The nice folks over at send us a case on Richard Wayne Jowers. There are a few updates I will add before the MP case appears. This was done last night by KTXS12:
Here are some additional claims made by Jowers:
Here are a few more:
Sadly, tragedy strikes most of us at times during our life. How we deal with it weaves the fiber of our character. I do not believe Jowers made false claims about his military service as a jerk knee response because he was mad at his opponent. His attempt at faux humility and false statements seem to be a bit more systemic than that.
To go from actually being a Private that was kicked out of the Army for Desertion with an Other than Honorable Discharge to claims of being a Wounded Army Ranger Staff Sergeant is repugnant at best. Did he file a false employment application with his current employer? It appears he was obligated at the time of his hire to report an Other than Honorable Discharge. Did he provide a DD-214 at the time of hire and if so, does it match his official military records? How long has he been making false claims about his service?
I bet some good people around his part of the world know some of the answers to those questions.
Richard Wayne Jowers comes to us from Baird, Texas. At the time of this writing, February 2020, Jowers is 53 years old. He more commonly goes by “Rick” and / or “Ricky.”
Jowers is the Chief Deputy for Callahan County, Texas.
Jowers is currently running for Sheriff of Callahan County with the election being held on March 3, 2020.
In some of the debates leading up to the election, Jowers has claimed to have been a US Army Airborne Ranger. Here he asks candidate Leroy Foley if he was an Airborne Ranger and then affirms that they both were.
In a Clyde County Town Hall meeting designed to hear from the two candidates, held on January 6, 2020, Jowers states that that “was in the military – took a bullet for his country.”
There was some question about Foley, the other candidate, and his military claims. Foley eventually dropped out of the race.
We had received submissions about Jowers and his military claims having to do with being at the Black Hawk Down event in Somalia in 1993, being wounded, killing hundreds of the enemy, etc. We largely ignored these claims because many were wild and most all had no proof associated with them, therefore it was hearsay. However, we started hearing similar claims over and over again from separate sources and gave us reason to pause. Again, we largely ignored these claims due to lack of credible evidence.
Jowers came out with what struck us as an odd statement. According to, “Jowers goes on to explain that even though he claimed otherwise during public forums for the Sheriff’s race, he is, “not a Navy SEAL, a Green Beret, or an Airborne Ranger.”
This would be similar to someone saying they were not an astronaut and at no time did they ever walk on the moon, or that they never played football for the Dallas Cowboys.
Why would someone make such statements unless they made those claims?
Jowers also made the following post to his Facebook page. We at Military Phony had not heard that Jowers’ military service was in question, just the type of service and his experiences.
What became apparent about this post was that OTHER THAN HONORABLE appears instead of a Reenlistment code. HONORABLE as a stand-alone designation does not appear there. Stated another way, this area should have a reenlistment code. The word HONORABLE should not appear here instead of a reenlistment code. The only other things that would appear here are DISHONORABLE or OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS.
Jowers called one of our investigators and admitted he had been discharged under OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS.
Many were skeptical and contacted Military Phony. Others were wanting what they characterized as fair and equal treatment of the candidates. However, Military Phony only investigates claims of Stolen Valor and has no vested interest in a local Sheriff’s election in the state of Texas.
Since a quick sweep showed that Jowers spent about 18 months in the Army, our interest peaked. He could have been wounded and been discharged early because 18 months is not a typical enlistment.
. . . . .
Richard Wayne Jowers’ military records were ordered through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
. . . . .
FOIA Result – Summary Sheet – Ricky Wayne Jowers
FOIA Result – Photo – Ricky Wayne Jowers
FOIA Result – Assignments – Ricky Wayne Jowers
. . . . .
DoD Manpower Data Center Result – Richard Wayne Jowers
. . . . .
There is a shortened length of service from what is expected for a normal enlistment.
Based on the entries common surrounding this, it appears that Jowers went AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) in March of 1989.
The military generally classifies unauthorized absence in excess of 30 days as a desertion. This is also documented by the “DMR” annotated in his records.
He was “DFR” (Dropped From Rolls) at one month in April 1989 when usually the soldier is declared a Deserter.
In July of 1989, Jowers had an entry of “RMC” which is “Return to Military Control.”
He was then sent to Fort Sill, OK Personal Control Facility (PCF) while awaiting probably a Court Martial. PCF is NOT REALLY a Stockade or Prison. It is a Facility to house Trouble Soldiers who needed to be Retrained or Soldiers who are awaiting Court Martial Procedures.
It made sense he was sent to Fort Sill PCF since he was FA.
The Personnel Clerk recorded an incorrect date by putting his Discharge as “870822” instead of “890822”.
His unit was in Germany and he appeared to go on leave and did not return to Germany. He turned himself in to Fort Sill. He was then discharged under “OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS” for desertion.
He left the Army as a Private (E-1) which is probably due to the trouble just before discharge. This is in contrast to Staff Sergeant / SSG (E-6) that he claimed in the debate video above.
Jowers does not show assignments indicative of being a Ranger.
There was no Purple Heart listed in his records. There were no medals listed that would indicate combat.
When Jowers claimed that he “took a bullet for his country” a military member or veteran would see this is a direct claim of being combat wounded and one would expect to see a Purple Heart in his military records.
There is nothing in Jowers’ records reflect RANGER or Airborne training.
We don’t see any Ranger School Training or Airborne Training on his Summary Records.
There is a Texas State policy that says that one cannot work in Law Enforcement if their military discharge was DISHONORABLE or OTHER THAN HONORABLE. This can be found here:
People can have their military discharges upgraded from a lower status. Jowers claims that he has worked in law enforcement for two decades, so he would have had to done it before securing employment.
Jowers put out the following statement:
“I have something that I would like to say to the citizens of Callahan County, I deeply and wholeheartedly apologize for misleading you about my military service. I do have discrepancies on my DD 214 from 30 years ago and I’m currently working on correcting those. The problem was this, I had a couple of tragic accidents that happened in my family that caused me to be released from the military a year early. I received an “Other Than Honorable Conditions”. I feel that that is no one‘s business but mine and my family’s. I’m not a Navy SEAL, a Green Beret, or an Airborne Ranger.
I sincerely and completely apologize for saying that at the forums. I was upset and angry at a certain person, and let my emotions get the best of me. If I have offended any military or citizen I do apologize. I love my country, I love my military, and I love Callahan County.
I am not and have not attempted to use my military service to sway citizens to vote for me. My military service is NOT a part of my platform as I have said many time.
I feel that this is an extremely ugly race and I know that people are tired of seeing ugly things on Facebook. I pray that this will soon be over and we can all get back to our normal lives. I am not perfect and I have made many mistakes and I’ve learned from all of them. Thank you and God bless.”
Although Jowers came out and seemingly played down his prior claims saying that he was not running on his military record, he still made the comments about being an Airborne Ranger and “taking a bullet for his country.”
There was some value gained from such statements. One cannot deny that. Maybe some people didn’t care, but others do.
Although it is hard to measure with each individual voter, it could be valued in terms of influence.
. . . . .
It sounds like Rick Jowers had some tragic mitigating family circumstances that contributed to his OTHER THAN HONORABLE DISCHARGE. However, he had a very long time to have those records corrected. Instead, it appears that he chose to embellish upon the lies he was already living.
If the claims by Ricky Jowers were used to leverage work, military or civilian promotions, or anything else of value, he may have been in violation of Stolen Valor laws. State laws may also apply.
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5th/77th FA
5 years ago
You lying deserting piece of sh^t Richard Wayne Jowers, been waiting on this to pop up.
I will make this post short and sweet. Let me be the FIRST to call for the immediate deployment of the Hemisphere of Insults on your lying chickien sh^t deserting ass. PHUQUE YOU YOU SUM BITCH!!!
And away we go. In this instance both of the Phone PHUCKERS rate the HoI because “Stupid is as Stupid Does and Phony is as Phony does”, so, I hope that going forward, you get the attention and scrutiny you so richly deserve AND if you used your bullshit stories to gain employment, which it seems you are ineligible for in Law Enforcement, that a shit ton of hot steaming consequences rains down upon you for that. Grab your ankles bitch boy, breathe and relax your rectum because here it comes…. The Hemisphere of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! … Richard (DICK! Obviously) Wayne (Jane) Jowers (Lying is his Super Power) …HEY DICKLESS WONDER, We all hope you read this and come back here and try to defend your actions, but, you won’t because, YOU’RE A STRAIGHT UP COWARD, vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, bucket of ass chum, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF !!, Soup Sandwich, if you Mom would have known you were going to turn out like this, she’d have prayed for a miscarriage, Diaper-Sniper, you’re such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a… Read more »
kutomba wewe, Cryptosporidium-ridden tire tosser, fudgepacker, turbo douche & enema nozzle, mental midget, likes to molest small farm animals, dead and alive, is a hemorrhoid, 100 retarded monkeys could jerk off in a stagnant swamp and generate a better life form than you, You are about as useful as a knitted condom, if I had the taste of you in my mouth, I’d lick the taint of a dead rotting water buffalo in the Vietnamese jungle just to get the taste out, just to fix your shit, you could make a Jew deny the Holocaust, consuming connoisseur of the chocolate starfish, Cocksucking Catfish, anal & vaginal prolapse, giant anal Q-Tip, this freak fancies himself performing fellatio on a variety of pinnapeds, He went all vaginal. You *never* go all vaginal, fucked himself faster than a horny chihuahua by lying about his Military Service, you are the reason Jesus can’t play peek-a-boo, he has holes in his hands, you are a 0 EPR/OPR, you are worse than a Dishonorable Discharge….from your Mom’s vagina, Massive, back alley, bucket of schlong fuck juice, cockalorum cum-guzzling gutter slut, Dalton Coldiron’s bunny-butt buddy atomic sphincter goblin, If you stuck your brain up a gnat’s ass, it would look like a BB in a boxcar, Jackanape, Fuck Tart, Sitzpinkler, lispian, pussytits, Milksop, you’re such an embarrassment to your family and your father is so ashamed of you, he’d refuse a free blowjob out of fear of further spilling his seed, Forrest Gump points and laughs at you, you suck so bad, AIDS and Cancer have nightmares about you, your shit is about as funny as Anne Frank, Helen Keller and Terri Schiavo having an orgy in the showers at Auschwitz, you suck so bad, puppies, kittens and babies hate you, you are so loathsome, looks like the kind of guy who lets his wife gets her shit pushed in by Mr. Ouch while he watches, Gandhi would ass rape you for giggles, you are about as welcome as a yeast infection, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital wards and herpes, you’re one of the reasons Trump is… Read more »
Cock-juggling *Pussy* thundercunt, And a new addition thanks to Sarge I hereby introduce you to the ALPHABET ASSAULT: Annoying asinine Ampharos asshole assistant to APL; bulimic ballsack biting butt buddy at Brucie’s Bathhouse (entrance in the rear); chronic cocksucking clymidiacic chickenfucking cretin; dumbass dumbshit dickguzzling dimwitted douchebag; erratic earwax eating enema expert; fowl felching monkeyfucking ferret fluffing Uncle Fester look-alike; gregarious gangrene carrying Grinch; hypocrtical hippo humping hackeysack full of horse shit; idiotic inbred imbecile with a low IQ and impotence issues; jumping jackass with jockey shorts full of jellyfish jism; kooky kommunistic klown kitty fucking knave; lying loathsome limpdick lillylivered lazyass llama blowing loser; manmeat mooching meatslapping moosecock muncher; no good ninja nippled needlenutted nobody; obsolete overfucked octopus orgy observer; penis pumping pee filled poster child for proper prophelactic usage; queasy queef quaffing quantum horsesqueeze; ratt fucking rump ranger who plays the rusty trombone; Shit surping semen burping dick sucking sorry sonavabitch with syphilis; taint ticking test subject for tits on men at Tiny’s Truck Stop; unclefucking ugly ass unborn umbilical discharge; valor Vulture and volunteer for vile vaginal discharge vacuum duty, wanks to blue waffle porn while waiting for winos to blow at the aforemention truck stop; useful as an upset ugly unicorn uterus; yodleing yellowbellied yak yanker; zipper gazing zealot with zits on his zero inch dick. Fuck off, eat shit, die in a fire. If any of this offends you, I’m sorry. If something here *doesn’t* offend you, I’m not trying hard enough! We now include the NEW & IMPROVED OFFICIAL TAH BINGO CARD®™ /FREE with every deployment of an equal or greater value The Hemisphere of Insults®™ FUCK YOU, ASS HAMSTER!!! Can I get an AMEN?! (Or your choice of exclamation/interjection.) Here endeth the lesson. Oh and one time Blake Morgan said: “ I swear I was hearing “O Beautiful for spacious skies… For amber waves of grain” playing as I was reading this…. “ So without further ado, here is a link to the New York Orchestra performing America the Beautiful, at Carnegie Hall, for your listening pleasure, if you want a musical… Read more »
mental midget, likes to molest small farm animals, dead and alive, is a hemorrhoid, 100 retarded monkeys could jerk off in a stagnant swamp and generate a better life form than you, You are about as useful as a knitted condom, if I had the taste of you in my mouth, I’d lick the taint of a dead rotting water buffalo in the Vietnamese jungle just to get the taste out, just to fix your shit, you could make a Jew deny the Holocaust, consuming connoisseur of the chocolate starfish, Cocksucking Catfish, anal & vaginal prolapse, giant anal Q-Tip, this freak fancies himself performing fellatio on a variety of pinnapeds, He went all vaginal. You *never* go all vaginal, fucked himself faster than a horny chihuahua by lying about his Military Service, you are the reason Jesus can’t play peek-a-boo, he has holes in his hands, you are a 0 EPR/OPR, you are worse than a Dishonorable Discharge….from your Mom’s vagina, Massive, back alley, bucket of schlong fuck juice, cockalorum cum-guzzling gutter slut, Dalton Coldiron’s bunny-butt buddy atomic sphincter goblin, If you stuck your brain up a gnat’s ass, it would look like a BB in a boxcar, Jackanape, Fuck Tart, Sitzpinkler, lispian, pussytits, Milksop, you’re such an embarrassment to your family and your father is so ashamed of you, he’d refuse a free blowjob out of fear of further spilling his seed, Forrest Gump points and laughs at you, you suck so bad, AIDS and Cancer have nightmares about you, your shit is about as funny as Anne Frank, Helen Keller and Terri Schiavo having an orgy in the showers at Auschwitz, you suck so bad, puppies, kittens and babies hate you, you are so loathsome, looks like the kind of guy who lets his wife gets her shit pushed in by Mr. Ouch while he watches, Gandhi would ass rape you for giggles, you are about as welcome as a yeast infection, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital wards and herpes, you’re one of the reasons Trump is President, you make God want a do-over, You vacuous, toffee-nosed malodorous… Read more »
gonad, queefer, chicken shit, choad, Puppy fucker, dopus, Blue Falcon and Blue Waffle, Fuck Apple with mold, twizzletits, tallywacker, Bozack, Fiction-flinging Richard Gere’s Ass Gerbil Felcher, dingleberry circling ass buzzard, bitch, Saprophyte, ATM, pap smear, bukakke glazed shitmitten, Dandy prat, Tazmanian Dorkwad rat fucking, shit-sucking warthog’s asshole, gimp, bescumber, coccydynia, you lying sack of mosquito, Siberian bag of cum-stained hadji sheep shit”, mangina micropeen, Fuckrag, Syphilitic Turd Burglar, possibly likes to pick his teeth with his OWN used catheters, Hircismus, cheat, You couldn’t make a point if someone gave you a pencil sharpener, should be pounded in the poop hole with a turret of a M1 Abrams, and then fired a WP round therein, pope-fondling, turbo apeshit crazy, Cacafuego, Cock-juggling *Pussy* thundercunt, And a new addition thanks to Sarge I hereby introduce you to the ALPHABET ASSAULT: Annoying asinine Ampharos asshole assistant to APL; bulimic ballsack biting butt buddy at Brucie’s Bathhouse (entrance in the rear); chronic cocksucking clymidiacic chickenfucking cretin; dumbass dumbshit dickguzzling dimwitted douchebag; erratic earwax eating enema expert; fowl felching monkeyfucking ferret fluffing Uncle Fester look-alike; gregarious gangrene carrying Grinch; hypocrtical hippo humping hackeysack full of horse shit; idiotic inbred imbecile with a low IQ and impotence issues; jumping jackass with jockey shorts full of jellyfish jism; kooky kommunistic klown kitty fucking knave; lying loathsome limpdick lillylivered lazyass llama blowing loser; manmeat mooching meatslapping moosecock muncher; no good ninja nippled needlenutted nobody; obsolete overfucked octopus orgy observer; penis pumping pee filled poster child for proper prophelactic usage; queasy queef quaffing quantum horsesqueeze; ratt fucking rump ranger who plays the rusty trombone; Shit surping semen burping dick sucking sorry sonavabitch with syphilis; taint ticking test subject for tits on men at Tiny’s Truck Stop; unclefucking ugly ass unborn umbilical discharge; valor Vulture and volunteer for vile vaginal discharge vacuum duty, wanks to blue waffle porn while waiting for winos to blow at the aforemention truck stop; useful as an upset ugly unicorn uterus; yodleing yellowbellied yak yanker; zipper gazing zealot with zits on his zero inch dick. Fuck off, eat shit, die in a fire. If any of… Read more »
Rumor has it the Texas Rangers intend to involuntarily recall Cordell Walker from retirement to lead his agency’s investigation into Foley, Jowers, et al.
Karma IS a Bitch. She has GPS and She WILL find you, it just may take a while. Has they ever been a more epic shit show from a TAH file than this? NOW is the time to jump into the Callahan County sheriff’s race. Hell, just go down there as a lowly, lowly cook.
“I may have been only a cook…but at least im HONEST.”
It was mentioned from an earlier thread that the filing deadline for this race was back in December 2019, so the good folks of Callahan County are truly stuck between a Rock and a Hardplace…
I’m not sure how it works in Callahan County, but a few years back, Cochise County AZ had to replace their candidate for sheriff well past the filing deadline, due to his very sudden and very unfortunate death. County election regs specified that the replacement candidate was to be selected by the local republican party committee. The local dems bitched about this, but the truth is that it would have been exactly the same thing if a dem candidate would have had to be replaced. Callahan county may have a similar procedure in place.
Ain’t no such thing as a lowly cook…… You put on the uniform I serve you write a check to Uncle Sam up to and including possibly your life aint no such thing as a lowly anything,lol… However, once in iraq a cook almost shot me… lol That’s another story
I don’t talk shit about ANYONE’S service. I was Supply. I ain’t got no room to talk. Except armorers. Fuck those guys. Don’t want to take my weapons when i’ve been cleaning it for FOUR HOURS!?!
My best friend from boot camp retired as cook on boomers. If guys are training to possibly end the world as we know it, they should be entitled to some good eats. I can’t disagree with that opinion.
5 years ago
They don’t do this but should in basic training.
One hour block of instruction of how a less than honorable discharge will f*ck up your entire life.
You think they’d get the message? If an hour of looking at photos of infected penises won’t keep them from sticking it in a Thai hooker, I don’t think a lecture on less than honorable discharges will work.
Monday mornings, across the armed forces, demonstrate that “no, telling them not to do stupid shit does not actually stop all from doing stupid shit.”
-epic- stupid.
5th/77th FA
5 years ago
Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers whatever you call yourself, you have reached a low not often seen in the Halls of asshattery Stolen Valor Dip Sh^ts. Despicable AND Repugnant. You are even lower than old Festering Lying Lester Brown (stain) of the Elko POW/MIA Awareness Ass(ociation). Lying Les “just lied and embellished.” You effing DESERTED you POS. And then you stood upon the bodies and in the blood of proud Patriots who gave their all for this Country. And you used your lies to further your career and standings in the Community. I do hope that you are shunned and run out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered with chicken feathers to symbolically show what chicken sh^t you were. You weren’t even being shot at and you deserted your post. Barely a year of continuous duty and ran home crying. NO family emergency is so great that would cause someone to desert. All you had to do was go to your chain of command, and some arrangements would have been made. Missing Mama’s Sugar Teat? Jody banging your girl and doing it right.
Here’s hoping the State of Texas does the right thing and prosecutes you to the fullest extent of the law. And when they get done with your lying ass the Feds gives your chicken sh^t sissy punk ass to Bubba and the Boys at the BTJ&T Deli and Cell Block C of the Gray Bar Hotel.
You are disgusting and have smeared the Artillery Branch worse than anyone. We are just grateful that your sorry ass was thrown out of our Army before you did any more damage. ESAD MOFO!
As the Pappy of the Artillery, the “Defenders of the Keep” hereby also disown this worthless loser. Fortunately for him, the Brotherhood of the NDSM was not also tarred with his loser-dom, however, the Brotherhood is not amused since he did steal honor from members of our order. Fuck this guy.
Damn Bim, I didn’t know that Viagra would have any effect on a pussy. I learn something new everyday here. Is he a trans Dick? Does he identify as a Dick now since he was such a pussy back when he deserted? Thanks for the heads up. Richard/Ricky/Rick/Dick Wayne Jowers the lying, chicken sh^t deserter pussy will be hearing a similar statement from the BTJ&T Deli owners and Cell Block C; ie…Thanks for the head.
If the State of Texas DOES put him in the Greybar Hilton they’ll likely have to keep him in PC, Protective Custody, known as “Punk Central” to the General Population. In PC inmates are one to a cell with one hour a day for exercise in a pen and live completely segregated from others. Kiddie Pervs are one genre that ends up in PC, ditto with Ex-LEO’s that went dirty, either way his life will be complete and total hell. I heard earlier that the Texas Rangers were also looking into both of those SV assclowns so it’s only going to get more interesting!
5 years ago
Nice folks over at Military Phonies?
Who would’ve thunk.
“…I had a couple of tragic accidents that happened in my family that caused me to be released from the military a year early.” Thirty years later and Jowls still can’t admit he’s a DESERTER.
At least this POS didn’t earn the highly coveted, rarely awarded NDSM. Our brotherhood takes some small comfort in knowing Jowls is not counted among our elite, patriotic defenders.
I hear that it’s so manly and they are so secret, the can drop trou and just dickslap each other.
One of the guys in my unit Tom retired at 60 some years ago. We still keep in touch on social media. i think he’s one of the few guys in my unit that was a 3 time award winner. THAT’S FUCKING SOMETHING!!
The only thing more impressive was a friend of mine when, in the 1990s, had a Blues showdown at Christmas Reserve Weekend showed up wearing this…
At first we were all like “Oh Ray, you were statined in Korea, and he was all like, No Fucker, i was in the Korean War…..(mic drop)
W.T. F?!??!!?
He went in the Marines in the 1950s and made NCO, then he went Army Reserve and then went active Air Force and when I met him in 1988 when we both went TDY to Dover AFB (he was my old crotchety roommate), he was Reserve. He retired at 60 up in Ohio, and passed in 2013 so, yeah, he had three too.
He was a smart ass but as mild mannered as they came.
I think it was about ’83, a really old SMSgt sat across the table from me. I only remember three things about him. 1. He looked real old. 2. He took his teeth out to eat. 3. He had a Berlin Airlift Device on him Occupation Medal.
I figured he was about the oldest Sergeant on active duty there was, until I got to my next base. My boss’s boss was a CMSgt who had been drafted in WWII. He joined the ANG after the war but got Federalized so many times he said the heck with it. He stayed on active duty the last time until he was retired at 60 years old.
Someone from Clyde commented with the exact law.
CCSO deleted that comment, too.
Someone else saved the screenshot, before it was deleted.
IMHO, Jowers does not run the Facebook page,
(He’s too distraught right now)
it’s one of his friends and allies, who is (poorly)
trying to cover Jowers’ ass.
I’m leaving the house here in a hour or so
I’m going down that way. I’m setting up a Facebook business page and a web page for
For someone in a community just west of
Abilene Tx I’m in two groups on FB in that area
And this shit is being talked about two countries over it’s made the news in El Paso
We saw it last night what a cluster fuk
What do you think they’re going to do about two of the county’s candidates that have stepped on their dicks over there. All of the other counties are laughing about it. The news is going to go viral. Do you think it is funny too?
Instead of a Gold Star Sticker, Sister Mary Grace, I want to get two cookies too. They’re kept over there in their cookie jar.
They’re wrong in their story. Epstein didn’t hang himself in there.
Shoot, I wouldn’t be surprised if those folks down in Guatemala and Honduras have heard of this by now from their itinerant cousins up here and are having a good laugh about the antics of those posering gringos in Tejas…
Someone at CCSO finally has a clue, or took a hint.
Comments are no longer being deleted.
15 comments now.
1 comment contains the MP Jowers link.
Lawd halp, md61 you shorely kicked that ants nest up. Y’all need to click that linky, but more importantly, click on the Book of the Fake of the commenters. One in particular that states she has the screen shots of deleted posts. The memes that are burning up the innerwebz out there are hilarious. “I’m Ranger Rick and I approved this message.” Thought I was back on Boomer’s Sunday. Too bad I’m not skilled enough and on the fake book to steal the things and drag over here. *grin*
“In light of recent events, the Callahan County Sheriff’s Office has no responsibility regarding the actions of one of the candidates. Please refrain from posting on our site and reach out to this candidate directly”
Y’all shit in yer bed, so now y’all gotta lay in it, y’hear?
Yes, that was Fri Feb 7, when the Leroy Foley page hit town.
CCSO was correct to do this
(about Foley comments) at the time.
As of last night, it’s now about Rick Jowers,
and anything on Jowers is (by law) fair game.
Good points all there SGM Ret-25X. I did me a google foo on The Chicken Sh^t Mama’s Boi Lying Deserting POS Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers’ unit that he served in. You have more reason to be pissed as any of us, being at Ayers when this dirtbag was. Can understand that a Troop of your caliber didn’t know this piece of sh^t, even tho that was a small place. I am purely disgusted even more since I have read the proud history of this unit, it’s lineage going all the way back to the War of 1812, with outstanding service in the 1812, Seminole, Mexican, WBTS, Cuba, and WWII. (Unit was deployed for WWI but hostilities ended before they got their guns. The Chicken Shatted Deserter Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers deserted before the wall fell, and had already been thrown out for DESERTION when Desert Shield/Storm broke out. They fired 1455 rounds in support of that action. The Bitch Boi Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers even had a cool unit patch to wear. Phuque Heem.
Dahell is ChipNASA with the requested TOT HoI? And since I haven’t seen this descriptive adjective used to describe the POS DESERTER Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers yet, I’ll just leave this here.
COCKSUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your Google Innerwebz Infamy!!!!!!!!!!
I”m here bitch tits!! LOL .
HoI has been deployed.
just remember, sometimes I’m behind a bit and don’t catch requests SO, it there is a request for the HoI, and you don’t see anything from me but see me posting elsewhere, comment and aim my shit thataway so I can do my due diligence.
Anyway HoI is in the air and on target.
Ole Dickbreath here about to get his 6 tore the fuck up!!!
Usually on weekends I’m not on TAH but usually work days monitoring from Cubeforce.
Also, I have no idea why the time stamp is one hour off or that’s maybe a server thing as I’m on the Mid-Atlantic/East timeline.
Huh, who knows.
You good Bro. You know you’ll always be my FIRST Dingleberry…err Huckleberry. You know how itchy my trigger finger gets when we have such a prime target as the lying Sack of Deserting Sh^t Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers. Been wanting to be the FIRST to call for a Time On Target Massive Bat tree assault on his ass since his scamming, scheming, lying fake deserting ass FIRST showed up. Thank you for handling the fire mission, I feel much better now.
The time thingie has been a little sketchy since the conversion/transposition from the .us to the .com for the site. Been an hour off whether it’s DST or real time. The FIRST land mass you come to heading east is Bermuda. It’s an hours difference from Eastern time. You can draw your own conclusions to that and Dave’s new boat. (smirk)
Thanks Combat Historian.
I’m done with meds after a week and are on the downside of the mend.
Being as it’s a nervous system/virus thing, it’s nicely fucked up my entire left leg as in the joints and muscles and such have burning and aching and random stabbing pains in odd places. My lower back is pinchy as is my pelvic and hip joint and then the tendons are burny. It’s just weird shit but I’m extremely thankful it’s only my ankle/shin area.
I’m going back to revisit with the Med Director and the Nurse Practitioner for review.
My sainted mother said that they have a newer vaccine which is not live virus for shingles. i told her after this is over, I’d gladly take 15 shots directly in the ass to avoid having shingles ever again.
It feels like I’ve had sunburn and very localized flu symptoms in my body for about a month.
That being said, glad it wasn’t on my head/face around the eyes, or the waist or chest/breasts as some woman have and glad it hasn’t lasted like 3 months as some folks have told me, it can with others.
Maybe some day, I’ll sleep through the night for 6 + hours again.
One can only hope *grins*
At least I have a late night early morning distraction as I’m reading a book when I can’t sleep. A Book you say?? Fucking Chip can read!?!?! What WONDERS!!! *giggles*
I’m reading Killing the Rising Sun: How America Vanquished World War II Japan (Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Series)
He’s a joint author here for this book and series with Martin Dugard. There’s also Killing Lincoln, Kennedy, the SS, Civil War Legends etc. Check them out.
Apparenlty the second and third page of the HoI disappeared so I have to go back and re-post.
Tah Dah!
Goddamn tags. well you guys can ignore that mostly. shit.
Operator error.
Mustang Major
5 years ago
Well, well, well. Leroy Foley and Rick Jowers, military posers and both in Texas law enforcement. A real “Texas Twosome.” I suspect all of the “Hero” praise from the media and public being heaped onto both the military and law enforcement over the past few years, was too much for these idiots to ignore and wanted “double hero” status. Well, that didn’t work out for them. They ended up with double phony status. Callahan County looks like the kind of place where everyone knows everyone. Both of these phonies will have to explain to their families, friends and neighbors why they lied to them. In the future, every word that comes out of these disgraced law officer’s mouths will now be evaluated for truthfulness, as it should be. If these clowns were willing to make up fantastic lies about military service, lying about other things is easy, and I am sure, frequent for these guys. I would have to question the honesty of their law enforcement work. I would also question the integrity of any law enforcement agency that would employ them now that these liars have been exposed. I will give some credit to Leroy Foley. Once his lies were caught, Leroy Foley did the right thing and resigned. He only needs to withdraw from the sheriff’s race. I suspect that Rick Jowers will not do the honorable thing by resigning his position with the Callahan County Sheriff’s Department but will continue to obfuscate the facts. His twisted strategy must be, “If they believed my bullshit once, they will believe it again.” I have three pieces of advice for Ricky Jowers: 1. Resign today. People will appreciate your decision as it will eliminate all of the future public controversy about the sheriff’s department employing a liar. Do not seek law enforcement work in the future. 2. Withdraw from the Sheriff’s race. I doubt if anyone other than people financially dependent on you want you to become the county sheriff. I am sure the Governor can appoint a Sheriff until one can be elected. 3. Get rid of that stupid… Read more »
I think that Foley resigning was the right thing, but I would not attach anything noble to it. He was probably faced with eventually being found out and was presented with the huge distraction it would cause.
Foley doubled-down and as far as I know still maintains that the bogus DD-214 is factual. Therefore, he did not resign because he felt he was wrong, he most likely resigned because he realizes he will eventually be found out.
Son, I’d like you to be able to wear shoes to school so the other kids don’t make fun of you, but I’m running for sheriff and have to sink all my money into my campaign.
There is nothing noble about Foley. He has zero integrity and morals and has for a long long time (think about Sr year of high school long time). He is extremely arrogant and probably still believes he was a sniper and has medals. He had no problem violating state election laws (2 of them…those are being looked at by the Ethics Commission) and even saying publicly that he was and didn’t care.
From “Hero to Zero” in a matter of about 15 seconds….
Way to go dumbfuck…..
Seriously, claim to be an Airborne Ranger but have a LTH discharge….
I’ve seen stupid before, but that really takes the cake !!!
Frankie Cee
5 years ago
The “Callahan County Crash” could have bodies laying all over the place. The wreckage itself will be hard to scrape up.
Terry Sheehan
5 years ago
The way I see it, here is the slight difference between Foley and Jowers:
FOLEY – Most likely forged a DD-214, then used it to get employment as an LEO, then points to it as proof of his claims.
JOWERS – Most likely did nothing with his DD-214, avoided using it to get employment as an LEO, then keeps it out of site when he makes his claims.
I could be wrong, but this is my educated guess. Both are most likely guilty of Stolen Valor.
The difference may only be in the degree of “altering.” Foley obviously submitted a completely forged document. Jowers used one that had something blanked out, either accidently or by design. A well placed piece of paper covering some of the reenlistment eligibility block? White out? Careful placement on the copier glass so that some of doc wasn’t copied? However it got that way, it was HIS responsibility to submit a correct and complete copy.
Those 2 snippets of DD-214 was amateur redacting and deception, by Rick Jowers, for the internet, since he knew whatever DD-214 he put out there, would be scrutinized.
(He saw the Foley story unfold.)
He was working on putting out his whole DD-214, lightly redacted, as of Monday evening, but he was too slow, and now, too late.
Unlike Leroy Foley, who had no fear of scrutiny,
and pushed his long time Fake DD-214,
and even brandished it to TV,
the same TV that soon after filmed his perp walk.
Daisy Cutter
5 years ago
INMATE: Can you warm my coffee up a bit?
JOWERS: You’re lucky I even gave you coffee.
INMATE: Try looking at things from this side of these bars.
JOWERS: The difference between me and you is we can talk all day and play cards, but at the end of the day I get to go home. Uh, er… would you like it piping hot or just slightly warmer. Cream? Sugar?
Due to posts and comments with links plopped onto
County and Rant Facebook groups and pages in Clyde and Callahan County,
plenty of new readers from Texas are watching,
and are also pasting blog comments (here!) back to Texas.
Texans new to this doubted the websites on Friday,
but they are totally on board now.
This is a boon to MP, TAH, and VG.
Honorary Star of Texas to you!
It must have resonated. We are not getting the typical “get a life” and “stop hassling veterans” comments. I too applaud the good folks of Texas. It seems that they would rather know the truth – no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
5 years ago
Here’s hoping that the last 40 days of Buck Private pay due to him was offset by the unpaid debt to the government Deserters TA-50 Report of Survey before being kicked to the curb.
This is what happens when you don’t clear CIF and keep the canteen cup./smile
“Poncho liner”, something that I have never seen first hand. At the time they were first being issued, (Infantry units got them first), I was in Aviation and processing out. Several friends have offered to hook me up with one, but they are nearly sacred objects, and since I was never issued one, I have waived all requests, preferring to just wonder about the Woobie.
Available at Amazon in a verity of camo patterns. Mine is desert- wife hates it but will snuggle up with it on the sofa when she thinks I’m not noticing.
That’s hilarious…. I am literally wrapped up in my poncho liner right now I’ve had it since 1989 I purposely paid CIF $23.58 for it when i retired….. best piece of kit…. EVER..
I was Supply for my entire career. I MIGHT have been known to have…misappropriated one…before we sent the old tri-color ones to DRMO when the new MARPAT ones came in.
these d-bags used to go AWOL from Germany and leave everything in the barracks…
the squad leader usually had to inventory everything so we started doing this BEFORE they went on leave.
Soldiers always appreciated these guys after a long exercise because the TA-50 that disappeared when they went AWOL was used to make up damage/lost field gear.
Did some quickie Google-Fu research. Back in 1989 the base pay for a Buck Private under two years was $699.00 per month. At 40 days pay coming to him at final discharge, he would have been up to a total of $932.00
IIRC, the cost of a complete set of TA-50 from that time period ran about $1,040.00.
So Jowers may have caught the last bus home still owing $102.00 to the little old ladies in tennis shoes at the IRS an unpaid debt to the government./smile
Beat me to it!
A former best friend (ex-realtor, he sucked at it)
did the very same thing.
Half his would-be clients had sticker shock
meeting him in the fat flesh.
Did you mean she used a non-current photo and was suspended for that? Because it doesn’t make sense to me that she was suspended for using a current photo …. unless her honesty severely embarrassed the others who used ancient photos.
FOR THOSE NOT UP TO SPEED ON HOW TO READ THE ACRONYM FILLED RECORDS OF JOWERS’ ASSIGNMENTS REPRODUCED ABOVE: (Start with March 10, 1989 as dates are rendered YEAR, MONTH, DAY). DATE STATUS EXPLANATION 890310 {XXXXXXXXX} Redacted to cover the entry “AWOL” (Absent Without Leave) 890401 DFR When he did not return in 30 days, he was administratively classified as a Deserter (a soldier who quits his unit with the intent never to return). As a result, he was D[ropped] F[rom] the R[olls], that is, he was struck from the unit roster, freeing up his position/ billet to be replaced with another — and hopefully better — soldier. 890712 RMC After being on the run for 3 1/2 months, he R[eturned] to M[ilitary] C[ontrol]. This could have been everything from walking into a military facility — even a recruiting office — and surrendering; or it could be an arrest by the FBI, Military Police, or civilian law enforcement, perhaps even an arrest by a Texas Deputy Sheriff. Wouldn’t that be ironic? He was then at Fort Hood, TX. 890713 RETURNEE He was sent to Fort Sill, OK in the status of a “returnee.” Since at this point he had been Dropped From the Rolls of his former unit, and he was an artillery soldier, he was returned to the Personnel Control/Confinement Facility at the Headquarters Command, United States Army Field Artillery Center and School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. [PCF, HQ CMD, USAFAC&S, Ft Sill, OK]. At this point, if he had a valid excuse for his 3 1/2 months on the run, he would make his excuses to his PCF Commander and his Judge Advocate General (JAG) Attorney from the Trial Defense Service. Even at this late point, if he was a young, dumb, first enlistment low ranking soldier, he MAY have been able to accept some punishment, but then be reinserted into the personnel pipeline to return to another artillery unit. That did not happen. One of two things did happen: 1 – He was processed for involuntary separation under Chapter 14, Army Regulation 635-200 for “Misconduct” (serious serious act… Read more »
Again….. how does he have a badge??? I royally screwed up my life and I caught a DUI…. I can never serve as a peace officer again so I don’t understand how people like this fly under the radar and don’t get anything happening to them.
In California cops make mistakes and are human. Us citizens commit crimes and need to be punished. A Sgt in Oceanside committed felony DUI and it was all hushed up by the DA. It happens all the time out here.
Charles – you Sir are a wealth of knowledge. I’m assuming you are/were a JAG officer. I’ve learned a lot from your post and understand how little I know about the UCMJ despite having worn the uniform for 21+ years. Now I also realize that Jowls is a bigger shitbag than I initially suspected.
Yes, I was a JAG officer in the 101st Airborne Division, and later commanded a JAG unit in the US Army Reserves.
(And yes, also Airborne, Ranger, Green Beret, Pathfinder, Jumpmaster, Air Assault …so I know a bit about those things too.)
Charles, you sound like a guy I knew years back. During your SF days did you have Tm Warrant with a last name that ryhmes with cash?
5 years ago
In all the years I’ve been hanging around
TAH this is a FIRST two turds running for office
That are as phony as hell one a AWOL ranger
The other a prior service fraud
I haven’t seen this mush drama since
“You know who”
flew his plane in the ground
I believe it happens about once every decade, nationwide.
In the 1990s, a city council race in Massachusetts (?) had
2 Vietnam Veterans running against each other.
When 1 was found out and exposed as a Phony Vietnam Veteran,
never leaving the CONUS,
he gave up the election, apologized, and then
sold out the other guy, too.
Fake Friends.
Retired Grunt
5 years ago
Ummmmm…… how in the??? I’m sorry but if you have anything other than an honorable discharge how are you wearing a badge??? I don’t care if you’re running for sheriff I don’t care if you the cheif deputy how the hell did you get the badge in the 1st place? I was lucky enough to serve as both a soldier and a police officer in my life but then again all of my discharges were honorable.
5 years ago
Interesting comment by Jowers… before this blog but after his public “confession.” This was on his personal page.
I could recommend some locally produced Fishwrapper,
but it’s really unfair to the Fishwrapper.
5 years ago
Two additional bits of information since there is sometimes confusion about “desertion” and being a “deserter.”
“Desertion” is leaving your unit with the intent never to return. Some think that a service member must be absent for over 30 days to be considered a “deserter.” WRONG.
Don’t confuse the crime of “desertion” (or “UCMJ Desertion” under Article 85) with administrative “desertion.”
If PFC Joe Tentpeg cleans out his locker, burns his uniforms, tears up his ID card, and heads for the airport with a one-way ticket to a home far away, he is a “deserter.” He could be apprehended at the airport 30 minutes after leaving Camp Swampy and brought back immediately, but he’s still a deserter and he is subject to court-martial.
If PFC Joe Tentpeg departs Camp Swampy in uniform, with his ID card, and a round-trip ticket, always with the intent to return, he might overstay his leave by 30-60-90 days, but when he is apprehended he might successfully defeat a charge of desertion by showing that mom was sick and he had to take care of three minor siblings, then he was in a car wreck, then he was kidnapped and held for ransom, but always and everywhere he intended to return … he could be found not guilty of USMC desertion at a court-martial.
But the unit isn’t going to wait forever — with an empty bed and a gap in the front line — to see if Tentpeg has a good excuse for being gone. After 30 days of unauthorized absence, the unit commander can declare Tentpeg an administrative “deserter” and drop him from the rolls. That frees up the position/billet so the unit can requisition a replacement soldier to get back to full strength.
During my liver-destroying tenure as a rear-d 1SG, I had a handful of chronic AWOL’ers. The rear-d commander and I found a quick and easy way to cure that. We’d change their status to “deserter” after 24 hours, and stop their pay. Fixed that problem quick.
Started off as a pretty good gig. But some brigade level geniuses got bonked by the good idea fairy. My rear-d kept gaining troopies from 2 battalions. 1 was moving to Bliss following deployment, do I got all their new folks. I got all the new folks from the unit I was in. Plus, we’d deactivated a large company, but Big Army was still sending me people to fill it. So. Rear D grew from about 25 troops to over 250. No equipment. Nothing to train on. And a bitch MAJ from BDE that needed a stake through her little black heart. Damn little to keep people busy. Not exactly a recipe for success!
During DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM, my older sister, myself, my younger sister and her husband were all on Active Duty. My older sister a nurse deployed with an Air Transportable Hospital in August. In late September my mother was hospitalized, diagnosed with terminal cancer and died all within about two weeks. We all got Emergency leave and they shipped my older sister home before my mom died and then she returned to her unit after the funeral.
My brother-in-law deployed between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The three of us still stateside had Thanksgiving dinner at his units chow hall at Ft Benning. He was a MSC officer.
He pinned on Captain at an intersection on the highway of death.
I deployed in January off the staff as an augmentee to CENTAF and managed to get in 7-8 flights during the Storm.
There is no doubt in my mind that my younger sister had the hardest, lousiest job of all of us. She was the rear Det commander for her battalion (also MSC officer) I spoke with her regularly right up until I deployed and listened to the stories of having to deal with the sick, lame, and lazy as well as the AWOLS and ne’er do wells. She got stuck with.
Any easy metric using the “new stereo rule” (remember, this was the 80s):
If the stereo disappeared before they left, they were deserters.
If they left the stereo in the barracks, they were Santa Claus.
One of these clowns showed back up like two years later and wanted to know what happened to his TV, stereo, etc. 1SG just looked at him like he had lost his mind.
The barracks was a pretty tight knit place and the troops usually knew about an AWOL before the NCOs…by the time we showed up to clean up the mess there was a bunk with a bare mattress and empty wall locker left. Usually, even the boots were gone.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
Good work, everyone who worked on this one. And thanks to all who continue to unravel this mess. Looks like those who need to are following through and that complete justice will eventually prevail.
Valor thieves are all mentally and/or morally defective. Neither should be in law enforcement. There are no excuses for claiming military honors you did not earn or violating laws to become a police officer, much less sheriff.
I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called “Don’t F*** with Cats. In the film, based on a real crime, a group of people connected by a common interest and the internet, tracked down a Canadian based murderer. Their efforts resulted in his arrest and conviction.
Interesting documentary and sort of what happened here in the case of this two actor shit show.
5 years ago
The story of Leroy Grant Foley and Ricky Wayne Jowers needs to be featured on INSIDE EDITION & FOX News as well as THE ARMY TIMES, STARS & STRIPES and THE MILITARY TIMES.
Hi, I’m Deborah Norville and tonight on Inside Edition we bring you The Texas Two Step: Deceit and Deception in the Lone Star State. How two law enforcement officers went from being paper heroes to real world zeroes. Big egos and big lies end their careers in a spectacularly fraudulent fashion during the election campaign for Callahan County Sheriff. Now the Texas Rangers have been called in to bring justice and we’ll interview retired Ranger Cordell Walker to learn about investigative approaches his former agency might pursue. Join us tonight!
5 years ago
Is Ole Ricky Boy ALSO claiming to be a Border Patrol Agent?
Check out the Badge on his Facebook. One does not need a Facebook account to see the picture of the Badge.
Nobody driven to serve their fellow man is driven to get rich now granted when we fell in to 8 million dollars in Iraq we were thinking about it….we literally fell into a hole…. there was a poop ton of money… By the time we got back to base The Secret service was already there.
For a person of low integrity, being a Sheriff could make him rich. Very rich. Law Enforcement handles drugs, guns … including fully automatic weapons … confiscated money … many paths to wealth as a Sheriff.
For a person of low integrity.
Are you referring to Joseph Subic, Jr., the Sergeant who was at the Iranian Embassy telling people he was a Ranger, only to turn collaborator with the Iranians when the Embassy was seized, then became police chief of a small Florida town called Williston until he was fired as Williston police chief for incompetency, inefficiency and dishonesty; only to become police chief of White Springs, another small Florida town, only to be fired when he engaged in insurance fraud, was convicted of a several felonies and sentenced to four years (probation) with loss of law enforcement credentials. That Joe Subic?
It’s a remarkable story about how a bad soldier can become a bad law enforcement officer.
For a prime example of that look up Alex “Hollywood” Hodge. Jones County MS. The local paper here tore him a new one.
Green Thumb
5 years ago
I wonder if the mustache is fake as well?
Retired Grunt
5 years ago
I’m literally sickened by the fact that he has other than honorable and he gets to wear a badge I screwed up once in all of my years and I don’t get to serve anybody anymore because I have to own up to my mistake. I have to take responsibility for what I did but he gets to wear a badge. For 2 seconds I thought I was above the law and I got caught but people like him they just get a pass dont they?
My money is on Rick Jowers dropping out of the Sheriff’s race and resigning from the Callahan County Sheriff’s Office citing that “I want to spend more time with my family” which is political code for “I screwed up and probably can’t win anyway.”
This will happen most “Ricky Tick” is my prediction.
There seems to be a glitch because I only see the first page of the HoI. Will re-post because It could have been an error on my part but then again, it could be an Admin thing?
Who knows. I’m posting separately because if there’s a comment needed for the deployment of the Hoi, then so be it.
NOTE!!! Just FYI.
I talked to the powers that be and the HoI in this particular instance is being edited if not deleted from this particular thread and will be deployed going forward with a pinch of thoughtfulness because of the outside public interest in this particular case and those not usually accustomed to TAH visiting TAH and wanting to possibly reference TAH but come upon the dreaded HoI and being hesitant to refer to this particular resource.
All is good and I’m on board and the HoI is not itself, insulted, so press on and let’s see how things go here with Mr Jowers and he opponent Mr Foley.
5 years ago
WRT Jowers wearing a badge, I note that the excerpt above that lists the qualifications for being an LEO in Texas (and prohibiting someone with an OTH) is from 2011.
In order to know whether Jowers concealed or omitted disqualifying information, we would have to know two pieces of information, first, when did Jowers first apply to be an LEO (I think he’s claiming “20 years” of law enforcement service and second, what were the requirements WRT military discharges at THAT TIME.
I think the civilian world has evolved regarding discharges. I recall from some very old job applications that it only asked if I’d received a dishonorable discharge. If Jowers entered law enforcement when only a “dishonorable” was a disqualifying factor, he might have squeaked in because technically, “other than honorable” is a step above “dishonorable.”
Once he was in, likely he would not have been able to be held to the higher standard, at least not without some due process (that’s because legally, a government job is usually considered a property right, that cannot be taken without due process of law.)
There was also the incident with the ex-Airman who shot up the church in Texas a few years ago who, I think, had gotten either a general-under-other-than-honorable or even a BCD, but because it wasn’t a “dishonorable” discharge, it didn’t show up on his background check to buy the gun. That caused the military to start “reporting” certain discharges that had not been considered “reportable” before then.
Bottom line is that there is not enough information to know whether Jowers obtained his LEO position fraudulently. As I said above, citing the law from 2011 is irrelevant if Jowers entered law enforcement before that time.
Heard a rumor that the OTH has been a requirement for many years in TX, but I have not substantiated that. Your points are well taken – yes, whether he violated the rule in force at the time is entirely germane. Got a feeling that he is in big trouble in that regard.
It might also be interesting to discover if the intent of that rule might cover discharges which occur after initial certification, for reservists. If not, perhaps it should.
Maybe Charles can chime in (or someone with S1 experience) but aren’t there “General Under Honorable Conditions” and “General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions” discharges?
I seem to recall that those who were put out for homosexuality were usually given “general under honorable conditions.” Ditto for those who were discharged for fraudulent enlistment. And I think “discharged for the convenience of the service” was also under this category, hardships for example.
I always thought that “General Under Other than Honorable Conditions” was a sort of code for “discharged in lieu of court martial” or those who were discharged because they were arrested and imprisoned for activities outside of the military, etc.
There is no “General Under Other Than Honorable” discharge.
Under Army Regulation 635-200, there are three administrative discharges that will include a characterization of service:
1 – Honorable.
2 – General (under honorable conditions). 3 – Under Other Than Honorable Conditions.
There are two types of punitive discharges (punitive = punishment = sentence following conviction by court-martial):
1 – Bad Conduct Discharge.
2 – Dishonorable Discharge.
And there is one type of discharge that is classified as “uncharacterized.” It is given to entry level personnel with less than 181 days of active duty (when VA benefits have not vested) and is usually and descriptively referred to as the “Trainee Discharge Program” or the “Expeditious Discharge Program.”
The “Other Than Honorable” discharge is the administrative equivalent of the “Bad Conduct Discharge” that may be a sentence following conviction at court-martial. Both deprive the soldier of virtually all of the benefits administered by the VA and the Army establishment.
The now-extinct separation under Chapter 15 AR 635-200 for homosexuality could carry either an “Honorable” discharge” or a “General (under honorable conditions)” discharge. That is to say, if the only reason a soldier was being involuntarily separated was homosexuality, he or she would receive either all or nearly all VA benefits.
An “Other Than Honorable” discharge COULD be the result of a Chapter 10 “Discharge in lieu of Court-Martial” but it could also result from a Chapter 14 separation for Misconduct. Misconduct = a single serious act of misconduct (one rape, one murder) or a pattern of minor misconduct (curse out an NCO, start a fight in the mess hall, be late for formation several times).
Each “Chapter” is literally a chapter in the Army Regulation that describes how a soldier should be handled when he/she is discharged. While most soldiers would be insulted if you ask: “Were you Chaptered out of the Army?” the reality is that the only way to leave the Army other than a Chapter is to die on active duty.
Retiring after 20 years of service? You’ve been chaptered out under Chapter 12.
And so it goes …
Now, the sticky wicket here is how does the CIVILIAN world classify these types of discharges for purposes of things like employment, ability to own firearms, etc?
I remember being told that a “Dishonorable discharge”, that is, the lowest on the pecking order, is equivalent to a Federal Felony conviction and is reported as such to NCIC and shows up as such on an NCIC or NAC.
HOWEVER, it is not clear to me how anything ABOVE a Dishonorable discharge and below a “General under honorable conditions” is characterized for those purposes.
I assume that that is something that has varied over time and varies by state. I know some job applications require you to report a “dishonorable” discharge.
The word “dishonorable” is a specific term with a specific meaning. IOW, someone filling out a job application who was discharged from the military under “other than honorable conditions” or even on a “bad conduct discharge” could arguably state that he was NOT “dishonorably” discharged.
On the other hand, if the application in question asked “have you been discharged from the armed forces under other than honorable conditions?” (as I think they generally do TODAY), then anything below a “general under honorable conditions” would have to be reported.
These may seem like nit-picky things but they can have important consequences.
Not enough to definitively say, sure. But enough doubt and pointers as to what needs looked at.
Sort of like Foley. We don’t know if Foley registered that forged DD-214 with Williamson County, and we cannot find out due to privacy laws with that type of information. However, someone doing an investigation in an official capacity will have access to find that out.
Same with Jowers, not enough info to conclude, but someone following up can find out when and where he applied for LEO positions and what paperwork he submitted, along with what Texas policy was at that time.
5 years ago
For those interested, the current comment count for all combined posts of the Foley & Jowers Show currently stands at 965.
Be forewarned, Les Brownstain, your record may be in jeopardy./s
Has he been seen lately parading around in his fake finery? Maybe his next Chili Feed proceeds might go to pay his rumored outstanding tab at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear)?
marinedad61 made a comment/post on ol’ lying Lester Brown(stain) who is a fester on the buttocks of the Elko POW/MIA Awareness Ass(ociation) might have been on the WOT. Lester the Fester is still up to his asshattery and is having/just had another chilli cook out to raise funds, err awareness for their upcoming national trip/convention. Elko and the national pow/mia awareness ass(ociation) (sic) seems to have circled their wagons and are still enabling(?). These two clown’s level of sh^tbaggery and the comment count should surpass his. Mainly because the lying embellishing sh^tbags, are, well…two lying, embellishing sh^tbags. And one of them Richard/Ricky/Rick/Dick(head) Wayne Jowers is a chickensh^t DESERTER, that was THROWN OUT of the Army.
I see new posts in the Elko groups.
Something like….
Enjoy the Chili Feed, but know the truth.
Followed by describing how Les Brown
is a Phony Gulf War Veteran,
he was in Germany,
he has NO Southwest Asia Service Medal,
and ends in
ASK Les Brown where HE was in 1991.
It includes a graphic of Les Brown,
the Middle East, and GERMANY.
It’s a sad shame.
These Elko POW*MIA nuts.
Because it’s “for the cause”…
they’ll go on the counterattack against
actual Gulf War Veterans
(I saw them do it to 2 last summer),
to protect their own Phony Gulf War Veteran.
Pathetic at the core.
For the cause.
And a free trip.
And the motorcycle (repairs).
Jowers’ Facebook profile said that they were married in 2018, so I’m wondering if she knew about his military history.
If she did, then she had to have known that he was lying when he was saying he was an Airborne Ranger on the campaign trail. If not, then she first heard about it Monday when he released his “statement” saying there is nothing to see here.
The only reason I bring this up is it has to be uncomfortable at the dispatch desk since she works there AND at the dinner table in the evening.
It seems to me that Jowers AND the CCSO need to come out with a statement about all of this. I don’t see how they can defend not doing an “internal review.” How can they so quickly determine there is nothing to see here unless this has all been discussed between them on an earlier occasion. If that is true, they owe the public an explanation of their reasoning to not do a review. Either way, this involves a statement.
Rick Jowers WILL drop out of the Sheriff’s race and Rick Jowers WILL resign his position.
He is trying to hold on but he just hasn’t thought through it all yet. It is difficult and he can’t bring himself to do it.
He is bringing both his Sheriff and his colleagues down. They are unknowingly and unfairly being enlisted in buffering him from all of this scrutiny and in the end, it is not a defensible position.
If he holds on too long, someone will lift that decision from his fingers.
Truth is like a good form of poison. Inject it, give it time and it will work its magic every time.
I should say, to people like Les Brown and Rick Jowers — you may think you can ride it out. Much like a bull rider. You get bucked around a little but hang on and it will soon be over.
Well, the truth is your family and friends will pat you on the back and say they will support you to the end of time or other noble statements, but that flag has been planted. In the back of their head they KNOW you lied. They may never confront you about it and are first to talk bad about the people that do confront you, but which is better? — the person that tells you that your fly is unzipped or the person that looks the other way and doesn’t see it as their place to point it out or you’d think “Why are they looking ‘down there’ in the first place?”
Think about this Ricky Jowers … and Les Brown … you know it’s true.
You’re damaged goods and your lives will never be the same. The best you can possibly do is own up to it and repair and salvage the tiny bit of dignity you may have left.
You will never be asked to ride in the lead car of the parade representing veterans because there’s always a better choice than you.
MM: Ricky probably told her, “honey, not all wounds are visible. I saw some shit overseas and I just can’t unsee that stuff now. If I put all my medals on display, it’s just gonna bring up bad memories. I don’t need a I-love-me-wall to remind me of my service and taking a bullet for this country. I know what I did, baby.”
Thank you for your selfless service and sacrifice.
Mustang Major
5 years ago
Martinjmpr’s comment about about LEO disqualifications got me thinking about a couple of things.
If Ricky Jowers was found guilty by a court martial, is he considered a felon? I know a summary court martial doesn’t result in a felony record. I am unsure about a special court martial and a general court martial can result in a felony record.
Can Ricky Jowers legally possess a firearm? Felons can’t possess firearms unless they are granted clemency or have their right to own firearms restored by the proper authority.
Can felons run for state and local office in Texas? The Texas Attorney General says they can’t:
The Texas candidacy filing application law requires a signed statement that the candidate has not been finally convicted of a felony from which the candidate has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities.
I did a little googling the other day, and if there was a default judgement on that little child support bill he had, he’d be prohibited under Texas law.
I think it was the OTHER phony in this race who had an outstanding judgment against him for failure to pay child support. We’re going to need a scorecard to keep them straight.
I don’t want to be…… a Sick Hall Ranger
I don’t want to be…… a Blue Falcon
I don’t want to be…… a AWOL Ranger
Did I miss anything ? ? ? ?
BHWHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 years ago
I need to correct an earlier comment that I made on Jowers’ total elapsed time in service.
I originally calculated it as 1 year, 6 months and 19 days.
After seeing the Record of Assignments page and subtracting the 95 days of “bad/lost” time that occurred from 890408 – 890712, his actual good time in service is: 1 year, 3 months and 14 days.
I was issued boots and BDU Uniforms in Basic that put more time in service than Jowers did. Hell, the brown drawers they issued me lasted longer than he did!
PSC(EXW) Ryan J. Smith, USN(Ret)
5 years ago
As a Deputy Sheriff of 16 years and a REAL Navy Chief Petty Officer of 22 years I am sad that Callahan County is going through this. Rich Jowers and Foley are amongst the less than one percent of the profession that misfit the leo uniform. I call on all citizens of Callahan County to storm the next County Commissioners meet, outgoing Sheriff’s Office, and write complaints to TCOLE demanding both Jowers and Foley certifications in law enforcement be revoked. And Rich Jowers if you reading this do the fine citizens of your county a favor and resign.
February 27, 2020 POSTPONED (paste) American Legion Post 423 Cross Plains Texas ***ATTENTION ALL*** As many of you are aware we had invited both of the sheriff candidates to speak to the Legionaries as well as the community on the 27th of February. Since I announced that event, some things have come to light. There was dishonesty by both candidates regarding their military service. We as a Veteran Service Organization can not be a party to such shenanigans. We take these claims very seriously since it brings dishonor, and cheapens the accomplishments of our veterans who served with integrity, loyalty, and selflessness. As the Commander of this Post I take these accusations seriously, and over the weekend I spent quite some time making phone calls, writing emails, and researching these candidates to independently check out their stories. My findings were not near as complete as the sleuths on the websites mentioned on the local news, but I came to the same conclusions. Lies were told, and they had sullied their name. I wish each citizen and Legionnaire will move past this debacle, and begin the healing process to find the right person for the job. The appropriate law enforcement agencies will deal with the individuals, that is not our job as citizens. All of us need to respect each other, and now is the time to apologize if you were ugly to your neighbor. We must remain faithful to each other, and learn from this mess. Forgive so that we may heal. Post 423 will welcome any candidate from any party, running for any office, to bring the people into the process of government. Until we have a viable candidate for the sheriff’s office I am postponing the speaking engagement on the 27th. I can not have a candidate speak who so willingly brings disgrace to our proud veteran community. Any questions should be submitted through messenger. I will answer any and all questions in regards to any upcoming candidate speaking at the post. Final thing. Please respect our position as being non political, we serve the veterans, and the… Read more »
Supposedly, Ricky was unavailable on that date anyway due to his impending “surgery.” I think he is scheduled to have a TAH combat boot removed from his ass.
You’re welcome, guys.
Thumbs up and salute to
AL Post 423 Commander Jim Bowers,
who responded to unwanted posts and comments
on the AL Post 423 Auxiliary’s Facebook page,
by adding the requirement to bring Form DD-214
to the February 27 speaking engagement,
and then permitting posts and comments on the AL Post 423 page.
I agree with the accolades for the AL Post Commander.
Many here (including me) have been very critical of AL and VFW leadership when they tolerated or ignored stolen valor so it is only appropriate that we recognize and and applaud a post commander that upholds the integrity of the organization.
I can only hope this post is as careful with who they let become a member.
This AL post commander has enough horse sense to not want to get caught in the middle of this shitshow from Hell. Hopefully soon enough, there will be new, viable write-in candidates who can appear at this forum sometime in the future…
5 years ago
Quick recap of The Foley & Jowers Shit-Show comment (both MP and TAH) count:
1,078 and counting.
Split in half, both are hereby awarded the Basic Phony Badge, with additional awards designated by Fecal Smear Clusters looming in their near futures./smile
You lying deserting piece of sh^t Richard Wayne Jowers, been waiting on this to pop up.
I will make this post short and sweet. Let me be the FIRST to call for the immediate deployment of the Hemisphere of Insults on your lying chickien sh^t deserting ass. PHUQUE YOU YOU SUM BITCH!!!
Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?
I hereby second the AYE!
Horale! Si! Si! Con una chingada, SI!
Third !!!!!!
My Spanish sucks
Fire for effect
More like sin una chingada!
I’ll add the Staff Summary Sheet when I get to work
And away we go. In this instance both of the Phone PHUCKERS rate the HoI because “Stupid is as Stupid Does and Phony is as Phony does”, so, I hope that going forward, you get the attention and scrutiny you so richly deserve AND if you used your bullshit stories to gain employment, which it seems you are ineligible for in Law Enforcement, that a shit ton of hot steaming consequences rains down upon you for that. Grab your ankles bitch boy, breathe and relax your rectum because here it comes…. The Hemisphere of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! … Richard (DICK! Obviously) Wayne (Jane) Jowers (Lying is his Super Power) …HEY DICKLESS WONDER, We all hope you read this and come back here and try to defend your actions, but, you won’t because, YOU’RE A STRAIGHT UP COWARD, vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, bucket of ass chum, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF !!, Soup Sandwich, if you Mom would have known you were going to turn out like this, she’d have prayed for a miscarriage, Diaper-Sniper, you’re such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a… Read more »
kutomba wewe, Cryptosporidium-ridden tire tosser, fudgepacker, turbo douche & enema nozzle, mental midget, likes to molest small farm animals, dead and alive, is a hemorrhoid, 100 retarded monkeys could jerk off in a stagnant swamp and generate a better life form than you, You are about as useful as a knitted condom, if I had the taste of you in my mouth, I’d lick the taint of a dead rotting water buffalo in the Vietnamese jungle just to get the taste out, just to fix your shit, you could make a Jew deny the Holocaust, consuming connoisseur of the chocolate starfish, Cocksucking Catfish, anal & vaginal prolapse, giant anal Q-Tip, this freak fancies himself performing fellatio on a variety of pinnapeds, He went all vaginal. You *never* go all vaginal, fucked himself faster than a horny chihuahua by lying about his Military Service, you are the reason Jesus can’t play peek-a-boo, he has holes in his hands, you are a 0 EPR/OPR, you are worse than a Dishonorable Discharge….from your Mom’s vagina, Massive, back alley, bucket of schlong fuck juice, cockalorum cum-guzzling gutter slut, Dalton Coldiron’s bunny-butt buddy atomic sphincter goblin, If you stuck your brain up a gnat’s ass, it would look like a BB in a boxcar, Jackanape, Fuck Tart, Sitzpinkler, lispian, pussytits, Milksop, you’re such an embarrassment to your family and your father is so ashamed of you, he’d refuse a free blowjob out of fear of further spilling his seed, Forrest Gump points and laughs at you, you suck so bad, AIDS and Cancer have nightmares about you, your shit is about as funny as Anne Frank, Helen Keller and Terri Schiavo having an orgy in the showers at Auschwitz, you suck so bad, puppies, kittens and babies hate you, you are so loathsome, looks like the kind of guy who lets his wife gets her shit pushed in by Mr. Ouch while he watches, Gandhi would ass rape you for giggles, you are about as welcome as a yeast infection, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital wards and herpes, you’re one of the reasons Trump is… Read more »
Cock-juggling *Pussy* thundercunt, And a new addition thanks to Sarge I hereby introduce you to the ALPHABET ASSAULT: Annoying asinine Ampharos asshole assistant to APL; bulimic ballsack biting butt buddy at Brucie’s Bathhouse (entrance in the rear); chronic cocksucking clymidiacic chickenfucking cretin; dumbass dumbshit dickguzzling dimwitted douchebag; erratic earwax eating enema expert; fowl felching monkeyfucking ferret fluffing Uncle Fester look-alike; gregarious gangrene carrying Grinch; hypocrtical hippo humping hackeysack full of horse shit; idiotic inbred imbecile with a low IQ and impotence issues; jumping jackass with jockey shorts full of jellyfish jism; kooky kommunistic klown kitty fucking knave; lying loathsome limpdick lillylivered lazyass llama blowing loser; manmeat mooching meatslapping moosecock muncher; no good ninja nippled needlenutted nobody; obsolete overfucked octopus orgy observer; penis pumping pee filled poster child for proper prophelactic usage; queasy queef quaffing quantum horsesqueeze; ratt fucking rump ranger who plays the rusty trombone; Shit surping semen burping dick sucking sorry sonavabitch with syphilis; taint ticking test subject for tits on men at Tiny’s Truck Stop; unclefucking ugly ass unborn umbilical discharge; valor Vulture and volunteer for vile vaginal discharge vacuum duty, wanks to blue waffle porn while waiting for winos to blow at the aforemention truck stop; useful as an upset ugly unicorn uterus; yodleing yellowbellied yak yanker; zipper gazing zealot with zits on his zero inch dick. Fuck off, eat shit, die in a fire. If any of this offends you, I’m sorry. If something here *doesn’t* offend you, I’m not trying hard enough! We now include the NEW & IMPROVED OFFICIAL TAH BINGO CARD®™ /FREE with every deployment of an equal or greater value The Hemisphere of Insults®™ FUCK YOU, ASS HAMSTER!!! Can I get an AMEN?! (Or your choice of exclamation/interjection.) Here endeth the lesson. Oh and one time Blake Morgan said: “ I swear I was hearing “O Beautiful for spacious skies… For amber waves of grain” playing as I was reading this…. “ So without further ado, here is a link to the New York Orchestra performing America the Beautiful, at Carnegie Hall, for your listening pleasure, if you want a musical… Read more »
And we end with this…..
mental midget, likes to molest small farm animals, dead and alive, is a hemorrhoid, 100 retarded monkeys could jerk off in a stagnant swamp and generate a better life form than you, You are about as useful as a knitted condom, if I had the taste of you in my mouth, I’d lick the taint of a dead rotting water buffalo in the Vietnamese jungle just to get the taste out, just to fix your shit, you could make a Jew deny the Holocaust, consuming connoisseur of the chocolate starfish, Cocksucking Catfish, anal & vaginal prolapse, giant anal Q-Tip, this freak fancies himself performing fellatio on a variety of pinnapeds, He went all vaginal. You *never* go all vaginal, fucked himself faster than a horny chihuahua by lying about his Military Service, you are the reason Jesus can’t play peek-a-boo, he has holes in his hands, you are a 0 EPR/OPR, you are worse than a Dishonorable Discharge….from your Mom’s vagina, Massive, back alley, bucket of schlong fuck juice, cockalorum cum-guzzling gutter slut, Dalton Coldiron’s bunny-butt buddy atomic sphincter goblin, If you stuck your brain up a gnat’s ass, it would look like a BB in a boxcar, Jackanape, Fuck Tart, Sitzpinkler, lispian, pussytits, Milksop, you’re such an embarrassment to your family and your father is so ashamed of you, he’d refuse a free blowjob out of fear of further spilling his seed, Forrest Gump points and laughs at you, you suck so bad, AIDS and Cancer have nightmares about you, your shit is about as funny as Anne Frank, Helen Keller and Terri Schiavo having an orgy in the showers at Auschwitz, you suck so bad, puppies, kittens and babies hate you, you are so loathsome, looks like the kind of guy who lets his wife gets her shit pushed in by Mr. Ouch while he watches, Gandhi would ass rape you for giggles, you are about as welcome as a yeast infection, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital wards and herpes, you’re one of the reasons Trump is President, you make God want a do-over, You vacuous, toffee-nosed malodorous… Read more »
gonad, queefer, chicken shit, choad, Puppy fucker, dopus, Blue Falcon and Blue Waffle, Fuck Apple with mold, twizzletits, tallywacker, Bozack, Fiction-flinging Richard Gere’s Ass Gerbil Felcher, dingleberry circling ass buzzard, bitch, Saprophyte, ATM, pap smear, bukakke glazed shitmitten, Dandy prat, Tazmanian Dorkwad rat fucking, shit-sucking warthog’s asshole, gimp, bescumber, coccydynia, you lying sack of mosquito, Siberian bag of cum-stained hadji sheep shit”, mangina micropeen, Fuckrag, Syphilitic Turd Burglar, possibly likes to pick his teeth with his OWN used catheters, Hircismus, cheat, You couldn’t make a point if someone gave you a pencil sharpener, should be pounded in the poop hole with a turret of a M1 Abrams, and then fired a WP round therein, pope-fondling, turbo apeshit crazy, Cacafuego, Cock-juggling *Pussy* thundercunt, And a new addition thanks to Sarge I hereby introduce you to the ALPHABET ASSAULT: Annoying asinine Ampharos asshole assistant to APL; bulimic ballsack biting butt buddy at Brucie’s Bathhouse (entrance in the rear); chronic cocksucking clymidiacic chickenfucking cretin; dumbass dumbshit dickguzzling dimwitted douchebag; erratic earwax eating enema expert; fowl felching monkeyfucking ferret fluffing Uncle Fester look-alike; gregarious gangrene carrying Grinch; hypocrtical hippo humping hackeysack full of horse shit; idiotic inbred imbecile with a low IQ and impotence issues; jumping jackass with jockey shorts full of jellyfish jism; kooky kommunistic klown kitty fucking knave; lying loathsome limpdick lillylivered lazyass llama blowing loser; manmeat mooching meatslapping moosecock muncher; no good ninja nippled needlenutted nobody; obsolete overfucked octopus orgy observer; penis pumping pee filled poster child for proper prophelactic usage; queasy queef quaffing quantum horsesqueeze; ratt fucking rump ranger who plays the rusty trombone; Shit surping semen burping dick sucking sorry sonavabitch with syphilis; taint ticking test subject for tits on men at Tiny’s Truck Stop; unclefucking ugly ass unborn umbilical discharge; valor Vulture and volunteer for vile vaginal discharge vacuum duty, wanks to blue waffle porn while waiting for winos to blow at the aforemention truck stop; useful as an upset ugly unicorn uterus; yodleing yellowbellied yak yanker; zipper gazing zealot with zits on his zero inch dick. Fuck off, eat shit, die in a fire. If any of… Read more »
And we end with…
A POS deserter. This guy has no business being an LEO. The Texas Rangers will hopefully soon lead him away in shackles…
Rumor has it the Texas Rangers intend to involuntarily recall Cordell Walker from retirement to lead his agency’s investigation into Foley, Jowers, et al.
Jowers may try to make a run for it, and Ranger Walker will have to conduct some Norris-Fu on this sorry deserter’s ass…
Is that like Seagal-Kwon-Do?
Or, something more like Nin-Ten-Do?
Norris-Fu is realer than Seagal-Kwon-Do…
Karma IS a Bitch. She has GPS and She WILL find you, it just may take a while. Has they ever been a more epic shit show from a TAH file than this? NOW is the time to jump into the Callahan County sheriff’s race. Hell, just go down there as a lowly, lowly cook.
“I may have been only a cook…but at least im HONEST.”
It was mentioned from an earlier thread that the filing deadline for this race was back in December 2019, so the good folks of Callahan County are truly stuck between a Rock and a Hardplace…
It seems like they could have a special election or have a judge open it up again due to the circumstances.
By “circumstances” I mean lying and debauchery – not to put too fine a point on it.
I’m not sure how it works in Callahan County, but a few years back, Cochise County AZ had to replace their candidate for sheriff well past the filing deadline, due to his very sudden and very unfortunate death. County election regs specified that the replacement candidate was to be selected by the local republican party committee. The local dems bitched about this, but the truth is that it would have been exactly the same thing if a dem candidate would have had to be replaced. Callahan county may have a similar procedure in place.
Don’t mess with cooks.
Especially on nuclear subs.
Word in Clyde (in Callahan County)…
is this will now become a WRITE-IN election.
1 retired (20 year) police officer,
is mulling a write-in run.
He’s perfect.. but really hates the shit going
at the Callahan County Sheriff’s Office.
He only needs more write-in votes than Mickey Mouse, or Elvis.
I saw the link for another candidate
This mush be the write-in
One seem more competent
Then these two clowns
Ain’t no such thing as a lowly cook…… You put on the uniform I serve you write a check to Uncle Sam up to and including possibly your life aint no such thing as a lowly anything,lol… However, once in iraq a cook almost shot me… lol That’s another story
I don’t talk shit about ANYONE’S service. I was Supply. I ain’t got no room to talk. Except armorers. Fuck those guys. Don’t want to take my weapons when i’ve been cleaning it for FOUR HOURS!?!
You here four hour. You go now!
Good catch, Steve Balm.
John was one of my favorites.
Watched a lot of him on You Tube.
My best friend from boot camp retired as cook on boomers. If guys are training to possibly end the world as we know it, they should be entitled to some good eats. I can’t disagree with that opinion.
They don’t do this but should in basic training.
One hour block of instruction of how a less than honorable discharge will f*ck up your entire life.
With real life examples…in the flesh.
18 year old kids have no concept or clue.
They did in Navy boot with us, but that was many moons ago.
You think they’d get the message? If an hour of looking at photos of infected penises won’t keep them from sticking it in a Thai hooker, I don’t think a lecture on less than honorable discharges will work.
Why does the hooker have to be thai….. racisssssss
Monday mornings, across the armed forces, demonstrate that “no, telling them not to do stupid shit does not actually stop all from doing stupid shit.”
-epic- stupid.
Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers whatever you call yourself, you have reached a low not often seen in the Halls of asshattery Stolen Valor Dip Sh^ts. Despicable AND Repugnant. You are even lower than old Festering Lying Lester Brown (stain) of the Elko POW/MIA Awareness Ass(ociation). Lying Les “just lied and embellished.” You effing DESERTED you POS. And then you stood upon the bodies and in the blood of proud Patriots who gave their all for this Country. And you used your lies to further your career and standings in the Community. I do hope that you are shunned and run out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered with chicken feathers to symbolically show what chicken sh^t you were. You weren’t even being shot at and you deserted your post. Barely a year of continuous duty and ran home crying. NO family emergency is so great that would cause someone to desert. All you had to do was go to your chain of command, and some arrangements would have been made. Missing Mama’s Sugar Teat? Jody banging your girl and doing it right.
Here’s hoping the State of Texas does the right thing and prosecutes you to the fullest extent of the law. And when they get done with your lying ass the Feds gives your chicken sh^t sissy punk ass to Bubba and the Boys at the BTJ&T Deli and Cell Block C of the Gray Bar Hotel.
You are disgusting and have smeared the Artillery Branch worse than anyone. We are just grateful that your sorry ass was thrown out of our Army before you did any more damage. ESAD MOFO!
As the Pappy of the Artillery, the “Defenders of the Keep” hereby also disown this worthless loser. Fortunately for him, the Brotherhood of the NDSM was not also tarred with his loser-dom, however, the Brotherhood is not amused since he did steal honor from members of our order. Fuck this guy.
I think he prefers to go by the name “Dick” now, 5/77. Rumor is, when he takes Viagra he just becomes a little taller.
Damn Bim, I didn’t know that Viagra would have any effect on a pussy. I learn something new everyday here. Is he a trans Dick? Does he identify as a Dick now since he was such a pussy back when he deserted? Thanks for the heads up. Richard/Ricky/Rick/Dick Wayne Jowers the lying, chicken sh^t deserter pussy will be hearing a similar statement from the BTJ&T Deli owners and Cell Block C; ie…Thanks for the head.
If the State of Texas DOES put him in the Greybar Hilton they’ll likely have to keep him in PC, Protective Custody, known as “Punk Central” to the General Population. In PC inmates are one to a cell with one hour a day for exercise in a pen and live completely segregated from others. Kiddie Pervs are one genre that ends up in PC, ditto with Ex-LEO’s that went dirty, either way his life will be complete and total hell. I heard earlier that the Texas Rangers were also looking into both of those SV assclowns so it’s only going to get more interesting!
Nice folks over at Military Phonies?
Who would’ve thunk.
Word ‘^^^
“…I had a couple of tragic accidents that happened in my family that caused me to be released from the military a year early.” Thirty years later and Jowls still can’t admit he’s a DESERTER.
At least this POS didn’t earn the highly coveted, rarely awarded NDSM. Our brotherhood takes some small comfort in knowing Jowls is not counted among our elite, patriotic defenders.
I can still remember when that was my only bling.
Good times!
As a two-time awardee of the NDSM, I am PROUD to be part of this elite Brotherhood of Warriors…
Hey, do us two-time awardees have a secret handshake or something?
Yes, but we can’t talk about it in front of everyone else…
The first rule of the Dual NDSM brotherhood is that you don’t talk about the dual NDSM brotherhood! 😉
I hear that it’s so manly and they are so secret, the can drop trou and just dickslap each other.
One of the guys in my unit Tom retired at 60 some years ago. We still keep in touch on social media. i think he’s one of the few guys in my unit that was a 3 time award winner. THAT’S FUCKING SOMETHING!!
The only thing more impressive was a friend of mine when, in the 1990s, had a Blues showdown at Christmas Reserve Weekend showed up wearing this…
At first we were all like “Oh Ray, you were statined in Korea, and he was all like, No Fucker, i was in the Korean War…..(mic drop)
W.T. F?!??!!?
He went in the Marines in the 1950s and made NCO, then he went Army Reserve and then went active Air Force and when I met him in 1988 when we both went TDY to Dover AFB (he was my old crotchety roommate), he was Reserve. He retired at 60 up in Ohio, and passed in 2013 so, yeah, he had three too.
He was a smart ass but as mild mannered as they came.
Cool … it has two crossed-penises … who was it upthread talking about “dick slapping”???
I think it was about ’83, a really old SMSgt sat across the table from me. I only remember three things about him. 1. He looked real old. 2. He took his teeth out to eat. 3. He had a Berlin Airlift Device on him Occupation Medal.
I figured he was about the oldest Sergeant on active duty there was, until I got to my next base. My boss’s boss was a CMSgt who had been drafted in WWII. He joined the ANG after the war but got Federalized so many times he said the heck with it. He stayed on active duty the last time until he was retired at 60 years old.
“released” doesn’t exactly equate to “kicked the fuck out”.
The Callahan County Sheriff has locked down the Facebook page, not allowing comments, or possibly, just blocked me from comments?
Both. CCSO has been deleting comments and blocking commenters since Foley broke.
Difference is,
they were correct in deleting Foley comments,
since Foley has nothing to do (presently) with CCSO.
Now, it’s about Jowers, an employee,
and there is LAW against LE deleting citizen comments about their agencies.
CCSO is in deep shit for deleting the Jowers comments.
Several are screenshot and posted in the CC rant groups.
Sweet. Texans that are friends of mine have come out, telling me of the skullduggery done by Law Enforcement in Callahan County over the years.
So it’s been quite a “Boss Hogg” type of place for a while, I assume?
I can see the meeting now:
Sheriff: people are posting mean things about Jowerieboi. How can we stop that?
Halfwit media person: We will just block or delete comments we don’t like!
Attorney: you know that is probably unlawful?
Sheriff: Maybe, but my boi Jowers has the butthurt and we need to stop it.
Attorney: it’s your butt on the line.
Sheriff: mmmmmmm…butt….
I wonder if deleting comments on their Facebook page is a violation of the state’s public records retention laws?
I also wonder if Jowers runs the Callahan County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page? My guess is that he does.
Someone from Clyde commented with the exact law.
CCSO deleted that comment, too.
Someone else saved the screenshot, before it was deleted.
IMHO, Jowers does not run the Facebook page,
(He’s too distraught right now)
it’s one of his friends and allies, who is (poorly)
trying to cover Jowers’ ass.
As Jed Clampett would say, “Whoa, Nelly.”
As Bubsy would say: What could possibly go wrong?
The fox in charge of the hen house.
“I didn’t do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can’t prove anything.” ~ CCSO channeling Bart Simpson
I’m leaving the house here in a hour or so
I’m going down that way. I’m setting up a Facebook business page and a web page for
For someone in a community just west of
Abilene Tx I’m in two groups on FB in that area
And this shit is being talked about two countries over it’s made the news in El Paso
We saw it last night what a cluster fuk
Two COUNTRIES over? They’re talking about this in Guatemala? Damn!😂
You mean “Counties”, don’t you? There, their, they’re…
Ex-PH2 would be proud!
Stop being homonymphobic!
Thank you
My spell check
Sucks !!!
And my fingers on a small screen suck to
To include me while typing LMAO !!!!!
What do you think they’re going to do about two of the county’s candidates that have stepped on their dicks over there. All of the other counties are laughing about it. The news is going to go viral. Do you think it is funny too?
Instead of a Gold Star Sticker, Sister Mary Grace, I want to get two cookies too. They’re kept over there in their cookie jar.
They’re wrong in their story. Epstein didn’t hang himself in there.
Thus endeth the lessons.
Shoot, I wouldn’t be surprised if those folks down in Guatemala and Honduras have heard of this by now from their itinerant cousins up here and are having a good laugh about the antics of those posering gringos in Tejas…
Someone at CCSO finally has a clue, or took a hint.
Comments are no longer being deleted.
15 comments now.
1 comment contains the MP Jowers link.
Lawd halp, md61 you shorely kicked that ants nest up. Y’all need to click that linky, but more importantly, click on the Book of the Fake of the commenters. One in particular that states she has the screen shots of deleted posts. The memes that are burning up the innerwebz out there are hilarious. “I’m Ranger Rick and I approved this message.” Thought I was back on Boomer’s Sunday. Too bad I’m not skilled enough and on the fake book to steal the things and drag over here. *grin*
Tanks Dude!
Someone needs to post a summary of links as to where the best discussions about this are happening.
These 2 Private Facebook groups,
both Callahan County Rant groups.
Joining is required, but acceptance is quick,
the admins of both love this site now,
and everything (including screenshots) is there.
Only caveat,
a LOT of posts to scroll down through.
But those about Stolen Valor, or our dynamic duo,
are easy to spot.
From their Farcebook page:
“In light of recent events, the Callahan County Sheriff’s Office has no responsibility regarding the actions of one of the candidates. Please refrain from posting on our site and reach out to this candidate directly”
Y’all shit in yer bed, so now y’all gotta lay in it, y’hear?
Yes, that was Fri Feb 7, when the Leroy Foley page hit town.
CCSO was correct to do this
(about Foley comments) at the time.
As of last night, it’s now about Rick Jowers,
and anything on Jowers is (by law) fair game.
NOW it’s open season!!! 😀
Imagine being so weak and useless you go AWOL from your unit in Germany less than 6 months after you arrive in country.
Oh wait…we don’t have to imagine.
We have Jowerieboi to guide us!
He was stationed on the “Rock” same time I was. It wasn’t a garden spot, but it wasn’t Fulda either.
Let’s face it, he’s weak sauce.
Jowls is so worthless and weak he doesn’t even rate a pledge pin on his uniform.
Good points all there SGM Ret-25X. I did me a google foo on The Chicken Sh^t Mama’s Boi Lying Deserting POS Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers’ unit that he served in. You have more reason to be pissed as any of us, being at Ayers when this dirtbag was. Can understand that a Troop of your caliber didn’t know this piece of sh^t, even tho that was a small place. I am purely disgusted even more since I have read the proud history of this unit, it’s lineage going all the way back to the War of 1812, with outstanding service in the 1812, Seminole, Mexican, WBTS, Cuba, and WWII. (Unit was deployed for WWI but hostilities ended before they got their guns. The Chicken Shatted Deserter Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers deserted before the wall fell, and had already been thrown out for DESERTION when Desert Shield/Storm broke out. They fired 1455 rounds in support of that action. The Bitch Boi Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers even had a cool unit patch to wear. Phuque Heem.
Dahell is ChipNASA with the requested TOT HoI? And since I haven’t seen this descriptive adjective used to describe the POS DESERTER Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers yet, I’ll just leave this here.
COCKSUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your Google Innerwebz Infamy!!!!!!!!!!
2/3 may have been the finest FA Battalion in the Army back then.
It is still active as part of the 1st BDE 1AD out at Fort Bliss.
1/1AD traces its lineage back to 1/3AD and still calls itself “Ready First”
Sadly, all of the other units have been renamed so the 32nd and 33rd AR regiments are no longer active although 1/36INF is active.
I”m here bitch tits!! LOL .
HoI has been deployed.
just remember, sometimes I’m behind a bit and don’t catch requests SO, it there is a request for the HoI, and you don’t see anything from me but see me posting elsewhere, comment and aim my shit thataway so I can do my due diligence.
Anyway HoI is in the air and on target.
Ole Dickbreath here about to get his 6 tore the fuck up!!!
Usually on weekends I’m not on TAH but usually work days monitoring from Cubeforce.
Also, I have no idea why the time stamp is one hour off or that’s maybe a server thing as I’m on the Mid-Atlantic/East timeline.
Huh, who knows.
You good Bro. You know you’ll always be my FIRST Dingleberry…err Huckleberry. You know how itchy my trigger finger gets when we have such a prime target as the lying Sack of Deserting Sh^t Richard/Ricky/Rick Wayne Jowers. Been wanting to be the FIRST to call for a Time On Target Massive Bat tree assault on his ass since his scamming, scheming, lying fake deserting ass FIRST showed up. Thank you for handling the fire mission, I feel much better now.
The time thingie has been a little sketchy since the conversion/transposition from the .us to the .com for the site. Been an hour off whether it’s DST or real time. The FIRST land mass you come to heading east is Bermuda. It’s an hours difference from Eastern time. You can draw your own conclusions to that and Dave’s new boat. (smirk)
Hmm, I need to be more stealth.
Dude, I hope your shingles is better. I had that shit on my midriff many moons ago; it was painful itchy agony…
Thanks Combat Historian.
I’m done with meds after a week and are on the downside of the mend.
Being as it’s a nervous system/virus thing, it’s nicely fucked up my entire left leg as in the joints and muscles and such have burning and aching and random stabbing pains in odd places. My lower back is pinchy as is my pelvic and hip joint and then the tendons are burny. It’s just weird shit but I’m extremely thankful it’s only my ankle/shin area.
I’m going back to revisit with the Med Director and the Nurse Practitioner for review.
My sainted mother said that they have a newer vaccine which is not live virus for shingles. i told her after this is over, I’d gladly take 15 shots directly in the ass to avoid having shingles ever again.
It feels like I’ve had sunburn and very localized flu symptoms in my body for about a month.
That being said, glad it wasn’t on my head/face around the eyes, or the waist or chest/breasts as some woman have and glad it hasn’t lasted like 3 months as some folks have told me, it can with others.
Maybe some day, I’ll sleep through the night for 6 + hours again.
One can only hope *grins*
At least I have a late night early morning distraction as I’m reading a book when I can’t sleep. A Book you say?? Fucking Chip can read!?!?! What WONDERS!!! *giggles*
I’m reading Killing the Rising Sun: How America Vanquished World War II Japan (Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Series)
He’s a joint author here for this book and series with Martin Dugard. There’s also Killing Lincoln, Kennedy, the SS, Civil War Legends etc. Check them out.
Apparenlty the second and third page of the HoI disappeared so I have to go back and re-post.
Tah Dah!
Goddamn tags. well you guys can ignore that mostly. shit.
Operator error.
Well, well, well. Leroy Foley and Rick Jowers, military posers and both in Texas law enforcement. A real “Texas Twosome.” I suspect all of the “Hero” praise from the media and public being heaped onto both the military and law enforcement over the past few years, was too much for these idiots to ignore and wanted “double hero” status. Well, that didn’t work out for them. They ended up with double phony status. Callahan County looks like the kind of place where everyone knows everyone. Both of these phonies will have to explain to their families, friends and neighbors why they lied to them. In the future, every word that comes out of these disgraced law officer’s mouths will now be evaluated for truthfulness, as it should be. If these clowns were willing to make up fantastic lies about military service, lying about other things is easy, and I am sure, frequent for these guys. I would have to question the honesty of their law enforcement work. I would also question the integrity of any law enforcement agency that would employ them now that these liars have been exposed. I will give some credit to Leroy Foley. Once his lies were caught, Leroy Foley did the right thing and resigned. He only needs to withdraw from the sheriff’s race. I suspect that Rick Jowers will not do the honorable thing by resigning his position with the Callahan County Sheriff’s Department but will continue to obfuscate the facts. His twisted strategy must be, “If they believed my bullshit once, they will believe it again.” I have three pieces of advice for Ricky Jowers: 1. Resign today. People will appreciate your decision as it will eliminate all of the future public controversy about the sheriff’s department employing a liar. Do not seek law enforcement work in the future. 2. Withdraw from the Sheriff’s race. I doubt if anyone other than people financially dependent on you want you to become the county sheriff. I am sure the Governor can appoint a Sheriff until one can be elected. 3. Get rid of that stupid… Read more »
I think that Foley resigning was the right thing, but I would not attach anything noble to it. He was probably faced with eventually being found out and was presented with the huge distraction it would cause.
Foley doubled-down and as far as I know still maintains that the bogus DD-214 is factual. Therefore, he did not resign because he felt he was wrong, he most likely resigned because he realizes he will eventually be found out.
There was no confession or apology from Foley.
Foley should make a public apology and return any campaign donations. Will he do it? Who knows.
*Shakes Magic 8 Ball*
*Reads intently*
All signs point to “No.”
Foley probably used some of his campaign donations for overdue child support payments.
Son, I’d like you to be able to wear shoes to school so the other kids don’t make fun of you, but I’m running for sheriff and have to sink all my money into my campaign.
He looks like the type whose kids would go to bed hungry because he HAD TO have those Yosemite Sam mudflaps on his pickup truck!
Hey! I had those!
My only excuse is that it was 1978, we thought those were cool.
The kids or the mudflaps.
I meant “?”
The mudflaps.
There is nothing noble about Foley. He has zero integrity and morals and has for a long long time (think about Sr year of high school long time). He is extremely arrogant and probably still believes he was a sniper and has medals. He had no problem violating state election laws (2 of them…those are being looked at by the Ethics Commission) and even saying publicly that he was and didn’t care.
From “Hero to Zero” in a matter of about 15 seconds….
Way to go dumbfuck…..
Seriously, claim to be an Airborne Ranger but have a LTH discharge….
I’ve seen stupid before, but that really takes the cake !!!
The “Callahan County Crash” could have bodies laying all over the place. The wreckage itself will be hard to scrape up.
The way I see it, here is the slight difference between Foley and Jowers:
FOLEY – Most likely forged a DD-214, then used it to get employment as an LEO, then points to it as proof of his claims.
JOWERS – Most likely did nothing with his DD-214, avoided using it to get employment as an LEO, then keeps it out of site when he makes his claims.
I could be wrong, but this is my educated guess. Both are most likely guilty of Stolen Valor.
The difference may only be in the degree of “altering.” Foley obviously submitted a completely forged document. Jowers used one that had something blanked out, either accidently or by design. A well placed piece of paper covering some of the reenlistment eligibility block? White out? Careful placement on the copier glass so that some of doc wasn’t copied? However it got that way, it was HIS responsibility to submit a correct and complete copy.
Those 2 snippets of DD-214 was amateur redacting and deception, by Rick Jowers, for the internet, since he knew whatever DD-214 he put out there, would be scrutinized.
(He saw the Foley story unfold.)
He was working on putting out his whole DD-214, lightly redacted, as of Monday evening, but he was too slow, and now, too late.
Unlike Leroy Foley, who had no fear of scrutiny,
and pushed his long time Fake DD-214,
and even brandished it to TV,
the same TV that soon after filmed his perp walk.
INMATE: Can you warm my coffee up a bit?
JOWERS: You’re lucky I even gave you coffee.
INMATE: Try looking at things from this side of these bars.
JOWERS: The difference between me and you is we can talk all day and play cards, but at the end of the day I get to go home. Uh, er… would you like it piping hot or just slightly warmer. Cream? Sugar?
Good one !!!
Where’s Green Thumb? We really need his pithy, trenchant analysis here.
Not to influence things but the comments getting to 50 the quickest in any case has been 10:30 EST.
This has been in the several years I’ve been observing this.
This post may break that record.
Due to posts and comments with links plopped onto
County and Rant Facebook groups and pages in Clyde and Callahan County,
plenty of new readers from Texas are watching,
and are also pasting blog comments (here!) back to Texas.
Texans new to this doubted the websites on Friday,
but they are totally on board now.
This is a boon to MP, TAH, and VG.
Honorary Star of Texas to you!
It must have resonated. We are not getting the typical “get a life” and “stop hassling veterans” comments. I too applaud the good folks of Texas. It seems that they would rather know the truth – no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
Here’s hoping that the last 40 days of Buck Private pay due to him was offset by the unpaid debt to the government Deserters TA-50 Report of Survey before being kicked to the curb.
This is what happens when you don’t clear CIF and keep the canteen cup./smile
Just when you think you are free and clear – the Department of Defense gives you a bill for the gas mask, poncho and sleeping bag.
But sometimes… you get to keep the canteen cup…
Id rather keep my poncho liner. That thing is the best piece of gear the government ever issued.
“Poncho liner”, something that I have never seen first hand. At the time they were first being issued, (Infantry units got them first), I was in Aviation and processing out. Several friends have offered to hook me up with one, but they are nearly sacred objects, and since I was never issued one, I have waived all requests, preferring to just wonder about the Woobie.
Available at Amazon in a verity of camo patterns. Mine is desert- wife hates it but will snuggle up with it on the sofa when she thinks I’m not noticing.
You can also buy one with a blank DD214 design:
On an All-Points Logistics template.
That’s hilarious…. I am literally wrapped up in my poncho liner right now I’ve had it since 1989 I purposely paid CIF $23.58 for it when i retired….. best piece of kit…. EVER..
I was Supply for my entire career. I MIGHT have been known to have…misappropriated one…before we sent the old tri-color ones to DRMO when the new MARPAT ones came in.
these d-bags used to go AWOL from Germany and leave everything in the barracks…
the squad leader usually had to inventory everything so we started doing this BEFORE they went on leave.
Soldiers always appreciated these guys after a long exercise because the TA-50 that disappeared when they went AWOL was used to make up damage/lost field gear.
Not that I know anything about that…LOL
Did some quickie Google-Fu research. Back in 1989 the base pay for a Buck Private under two years was $699.00 per month. At 40 days pay coming to him at final discharge, he would have been up to a total of $932.00
IIRC, the cost of a complete set of TA-50 from that time period ran about $1,040.00.
So Jowers may have caught the last bus home still owing $102.00 to the little old ladies in tennis shoes at the IRS an unpaid debt to the government./smile
One does not mess with the Little Old Ladies at DFAS, they know how to find you and collect!
Is it just me or is there a 10-15 year difference in the photo of Jowers outside with sunglasses and his official campaign photo?
Jowers might sell real estate on the side. Their photos are usually from 15 to 20 years earlier.
It’s good to have a Plan B to fall back on.
Mustang Major
Beat me to it!
A former best friend (ex-realtor, he sucked at it)
did the very same thing.
Half his would-be clients had sticker shock
meeting him in the fat flesh.
MD61- Recently a female Realtor here was suspended by the local board for 90 days for using a current photo.
Always be alert for an out of date hair style on women or a tie that is out of fashion for men.
??? Typo ???
Did you mean she used a non-current photo and was suspended for that? Because it doesn’t make sense to me that she was suspended for using a current photo …. unless her honesty severely embarrassed the others who used ancient photos.
We reached 50 comments around 0927-0928 for future reference.
I think that is a record since this statistic has been kept track of.
So have Leroy Foley and Rick Jowers gotten as popular as Les Brown yet?
Still not done with Les.
If I knew how to upload a .jpg photo here in a blog comment,
I would show you.
“A Vote for Rick Jowers is a Vote to Weed out Corruption”
“The first thing I’m going to do as Sheriff is send myself packing.”
Pardon the digression but AWOL stands for Absent WithOut Leave, not Away WithOut Leave. Always has, always will.
Jowers is a POS, btw.
A little Nit Picky, but you are also somewhat wrong.
What the acronym AWOL actually stands for is Absent Without Official Leave. “Without” is spelled as one word, not two words./s
Not too many people knew that (until now). Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag!
lol, SNAFU
FUBAR (It’s in the German dictionary)/s
It’s right next to UPGERFUKT
Cluster Foxtrot.
What, DILLIGAF? (smile)
Roger. FIDO!!
Someone said the magic word.
I present Private Snafu,
in the WWII cartoon most fitting our dynamic duo.
That story is so sad I just wanna fuckin cry.
Laugh until you cry?
FOR THOSE NOT UP TO SPEED ON HOW TO READ THE ACRONYM FILLED RECORDS OF JOWERS’ ASSIGNMENTS REPRODUCED ABOVE: (Start with March 10, 1989 as dates are rendered YEAR, MONTH, DAY). DATE STATUS EXPLANATION 890310 {XXXXXXXXX} Redacted to cover the entry “AWOL” (Absent Without Leave) 890401 DFR When he did not return in 30 days, he was administratively classified as a Deserter (a soldier who quits his unit with the intent never to return). As a result, he was D[ropped] F[rom] the R[olls], that is, he was struck from the unit roster, freeing up his position/ billet to be replaced with another — and hopefully better — soldier. 890712 RMC After being on the run for 3 1/2 months, he R[eturned] to M[ilitary] C[ontrol]. This could have been everything from walking into a military facility — even a recruiting office — and surrendering; or it could be an arrest by the FBI, Military Police, or civilian law enforcement, perhaps even an arrest by a Texas Deputy Sheriff. Wouldn’t that be ironic? He was then at Fort Hood, TX. 890713 RETURNEE He was sent to Fort Sill, OK in the status of a “returnee.” Since at this point he had been Dropped From the Rolls of his former unit, and he was an artillery soldier, he was returned to the Personnel Control/Confinement Facility at the Headquarters Command, United States Army Field Artillery Center and School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. [PCF, HQ CMD, USAFAC&S, Ft Sill, OK]. At this point, if he had a valid excuse for his 3 1/2 months on the run, he would make his excuses to his PCF Commander and his Judge Advocate General (JAG) Attorney from the Trial Defense Service. Even at this late point, if he was a young, dumb, first enlistment low ranking soldier, he MAY have been able to accept some punishment, but then be reinserted into the personnel pipeline to return to another artillery unit. That did not happen. One of two things did happen: 1 – He was processed for involuntary separation under Chapter 14, Army Regulation 635-200 for “Misconduct” (serious serious act… Read more »
Again….. how does he have a badge??? I royally screwed up my life and I caught a DUI…. I can never serve as a peace officer again so I don’t understand how people like this fly under the radar and don’t get anything happening to them.
In California cops make mistakes and are human. Us citizens commit crimes and need to be punished. A Sgt in Oceanside committed felony DUI and it was all hushed up by the DA. It happens all the time out here.
Jowers isn’t going to have a badge for long. As we’ve all found out, he’s not eligible for licensure.
Believe it or not there is nothing more embarrassing than a cop going to jail…..
He’ll have to be kept in PC, Protective Custody” known as Punk Central” in the General Population.
Charles – you Sir are a wealth of knowledge. I’m assuming you are/were a JAG officer. I’ve learned a lot from your post and understand how little I know about the UCMJ despite having worn the uniform for 21+ years. Now I also realize that Jowls is a bigger shitbag than I initially suspected.
Yes, I was a JAG officer in the 101st Airborne Division, and later commanded a JAG unit in the US Army Reserves.
(And yes, also Airborne, Ranger, Green Beret, Pathfinder, Jumpmaster, Air Assault …so I know a bit about those things too.)
Charles, you sound like a guy I knew years back. During your SF days did you have Tm Warrant with a last name that ryhmes with cash?
In all the years I’ve been hanging around
TAH this is a FIRST two turds running for office
That are as phony as hell one a AWOL ranger
The other a prior service fraud
I haven’t seen this mush drama since
“You know who”
flew his plane in the ground
I wanna be a chair borne stranger….. lol..
Hey! Watch it now!
I believe it happens about once every decade, nationwide.
In the 1990s, a city council race in Massachusetts (?) had
2 Vietnam Veterans running against each other.
When 1 was found out and exposed as a Phony Vietnam Veteran,
never leaving the CONUS,
he gave up the election, apologized, and then
sold out the other guy, too.
Fake Friends.
Ummmmm…… how in the??? I’m sorry but if you have anything other than an honorable discharge how are you wearing a badge??? I don’t care if you’re running for sheriff I don’t care if you the cheif deputy how the hell did you get the badge in the 1st place? I was lucky enough to serve as both a soldier and a police officer in my life but then again all of my discharges were honorable.
Interesting comment by Jowers… before this blog but after his public “confession.” This was on his personal page.
I bet that left a mark coming in at Mach 3 without the Kentucky Jelly slider sauce !!!!
That’s a-gonna leave a tear in his beer….
For sale:
Two barely used sockpuppets:
L. Foley & Leroy G. Foley.
Slightly chewed on.
Lowest bidder is the winner.
Will be wrapped in phony DD214’s and shipped upon receipt of payment.
That is all.
I could recommend some locally produced Fishwrapper,
but it’s really unfair to the fish.
Doh! (correction)
I could recommend some locally produced Fishwrapper,
but it’s really unfair to the Fishwrapper.
Two additional bits of information since there is sometimes confusion about “desertion” and being a “deserter.”
“Desertion” is leaving your unit with the intent never to return. Some think that a service member must be absent for over 30 days to be considered a “deserter.” WRONG.
Don’t confuse the crime of “desertion” (or “UCMJ Desertion” under Article 85) with administrative “desertion.”
If PFC Joe Tentpeg cleans out his locker, burns his uniforms, tears up his ID card, and heads for the airport with a one-way ticket to a home far away, he is a “deserter.” He could be apprehended at the airport 30 minutes after leaving Camp Swampy and brought back immediately, but he’s still a deserter and he is subject to court-martial.
If PFC Joe Tentpeg departs Camp Swampy in uniform, with his ID card, and a round-trip ticket, always with the intent to return, he might overstay his leave by 30-60-90 days, but when he is apprehended he might successfully defeat a charge of desertion by showing that mom was sick and he had to take care of three minor siblings, then he was in a car wreck, then he was kidnapped and held for ransom, but always and everywhere he intended to return … he could be found not guilty of USMC desertion at a court-martial.
But the unit isn’t going to wait forever — with an empty bed and a gap in the front line — to see if Tentpeg has a good excuse for being gone. After 30 days of unauthorized absence, the unit commander can declare Tentpeg an administrative “deserter” and drop him from the rolls. That frees up the position/billet so the unit can requisition a replacement soldier to get back to full strength.
Actually, if mom was really sick, I’d be on his side…soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines all love their mommas….
of course, that is what emergency leave and compassionate reassignments are all about, so in the end…no, I still would not be sympathetic.
He paddled his own canoe up shit creek.
And then he threw the paddle away!
I take it he’s using a brand new canoe model known as the Douche Canoe? I hear they are supposed to have cup holders.
During my liver-destroying tenure as a rear-d 1SG, I had a handful of chronic AWOL’ers. The rear-d commander and I found a quick and easy way to cure that. We’d change their status to “deserter” after 24 hours, and stop their pay. Fixed that problem quick.
You sound like my rear- d 1sg….. ever stationed in Korea??
Yup, but not as a 1SG. Pissed a few off, though…
So did I! It’s all fun and games until the First Sergeant shows up.
OMG I was ready to go postal on those dipsticks.
Rocks with lips, each and every one.
Started off as a pretty good gig. But some brigade level geniuses got bonked by the good idea fairy. My rear-d kept gaining troopies from 2 battalions. 1 was moving to Bliss following deployment, do I got all their new folks. I got all the new folks from the unit I was in. Plus, we’d deactivated a large company, but Big Army was still sending me people to fill it. So. Rear D grew from about 25 troops to over 250. No equipment. Nothing to train on. And a bitch MAJ from BDE that needed a stake through her little black heart. Damn little to keep people busy. Not exactly a recipe for success!
During DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM, my older sister, myself, my younger sister and her husband were all on Active Duty. My older sister a nurse deployed with an Air Transportable Hospital in August. In late September my mother was hospitalized, diagnosed with terminal cancer and died all within about two weeks. We all got Emergency leave and they shipped my older sister home before my mom died and then she returned to her unit after the funeral.
My brother-in-law deployed between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The three of us still stateside had Thanksgiving dinner at his units chow hall at Ft Benning. He was a MSC officer.
He pinned on Captain at an intersection on the highway of death.
I deployed in January off the staff as an augmentee to CENTAF and managed to get in 7-8 flights during the Storm.
There is no doubt in my mind that my younger sister had the hardest, lousiest job of all of us. She was the rear Det commander for her battalion (also MSC officer) I spoke with her regularly right up until I deployed and listened to the stories of having to deal with the sick, lame, and lazy as well as the AWOLS and ne’er do wells. She got stuck with.
Any easy metric using the “new stereo rule” (remember, this was the 80s):
If the stereo disappeared before they left, they were deserters.
If they left the stereo in the barracks, they were Santa Claus.
One of these clowns showed back up like two years later and wanted to know what happened to his TV, stereo, etc. 1SG just looked at him like he had lost his mind.
The barracks was a pretty tight knit place and the troops usually knew about an AWOL before the NCOs…by the time we showed up to clean up the mess there was a bunk with a bare mattress and empty wall locker left. Usually, even the boots were gone.
Good work, everyone who worked on this one. And thanks to all who continue to unravel this mess. Looks like those who need to are following through and that complete justice will eventually prevail.
Valor thieves are all mentally and/or morally defective. Neither should be in law enforcement. There are no excuses for claiming military honors you did not earn or violating laws to become a police officer, much less sheriff.
I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called “Don’t F*** with Cats. In the film, based on a real crime, a group of people connected by a common interest and the internet, tracked down a Canadian based murderer. Their efforts resulted in his arrest and conviction.
Interesting documentary and sort of what happened here in the case of this two actor shit show.
The story of Leroy Grant Foley and Ricky Wayne Jowers needs to be featured on INSIDE EDITION & FOX News as well as THE ARMY TIMES, STARS & STRIPES and THE MILITARY TIMES.
Spread The Love!
This saga is more suitable for That’s Incredible or Believe It Or Not.
The “Ripley’s Believe it or Not!” of Stolen Valor!
Hi, I’m Deborah Norville and tonight on Inside Edition we bring you The Texas Two Step: Deceit and Deception in the Lone Star State. How two law enforcement officers went from being paper heroes to real world zeroes. Big egos and big lies end their careers in a spectacularly fraudulent fashion during the election campaign for Callahan County Sheriff. Now the Texas Rangers have been called in to bring justice and we’ll interview retired Ranger Cordell Walker to learn about investigative approaches his former agency might pursue. Join us tonight!
Is Ole Ricky Boy ALSO claiming to be a Border Patrol Agent?
Check out the Badge on his Facebook. One does not need a Facebook account to see the picture of the Badge.
That’s a black stripe badge,
tribute to a fallen Border Patrol agent.
The Sheriff of Callahan County’s salary is $40,571.53 for FY 2020 per the county budget:
Add benefits, take home car, occasional free meals, and no-one in your business, makes this a sweet job, assuming you live in a low-cost area.
Of course, the job won’t make you rich….
Nobody driven to serve their fellow man is driven to get rich now granted when we fell in to 8 million dollars in Iraq we were thinking about it….we literally fell into a hole…. there was a poop ton of money… By the time we got back to base The Secret service was already there.
For a person of low integrity, being a Sheriff could make him rich. Very rich. Law Enforcement handles drugs, guns … including fully automatic weapons … confiscated money … many paths to wealth as a Sheriff.
For a person of low integrity.
Just ask Joe Subic.
He was flying high…until he got caught…LOL
“Funny how fallin’ feels like flyin’…
for a little while.”
— Crazy Heart —
My favorite song from that whole movie!
And totally appropriate here.
Are you referring to Joseph Subic, Jr., the Sergeant who was at the Iranian Embassy telling people he was a Ranger, only to turn collaborator with the Iranians when the Embassy was seized, then became police chief of a small Florida town called Williston until he was fired as Williston police chief for incompetency, inefficiency and dishonesty; only to become police chief of White Springs, another small Florida town, only to be fired when he engaged in insurance fraud, was convicted of a several felonies and sentenced to four years (probation) with loss of law enforcement credentials. That Joe Subic?
It’s a remarkable story about how a bad soldier can become a bad law enforcement officer.
For a prime example of that look up Alex “Hollywood” Hodge. Jones County MS. The local paper here tore him a new one.
I wonder if the mustache is fake as well?
I’m literally sickened by the fact that he has other than honorable and he gets to wear a badge I screwed up once in all of my years and I don’t get to serve anybody anymore because I have to own up to my mistake. I have to take responsibility for what I did but he gets to wear a badge. For 2 seconds I thought I was above the law and I got caught but people like him they just get a pass dont they?
Karma is just beginning to gnaw on his ass.
My money is on Rick Jowers dropping out of the Sheriff’s race and resigning from the Callahan County Sheriff’s Office citing that “I want to spend more time with my family” which is political code for “I screwed up and probably can’t win anyway.”
This will happen most “Ricky Tick” is my prediction.
Could be the lead story for KTXA 12 News this evening.
you DICK!
“his real name was Dick…he changed it to Richard because he thought Dick was too obvious”
Sam Kinnison
I immediately thought of Connecticut US Senator
Richard Blumenthal, Mr. Vietnam (Times).
How did Ricky Wayne Jowers get shit in his mustache?
🎵Lookin’ for love in all the wrong places 🎵…
Oh hell thats awesome! Can I steal it?!
BE my guest, I stole that from a Cheech & Chong sketch!
So, a bit of tongue in cheeks humor?
Mehh, kinda!
There seems to be a glitch because I only see the first page of the HoI. Will re-post because It could have been an error on my part but then again, it could be an Admin thing?
Who knows. I’m posting separately because if there’s a comment needed for the deployment of the Hoi, then so be it.
Just FYI.
I talked to the powers that be and the HoI in this particular instance is being edited if not deleted from this particular thread and will be deployed going forward with a pinch of thoughtfulness because of the outside public interest in this particular case and those not usually accustomed to TAH visiting TAH and wanting to possibly reference TAH but come upon the dreaded HoI and being hesitant to refer to this particular resource.
All is good and I’m on board and the HoI is not itself, insulted, so press on and let’s see how things go here with Mr Jowers and he opponent Mr Foley.
WRT Jowers wearing a badge, I note that the excerpt above that lists the qualifications for being an LEO in Texas (and prohibiting someone with an OTH) is from 2011.
In order to know whether Jowers concealed or omitted disqualifying information, we would have to know two pieces of information, first, when did Jowers first apply to be an LEO (I think he’s claiming “20 years” of law enforcement service and second, what were the requirements WRT military discharges at THAT TIME.
I think the civilian world has evolved regarding discharges. I recall from some very old job applications that it only asked if I’d received a dishonorable discharge. If Jowers entered law enforcement when only a “dishonorable” was a disqualifying factor, he might have squeaked in because technically, “other than honorable” is a step above “dishonorable.”
Once he was in, likely he would not have been able to be held to the higher standard, at least not without some due process (that’s because legally, a government job is usually considered a property right, that cannot be taken without due process of law.)
There was also the incident with the ex-Airman who shot up the church in Texas a few years ago who, I think, had gotten either a general-under-other-than-honorable or even a BCD, but because it wasn’t a “dishonorable” discharge, it didn’t show up on his background check to buy the gun. That caused the military to start “reporting” certain discharges that had not been considered “reportable” before then.
Bottom line is that there is not enough information to know whether Jowers obtained his LEO position fraudulently. As I said above, citing the law from 2011 is irrelevant if Jowers entered law enforcement before that time.
Heard a rumor that the OTH has been a requirement for many years in TX, but I have not substantiated that. Your points are well taken – yes, whether he violated the rule in force at the time is entirely germane. Got a feeling that he is in big trouble in that regard.
It might also be interesting to discover if the intent of that rule might cover discharges which occur after initial certification, for reservists. If not, perhaps it should.
IIRC, Military Discharges were ranked:
Bad Conduct
And usually OTH Discharges were doled out to get rid of the dregs with Big Chicken Dinners coming from Courts Martial.
Maybe Charles can chime in (or someone with S1 experience) but aren’t there “General Under Honorable Conditions” and “General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions” discharges?
I seem to recall that those who were put out for homosexuality were usually given “general under honorable conditions.” Ditto for those who were discharged for fraudulent enlistment. And I think “discharged for the convenience of the service” was also under this category, hardships for example.
I always thought that “General Under Other than Honorable Conditions” was a sort of code for “discharged in lieu of court martial” or those who were discharged because they were arrested and imprisoned for activities outside of the military, etc.
Have I got that right?
There is no “General Under Other Than Honorable” discharge.
Under Army Regulation 635-200, there are three administrative discharges that will include a characterization of service:
1 – Honorable.
2 – General (under honorable conditions). 3 – Under Other Than Honorable Conditions.
There are two types of punitive discharges (punitive = punishment = sentence following conviction by court-martial):
1 – Bad Conduct Discharge.
2 – Dishonorable Discharge.
And there is one type of discharge that is classified as “uncharacterized.” It is given to entry level personnel with less than 181 days of active duty (when VA benefits have not vested) and is usually and descriptively referred to as the “Trainee Discharge Program” or the “Expeditious Discharge Program.”
The “Other Than Honorable” discharge is the administrative equivalent of the “Bad Conduct Discharge” that may be a sentence following conviction at court-martial. Both deprive the soldier of virtually all of the benefits administered by the VA and the Army establishment.
The now-extinct separation under Chapter 15 AR 635-200 for homosexuality could carry either an “Honorable” discharge” or a “General (under honorable conditions)” discharge. That is to say, if the only reason a soldier was being involuntarily separated was homosexuality, he or she would receive either all or nearly all VA benefits.
An “Other Than Honorable” discharge COULD be the result of a Chapter 10 “Discharge in lieu of Court-Martial” but it could also result from a Chapter 14 separation for Misconduct. Misconduct = a single serious act of misconduct (one rape, one murder) or a pattern of minor misconduct (curse out an NCO, start a fight in the mess hall, be late for formation several times).
Each “Chapter” is literally a chapter in the Army Regulation that describes how a soldier should be handled when he/she is discharged. While most soldiers would be insulted if you ask: “Were you Chaptered out of the Army?” the reality is that the only way to leave the Army other than a Chapter is to die on active duty.
Retiring after 20 years of service? You’ve been chaptered out under Chapter 12.
And so it goes …
Charles: Thanks for the clarification.
Now, the sticky wicket here is how does the CIVILIAN world classify these types of discharges for purposes of things like employment, ability to own firearms, etc?
I remember being told that a “Dishonorable discharge”, that is, the lowest on the pecking order, is equivalent to a Federal Felony conviction and is reported as such to NCIC and shows up as such on an NCIC or NAC.
HOWEVER, it is not clear to me how anything ABOVE a Dishonorable discharge and below a “General under honorable conditions” is characterized for those purposes.
I assume that that is something that has varied over time and varies by state. I know some job applications require you to report a “dishonorable” discharge.
The word “dishonorable” is a specific term with a specific meaning. IOW, someone filling out a job application who was discharged from the military under “other than honorable conditions” or even on a “bad conduct discharge” could arguably state that he was NOT “dishonorably” discharged.
On the other hand, if the application in question asked “have you been discharged from the armed forces under other than honorable conditions?” (as I think they generally do TODAY), then anything below a “general under honorable conditions” would have to be reported.
These may seem like nit-picky things but they can have important consequences.
Substandard Discharge = Shitbag.
Not enough to definitively say, sure. But enough doubt and pointers as to what needs looked at.
Sort of like Foley. We don’t know if Foley registered that forged DD-214 with Williamson County, and we cannot find out due to privacy laws with that type of information. However, someone doing an investigation in an official capacity will have access to find that out.
Same with Jowers, not enough info to conclude, but someone following up can find out when and where he applied for LEO positions and what paperwork he submitted, along with what Texas policy was at that time.
For those interested, the current comment count for all combined posts of the Foley & Jowers Show currently stands at 965.
Be forewarned, Les Brownstain, your record may be in jeopardy./s
speaking of Les Brown, is there any news on his little scam?
Has he been seen lately parading around in his fake finery? Maybe his next Chili Feed proceeds might go to pay his rumored outstanding tab at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear)?
marinedad61 made a comment/post on ol’ lying Lester Brown(stain) who is a fester on the buttocks of the Elko POW/MIA Awareness Ass(ociation) might have been on the WOT. Lester the Fester is still up to his asshattery and is having/just had another chilli cook out to raise funds, err awareness for their upcoming national trip/convention. Elko and the national pow/mia awareness ass(ociation) (sic) seems to have circled their wagons and are still enabling(?). These two clown’s level of sh^tbaggery and the comment count should surpass his. Mainly because the lying embellishing sh^tbags, are, well…two lying, embellishing sh^tbags. And one of them Richard/Ricky/Rick/Dick(head) Wayne Jowers is a chickensh^t DESERTER, that was THROWN OUT of the Army.
I see new posts in the Elko groups.
Something like….
Enjoy the Chili Feed, but know the truth.
Followed by describing how Les Brown
is a Phony Gulf War Veteran,
he was in Germany,
he has NO Southwest Asia Service Medal,
and ends in
ASK Les Brown where HE was in 1991.
It includes a graphic of Les Brown,
the Middle East, and GERMANY.
If only Ricky Jowers, Leroy Foley and Les brown would disappear like me, just think of how happy everyone would be.
It’s a sad shame.
These Elko POW*MIA nuts.
Because it’s “for the cause”…
they’ll go on the counterattack against
actual Gulf War Veterans
(I saw them do it to 2 last summer),
to protect their own Phony Gulf War Veteran.
Pathetic at the core.
For the cause.
And a free trip.
And the motorcycle (repairs).
THIS Saturday, February 15.
It finances their annual (free) trek to Washington, D.C.
You know… for “the cause”.
Flush with cash on Saturday,
I’ll guess the motorcycle repair shops in Elko will be busy, starting next week.
Too bad I don’t have the time or money to make an appearance there…
heh heh heh heh heh
Flush with cash, you say?
Hmmm 🤔
New unseen pressure on Les Brown this evening,
in a handful of Elko groups on Facebook.
Posts with Stolen Valor Les Brown photos.
Comments with links to TAH and Stolen Valor Act of 2013.
Laura Adams reported 1 post in a group.
2 other POW*MIA females are really pissed off,
swearing and lying
(suggesting fans here called them whores).
They know… that they’re being watched..
and veterans far away are embarrassing them further,
days before their annual Chili Feed.
Good timing, IMHO.
They lie and swear, because it’s “for the cause.”
Well, I like THIS cause.
Need to walk up and trim/chop one or both sides of the Texas mustache. A physical manifestation of his “embarrassment” for all to see.
I wonder how things are going at home. Since his wife’s the dispatch supervisor. I wonder if she knew of hubby’s BS
Good to see a check-in from you, its been a while.
Jowers’ Facebook profile said that they were married in 2018, so I’m wondering if she knew about his military history.
If she did, then she had to have known that he was lying when he was saying he was an Airborne Ranger on the campaign trail. If not, then she first heard about it Monday when he released his “statement” saying there is nothing to see here.
The only reason I bring this up is it has to be uncomfortable at the dispatch desk since she works there AND at the dinner table in the evening.
It seems to me that Jowers AND the CCSO need to come out with a statement about all of this. I don’t see how they can defend not doing an “internal review.” How can they so quickly determine there is nothing to see here unless this has all been discussed between them on an earlier occasion. If that is true, they owe the public an explanation of their reasoning to not do a review. Either way, this involves a statement.
Ricky Jowers may be working on it at this very moment….
Rick Jowers WILL drop out of the Sheriff’s race and Rick Jowers WILL resign his position.
He is trying to hold on but he just hasn’t thought through it all yet. It is difficult and he can’t bring himself to do it.
He is bringing both his Sheriff and his colleagues down. They are unknowingly and unfairly being enlisted in buffering him from all of this scrutiny and in the end, it is not a defensible position.
If he holds on too long, someone will lift that decision from his fingers.
Truth is like a good form of poison. Inject it, give it time and it will work its magic every time.
I should say, to people like Les Brown and Rick Jowers — you may think you can ride it out. Much like a bull rider. You get bucked around a little but hang on and it will soon be over.
Well, the truth is your family and friends will pat you on the back and say they will support you to the end of time or other noble statements, but that flag has been planted. In the back of their head they KNOW you lied. They may never confront you about it and are first to talk bad about the people that do confront you, but which is better? — the person that tells you that your fly is unzipped or the person that looks the other way and doesn’t see it as their place to point it out or you’d think “Why are they looking ‘down there’ in the first place?”
Think about this Ricky Jowers … and Les Brown … you know it’s true.
You’re damaged goods and your lives will never be the same. The best you can possibly do is own up to it and repair and salvage the tiny bit of dignity you may have left.
You will never be asked to ride in the lead car of the parade representing veterans because there’s always a better choice than you.
She is probably thinking, “That explains why I never saw any wounds on Ricky or a bunch of medals tucked away in the house.”
MM: Ricky probably told her, “honey, not all wounds are visible. I saw some shit overseas and I just can’t unsee that stuff now. If I put all my medals on display, it’s just gonna bring up bad memories. I don’t need a I-love-me-wall to remind me of my service and taking a bullet for this country. I know what I did, baby.”
I once took a round that was meant for somebody else.
We were at the bar when my friend went to the bathroom and his drinks arrived in his absence so I paid for them.
Thank you for your selfless service and sacrifice.
Martinjmpr’s comment about about LEO disqualifications got me thinking about a couple of things.
If Ricky Jowers was found guilty by a court martial, is he considered a felon? I know a summary court martial doesn’t result in a felony record. I am unsure about a special court martial and a general court martial can result in a felony record.
Can Ricky Jowers legally possess a firearm? Felons can’t possess firearms unless they are granted clemency or have their right to own firearms restored by the proper authority.
Can felons run for state and local office in Texas? The Texas Attorney General says they can’t:
The Texas candidacy filing application law requires a signed statement that the candidate has not been finally convicted of a felony from which the candidate has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities.
Just another bone to chew on folks.
I did a little googling the other day, and if there was a default judgement on that little child support bill he had, he’d be prohibited under Texas law.
I think it was the OTHER phony in this race who had an outstanding judgment against him for failure to pay child support. We’re going to need a scorecard to keep them straight.
Phonies all look alike to me.
I don’t want to be…… a Sick Hall Ranger
I don’t want to be…… a Blue Falcon
I don’t want to be…… a AWOL Ranger
Did I miss anything ? ? ? ?
BHWHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to correct an earlier comment that I made on Jowers’ total elapsed time in service.
I originally calculated it as 1 year, 6 months and 19 days.
After seeing the Record of Assignments page and subtracting the 95 days of “bad/lost” time that occurred from 890408 – 890712, his actual good time in service is: 1 year, 3 months and 14 days.
By my calculations, I spent more time in chow lines than Jowls spent in the Army.
My BDUs have more time in the spin cycles than he had time in the Army.
I still have socks, OD, wool with more days in the field than he had days of service.
Kind of sad, really.
Welp, he did surpass the Gunga Dan line.
Good chance I’ve spent more time shitting out MREs and Otis Spunkmeyer blueberry muffins than Jowls spent in the Army.
I was issued boots and BDU Uniforms in Basic that put more time in service than Jowers did. Hell, the brown drawers they issued me lasted longer than he did!
As a Deputy Sheriff of 16 years and a REAL Navy Chief Petty Officer of 22 years I am sad that Callahan County is going through this. Rich Jowers and Foley are amongst the less than one percent of the profession that misfit the leo uniform. I call on all citizens of Callahan County to storm the next County Commissioners meet, outgoing Sheriff’s Office, and write complaints to TCOLE demanding both Jowers and Foley certifications in law enforcement be revoked. And Rich Jowers if you reading this do the fine citizens of your county a favor and resign.
Well said!
I will just leave this here:

February 27, 2020 POSTPONED (paste) American Legion Post 423 Cross Plains Texas ***ATTENTION ALL*** As many of you are aware we had invited both of the sheriff candidates to speak to the Legionaries as well as the community on the 27th of February. Since I announced that event, some things have come to light. There was dishonesty by both candidates regarding their military service. We as a Veteran Service Organization can not be a party to such shenanigans. We take these claims very seriously since it brings dishonor, and cheapens the accomplishments of our veterans who served with integrity, loyalty, and selflessness. As the Commander of this Post I take these accusations seriously, and over the weekend I spent quite some time making phone calls, writing emails, and researching these candidates to independently check out their stories. My findings were not near as complete as the sleuths on the websites mentioned on the local news, but I came to the same conclusions. Lies were told, and they had sullied their name. I wish each citizen and Legionnaire will move past this debacle, and begin the healing process to find the right person for the job. The appropriate law enforcement agencies will deal with the individuals, that is not our job as citizens. All of us need to respect each other, and now is the time to apologize if you were ugly to your neighbor. We must remain faithful to each other, and learn from this mess. Forgive so that we may heal. Post 423 will welcome any candidate from any party, running for any office, to bring the people into the process of government. Until we have a viable candidate for the sheriff’s office I am postponing the speaking engagement on the 27th. I can not have a candidate speak who so willingly brings disgrace to our proud veteran community. Any questions should be submitted through messenger. I will answer any and all questions in regards to any upcoming candidate speaking at the post. Final thing. Please respect our position as being non political, we serve the veterans, and the… Read more »
Wow! I take it that ol’ Ricky Jowers done got hisself disinvited.
That’s the first arrow he’s taken from the veteran community.
I thought he was going to come and clear up all questions. I guess they decided they didn’t want to hear any more lies.
Thanks for sharing this.
Supposedly, Ricky was unavailable on that date anyway due to his impending “surgery.” I think he is scheduled to have a TAH combat boot removed from his ass.
BOTH Leroy Foley AND Rick Jowers are disinvited.
NEW CANDIDATES are encouraged to contact AL Post 423.
Speaking for myself, I say KUDOS to you and your post for saying and doing so, Commander Bowers.
Thanks for sharing that, marinedad61!
You’re welcome, guys.
Thumbs up and salute to
AL Post 423 Commander Jim Bowers,
who responded to unwanted posts and comments
on the AL Post 423 Auxiliary’s Facebook page,
by adding the requirement to bring Form DD-214
to the February 27 speaking engagement,
and then permitting posts and comments on the AL Post 423 page.
I agree with the accolades for the AL Post Commander.
Many here (including me) have been very critical of AL and VFW leadership when they tolerated or ignored stolen valor so it is only appropriate that we recognize and and applaud a post commander that upholds the integrity of the organization.
I can only hope this post is as careful with who they let become a member.
This AL post commander has enough horse sense to not want to get caught in the middle of this shitshow from Hell. Hopefully soon enough, there will be new, viable write-in candidates who can appear at this forum sometime in the future…
Quick recap of The Foley & Jowers Shit-Show comment (both MP and TAH) count:
1,078 and counting.
Split in half, both are hereby awarded the Basic Phony Badge, with additional awards designated by Fecal Smear Clusters looming in their near futures./smile
Both should be awarded the Legion De Penis (with hairy nut sack cluster) for the shitshow they created.
How about the Brown Star Medal with cowpie cluster?