Paul Wickre: The internet is changing
Brought from this discussion.
Apparently, Mr. Wickre has a lot of time on his hands since he’s out of a job and he’s made it his life’s work to earn for Phillip Monkress his phony SEAL Trident. In fact, Wickre is “all in” in this endeavor. He’s been doing his homework and reading the incessant blather from Dallas Wittgenfeld, another internet bully who thought he could beat us and ended up losing everything that he cherished as well as his sanity. I think Paul is near that point, too;
The Internet is changing from the the past five years when you tried to build your Alexa rank from nothing to under 250,000. You may have had a bump up but you still only get a few thousand subscribers, that buy into your hate and vitriol, as to your issues.
What I have found as you saw with HoneyComb in MN, is that the ISPs, carriers or hosting community, really do not like controversy. This controversy is generally known as hate speech, pornographic/mature, libel/ defamation, threats, incite to violence, conspiracy, spamming, altering page rank data, manipulation of third party content, abuse, threats, intimidation and so on.
What governs the industry, now is pretty much universal terms of use or terms of service. Your content is offensive as to any sensibility. Thus wherever you land or try and spew your diatribes against the Military Vets, or me a contractor, or the people whom you have singled out, my lawyers and myself have developed a template, well recognized as to your speech. Your speech, from your content is violent, sexual, threatening and just over the top.
Therefore we will continue to file complaints, as to your filthy content and let the ISP or hosting company be the judge as to whether or not your promoted content deserves to be in public.
We have reached out to multiple companies and your back up cloud hosting in particular. Maybe you win, maybe I win, but in every case I get you kicked off, it goes into a ‘Blacklist Industry” file.
I am pretty sure, that I will win the argument, and over time, regardless of any opposition you make say as to my family,, or the VA Community, the DOD, DHS, the fact that you are kicked off for your mean speech and tactics, will pretty much win the day. Anyway, I am a sporting man, and the bet is, that your vitriol over Stolen Valor, is judged the smaller Sin, vs. your language, speech and tactics.
OK Pardners?
Lets let the court of public opinion decide if your issue on Stolen Valor, trumps the numerous abominations as to Speech, Speech, Speech. Lets give it a year, and see who wins.
Remember this is about legal means and Court venue. Lets play there and see who trumps. I think if you were realistic, you would stop about the “threats” as your 3000 entries have been catalogued into really heinous things, like murder, rape, maiming, torture, S&M, accusations into every deviancy, you espoused. That “black” speech really has nothing to do with the issues at all, as to how you perceive an email, a phone call or a VPN address, as crying “foul” or a threat from me. You are just wrong here. I have 600 entries of the worst visual imagery ever known to the common discourse, from you. That is the issue.
Ok Lets see how you do, vs. what I think is right.
Best Regards,
Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business DevelopmentFirstTech, Inc.
Yeah, the email contained some of Wittgenfeld’s famous collages of me & TSO. What Mr. WIckre is admitting is that TAH is too strong-willed for him to defeat, so he’s going to bully someone else. He has no legal case, Monkress’ lawyer admits as much, so he resorts to childish bullying. He impersonates government officials regularly in his bullying. Someone tried to hack in into my Google Ads account yesterday, I guess to hijack that big $100/month those ads generate, but Google stopped him. And, oh, Wickre’s sister works for Google, by the way.
As TSO told us the other day, Wickre’s wife is his biggest enabler. Do you want to see the invitation to his “getting out of jail” party she sent to everyone?
I know Wickre is just a distraction from the big issue here, though; Phillip Dale Monkress is still a phony SEAL. Now that Monkress has been exposed as a phony, he is trying to scrub the internet from his false claims. He’s scrubbed the All-Points Logistics website and that leaves TAH and somehow that justifies harassing my wife and daughter and their friends. People who have nothing to do with this. I’m not ruining Monkress’ life, Monkress did that himself with his lies. And the original discussion about Monkress had been closed for six months before Wickre and Monkress renewed interest in it.
Well, anyway, I’m taking my only Maryland-legal rifle to the range today so, you guys have fun today.
Category: General Whackos, Shitbags
Why all the posts on his grandfather predecessors parentage going back into th 1800?s.? not a military family? What does this do to out/punish Monkress , whom is the one getting the false entitlement?Need some help here—-Missed a thread.?
Monkress is now the sideshow, but unfortunately for him this wickre dirtbag has kept stirring the pot. So much that Monkress may find himself winning the stolen valor Tournament on Wickres back.
As for all the 1800’s family history. Paul is running his own bullshit story of being a member of elite society. He tries to come off as Mr Moneybanks who can beckon Legal, political and law enforcement at his whim. Ge’s got a serious Walter Mitty complex. He’s had numerous brushes with the law for everything from DUI, resisting arrest to stalking, and lives in a modest house in an average neighborhood. He’s had several financial problems, and screwed his mom and sister out of what they lent him.
He comes from humble stock, not the “Vacation in Europe” type of money, but blue collar workers, Farmers, WPA workers and typists. His Paternal side Norwegian, they came over in the mid 1800’s and settled in the Iowa, Minnesota and Dakotas.
His mom’s side is standard Anglo, Georgia, Alabama, Texas Mostly.
Not that it’s bad to come from that sort of background, but if you put on airs like Wickre does, you should back it up with a pedigree.
The final piece in this bit of shit is that he claims some sort of “inside the beltway” influence because his mom ( long retired) and Wife are low level administrative types.
Old Dog, you left out one thing: Wickre jump-started this entire thing by reviving a thread that was long-since dead, completely on his own. There has not, to our knowledge, been any input from Monkress, other than Wickre’s implied contacts with him. He no longer works for APL.
He has repeatedly demanded that WE go away, when in fact, he keeps coming back here. We must be fascinating creatures, for him to be so obssessed with us. It’s not a healthy obssession, either. As one FB commenter pointed out at the very top of this thread, Wickre clearly needs to consider getting some professional help with his problem, but instead, keeps coming back here like an addict coming to his crack pipe.
And don’t forget the threats and impersonations of LEOs…..
she was the head secretary.
And we know how she got THAT job.
she was the head secretary.
And we know how she got THAT job.
She was pretty Long in the tooth by the time that came around,,, come to think about it she may not have had teeth at all.,,,, “gummers” anyone?
My personal favorite.
Ex-PH2, Paul Wickre (GH!!) is SI slimy, he makes a Hagfish look squeaky clean!! He’s SO STUPID, he’d take the #5 bus twice to make up for missing the #10, then he’d blame, cuss out, and threaten to sue the People of TAH for not making it to his destination!
Hey Patriot 12X, Welcome Aboard! I’m curious about the 12 in your screen name, does that have its roots in Fort Lost-in-the-Woods (HINT)?
*BLEEP!* I hit the wrong key at the wrong time and posted before I was done, I started off as a 12C myself!
Proud, then what’s the nastiest fish in the ocean?
Don’t say the sharks. They like to have their noses rubbed.
If not the hagfish, then what? I think even the barracuda is higher on the species scale than our little fiend.
Oh, wait! I think I know! The stonefish is poisonous and deceitful. It hides itself and lures its victims into thinking they’re safe, just like Wickre tries to do.
Lets not start insulting the fish by comparing them to Paul K Wickre.
I’m happy with just referring to him as whale shit.
Like I tried to say (STUPID TYPOs), next to Paul Wickre, a hagfish looks squeaky clean!!
I hope you all remember to make the appropriate entries on your tax returns next year to reflect the fact that you are living rent free in Psul-Boi’s head.
@458/461 – yep, and that’s what will probably eventually land him a stint in prison right up until it’s time for him to start drawing his sad little Social Security check. The rest of his sins might (MIGHT) be written off by a prosecutor as “he said/she said” (advisedly phrased since he had such a hardon for the female commenters on this blog), but the impersonation of LEOs, especially when it resulted in material consequences for a victim (Jonn having to move the blog to a new host), can never end well.
#469, I would rather live rent free in a skunks ass. It would smell better and have a higher level of cleanliness.
You KNOW it’s going to be a bad day when:
1. You call the Suicide prevention Hotline and they put you on hold.
2. Your horn gets stuck ON when you’re behind a chapter of Hell’s Angels on the highway.
3. Your income tax Check bounces.
4. Your name is Paul Wickre, you’ve tried to bully the People of TAH again and FAILED!!
Oh my, Paul K Wickre (GH!) has found a way to bounce off a proxy. Guess he finally found out how to use Google. But his terrible language, lawer 🙂 threats, noble family claims, and random capitalization identify him as Psul just as reliably as the IP address.
Checkmate, douche bag.
Yo, Paulie-boi…I’m down here in FL, all alone, where all you’d have to do is call da po-po and they’d just scoop me up for all my “crimes” against ya…yeah, that’s what I thought.
Keep sucking that turd, son.
At this point I would rather belong to Robert Downey JR.
He found a proxy? Oh, how VERY clever of him!
Psul….(any anyone else feel free to use these…
?( ?° ?? ?°)?
? (?0´)?
Pulltoy Psulieboi found a proxy?? How incredibly CLEVER of him!!
Anonymous was me. My bad. Cleared the browser this morning.
Chip, you REALLY have too much time on your hands. I need the lawn mowed and the oil changed in the car, if you have time.
This is how the world ends…
This is how the world ends…
Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
(Any misquoting my fault!)
Bye bye, Paul K Wickre (GH).
Thanks for the update- This is a lot of reading. So I get it, Phuckre put on “airs” trying to defend the Monkress Stolen Valor, and that is why the piling on? Were there any false enrichment claims attached to Gov’t contracts?
I see where the blog starts on the misuse of the Seal Team IV and maybe the Native American, but still do not see, why the piling on Paulie-boi, rather than Monkress the imposter? Can you point me to a thread?
Wickre revived a thread on Monkress that had been dead for months. It was closed because he kept piling threats on it. That was moved to a new thread, focused on him, because he was hacking into phone accounts and making more unfounded threats. That got too fat to work, so a new thread was started and he just kept it going with drunken, incoheren drivel, and another one (this one) was started to see what he would do.
He published personal information (SSNs, phone numbers, etc.) for people posting on these threads, made a lot of unwarranted mysognistic, racist, neo-Nazi posts, and kept making more threats. He demanded our personal info, vis-a-vis phone numbers and addresses. If he’s a smart as he pretends to be, he’d have that info by now. He’s also posed as LEOs and government officials, and made threats to original service provider for this blog in an attempt to shut it down, but it was switched, quickly to another service provider. He called one of the people who post here, thinking it was someone else, but the person he called was over in France for D-Day observations.
I did once leave the number for the police station in Palermo, Sicily, for him to call, thinking that if he likes to make international phone calls, he could call them and annoy them.
He’s his own worst enemy. He’s nuts, too. He brings all this attention on himself, because he’s got this egocentric need that demands that he get all the attention he can, no matter what. Emotionally, I’d say he’s about 5 years old, even though his chronological age is 57.
If you go to the very top of this thread, to the ‘this discussion’ link, you can backtrack Wickre’s nitwitted behavior. You can even listen to his phone call to Laughing Wolf, the guy over in France. While you’re at it, read the 2011 memo he sent to his employer Monkress, copy posted at #167 above. Yes, that’s his signature kind of rant.
Oh I see— Monkress broke the TAH mission by false use and then potential false contracting that would have gone to a bona-fide vet. That is the real issue after all the bluster. Phuckre was his defender and attack dog and ….Monkress does not post?
So the piling on is at proxy, in lieu of Monkress, as Monkress is too afraid to appear, so he put Phuckre up to it? Am I tracking?
Pretty much. Psul aka Paul Wickre is just two scoops of crazy nutter in a waffle cone. He has severe issues with his mommy, women in general, and pretty much anyone not burdened with thinking next door neighbors are actually beaming hate waves into their brain…
He forgets how to spell, refers to himself in the third person, can’t alter his tone or content when pretending to be someone else, and introduced us all to the phrase “Lucky Sperm Club” which is ironic. 100,000,000 sperm and his was the fastest in his mommy?
@ #483: Not at all certain that you have it right because I don’t understand what you said.
What does “broke the TAH mission” mean? Don’t know that he broke anything. He did claim things that were not true.
No proxy thing going on that I know of. Who a mad dog might know is irrelevant – when the mad dog attacks, you neutralize the attack.
Don’t know if the monkey man is afraid to post, too busy to do so, incarcerated without access, or just smart enough to not do it.
Don’t know if the incompetent attack dog came here at the request of anyone. He may or may not have even made such a claim. Doesn’t matter. He made threats, made felonious claims, and generally made himself look like an idiot.
Patriot, I don’t think anyone knows Wickre’s agenda, including himself. Monkress was outed as having stated in seminars and putting on presentation slides for APL that he was a disabled veteran who served with SEAL team four. There are pictures of him in civilian clothing wearing a Navy Petty officers insignia and a SEAL trident. According to his DD214 he never went through BUDS or served as a SEAL. These claims are bold faced Lies on his part. However is is a veteran and very well could have been injured while in service ( There’s a part of his DD214 that shows that possibility). His company APL probably would have gotten that contract based on his actual service without the SEAL embellishment. That he did bullshit people in his presentations and also has a record of frequent DUIs should cast doubt on his judgement in the case of further contracts. As it sets now, any case of Stolen Valor taken to court against Monkress for past contracts wouldn’t stand a chance. He is a disabled veteran whose business qualified to get the contracts. Arguing that the SEAL claims may have given him an edge would be hard to prove, unless the contract specifically asked for a person with SEAL experience. At any rate Monkress reacted rather quickly, redoing his presentations and trying to scrub any history of ever claiming to be a SEAL. It appears he also made a weak sauce threat against this blog for exposing him via a lawyer. Once it was pointed out that truth is the absolute best defense against libel, his lawyer and Monkress exited stage left. Wickre on the other hand, apparently worked for a branch of APL in Va.Seeing the name of his company being bought up in a negative light and his fellow executive/ boss being hammered for stolen valor bought out the idiot in him. He went on a one-idiot crusade to bring TAH to it’s knees by any means neccessary. Looking back on his actions I don’t think APL or Monkress had much, if anything to do with Wickre going… Read more »
I’m surprised that Paul K. Wickre (Google hit–don’t forget the punctuation like he does) hasn’t posted more recently. I think he is fueling up for another attack by his family in the overseas IP addresses that all seemed to have shared the same schooling (or in his case skooling) as Paulie-Want-A-Wickre.
@ 486 Superb summary! Nice….
Psul = Phool
Got it— That pulls together the story from all these long threads. Phuckre sounds like he went rogue and then MonkressAss did not like the heat, so he held out Phuckre to the press or regulators or DCAA types or FSO as the fall guy (like MonkAss would not do these things) and threw the Wicktard out like a Kleenex, and walked on his sorry ass.
Is he chargeable? The legal issues in the thread– is it Internet blathering Hooliganism or bluster or real crimes? Why don’t TAH members complain of harrasment or cyber-bully or what ever you call it?
This looks like a book length saga… How will it end???? Now you have got me going on the story:)
Why aren’t we complaining? If Wickre stopped posting nonsense, we’d be happy. We’re simply defending ourselves against his blithering idiocy. What is there to complain about?
I am new here–it looks like more than he goes away, I read some comments on the thread of threats to family or cell phone abuse or impersonation? If there were real threats to my wife or kid, I would go down and swear out a warrant. Isn’t there proof? Are their not rules on calling up or calling out /phone/Internet/hack/impersonation/cyber bully or what have you?
What I have read from you guys is he is not stable? Is that
not reportable?
I am going to go back and reread the 2000 post and the history. I would think there is something reportable.
He’s been reported to the local police. He’s called them and bullied them, too. Yes, he’s been reported — by his neighbors — long before he started appearing here. I think there’s enough stuff there for an entire psychology conference or something. First time I’ve run into a full-blown bull goose looney that wasn’t homeless.
Paul Wickre can EAT SHIT & GO FUCK HIMSELF!!!
Chip, that was pretty. Now where is little psul(gh) at these days hmmm, fancy european vacation or in a straight jacket with balls in his mouth, really wondering.
He’s probably did enough that if the people he pulled crap on were local they could get a restraining order. He has posed as an LEO over the phone, but its kinda hard to figure who exactly he was saying he was. In short, going after him would probably not be worth the effort. Hes a blowhard who thinks he can bullshit people or manipulate them over the phone. He claims to have all kinds of pull and ability to shut down blogs, but he is nothing more than a less then average IT guy. He has only simple google-fu skills.
An example of his stupidity was when he looked up the name of local Law enforcement and tried to intimidate a poster here by saying they were on the way the next day to lock them up.
492 PatriotX12:
We here don’t feel that we need to rely on Law Enforcement to wipe our butts, or cover them. We’re handling him in our own fashion and frankly, stronger than Law Enforcement and the courts would and could. Paul K. Wickre, being of the Liberal Persuasion, is the one who would like to be able to actually call the police and/or have an attorney help him to handle us, via the court system. He is an Eunuch, and has no natural ability to do anything to us. He is just another douchebag liberal whiner with an alcohol problem.
Just your basic, run of the mill, LOSER.
A Note to those of the “Southeast Chapter of TAH Commenters” who will be at the meetup next week:
The goods that I ordered for us should be in my hands by close of business Thursday 7/11/13.
Paul K. Wickre, (Gooooooooooooooooogleized), asks his wife: “Why do I always get a boner when I look in the mirror?”
She says: “Because your dick knows you’re a pussy too.”
Still no phone calls…
#499 ouch snap. Gt don’t be so sad, psulie will show one day if monkress permits it(double gh)
I bet Paul Wickre (GOOOOOGLE HIT!!) is sitting somewhere drunk and pouting in his spandex madder than Richard Simmons or himself in a pet store that just ran out of gerbils! (That, or he’s sitting at a bus stop drunk and mumbling to himself) I heard he’s still nursing his scars from his last trip to the beach. While he was there, some Greenpeace hippies dragged him so far out in the water, he was harpooned by a Japanese Whaler passing through!
What I don’t understand is why can’t TAH go after Phuckre and MonkeyAss. I mean it seems to me that Phildo has this large corporation and Phuckre boasts about his wealth. Why is not there some law suit brewing or damage or claim?
You guys know this all better than me. You wrote off law enforcement, what about civil as to the other claims, or PII or phone/Internet hacking? I don’t get it?
Why not level the playing field, as to TAH claims or damages in some way? Am I off base here? If the guy is a scumbag with a record, then why not file something or other?
Just a thought….
PatriotX12, we always let him come to us. We do not hunt him.
I expect something from pulltoy Paul K Wickre (gugle hit) a/k/a the Wickre Man on Saturday, July 13. He feeds on his own anger, you know. Until then….
503 PatriotX12:
You write as though you feel that we are in distress in this. We are just sitting here, chuckling, enjoying watching Paul K. Wickre, (Goooooooooooooooooglefu again), self destruct. We are not threatened, we do not feel as if we are in danger, nor that we have “lost” anything, and see neither reason nor need to carry our happy asses into the legal/judicial system. Basically, all is well with us. It is Paul K. Wickre and Phillip Dale Monkress, (more Goooooooooogle stats), who have caused themselves the grief.
We here are not of the “Law Suit mentality”, leaving that to the losers. Instead, we just grab a big bowl of popcorn and watch the spandex clad slinky kick himself down the stairs for our enjoyment.
This is not a matter of “piling” on Paul K. Wickre instead of Phillip Dale Monkress. We are able to do two things at once. When so moved, we do work the Monkress Files, but the real humor is here with Pauli Boi.