Open Thread for Today

| January 17, 2017

I’m not sure what’s going on, and TSO has not heard anything, either, so if you want to just post best wishes or whatever, please do it here.


UPDATE: I have limited information about Our Glorious Leader, but when an update IS available about him and his whereabouts, either TSO or I will advise you posthaste.

UPDATE OF UPDATE: he is in a hospital in MD, and is posting on Facebook. Since I don’t do Facebook, could someone say “HI!” to him for me?  Thanks. Ex-PH2

Category: Open thread

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Wondered what was going on myself… this site usually runs like a clock.

Wilted Willy

Jonn, I pray that all is well with you and your family? Always look forward to the morning feel good stories. Hope all is well with everything?
Take care,


Oh-some idiot probably tried to “cometh” to remote West (BY GOD) Virginia last night and Jonn is still busy disposing of the evidence. He can feature himself as today’s first “feel good” story.

Thomas Huxton

Stage the scene; make it look like a plane crash


Which ran out of fuel.


Shoot, shovel, and shuttup.
Always worked on Wyoming coyotes.

John Robert Mallernee

@ SFC D :

That’s what I was told to do with any stray dogs, back when I was patrolling the Rocking G Ranch in Jensen, Utah.


Prayers for Jonn and all who are his, that God will watch over and keep them all.


Top 10teen!
Build that wall.


Hoping all is well.


My thoughts for the best go out to you and your family Jonn.


Hmm, this is rather odd. Hope everything all good, Jonn!

RGR 4-78

Jonn, hope all is well.

Green Thumb

Same here.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Here’s hoping all is good, the sudden stoppage of posts and such was unusual and unsettling…


Praying all is well with Jonn. We all know he is at risk from at least one lowlife. Hope that is not the reason for his absence. Blessings …

Silentium Est Aureum

I’ll just say said lowlife picks might do well to go quiet for a while.

A friendly suggestion to the DRG…capiche?


I found myself concerned this morning as well. It’s like getting to work and finding you forgot your pants.

Not like I have any first-hand experience with that…

Prayers for Jonn et al…

2/17 Air Cav

There is no mood among most of us for levity or even SV tales right now. Screw that “the show must go on” stuff. There is no show w/o Jonn here.



just some feller



Too damn quiet. Hope all is well.





A Proud Infidel®™

My sentiments exactly.

Pinto Nag

You said it. Feel the same here.


Can only add my best wishes to those that others have voiced. All best to Jonn and his loved ones.

Dennis - not chevy

I hope all is well.


Oh boy! Free stuff! As a godless liberal, I love free stuff!


What are you talking about, ‘Joe’?


Grossly inappropriate Joe.
But then, I repeat myself.


Yeah Joe, take your inappropriate drivel and vamoose. You’re kind is not needed or wanted here, dickweed.

A Proud Infidel®™

You NEVER fail to make a blithering idiot of yourself, Joe.

Silentium Est Aureum

Speaking of fuckers who need to eat a big bowl of STFU….



You are not supposed to drink bongwater.


Hopefully this is nothing more than a computer problem or power outage.

Semper Fidelis.


Hope all is well.

AW1 Tim

Jonn mentioned something, IIRC, on the FB page about pnuemonia, though I was so frikkin tired I may have misread that.

Regardless,best wishes and prayers that all is well at Chez Lilyea today.


Hoping all is well.


John, best wishes and prayers for you. Hope all is well with you and your family.

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!

and teeny tiny penis!


Hoping this is a small bump for Jonn


Jonn, you know you are in my prayers and my thoughts. I can’t believe I didn’t realize you were sick when we talked the other day just hours before you went to the ER. Dog gone it.

Love you to the moon and back. Hurry up and feel better.


If you have any information that you can share with the rest of Team TAH regarding this situation, we respectfully request that you please do so.



If you hear something where the TAH family can help our favorite blogmeister, let us know.


Is recon required? Depending on AO, i could go. I think i am abou 6 hours away.

Admins with access, if this is needed, use the email address i sign with.

2/17 Air Cav

We have much closer contacts, 11B, but good on you for the offer. I know that if Jonn or his family needs on-site assistance, people would be driving and flying to WV from all over the country–and Canada.

Silentium Est Aureum

Ditto. While a bit further out, work is slow and I’ll be happy to help however I can.


Joining my prayers to others.


Adding my thoughts and words to the others here at TAH. My best wishes and prayers.

The Stranger

Adding my thoughts and prayers to Jonn and his family. I was a little unsettled when I checked in throughout the morning and found the same ? occupying the topmost headline. Hope to hear a SITREP about our PSG soon.


Thoughts and prayers


Hoping all is well.


Prayers for Jonn and his family. We sure do appreciate all he does.

Toasty Coastie

Sending love and light Jonn…Please get well soon..

Prayers Up…


All my best and prayers for Jonn and his family.

Thank you Ex-PH2 for stepping up.


I’ll second what Sparks said.

Well done today, Ex-PH2. And thanks.

John Robert Mallernee

The day after tomorrow, Thursday 19 January 2016, is the 209th birthday of General Robert Edward Lee, the only cadet in the history of the United States Military Academy to graduate at the top of his class, and without ANY demerits.

I enjoy telling folks how history really does repeat itself.

The War for Southern Independence:
In the 1860’s, the North invaded the South, my ancestor fought for the South, and the South lost.

The War in Viet Nam:
In the 1960’s, the North invaded the South, I fought for the South, and the South lost.

By the way, when Robert E. Lee surrendered, he could only surrender the Army that he commanded, as he had no authority to surrender the government or any other army of the Confederate States of America.

For example, the Army of Tennessee, which my ancestor served in, continued fighting, and surrendered about a month later.

The last Confederate army to surrender was the Cherokee Nation.

As for the government of the Confederate States of America, there was no one left to surrender, as the government merely dissolved.

Thus, the proper banner to be displayed for the Confederate States of America is the Third National Confederate Flag, i.e., the “Bloodstained Banner”.

John Robert Mallernee

Those who say that it was wrong for the Southern states to secede and create a new nation are forgetting that is how our United States of America began, when the colonies seceded from England and began a new nation, and yes, they were also called “traitors” and “rebels”.


Well, if California secedes and creates a new nation I don’t think they will be called anything but good riddance.

MSG Eric

Think of how much better the federal budget will be without having to pull California’s ass out of the fire every year.

All those businesses that will move to other states and create a massive amount of jobs, etc. Plus, most of hollywood would just stay in the new people’s republic of california and be happy about not being in the US any longer. And so on, and so on.


California is one of the largest economies in the world and is a net contributor to the federal budget. Meaning it gives more than it gets. If it left the union it would be significantly richer and the US would be unsustainable poorer. Especially all the economically regressive dysfunctional net taker red states most of you are from.





As usual, no facts presented by zika-commie.


Ex, I think you meant France is world’s 6th largest economy. US 1st, China 2nd, Japan 3rd, Germany 4th, and UK 5th.


Double posted, but I think he was referring to this:


I worked at an unnamed defense contractor in Pomona for a year.
It was the palm trees, the large Asian population, the hot weather and the constant small arms fire that caused me to flee. Again.


Sorry, but the South was invaded only after the South fired on a United States installation. That was an act of war / insurrection / treason.

Again, sorry, but Robert E. Lee was not the only cadet to graduate without demerits. Charles Mason – who graduated first in his class which was the same class as Lee – did not have any demerits either. Other cadets have graduated without demerits because they were able to “walk them off” resulting in their records being expunged.

Lee and Mason appear to be the only cadets to graduate without ever having a demerit charged to them and of the two, Mason was first in his class ahead of Lee.

Sorry once again, but the Army of Tennessee’s last engagement was at Bentonville in March 19-21 of 1865. They never fought after that. The Army of Tennessee surrendered in late April of 1965 which is after Lee’s surrender, but saying they “fought on” after Lee’s surrender is somewhat of a misstatement.

John Robert Mallernee

My ancestor, Corporal Jonathan Trueblood, was at the Battle of Bentonville, North Carolina.

I don’t know whether or not he was actually in that battle, since the usual duties of his unit, a Confederate Senior Reserve unit composed of elderly men, was to guard Union prisoners of war.

But, he might have been in that battle, as he was listed as among those present when General Joseph Eggleston Johnston surrendered to General William Tecumseh Sherman.

His son, William, who is also my direct ancestor, had gone North and joined the Union Army, serving in a mounted infantry unit which saw a lot of action.

Both men survived the war, and afterwards, Jonathan Trueblood walked all the way to Illinois to be reunited with his son, and they’re both buried there.

In my biological family (i.e., I was adopted), there’s a lot of interesting stories that I could tell about England, the Quakers, North Carolina, slavery, the Underground Railroad, and the War for Southern Independence.


…..War for Southern Independence.

There was no such war. It was never called that at the time and only later when people of the South tried to rewrite history did the name come about.

Even so, funny how the “War of Southern Independence” was a fight whose main goal was to keep people in chains.

I guess it was a war for independence on only some people in the South.

John Robert Mallernee

Well, it sure didn’t fit the definition of a “Civil War”.

A civil war is when a group of citizens seek to overthrow their own government, and the Confederate States of America, a sovereign, separate nation, wanted only to be left alone, and had no intentions of overthrowing the government of the United States.

How could the firing on Fort Sumter (an attack that was provoked, by the way) be “treason”, when the South had already declared their independence and formed a separate, sovereign nation?

After all, they were only doing what the United States of America had done previously.

On 19 April 1775, when the “shot heard ’round the world” was fired at the Concord Bridge, those seventy-seven men and boys were also considered to be “traitors” and “rebels”.

On 14 June 1775, when the United States Army was formed, it would still be another year before the United States of America formally declared its independence, so they, and Congress, were considered to be committing treason.


There will always be a debate as to whether the Southern states had the legal right to the Union. The Supreme Court after the war said they did not, but that is open for discussion and I understand the point.

There was no provocation for the firing on Fort Sumter. The State of South Carolina had allowed and even demanded the protection of the fort which was built with US dollars. The South had no claim to the fort which was by any definition, US soil.

The only alleged “provocation” was that President Buchannon had left the ticking time bomb of whether to resupply the fort or not. Lincoln chose to resupply the fort and the South tried to prevent the legal access to the fort itself. The South had no legal right to the US federal property.

There are multiple differences between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. For example colonies were established by writ and without autonomy. The states in the South had voted (an expression of choice) to become a member state of the Union. There is a huge difference between being bound to a country by force and being bound by choice.

The fact of the matter is that British Colonies could not apply to be a separate nation apart from Great Britain. They had no say in the matter. The Southern States, on the other hand, had willingly made an agreement – a contract – with other states. That contract did not contain any disillusion clause whatsoever.

The other major difference of course would be that the American Revolution was a war to protect the rights of people against an oppressive regime. The Civil War, on the other hand, was a fight by the South the maintain being an oppressive regime.

Comparing the two wars to come to the conclusion they were similar is an exercise in futility and requires one to accept as fact historical fallacies.


Jonn….hope everything is going well in the homestead. Be safe, take care of yourself, and don’t be afraid to reach out if you need a hand!

Joseph Williams

Jonn, you have my concern and prayers for whatever the situation is. Joe


Cocksucker freed Manning.


It’s on Fox News Obummer is setting him lose, Bird Shit, and Hillary is next


‘Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence for leaking Army documents’

‘DEVELOPING: President Obama commuted the vast majority of former solider Chelsea Manning’s 35-year sentence for leaking Army documents, the White House announced Tuesday.

Manning, formerly known as U.S. Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, was born male but revealed after being convicted of espionage that she identifies as a woman.

Manning accepted responsibility for leaking the material to WikiLeaks, and has said she was confronting gender dysphoria at the time of the leaks while deployed in Iraq.’

Hack Stone

This is what Barrack Obama will be remembered for. Of all the “Fuck You’s” that he gave to America and the Military, this is the worst.


We’ll see, by this time tomorrow he may have pardoned Nidal Hasan.

charles w

Wonder who’s next.

Silentium Est Aureum

Snowden or Bergdahl. Even money on one or both of them.

Perry Gaskill

Barry flipping the finger was my first thought too. Also, the five-month delay in Manning’s release kinda makes you wonder if the little sparkle pony will be able to use the time for gender-change surgery on the government dime.


Same here, Perry.


Here’s more:

“‘The Real Barack Obama’: Ben Stein Slams Decision to Commute Chelsea Manning’s Sentence”

President Obama has commuted the sentence Chelsea Manning, a US Army private imprisoned for leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, Neil Cavuto reported.

Ben Stein said Obama’s commutation of Manning’s 35-year sentence is proof that America is now seeing the “real Barack Obama”.

‘”[He is] an extremely left-wing ideologue… [and is] showing himself to be anti-law-and-order and… anti-military,” Stein said.

Manning, a transgendered woman formerly known as Bradley Manning, will now be released on May 17th, Cavuto said.

Stein noted that while he has commuted Manning’s sentence for leaking information that hurt the military, his party is consistently “screaming berserk about leaks that hurt Democrats.”

“This is the real Democratic Party that was, thank goodness, defeated in the election,” Stein, an economist and actor, said.’

‘Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson obtained the a readout of the commutation decision:

Chelsea Elizabeth Manning – Oklahoma City, OK

Offense: One specification of wrongful and wanton publication to the internet intelligence belonging to the United States; five specifications of stealing, purloining or knowingly converting U.S. government records; six specifications of willful communication of information relating to the national defense; one specification of willful communication of information in unlawful possession; one specification of willful communication of information relating to the national defense by exceeding authorized access to a U.S. government computer; one specification of willful communication of information relating to the national defense obtained by accessing a U.S. government computer; five specifications of failure to obey order or regulation; U.S. Army Court Martial

Sentence: 35 years’ imprisonment (August 21, 2013)

Commutation Grant: Prison sentence commuted to expire on May 17, 2017.’


I wonder if he will go into hiding or if some nut job will hunt him down and kill him, adding more fuel to the SJW engine.

A Proud Infidel®™

Bradley manning will ALWAYS have to look over his its shoulder once he/she/it (IDGAF) gets out.


it is important to remember that Manning’s leaks cost lives.

Real, blood and flesh lives.

accomplice does not cover it.

MSG Eric

He’ll have an expanded twitter feed and will probably be hopping from celebrity house to celebrity house so they can protect him since they think so highly of him.

I’m evenly torn on if he’ll even go through with the surgery to rip his nuts off.

I think it was purely about a blaming the incidental social cause effort to get sympathy, which he’s received now from the highest level.

Berhdahl won’t get the same sympathy unless he comes out as gay. Though I could be wrong since I didn’t think his ego would allow him to give manning a pass.


Since Berg-boi secretly converted to Islam, I don’t think he wants to come out of the closet. To do so is a death sentence with his Taliban buddies. His future cellmate will only know for sure, if “0” doesn’t pardon him too.


I wonder if the prosecutor thought far enough ahead, and held back one serious charge “just in case”.

A man can dream, can’t he?


All I can say is see I told you so



It doesn’t get out until 17 May. Lot can happen between now and then.

charles w

Accidentally put him in general population.

A Proud Infidel®™


John Robert Mallernee

I wonder what’s going to happen on Friday?

All over the Internet, there’s threats of violence to disrupt and/or totally shut down the inauguration ceremonies.


Just wondering, is there anything that could happen that would not trigger smug superiority over liberals?

They protest and successfully disrupt; “shitbag lawless liberals”.

They protest and fail to disrupt; “pathetic incompetent shitbag liberals”.

They don’t protest and nothing happens; “full of Shit do nothing liberals”.

Just wondering because the hatred for liberals is so persistent on this board that I honestly do not think there is anything liberals could do that would not just lead to more hate for liberals.


I was speaking about liberals as a “they” because I don’t really consider myself a liberal.


“I was speaking about liberals as a “they” because I don’t really consider myself a liberal.”

Yet, you do not condemn their behavior.


They could try sterilization.


How about sterilization and then a lobotomy? I could really root for that. Then, I would have newfound respect for libtards/proglodytes.


Do you think it was right of the JEF to commute Manning’s sentence? From your statement above, I’m guessing that you saw nothing wrong with what Manning did.

Personally, the little prima donna should serve his entire sentence in the slammer – and fuck his “gender reassignment surgery” bullshit. He wants to cut off his wang, give him a rusty knife to do it with.

With is history of attempted suicide, it’s obvious the the little prick has other issues going on in his head that don’t include his problems with his sexuality. If anything, he’ll have his surgery and eventually regret doing it, then take his life, successfully.

I don’t hate all liberals, just the fucked up ones that like to get in my face or go on to websites that I visit and tell me I’m wrong – like you, Commissar Poodleditski, aka: Commissar

A Proud Infidel®™

I look at it this way, once the little shit is out there, Manning will no longer have someone checking up to make sure he/she/it(IDGAF) doesn’t kill itself. He/she/it will be in the outside world with plenty of poison, rope and razor blades available!

MSG Eric

I disagree. I think he’ll have plenty of support and contributions and the like.


It’s a two-way street Lars. Once you realize that, maybe you will see how hateful the left really is.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY POODLE DICK, how many times did anyone see or hear of Conservatives rioting, raping, looting or blocking roads and highways both times B-HO got elected?

You lose yet again.



Some of those supposedly “liberal” folks are talking about riots, sabotage, arson, and random miscellaneous shitbaggery. Some of the recently-exposed stuff involves chemical weapons (irritant/choking type). Some of it involves threats of bodily harm, revolution, and the usual street-level goblins who long to riot.

Many of those supposedly “liberal” folks previously condemned anyone who said the election might be skewed/rigged/whatever and otherwise “not on the level”. Such statements were “an attack on democracy” yadda yadda yadda. Now, they want to upend the whole thing, rendering it inert, because America didn’t pick their chosen snowflake.

I could go on, but I doubt you would acknowledge any of it.

I have nothing but contempt for those who would burn the whole thing down, rather than take electoral turns as was designed into it. Some of them are making open threats of insurrection and other violent mayhem.

Does “all enemies, foreign and domestic” ring a bell? You really need to be speaking to your co-believers on the left, before they manage to start something that they have no hope of finishing.

You want “civil discourse”? Start some. Stop the dickheads. Grow up, the lot of you.


What happened to all that “they go low, we go high” bullshit that Michelle spewed?

Dave Hardin

I feel like I am watching One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The loons have taken over the asylum.

Dave Hardin

I always knew EX-PH2 was really Nurse Ratched

charles w

Remember, it’s medication time..


Sunday seems like a good day to arrest Manning on any of the charges that were not prosecuted the first time around. Gotta be a JAG officer out there somewhere willing to see that it gets done.


I’m kind of glad about Manning being released, actually. It will be cheaper for the tax-payers.

● (S)he was dishonorably discharged, which means no VA paid gender reassignment surgery.
● (S)he has to pay for any medical bills.
● (S)he will never be able to get any kind of a job that doesn’t involve hocking “hot apple pies” to people.
● (S)he will never be able to get any meaningful credit score.
● (S)he won’t get the protection, room, or board that (s)he received in prison.


Some lefty or gender activist group will pay for his surgery, and he’ll likely end up as a professor of gender studies and criminal justice somewhere.

I mean, I hate his guts, but too many lefties have found refuge in academia after doing some really heinous crap.


Bradley just became bestest buds with Georgi Tsaros(George Soros). Remind me again, why is that festering pustule of Nazism allowed to remain in this country?


Ah, but you need accreditation through either the State or Federal government in order to teach. Unfortunately, both of those are off limits if you have the Double-D. They’re also practically impossible if you only got the Big Chicken Dinner.

About the only way (s)he is going to make money is doing leg spreaders while “John” is in the front-leaning rest above.


Not for colleges. Public school teachers have to be licensed by the state, but at a college all you need is to get hired (they can even justify giving him a job based on “expertise”). The accreditation agencies are not associated with any particular government (though they are recognized by the Federal DOE)-I’ve been on a SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) re-accreditation committee, they can make it work if they want to (Manning will probably get an advanced degree in gender studies in short order if he’s so inclined-it’s not like it’s a demanding discipline).


I have a feeling that this little special snowflake will be melting long before that ever happens. EVERYONE knows his/her face, and not everyone has a positive reaction to what he/she did.


Very good point. How many millions of dollars in future expenses did the USG just dump?


They could have executed “IT” and saved even more.


Bingo. Have no idea why the Army took the death penalty off the table pre-trial for this low-life bastard.

His leaks exposed sources and cost friendly lives.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget that IT tried to commit suicide and there will be LOTS of rope, razor blades and poison available to it on the outside of those prison walls where it won’t have people doing suicide watch.

MSG Eric

He didn’t attempt to commit suicide. He attempted to commit remaining relevant. It was only for exposure and attention that he tried.

If he were serious about it, he’d have gone through with the suicide.


Sadly, that Treasonous Shitweasel will never miss another meal. There is a well-developed network of fifth-column enablers who will ensure paid gigs, shelter, speaking opportunities and plenty of encouragement.

But let not your hearts be troubled. That Treasonous Shitweasel has a lengthy track record of radioactive stupid choices and self-destructive behavior. It is just a matter of time before it a) discovers hard drugs b) betrays its vengeful “friends” and/or c) dates stupidly again. Possibly all three.


I’ll bet a box of C rats (my choice) that Manning appears on Ellen. She will pay for his chop and channel job and buy him a new wardrobe.


Yes, by June Manning will likely be hanging with that former Kardashian chick with a dick.


Don’t forget that there is a push for a Federal “ban the box” law (that is already in place in some cities and states) which would mean that unless the job Manning applied for could be directly affected by his crimes, he must be hired if offered the job. It will be up to the employer to prove why Manning should not be hired.

Being convicted alone is not reason enough.


He can forget anything requiring a clearance. Or just plain trust, for that matter.


Ex, you are awesome. Love how you stepped in and gained control of us dickweeds and got us back on track.


Now we really know why Jonn is in the hospital. Fuck Obama, he has always hated America and now it is coming out in the end. Doubly fuck Manning, I hope you get that sex change and die of Breast Cancer.


For those of you upset about Chelsea Manning…

If it is any consolation she still has to continue to be Chelsea Manning.

Additionally, her sentence of commuted, she was not pardoned. She still served 6 years.


*was commuted.


All I want Manning to be is incarcerated for his full sentence.


Also, word is that Assange will agree to US extradition now that Manning will be released. I wonder if that was a trade of sorts. After all, Assange is the one who actually published it.


Additionally, I am pretty sure the Army and DoD wanted desperately to get rid of the headache of her prison care.

MSG Eric

And how many other prisoners will throw out the “I wanna be a woman!” card so they can get out and/or cause more disruption? “Well, it worked for Manning, so….”


I am sure there will be. But it is not as easy to do as it is being portrayed. Manning had a decade long documented history of trouble due to his “being effeminate” and having homosexual feeling and gender identity disorder symptoms. And even with this documented history going all the way back to junior high school he still had a difficult time “proving” his gender identity disorder was “legitimate” and not a tactic.

Few others would have a long documented history of gender identity difficulties to help them establish their disorder as being legitimate.

Additionally, being an administrative and resource pain in the ass was not the reason he was commuted. So it would not work as a tactic.

Just An Old Dog

IMHO it was nothing more than Obama pandering to the LGBT community on behalf of the Democratic Party.
I’d be curious as to how many of said community really have any pity on the POS.
Manning is a train wreck who probably try to parlay his experience into stardom in the LGBT community.
The thing is if that doesnt happen we will be reading about him offing himself within the next few years.