A Potential Solution to the Problem of the Badge

| July 19, 2018

Having reviewed all the complaints and angst-ridden responses to the possibilities of having to change the EIB/CIB designations from Infantryman to something else, it is safe to say that there is a solution to this problem.

Instead of the term “Infantryman” being changed to “Infantryperson” or “Infantrytroop”, or some such other birdbrained, braindead, confoundedly idiotic notions, to make it equally applicable to all participants who qualify, the suffix –man can be changed to hominid.

To use this term requires nothing but a slight understanding of science.

While modern humans are, indeed, referred to as Humans, the correct scientific name is Homo sapiens. However, in today’s insufferable, smothering, and painfully politically correct environment of spoken and written terms, one cannot use the scientifically correct term ‘Homo’ as it may be mistakenly misconstrued to be an insult to gay people and those occupying all those extra sexes.

Therefore, the term Infantryhomo could definitely draw ire and noisily angry rebuttal from both sides of the Fence of Sexuality. And of course, one cannot use Infantryhetero because it indicates that the badge earned is only applicable to those not involved in or occupying the LGBTGSGQXRT hemisphere.

I gave this problem a good deal of consideration and thought over a PB&J sandwich last night, while my cat was begging me for some bacon crumbles after a prolonged stalk and mousekil,l and came up with a possible solution.

The simplest and most direct way to solve this problem is presented by Science, through the application of –hominid to Infantry, resulting in Infantryhominid.

I believe that this is completely neutral terminology.

Now, mind you, this will be sufficient as long as we consider ourselves to be alone in the Universe. However, when we find other species who want to join with us Earthpeople in chasing down and eliminating the Bad Guys, we may have to revise that suffix again to accommodate the needs and desires of those other alien species.

If they’re essentially Hominid in type, which is to say bipedal, upright, and manually ambidexterous, then it’s not an issue and won’t require another change of vocabulary for a while.

But if we discover some 6-limbed, 4-legged cavalry types (centaurs) who can gallop, leap an obstacle with ease, carry a rider with a weapon, and also carry a weapon and shoot the Enemy, are we going to exclude them from the Infantry application of the badge? I think not. On the other hand, they might prefer a Cav/Infantry or Heavy Horse specialty designation, plus a personal groom.

Will it matter if they walk, slide or ooze, as long as they can hold, aim and shoot a weapon? It should not.

After all, if you were a sentient slime mold that can absorb and dispose of an entire platoon of the Bad Guys and still manifest good table manners in the mess hall while you’re at it, wouldn’t you want to have that acknowledged by your wearing of the Infantry badge?

I believe that the term Infantry, which is plainly a specialty in warfare now, has been so well into the distant past, and will be so for centuries to come, should continue to have a specialty designation, regardless of the species, physical structure, or personal orientation of the Troop who is wearing it.

Hence the suggestion of the use of Infantryhominid .

That oughta make the snot-nosed little SJWs writhe in agony.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit, Satire

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Works for me!



How about just “Infantry”


I was thinking the same, but Ex was on a roll.


What about Infantrist?


“There are a dozen different ways of delivering destruction in impersonal wholesale, via ships or missiles of one sort or another, catastrophes so widespread, so unselective that the war is over because that nation or planet has ceased to exist. What we do is entirely different. We make war as personal as a punch in the nose. We can be selective, applying precisely the required amount of pressure at the specified point at a designated time. We’ve never been told to go down and kill or capture all left-handed redheads in a particular area, but if they tell us to, we can. We will.”

Narrator “Johnny” Rico in “Starship Troopers” by Robert A. Heinlein


On the bounce!!!

Dave Hardin

Just go with Grunt or Gruntress maybe Gruntette. If they are unsure which way to identify then go with Gruntlet.

Of course Grunt like Shitbird is gender neutral. Stop sniffing your laundry piles do something domestic today.

Don’t leave dishes in the sink.


I like your old but new designations for infantry types. We could even incorporate these terms into special ranks for the infantry such as “Gruntlet First Class” (GFC), using your non-cisgender term.


Those are excellent applications of the concept.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

Sargrunt… LMFAO!

I think I remember some troops using this in my presences… “YES, First Sargrunt!”

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

Sargrunt… LMFAO!

I think I remember some troops using this in my presence… “YES, First Sargrunt!”


E-6 type, 1 ea

I think they should just make the EIB and EMB available as online only courses. May as well through Ranger School and SF Q-course in as well.

E-6 type, 1 ea

*throw* not through

MI Ranger

E-6 Type, that is what I have been advocating for a long time. In order to ensure the lack of sleep means of stressing an individual is applied before an exam for Ranger School assessments, a Soldier is required to preform at least one 24hr shift of CQ or Staff Duty and have the Staff Duty NCOIC or OIC sign off on the exam. I am sure some students might get over, by having a cot pulled up behind the desk, but with modern technology this can be confirmed (or just install a punch clock that they have to check in with every hour on rounds!
I got my Tab at the PX just $2.75…how much was yours?


#SpaceForce can figure this out.



What does the good Centurion say about this perplexing issue? I imagine, back when he was on active duty, expanding imperial territory, a CIB (of sorts) was awarded when Legionnaire Yeffus-Buffer-Floorus plopped down the head of some poor native on the orderly room table.

Since I would have been a very junior Decurion and happy to just not fall off my horse, I think the Centurion’s opinion is very important.


“….Legionnaire Yeffus-Buffer-Floorus…”

*Like* 👍

Needs to go into the TAH History Book for future Wanna-Be Floor Buffers..


I second that emotion!


I’m triggered AF!
On Infantryhomo: it’s only appropriate to bear that title in the field below 20*, but once back in garrison only awkward silence and averted eyes.


You see, Ex, there ain’t no stigma, cuz NOTHING HAPPENED!!!


oops my caps lock was on and i am too lazy to retype everything,. Sorry!


That is derisive term often used by non-SF types to refer to Army Special Forces soldiers.



I remember the Red Dust bacteria, it smelled like VICTORY.


NO, it will remain INFANTRYMAN, and not change; just as MIDSHIPMAN did not change when girls were admitted to the Naval Academy.


(Yeah, I said “girls” just to get a rise out of you, Ex!)


Don’t forget the King of Battle, the Cannon Cockers!

I mean Artilleryman…

Uh..I meant “Artilleryhominid”.

So…for noun purposes, Airman are now “Airhominid”..Seaman, “Seahominid”, can’t yell “Man Overboard!” but rather, “Hominid Overboard!”

For verbs, no longer “man the ships”, but “hominid the ships”…

We won’t have a troop “manifest”- it will be a troop “hominidfest”..

And a woman is now a “Wohominid”…

Course, Bradley, I mean Chelsea Manning can now be called Chelsea Hominiding…

Gonna miss saying “Manboobs” and “Manbun”, cuz it should now be known as “Hominidboobs” and “Hominidbuns”. And a Hall & Oates song “She’s a Maneater”.. (“Hominideate”). Or how do you feed a hungry Hominid? With a Hominidwich!

Guess it’s time for FBI to get with the times and start using “Hominidhunt” when searching for criminals..

Man, I messed that up. I mean, Hominid, I messed that up.


Like what you wrote. Point well taken…👏👏


Looking forward in reading your next Dissertation, Ex! STILL remember the one you did for Lars…classic!


Yeah, I’m dying. You have quite the way with words. A real wordsman. Err…..wordsperson? Wordsmith! Yes… wordsmith.

I can’t get enough every time.


^ See! This is what happens when the Troops get bored.
(Secretly impressed)


Well, it IS Summer and I HAD to come up with some ideas for my paper “What I Did on my Summer Vacation..”


(Apologies to Cheech & Chong)



Dave? is that you, Dave?


Thanks for ending this, rgr1480..😁



“Dave’s not here.” (smile)

Doc Savage

Combat Simian.


Be sure the Chimp’s owners are aware of Phony Navy SEAL Bob McGray Words of Wisdom:

“You cannot use an AK-47 for hunting. If you do, you will tear the meat up and you will not be able to use or eat the meat”.



I don’t want to know what he means by “using” the meat as opposed to eating it.


I don’t wanna know as well, AW1Ed! *shudder*


Jimmy Kimmel says he would prefer a chimpanzee as president instead of Trump.


Kimmel is a staunch bulwark against sexist Trump. Except for the Man Show part…

Trampolines, anyone? Bueller? OK, girls on trampolines. Not really NSFW in my mind, but in an excess of caution, be advised.


No wonder home owners insurance won’t allow them.


OK, Ape-AK-47-funny, then after its over a short film – “Remembering The Fallen” You have to watch this – it is heart breaking – makes you think.



charles w

Xir yes xir!


“Airgrunt” just doesn’t have a pleasant ring to it. Neither does “Airhominid, “Airhomo,” or “Airhumonid.” “Airman” is a rank, not a gender, but everybody knows that except people whose opinions don’t matter.

/overstating the obvious


Hack Stone may be dismayed considering his mentor, Alfred E. Newman, may soon grace the cover of MAD Magazine as Alfred E. Newhominid…


jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)



(Insert branch/primary job here)-Soldier, NCO, Officer.

Examples – Infantry-Soldier
Directionally Challenged-Officer


I like this. All of this! : )


Can’t say this suggestion by the author surprises me.

After all, the Navy did at one time have a rank called “Boy One”. Navy/former Navy personnel are used to using . . . “interesting” names for everything. (smile)


My vote is for “Knuckledragger of Doom.”




A comment I made the other day so I’m going to repost

Go CAV and all of this can be avoided
Now if you like high school drama
Go 88M or if you like drama on Meth
Try 42A



“Navy/former Navy personnel are used to using . . . “interesting” names for everything. (smile)”

88M or 42A?

Mmmm-kay, Hondo. Whatever you say. Time to splice the main brace, I’ll be back.


88M is motor transport operator
42A is admin or office monkey
19D Is cav scout
Basically all the MOSs I’ve been
Minus 42A I was thrown in operations
My last trip to the box
For me it was tons of flying
Sweeping problems under the rug
And wall to wall SIRs and AGARs
And being a fill in for someone’s nightly
Intel report and once a week if I was around command briefings
And babysitting lost souls
The above was a complete pain in the ass


I know that this is a radical idea, but how ’bout asking the actual women in the infantry? Like, “hey, do you care if you’re called an infantryman”? I am willing to bet that the majority are going to say, “I am too busy to care about that.” Maybe they /do/ care, but I strongly suspect (and am willing to bet you a case of your reasonably-priced adult beverage) that no one is asking them.


The word “Woman” contains the word “Man”.


That is why the “woke” Lesbianese like to call themselves “wymin” so the word doesn’t include the hated “man” letters.




Perhaps you should run this past John Ringo.

MSG Eric

With all the different genders being identified these days, I’d prefer to go with my own identification.

When any one asks my gender, I’ll tell them. “I’m a fire truck”. So, I’ll be an Infantry Fire Truck.

I use to go with Meat Popsicle, but that’s too popularized and used too often. Plus, it has meat frozen into a phallic shape, so too much like man.

Since I’m a Fire Truck, it also means I can park where ever I want and drive as fast as I want through traffic. Boom.