Weekend open thread
Arctic Circle Allure
An aerial view of the southern end of Værøy, one of Norway’s Lofoten Islands, reveals a towering ridge running through it like a bony spine. Værøy is home to a population of fewer than 800 people but millions of nesting seabirds, and it frequently hosts bird-watchers who flock to the island by helicopter or ferry.
I’m spending this afternoon with my grandson and his dog, Riley, so knock yourselves out.
Category: Open thread
Read it and WEEP, ye lesser mortals!
Early and I was ACTUALLY out getting food.
<b. Oh and go jump off a cliff Bernath.
I didn’t even know it was Friday my clock is off
Not first.
Sneaky Jonn, sneaky. Put up the WOT this early. 🙂
Mick must’ve paid him off to do it at lunch time.
Channeling my inner Jane Curtin:
“This just in, Generalassholio Daniel Bernath is STILL disbarred!”
Suck it, Danny-boi.
And the Finger Lakes region is nice, but the wines are kinda meh. I’ll stick with the beers. 21st Amendment Brewery has some nice choices.
Go about 90 minutes north and hit up Thousand Islands Winery in Clayton.
It is run by a veteran from the 10th Mtn, and he also offers a few bottles that are labeled with the proceeds going to the 10th Mtn Div Association.
I have Sunday off. 1000 Islands a bit of a drive, but will certainly keep it in mind. Thanks!
Radié du Barreau? Oui, c’est vrai. Et voici la preuve:
The handbook for phonies; you know the book that gives instructions for using only upper case, when to call a lawer, how to misspell words for fun and profit, and where to get the doo-dads to put on your vests, the handbook needs to have a section on basic arithmetic. Mrs Dennis – not chevy and I were approached by a young man claiming he was a good soldier down on his luck. He told us his age and when he served. As he walked away, I asked the Mrs if she know where a six year old attends basic training.
He was just confusing his potty training with basic training. They’re so similar, ya know…
John Giduck – the turd with a face!
And since I was born on a Friday the 13th in a year I won’t mention, it is not unlucky for me.
Crap today is Friday I forgot
Top 20 thank god
This just in, Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics is still working balls.
but who is working shaft? Is there an opportunity for me here?
John “Faker 6” Giduck
There’s always room down at the taint…Monkress has small hands…or so I’ve heard.
reposting especially for Colt Bulot
Bulot’s rep has taken a jolt,
for, at posing, he’s proven a dolt.
with a wife that’s a sock
he prefers pleasing big cock
having previously holstered such Colts
remembering my buddy Colt Bulot
Bulot’s rep has taken a jolt,
for, at posing, he’s proven a dolt.
with a wife that’s a sock
he prefers pleasing big cock
having previously holstered such Colts
Haven’t seen much from MCPO lately. Hope all is well in the land of the Chief’s Mess.
Twenty Twoth…
And buck fernath !!!
Gonna keep it short and sweet for this version of the WOT:
Fuck Bernath
Fuck QuEeFeRs
Fuck Thomas Reister, he still takes it in the keister
Fuck Colt Bulot
Fuck Jerry Foster
Fuck Grey Rather
Fuck Dalton Coldiron
That’s the theme for the week…
Fuck Clark D. Schreiber who I have a $880 hard on for (along with jarhead).
Visit his thread,
I just sent the local news station a *scathing* letter asking for assistance.
A-FUCKING-MEN on that one!
Clark D. Schreiber phony combat veteran works balls with James Walls phony UH-1 pilot and Thomas Reister phony combat wounded veteran.
Amen !!!!!!
I started a new FACEBOOK after checking out the rules and laws. Payback is a BITCH BERNASTY, DALLASSCLOWN AND CRYER…
Military Fakes and Non Military Losers,
is dedicated to the two morons, however, will add the other assholes that belong to the DRG. I’ll be adding Dallassclowns emails and pictures after he fell in love with a picture and fake story. Please join and post.
Get your shit in one sock if you’re going to post that stuff. You’ve been here long enough now that you should have the story straight.
Bernath is a phony CPO. He photoshopped his head onto PH1 Sheppards photo and added the rocker to make it look like a CPO insignia. You’ve got it written up to sound like Sheppard was also a CPO. Then in one of the image captions you list him as a PH3. Not sure where the CPO Anderson guy came in to the story or who he or she is.
Jonn likes to stick with facts and you spreading incorrect information and tying TAH to it doesn’t help. Plus the other page you mentioned…Military Phonies. Yeah, doesn’t help.
Again, Shit + Sock…get them together mmmkay?
Will correct mistakes
John Sheppard is friend of mine. If you’re putting information about him the internet, take it down now. You have no business saying anything about him at all. PERIOD.
Take it down now and leave him out of your shit.
It’s been three hours since you said you were going to correct mistakes.
No changes made. TAH is still referenced and Shep’s picture/info is still up.
That whole thing looks like a hot mess, close to what the disbarred lawer would put up.
It’s a shitstorm waiting to happen.
Claw, can you post a link for me?
I wish I could, but as I’ve said before I’m not computer literate enough to know how to do links.
I don’t know if you have to be a FB user to see the page or if you can simply put “Facebook for Military Fakes and Non Military Losers” into a search engine and find it that way.
I used the FB search cause Mrs. Claw has a FB page and I use it to look at FB pages. If Reb wanted everybody to look at the page there should have been a link provided when it was announced.
Sorry, I can’t help.
Well, I got two different sites, but nothing with Sheppard’s picture on them. Copying a link is simple: go to the search bar up at the top of a page, at the end of the line of code you do a right click, which will , click on ‘copy’ and then paste it in your TAH comment.
If there is a photo of John Sheppard there, it should not be there at all. He was impersonated by that crapweasel I shall not name. My understanding is that Reb engaged in a flirtation of some sort using my online moniker Ex-PH2, which I didn’t know about and don’t like. That just pisses me off no end.
Just now looked at the FB page by using FB search. Everything is still there, Shep’s picture, using TAH Blog Number as a reference, etc.
I think you have to have a FB account to fully see what is on the page. (comments, pictures and the like)
No changes/corrections made yet. But as I said earlier, that page is a mess. It makes no rhyme or reason, no stated purpose and looks like something a 12 year old would put together.
Thanks for the instructions on how to link stuff, but I may be too far along in my life cycle to try and learn anything about computers other than pushing the little button to turn them on and off.
Yes, you can’t get to FB search unless you’re logged in and I see no point in starting an account just for that. Just keep us posted, please. That should do it.
EX-PH2,I SWEAR TO BUDDHA I NEVER USED YOUR online moniker aka alias on anything unless I reply to a comment you made here..
Can only add an “AMEN” to the comments of others here. Those who weren’t part of the original story have no business using it for their own purposes no matter how justified they believe it to be.
How dare you add additional incorrect information to what was originally put out by the DRG. Would you want anyone to do that to YOU? Then why are you doing it to this man?
Take down the information NOW!
I’ve asked her to pull it down. We’ll see.
Thank you, Jonn.
Looks like the page has been pulled down. Unable to find it by any search method.
For what it’s worth sometimes if you remove something on FB
It maybe blank to some but for some odd reason you may still see it somewhere else until you hit a link and then it goes blank, it’s odd but true
EVERYTHING IS DELETED! I have never used any posters name, except for Proud and with his PERMISSION. I got a okay from Jonn to use the crap on TAH about Wittless and Bernasty. I’m so hurt you turned on me.
All good REB just trying to explain to all that sometimes on FB
Because of servers you can delete something but the time can be delayed
Thanks for the heads up on that, Claw.
Roger. Out.
As soon as Jonn told me I made a boo boo about SHEPPARD and another one about the rocker I fixed it.
Before starting the FB page I got Jonns okay to use pictures, etc.
I would never use anyones moniker or legal name to post or scam Wittless. Whoever gave you that impression is full of shit. I’m so shocked how quickly the people who I thought were friends jumped on me without giving me the benefit of doubt.
I spent months getting information from Wittless to prove that HE IS THE ONE THAT THREATENS and harasses innocent people. I did this so nobody else has to deal with the BASTARD.
I’m heart broken that I’m thought of as a PIECE IF SHIT…
I CLOSED DOWN THE SITE! I did not expect anyone to get pissed about doing payback on the Clown and Bernasty. Yes, I did make mistakes but corrected everything after I was told.
I made friends with the slob to get the SOB Dallas to trust me enough so I could get more information from him and he did embellish his military service and he supplied a mother load of bullshit.
I was told by the HAIR that all the information I collected via my scam “WAS PRICELESS”.
The Fund Me scam to get Jimmy Ray home, the fake maps, a soldier he identified as SSGT Jimmy after Jimmy was in the POW camp.
I would never intentional say something that isn’t true. I’M SORRY I pissed commentators. I never used EX PH2 or anyone posting on THIS BLOG..I did use TAH & Military Phonies so people could read the truth.
I put my own family in danger to get information that would be helpful in getting both assholes banned from the internet. The vile, disgusting crap on their Iceland sites and the innocent people they harass had to be stopped and I did so by making Dallas my best friend.
From my heart, I would never offend anyone on this site, and I’m so sorry…Jonn asked me to delete the Facebook page and I did…
Then post the stuff you have on Dallas without referencing any stuff that’s transpired here is all. I think people are asking that if it’s your personal quest, then make it about the stuff you know to be true. You want to make a site with all your emails between you and the rest of those bums then stick to that
Especially that scam he pulled with bringing home the POW/MIA. He paraded around the internet like he is a Special Forces hero, if you have evidence to prove it’s a scam then post those Emails and stuff to their stupid pages. That’s the whole point of this and other Stolen valor endevours. I would chock this up to a rookie mistake, but if you have the evidence, make your page strictly about that. You KnOw HoW mUcH he hates having Mr he truth brought out to light. Feel bad about it and move on Reb.
Felt bad, now I’m fine..and everyone is right. My story, his emails, his scam, proof he embellished his service even more and his secret missions he claims he’s doing for the military since 1975…
Listen, if you’re going to make a FB page to poke at the DRG, then please make sure that it’s consistent throughout. That page was all over the map. Wrong ranks and wrong names.
I imagine the stuff that you gathered IS priceless. But if you’re going to make a FB page, make damn sure that it’s not going to draw fire on people who have no clue as to what’s going on. Knowing the DRG, they’re in the process of messaging every Anderson on FB that has something Navy related in their profiles.
“Attention to detail” is a standard Navy mantra. I imagine it’s that’s way with the other branches of service also. Attention to detail can prevent everything from major disasters all the way down to ass chewings, all of which are not fun.
Agreed to all of the above. Reb tell your story, the story here is well documented on the involvement of the clowns, use it to tell your side of things. These guys hate the truth like there is a huge difference between “disbarment” and “retired”, “Special Forces” and “I held a radio”. Fight for you not for TAH or the other websites. Obviously Dallas is afraid of those emails judging on how he is on a mad tear of slander
THANK YOU ALL…I started the page while PISSED, my first MISTAKE! All emails and pictures are printed out and I’ll start over, AFTER, I organize and do Table of Contents.
Again, my deepest heartfelt apology.
Looking forward to a good read Reb
I don’t think anyone is pissed at you for wanting payback on Birdturd and DuLlAsS.
One thing I would say is to be very careful about putting up info about these two shitbags and inviting people to comment on it.
If you put up a Facebook page with Cockmonger Bernath’s mug and name and people comment on it they are going to be subjected to his bullshit.
You know how low he can go. It would mean nothing for him to get those peoples info and start calling and sending letters to their employers and associates saying they are registered sex offenders, felons, etc.
Then there is the possibility of him suing them, filing restraining orders, etc.
He is a cornered shit- eating dog but he still has a bite.
Someone who doesnt know him can say one simple thing and end up having to pay a few thousand in legal fees just to get clear of that crazy fuck stick.
Dang, I was out getting a car loan and missed it.
Top 30 this week.
But I like the photo. That looks like it would be a great place to do some rock-climbing – top-roped or lead.
s(2) = 2
s(p) = 1/2(p+1) (p!=2)
s(p^2) = 1/2(p^2-p+2) (p!=2)
s(2^n) = {1/3(2^(n-1)+4) for n even; 1/3(2^(n-1)+5) for n odd
s(p^n) = {(p^(n+1)+p+2)/(2(p+1)) for n>=3 even; (p^(n+1)+2p+1)/(2(p+1)) for n>=3 odd
DAMN!!! Missed first by just that much!!
OK; my brain just ripped in half.
I have a niece that not only can understand that, she can write a term paper on it that will impress the professor and explain it in such a way that even I could understand it.
I don’t even know what I’m looking at
That’s not how you get my shoe size.
(Hand up in air)
Pick me!! Pick me!!
I know what that is.
It’s the Modern Math solution to “A Day Late and a Dollar Short.”
Good one.
I have a headache
a2 + b2 = c2
Just looking for the right angle to respond.
A squared plus B squared equals C squared. Pythagorean Theorem.
Also, Daniel A. Bernath is a disbarred lawyer who never was a Chief Petty Officer in any capacity. 🙄 Dennis Chevalier is not a military veteran. Thomas Reister is not a war veteran.
m11 + c4.
You’ll get a bigger bang.
Not fucking first.
It’s going to Beee OoooK
I would like to remind all of you heathenish knob polishers that Sunday, Sept. 11, is now designated Patriots’ Day, as well as Grandparents’ Day, so make the most of it.
Must be graduation day again. I saw two sailors in whites when I was over at Walmart getting cat food for my squawking orphan cat Miss Punkin Squawkypants.
I also ran into a young woman who is a QM a couple days ago, and when I said I was once a WAVE, she gave me a blank look. After I told her a little bit about it, she understood better, but apparently the military has ditched teaching women anything about the history of their respective services and deemed it unimportant or irrelevant, which it is not. Maybe I should have brought up Harriet Tubman, an armed scout and spy for the Union Army during the Civil War. I don’t know why any of that would be irrelevant to today’s military.
Patriot’s Day = Flags/Colors at Half Staff all day.
I just got replacement US and USAF flags. I have them displayed at home on standard porch mounted poles BUT their pole mounts are plastic rings with screws that can be adjusted for size.
That being said, it is possible that I can fly my home flag at 45 degrees at half staff but most of what I’ve read suggests that home flags that are considered *fixed* should just be flown with a black streamer as a memorial.
I should be able to do both.
I intend to use an appropriately size piece of pvc with conduit brackets to set a 45-degree angle mount.
I suspect a black streamer would not be viewed askance either in addition to or in place of the 45-degree mount.
“Fixed” flags don’t have to be lowered during periods of mourning, etc., nor do they have to be removed at night if there isn’t a light source present. When I have displayed them on the deck railing during 4 July, etc., I remove them at night out of respect.
My 24″ flagpole, which has the American Flag & the POW Flag displayed has a light source for at night. I used to run a plug-in spotlight from a outside house outlet to provide power, but it was a pain when cutting lawn. Ran over it a couple of timers with the lawn tractor or “weed whacked” it.(insert face palm here)
I found a solar powered light that mounts to the flag pole, and it works awesome! Just replace the rechargeable batteries every year.
I have never heard of a black memorial streamer being used, so I’m sorta ignorant on that issue.
If my aging memory serves me correctly honors streamers are not to be attached to the National flag. I do know it is common to have gold cords (and gold fringe), and suspect that a black streamer would not be considered an honors streamer.
Honors streamers – as most of us here know – are for unit ensigns. Trying to convey the significance of honors streamers to a group of 11-year-old Boy Scouts is an… interesting… exercise.
And my Airborne son has duty this weekend. I suspect proper observances of Patriots Day will be among the weekend festivities.
I remember my Dad telling me the Navy rides the WAVES… and the Army spreads WACs on the floor. Too, he was old school – not only could define SNAFU and JANFU but SANFU and SAMFUTU.
SNAFU – ’nuff said.
TARFU – Things Are really Fucked Up
FUBAR – we already know.
JANFU, SANFU and SAMFUTU? You have kicked my dumbshit curiosity into full gear! Info please?
Knew about the WAVES, but didn’t know they actually had song that was written to harmonize with “Anchors Away”.
“WAVES of the Navy”
WAVES of the Navy,
There’s a ship sailing down the bay
And she won’t slip into port again
Until that Victory Day.
Carry on for that gallant ship
And for every hero brave
Who will find ashore, his man-sized chore
Was done by a Navy WAVE
Oh, yes. Sang that at boot camp graduation. It’s a countermelody to ‘Anchors Aweigh’. When you put the two together, it’s a great sound.
I once heard years ago that the first thing a WAVE receives after she joins the Navy is a free screw.
You explain that to the other landlubbers … I already know.
J.S. Feller
Yeah, I still have mine.
Q: How do Muslims practice safe sex?
A: They mark the camels that kick.
What about the goats that butt?
For “goats butts”, they use kneeboots! 😉
Are you still going to be doing two stand-up improv shows down at the Holiday Inn tonight?
If so, what time does the two-for-one drinks special end? If we can get in the door, we’ll stay at least until then…
Q: Why do muslims wear robes?
A: Because sheep and goats can hear a zipper from a mile away.
Another article tells the story of the pitiable 18 year old undocumented DACA student whose Arizona State scholarship was yanked at the last moment because he is undocumented. Apparently he is a great student, leader, and works to support his family…all admirable stuff. What I don’t quite see is how someone so damn smart and energetic somehow never though actually applying for citizenship at some point in time might be to his advantage before asking taxpayers to support him? Or does that mak me racist (which, by the way, is what Slick Willie C. is calling Trump’s campaign slogan… what’s racist about Make America Great Again?)
I don’t think it’s racism.
If he were Polish or Russian or Estonian, Chinese or Japanese or Vietnamese, etc., or Indian/Paki, and didn’t bother applying for citizenship, is that racism? How about if he’s an ethnic Mongol? Or Yakut?
Do you see where I’m going with this?
It’s only racist when Trump says it, when Clinton used it during his campaigns it was quite acceptable.
It’s important to remember the meme, only Trump is racist…Clinton can do and say the same things but it’s okay because he’s Clinton….
Thought you might get a kick out of this….
to the moron that keeps calling from the Coo-Coo hospital in Nevada you put your self where you are at
Talk to the people from the SF Community and not me. I’m not or have I ever been one you are where you are because of your actions not mine, I didn’t even out you but from talking to a few folks there were many that had questions about you… So do your self a favor and talk to them and STOP CALLING ME
That’s All
Thank you
What hospital? I’ll send him some Cocoa Puffs. I’m nice like that.
Well played, Sir!
It’s MonteVista Psychiatric Hospital at Red Rock Hospital
I guess who ever call this morning left a garbild msg on phone so I called back
Because of HIPPA or what ever they call it they can’t tell me who called
Seriously WTF
You expect sense out of a Psychiatric Hospital “guest”?
Started your weekend drinking a bit early, haven’t you?
I wish I could, I could use a good glass of scotch right about now
Couldn’t we all?
You should tell them you’ll involve the police in it. Mumble something that sounds like ‘lawsuit’. Stuff like that.
Bernath and The Dutch Rudder Gang work wino ballsacks behind bus stops.
Bwwwahahahahaha, would anyone care to wager on who would send an e-mail like this?:
<b<“To: United States District Judge Polster Chappell
Re: Apology for errors I have made
Your Honor:
I humbly apologize for any errors I have made in procedure or otherwise in this matter. Six years ago, the US Department of Veterans Affairs and Social Security Disability declared that I was unable to practice law any more. This is because of my combat zone injuries.
I have not conducted a case in a California Court for over 22 years.
I have printed out this Court’s Rules and have it handy and have read it repeatedly. I am sorry if I have any errors and I will endeavor to not make errors in procedure in the future. But, I had to give up practicing for other people because six years ago I would fall asleep during the day, go to the wrong courthouse for hearings, etc.
A reading of the complaint shows that there are issues involving myself and many other people and I won’t repeat the gravity of what I allege and shall prove defendants have done. I will redouble my efforts so as to not make any procedural errors in the future.
Please do not dismiss this action because I make errors in procedure because of my combat zone created disabilities. I check and recheck everything I file but may still make procedural errors.
Uh, no, Danny-boi. Shit ain’t gonna fly. All they’re going to do is look at your trial, show all the bullshit motions you made, and drop you like a hot potato.
Still claiming you’re a lawyer in your claims, I hear? Third-class felony, Danny-boi. Think about it.
UUUHHHHM, how ’bout THIS from the State Bar of California?
And THIS from The Supreme Court of Oregon titled:
Supreme Court of Oregon.
IN RE: the Application of Daniel Alan BERNATH, for Admission to the Oregon State Bar.
SC S44863.
Decided: July 24, 1998
Let’s guess there is a B in da name ????
Crap I’ll take a B for 500 dollars
Let me guess, his initials are D.B. like in “Dumb Butt”.
“This is because of my combat zone injuries.” He hurt his combat zone? Anyone have an extra Idiot Decoder Ring?
WTF are “combat zone created disabilities”? He makes it sound like taking pictures while on an aircraft carrier somehow injured him. Shutter finger sprain? Ruined his sex life? But earlier he says he has “Combat Zone Injuries”. Are those located above the knee or below?
Daniel Bernath you are a disgusting excuse for a human being. I’d tell you to go fuck yourself but you probably already do with your catheter.
He broke his taint on liberty in Subic Bay…
He broke it, or was it broken for him?
I’m guessing that a “benny boy” did it for him, Chief 🙂
No wonder his old pages accused people of doing gay prostitutes.
Sounds like he’s eminently qualified in that endeavor.
Combat zone injuries?
Oh, he’ll try to claim being on a carrier 200 miles off Vietnam is “combat”.
The only combat he saw was when he was shoved in the deep sink and told to swim.
Suddenly I am having a “repressed memories” flashback.
It was 2004, I was touring the USS Intrepid. I banged my leg on a hatch coaming. Oh the humanity! I claim a “combat injury!” sniff, sniff, I feel teh PTSD coming. I want my mommy….
“Combat Zone Related Injuries”? On an Aircraft Carrier at sea, far offshore. This writer/Drama Queen is committing the epitome of Stolen Valor, wanting this judge to equate his service with Navy Seals, Force Recon, Army Rangers, Air Force Combat Controllers, who were actual Door Kicker types. My mother was a welder during WW-II but she never claimed to have been involved in combat.
Might want to be careful regarding that line of talk, FC. The folks on the USS Forrestal during the fire IMO have a far better claim to having been “in the sh!t” than most who served at MAC-V HQ or many other rear areas in Vietnam. Ditto those assigned to the USS Oriskany during that ship’s 1966 fire.
No, service at sea offshore ISO the war effort wasn’t the same as infantry duty onshore. But it wasn’t all “sh!ts and giggles”, either.
And when things went bad, they sometimes went really bad.
This writer, using words like; “Humbly”, and “Respectfully” with regards to himself is downright unbelievable.
He lacks the knowledge of what “Humble” is, and has never acted “Respectful”, ever.
6 years ago Dan AKA “the limping stool sample” Birdbath was barred from representing clients because of over 50 incidents of misbehavior/incompetence in front of SSD courts, it had nothing to do with any sort of disability, he is just a fucking moron.
What this cockmole is openly admitting is that he is incapable of following proceedure by himself and should be allowed to fuck up over and over again and waste taxpayer money.
Well shit-sniffer, one judge in the area has already thrown the bullshit flag on you and told you that you have to use a real lawyer ( As in one who holds a license) to approve and file any motions on your behalf.
Its a matter of time before you run out of courtrooms you waste of space.
Oh, and have a good weekend you limp dick, soiled depends wearing, catheter using piece of shit. Try not to step on any drywall screws or trip over any coconuts. If you do trip, make sure you are wearing that goofy bicycle helmet.
I would hate for you to bite the curb and knock all those yellow rotten teeth down your craw, or crack your skull open and bleed out while your wife peeks from behind the curtain and thanks God you are finally out of her life.
^^^^.This, but stop sugar coating it!
Hey, it’s been EIGHTEEN YEARS since the Oregon Supreme Court politely told him “OH, HELL NO!!!” AS TO his application for membership in the Oregon State Bar.
He’s really brown nosing the judge to try and get back in her good graces and be able to file suits at the drop of a hat. Hopefully the judge tells him what to do with his “apology”.
You’re a disbarred lawer Danni-boi… and I’m sure that Judge Polster-Chappel is well aware of your legal status…
I don’t think it’s the same Judge. Thats why I hope that he gets declared a Vextigious Litigant by the State.
Not sure how it would be looked at by other states.
You would think that if he took someone to court in North Dakota for instance the defendant’s lawyer would be able to bring up his disbarment and subsequent rulings on his ignorance of the law and put he same restrictions on him. He would have to have an attorney licensed in that state file any suits.
This is apparently a federal district court judge. He probably filed another lawsuit in federal court after Jonn, et al, shortstopped his case in Florida state court by the judge requiring him to hire a real licensed “lawer.”
WAITAMINNIT! Social Security and the VA, MY ASS!! More like the State Bars of California and Oregon if I’m correct. REMEMBER the license suspension for failure to pay child support as well as being listed as “Ineligible to Practice Law” in CA prior to DISBARMENT? I wonder what kind of silly, asinine bullshit he’ll try next?
Here’s another, all I need is a Squire with a Mandolin or a Crier with a bell
Thither was a quoit termed Daniel A. Bernath
Who quoth that within cout he would’st adjudge us a bath
He evermore missed
his cases dismissed
And all within the Courtroom laughed at Bernath
The quoit screamed he’s dure suing
While his affront was bluing
But he evermore made himself the fool
Bernath was a loon
And a poltroon
The snipe beset allegiant people with slander
The snipe was trunk of slime
The quoit was beaten back every time
He had a accessary termed Wittenfeld
who was eke a poltroon
Everywhere the quoit went
He acted as though a loon
The noddy was alway drunk
The noddy stunk as though a skunk
And yet the noddy meditance he was someone
The noddy Wittgenfeld had nay brain
Upon haunt the noddy was a stain
And to Bernath he clung as though
Those fools continued to sputter
Like lees within a gutter
Ye who was legitimate
Saw them as slime
©2016 A Proud Infidel®™, All Rights Reserved
While I have to work tomorrow, and I have leftovers (hamburger with Rice-A-Roni…don’t ask) I think I’m going to have to head out for dinner tonight.
First stop will be a little watering hole I discovered last week. Almost 200 beers on tap, and even a few of Jonn’s beloved Sarnac varieties. Ah, but my heart, being ever the former bubblehead, is drawn towards the Ballast Point brews, specifically the Grapefruit Sculpin, which is a very tasty IPA.
Then it’s off to a local Italian steakhouse for a 24-oz Delmonico and garlic mashed potatoes, maybe a little (ha!) Caprese Salad as a starter. I’m actually pretty impressed by how they did their steak–pan seared for a nice crust and finished in the broiler. Came out perfect last time.
Live on the road can suck sometimes, but I don’t have to live like a TOTAL heathen.
There is nothing on this planet better than popcorn.
Word ?????
Saturday night treat: a large bowl of oil-cooked Redenbacker’s with butter salt, a couple of weizens, wits, or porters to wash it down, and usually a old (’30s or ’40s) movie. Life is good.
Yum !!!!!
There is nothing on this planet better than a good man.
A good man is hard to find, but a hard man is good to find.
Here’s some more stuff from Mae West:
Every man I meet wants to protect me. I can’t figure out what from.
Why don’t you come up and see me. Come up Wednesday night. That’s amateur night.
His mother should have thrown him out and kept the stork.
A man in the house is worth two in the street.
A man can be short and dumpy and getting bald, but if he has fire, women will like him.
Still got your brakes on, huh? Don’t skid.
Bacon is better than popcorn.
Popcorn cooked in lard like they did in the 1800s in Texas isn’t bad. But bacon beats popcorn.
TINS. (For the information of all hands on Team TAH, that’s the Marine Air Wing abbreviation for ‘This Is No Shit’, which is used alternatively to either commence the telling of a raucous Sea Story, or as in this case, to confirm the accuracy of what someone else has just said).
Here in Mick’s grid square, there is a restaurant that actually serves chicken-fried bacon as an appetizer. And they serve white sausage gravy with it so that you can dip the bacon in it while you’re eating it. There is nothing finer. Nothing. A guaranteed ‘chow-gasm’ very time.
You sick effing bastard.
Torturing us like this without letting us sample? No, just no. You have some, you bring enough for everyone!
And that better be pepper gravy.
It is indeed.
Spicy popcorn.
Take a hot pepper or two and chop/crush them up in a measuring cup. Now pour the oil in and mix the hot peppers in thoroughly. Then add the popcorn kernels and mix again.
Pour the whole mess in the popcorn popper. (Or a pan and do it on the stove.)
Voila, spicy popcorn.
***warning*** Do NOT, REPEAT, NOT use habanero peppers. The smoke that they emit will turn your kitchen into a tear gas chamber.
I learned that the hard way.
Is that where Teti threatened to spear his coworkers?
Hello to all good and honorable people!!
Which disallows any of the following:
Mr. Bernath, a disbarred old coconut-fearing legal lamebrain,
Mr. Wittenfield, a high-flying moron who is afraid of jumping more than a foot off the ground,
Mr. Chevalier, a cheesehead disavowed by eight women and the Green Bay Packers,
Some drunkass clown named Paul, a professional photobomber who doesn’t know how to get out of Maryland,
Ms. Zeitner, a jailbird liar who should use her picture to encourage joining a monastery,
Mr. Monkress, CEO of Jackasses, Inc. and social failure,
…and many more.
By the way, 101st.
Hey Ex-PH2, any chance of getting one of your astrological forecasts?
Mercury is retrograde until Sept 22, but this one is more like retro-lite.
If you haven’t backed up your computer, you can still do so now, even if all you use is a jump drive. They’re so cheap!! I can back up my entire set of photo files on a $45 dollar thumb drive.
This is from a forecaster’s newsletter last week:
Another long-term cosmic point of interest occurring this week is the 13-month ingress of Jupiter into Libra, which commences on September 9. The bottom line is that a major long-term reversal in many financial markets, as well as socio-political-economic trends, is gearing up. It won’t show up with a drum roll exactly on September 9-10. In fact, it may have started this past week (8/28 – 9/3)with Venus acting as trigger, moving into the cardinal sign of Libra where it will join Uranus and Pluto, also in cardinal signs. Plus this week, Jupiter also joins this cosmic grouping in cardinal Libra as well. The world has been struggling with uncertainty and the changeableness indicated by many planets in mutable signs for much of 2016. Now we start to leave that era of uncertainty as we move into more straight-ahead and determined cardinal signs.
Many long-term financial and collective psychological trends are changing, or being birthed. Be alert. It is not often that you get to see the course of history change right before your eyes, and are aware it is happening.
On Sunday, as you remember and reminisce about 9/11/2001 and 9/11/2012, be sure to put some pork on your fork, and smile at a Muslim as you enjoy the bite.
Done we are having BBQ mountain chops tomorrow at 9000 feet this will be my first endeavor cooking this it should be fun
Oh, I know something you don’t know!
So, if you have not bought you popcorn yet, I would do it today!
What? You can’t just drop a detail like that and not anything else. Inquiring minds want to know (and so do we).
The new Net Flix show … I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
It is like fracking in the wrong place, nothing good happens in the end.
Hope this clears up any confusion.
I thinkuth there is a “special someone” that is going to hear this a lot when they arrive to their new home:
Copy the latest from the Master Blaster!
Popcorn inbound!!!
Dis gun b gud.
All copy on the he code
Good to hear from you Master Chief.
For those who don’t know what LIAJ is, I provide this for your edification.
Finally, someone cracked the secret code. Well done.
Stocking up on popcorn, pretzels, nachos, chip dip and BEER.
Wishing everyone a safe ride at today’s Cincinnati Green Beret Motorcycle Road Rally. This is part of the Green Beret Foundation Cincinnati Green Beret Classic 11-12 Sep.
Well made it back to SunSpot, Nm. a few days ago, talk about a 180 in temps at our Tucson house today it’s supposed to be around 100-102 up here on the mountain as I speak its 48 and windy.
It’s going to be my first time in years seeing fall colors my wife is quite happy too, me I’m just trying to avoid the damn elk on the road it’s the rut right now so love is in the air
Off to the last October fest on Holloman AFB by the German AF next year they are gone for good
Thank You Billary for spying and throwing a friend under the bus
And from the “Who Gives A Fuck” section of the news:
“Hillary declares half of Trump voters a basket full of deplorables…
I resemble that remark.
Way to get votes bitch….
She speaks and 99% that comes out of her mouth seems to resemble what her supporters are or what she has done
Yes, I am and her point is?
She can keep it up, because come GEN ELECT day, her goose will be cooked!
Editorial Note: No actual migratory birds, geese and or individual goose will be harmed in the process. This note is provided specifically for Alex the fake Marine a real cabanna boy who believes a “silver bullet” and “nuclear option are direct threats.
That is all.
I think she may have meant ‘dependables’, because I’m completely dependable.
I know a lot of other people who are also dependable.
She should carry a dictionary with her, to build her vocabulary.
Mr. Pence responded appropriately. He said “They are not a basket of anything. They are Americans.”
And yet her minions STILL call us “intolerant”.
Well, the Norks are feeling frisky because Fatty Kim da T’ird has personally set off a nuclear weapon with a 20 to 30 kiloton blast, which is two to three times the force of the 10-kiloton Hiroshima bomb.
The blast created a +5.0 seismic wave which was felt in China, across the border. A school was emptied because of it.
Here’s a link to the map showing the seismic intensity the explosion created.
bodaprez condemned it as a ‘grave threat.
So, how long does anyone think it will be before Norkiland starts doing ‘business’ with Iran in regard to its nuclear program? Iran is having trouble making money from its oil wealth through OPEC. That’s why they needed all that not-a-ransom cash from US.A.
Here’s another link from World Earthquakes dot com, with links to several stories about Norkiland’s nuke test and its 5.3 quake.
Scroll down the page till you come to the section titled ‘North Korea’.
Saw it yesterday on my USGS Feed 5.3 very shallow on to typical Nuke test
That makes it worrisome.
Carelessness, lack of understanding that ‘toy’.
A special heartfelt message to the DREGS of The Dutch Rudder Gang that comes from my Scottish Roots:
And from MY Viking roots:
Or (with credit to Ken White): Snort my taint.
I prefer this rather NSFW “shout out” to the DRG.
But that’s just me.
On my new UPS driver’s salary, because DAB had me fired from my job, we are having jumbo shrimp, ice cold Mehican beer, fancy ordurvies, HINE Rare VSOP, lobster, fillay mignoot, fresh picked greens, corn on the cobb and NY cheese cake.
Oh, not celebrating anything special in advance.
KMRIA … See you very soon again!
You must be one of them thair “high falutin'” UPS drivers, huh Master Blaster? Makin’ those deliveries to the people that live in them fancy houses and hold their little pinky fingers out when they have their tea?
I don’t work for UPS I work for a three lettered outfit. Yeppers! My job is solid and I am in control.
I have been feeding misinformation to DAB (dumb and boring) for over 2.5 years now. Much of it lands in his pleadings as truth. DAB’s purden is quite low. By his own drivel, words and behavior … will denote his future.
Never been fired, in fact quite the opposite. In my chosen profession, DAB’s are a dime a dozen. He just shines and glistens more than others. He has never controlled anyone or anything, in fact quite the opposite. We have controlled the battle space. He has swallowed the hook, line and sinker.
Ta ta!
See you very very soon …
Yes, I will be there, along with my 3 lettered friends.
And many more …
You scored MCPO! UPS is a plum job with great bennies. You’re rubbing salt in the wounds of the DRG cause none of them could ever get to first base in the hiring process…hell they could never get at bat.
IMHO they’d get told to TAKE A HIKE as soon as they walked into the interview room, UPS is a tough outfit to get hired by!
Looks like the VA is going to link several specific types of cancer to the Lejuene Drinking water.
Looking through them its easy to tell that these cancers aren’t the ones that the cock gobbling naysayers always try to pin on “life chioces”.
I have a friend I just reconnected with on facebook who served with me on Lejuene. ( He was the legal clerk who did Scotty Priest’s deserter package when her was in 2/10). He was just dianosed with Lukiemia. Never smoked a day in his life.
Am pleased to announce that Stately Claw Manor/Motel 6 is once again ready to receive guests.
No evidence of the shit storm is anywhere to be seen.
Thank You for your patience.
Time to crank up the motorhome. AH hell, it’ll be buried in snow if I go now.
SJ……Ca’mon, Ranger Up! Where is your sense of adventure!
Claw…….I get the jeep back Friday. Generator was shot. Short in the electrical. Carb needed a rebuild. Up next the Mule!
Presently doing laundry for the the “Little Chickadee” romance is going well!
So this morning marks the beginning of our nation’s longest war…the question remains, are we willing to see it through to victory? I believe that those in this forum hope and pray that we can, as do I. I’ve been out twice and I believe that I have one or two more left in me. In the words of Abraham Lincoln “Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.”
I love you all and say today, tomorrow, and every day “God bless the United States of America”
Some pictures from Reuters. There are children now who view it as ‘history’, no memory of it because they had not been born when it happened.
It’s another 9-11 and my thoughts turn to gasoline. Whatever happened to the gasoline commercials that once were fixtures on TV? Hey, I remember 9-11 every single day and Benghazi at least three days per week and every single time I see Wide Load’s mug. So, forgive me or don’t but Sept 11th is a Sunday and oBaMa is cussing that he had to get up early today other than to play golf. That thought pleases me.
Looks like Pantsuits had another dizzy spell while at ground zero memorial. You can see in the video she collapses while being led away to her van.
Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.