From the frontlines

| October 29, 2015

Don Shipley called us from Dan Bernath’s front yard. Bernath has been inviting Don to meet with him face-to-face for more than a week, telling us that Bernath is wearing his SEAL cap all over town, so Don should “catch” him.

Bernath email

Don and Diane flew down this morning, bought Bernath some helium balloons and knocked on his door, camera crew in tow. That’s what I’ve been doing all day, keeping Bernath at home and on his computer while Operation Shipley deployed.

Well, Dan won’t come out of his house. He sent his wife out to close the garage door.

Don says that he’s going to camp out there for the next three days if he has to. Don has already told the local police what he’s doing there. I’ll update as I get reports from Don.

From: Extreme SEAL Experience
Today at 3:52 PM

To Daniel Bernath

Its hot out here, Dan… Can Diane and I at least have a glass of water?

From: Daniel Bernath
Today at 4:23 PM

To: Extreme SEAL Experience

I have spent my life helping the helpless.
You are a high school bully.
For profit.
Picture: You pushed Mr. Hall and pushed Mr. Hall in the hopes that he would take off your head. Incite to riot. Then you and your gang arrived at his job to get him fired. Diane Shipley “did he say he was a SEAL to get this job?”
Malice hidden under a clown face.

You’re trying to provoke something here and scare my wife (age 64).
Here is Mr. Hall about ready to react to your provocation.
You monetized your service and as I have said repeatedly, you are a disgrace to my US Navy.
Do whatever you want but come back to following the law and don’t stray from it. We are all watching.
Have you contributed to the victim of your stolen valor hysteria in Sacramento yet?

Dan says that he has us right where he wants us.

From: Extreme SEAL Experience
Today at 4:04 PM

To: Daniel Bernath

I’d bet Dallas would come out…

I don’t know why Dallas has anything to do with you he outclasses you so much.

Perhaps now Dallas see’s what you really are. All talk…

UPDATE: Don wants us to flood these media types with requests for a news crew at Dan’s house. Here’s one link and another. Tell them to call Don at 757-572-7203 as a point of contact and tell them why Dan is newsworthy.

Category: Bernath

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Congratulations, Dan: you came in 1st.

A Proud Infidel®™

“BE CAREFUL of what you ask for, you might actually get it.”
Daniel a. Bernath, a WORLD RECORD DUMBSHIT!!


Crap you beat me to it again….

Delilah T.

‘Helping the helpless…?’

Okay. Sure. Any other fairy stories available?


That’s followed by ‘and defeat the defeatless.’


He was trying to say making a profit from the helpless.

best estimates are he made about 4 million off social security


The weather in that area is pretty nice this time of year. It should be quite a pleasant camping trip – as long as they have sunscreen. (smile)

Mark Lauer

We are now finding out just how truly “brave” Dan the Lavatory Man is. As long as he can see you in court he figures he’s got you. Since he can’t do that anymore, well, no more teeth in the baby tiger.


Let Don talk you into going behind the bushes Diane.
That will bring Bernath out of his house for sure.


Yeah, last I heard, he was boasting of his fighter pilot reflexes. Nothing kicks him into high gear like rustling bushes.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHAT? Is Daniel A. Bernath really THAT SCARED of a REAL US Navy CPO? I heard that the presence of another real USN CPO on one occasion made him suddenly heal to the point where he was able to haul ass out of a courtroom sans crutches! 😀
First I have a ball making “Pinky” Lars go apeshit, now this. WHAT A GREAT DAY!! 😀


Well, now you’ve done it! By cracky, the fit finally hit the shan, didn’t it?

Whattsamatta, bernutsky? ‘Fraid of your own shadow? Or afraid of a real Chief Petty Officer? Or both?

How do I get Senior Chief and Da Missus to come visit me?


What I want to know is who the hell would stay married to that example of total DNA failure?

Silentium Est Aureum

Two words: green card.

Two more: sham marriage.


Word ^^^^^
LMFAO ! ! ! !


Maybe she was a he?

No sex with a catheter and colostomy bag!

A victim of domestic violence scared silly by his threats.

I feel for his wife. I bet it’s a living HELL

Roger in Republic

Play stupid games, shoot off your stupid mouth, wear a SEAL hat in public, and challenge the Shipleys to a Non-catheter pissin’ contest. That should get them to come over.


What goes around comes around. Talk shit to a SEAL and you will get a bunch back,then add SEAL to it double the fire Power.

2/17 Air Cav

I hope Diane has a helmet and vest on. Those dickmissiles can be vicious. I like the balloons. Nice touch. Balloons. Camera crew. Was there an over sized cardboard check too? Golly, I hope so.

Tom Huxton

Now THAT would have worked.

Call ahead and say “the Reader’s Digest Prize Patrol would like to visit YOU.”


Doesn’t Bernath have PTSD? I remember he said he carries. I thought that if your diagnosed with PTSD, no guns, PERIOD!


WOW!! What a man to make his wife do the dirty work and then try to claim she is frail because she is 64 years of age?? 64 is not that frail of an age noow a days.
His wife just might see his ways now
Good going Shipley’s and enjoy the weather outside because it may be very smelly, and musky inside with all the bullsh#t that comes out of the Mouth of ol’Daniel


Well I think Don has crossed the line here quite frankly!

Bernath is a lawyer (of sorts), invited Don down there and Don had the balls to go!


Bernath has Don right where he wants him!

I am on Bernath’s side on this one.

I would wait Don out for a few hours only, prepare a statement and march out there while Don is on the sidewalk and give him a piece of my mind!

Bernath is smarter than Don and he could prepare a statement that could articulate his winning position.

Yeah … Score one for Bernath.



That IS his singular brilliance. He got us!

In his mind, he does truly finally have us all … And I might have to finally agree with him. He has corner us and he needs to walk out the front door and express his feelings.

It is time for Bernath to man up, march out and confront with his best prepared statement.

He should articulate his case for the world to hear!

Score another for Dan the Man!


It is time for Bernath to man up . . .

Aren’t ye a wee bit auld t’be a’ believin’ in Leprechauns, laddie?

Silentium Est Aureum

I’m still waiting for any member of the DRG to “cometh.”

Roger in Republic

I’ll have a jar of what the Master Chief is having.


He’ll never come out of his house. He might have the Mrs. read a statement. Hiding behind a women’s apron, lowlife big mouth bag of crap ..


Thanks for your helpful input!


Job well done keeping Bernath on the computer while the SHIPLEY’S did what all of us want to do.
If Dallas isn’t backing up his buddy, he’s even fuller of BULLSHIT then BERNATHS COLOSTOMY BAG.
I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen. Just wish I had balls to do it myself. LMAO and contacting the news.
Bernath just doesn’t get that he’s now EXACTLY WHERE EVERYONE ELSE WANTS HIM….IN HIS HOUSE WITH DON AND DIANE ON HIS FRONT YARD. Is it worth a round trip ticket just to video and watch? HELL YEAH ?

E-6 type, 1 ea

Hey Dan, just think what would have happened if you had spent that $75 on gas…

charles w

Forecast calls for highs in mid to upper 80s, lows in mid-70s, with lots of sunshine. Nice weather to be camping out. Even if it is in buttnasties yard.

I wonder if Don & Diane have a portable charcoal grill? They could grill up a few tube steaks and buttnastie would probably come-a-runnin’.

Daisy Cutter

I wonder if Bernath has an automatic sprinkler system and if Don and Diane brought raincoats?

No matter what Bernath does short of a man to man, face to face and lay out his beef and make his points he will be perceived as a weak hand. That also goes for the longer he waits, it just demonstrates weakness.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m willing to bet that he’ll never do more than email while Don Shipley (SCPO, USN, Ret.) are right in front of his doorstep!

GFY Daniel A. Bernath, you’ve been libeling and slandering people for quite a while now, and the Shipleys have accepted your invitation. BTW, you still haven’t found me yet! 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

*OOP!* that should have read …while Don Shipley (SCPO, USN, Ret.) and his Mrs. are right in front of his doorstep!”

An Edit button, PLEASE?


I’m still waiting for him to find me too! Dumb as a rock?

A Proud Infidel®™

I said to hell with waiting some time ago, that slug snot-brained Swamp Donkey and his sniveling lackey will never find you or me, Reb!


They’ve tried and your right PROUD..not in this lifetime or the next. He’ll be back as a the most disgusting hated thing on earth. Living life over again as himself. KARMA


Is it true that seals bite when they’re pissed off?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

When I have seen a camera crew on standby, I have taken them refreshments. Where is the hospitality, Bernasty? I wonder if Don and Diane are watching out for the SlUrPeR qUeUfEr to CoMeTh. Hell, it is just a few miles down I-4 and I-75 from Orange City to Ft. Myers, Whipitnflogit should be able to panhandle up the money for the gas to get down there, then crash on Bernutless’s couch until his next Social Security check hits his bank.
Over 10,000 comedians are struggling to make a living and this crew gets all the laughs.
There oughta be a law.


Keep a close watch on the sky Shipley’s! If you see a purple suited blivet with a gray mustache falling from a balloon, get out of his LZ! DanDan the catheter man has called for re-reinforcement!


Dallas is hiding under a rock until its over, then claim he was there all along…loser

A Proud Infidel®™

DallASS? HEY *SLUUURP!*41, WheRe ThE HelL ArE yOu? Your Master is under siege, is the big bad hairy *SLUUURP!*41 gonna come in and rescue pooooor Lawn Dart Danny Bermaggot, or are you still scavenging lead paint chips, antifreeze, formaldehyde and rubbing alcohol to make Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktails?


I wonder if Bernath has called his heavy hitter Dumbass Dallas yet to come handle this for him.


Its looks like Bernasty has The Don right were he wants him. I don’t see Bernasty getting away since he is to ignorant to keep fuel in his getaway car.

Tom Huxton

Fuel or not, he will take the shortcut through the cornfield.

Haywire Angel

I can only imagine what was being said between Don and Diane when they read this part:

“Diane Shipley “did he say he was a SEAL to get this job?”
Malice hidden under a clown face.”

Unless I was reading it wrong, Dan called her a clown face. WOW.

Hack Stone

Can you reach out to the Shipley’s to get a report on whether Stately Bernath Manor has a door for the mailbox?



Vote Disillusioned Ticket

Hack Stone

Vote Delusional Ticket. Fixed it for you.


I was never good at math!

Silentium Est Aureum

That’s why you were a snipe…

(ducks and hides)


Lawn Dart Danny actually composed a lucid response. I can only assume that he’s back on his medication.


Or he’s out of booze, and afraid [of Don] to come out to go the the liquor store. Or he got all dressed up in spandex and then the zipper pull broke off, and he’s trapped. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

MAYBE he’s out of lead paint chips and rubbing alcohol to make Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktails with?


I think Don’s next email should say, “Hey Dan. Real thirsty out here. Getting desperate. Will trade you a glass of 100LL AvGas for one glass of water.”

HMCS (FMF) ret.

SNAP! That was the sound of loudest pimp slap that I’ve ever heard!!!


Jonn, you really need to get one of those popcorn eating smileys for stuff like this…

Keepin' It Real
2/17 Air Cav

I just fell off my chair, climbed back up, and fell off again. Next time I watch that duo’s dance number, I will hit play while on the floor. Nice work!


Am not sure his legs are that good looking….

Just An Old Dog

That was full of win.


Holy Cow it’s a Emmy contender LMFAO ! ! ! !

Open Channel D

I just called them and was told they’ve already received a number of calls. I would like to see the local service organizations and veterans come by and show their support for Operation Hair Fury.

All I want is the t-shirt and souvenir catheter concessions…

AW1 Tim

In my opinion, this is what happens when you make your catheter do double duty as a crack pipe.


Yo Dog, all this stuff really scares me, esse. Are we going to get paid tomorrow or not? OVER


Homies gotta eat!

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Tomorrow’s the day, esse…. the payment come in… you’ll get your cut to fix up your ride to make it CHOICE, ESSE!!!!

And don’t forget about the dingle balls for the tuck and roll job, Holmes…

You can call me SLEEPY…



Guess Bernasty ever heard Jim Croce’s song:

You don’t tug on superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off that old lone ranger
And you don’t mess around with Jim (or SCPO’s)


How about this modification?

You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
You don’t yell, “Stop!” when he’s gone
You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with Don

2/17 Air Cav

“A distinguished former Navy SEAL and his wife are nearby and have an interesting story to tell. The former SEAL, Don Shipley, can be reached at 757-572-7203.”

Open Channel D

He’s still a SEAL. Just happens to be retired but subject to immediate recall.

The Fleet Reserve makes us special that way.

Daisy Cutter

What was written to both stations provided above:

There is currently a Stolen Valor standoff at:

1319 Kingswood Ct
Ft. Myers, FL 33919

This standoff is between Don Shipley and Dan Bernath. What is at stake is the weak Stolen Valor laws and what it takes for someone like Don Shipley and others in the Stolen Valor community to confront these fakes.

Dan Bernath is a lawyer (or was) that harasses members of the Stolen Valor community with lawsuits and legal filings as well as a parody website in Iceland (more liberal laws there). Don Shipley is the guy that calls out fake Navy Seals.

Dan invited Don, more like challenged him, to show up at his home so Don and his wife are camped out on Dan Bernath’s lawn right now waiting for him to come out and debate him. No violent intent.

This is very newsworthy as Bernath has been harassing the Stolen Valor community for years, besides also being a fake, and is finally confronted.

Don Shipley is point of contact: 757-572-7203

Herbert J Messkit

I grew up in ft Myers and worked for the company that built that subdivision. I might have set his trusses decked his roof and framed hi walls in the 70’s


it’s a news story that has nationwide interest. all you have to do is look at how many people subscribe to his you tube channel or where his followers on FB are from.


Shipley at Bernaths front door. BUDDHA bless you. I prayed Don would do something after all the crap he and Dallas emailed me and others about his wife Diane.
Dallas is Bernaths MOUTH piece and still doesn’t know how to STFU.
So, Dallas, go and protect your buddy or are you just as scared shitless as Bernath.
They brought you balloons and out of gratitude send out a few beers.
We’ll be there in spirit ?


“Driving away”? It’s over? Or just a pause in the stake out?


Wish I could hear the NSA tapes of Bernasty’s pleas for support to SHorTBuSsSlURp. The latter isn’t comething.


He hasn’t cometh yet..still waiting patiently ?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Be patient, Y’all. Dullass has to raise the bucks for gas, and every time he gets a fiver, the temptation to grab some MD 20/20 overwhelms him. He will be there, he is in his car now:


Are you planning to share your mail?

Just askin’.

Hack Stone

Don Shipley Vs The Dutch Rudder Gang


Rat faced Bernath is busy scurrying around the internet to find disgusting NAMBLA pictures he can clumsily photoshop. He’s really going to show those Shipleys this time! p.s. he has a gofundme account so he can renew his NAMBLA membership, all those lawsuit filing fees have eaten into his catheter fund.


star see definition of coward
noun person who is scared, easily intimidated
Common Informal
Synonyms for coward
noun person who is scared, easily intimidated
chicken, craven, cur, dastard, funk, poltroon, recreant, sissy, defeatist, quitter; cream puff, milquetoast, pushover, pussy [slang], weakling, wimp; caitiff, snake, sneak; ostrich, scaramouch (or scaramouche) or all rolled into one a BERNATH. p.s. eff you, you little bitch. 🙂


Hey guys Bernath needs to be heard.

You have all been challenged to contact the media.

I am cheering for Bernath on this one, I want to hear what he has to say!

Shame on you Don … for calling out a phony Honorary CPO and former school bus driver, lawyer/photographer.

Bernath has the opportunity to address the world!


He said he would have come out but there was a pallet of potting soil blocking his door.


‘a pallet of potty soil’???

Oh! I get it! His commode is unacommodating.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Potty soil”, what’s that, soiled cat litter after it’s been cleaned from the litterbox?


If you want Bernath to come out, bring some cheese along tomorrow…


I was thinking a SSDI check. But maybe you’re right.


That’ll attract Chevy!


Back in the ole days, they would cut your power and water and plug your sewer line with an inflatable bladder!

After 36 hours of Motley Crew blasted through the walls from the side walk, a small tear gas projectile would flush the skell out in a minute or two.

Thank God, we don’t do that anymore!

This is more civilized!

Silentium Est Aureum

This is why I have a well, septic, and generator.

But Motley Crue? Okay, ya got me.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Gun’s and Roses = Welcome to the Jungle… it worked to get Noriega out of the embassy, it should work on Danny-boi

Mark Lauer

Yeah, but those are great ideas if needed.
Thanks for plan B


Who are you thanking?

Mark Lauer




You don’t know who I am, nor do you know the plan.


Mark Lauer

Yeah, I do. Bye.


Do you work in a FO in the NE?


Guess that shut him up ?

Mark Lauer

Guess that shut WHO up?

Mark Lauer


Frankie Cee "In the clear"

It is time, or past time, for Psychiatric intervention. Dan is desperately in need of protection from himself. No sane American male would even consider sending his wife out, into danger, without going out himself. I wonder what this obvious instability is doing to his poor wife, who has to put up with his unpredictable behavior. Seems that a “Baker Act” or some such action is needed now.

Hack Stone

Don’t worry, Bernath’s wife gets all the moral support that she needs from The Dutch Rudder Gang Spouses Club. They usually hold them meetings in Bethesda MD.

Data Dawg DV X

Ummmmmmm….could someone contact the Human Services people out in Bernath’s area, and tell them the deal? Seems to be some kind of thing where Mr. Shipley, bless him, could be seen as challenging a vulnerable adult. I would rather Mr. Shipley not get into trouble at all. Bernath isn’t worth so much as Mr. Shipley’s feces. This is a good excuse to put Bernath under guardianship as far as I see. Conservatorship of his estate too.

Sam Killeffer

Watch out Don and Dianne he’s probably busy on the phone with the “Ace” Counselor Visconi who has told him that you are trespassing……… Who knows maybe Visconi will take time off from his legal pursuits and come to Bernastypants’ assistance with a summons for you to appear in court!


Don’t forget Jonn’s involvement. Conspiracy to commit trespassing!

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Getting that “quality” legal advice for $20/hr…

Silentium Est Aureum

In the words of Flounder, “OH BOY, IS THIS GREAT!!!”


I spoke over text with Sr. Chief. He asked again for help getting media coverage. For those of you that use the Facebook see if you can get it to go viral.

Oh and Dug Out Dan, why dont you go out and talk to the Real Deal Sr. Chief? I have a song for you.


We will be taking up a collection to send Dug Out Dan Pizza tomorrow, we dont want him to starve while he is sitting on his hands and rocking. I asked Sr. Chief is he wanted pizza, he said they were good but thanks for the offer.


Truly, one for the ages…


Please tell me there will be daily updates! That would be the perfect present you could give me for my birthday tomorrow!

CB Senior

THE HAIR is on the trail and has a scent.
Look out. The FAKE E7 who is a REAL POS has all the guts of a Sea Lawyer. All talk, that is full of bull. Zero accountability and action.


I hope that the press decides that it’s worth following up on.


Heeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwwww ! ! ! !


Hopefully, Danny boy shuts up and crawls in a fuckin hole.

He really made a mistake going after Shipley for all these months making that stupid copy and paste statement about Shipley and his wife.

A Proud Infidel®™

He hath fucked himself!!