Don’t lecture me
The days are gone when I tolerate lectures on gun control. We’ve been told that the country expects us to have a discussion about gun control, but mostly my side is expected to sit down and listen while we’re insulted and subjected to lies by people who don’t know the difference between stocks and flash suppressors. Now they drag children into this so-called discussion. The adults don’t know what they’re talking about, but we’re supposed to listen to children who, last week, we were lecturing about the dangers of eating laundry detergent.
A father of one of last week’s victims, Andrew Pollack, was himself victimized in the media when he showed up at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School wearing a Trump 2020 T-shirt. While he went through the grief process, goobers on the Left beat him up for his politics. He’ll get it again because he went to talk to the President and told the President that his focus should be on protecting students rather than get embroiled in the politics of gun control.
Colton Haab, an 18-year-old survivor of the shooting said that he refused to take part in CNN’s town hall-style program because CNN producers rejected his planned remarks that didn’t focus on more gun control;
“Colton wrote questions about school safety, suggested using veterans as armed school security guards but claims CNN wanted him to ask a scripted question instead so he decided not to go,” Stanwood reported.
“CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being all scripted,” Haab said. “I don’t think that it’s going get anything accomplished. It’s not gonna ask the true questions that all the parents and teachers and students have.”
CNN denies that account, but Michelle Malkin reminds us of CNN’s record of deceit in their “Town hall” programs.
The media is focused like a laser on banning so-called assault rifles, a product that they can’t even define. There were tons of failures going back years which caused the shootings last week and we still don’t even have answers to simple questions like “How does someone who has been forbidden to come on school grounds with even a backpack get a long gun in the hallways without someone noticing?” Yet, we’re going to listen to children about policy decisions. Beyond the frightful appearance of the guns, what characteristics should we ban and still remain true to the Second Amendment?
There are hundreds of things that will make students safer in their schools that are easier than trying to ram gun control down our throats.
Every sissy who ever fired a gun uses that experience to tell me to get rid of my scary black rifles – shut up, you’re coming off as a bunch of fear mongering pansies with your “The Time for Civilians to Own AR-15s Is Over” bullshit. You have your right to an opinion, but I have a right to call you a pansy, too. In fact, it’s time for journalists to be required to background checks and psyche profiles before they write. Don’t like me imposing on your Constitutional Rights? Well, now you know how I feel.
We’re not being told the entire truth about the events of last week, yet, I’m being lectured on gun control in nebulous, knee jerk platitudes. No, I won’t sit still while students lecture me. And the NRA can stop calling me – three times they’ve shook their tin cup at me since noon yesterday.
And, oh, a preemptive “F*** you” to Mountain Climbing Colorado Joe who has been haunting gun control posts all week.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
I have noticed that Nicholas Cruz is not blamed or even criticized for his nefarious actions. The anti-gun crowd leap-frogged him to attack the NRA and millions of law-abiding gun owners.
That’s it no attention to the criminal, not attention to authorities screwing up, just BWWAA BAN GUNS BY GAWD!!!
My post from below:
Michael Ramirez political cartoon, “The Assault Weapon”:
The Broward County School District adopted a new policy back in 2013. It’s another feel-good, do-nothing policy, when it comes to kids acting like assholes in school. A couple of quotes from the article:
“In Florida, one of the nation’s largest school districts has overhauled its discipline policies with a single purpose in mind — to reduce the number of children going into the juvenile justice system”.
“It’s a move away from so-called “zero tolerance” policies that require schools to refer even minor misdemeanors to the police. Critics call it a “school to prison pipeline.”
“Civil rights and education activists say the policy can be a model for the nation”. Yeah, those “civil rights and education activists” are wrong, yet again.
Remove any beverages before reading the article.
Kinda makes you wonder why they want to create a nation of feral youth.
You know, a Red Guard. Leader-Juveniles. Random fear and terror from which the Elite can save us all.
It is always the same when some horrible gun crime with multiple deaths occurs. The lamestream media doesn’t seem very critical of the slack jawed cretin who perpetrated multiple felonies when he committed his murder and mayhem. According to the LSM, the inanimate firearm is the real culprit. They are always screaming government needs to disarm law-abiding citizens; yet none of them ever call for enforcing existing laws, including the death penalty. Why not urge that this craptard pull rope by the end of next month. That solution would absolutely preclude him from ever harming anyone again. A very public hanging might even have some deterrent effect.
Well said. I think the father spoke well about it being two different issues, gun control and school security.
It isn’t a “gun control” or “school security” issue.
It is a morality and law enforcement issue.
Every one of these jackwagons are known to LE and definitely known to parents, counselors, teachers and fellow students.
40 years ago we just never considered murdering other students or co-workers. It was wrong, and we just don’t do those things.
Enter the “nothing is anyone’s fault” intersectionality and here we are.
Ret_25X…You made a good point that brought some things to mind. The “nothing is anyone’s fault” mentality, also goes hand in hand with: 1. “Everyone’s opinion is worthwhile because their relative perspectives are equally valid”. Regardless if they are 16 years old or 6 or 65. Informed, misinformed, educated or uneducated, in general or to the subject at hand. Can’t read more than at a 6nd grade level or comprehend this ill-written run on sentence of mine or even speak English. 2. It also includes “every one of you is a winner!”. There are NO losers EVER. No one is better, more skilled or accomplished than anyone else. It is again, a matter of personal relative perspective. How you see yourself is far more important and valid than how your community sees you, teachers or law enforcement see you, or how you legitimately compare to others. Johnny worked his ass off and won first place in the school track competition in 6 events. But you Jack, even though you rarely practiced, were usually late and eventually showed up for but did not compete in any event, are just as much a winner as Johnny and your “I showed up” trophy is just as tall and shiny as his. 3. “You are all equally smart, in your own right”. Taught and drilled in to them as though it were an innate or inalienable fact of life. Even if they were socially promoted through school and left with a diploma less worthwhile than a role of ass wipe. No one repeats a grade as was common in my day. The social stigma of “flunking” 5th grade and repeating it to learn it thoroughly, is far more dreadful than actually learning the subject matter. So the cascade effect of failure begins. 4. From these and so many similar wrong headed yet accepted notions, comes your point. You are not responsible for yourself or your actions. Are you black? Then slavery in general and white people specifically, are your reasons to have a lifelong chip on your shoulder. Only eased by government handouts through… Read more »
You are so right. Everyone gets a trophy! Meaningless to under-achievers and diminishes the prize / award of those who earned it. How about me getting a raise although I don’t show up on time, don’t do half my work, drag my butt around with my droopy pants, but you not only did the work, but helped others, presented yourself neatly, and flushed? We all see the necessity of discipline, rules and orderly conduct. I believe teachers are so afraid.. I was.. of some of the students they can hardly turn their backs on,(and school boards can understand why,) there is very little teaching/ learning in some public schools. What a tragic waste of resources and what a disgrace that so many excellent educators feel endangered every day in a lawless environment. We have failed our mission. What do you all think can / should / will be done to improve the situation?
I’m pretty confused why the FBI isn’t being brought up more often. I know its a fine line to say they didnt do enough vs when they do too much and start arresting people on suspicion and we get upset about that. But what more can we do if processes are in place that just dont get followed?
Follow the goddamn processes, that’s what. By their own admission, the tip met all of their criteria for requiring further investigation and surveillance, but was ignored.
Every agent involved in that criminal negligence should go down as accessories to seventeen murders.
They/re too busy politicking over Watergate 2016 to do their job.
So, it would seem. More’s the pity …
Well put, one thing to add, I AM the NRA!
Seeing the kids at the front of this is yet one more example of parents/adults advocating their responsibility; the end result of the Dr. Spock/it takes a village bullshit.
Some people just needed their assets beaten more when they were kids.
Final thought: compare the number of people of all ages murdered by AR-15’s in the last year to the number of kids under 18 dead from herion/opioid overdoses. GFY, CNN.
And Joe? Before you do, don’t. Just fucking don’t.
Whoa, just did a quick google and drug overdoses last year were 59-65k. Gun deaths were 15k. I think we’d save more lives outlawing opioids
But.. but.. Most overdoses are caused by substances that are already outlawed in this country.
Hmmm. Wait a minute- It almost seems as if some people don’t care if things are illegal or outlawed! Like – they will find a way to break the law, acquire the stuff, and do it anyway! F*ck.
I’m starting to think that there might be a lesson that can be applied from all this, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
“Laws for the Lawful”
Just pass one more, and we finally get the crooks to comply!! Magic!!
Progtards all live in the world of “magical thinking,” a parallel universe where if they just have enough total control of people it will be utopia (for them). And where the dissenters can just FOAD.
Again, look at the conditions:
–Murder by long guns (all ages)
–Overdose by opioid (under 18 only)
My point stands. Kids are ODing and dropping like flies. Add in the 18-25 crowd and it’s enough to make your blood boil.
NH had nearly 500 opioid deaths last year alone, in a state of 1.3 million. The entire US (325 million) had fewer than 400 deaths as a result of long gun murders, which includes Las Vegas.
Anger? Fucking A. But guns aren’t the problem.
NHSparky- I live in NH, too. My niece died of an OD a year or so ago. So did a nephew a few years prior, and a friend I grew up with. Last month, a former co-worker.
If they put half as much effort into Opioid addiction as they do talking about scary black guns, maybe at least one of them would still be with us. But no. Some person dying alone on the street doesn’t quite have the visual impact a SBG, so it won’t fill up those re-election coffers or significantly impact advertising revenue and viewership.
FOR THE CHILDREN!!! (or something)…
Yeah, the same ones that cry “for the children” are the same ones that celebrate wholesale genocide with abortion. Irony is lost on them.
Liberals are constantly trying to weaponize government and use it to undermine The Bill of Rights.
Not because they have a good factual argument. Because they say so.
That’s more dangerous than any firearm.
You want to talk about preventing violence in our schools? Put down your fucking hyperbole, political agitprop, pre scripted talking points and contra intellectual, unlawful “solutions”.
Then we’ll talk. Until then, eat a bag of dicks.
And another special shout out to that cock gobbler Jason Crow in Colorado who supports all this bullshit because “He knows about guns”. I’m sure the 82nd and 75th are so proud of him back down on the ranch.
Tyranny solves everything for ’em.
Jonn; Yesterday morning, I mentioned the same thing that I heard on WFTL 850AM down here in Florida but only a blurb about it so when I commented, I had second thoughts about if I heard it right. Your post confirms it.
Anyone using their 1st Amendment rights on the internet to tell me the 2nd Amendment only covers muskets because the AR was not invented yet. Get off your computer and write me a letter with a quill pen, then have it delivered to my house by some guy on a horse and then, and only then, can we start the discussion of why you are wrong.
2A “arms” means common individual infantry weapons the individual folk who’d comprise the militia would own.
If that’s so, Anonymous, the writers of that amendment must have been stupid, right? I mean they could have written, “to keep and bear arms only of the kind that a foot soldier would carry” or similar words. They weren’t stupid and they didn’t qualify the right.
I think he may mean that we -cant- restrict based on “military” characteristics.
When you consider that a significant number of cannon used by our forces in the 1775-1777 time frame were privately funded and owned, even the “crew served” exception seems incorrect.
A whole bunch of cannon were privately owned and supplied to US forces in the War of 1812, at the battle of New Orleans, primarily by Jean Lafitte he so supplied quite a bit of power and shoulder arms, s well as highly skilled gunners for the cannon.
Oh, okay. If I misunderstood, I apologize, Anonymous.
11-B, so I can add the reference(s) to my arsenal of facts, can you provide them, please?
I really need this to help in a discussion I am having on another venue.
Are you -really- asking me to provide links to Jean Lafitte and the Battle of New Orleans?
Do some reading. Think of it as a homework assignment.
No, silly boy. But some reference to a hardcopy resource would certainly be appreciated.
I know you read it somewhere, and I doubt you not, but the books I have in the Graybeard Family Library (several hundred volumes) do not contain that information.
(OK, cut out the Louis L’amores and the Tom Clancy’s and the like, and we may be down to 200, but still…)
See below. The snark was excessive.
This helps you a little.
This one references Lafitte proving skilled artillerists, flints, and powder. (Scroll way down). Jackson was horribly undersupplied. The flints an power were critical supplies.
Thank you!
Read Kilmeade’s book about Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans. He details Lafitte’s involvement in the battle and his actions beforehand to support our forces against the British.
Thank you!
Haven’t read Kilmeade’s book, but recently finished “Patriotic Fire” by Winston Groom. His account of the Battle of New Orleans seemed well researched.
OK. The snark was excessive.
Keep in mind that a whole bunch of my education and reading pre-sales “links”. I learned about private arms in early US history back in the eighties.
Lafitte was a pirate. He was also an American patriot. He de gunned his fleet to bring men, powder, guns, and small arms to Jackson to use. His men were skilled artillerymen, for obvious reasons.
It was perfectly legal to own cannon. They just cost obscene amounts of money.
Lots of online stuff on New Orleans. But what I cited is from books and in-person conversations with history experts. Decades ago
But with very little effort, you will find Lafitte.
Washington started his command with less than nine rounds per man. Per a history channel show, he was struck speechless for a day by that revelation. Private sources armed the Patriots for much of the war, because congress was broke and cheap. France helped, but at the beginning it was private/locals that provided powder and shot.
Lots of reading to do.
That’s ok, 11B. I’ve not been on my game either.
I did my education back in the dark ages as well. Books are my preferred sources. I’ll dig into the others as well.
Hope your evening goes well.
One of my favorite was Rebecca Stillwell’s use of her father’s cannon at Beesley Point in 1777 to drive off a raiding party that had dropped anchor. New Jersey women suffered many predations during this period. A young Linda Grant DePauw wrote a pamphlet on the subject during the Bicentennial.
Instead of packing modern weapons with modern cartridges, citizens should keep stores of black powder and ball bearings in their homes?
Libs didn’t think that one through, either.
In the book “Scalia’s Court”, the author wrote about this:
“The argument that the Framer’s intended that ‘arms’ meant those only in existence during the 18th century are protected is frivolous. We do not interpret the Constitution that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communication and the Fourth applies to modern forms of search, the Second extends to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time”.
You really can stop a conversation pretty fast by pointing out to one of “those” people that if that is the standard they want to use, hand over the i-whatevers because they were not available as a means of communication then either.
Yep. Beyond that, the firearms used in the 18th century (militia, private citizens, etc) we’re, at the time, military grade. Sure they were muskets. Some we’re better than others, but generally they were even matched on the battlefield. Of course, those same 18th century “military style” firearms we’re also used to hunt. The principles nearly parallel, but not a discussion progressives want to hear.
The rifle was superior in hit power (assuming similar caliber) and much superior in range, but far slower in loading, generally could not take a bayonet unless made for military use, and fouled out of servicability in just a handful of shots.
It wasn’t until the invention of the “Minnie ball” (slightly undersized and expanded upon firing to fit the bore) that rifles matched the rate of fire of muskets.
Many folks had “fowling pieces”, smoothbore muskets meant for birdshot, buckshot, or ball. They were the most common, being cheaper to make and not requiring closely matched projectiles.
Rifles were definitely a prestige item, useful, often decorative, and a reliable store of value.
Hmm. Sounds familiar….
Sounds VERY familiar.
Yep, search “buck and ball” to see the wicked loads used back then, through the civil war.
Yeah, tell them they can only communicate via moveable typeface printing presses and quill pen written letters.
Yep. Using the same argument, the 10th amendment would only pertain to the 13 original colonies. They are weak idiots.
There are outlets (e.g. Dixie Gun Works) where one may procure a fully functional reproduction Civil War era cannon.
Just think what one of those things loaded with grape shot would do to an antifa demonstration.
” … one of those things loaded with grape shot … ”
Aye, give ’em a whiff o’ grape …
Gatling guns are also available. Google “gatling gun for sale” and take a look. They don’t come cheap.
I used to know a fellow with replica of the 1863 cap-n-ball version. (Separate cartridge sized chambers with cap, powder, and .50 round ball, fed through the feed chute on top)
He would bring it to the local Cowboy Action Shooting match, and we would use it in one stage. “Crank off at least four shots, and say ‘how bout them apples’. At the beep, stand up from the gun and use the pistols to engage….”
-lots- of fun…
Reproduction and original muzzle loading cannons have been privately owned and used in Rev War and Civil War re-enactments for over 40 years. Even breech loaders, like the Confederate Whitworth, are legal to own and shoot.
Blame the homicide bomber and not the explosives, blame the homicide truck driver and not the truck, blame the knifer and not the knife, BLAME THE GUN AND ALL GUN OWNERS BUT NOT THE SHOOTER.
We’ve had 50+ years of commie-libs telling people that morality is up to them (moral relativism) and that you aren’t responsible for your actions (always someone else’s fault you are having a rough go of things). Add to that the rejection of God and the making fun of people of faith. *
Then you have people doing evil things or behaving badly.
This is hardly a surprise to anyone who has lamented and fought this progressive progression. Of course the solution that is posited by those who have helped in large measure to create the culture causing this mess is to push for more of their agenda. I’m hoping the pendulum swings against this liberal craziness sooner than later. I have faith that it will, but there’s not a moment to spare.
*I didn’t mention the mess that Feminism has created, but that would make this rant just too darn long.
You know that the March 17-18 gun show up at the Palm Beach County Fairgrounds are going to have entry lines going into the parking lots after the hysterical emotional tirades. Same thing happened when DER obama was elected and the lines ran into the parking lots. Took me like 15 min. or more to get in.
Trump has been rather good for the economy. Do you suppose he dropped some throwaway BS about bump stocks, etc, just to re-invigorate the gun trade?
It’s not the US Constitution’s fault that so many are abusing the 1st Amendment.
I feel your pain Jonn. This gets more frustrating each time. They love to pimp the vets when it suits them but now they are pimping children far beyond the pale.
And God forbid the deranged lunatic shooter spent even a day in uniform. They throw us all under the bus and talk ill of the military. Cause it turns sweet kids who only want to pay for college into cold blooded killers with a hair trigger.
I have hit peak apathy on this subject. The responses have become so cliche, you could literally record the speeches and posturing and refer back to them on YouTube every time some evil shitstain decides to pull the pin on crazy. while I hurt for the victims, I honestly don’t care about the emotional appeals any longer. I’m done.
I’m with you on that Claymore. I gave up years ago. I’m thinking of printing a poster, paraphrased from one popular during the VN era: ‘What if they had a mass shooting and no one came?’
Ever notice how totalitarian movements exploit impressionable and hysterical children to further their evil?
Mao’s Red Guard
Radicalized. Indoctrinated. Weaponized. Youth.
Both used to facilitate tyranny, eventually mass murder.
– Antifa.
– The Occupy movement.
– BLM.
– Students marching/demonstrating (violently) against __________.
– Etc., etc., etc.
It’s all the same, with the same intended result. Socialist/Communist totalitarianism.
And the youths who are involved actually believe that they will have a seat in the Politburo when the blood-letting ends.
History teaches otherwise.
Useful idiots.
-lethal- useful idiots.
Saul Alinsky wrote the play-by-play and the progs are following it to a tee.
They must not be teaching history any more.
I get so pissed seeing these lefties flying Soviet flags at these “peaceful” protests. Do they not know what the USSR was? Lots of immigrants from eastern bloc countries around. Not hard to find one who’ll tell you how terrible it was. It was less than 30 years ago the wall fell. That’s a single generation and they think communism is great again.
“That’s a single generation and they think communism is great again.” gonna disagree here Mason, the left never stopped thinking communism was great… why do you think they’ve made McCartyism into a slur, instead of the praise that it should be… because he as right in almost all of his accusations, and most of those where politicians, celebs, etc on the left.
There will never be a shortage of useful idiots! Communism only killed 150+ million people in the 20th Century and we still have hordes of moonbat proglodytes who want to give it just one more chance.
Same lineup in every event like this.
“Okay turn to the left. Face forward. Now turn to the right”.
“Do you recognize anyone?”
“Absolutely!!! It’s every one of those cocksuckers!”
I’ll say it again here. From my son who teaches at an “at risk” HS with my daughter. 3 shootings within 1 block of the HS since Jan, 3 kids arrested at school with guns since the start of the school year. No shootings, maybe 4 fights. This school is 2 miles from where my kids grew up. It’s where I grew up. BTW, no firearms in the house. Plenty of antique style weapons though.
OK, USAF E-5, I’m sorry but I’ve read this several times and I am missing the point you are trying to make.
Can you clarify for me?
I’m guessing that he is saying he is not apathetic.
Maybe so. I’m a bit woozy still from the anesthesia this a.m. and the loss of sleep last night. (Woke up at every little noise the grandkids made to check that they were ok)
…so I may just not be on the top of my game today.
Gun grabbers claim that we “lead the world” in mass shootings. In per capita numbers, we’re far, far from the top, not even top five, coming in behind Norway. Why do pet capita numbers matter more than raw numbers for our enormous population of 330 million people? Because if all men (and women) are created equal, as we believe, then the percentage of batshit psychos and murderous assholes should be roughly the same across the board. So despite a similar percentage of such individuals in our population, and easy access to firearms, these things happen less often in gun-loving America than in disarmed Eurosocialist states. They say that guns are not defensive weapons, citing only the number of fatal self-defense shootings as being lower than murders. Despite the FBI tracking defensive gun use as fatal defensive shootings, nonfatal defensive shootings, and incidents where the assailant turned tail when they found their would-be victim to be armed. Per the FBI’s figures, these numbers run into the millions annually. Mass shooters blatantly target official “gun-free” zones, and those who have been arrested alive have admitted that they chose their targets specifically for the fact that nobody would be able to shoot back. They call the AR-15 a “weapon of war” without any comprehension of the real mechanical differences between a civilian AR-15 and a military M16/M4. They make outlandish claims about “features” that are purely cosmetic in function. They cry about the supposed lethality of components they can’t even identify. They claim that there have been 18 school shootings since January 1, 2018. To reach this number, they include—but don’t admit—suicides committed in school parking lots in the middle of the night, a negligent discharge by a cop, unrelated shootings that happened near a school bus stop nowhere near the school itself, incidents involving nonlethal BB guns, and instances where a shot was reportedly *heard* from school grounds. They claim that armed citizens are simply a romantic notion in terms of national defense, ignoring the well-documented history of successful guerrilla warfare by untrained armed civilians and irregulars worldwide—the very same thing they… Read more »
Whoa there, Nelly! Just had an epiphany concerning owning those “weapons of war.”
It’s been decades since the left gave us the “War on Poverty,” then a “War on Drugs,” and along the way, several other wars. Just realized that I am not properly armed to fight any of them! Gonna start shopping immediately for better fire power to address all these “Wars.” It’s my duty as a citizen, right??
Apples and oranges, by only looking at defensive gun -shootings-, not defensive gun -uses-.
The anti’s do not count a “defensive” use unless they hit, some only count kills. It hugely skews the numbers, especially since on the -other- side, they will count a cop no-injury AD and hoods “brandishing” as “gun violence”. And some even double-count, putting -defensive- shootings on the -violence- side. They have been caught red-handed putting dead terrorists on the “violence” list when killed by cops.
The moral high ground is a great place to site your artillery. Alas, the left is shooting blanks.
FWIW, the left has confused the swamp with the high ground, and have so situated their blank-shooting artillery.
Although, according to reports, the pervert Harvey Weinstein kept supplies of condoms all over the place (even in his cars) so he may not be shooting blanks.
A victim is a victim. Their political affiliation and who they vote for is irrelevant. It doesn’t lessen or change their status compared to other victims one iota. Anyone who uses a victim’s personal views as an excuse to further their own political agenda is just plain pond scum.
This is more than past bullshit.
1. Where did an orphan get the money to buy an AR-15?? The magazines and bullets??
2. WTF is the county sheriff thinking by having his qualified deputies at schools carry rifles? Can they not hit anything with a pistol?
3. Everyone blames the FBI who is too busy chasing terrorists and Russian hackers. School authorities have a responsibility here as do those who reported to the FBI. They all act as if that was the only law enforcement agency available to them. Have you ever tried to report crime to the FBI? I have and had more success herding cats.
He was set to inherit about 800K in a few years-windfall from a malpractice suit involving his father’s death. Presumably he had some money from the sale of the family home after his mother died of cancer. The prosecution is asking for the trust to have to pay for his defense up front, or place a lien on the fund.
The school absolutely has the sole responsibility for the safety of everyone on school property. Outside, inside, in the parking lot, in the bathroom, in the gym, in the classroom. Everybody, every where, all the time. Ask any of them how many lawsuit settlements they have paid out for injuries on school grounds.
Too many schools are deliberately, willfully, and intentionally shirking their responsibility to provide and maintain safety from harm on/in school property.
“Sure, for your safety we banned dodge ball and tag, but when it comes to a shooter coming in here to kill you, well, best of luck. You’re on your own.”
They are desperate to lock out dangerous -ideas-, not people.
To them the kids are expendable. The -narrative- is -not-
I’ll leave this here…
Good article!
The Left wants the guns. The left wants all guns, except for those in the hands of the government. Janet Reno, who correctly predicted that Donald Trump would not be president in her lifetime, actually admitted that the end game is to get the guns out of your hands and mine. That’s something the Left is usually not willing to admit. All other discussions regarding rest
Yup; shack.
“Only the police and the military should have guns.”
Conservative Deplorables of the American proletariat, welcome to East Germany redux.
It’s a well known fact that Armed Citizens will NOT herd themselves into boxcars.
That’s a gem, API.
I have a brilliant idea, API!
How about if we give them tickets to a nice train ride, tell them where to pick up the train, and if they refuse to get into the box cars, herd THEM into them?
We could use firehoses instead of guns, especially effective if it’s cold, really, really cold….
I mentioned Andrew Pollack here last week. That’s a result of the collectivization of grief. Liberal dorks on Twitter moan that he enabled his daughter’s murder and that they feel sorry for his daughter but not for him.
Well, what the fuck is it to you? You have no right to his pain. You don’t get to monopolize his pain and bleat about it on the internet because he voted the wrong way and you’re a bien pensant.
In short, if you didn’t lose someone at MSD, you should shut the hell up about it. But no! Some people in this country so ardently believe in collective grief that they will act as if they are hurting more than a man who just lost his daughter, all due to unconnected political preferences. I hope there’s enough room in Hell for those types.
Ask these people to name one service member who Fell in Afghanistan or Iraq. Just one. The answer will either be a blank stare or a “What’s his name, that ex-NFL player…” but they still won’t get the name.
CPT11A, you have a great point, “the collectivization of grief.” Following this is the “righteous anger” directed (at our rights, and at us) by the same collectivists.
Thanks, bg.
I started thinking about this last year when I was in grad school with an SJFF (Social Justice Fat Fuck) who kept talking about how she felt so bad for “Alton” (Sterling), the cigarette hustler/convict who died resisting police.
Oh, were y’all friends? Of course not. You’re getting a master’s degree at the priciest private school in the state, and if you saw Alton Sterling on the street, you’d waddle your ass to the other side, race be damned. I actually know people who died in the wars but I don’t name drop them constantly, so please STFU about some dickhead you don’t even know.
Conservatives really don’t talk about this concept enough, but in my perception, stealing other people’s pain and making it about you is a central tenet of social justice bullshit specifically, and leftism more generally. Collectivization of grief should be ridiculed everywhere it occurs.
That’s exactly how the anti-war Left used IVAW. It’s how MoveOn uses VoteVets. They just need someone to wear the T-shirts in the front row.
“All other discussions regarding rest….” I decided the rest wasn’t worth writing, I guess.
And that a lot of his discussion seems forced by the media and libs to take place at the federal level kills me. It seems to me the states and municipalities have primary law making and enforcement powers. Florida and Broward County can be (and should have been) focused on school safety. In my view, schools are damn near the most valuable asset a community has and should be prioritized as such. Gun-free zone policies, mental health care, school grounds target hardening, armed teachers, extra professional security etc. are almost entirely local matters. And this national bump stock and “assault rifle” “discussion” is simply an irrelevant distraction.
You are 100% correct.
Absolutely. Most of the “discussion” is at least irrelevant, if not counterproductive.
Some Deadspin Dork is ranting on Twitter about gun owners being cowards. Not that I care what a Twitter Commando thinks, but how is it cowardly that if my home is invaded (something that I don’t live in fear of as it is incredibly unlikely, but for which I AM PREPARED), I am going to pick up a gun and fight my way to my children’s rooms and defend them with my life if necessary? Especially when the unarmed alternative is to cower in the dark and call the cops, hoping that my children do the same?
I am self-reliant. I handle my protection, and my family’s protection. A coward who is terrified of guns relies on the police. Not me.
(It’s also funny because these “gun owners are cowards” types try to act tough on Twitter, suggesting that if confronted with danger, they’d whip out the kung fu and handle it like MEN! Because Barry Petchesky totally looks like the type who will beat a bad man’s ass like that. Sure.)
I keep a gun for the same reason I keep a fire extinguisher and a well-stocked first-aid kit handy.
I am not planning, or wanting, to need any of the above. But if the situation arises I wish to be prepared to save another life.
Exactly. Same reason I have homeowners insurance. My plan is to avoid using it or the fire extinguisher. (Can’t seem to avoid using the first aid kit but prefer to minimize its use.)
Exactly. Preparation is not fear.
I keep a chambered 1911 in my glove department. Do I want to use it? No. Do I really believe that I’ll be forced to use it? No. But should the day come, am I ready to use it? You bet.
Same with fire extinguishers, first aid kits, seat belt cutters, flashlights, etc. These are tools I have to be prepared, not because I am constantly worried that I’m going to crash into a lake and drown because my seatbelt got stuck.
My dad asked me a while back if I was really going to shoot someone who broke into my house. I said, “What would you prefer, knowing that your son and his family died terribly or violently because he couldn’t or wouldn’t stand up for himself, or that once, your son had to do something ugly but he and his family will still be present, healthy and happy, at all of the family reunions?”
He hasn’t asked about my preparations since.
Excellent response to your father. Respectful, but clearly laying out the options.
I grew up in a nice neighborhood, but knowing that my father the WWII combat veteran kept a pistol at hand, and was willing to use it to protect my mother and their children. It was not fear – and the threat level was really low at the time – but he had seen enough in his growing up to know that evil is real, evil people are all around, and preparation was only wise.
Spot on about evil. Which is exactly why I’m going to shoot an intruder, center mass, multiple times, no questions asked. I’m not curious as to whether you want to rape my wife and slit my throat, or just dismount my TV and sell it for meth money. You picked the wrong house and your ride is now over.
I don’t have to worry about having that conversation with my dad- it tends to be more him giving me grief for carrying tactical Tupperware versus a 1911, and for having a weapon-mounted light on my home defense AR.
Lucky you. I love my dad, and he served his country honorably, but Donald Trump did to his political sensibility what a dump truck would do to three midgets riding a tricycle.
-Willing slaves- sure get mouthy around free folks….
If gun owners are cowards, then anyone who gets the flu shot is a coward. I fear no invisible virus.
The left just keeps running on feelings and not rational, logical thought.
“And, oh, a preemptive “F*** you” to Mountain Climbing Colorado Joe who has been haunting gun control posts all week.”
Jonn, I think that there many of us are in agreement on Joe, the Boulder Bigot and his leftardism.
I’m shocked I have read this far and not seen his drivel. But just in case, I’d like to add mine…
Fuck you, Joe, and anybody that looks like you.
I’d add “and anybody that sounds like you.”
I should have written it that way, but alas, my blood was up a bit.
And the horse he rode in.
And since we suspect you’re reading this, Joe – this link’s for you:
(Link is likely NSFW or around clergy, prudes, or small children.)
Is anything you share SFW and clergy, prudes, or small children?
Yeah, it saddens me that Joe resides in the same state i do.. though Boulder is generally considered it’s own country (the Peoples Republik of Boulder)… unfortunately, the cancer has spread to Denver, Pueblo, and some other parts of the state..
The strategy I and some of my friends are employing is simple.
Present the facts. Be respectful, but when they make a claim make them follow it up with facts.
I had a couple of ladies say “other countries don’t have this problem” or “non-Christian countries don’t have this problem” and I challenged them to name the countries. They didn’t, so I suggested Syria, Iraq, Venezuela, Nigeria, the Sudan, Mexico, and China.
The response was “f*ck you, I’m done with this” from the Moms Demand Action advocate, and a simple “I don’t have time for this” from the other one.
Any impartial reader of the thread can see the difference – so score one for the good guys, I hope.
And I am the NRA.
(although I don’t throw that in their faces)
“non-Christian countries don’t have this problem”
Holy hell, that’s incredible ignorance. I always get the feeling that a lot of Americans, usually the young, are totally convinced that every country has rights, courts, police, and laws like ours. They get their world view from TV and have never been anywhere or even talked to people who have escaped these shitholes.
That made me laugh Mason. Apparently they have never been to Muslim weddings and parties, where AK-47 fire is the order of the day.
Gun control is a very outdated concept in the age of the internet and 3D printing ect.
You cannot suppress knowledge.
Even if the lefty gun grabbing manginas manage to outlaw all guns, do you REALLY think that millions of Americans will just give them up?? ‘from my cold, dead hands’ come to mind.
Someone should remind the libtards that “having a gun behind every blade of grass” was what dissuaded Japan from even contemplating a mainland invasion or incursion.
Hell, i will say it, America is a nation founded and created by the gun. Sure took care of those pesky Brits! 😉
While I definitely believe that there are leftist politicians taking advantage of horrible events like the one in Parkland in order to further the democrat agenda, I also believe that many of the citizens who have been recorded decrying lack of action on gun control are motivated by emotion borne of innocent firearm ignorance. You just can’t talk sense to people who have never fired or owned a firearm; they honestly believe that they know all they need to make a judgement. Unfortunately,these are the same people who scoff at the idea that the same government that gives them so much “free stuff” would ever move to take away rights like free speech or lawful search and seizure. I believe there is where the problem lies. The reduction in family values and percentage of children born to wed couples has caused a similar plummet in the number of voters who can make a decision or hold a debate on the topic from a position of knowledge and logic. As a new reader here, I believe that contributors are capable of doing this very thing.
So, I am motivated to make sure that my legislative representatives know how I feel. It’s the most important thing I can do keep this decision from being dominated by otherwise well meaning people with emotion, ignorance and the press on their side! This is a great medium for debate but won’t help anything unless you do, too.
When my son was very young, he invited schoolmate over to play at our house. The kid’s mother called and wanted to know if there were any guns in the house because, if so, her little monster could not come to play with my little monster. Not wanting to explain to mine why the play day would be canceled, I lied.
What? You didn’t take the opportunity to say
“My kids dont play with Fascists’ spawn. Call me when you or the kid at least own a BB gun.”
“Better guns than sanctimonious pissantery”
I am not helping, am I…..
It was a cartoon-like conversation with me saying one thing and little thought bubbles spelling out what I was really thinking.
Did you cross your fingers when you said it? That makes it okay…
I crossed my legs and squashed my nuts. That was my punishment.
My son the Minecraft/computer nut has as his most prominent hanging on his bedroom wall the target he and I shot up with his BB gun, where he had more bullseyes than me.
Every time I go home my daughter pesters me to go shooting HER pink 10/22.
Go figure.
Is it lying if you are talking to an irrational creature?
You’re a bunch of macroaggressionists! I just pissed myself and it’s all you big meanies fault! Boo Hoo!!!
I only wish little Gershie CUNTzman would show his ass on a TAH thread. He won’t, though. I still find it hilarious that he kept asking for my phone number.
I wet myself again! You beast! Wahhhh!
Get wet enough and ID SARC will come for a visit.
I ahve been called all sorts of things in the past and present. The latest one is, Murderer, you have blood on your hands! You will have to turn in your guns. My answer is a simple No. This confuses them, the answer is usually, Well you have too. Again, no I don’t.
I have decided not to play their game. As many of you have been through, you cannot discuss Gun Control with a Liberal. Their idea of a discussion is they lecture and you agree or you are worse than Hitler (why not Stalin or Mao or Pol Pot?). So I take the minimalist approach. I will also ask them, Why don’t you try and take my guns? The answer is usually, a sputter and then The Police or Military will. My response, Do you want a Civil War? Because that is how you get a Civil War!
So, in conclusion, they are showing cracks. There are not 92.8 % of the people in this country that want Gun Control as Commisar Markey of the DPRM has said. CNN is being caught coaching the students for their “Town Hall” meetings. Support GOA and the NRA, call your Congress Critters and if they don’t follow what you want, we need to vote them out. I am not going quietly or neatly. Screw you Communist, Globalist Bastards.
Yep, being “reasonable” doesn’t work with 2nd Amendment discussions. I got caught with my pants down by the 94 ban…was overseas at the time and hadn’t really prepared for “consequences.” I had a few decent hi capacity capable firearms but way too few magazines. When I returned from overseas I had to scrounge through all the expensive and often junky post ban hi capacity magazines available on the market. I’m still pissed about that. Whatever the intentions and political realities of that fucked up law, it helped politically “radicalize” me…and libs in Congress want to bring it back, and then some…
I got the “blood on your hands” boiler-plate insult as well.
Didn’t have the heart to tell the libtard that yes, from the goats, chickens and rabbits I’ve butchered for the table.
Although that would have been fun.
Blood on my hands? What, like I was refreshing the Liberty tree or something?
…radical… /sarc
I’m starting to think that our perfumed rulers will sell us back up the river to stay in their positions of power, you know, for our own good.
I won’t be the first to take to Arms, but I won’t be the last. Bet.
I simply ask if they will be the first through the door to confiscate my guns. I then confront them with their cowardice when they say that it will be the police or military. It’s obvious the lack the courage of their convictions.
You have to understand that they don’t know what it means to do anything responsible themselves. It all has to be done by someone else, in this case, the police or military. They couldn’t possibly do it themselves. They have had that thing called “initiative” squelched out of them.
Their mindset is so blighted that if the river two miles away floods up to their driveway, they don’t prep for it by putting out sandbags that they loaded. They wait for someone to bring the loaded sandbags to them. Then they wonder why they’re stranded.
If this shooting had happened at my high school, circa the early 60’s, all parents and the local and state papers would have been out for blood. The blood of the criminal and few if any words would have been said about guns AT ALL. Because in that era, people still took responsibility and had the common sense to know that a kid dying of a gun shot was no more or less tragic than from an automobile accident.
Shows how we’ve changed. Even remembering Charles Whitman, there was no outcry about weapons, but about him and his motives.
God help this country if these liberal, scared shitless of their own shadow, all emotion and no thought process, Hillary and Soros loving panty waists get much more traction than they have.
The best thing I have going for me is that I know, they have no courage and great fear of everything from guns to lead paint and non organic food, so facing them doing should the time come, will be an easy matter.
The Gun Control Act of 1968 was largely in response to Charles Whitman and Lee Harvey Oswald albeit years later after emotions settled. The Act plugged holes like mail-order guns.
I remember those magazine ads for the Italian Carcano with Mannlicher stock.
I think they were less than twenty bucks
shipped parcel post!
I remember the Sears & Roebucks catalogues where you could get rifles through the mail.
I still have a Wards Westernfield.
J. C. Higgins shotgun from Sears & Roebuck.
I have one, an old single shot, that used to belong to my grandfather.
Every WW2 Carcano I have shot leaves much to be desired.
Pre and WW1 era Carcanos are another story. Excellent fit finish and potential accuracy.(for a rifle never designed for Spitzers anyway)
26Limabeans, remember those Popular Science/Mechanix illustrated magazines with those .22 cal. lugers for sale plus the barrel plugged Chauchat machine guns for sale. Macy’s had Lee enfields for sale in those square bins for I think 12-20 bucks back in the 50’s.
I would have been in milsurp heaven…
Im sure those plugged Chaushats were as effective as the live ’06 models!
I remember the under water cannon fuse ad in Popular Science.
Through the mail of course.
It was easier to buy a gun back then, and yet mass shootings were a rarity. How can this be? Maybe simple things like responsibility and respect for human life. I know, I know, I’m old-fashioned.
A shared Judeo-Christian worldview – even though many were neither.
How about teaching kids responsibility and initiative early on, making them do chores to earn an allowance – stuff like that, which is what we did?
That’s all gone now, although there may be pockets of it still around. I’ve seen articles describing the millennials as 14-15 year-olds living in 20 year-old bodies, a sure sign that their emotional and intellectual growth has been stunted badly.
I’ve seen enough of it during the past two years, showing up in those ridiculous riots and public tantrums. It would not be particularly difficult to steer them away from that kind of thing into something more constructive, but their lack of initiative is what will doom them to mere existence.
We actually had a riot in my high school. It was perpetrated by outsiders who literally infiltrated the school. No guns, but broken glass bottles were used as weapons. The police officer assigned to the school with the help of teachers who responded quickly to the noise stopped it before it went too far.
Point being that had the bad guys been intent upon killing people instead of simple creating a disturbance, dozens would have been killed. Since this occurred back in the dark ages, immediate security protocols were implemented so that everyone felt safe n school. These new measures were obvious to all.
Banning guns to prevent mass killings would be like trying to ban lighters and matches to prevent pyromania/arson.
If someone is intent on death and destruction, they will find the tools.
They should be looking to improving mental health-care (and public reporting) for a solution.
Ok, let’s look at this from another angle. They blame Trump and conservatives? Really? What did they do about “gun control” from 2009-2011, when they had the House, Senate, and Presidency? I asked a leftist that and she said “they were cowards”. Nice try, but you can’t blame the right for something that could have been taken care of, to your satisfaction, while your leftists were in control. You can’t blame Trump for something Obama could/should have done when he had the support of Congress.
I was contacted by my congresscritters about the need for “more gun control” yesterday. So I replied to each of them asking for a SPECIFIC law they’re proposing that would prevent another school shooting.
Still waiting for an answer.
Michael Ramirez political cartoon, “The Assault Weapon”:
No shit!!!
Reminds me of that old saw, “There is no such as a dangerous weapon. There are only dangerous men.”
That would be, ” … no such THING as a …”
Thank you John! You put down in words exactly the anger I was feeling. So well written. I shared it on my Facebook wall.
Sorry! It autocorrected Jonn.
In this country Town Halls once were organized by citizens to air their grievances and seek community consensus.
Now, Town Halls are orchestrated by the press to influence outcomes of political hot topics and feed misinformation to those citizens who are most vulnerable and incapable of thinking for themselves.
But, what do I know …
In Vermont they have Townhall Day where everyone in the State takes off from work and gather to discuss issues of the day.
This morning on WFTL 850AM, Florida had Bill Adams guest who is a shit head liberal Lawyer emotionaly charged and hysterical saying since we have the 2A then why we can’t buy rocket launchers, and other weapons of war and then brought up the use of flint locks back during the Revolutionary War. I forgot some of the other stuff he blathered, and Bill Adams took it in like water being absorbed into a sponge. I don’t think any of these conservative radio show hosts have a F…in clue about why the 2A was put in and or firearm terms and nomenclature.
Find the Howie Carr Show 3PM eastern.
Coming on right now.
Local station or on line. WGAM is one.
The guy is hoot.
Guns will be spoken.
WGAN not the other one. Portland Maine.
Sorry for any harm done.
Thanks. I just tuned in and bookmarked his program.
26Limabeans; Just got in 5 min. of Howie Carr show but have to get taxes done now.
Late to the party as usual but here is a nifty article for all those fucking idiots that use good ol’ Oz as an example of what America should do:
All you gun grabbers can piss off, proper. Bloody fucking poofters.
Great article MrFace! Thank you.
[…] De-Westernized Western Civilization, Non-Swedish Swedish Heritage This Ain’t Hell: Don’t Lecture Me, also, Attention On Deck! Listen Up! Victory Girls: Hateful Teen Vogue Columnist Tells Billy Graham […]
Ban guns, gun control, blah, blah, blah.
I guess this current bunch of twits has forgotten that Prohibition didn’t do anything to sales of alcohol except increase the use of it, the production of homemade booze, and those secret clubs called speakeasies.
From Prohibition,we also got Al Capone’s introduction for us to organized crime, blackmailing business owners, and more corruption than I can shake a stick at.
Prohibition didn’t work. Banning guns, gun control – that won’t work, either.
I said in my own angry way yesterday that what is needed is people doing the job of enforcing the rules already on the books. I’ll keep repeating that until the Cuntzmans and scatterbrained overgrown children stop whining for someone to DO SOMETHING. Something HAS already been done, and done repeatedly, and yet these wackos somehow find a chance to walk wide of those rules already in place, and make the lives of us law-abiding citizens a living hell.
We have to listen to the chattering magpies squawking in the trees. So let’s squawk back. The rules are already in place, plenty of them. They aren’t being enforced.
So when are the laws already in place going to be enforced?
I’ll be over here in my corner waiting breathlessly for an answer. Hot popcorn, lots of butter.
It could be argued that Prohibition, and the resulting corruption of the Chicago Political Machine which continues unabated, is what led in part to the prior (D) administration of ol’ whats-his-face.
Unless you are young, Black and living in a city, or you are intent on committing suicide, the odds are overwhelming against your being killed in a shooting. The Left (and CDC) like to combine all of the many variables into homicide stats to give the greatest number they can. It helps their cause to do so. Homicides that are excused or justified (in other words, ones that are not illegal) are included. The same is true of suicides, which account for most of the annual deaths by shooting. If you would like to look at numbers from a gun-grabber org that is cloaked in research and evidence-based practices that supports what I just wrote, go here:
I stopped debating a while back. Arguing with a liberal or anti-guntard is like arguing with a drunk.
There’s almost zero chance you will get them to use objective reasoning.
So. I will follow the supreme law of the land; The Constitution.
I will follow the tenets of my faith and morals.
Fuck everything else.
I am by no means alone.
“Oh, shut up you, you God fearing, bible touting, gun loving, Nazi Racist … and bartender, pour another dry apple martini for me a my third wife and turn on CNN so I can get some news”, said the enlightened drunken liberal.
You’ve been listening in on my brother, haven’t you?????
Here-Here Master Chief! Damned well put.
Also: homotransphobic misogynist xenophobe Creationist anti-abortion zealot Global Warming denier corporate lacky imperialist Fascist old white guy.
Did I win the Liberal BINGO card?
I refilled my blotters with the blood of my enemies.
No. You are not alone.
Exactly E4. The gun grabbers have staked out their position and will not listen to anything from our side. We have compromised over and over, but it’s never enough for them.
When not if a large disaster strikes like a Katrina, massive earthquake or maybe a solar flare that knocks out electricity, do they really think there will still be social order and that people will follow the law? Who will they call when a gang of thieves is breaking down their door? Don’t call me, I’ll be busy defending my own family.
Kindly compare the actions of the residents of New Orleans during Katrina with the actions of the Cajuns and Texans to Harvey.
I will grant, however, that post-Katrina the residents of Louisiana and Texas have first-hand experience with the effectiveness of FEMA – or the lack thereof – so the magnitude of the response may be a factor of the knowledge of the magnitude of the ineptness of a federal agency.
Oh, and I think some post-Harvey pillagers got plugged as well.
(I should add that some of the refugees from NO that moved to Texas have adapted the self-sufficiency needed to be emancipated from Federal control.)
So, Graybeard, are you saying that I’d be better off in Texas, even if it means living in the bowels of west Texas, if the SHTF, than up here in the Great Frozen North?
I’m not so sure. The deer are fatter up north of my state line than they are down there, and besides, we have trees to turn into log homes. 🙂
But seriously, is the assumption that some kind of Federalista something-or-other will come into play, when no one in this country (including Southern slaves who escaped to the North) has ever really been a serf or peasant, as it was in Europe and Russia?
I think there is a broad misconception that we’re all just a bunch of dumb stump-sucking dopes who kowtow to the “elites” (who really aren’t, they just have more cash than they should), when in fact, we view most of them with great disdain.
5 of my gun owning co-workers were verbally slapping a millennial student assistant.
I sat back and stoked the fire here and there.
The student asked what would people do if the SHTF or the rule of law collapsed. Would they really use their guns and rebel or kill people?
I said, “In the words of Neegan, half your shit is mine.”
“You would really do that?”
“Yes. Because when it come down to paste eaters like you that lead to the demise of society, I will feed my family and you can continue to eat paste. And unlike Neegan, I will take all of your shit. Because you won’t be able to stop me.”
I wouldn’t take even 1% of the millenial’s shit, E4MFL, because none of it would work or be worth a sack of dry beans if things really fell apart.
That bunch of saps have never learned to be self-sufficient. We just went through an EMP from the Sun last week. Anyone notice it? Yeah, me neither. The Sun is in a solar minimum and we may be facing a prolonged period of dormancy, which may in turn lead into another Little Ice Age.
Dependency on modern technology can/may go right out the window when these twinkies are stupid enough to think that the power never goes out, or that they can dress for summer weather in a blizzard, or that public transportation is completely reliable in really, truly bad weather, when you and I both know it isn’t, and that all the food comes from the store, which will quickly run out in a disaster.
I doubt that any of them even know how to make a pot of soup from a can of beans and some Spam. They are dependent on Others for everything.
So there are reports that the School Resource Officer assigned to Parkland has resigned after it was revealed that he did nothing while the shooter was killing students. Apparently he “took up a position” outside of the building and didn’t enter. Tell me again, why we should trust our safety to clowns like this?
Broad brush is exactly what the leftists do. Just because one (1) SRO didn’t act courageously doesn’t mean there aren’t many officers that would and do. I extend to you an invitation to apply to your nearest police department so you can show all of us how it should be done.
I see your point and should have made my point better. However, the officer in question did not do his job. I was not trying to paint all cops with a broad brush, but this guy really dropped the ball. In addition, this was known for days, yet the Sheriff decided to sit on this so he could grandstand on CNN last night.
Agreed, that SRO was probably a problem child that got assigned to schools because he couldn’t hack street patrol.
A short story if you will. Pre-Columbine it was standard procedure as a street officer to respond to an active shooter incident by setting up a perimeter and waiting for SWAT and the rest of the troops. After Columbine it changed. As soon as you had 2 or 3 other officers, you moved towards the gunfire. We trained this way at an old school with numerous classrooms and hiding places. Every single time we did these scenarios at least 1-2 of us would get shot by the bad guy. Every time, no matter how we gamed it because he could hide and hear us coming. A few years later we had a call of possible gunfire coming from a elementary school out in the sticks. The two officers that were in the area did not wait, they cleared the school. It turned out to be dove hunters nearby, but those officers didn’t know that at the time. That my friend is courage. I know plenty of officers that would do the same thing, most of us have kids and would readily take a bullet to save children.
Actually, the story that is coming out is that this deputy was older, hence the retirement. He was placed on suspension and was under investigation, so he put in his papers is what the news stories are saying.
Here’s a link:,amp.html
All these anti-gun zombie sock puppets are fugly crockadillapig cronk double-bagging eye broccoli manster shovel face 2 O’Clock 3 drink minimum beauty queen bugly having a face fit for radio.
Not to mention a stupid 404 error brained 1 watt light bulb in a disco globe with dirty mirrors chowder head shitiot muppet minded pinheaded paste eating lead based life form.
ChipNASA: I move that we add these to the Mountain Of Insults.
Sorry ladies from Hades, but Firearms Control is useless. Better to increase the use of the 72 hour psych hold mechanism frequently and in circumstances which hold than when an individual’s mental stability is in doubt, use the 72 hour psych hold, no matter the age of the person. I believe that persons who are consistently mentally stable and have demonstrated that stability for a minimum of six months continuously and beyond should be allowed to own and possess firearms. However, if a person needs to have mental health treatment, temporary confiscation of firearms for six months until the individual is stable is reasonable. However, if a commitment is required, then the person, after the commitment is fulfilled, should demonstrate mental stability for about two years after the commitment is fully done before getting permission to have firearms again. Those who cannot demonstrate consistently that they are responsible enough to handle firearms should be permanently disqualified.
Thanks Jon for your common sense post.
Tucker just had a great guest on talking about the left’s theory that “Toxic Masculinity” maybe the root cause of such incidents. Both Tucker and the guest know better, because in almost every case, there was no real father/man to put a boot up the shooters ass.
Thus the shooters were hardly men, just murderers.
His previous guest was just saying buzzwords and he cut the segment. Anti 2nd amendment people are fucking disingenuous loons. They are the insane minority regardless of how loud and obnoxious they are. The Supreme Court needs to get off its ass already and put a stop to all of the asinine infringements states are getting away with too. I mean in California you can’t even have a detachable magazine any longer and you have to literally disassemble the firearm to reload it. That sure sounds da like infringement if you can’t operate the firearm as I rented without taking it apart first. I can’t stand these anti civil rights bozos.