Medea, Millard and Uranus [by TSO]

| December 17, 2008

On 13 March 1781, Sir William Herschel announced to the world that he had discovered the heretofore unknown seventh planet in our Solar System.  Now, all of the planets up to this point were named after Roman deities.  This was not an idea which much appealed to Mr. Herschel who believed that such a discovery should be tied with the current King of England.  Thus, he decreed, the plant should be named “George.”

Now, this would have ruined school children everywhere who would have been required in their yut to memorize the sentence “My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Geraldo Seven Pizzas” which doesn’t quite role off the tongue.  Luckily for 3rd graders and bloggers with a sophomoric sense of humor everywhere, the planet was instead named “Uranus” which my science has proven produces snickers like no other planet name EVER.  Unless planet X should be named “Booger.”

Nonetheless, I tell this story because it segues nicely with the Jovian sized asshattery I just witnessed down at the White House.  Deciding to scrap a bad idea (George) with a potentially even stupider one (Uranus) always makes me melancholy about Code Pink.  But fear not, intrepid astronomer, because Code Pink has come through again.

Here’s the short story:

Peace Activists Take Shoes to White House in Solidarity with Shoe-Throwing Iraqi Journalist
Call for his release and tribute to Iraqis who have suffered under US occupation

WHAT: Peace activists to gather with shoes in solidarity to Iraqi journalist
WHEN: 11 a.m., Weds. Dec. 17
WHERE:  In front of White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

And what release would be complete without a quote from a phony CIB wearing PowerPoint Slide Clicker:

“Having one shoe thrown at George Bush pales in comparison to the suffering that veterans and Iraqis go through everyday,” says Geoffrey Milliard of Iraq Veterans Against the War. “Perhaps if Bush can see some more of these shoes before he leaves office, he will feel some of our pain.”

So, I braved the elements with my intrepid photographer, and down Ye Olde Whyte House.  Here are some pics, and here you are kids.

You remember Geoff Millard from Jonn’s post the other day;

A giant Bush decapitated head – BDS reigns supreme;

And this guy was in another of Jonn’s posts last month; Jim Goodnow who defended the Impeachment Bus from a gang of wingnut facists (in his dreams);

The press out numbered the protesters by about 3:1.

I spoke with this young lady briefly.  She is from a Russian news station, and she is in quite a quandary.  She wants to come to the inauguration, but she has been unable to secure a place to stay.  I don’t want to give out her name, but if you know of anywhere, just email her at

She likes conservative men, bubble baths, frolicking naked, and drinking profligate amounts of alcohol.  Sometimes when she gets really drunk she likes to give massages, make out with other girls, and make samwiches.  If you can find it in your heart to help her out, won’t you please email now?  Because if not you, then who?  If not now, then when?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Protests/Rallies

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She likes conservative men, bubble baths, frolicking naked, and drinking profligate amounts of alcohol. Sometimes when she gets really drunk she likes to give massages, make out with other girls, and make samwiches. If you can find it in your heart to help her out, won’t you please email now? Because if not you, then who? If not now, then when?

NOOOO why do i have to live in TN why!!


[…] Watch out. […]

Richard Romano

Where is their outrage for those who truly killed the widows and orphans? Why is their condemnation of murderous terrorists always absent?

You moral fools at Code Pink.


I was there. Be not deceived by the blonde newsbabe’s angelic looks. She’s from Russian Television (RT), known colloquially as “KGB TV”. She means to do you great harm. Leave her to me.


too bad i dont live in the dc area, i would be happy to take care of her. :cough:

Dave R

After reading this article-I am appalled that the code pink idiots are not challenged or put back into the hole from which they crawled out of. However! I have now found a new source of reading material for my library!.
God Bless our military for their dedication, sacrifice, and commitment in serving this great nation!
Thanks MM for leading me to this site
Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year~


[…] also staged a shoe-themed protest in front of the White House this morning, replete with headless Bush puppet, natch. Exit question: […]

Bob Bakian

Every Russian is KGB right Craig? You get that from your fake war hear McCain?

TSO Writes: I find your lack of a sense of humor oddly disquieting. See Bob, it was a joke to essentially get her for himself. It is what heterosexual men do.

Bob Bakian

And Richard Romano:
America has created way more orphans in the world than “terrorists.” More people die every year from peanut allergies than from international terrorism.

Jonn wrote: So Jimmy Carter kills more people than terrorists?


Code pink needs a bailout….

They have plenty of ability to pull in the press for these street displays. But, it looks like they only have 4 to show up for this event. I’m sure that Obama (may peace be upon him) can use some of that 30 million left over in his campaign, or some of the 700 Billion bailout slush fund — so that code pink can pull some anti-war liberals out of the soup line for an event like this.

Code pink, don’t go away Obama (may peace be upon him) needs you in their new administration to wave the signs behind the generals, and to disrupt those congressional hearings. Don’t let your commie organizers down code pink, hang in there!!!

Bob Bakian

How childish can you be? A grown man making homosexual jokes? You must be really fun to hang out with.

TSO Writes: They really should drill in your head for natural gas. It wasn’t a gay joke numbnuts, I was making a point.


[…] at the amazing pictures from their ‘protest’ this am in dc, taken by my friend jonn at this aint hell, there really isn’t anything peaceful about […]

LT Nixon

Was Medea adjusting her “santch-wedgie” in the pic above the severed Bush head? And that email address for the hot chick was for Medea at the Code Pink house, right? She’s so hot.


Where are the “Arrest Barney Frank or Chris Dodd or Henry Paulson or Bill Clinton or Chris Cox” T-shirts?

Bob Bakian


TSO Writes: You are right of course, that was incredibly phalleocentric of me, and I am obviously a vagophobe by mentioning nuts. And, I did not mean to demean those who flaggelate their private regions, they are people too, and gosh darn it folks like them.

Just A Grunt

Combine this with Gateway Pundit’s post of how the Iraqi ambassador handled the Code Pinkos at a briefing and you have a double header.


“She likes conservative men, bubble baths, frolicking naked, and drinking profligate amounts of alcohol. Sometimes when she gets really drunk she likes to give massages, make out with other girls, and make samwiches.”

Too bad TSO already has a girlfriend…

TSO Writes: That phrase alone could be considered one of the breaking of the seals heralding the end times….

Bob Bakian

Whoa! Some big words there TSO.


Lt Nixon,

Key Medea’s heart is an apple and a sugar cube…


Lt Nixon,

Key TO Medea’s heart is an apple and a sugar cube…

AW1 Tim


Pray tell… Just exactly what does this mean: “fake war hear McCain” Are you making light of the aurally challenged, or trying to point out that a fake war is taking place somewhere?

Or perhaps you are simply using some of the sanctimonious tripe that the leftists spew to bait your trolling hook?


[…] This Ain’t Hell has photos from today’s protest. The media outnumbered the protesters 3-1. Code Pink affiliated Breasts Not Bombs campaign, Jul 23, 2005: […]

Bob Bakian

Simple typo.


[…] This Ain’t Hell has photos from today’s protest. The media outnumbered the protesters 3-1. Code Pink affiliated Breasts Not Bombs campaign, Jul 23, 2005: […]


With all those old hippy shoes lined up there, it must have been aromatic! 🙂

Max Entropy

“3-1. Code Pink affiliated Breasts Not Bombs campaign, Jul 23, 2005”

Now THAT is a tough choice.


I have a warm place for the Russian journalist – I run a modest Russian journalism outreach and support center – but do you think she’ll mind the daily commute from Chicago to DC?


I’m sorry Jersome, my Russia Today correspondent has been enrolled in my “re-education camp” and will be incommunicado and incommuteable for quite some time.


Craig, what you have there is a plant. The real Cossack is living comfortably in my Potemkin Village. But notice the slight Tartar in her eyes. A true masterpiece. Yes, Craig, you have the reasonable facsimile thereof.

TSO Writes: Tell me this girl is a fembot. This blog will get a gazillion hits, and World of Warcraft would go under in about 3 mins as dudes sold everything they own to be the first dude on their block to own one.

Paul A'Barge

I tried to email her but it bounced back. Darn ….

TSO Writes: You and 37 others at last count.


Bob Bakian Says:
December 17th, 2008 at 2:49 pm


There, I fixed it for you.


Too bad TSO already has a girlfriend…


Tell me it ain’t so…

Oh wait? One of the Code Pink ‘ladies’ – right? He does seem to spend a lot of time with them. Reckon he has inside info?

The Sniper

Considering I speak Russian fluently, I live within the same time zone as the innauguration, I have a hot tub, and I love samwiches I would be happy to help her out. The only problem is that she would have to not be bothered by loud noises and spraying blood as Mrs. Sniper would be gut-shooting me the entire time.


OK. So I really am a lesbian, but had I not been lying about not being one, hot foriegn girls might just had changed my mind.

If I wasn’t in a relationship, I’d have to let you boys know its time to step aside, that lady needs a woman to keep her warm at night, she’s seen enough bear-ski’s.

You guys complain so much about CodePink, but see what good can happen?

Jonn wrote: Funny, TSO and I were just talking about you on this same subject.


Great post!!

Would you like a Link Exchange with out new blog COMMON CENTS where we blog about the issues of the day??


TSO: If that isn’t a fembot, I don’t know what is.

Sniper: It was my college language. But she’s sharpening my pronunciation and lexicon as I write this.



Don’t worry about TSO. I’m not sure it really counts as a girlfriend if you have to occasioanlly patch her with Duct Tape to keep her from deflating.

Also… Inside info on a Code Pinker? Ewwwwwwwww.


Damn Jen. The mind races.


[…] TSO is on the spot.  […]


Well, I don’t speak no Russian or anything, but, ain’t the proper phoenetic spelling of one of the key words and concepts in this here thread “Sam-ITCHES”? Those Code Pinkers give me the willies, maybe the lovely Michelle was right.

What’s Russian for Sam? ….Bob?

Jonn wrote: So the Russian chick brings Jetty out of hibernation. She has amazing powers.


It would seem the IVAW has lost their war of occupation of DC…

Just one Heavy Division left.


It looks like Medea Benjamin, radical rich girl, can’t even pay protestors to join her anymore. There was a time when she could draw dozens of chicks in pink to a protest but no more. The anti-war movement is dead because Americans do not protest a victory.

When Medea lays out all her shoes, it looks a lot like the aftermath of an insurgent bomb blast in an Iraqi market. Each shoe in such an attack tells a tragic story. Isn’t it curious that Medea has no enthusiasm for protesting such attacks which purposely target Iraqi civilians? During the height of the insurgent bombing campaign, 600 Iraqi civilians were purposely killed by insurgents for every Iraqi inadvertently killed by US forces. The scale of the innocent dead tilts heavily on the insurgent side, yet Medea ignores them.

Medea’s pink platoon of supporters no longer shows up for her protest horror shows. Even the pink coven of her closest supporters can’t be bothered to show. Only she shows up to promote the cause of evil and protest the cause of good with whatever scratch team of losers she can.


Code Pink and company ~
Losers of the World – UNITE!!
All four of you…
Wow! Decapitating a puppet and lots of shoes! How tres profound!

And this is what gets the media out…*snort*


Geez, I am coming here again just to read the comments about the “Useful Idiots” in the Tin Foil Hat Crowd. And others. LMAO! This site needs a NO BEVERAGE WHILE READING WARNING. Now to clean up my screen, keyboard and desk.

TSO Writes: with the possible exception of Ace of Spades, I would say we have the funniest group of commenters on the net. Seriously, some of these are killing me. We also must have the most lonely group of males ever, as the number of you clicking that OBVIOUSLY faux email addy is skyrocketing. More on that tomorrow, but you’ve all supplied me with endless mirth today, I gotta tell you.


LOL! And Geoff Miltard thinks he can still show his face after the whole debacle? He really must be a glutton for insults and ridicule! Watch, by next year, Saint Cindy the Stoopid and Medea will be the only two members of Code Pinko left =, the rest are beginning to give up already 😀


We also must have the most lonely group of males ever

Yeah… I reckon those of your ilk do enjoy teasing the testosterone out of the weaker guys. When I was a kid I watched a guy running away from a fight while yelling “If you catch me I’m gonna beat the crap out of you!”

Me thinks you do protest too much.

Maybe Raoul will fill in the details. You showing up at these Code Pink events is telling.

TSO Writes: I made up the email addy, and I almost clicked it, then remembered that my girlfriend is a redhead, and likely owns firearms. Believe you me, I know of atleast 3 people currently trying to track down Ms Ilooklikekournikova right now. Trust me on this one, the only moderately cute girls I have ever seen at a Code Pink function was when these numbnuts showed up at some dudes houseboat protesting something stupid, and those girls haven’t been seen since as far as I know.


[…] line citizen reporter, TSO, This ain’t Hell:  The press out numbered the protesters by about […]


[…] worthless slime ball pictured above decided to kick the anti-American antics up a notch by gathering a few fellow turds together to comically pretend they […]


Don’t you know that they changed the name of the planet Uranus so it no longer causes snickers?

It’s now Urectum.

(Stolen from Futurama).

I hate Code Pink.
