The winning cow is crowned during the Miss Milk Cow beauty contest in Moc Chau plateau, northwest of Hanoi October 15, 2015. The beauty contest selects cows with a solid torso, high legs and which provides the most milk. This year, 126 cows have been chosen for the contest among the 18,000 cows in Moc Chau. Miss Milk Cow beauty contest is organised at Moc Chau plateau for more than a decade to promote local dairy products as the diet of Vietnamese people rapidly changed with higher income. The winner this year is a five-year-old cow that weighs 710 kg and provides around 59.6 kg milk each day, nearly triple the average amount of milk produced by Vietnam’s cows. REUTERS/Kham TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
I guess Daniel Alan Bernath is afraid we’re going to mention his name in the weekend open thread
Daniel Bernath
Today at 9:03 AM
Jonn Lilyea
I gather the most relevant evidence of your and Sgt. Mark Seavey’s command and control of your gang members on the weekend posts.
So we’ll be commanding and controlling our gang members at the secret TAH. The code word for this weekend is “strut” Right 4 – Down 3. Check your CEOI.
Ten Bears sends us the challenge. Memorize it and then delete your webpage history;
The King is only fond of words, and cannot translate them into deeds. – Sun Tzu
Category: Open thread
damn it CLAW131
both of us at 1300 sharp what are the odds so is that two first placers ????
Nope, as 2/17 explained before in the getting to claim “First” scenario, it’s all in the posting line-up, not in the time posted.
I couldn’t claim a tie earlier, it’s one of those either you are or are not deals.
But it sure is a heap of fun seeing who can actually be calm enough to get their comment in first and not catch a case of Buck Fever in the process.
Too slow, gotta be quicker. It’s so easy when you are proficient at picking the right time and then executing the mission with all available means.
“Peace Through Superior Firepower!!”
you beat me by seconds
CRAP !!!!!! what are the odds that two of us posted at the same time
It’s happened before. You just gotta be sure of your line of sight and then don’t make any left turns in Albuquerque.
We old timey supply sergeants are masters of being quick on the trigger when getting there first means you get all the best stuff.
damn supply they always get it Lol. 🙂
Not first, don’t care.
Hey, Bernath, am I still a 60-year old woman, or have you changed my identity this week? I was hoping for something a little more popular with the single lady folks, but hey, not everyone can be Bradley Cooper or Chris Hemsworth.
Oh, and GE Technical Support sucks balls.
SILENTIUM…ARE YOU ME OR AM I YOU? BERNATH has identified me as so many people, it’s hard to keep up. If I’m you, guess I better fix my license and if your me, you gotta do the same? He’s really stupid and couldn’t identity either of us with our Monikers’ written on our backs. I can’t wait to see his face when he finally gets who the hell I really am. The dumbass has seen me so many times and still can’t figure it out ? Dumb as a rock and 100% sure he doesn’t have to buy toilet paper. We finally figured out why he likes anal sex…if there’s no exit, the entrance is WIDE OPEN?
This goat reminds me of the Dutch Rudder Gang!
The only thing missing is the picture of those losers in line waiting to mount it.
Are we switching to CQ code PU2U2 thread C anytime soon?
API must first meet and solve the challenge presented.
Oh, and since we’re still MS-13:
(Throws signage)
What up, esse? TAHside, bitches!
Hola, vato… just call me “Sleepy”, esse!
TAH for life, pendejos!!!
This is how the male members of TAH roll, Holmes (NSFW for those with sensitive ears of members of the clergy):
ATTENTION! We interrupt this thread to bring you an important message.
“There are two birds in the bushes. There are two birds in the bushes.”
We now return you to the thread.
“John has a long mustache…John has a long mustache”
The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall.
Seeing a post with Bernath’s name never fails to bring a smile to my face. No matter how badly life is going, at least I’m not him.
Guys like him are why Jerry Springer is still on the air and so popular. No matter how fucked up you are, no matter how bad your life gets, you’re still better off than THAT GUY.
Yeah, Bernath. You’re THAT GUY.
Frank burns tires on Tuesday.
Bernath works two-holes on Thursday.
Beat me to it.
I will be aboard the BR5-49 in littoral waters off the Islets of Langerhans. This is eyes only so I can only speak of it on the interwebz.
Sending cat in to retrieve birds. Sending cat in to retrieve birds.
I don’t think he will come back, though. Damn cats have a mind of their own. I might have to buy him a new kitty toy after this LMAO.
Cat returned with a mouse, not a bird, to play with it in the house.
Dog having apoplexy.
“The duck has left the pond…..The duck has left the pond”. Over.
“The flowers are blooming in Houston, I say again, the flowers are blooming in Houston.” Out.
Shoot the moon!
An infant’s smile always brightens the day.
The Hamster Balls are Blue……. (click) (click) The Hamster Balls are Pink
they are now Pink…… Over and out…
Les sanglots longs
Des violons
De l’automne
Blessent mon cœur
D’une langueur
mayday mayday mayday….
the dog craped on the driveway
I repeat
craped in the driveway
be on standby for a nine-line at 2000
that’s all
Sorry, I am late checking in.
Has the catheter passed beyond the prostate?
don’t you mean OVER? over
stay thirsty my friends.
stay thirsty my friends.
over over
2000 Plus 1000¥¥¥% bye 7…. Nine-Line is Canceled
——————— Next frago at 0930 bye 16 turn left down 1 PI
Sheriff ZULU, Battle Space, Green. Off Line
You sunk my battleship!
Danny-boi is still conducting COINTELPRO on the TAH cadre under the code name “OPERATION FLOPPY DONG”?
Hey, Danny-boi! How did that meeting with the CA state Bar work out for you? I thought so…
Oh, before I forget… a shout out to DuLlAsS, a.k.a.: QUEEFERS, the official man-hole inspector for the DRG!!!
Well, now I’m all disappointed and stuff. I was hoping the article about the private tank on a British fellow’s lawn would be the weekend blog post.
Yesterday the newest addition to the Twist family was born at 0800. The strapping new grandson came into this world at 8 lbs 9 Oz and 21 3/4 inches long. I got the text early yesterday morning that my daughter was in labor. I then replied ok and then rolled back over. My wife asked me what that was and I said that our daughter was in labor. That is when it hit me and I was instantly awake. As we were getting ready to go pick up the other gradchild for her I jokingly told my wife to tell her to hold it because it was my day off and I had to finish redoing the kitchen cabinets.
Congratulations on the new addition!
Congrats, Twist. Now, finish those cabinets!
But let’s get to the important stuff:
Did you redo the kitchen cabinets?
Sadly, no. I had my daughters other child all day so I have to wait for my next day off. Right now everything from my kitchen is in my dining room and all the doors are off the cabinets.
Heartiest Congratulations to a fellow Grandpappy.
I guess that newest Grandson of mine (five weeks old now) is packing on the pounds. In a Skype deal here the other night I heard the girls talking about how he is already wearing “Threesys”(three month wear?).
Congrats, gramps!
Congrats! Remind his parents to raise him right and not expose him to the Coast Guard until he’s old enough to understand.
Ah! A new member of the Twist hunter-gatherer clan arrives on the doorstep!
Congrats, and may he live long and prosper.
You didn’t say so explicitly, but I’m assuming mother and child are both doing well and resting comfortably.
Congrats – on both the new grandson and on not getting killed for that joke about the cabinets. (smile)
Big congrats Twist. ?
From the Skippy clan or gangsters Lol… Who ever is reading this with know life
I meant any dufus the trolls da page
Congrats sir on the new addition to your family.
Congratulations on the new addition!!
Good job to the young lady!
Congratulations to you and yours. Many happy returns.
Congratulations my friend.
Copy. Twist had a grandson. Cabinet Door acknowledged. In position. Ready to launch, esse. OVER.
I just read this, totally not related to the NON HON CPO, or anyone wearing a pukey purple jump suit:
What the actual fuck?
Bhwhahahaha Holy mother of god !!!!!! WTF is going on in the navy nowadays
They are from Wallingford, Ct. That town has been having major heroin problems for years. That said, one would think you’d have broke the addiction in boot. Wife probably had the monkey on her back still. Sad.
If she had watched South Park, she’d have known you never actually catch the dragon.
I was at a party this weekend and the guest of honor’s daughter was on the Bush when it happened. She was telling us about it there.
The worst part of that story is untold. If they were selling, personnel on board were buying. That is so…arrgggh.
I’m guessing the OD is what tipped the chain-of-command.
But hey: this is the 2010s. Worrying about drug use is so 1980s/1990s.
(I hope the sarcasm in the last para is obvious.)
Danny is getting great G2 from here. So far he’s bought the Cadre 3 vehicles, a college degree happy lawyers, and a bunch of ammo and cigars.
And a hot dog suit. Don’t forget the hot dog suit.
Damn. I forgot the suit again.
Yea that suit I’ll never forget that one Lol….
Still can’t get that suit image out of my head.
After my wins, I’m putting liens on what’s left. Hum, knowing my luck, the only thing he has left is his colostomy bag and really, he can keep it. BERNATH, you will be serving the rest of your DISGUSTING, POSER, LYING, THREATENING, DISBARRED ASS IN FEDERAL PRISON. You were absolutely stupid to send threats via the internet.
At your bar hearing we were laughing so hard I almost forgot to do my court duties. So, who and what was I during your trial? Yes BERNATH I WAS THERE EVERYDAY and I’m 100% sure you still don’t get it.
I wonder if Crash-and-Bernath is too stupid to figure out that we don’t have a chain of command here at TAH. I think the closest I’d ever come to saluting someone is a good-nature single finger if they toss me a light beer rather than real alcohol.
Then again, the disbarred lawyer actually thinks we’re affiliated with a narco-terrorism gang. I would find it funny if it were so sad that a veteran is slipping into dementia.
He’s probably smart enough to know when he’s being toyed with. I like that “no chain of command” angle but I don’t believe he’ll buy it, Commander.
That was just for Operation: Rustle, Rustle. You’re not supposed to call me that anymore.
This is what passes for military bearing around here:
FLAG-WAVER. SOON TO BE DISBARRED…the court reporter is really slow and the fella I spoke to at the Bar, said once the Supreme Court gets the order, it will update his records to DISBARRED.
Once that happens, will someone figure out how we can all do a HAPPY DANCE AT THE EXACT SAME TIME? I know we all live in different time zones, and want BERNATH TO HEAR THE EARTH QUAKE UNDER HIS FEET…
Flagwaver, when you say “real alcohol”, I ASS-U-ME that you mean real beer or good refreshment like a good Scotch, REAL “Mountain Dew” or say a good Whiskey Sour?
I have Autumn cleaning to do.
I will also roast chicken and contemplate the migrating geese, the fall colors and get some apple cider. Heat it, add a slice of lemon, drink it nice and hot. Makes the whole house smell like summertime.
Saw a Blackhawk on a flyover yesterday. Cool stuff!
Been seeing single lines of geese flying overhead, NW direction, very low, almost rooftop levels. (sigh). Beautiful.
Flying TO the Northwest, or FROM the Northwest?
In my area it is more likely that I will see a VR-22 Osprey flying over, especially just at dusk or just after dark doing new pilot training, (pilots that ae well versed on how much fuel to have on board at takeoff, I might add.). A flight of 8 Blackhawks will pass directly overhead on Thursday Oct. 22nd, enroute to commit a mission, (I have this from a very reliable source.).
Canadian honkers. TO the NW. That kind of puzzles me, to.
Maybe they’re just in a south-east to north-west landing pattern for a food/water/overnight stay spot.
Any freshly harvested crop fields/bodies of water off to your northwest?
Big weekend back in my old stomping grounds of Indiana. Whooping and Sand Hill Cranes by the thousands have congregated at the Jasper-Pulaski State Game Preserve for the free chow and rest stop on their migration route. Even a benefit bicycle tour called the Crane Cruise is set for tomorrow. Shutterbugs up the ying-yang taking pictures/film and lots of hard cider will be consumed by all.
I work onboard NAS Patuxent River, where every DAY is an airshow.
try APEX North of Nellis AFB… during red and green flag.. my ears are still ringing
the best time is at night when the B1B and the B2 Are doing touch and goes…
Or be on the flight line at Nellis when they do one of the Flag “pushes” when every aircraft in the USAF inventory (it seems) take off in about an hour. Plus some NATO allied aircraft. There’s a mix of all the fighters, bombers, tankers, etc all mixed together. Funny to see all of them taking off right to left and then all of a sudden some bombers scream off from left to right because they’re carrying ordnance and can’t overfly Vegas with it. The taxiways look like an ant colony. Then they all recover a few hours later. ATC and the tower get a huge workout. The ground shakes for an hour. Jet fuel and heat haze linger in the air. You can’t help but get a Murican Boner.
Shot a great photo at Las Vegas Motor Speedway a few years back at a NASCAR race. 43 cars running balls out down the back stretch with a B-52 on a long final above them. Looked like an ad for ‘Murica
Two words: mulling spices.
If you want to freshen the stale indoor air in your house this winter, simmer a panful of apple cider for about a half hour.
Really makes the place smell wonderful, and you get some nice, hot apple cider into the bargain.
Somebody needs to ‘splain the choice of photo. Is her next moove to centerfold of Water Boo Monthly, or is there an udder reason?
I think the choice of photo is a mooot point.
I think she is a ringer flown in just for the occasion/propaganda photo shoot from somewhere off-continent.
Converting the kg to lbs to gallons, (in plain English) she produces just a little over 13 gallons of milk a day.
Our (the US) record for a daily milker was a Holstein from Wisconsin (where else?) that pumped out 23 gallons a day for a full 365 day production track.
So, Vietnam, whether North or South, you are still sucking hind tit when it comes down to brass tacks.
“I gather the most relevant evidence of your and Sgt. Mark Seavey’s command and control of your gang members on the weekend posts.”
I did not know that we commenters were being commanded and controlled. I had us as a pretty good bunch of free thinkers, able to tie our own shoelaces, wipe our own butts, and check our own fuel tanks, as well as decide by ourselves what we post in comment here.
H’mmm, “command and control”…
I have grave doubts that a certain individual we all “know and love” can recognize the difference between “relevant evidence” and “self-delusion”.
Bernath doesn’t have a ass to wipe or a dick to shake off the urine drop’s. A catheter story Jonn will soon share ???
OH, so he thinks we don’t post anything until we’re told to by “the Cadre”. Those scrotum-sniffing ass pickles have a shit-ton of squirrels in their attics and bats in their belfries!!
That “message” to Jonn sounds like a poor translation of a Chinese assembly manual.
Hey, Birdbath:
I believe Birdbath is speaking “empty words.”
Is that similar to empty fuel tanks? You know, since he likes to cath so much, he could fill his tanks with that stuff and see how far he could get.
I went to the dentist yesterday. When I got there, he was limping on one side. He asked me if I had arthritic hip dysplasia. I said ‘No, why are you limping?’ He said, ‘Why do you think I asked if you had it?’
As I was paying the bill at the desk, I said to the clerk, ‘Imagine your mind being completely intact and clear, but you’re lying in bed unable to utter even a single word, because you’ve had a stroke… and you’re a comedian…’
She winced. ‘That would be just awful,’
she said.
I agreed. ‘But what if you’re a politician instead?’
She burst out laughing, and I left.
My CEOI is expired wrong DTG…
Danny Boy is gathering intell… counter-intelligence from a guy that’s obviously counter to intelligent, and that’s just plain counter-intuitive, not to mention counter-productive…
For those working the DELTA ALPHA BRAVO project.
Use the following codes:
Use these codes only for the 0200 and 1300 uploads of data.
I think for that project those particular codes are permanent and 24/7, MCPO.
I thought today was Wednesday.
According to the VA, I’ve got moderate to severe hearing loss, plus tinnitus, in both ears, and I’ve got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands.
I hope the VA will give me a little more compensation, since my left ear is already Service Connected, with a rating of zero percent.
So far, the VA compensates me for a total of twenty percent, for my back and my right knee.
My tinnitus was SC at 10%
Tinnitus is an automatic 10% and you get a max of 10% for it. If there’s hearing loss that’s a separate claim.
As I was told by the rep who helped me with my claim a few months ago.
If you have tinnitus and aren’t getting 10% for it, you need to ask the VA what the hell.
John Denver was a better pilot than Bernasty was/will ever be!
Ouch !!!!!!
John Denver was also a success in this life. He earned what he had, and gave to others, completely unlike what a certain plane wrecking non-CPO has done with its life!!
Have you folks seen my own personal web site, “OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE”, lately?
I’ve posted a special announcement about Veterans Day 2015, and I posted a 1950 movie, “AT WAR WITH THE ARMY”, starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
The movie is in the Public Domain.
Reckon I’m gonna set up two or three Secret TAH blogs.
Mind you, none will be THE Secret TAH blog, but the process will raise the noise level and confuse the DRC drones.
Oh wait… never mind.
What’s the uniform for the meeting? In the SCIF? Command Group buying beer and pizza?
Uniform of the day will be jockstrap, pile cap, and low quarters
Cool so I can wear my man thong…..
And a light coat of CLP.
For Marines, it’s Dress Blues, tennis shoes, and a light coat of oil. S/F!
Q: What do you get when you cross Daniel A. Bernath with a steaming pile of Phil Monkress?
A: Stupid Shit
How do you get a blind 400 lb hooker into a room where Bernath is the john?
Grease her hips and throw in a candy bar.
What do you get when you cross Dallas with a gorilla?
Drunk retarded gorillas.
What do you get when you cross Paul Wickre and a pig?
Nothing. There’s some things even a pig won’t do.
Couldn’t of said it better?
Bring in Turd Bolling (of Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency) into the equation and you have a fat, stupid pile of shit.
Hey, Bernath and company Golf Foxtrot Yankee and Sierra Tango Foxtrot Uniform. Bunch of fucking brainless losers.
Here’s a hypothetical question for youse guys:
Veterans Day will soon be here.
There’s no Veterans Day parade where I live, but a friend of mine lives in Salt Lake City, where there is a Veterans Day parade.
He never served in the Armed Forces of the United States.
BUT – – – ,
He was one of the Freedom Fighters in Czechoslovakia during the “Prague Spring” of 1968, fighting against Soviet tanks with Molotov cocktails, in which he saw his brother killed.
He became a United States citizen and his Czech military rebel heroics are unrecognized.
No uniform and no medals, just the memory of seeing his brother killed, and an old black and white photograph of a Soviet tank in flames.
If you were marching in that Veterans Day parade in Salt Lake City, would you invite him to march alongside of you?
I’m just curious.
When I was stationed in Germany, I remember seeing the words, “PRAGUE SPRING”, at a highway intersection, painted in large white letters on a stone wall bordering a farm out in the country.
It was the Cold War, and there, I was – – – .
That’s what that National Defense Service Medal was all about, or so I thought.
By the way, have YOU obtained your Certificate of Recognition for your service during the Cold War?
You can get it (I think) by contacting the Department of the Army.
Here’s what mine looks like:
There is a Cold War Victory Medal, but the only ones currently permitted to wear it on their uniform are Cold War veterans serving in the Louisiana National Guard.
Cold War veterans in the Alaska National Guard may wear the riband, but not the medal.
As I understand it (and I could be wrong), Congress authorized the Cold War Victory Medal, but the Department of Defense has yet to grant its approval for that award.
As I understand, its just a “certificate” at this point, still.
The penguin wears galoshes. The penguin wears galoshes.
Ice Station Zebra has turned inward. I repeat Ice Station Zebra has turned inward.
Plan Code Name Damocles Now Operational.
Bernath, you insane bastard. I don’t care what legalese you think you can pull. If you manage to track me down, and try any harassment tactics, I’ll get on the comms to my attorneys. By the time they are finished, you will be declared mentally incompetent, you will be a ward of whatever state you are in, you will lose control of both your person and your estate, and you will possibly wind up committed to a psychiatric facility, or placed in a permanent stay of commitment status, which will put you under conditions you will find intolerable. You will also be forcibly medicated, you will be subject to rules, your communications will be interdicted, and the remainder of what little life you have left will be spent gooned out, your mind destroyed, you turned into a vegetable, and you will be forced into treatment for the incontinence of your bowels and your bladder. You might even be restrained constantly if you really get pissy and out of line. You will share your television time with others. You will have zero computer or internet access, and other penalties I can only dream of.
DELTA DOG et al, go the the other website. I’m sharing everything that happened at the California Bar Association Hearing.
Please, if you smoke, have plenty, you don’t want to miss a word of the story. LMAO..BERNATH IS SUCH A MORON..HE’LL NEVER FIND YOU,although he always claims he found everyone’s real identity…now I’m supposed to be SILENT ?
Other website? Link? If it’s classified send via Jonn.
What sj said. I can’t wait to read the funnies.
Me, three, pretty please?
They say that Virginia is for lovers. I would have it would have been Intercourse Pennsylvania.
Change sentence 2 to read “I would have thought that it would have been Intercourse Pennsylvania”.
Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.
The DRG took a wrong turn looking for small boys in Williamsport and ended up in Loyalsock.
Something tells me they have a lot of experience with deployment socks….
Definitely not Blue Ball!
Let’s see, Daniel A. Bernath (GH! :D) said nearly two years ago he would find me while *SLUURRRP!*41 said he was on his way to visit me, and since then those IDIOTS have accused at least eight innocent men of being me. I wonder how soon they’ll be in some cushioned “Happy Room” wearing a “Huggy Jacket” babbling our screen names while they drool on themselves in between doses of Thorazine?
OH, DallASS is as off his rocker as usual. He now says that “Reb” and SEA are one and the same, I just wonder how much more IDIOTIC he’s gonna get? It looks to me like that fercoct menuval kadokhes Bernath has nothing left to do but plotz and his noch-schlepper *SLUUURP!*41 perpetually snivels at his side.
Here’s the link *SPEW ALERT!*:
this guy is a sick fack … he is obviously had fantasies about Butt Sex or I don’t even want to say it.
I thought my opening and legitimizing Gay Sex. people like this would no longer have to live in the Closest… I guess not…
that’s all
PROUD, I’ve been identified as everyone but the real me. He couldn’t find us if sitting in front of him with my name on my back.
You asked for it, you got it.
I haven’t heard that song in ages.
Well since Birdbath likes to peruse this site and look for relevant information for whatever insane ass-hattery he is planning next, here is something he can read… A list of his failures in life. * Suspended and censored by the California BAR in the 1990s for failure to pay child support. * Denied Admission to the Oregon BAR because of lack of Moral Character. * Currently inelligible to practice law in California and awaiting what will certainly be a rubber-stamp approval of permanent disbarment due to several counts: Unauthorized Practice of Law and Moral Turpitude being the major ones. * Failed attempt to sue California BAR attorney in Fla. Dismissed WITH prejudice. * Failed Attempt to sue a Judge you assaulted in an elevator, case dismissed, with the presiding Judge comment on the record that your complaint was so muddled as to be almost incoherrent * Found guilty of assaulting the same judge being fined, sentenced to a year of probation and made to attend anger management classes. The Magistrate admonished you and said you acted like a preschooler. * Banned from representing Clients in Social Security Disability Cases after over 50 instances of misconduct and incompetence on your part. * Having you case against this Very Blog, Several commenters, their Employees and several large organizations ( The American Legion, NASA and the Social Security Administration) tossed out of court. Once again you were admonished by the prisiding Judge over your lack of Professionlism and grasp of the legal system. * Losing several suits bought against you by TAH members, and having to fork over about 150K in Damages. * Being such an incompetent attorney that you cannot have any possessions or property in your name for fear of having them siezed because of legal action. * Having your class action law suit against Yelp tossed out, with even the media reporting on it saying that your actions contained many “ad-hominem attacks” against opposing counsel and your motions included such insane accusations that Yelp used promises of alcohol and Gay sex to entice reviewers to write more. * Last but… Read more »
you forgot sued the company that made his airplane for not telling him the spinney thing in the front would stop moving if he ran out of gas. Dismissed.
Tried to land on a closed runway.
Bragged about losing control of the airplane while struggling with a dog, and was going to cut its throat. then later said in the future he would duct tape its paws.
Wow! You saved me from having to type. You said it much better than I could. Thanks
Thinking last night that this asshole is claiming Agent Orange when he never set foot in-country and the ship he was on never carried the stuff. There are a few of us who were regularly sprayed and/or operated in areas that were sprayed with the shit.
Can’t wait for a DRC update.
Just look in the toilet.
On several of his posts on the aviation forums he conveniently left out the “Hon.” part, thus giving the distinct impression he was a USN CPO.
Willfully violated FARs regarding reserve fuel requirements.
SO Daniel A. Bernath (Google Hit!! :D), failed pilot, failed attorney, never has been or will be a USN CPO, the laughing stock of every courthouse he’s ever set foot in is now ZERO and what on his trial record?
API – he’s Hamilton Burger’s bytch!
Here’s an old time Gospel hymn that I just now learned to sing, and I only just now posted my homemade amateur video recording of ME (!) singing this song, as I accompany myself by strumming simple chords on my Yamaha G-130A classical guitar:
VERSE # 01:
I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
VERSE # 02:
Through this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.
VERSE # 03:
When my feeble life is o’er,
Time for me will be no more;
Guide me gently, safely o’er
To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.
OMG!!! Guys, I’m not sure if you’ve seen it or not, but you got to check out the selfie A Proud Infidel posted on the forum!
It is just wrong! I don’t know who that is with you, but her hair looks like a llama licked an electrical socket!
I thought THIS was the forum.
Where’s the picture?
^^^what JRM said
I think he means the Facebook version.
When Daniel Bernath decided to test the structural integrity of his aircraft by crashing it 200 yards from Sisters Airport, did he just take off or was attempting to land there? If his intent was to land at Sisters Airport, he could have made it if only he jettisoned his huge ego.
Please Tell Me It’s Not True. (His inflated Ego).. your COMMANDER In HIFF
Has The Biggest Ego in the Universe… . . . . . That’s All
. . . . . . . . Hope And Change.
So does this mean we’ll start getting paid?
You haven’t gotten your check yet?
Talk to Hondo, he handles all of that.
Who’s Hondo?
We are all Hondo, brother!
Even Bernasty?
Bernasty is the anti-Hondo. He who leads the weak and stupid astray with false promises of winning lawsuits and airplanes that fly without fuel.
Turn away from the Bernasty and follow not his voice into the wilderness where all must pee into catheter bags and logic flees you!
Get the behind me Bernasty! The power of Hondo compels you!!!
How clever…. Combine the Cow Queen and the Bullship King into a single thread.
Here is the URL of my most recent homemade amateur video recording which I just now posted at the YOU TUBE web site, of ME (!), singing an old Gospel favorite, “THE CHURCH IN THE WILDWOOD”, as I accompany myself by strumming simple chords on my Yamaha G-130A classical guitar, which I purchased when I was a soldier in the United States Army serving in the Republic of Korea, where my father had also served a quarter of a century earlier:
VERSE # 01:
There’s a church in the valley by the wildwood,
No lovelier spot in the dale.
No place is so dear to my childhood
As the little brown church in the vale.
(Oh, come, come, come, come)
Come to the church by the wildwood.
Oh, come to the church in the vale.
No spot is so dear to my childhood
As the little brown church in the vale.
VERSE # 02:
How sweet on a clear Sabbath morning
To listen to the clear ringing bells.
Its tones so sweetly are calling
Oh come to the church in the vale.
VERSE # 03:
There, close by the church in the valley
Lies one that I loved so well
She sleeps, sweetly sleeps, ‘neath the willow.
Oh, disturb not her rest in the dale.
Thanks for posting that, John. That had some play in the 1960s, too. Always good to listen to you.
@ EX-PH2:
Thank YOU for taking the time to watch my homemade amateur video recording, and for your very gracious comment!
If Bernasty is gathering evidence does that TAH folks are car shopping for the next round of free cars?
Just remember, when you purchase an automobile with your Bernath Bucks, fuel is not included.
But your very own Phildo bobblehead will be on the dash.
I asked a long time friend, song writer and his band to write a song about BERNATH AND TO TOSS IN DALLASS CLOWN, ET AL. I emailed him absolutely everything from their emails and posts on this site, and Iceland website.
Knowing how talented my friend is, a Gold record is in the making. Something that we can listen to when sad. It would be a great pick me up to put you back into a happy mood.
I think we should all be blessed that we didn’t live a life like any of these clowns and be proud of the lifes we did.
BERNATH et all will be reincarnated in their next life as the most vile disgusting animal that we can shoot and let it rot back into the ground.
I’m hoping since I lead a good life, I be reincarnated as a hunter shooting the vile animal.
So, he’ll be reincarnated as himself?
I wish that Casey Kasem was still with us. I would like love for this song to be a long distance dedication.
I have searched the internet time and again looking for anything that even came close to the post of Dallas, Bernath and Wickre.
I have at last found something that can equal them if not flat out beat them in a stupid typing contest.
Ladies and Gentlemen I kid you not. This is astounding news.I give to you the tweeting Chicken
I have read its tweets and I am pretty sure it has been this chicken and not Dallas sending us emails.
I would bet that this Chicken his written legal documents for bernath. I am sure that this chicken could never in a million years approach the level of utter nonsense we see from the DRC
Have a great Saturday. Remember only 68 shopping days till Christmas. My humidor is getting low and I look great in earth tones in case any of you were wondering what your Favorite Enigma wanted
Some of Betty’s tweets actually make sense!
7UGZ=====, for example. How much more expressive can you get?
I think Betty the Red Hen knows her stuff.
I’m sure that this chicken must be ghost-writing for Paul Wickre.
Attention, all!
In the clear: ALL IS WELL.
(At least at HQ OWB. Not so well for certain deranged misfits if their continuing machinations are any indication. Which they are.)
What? Denial, projection, delusions (of grandeur, among other things), lying, and various criminal behaviors apparently aren’t enough for them. Obsessive compulsion is very boring for those forced to observe it in others.
Whatever. All is still well here.
Just a heads up for anyone affected by this. I already sent it off to Our Glorious Leader Whatshisname, so that he could wangle a dissertation out of HOBO on the subject.
There will be NO COLA for SocSec in 2016.
Your Medicare premium, however, WILL GO UP!
There’s a bunch of other stuff, but if HOBO gets to analyze it, he’ll make it clear, just as I am telling you now, that this is the THIRD time for this episode of nonsense and ALL THREE TIMES HAVE HAPPENED SINCE 2010.
Now, who was POTUS in 2010? Was it O), B), or D)?
Oh, you 1 percenters and all your greed!! Just think of all the chiiiildren that the money you aren’t getting is going to help save.
/sarc off
Ex-PH2 is correct. The following link from SSA documents that.
A bit of explanation. Social Security COLAs are calculated based on comparing the 3rd quarter CPI-W for the current year with the CPI-W for the same quarter of the previous year. The increase, if any, to the nearest tenth of a percent becomes the year’s COLA.
The calculated COLA becomes effective for benefits paid for December of the same year. However, those benefits are not received until January. So the COLA effectively is for the following calendar year’s Social Security benefits.
The end result is that the years in the linked chart are the year the COLA was determined – which is the year PRIOR to it’s receipt by Social Security beneficiaries. Thus Social Security COLAs determined in 2009, 2010, and 2015 affected benefits received in 2010, 2011, and 2016.
These are indeed the only 3 years since 1975 for which no Social Security COLAs have been paid. A low COLA is good news in one respect – it means inflation has been low. But it’s bad news if you happen to have mandatory bills that nonetheless have risen, such as insurance or a mortgage (due to property taxes and/or insurance going up).
Well, there goes my weekend. You have poked at his Eminence. I will endure being berated by his minions. Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance, so I have stashed a supply of Viagra just for these kind of incidents.
Mr. ASVAB is becoming more like “J” all the time.
BUT, but, but, WHO’S gonna pay for all those lovely, luxurious vacations that B. Hussein 0bama & family enjoy on our dime, and where’s the money coming from to take care of all those poor illegal aliens that we carelessly allowed to get on our soil, so now we we automatically owe them everything (That’s what Nanny Lugosi says at least), and all that money of ours that needs to go to other countries to be used to WORK FOR WORLD PEACE! /SARC
Wow… in a grammatical sense, this email went to the bar, got wasted on Jaegerbombs and Zima, and then stumbled out into the street and heaved syntax all over Jonn’s email.
Oh Non Hon CPO and Disbarred Lawyer Bernath…Has anyone told you, you look like a badger’s arm pit?
Might want to think on that a bit…
Hey Queefer Sluurpppp Witenfeld…Still waiting you drunken chicken snot.
Ditto on *SLUUURP!*41, that roach turd-brained QuEeF couldn’t find his own ass at high noon with a compass, searchlight and GPS!
From the sole-surviving pair of the DRC; wearing Ranger Up T-shirts is stolen valor if you’re not Ranger qualified.
Additionally, it’s also stolen valor if you wear a Confederate uniform while you’re reenacting a Civil War battle because someone might think that you were actually in the Civil War.
Does crashing an airplane or career make someone a lawyer?
No. But when done due to failure to follow FAA procedures regarding having sufficient fuel to take off, the former makes them a fool. And when due to disreputable behavior, the latter is called “Karma”.
Using an iPad app to read indicated airspeed causes drooling, rocking back and forth, and a disfunctional urinary tract.
He was using the ipad to read ground speed on take off and landing. He did not understand the difference between ground speed and indicated air speed.
Dangerous as hell also, I have a buddy that flys and every body knows about someone we know… claiming that it’s ok to use a I-Pad instead of your gauges to fly…. his nick name is Bird-Splaaaat. so they say LMFAO……..
I doubt that he understands the difference to this day. That thread is funny as hell to read. Bernath’s arrogant idiocy on full display.
Seems to me that not properly accounting for a headwind could definitely have an impact on how far one’s fuel will allow a plane to fly. But maybe I’m wrong.
Yeah, I think anyone with even a smidgen of common sense would realize that, just like your car or truck’s highway mileage will be less when you’re driving into a strong headwind!
I thought “IAS” stood for, “iPad Air Speedometer”?
That’s genius.
“New, Improved! Now without those pesky pitot tubes! (catheter not included)”
Oh, is this a rationality check?
So that lets out my wearing the black and gold court dress I made for the RenFaire?
Well, that’s just tough bananas!
Now that’s something I’d like to see.
Nice to see that they consistently make no sense at all. Consistency may be the only thing about them that approximates something which could be an admirable trait under any other circumstances. As practiced by them? Not so much.
Hmm. Not trying to start an argument, but doesn’t “Ranger qualified” mean “tabbed”, AKA “completed Ranger school”?
If that’s the case, then SoMe GuY wHo TyPeS fUnNy and his famous flying (sorta) friend can’t wear Ranger-Up shirts, either.
I don’t think he can afford them anyway.
I wonder if they don’t shop for clothes at thrift stores like someone else is rumored to?
Or so it would seem to normal, sane folks. With these clowns? Rules which apply to the rest of us simply don’t apply to them, especially since they tend to make them up as they go along.
Meanwhile, would join the line of folks ignoring any edict they make, but seem to be occupied with other things at the moment. Somebody save me a place in line…
SINCE WHEN have any of the TAH regulars, let alone “Cadre” ever done WWII reenactments? That idiotic wad of toad snot is even using pics of GEN Eisenhower in his web drivel. I bet he rocks himself to sleep at night drooling on his catheter mumbling “YEAH, I got those sheepfuXXers reaaaaall good this time…” just like he’ll likely be doing either in a rubber room or while strapped to a wheelchair in Happy Acres Mental Hospital!
I have a Shellback shirt I got from Ranger Up.
How many Rangers are Shellbacks?
Just curious.
I have an “Infidel and proud of it” T shirt that I bought at a Gun Show some time ago! 😀 I have another one that had the Gadsden Flag on it, am I not authorized to wear it because I’m not a revolutionary War Vet?
The Dutch Rudder Gang boys can go fuck themselves sideways with broken broomstick and barrel cacti wrapped in asbestos!!
They are nothing more than a bunch of ball-working dudes.
I’ve heard rumor that they like to do tricks for winos behind bus stops for T-bird money as well!!
since I drink coffee and love shooting targets on the weekends am I allowed to wear a
Gun & Coffee Shirt ?????? 🙂
I used to have a Banana Republic “Minister Of Propaganda” t-shirt. I would like to take this opportunity to confess to the TAH members that I am not, nor have ever been, a banana or a republic. I hope that you can find it within yourselves to forgive me for my transgression. As to being a Minister Of Propaganda, I think that my current position as Dieector Of Media Relations for a major third party software vendor qualifies me to make that claim.