Saturday morning feel good stories

| October 17, 2015

Bruce Hill in Indianapolis, Indiana was using his local Dollar general store as his own personal ATM, robbing the store three times this month. He was known as the Ironman Robber because he wore a mask resembling the comic book character. The store finally hired an armed security guard who was there when Bruce showed up for his fourth attempt. The guard drew down on Hill when Hill demanded money and gestured to a clerk that he had a gun. Hill un-assed the AO at a high rate of speed, but police found him later. Dropping the Ironman mask on the ground at his feet didn’t fool the officers.

In New Albany, Ohio, a fellow broke into a woman’s apartment and soon regretted it. She stabbed him several times. Bleeding badly, he unassed the AO, but police found him nearby hiding in the bushes.

In Orosi, California sheriff deputies described the grisly scene they found at a residence when they arrived. The body of a thief in the front yard and a blood-drenched 22-year-old victim who had fought the four thieves in a gun battle to protect his three siblings. The dead thief’s three accomplices are defending themselves against murder charges for participating in a crime that cost their buddy his life.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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19D2OR4 - Smitty

Why did the Dollar General hired an ARMED security guard? Everyone knows all they had to do was put a gun free zone sign on the window and walla, no more armed robberies…./sarc


I’m fascinated by the shootout in California.

And kudos to the Ohio lady for using what she had at hand to defend herself from an intruder.


Not to sound too harsh on folks who at least defend themselves with whatever they can get their hands on, and the fact of “not going down without a fight”, but…..

With all the violence in the various news outlets, and not knowing the criminals truest intent, go for the kill. Get a hand gun, revolver, semi-auto, something.

If an edged weapon is all you have, learn the “vital points” and use the edged weapon to ensure one of two things: DRT or DOT.

Arteries, arteries, arteries. Neck, under arm areas, under the upper arm, groin. Or stick’m in the solar plexus or gut & just rip it. Make’m bleed like a stuck pig.

Still glad to say they ain’t gonna roll over & just be a “victim” though!