear criminally”?,,, does that mean they have to wear a hamburglar suit you fat fuck.?
You have to be one of the stupidest fuckwads to ever fake being a legal expert.

A Proud Infidel®™

YOU, Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevalier, are not unlike a teacup toy poodle messing with Rottweilers, Sheepdogs, and Great Pyrenees. YOU, Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevalier, are a slovenly bottom-feeder, nothing more, nothing less.


He’s going to force us to appear criminally?

Denny Penny? Has your cheese fallen completely off your cracker?

How do you plan to manage that one? And why Tarrant County, of all places? Haven’t you been telling us that you live in Irving, TX? What sort of transportation will you use to round us all up for that being forced thing?

It will be mighty interesting to watch this one. He plans to make criminals of law abiding citizens! By force. Oh, sure he is.


Yeah, I’m really shaking in my shoes. Why, I’m practically paralyzed from fright. I can’t even go to work today because of it. What a lying jackass.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’M not going to work today either, but hey, today is a scheduled day off!


Actually, I think I’m gonna go hide at the local golf course.


I’m going to SWEADEN to the top sekret MESNA hideout!


Don’t purger yourself, I’ll have to council you if you do.


Well that didn’t take long. The TXSG Corporal/CAP-USAF LtCol took down the email to/from the TXSG “Colonel” that includes his email and the CPL’s cell phone #. Wonder what prompted that?


Are Field Grade Officers in the TSG allowed to cuss out Corporals? Just wondering. I wonder a lot.


Col. Palmer doesn’t like lower enlisted guys that bring unwanted attention to the regiment.
That’s why I emailed him the complete dossier on CheveLIAR…. links, screencaptures, contact info for myself, Jim Parker, James Atkinson, and etc. I hope he checks his spam folder occasionally. I hope he finds my email helpful in dealing with a particular lying fatass drama queen.

Dennis, how’s your valve?


He’s probably having serious problems this morning, what with the guy in Plano managing to actually get PAID for his lies, whereas our “friend” here could only get appointments in volunteer organizations with very little recognition even there.

He’s probably feeling like a complete and utter failure all around. Or at least should be.


More problems in TXSG and 4th regiment?


Holy French Formage Makers of America (FFMA) Batman, are we still talking about this guy?


Train wrecks are kinda fun to watch and talk about, MCPO.

Unless, of course, you’re the one driving the train.

Ain’t that right, Denni-boi?


He has never replied to any of my questions!

Because, he may know that I already know the answers.

He IS well known in certain circles. Those circles he claims to be in, yet he is not an accepted member.

As a self proclaimed industrial security professional, when it comes to DC, they say … No!


Cheesus Master Chief, next you’ll be telling us that he is not an Elite Sniper or a real PhD! WTF? Who keeps moving my cheese?


I think that would be Denni-boi Chevalier that’s moving your cheese, GDContractor. And probably eating it, too.


Fatboy said

dennis chevalier says:
March 20, 2014 at 11:56 am

ok mother fucker post the screen shot of my so called claim of an atp license goddammit!
right fucking now!!!!!!

Now on his “blog” he says:

GDContractor send his newest fabrication on me, 4 months after I demanded he show it. Hmmm took you THAT long to make this one? You’re slipping…

Now I am kinda stupid, so someone help me out here…. what is March 10, 2014 PLUS 4 months? And I made the screenshot up (among others), really? Gee Dumbass, I thought Jim Parker made up all the other stuff like the challenge coin letter and flightaware comments. Now you are changing your story again? Keep telling yourself that I am slipping fatboy, it works to my advantage. Of course, being that you can’t add 3+4 (MESNA!), I don’t need it.

Did Col. Palmer give you my contact info yet? How’s your valve?

A Proud Infidel®™

AAAWWW, pooor Blobfish,… NOT!!


Boring day here at TAH. Chevy must be preoccupied with trying to get “Col” Palmer’s foot out of his ass; Bernasty has gone to quiet mode for a couple of days; and Round Ranger has been running silent for weeks.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I think the Round Ranger has perhaps learned his lesson and knows not to step back into the ring. Dennis H. Chevalier, however is an idiot and a palooka. It is only a matter of time before he wades right back in to receive some more flogging.

Or, his public defender may have advised him to stay away from computers! (One can hope.) Sure seems like he violates another law every time he posts. He already should have jurisdictions lining up to file charges against him.

That would be criminal charges, Denny Penny. Not the appearance of criminality – but the real deal – the ones that law enforcement agencies investigate, prosecutors prosecute, and judges and juries decide.

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