Tom Hayden dead
The author of the 1962 manifesto Port Huron Statement, the second Mrs. Jane Fonda, founder of the misnamed Students for a Democratic Society and California Democrat Congressman has died.
I was taught that if you can’t say anything good about the dead, you shouldn’t say anything at all. In that spirit…..
Category: Who knows
Well, he now knows what God thinks of his activities.
A bit late for remedial action, but he knows for certain.
Piss on him! He’s dead, Rot in hell with Che, Stalin and Lenin. Jane will be there soon!
Very eloquent, I sure can’t ad anything to that.
I can – Teddy Kenedy
I forgot Fat Boy! Seeing as he was “The Lion of the Senate” and my Senator, I should have remembered. But I try to block any reference to that corrupt clan.
Let me whip up a tear…
nope I got nothing.”
Another hypocrite who wants everyone ELSE to live like a Socialist or Communist, but didn’t himself.
“George Soros isn’t a Socialist, he’s a Capitalist. He wants EVERYONE ELSE to be a Socialist.”
I thought The Dude from the movie Big Lebowski wrote the Port Huron statement.
He did, but was too lazy to complain when others took credit for it…
He was, but not the compromised 2nd draft.
Hopefully he’s at the same level of Hell as Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot – and they are all “taking turns” with him as he’s stoking the fires.
Good riddance . Satan Awaits !!!!!
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer asshole.
Fuck. That. Guy. Or in this case piss on his grave.
Is their a eight digit grid on this piss magnet?
Hymmmmmmmm…FUCK Hymmmmmm. There that is kinda religious sounding.
I said elsewhere – I hope there is a line of folks waiting to spit at him call him names. Just so he’ll know how it feels.
Finally some good news in the 2016 list of deaths.
So long, asshole.
And take your fuckin commie wife with you.
Just looking at his nose in the picture, guess he switched from weed to booze. That is a Big ole Drinkers nose!!!
Good! I hope that fucking hippie was in intense pain for weeks before he died and I hope Satan is fucking him up as we speak.
I’m just as torn up about this as I will be when I hear about Lawn Dart Danny’s passing.
The piss line will be long, make sure you bring a chair and some refreshments.
Refreshments, yes. AND I’d have a post hole digger and a few 7′ lengths of 6″ PVC pipe with screens, I’d install piss tubes as a matter of convenience.
Adios, motherfucker. Your just reward awaits you in Hell. In the deepest circle, the one earmarked for traitors.
I gave careful thought to what I wanted to say, and came up with this.
The last thing tom did was “whirlpool rotate” as the flush handle was depressed.
News accounts say he died “after a lengthy illness”. One source says it was due to complications related to the stroke he had some 18 months ago.
IMO, such an end was apropos for this . . . individual. Especially if it was a painful lengthy illness.
Traitors to their homeland deserve no less.
Commie cunt.
Frank and to the point.
In the spirit of Christian kindness, we can only dispassionately hope he is where he deserves to be. Kinda warm there, ain’t it Tommie boy?
Yeah. fuck that guy!
Lemme know where they bury this turdn I’d like to go piss on his grave.
I’m working up a Stanley steamer
Is it wrong of me to hope he ends up with a fate similar to what happened to Hitler in Little Nicky?
I tend not to use extreme profanity unless absolutely necessary….having said that….fuck this communist scumbag. If I knew where he was buried, I’d piss on his grave.
Other than that….he can KMIA!!
I will sleep just fine tonight.
Damn if he wasn’t an ugly-looking piece of shit as well, now let’s see… NOPE, the field upon where I grow my fucks is barren, thus I haveth no fucks to give. Good Riddance to that commie POS, I hope George Soros croaks real soon, I’d piss on his grave faster than I would on Jane Fonda’s!
For Soros – I’d prefer to empty a dozen porta-potties over or into his grave.
FORGET about installing “Poop Coops”, I’d install piss tubes extending to his coffin.
Well, you do publish some good news sometimes. Glad he is enjoying the dirt nap.
If you were to scan the newsies, you would think this POS was some sort of good guy. He’s some sort of hero to the left, I guess. He was a member of the Chicago Seven, a co-founder of the violent SDS, and argued in a book NOT just against the VN war but in support of a communist victory. The phuker went to Nam more than once as a guest of our enemy and managed, like oBaMa and others, to infiltrate The Establishment they loathed to effect radical changes. I say mail the bastard to Cuba or some place. He is unfit to lay at eternal rest in this country.
I’ll say something good about him:
He’s dead. And the world is a slightly better and cleaner place.
May he rot and n HELL !!!!!!
‘Bout fucking time!!!!
Dude should have been given the full Mussolini:
I tried to read the Port Huron document, a long time ago. Liberals use a lot words and end up not saying much but they really believe in the stuff they come up with.
As it were, those guys were about as literate as they were wrong about living in America.
I wonder if Ted Kaczynski ever read that stuff. Ah well, on the uptick, Hayden is dead and Kaczynski is still in prison. Sometimes it’s hard to find anything good about somebody: As far as I know, Tom Hayden never killed anybody. That’s more than can be said for Ted Kennedy.
Obama would have been about 10 months old when the manifesto was spawned. So much for fundamental change.
“As far as I know, Tom Hayden never killed anybody.’ Depends. When one heartens and emboldens the enemy of one’s country, when one encourages others to violence, one’s hands are bloody in my book.
Agreed. When you attempt to influence others to do bad things you really aren’t shielded very well from the bad things they do. Lefties don’t like that and more often than not deny that it is even possible to manipulate the minds of others. Meanwhile, they still work in the advertising industry, teach the lefty agenda to youngsters, and exclude any ideas other than their own from colleges and universities.
I’m betting he is sucking on the Barbed Cock of Satan as we speak. ?
Satan is doing a “dirty sanchez” on Tommy the commie…
First keg is on me. Let’s float his ass!
And yeah, not caring.
My sympathy meter won`t budge.
Nice teeth.
Wouldn’t poss in him if he was burning.
Fuck off and die…. or wait….
I guess it’s just fuck off!
And so, this big blue marble we live on is blessed with one less rat commie bastard roaming it’s surface…
Celebrating death is scripturally based, so let us all C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E !
Here you go:
Hopefully he didn’t reproduce.
sons and daughter per the obit. No burial site mentioned. Long as the state sells beer, I’ll be happy to attend and hydrate.
No resident fuckwit from Berkeley posting about this?
Fine with me.
Adios you commie prick
I guess this means TAH will not be sending a sympathy card.
Probably not. But if someone can provide the coordinates of the interment, I suspect more than a few might volunteer to go there and water the turf at that location.
A little something from the late Lemmy Kilmister: