Weekend open thread

| May 26, 2017

May 26, 2017

Bearing the Load

In Bangladesh, a worker in a brickyard carries stacks of bricks out from the kiln. The nation is growing rapidly, and the need for construction materials is constant.

Photograph By Apu Jaman

Category: Open thread

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Have GREAT MEMORIAL DAY weekend everyone!!

God bless all those who have served and do serve, thank you!!

Wilted Willy

Well done Sir! You have earned the mantle of respect for the WOT First! May your camels have 3 humps! I was busy looking at houses, so I could not abuse my F5 key all afternoon! BZ to all who served and please remember why we have Memorial Day! God rest in Peace all who have passed!


This ain’t first, but you can see it from here!


I am waiting for my accolades…


Now you only have to do it 2 more Fridays in a row to Tie my Record.


If I am not mistaken, any WOT on a holiday weekend is valued at FIVE times the normal rate. So therefore…

Neaner, neaner, neaner!

Nothing personal, just business.


We’ll start calling you ET… Eddie Torrez, the Extra-Testicle!

Congrats for being a member of the WOT Club!


Oh shut up…
You sound like one of them damn showoff Airborne troopers…


I humbly and respectfully pass the WOT First Crown and Sceptre to terrorologist on this day Friday 26 May 2017.

(genuflects in the direction of terrorologist)

Well done, good sir.



This is what life is worth living for 🙂


2/17 Air Cav

Nicely done. “First!” is the way it is done best. I do have a question, though. Why do you want marmalade?




(Technically, second.) Nice job terrorologist 🙂


You’re very welcome!

I have new battle scar from hitting the “refresh” button, but I’ll soldier on.




4th bitches.


I believe that is MR., No, I mean DR. Bitches to you.


PhD Bitches? Piled higher and Deeper?


Sounds like someone is aspiring to be a pimp.


The chicken is in the pot.

— I say again —

The chicken is in the pot.


1928 Presidential Campaign Slogans:

A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage Herbert Hoover


‘Hoobert Heever.’


I remember hearing this on bloopers as a kid.

2/17 Air Cav

Herbert Hoover is ts a code name. If you don’t know what it means, please refrain from using it.


Don’t forget Hubert Horatio Hornblower!


You mean Hubert Horatio Humphrey (another Jimmeh gaffe).. Hornblower’s name was just Horatio Hornblower. Damn, I’m dating myself again.


Yup, I was referring to Jimmy Carter’s famous foul-up. Here you go – just after the 3-minute mark –



Thanks for the time hack btw


Present, BYTCHES!!!!

Commissioner Wretched

Damn. A staff meeting. And that makes me 16th.

I can’t win … but at least now I know who Katy Perry is. (I don’t care, but I know.)

Hack Stone

Top 20?

Dennis - not chevy

How many points do I get on my auto insurance for running over a wanna-be this weekend?


They ought to give you free insurance for a year. If you get a certain disbarred lawyer who was never a CPO in any way shape or form you may get free car insurance for life and a new ride every year.


Top Ten

And service connection for carpal tunnel from hitting refresh repeatedly.

Hack Stone

I would have posted sooner, but I got called into the office of the Vice President of the proud woman owned company that I work for. The zipper broke on his spandex leisure suit, and against my advice, he opted for the atomic burrito at Chipotle.


Attention, if anyone wants to have some fun with our current “chewtoy”, Joseph Odom, aka Joey Hayden; phony Marine is back at it in his thread or is it his “Wife”? (SOCK PUPPET!!!!!)


Bitch has the *nerve* to call me a JERK!!!!!
Can you believe that shit?!?!?!?


That puts me in good company then ChipNASA. She called me a jerk last night.


*High Five*
I’m pretty convinced that it’s Joey because the language “Wife” uses isn’t very ladylike, and I’m talking about psychological choices of words and phrases, not manners.


I have to agree with you. At first I was not quite certain, but when he started his pathetic attempt at trash-talk, he blew his cover.


Hay, I use naughty words a lot, y’know. Choice of vocabulary isn’t necessarily Female or Male oriented. What gave it away to me was that Wifey was just TOO prissy for words and then went into threats and scatty language.


OT for the WOT – Well, tell us something else new regarding Comey:


Another DC swamp creature that should be in a poundhimintheass prison…

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!


Top 30 in total quantity of posts.
I’ll check later on number of posters.



Frankie Cee

In my quest to keep his name at the top of the goooooogle selections, I want to remind any of you that haven’t yet, to please comment at the most recent post on Kyle Christopher Barwan. If you haven’t seen the post and the Sheriff’s press conference/video, try this link:
Or, go to the post from yesterday, at:
Many would write him off as “mentally affected”. I prefer to think that he is just dumb as a stump, like other family members have shown themselves to be, not motivated, and thinks that he can continue to pull this shit off and not get any actual hard time. He has done it for years, has never repaid the first dollar that he scammed, and every couple of years does a few days in jail. I really believe that he sees jail as “3 hots and a cot”, and uses his jail time as a way to tell people on the street that he has been on a “mission” during that time.
Name him, and perhaps some of his potential victims will be smart enough to google his name. Stolen Valorist Kyle Christopher Barwan, aka Kyle Reacher, aka Kyle Denton, aka Klutch Reacher, aka Klutch Denton, aka Klutch Reborn is getting more and more visible


Better late then never.


Well damn, I didn’t even make the running! So first and foremost; Thanks to you all for serving our nation.

LMAO at myself, I just deleted a whole blob of words trying to point out that one of the key research facilities of the Manhattan Project, cold war era weapons research and probably some very serious current “kill em” yesterday research takes place at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, about a mile from UC Berkeley (MapPoint it). The ultimate idea was to take a shot at the idiocy/hypocrisy demonstrated by young Americans protesting everything under the sun and upon graduation from someplace like Berkeley,trotting up the road to become atom smashers at LLNL of one of the other national laboratories.

Then I got to looking at the folks I know up the street at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory…the kind of degrees they have; they wouldn’t have the time to protest much of anything other than there are only 24 hours in a day.

Earlier this week, one of you wrote that we should have our picnics and barbeques in honor of those who are no longer here or cant be here with us right now as they are keeping us safe. Im all for that, my family has sent its children off to our wars; we have been fortunate in that with the exception of one son, all of them have come back home.

I may be out of line, but here’s to those who have protected us. This one is for all of them and all of you.


Bernasty still disbarred??


And a deadbeat dad!

Silentium Est Aureum

And a stalker. WTF is he not in jail yet?

Just An Old Dog

Bernasty has his dance calendar pretty fully. He is trying to appeal his one year sentence in VA and him and CoCKsLurPeR41 have a date in Criminal Court in KC soon, which they had to hire an attorney for.
He also got his wilted pecker slapped hard by a Judge in one of his ongoing suits because he had papers served by having them placed on a mailbox instead of in person, than tried to claim they were properly served.
The Judge told him that if he cant prove they were served properly he is tossing the entire case out.

Hack Stone

Did that mailbox have a door? Inquiring minds want to know.

Just An Old Dog

The mailbox belongs to a fine upstanding member of the community. Said member has a long driveway and its gated. The brainchild trying to serve them papers was too lazy to walk up the drive, so he decided to put the papers on the mailbox and take a photo, I dunno if it was his idea or Berdcocksniffer’s but Berdshitbreath decided to use the photo as evidence to the court that the papers were served. Pretty much NOT the way to serve someone.
As to the door to a mailbox, pretty sure its there.


Normally, you’d get the country mounties to serve those papers, wouldn’t you? You don’t do it yourself.
He tried to claim that someone who WAS served, hadn’t been, then put the signed service cover online. I guess he really is so dumb he thinks people don’t look for these things.
He owes a bunch of people a lot of money in attorneys’ fees. That airplane of his would just about cover it.

MSGT Richard Deiters USMC(Retired)

Is that Criminal Court in KC, MO or KC, KS? Is it City, County, State or Federal Court. Why, Because if I’m free that day I could attend and report back about the Hearing! It’s about 22 miles north to reach downtown KC, MO from my output on the Southern border Just outside of KC, MO.

Just An Old Dog

It’s in Mo. Not sure of the date yet.
Berdfucker and LoNgDoNgSLUrper41 were scheduled to appear a few weeks back, but Catherdrinker pulled his usual shit and stalled. He had a telephonic conference with the Judge and said he had to hire an attorney.
He’s kicking the can down the road.
He has crossed someone who pressed charges and isn’t going to let him go.


Will it compromise anything to say a little more, e.g., he physically went after someone in MO? Is there a link I can go to?

Just An Old Dog

A follower of “The Hair” who happens to be a retired Naval Aviator somehow incurred the wrath of Bernath. It was probably nothing more than making a comment on a video or blog.
Apparently he didn’t tried to use a screen name and was easy to find.
Like so many others in the past Birdcocklicker started pulling his scum bag crap,,, Nasty emails to him, his friends, family Etc. He bought his asshole buddy LoNgDongSlupPeR41 in on the fun and games.
He picked the wrong guy to go after. He grabbed a pit bull by the tail who calmly collected all the evidence Rat-beard and the falling hobo and took it to the cops.
Looks like a slam dunk just like the Va case.

A Proud Infidel®™

The Dutch Rudder Gang members continue to fuck themselves.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s like asking “Is water still wet?”, “Is fire still hot?” and “Does shit still stink?”.


This just in: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath IS STILL DISBARRED!

If anyone is interested, the reason why may be found here.

It also appears that yet another judge has decided to give DAB a well-deserved “kutomba wewe” shout-out – though this latter case also appears to be under appeal.

Yo, Danni-boi:

Too bad, so sad
Sucks to be you
Received your due
Courts said, “Screw You . . .
. . . and the horse you rode in on.”

comment image

(Note: linked image is possibly NSFW and also is not recommended around prudes, clergy, or children.)

Hope being a world-class jerk was all worth it, fella. Enjoy – especially that upcoming “all inclusive” yearlong vacation at that Virginia “Crossbar Hotel”. Along with your pending “quality time” in front of a judge in Kansas City.

Frankie Cee

Doing a year in Virginia, for Bernutless, will mean doing the full year. Does anyone think that he would commit “good behavior” while in? Hell, they’ll probably add more time, instead of giving him “good time”. I would pray for the sanity of his corrections officers. He will be the pain in the ass that they just heard about while in LEO cleasses. Poor guys.

A Proud Infidel®™

Saying that Daniel A. Bernath is still disbarred is like saying that water is still wet, fire is still hot and SHIT still stinks.


It sounds like disbarred lawyer, convict, and never-a-Chief Petty Officer (honorary or otherwise) Daniel A. Bernath is up to his armpits in muck of his own making.


Got the good news that son#1 has outdone the Old Man, and will be putting on Master Sergeant chevrons!

Proud Papa!


E-7? AF?
Good on him.


Yes to both! He joined the Air Force just before 9/11- said he’d spent enough time in the Navy already.


High Five,
Tell him, “Welcome to the Top Three”, now get ready to throw his dues to the First Sergeant.
/they used to nail us for $35 every year and occasionally $5, $10, $15 as necessary.


Congrats to your son!


Congratulations, AW1Ed, to both of you.

A Proud Infidel®™



Congrats to him!

Hack Stone

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Because his coop was 200 yards from Sisters Airport and he heard that Daniel Bernath was (temporarily) airborne.


The most useless things in aviation:
Runway behind you.
Altitude above you.
30 seconds ago.
Fuel left in the gas truck.

And a dog duct taped in the co-pilots’ seat.

Frankie Cee

Have the authorities ever determined who really owns that one, very poorly maintained, low on fuel, light sport airplane at that little airport in SW Florida? Does a disbarred attorney actually own it, or does the daughter of a pilot who really doesn’t have a good grasp on basic flight hold title to it? I have heard both claims.

Silentium Est Aureum

Depends on which court is going to rip it to pay his ever-mounting legal bills and judgments.

Aw, who am I kidding. He’ll probably never pay that shit.


According to the FAA http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=262WS

It’s owned by World Adventure Series Inc. Said company appears to have the same address as the subject in question.

Said company is registered in Wyoming. https://wyobiz.wy.gov/Business/FilingDetails.aspx?eFNum=124145091083097222150052251115194235177048008164#collapse1

When you look at the “parties” section of the business, the “President” is the subjects daughter. The “Vice President” is the subjects wife. The “Secretary” is the subject himself.

This is the same business that the subject says that he was renting a plane from when he ran out of fuel and crashed. http://www.asias.faa.gov/pls/apex/f?p=100:17:0::NO::AP_BRIEF_RPT_VAR:WPR13LA396

Hack Stone

Does Elaine Ricci figure into this conspiracy at any point?


Sadly, Elaine Ricci is still missing at this time. The search for her continues though.

hashtag freeelainericci

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean



Well, that’s changed.


“In a subsequent correspondence with the NTSB investigator-in-charge (IIC) he (pilot)listed himself as the airplane’s owner.”

Seems like he can’t make up his mind which way the wind blows….


Well, according to him, the wind doesn’t blow through his bushes. It’s actually the assassin team shaking those.

Silentium Est Aureum

54th or some such shit.

Thoughts and prayers go to my brothers and sisters who couldn’t be here today. You are not forgotten.



Silentium Est Aureum

Ode to Bernath:

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s eve?

I shall, for thou art a douche.


THIS!!! Made me literally laugh out loud.

Just An Old Dog

For those with Netflix who were curious about the movie ” War Machine” with Brad Pitt I give it a 3 out of 10.
It made the higher staffs and theater commanders look like egotistic drunken buffoons.


It appears that it fizzled completely on Netflix, meaning nobody except you watched it, Old Dog.

Playing to an audience of one curious soul….

Just An Old Dog

Remember the old Victrola Record Ad with the ONE ugly ass dog looking at it?
That was me


Yes, and bad movies like ‘War Machine’ are the reason I have a library of stuff that I know I like, such as ‘Prisoner of Zenda’.

Now THAT is a good movie. It has everything: sword fights, fighting with furniture, a beautiful damsel (Debra Kerr), a missing king (Stewart Granger X2), a truly villainous villain (James Mason), and some truly great lines.

It’s got everything.

Hack Stone

I went into the office of the Vice President of the proud woman owned business that I work for, and I said “Psaul, I have been busting my hump the last three years to make this company successful, and you have me standing on The on ramp of the beltway selling red hats to commuters. When Elaine Ricci, may she some day come home to us, signed me to this lifetime contract, she promised me seven figure income. Looking at the company website, I see that we are pulling in billions of dollars. How about throwing Hack a bone and give me a salary that will get me off food stamps?” So Psaul let me in on a secret. This weekend, he signed us up for a seminar at the Bethesda Holiday Inn that will teach us how to make millions flipping houses. The guy giving the seminar has been doing it since the 1950’s, and he has made hundreds of millions of dollars flipping houses. You may have heard of it; it is known as The Godzilla Method

A Proud Infidel®™


John Robert Mallernee

Does anyone here know anything about, “PROJECT 100,000”?

How would I find out if I was one of those who entered the United States Army under Project 100,000?

I was inducted into the United States Army during those years when Project 100,000 was implemented, and I’m one who, under normal circumstances, would never have been able to be accepted into the United States Army.

I suspect a few of my fellow soldiers may also have been in that category, due to physical disabilities (i.e., polio, et cetera).

As for me, I spent my adolescence enduring the horrors of confinement in a state mental institution, being released when I was an adult, with no education or skills.

In 1967, I was not allowed to enlist, but volunteered to be drafted, which automatically put me in the United States Army.

I spent nine years on active duty, serving in Germany, the old Republic of Viet Nam, and Korea, and was honorably discharged in 1976.

Today, I’m seventy-one years old and seventy percent service connected for injuries to my back, both legs, and effects of lengthy exposure to Agent Orange.

At this point in time, I reckon it doesn’t really matter whether or not I was part of Project 100,000.

But, I’m just sort of curious.

Hack Stone

Some serious light reading on the subject of Project 100,000.


This link has Project 100,000 as an utter failure. I would like to think that providing them the opportunity to serve would open career opportunities for them. When I entered, the draft was long over with, but we had a few people left over from the Vietnam era still hanging around, content with the ROAD program (Retired On Active Duty) coasting along as SSgt until they hit their twenty.

John Robert Mallernee

If I did enter the United States Army under the Project 100,000 program, it sure opened a lot of doors for me!

Over the years, the Army trained me in telecommunications repair, law enforcement, and reconnaissance.

I took night classes and correspondence courses for college credit, and traveled all over the world.

They even decorated me in Viet Nam, although I’m the first to admit I never deserved it.

I studied tae kwon do and learned to play guitar and piano by ear, and began composing original songs, both lyrics and melody.

After the Army, I became a police officer, firefighter, and emergency medical technician.

So, yes, the United States Army was everything for me, and without it, I don’t know what would have become of me.

Also, my chosen faith in which I am a convert, The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, was yet another major influence in keeping me on the straight and narrow.

I only hope others with similar handicaps are also blessed with such opportunities, and are able to put their past behind them to become useful, productive citizens.

Just An Old Dog

There was a book written by a Marine Veteran H. G. Duncan in the early 80s called ” Green Side Out” that was a collection of Sea Stories from his time in the Corps.
McNamara’s Project 100,000 was mentioned in it. He said that the services were forced to train some recruits that were so dumb that they could’t do anything but the most menial jobs.
Of course I’m sure there were a fair share that like yourself only needed a chance to learn and a foot in the ass when needed.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress works balls for beer money as he attempts to enunciate his garbled denial of his false military, Native American and LEO claims.


I guess I’m not ever going to be able to yell FIRST !!!
Oh well…
I got my copy of Hacksaw Ridge on Blu-Ray today so I’ll be watching it tonight.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend my friends. I’m heading to the National Cemetery in Killeen TX on Monday to stand for a PGR mission.
And yes, I have the vest, but I’m still the only US Army 9’Th Infantry Division Ski Instructor that I know of that frequents these pages !!!

A Proud Infidel®™

MEH, Top 100 AND I once again claim Honorary FIRST.


Would like to throw out birthday greetings to my twin sons. One Navy, one Army.

Born today just seven weeks short of Purdue University’s most famous graduate’s stroll across the Lunar tundra.



Simply can’t believe nobody came on here to tell me that Rick Mount never walked on the moon.


Ssg D

A video that needs to be viewed this weekend. It might get a metric fuckton of dusty in here.

MSGT Richard Deiters USMC(Retired)

Another good video is “TAKING CHANCE” it ran as an HBO original Movie. The lead is Kevin Bacon and is based on a series of article about the return of deceased Service Members.

Link to the HD version on You Tube.

MSGT Richard Deiters USMC(Retired)

disregard the link, It is NOT working as I would have wanted it to. The link does work by it requires some type of registration before you can watch the movie.


Dave Hardin

That is an outstanding movie. Watched it a while back.


Semper Fi

Just An Old Dog

It’s a gut wrencher. Kevin Bacon’s best work in my opinion.

John Robert Mallernee

I have a friend whose son is currently a Gunnery Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, who was wounded on his third deployment to Iraq, badly enough to never be sent back into combat, but not badly enough to have to leave the United States Marine Corps.

He (the Marine) says he won’t watch that movie because of the unbearable mental anguish it would cause him.

John Robert Mallernee

At the MERRIAM-WEBSTER web site, I just now solved the LOS ANGELES TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE for Saturday 27 May 2010, in seventeen minutes and ten seconds.

Can any of you match my time?

Frankie Cee

Aaah, a beautiful Saturday morning here in the Bikini State. Kyle Christopher Barwan, Stolen Valorist is slowly waking up, waiting for his jailhouse coffee, (ewww, yuck), and reminiscing about the night. A lot of pain back there, but he knows that he made his bunk buddy feel much better. When he gets transferred from the county slammer, to the state facility,he can get his “bitch tear” tattooed on his face, just under his eye. He is such a good little jailhouse bitch.


He’s probably feeling the after affects of the “prison toilet wine” that he was savoring with Mr. “Tiny” last night… before he had a cockmeat sammich!


Vermont Rolling Thunder tomorrow hoping for good riding weather. And yes bikes (Over 1000 of them), vests with patches and pins.

Silentium Est Aureum

Should be. Predicted to be low 70’s at Casa de SEA.

Given how this spring has been thus far, I’ll take it.


A uniform question for you Army types. (I’ve combed through AR 670-1 and DA Pam 670-1 to no avail.) In the Texas State Guard, most of us wear (DoD/DA authorized) Army uniforms with TXSG insignia. (We also have an Air component and a Maritime component that wear Air Force and Marine uniforms, respectively.) We are authorized to wear all our federal-service awards and decorations on our TXSG uniforms, regardless of branch (unlike federal Army). How would an Air Force specialty badge, awarded for levels of training/service in a specific AFSC (MOS), be classified (i.e. which badge group) for purposes of wear on the ASU? I don’t think it’s classified the same as an Army specialty badge (parachutist, pathfinder, Ranger, etc.), but I could be wrong.

Just An Old Dog

Its something that the TXSG should have guidance on.
They are a completely separate entity that happens to wear a uniform designed by the Army.
Not being flippant but they can, and should have their own set of regulations.


You are right, they should, but they don’t. Yet.


For now we default to the relevant Army regs along with a couple of policy statements put out by the Commanding General. (For instance, we’re not authorized to roll the sleeves of our ACUs, even though it’s authorized by “big Army”. No clue why not.)


Heavy Chevy could provide guidance on this.


Umm. . no. He is persona non grata in the TXSG.


Methinks sj was being sarcastic, E. (smile)


Lacking more specific guidance, I’d wear an AF specialty badge the way it was supposed to be worn when you earned it. Even if the base uniform is Army.


More proof that the DC swamp needs to be drained, and some jail time served by a few of the JEF’s monions:



Thanks for the link, Senior Chief. That was an interesting article. I know there will be a written report on the hearing Brennan sat through this past week. Judicial Watch may have it.

I love this part right here: “Brennan isn’t just a Democrat. He’s a radical leftist who in 1980 — during the height of the Cold War — voted for a Communist Party candidate for president.

When Brennan rants about the dangers of strongman Vladimir Putin targeting our elections and subverting our democratic process, does he not catch at least a glimpse of his own reflection?

What he and the rest of the Obama gang did has inflicted more damage on the integrity of our electoral process than anything the Russians have done.”

It’s almost like one of those ‘Spy vs. Spy’ cartoons from Mad Magazine in the 1970s.



I just spotted the squirrel outside my window, staring at me in an accusing way. She ran when she realized I saw her. Bad squirrel!


If anyone is interested in what is going on with Social Security, here’s a little info. This one discusses using the CPI-E which is specifically oriented to inflation rates that affect the elderly.


There’s also an article on the same thing for Federal retirees at another link.


Trying to remain secret, she realized her cover was blown.


And she fled in a stolen plane!

Frankie Cee

This turd raped his 9 week old grand daughter:
I have long advocated a special kind of punishment for those like this guy. The administrator of the punishment should be given a .22 revolver and a box of 50 .22 shorts. The first shot into the left foot, the second into the right foot, the third into the left hand, the fourth into the right hand, the fifth into the left ankle, and so on, being very careful not to hit any vital organs, and to not hit a major artery. Put all 50 rounds into his limbs, (including his 5th appendage), and be sure that all major joints are hit, then leave him, far enough from any homes that his wailing won’t disturb anyone. Return to the area a week or so later to see that the wildlife has been able to have a good feed .


Here’s a story giving a photo of the accused:


FWIW: apparently sexual battery on a child <12 years of age is a capital offense in Florida. Perhaps justice will indeed be delivered and this guy will get the needle.

John Robert Mallernee

What if what he did isn’t his fault?

While the crime he committed is unspeakably horrible, I hope they have medical doctors give him a thorough physical examination.

Does he have a history of committing these types of offenses?

Is this crime completely out of character for him?

If so, maybe there’s a possibility of a stroke or a brain tumor.

I personally know of a case where a brain tumor caused a very attractive, happily married mother to suddenly start having sex with every man available, including with inmates at the prison where she was employed.

When the brain tumor was removed, she returned to normal behavior.

Remember Charles Whitman, who killed all those folks in Texas?

His autopsy revealed a huge brain tumor.

I’ve also read articles which recommend that elderly men who have always been respectable, but suddenly begin acting inappropriately with grandchildren, should be examined for the possibility of a stroke.

Any injury to the brain can result in unusual and aberrant behavior.


Can’t compare those two and brain tumor thing is conjecture at this point. NO need to give this guy a built in excuse to be sick.


Gee: a local private security firm coordinating its activities with LE and worrying about their (and their client’s) reputations. Damn, that’s never happened before! It’s terrible! Stop the presses!!

Sheesh. Weak, Berkeley-boi – even by your low standards. Did you even bother to read the first para of the article you cited? Or did you just look at the misleading headline and use it based that?

Now, different subject: did the Berkeley Politburo’s doctrinal expert ever give you the approved Party answer regarding my question about Kennedy and Khrushchev? Are you still afraid to think for yourself and answer up? It’s only been nearly a month.

2/17 Air Cav

I’ll see your inexplicable link and raise:


Race Day.


And the hits just keep on coming to the “legacy” of the JEF:


Another case of “weaponizing” of the government?


Okay. So the wife unit, still recovering from hip replacement and still with a stabilizing implant in her left wrist decides to go to church this morning. Now, that’s all well and good except I am the one who helps bath her, lay out and help get her clothes on and so forth. The worst of it though was…the pierced earrings. Now I begged her to please forgo them today but NO she just had to have them. I know nothing about them and never wanted to. Being one handed she couldn’t do it. The awful task fell to me. First, I can’t hardly see the damned hole! Second, with my rather large hands and fingers, these devices are so small, I can’t get a grasp on them and thus dropped them several times. Then trying to get them in those nonexistent holes was a nightmare. She would yell, “you’re going to make a new piercing, you’re missing the hole!” I would sigh deeply and try again. You see, once my big fingers are over her ear, it is all covered from sight and I am doing it by feel alone, which is not that subtle. FINALLY, I get an earring in each ear and what come next, the even smaller still little gizmos that go on the “post”, a new term I learned. Again, going totally by feel, it was like threading a tiny needle with even tinier frayed thread, by my finger’s estimation. I pushed the damned earrings OUT again 4 times trying to get these “backs” on the post things! I finally get the earrings back in and I am at the point of going to the garage for my small welder and tacking a blob of rod on the end instead of the posts. But having no ground source except maybe her other ear lobe I thought not. Forty five, count ’em, FORTY FIVE minutes later they are on. Also, her ears were then red as a beet and looked like she went 3 rounds with the champ. She went to check them in the mirror… Read more »