Weekend Open Thread
![Bernath stuff](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Bernath-stuff-300x95.jpg?resize=300%2C95)
We’re not sure what happened yet – he either didn’t show up for the fifth day of the hearing (after participating in the fourth day’s events), or he walked out. Either way he defaulted on his appearance to the hearing, you know, even though he told me they had no grounds upon which to base a disbarment, what with his stellar record, his Oxford education and his inherent brilliance. Regardless, some order has been restored to the universe.
Rule 5.81 Default Procedure for Failure to Appear at Trial
(A) Default for Failure to Appear at Trial. If the member fails to appear in person or by counsel at the trial, the Court must order the entry of the member’s default, if:
(1) the notice of disciplinary charges was served on the member under rule 5.25; and
(2) notice of trial was served by the Court by first class mail, postage paid, on:
(a) the member’s counsel;
(b) the member at the address provided in the response or in a change-of-address notice filed by the member (if the member has no counsel);
(c) the member’s address in the State Bar’s membership records (if the member has no counsel and has not provided any other address); or
(d) an address allowed by rule 5.26.(B) Order Entering Default. The Court must order the Clerk to promptly file and serve the default order on all parties. Service must comply with rule 5.25. The order must include the following language in prominent type: “Because you failed to appear at trial, the Court has entered your default and deemed the facts alleged in the notice of disciplinary charges admitted. Except as ordered by the Court, you may participate in these proceedings only if the Court sets aside your default. If you fail to timely move to set aside your default, this Court will enter an order recommending your disbarment without further hearing or proceeding. (See rule 5.80 et seq., Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California.)” (C) Effects of Default on Trial. If the Court determines that the perpetuation of evidence is pertinent to any future inquiry into the member’s conduct or qualification to practice law, or if other good cause is shown, the trial may proceed for such limited purpose.
That Boehner chick announced her retirement from Congress today, so the good news just keeps coming.
But, here’s your open thread for the weekend.
Category: Open thread
I was working…so no threepeat!
I was not working, except if you want to call doing a crossword puzzle(in ink) and drinking coffee out on the deck “work”.
I heard the bird call clock going off announcing 1100 hours and I thought to myself “Hmmm, wonder if Jonn has posted the WOT?” Came inside and BAM, there it was. So just slid right on in with the first comment and rejuvenated the streak.
Sometimes it is just so easy.
Hard work, years of training, and the guts to continue long past the time others would quit are only part of it. Sometimes it boils down to having a natural gift…
John Giduck – the turd with a face!
I was working…so no threepeat!
Damn and Crap !!!!!!! LMAO !!!!!!!!
skippy you’ve been slipping the last month or so
my last first post on the WOT was July 4th I haven’t even came at number 2 I think since before then Lol…. but I do have a good alibi for today. getting the Buns from ready for a Nov 15 delivery date… I’m not going to lie tho I’m hope for a Holloween Baby Lol…
Well than you have a valid excuse, congrats on the upcoming bundle of joy
Thank You ! ! !
Maybe he’ll claim his catheter made him miss out on the hearing?
I’m guessing we’ll see some kind of “medical issue” claim, probably based on his “disabilities due to military service”.
I’m also guessing that claim will in truth be bogus, but I could well be wrong.
In re: ‘disabilities from military service’ – doesn’t he kind of have to have backup from the VA for that?
He can claim 100% all he wants, but that doesn’t mean he actually got it, you know.
I’m afraid I have the evidence of his 100% permanent and total. I don’t know what he got it for, since the evidence does not identify the disability. HINT: Redact your fucking social before it goes on PACER. The Federal Court’s Electronic Records system.
He’s been claiming that for about 15 months now, when there was no basis for it at all. He left the Navy in 1969 with zero disability rating. The only way he could have come up with that idea was by associating with Wittgenfeld, when ran into him down in Florida.
You know what a conniving piece of dog-shit Birdbath is. He worked the Social Security Disability Circut for years before they tossed him out on his wrinkled old ass.
He is probably an expert on “doctor shopping”.
All it takes is finding t he right doctor and bombarding the VA with claims.
That pension will keep him ok, and if I’m not mistaken isn’t up for grabs if he gets sued.
Everything else is pretty much fair game.
He’s going to have to resort to getting beard-fucked by hobos for pocket change to earn anything now.
Not necessarily, Ex-PH2.
In 2009, the VA made a sh!tload of conditions normally associated with aging “presumptively service connected” for anyone who ever served in Vietnam. A rather large number of those conditions have no time limit during which they much manifest; if they show up 40 years later, they’re still “presumed” to be service-connected if one served in Vietnam.
In this context, “served” equates to “set foot on Vietnamese soil” or “sailed in close proximity to the landmass of Vietnam”.
The rationale was “presumed Agent Orange exposure” for anyone who ever served in-country or close offshore in Vietnam. No proof of actual Agent Orange exposure is now required. If you served in-country, or on a ship that made a port-call or served close offshore and/or in “brown water”, you qualify – NQA.
Curiously enough, neither the USS Kearsarge nor the USS Yorktown seems to be listed as one of the ships the VA says qualifies. And, after all: claiming exposure based solely on service on-board a ship or ships that isn’t listed would seem to me to be at least unethical if not legally problematic.
But maybe that’s just me misinterpreting things.
It’s almost October. Maybe he needed a catheter adjustment.
There is a catheter story that goes with this, but I’ll save it for later.
Of course there is!
His excuse with evidence.
Your Honor, as I was leaving my motel room, two Navy Seals and two Army Rangers saw that I had trouble walking. They found my problem and helped pull DALLASS CLOWN out of my ass. It did take hours and I was unable to call the court because of extreme pain. Mr. Dallass Clown is here to testify on my behalf.
He failed to make it to court and is now legally DISBARRED. Too soon to crawl up his ass yet..
Noah Gass was at the airport. No-Fly outa that zone.
Did he walk in with or without canes, walkers, crutches or carried by Sherpa’s?
There aren’t enough willing Sherpa’s.
Don’t you guys mean ‘SluRrpEr’?
Or perhaps SlUrPaS . . . (smile)
I was thinking the same thing. He will move to set aside the default and claim that his lack of participation on the last day was a result of his disability, the try to pile on an ADA violation lawsuit against the bar. Of course, he’ll promise to dismiss the ADA action as soon as he’s reinstated. It’s the same kind of slimy lawyer crap that we’ve see before from the Floridia/Maryland version of the Apple Dumpling Gang.
He can try, but in the meantime, the judgement and all the bells and whistles will still be in effect, meaning that if he still claims to be a lawyer, he’s still breaking the law.
That, or he was engaged in a humanitarian mailbox repair project, and ran out of gas on his return….
Possibly. He could have just contracted the job to Phillip Dale Monkress scam of a company All-Points Logistics. That way he would’ve been able to make him his court date. Plus it would have saved him a plane trip in which he inevitably crashed because he didn’t put fuel in the bird again. To sum it all up fuck you Bernath, you brainless mutant.
Cut him some slack,,there was a sale on aviation fuel, and well you know any chance to fill up!
Since I know *someone* will be here near about 150 to 200 times in the next day or so, I’ll just start the slow clap and leave this right here….
(^‿- )
(*^3^) (_|_) KMMFA
Amen, brother.
Jonn et al (MCPO etc. you know who you are, too many to name)
Can we cue up the Munchkinland chorus? (With apologies to the Wizard of Oz franchise)
Ding Dong! The Lawer is gone. Which old Lawer? The Wicked Lawer!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Lawer is gone.
Wake up – sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Lawer is gone. He’s gone where the goblins go,
Below – below – below. Yo-ho, let’s open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong’ the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Lawer is gone!
As Mayor of the Munchkin City, In the County of the Land of Oz, I welcome you most regally.
But we’ve got to verify it legally, to see
To see?
If he
If he?
Is morally, ethic’lly
Father No.1
Spiritually, physically
Father No. 2
Positively, absolutely
Undeniably and reliably Gone
As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined him.
And he’s not only merely gone, he’s really most sincerely gone.
Then this is a day of Independence For all the Munchkins and their descendants
If any.
Yes, let the joyous news be spread The wicked Old Lawer at last is gone!
If Bernath is anything like my ex he will wait until things cool down a bit and then go back to court siting some BS reason for not showing up and pointing multiple fingers at the other people involved (the judge wasn’t being fair, opposing counsel pulled a dirty trick, my dog ate my homework, etc). He will gripe and complain that he was railroaded and that none of the accusations were true but the system is rigged against him or there’s a conspiracy. I’ll even be willing to go so far as to say he will accuse someone(s) here of interfering/bribing/lying/etc and that’s what caused his disbarment.
One way or the other, karma seems to be kicking in and while you can get one over on the justice system now and then, you can’t beat karma.
Sorry, should be citing, not siting
Well, that, and then there’s that distance between Florida and California, Chief.
It’s a long way to make a public ass of oneself.
Not in the age of the internet. He can do it instantly with the push of a button!
There’s absolutely no way he can appeal the Bars decision. He was served, attended the hearing and failed to show that next day. So, we toast a drink to never, ever again a ATTORNEY BERNATH.
You know who I miss? Good ol’ Denny Chevalier. He’s been dormant for far too long
He’s in a cheese and grape coma
They don’t make fakers like him anymore. He had it all
No book, no lawsuit, no ginormous girth, no 20 years in a Russian uniform, no cop killer girlfriend, no police commissioner boyfriend,
He only had cheese.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
So typical of the loser types. When they have no valid argument, they cut and run.
On another note. Beautiful fall weather here, and my big dogs and I have been enjoying tracking and watching the wildlife. Regular, daily shooting on my range seems to have them inured to gunfire too. When I am ready to put some more venison in the freezer I will have no problem taking one or two. Caught and release 3 nice largemouth bass in the pond this morning. Losers should live so good.
Didja send me pix of the fish, Frankie?
The squirrel found the bag of birdfood yesterday, so I had to hide it. Time to put the summer stuff away. I may go down to the wetland and see if there are any geese landing this weekend.
When I got to the pond, I realized that I had left the camera on the table. Gathering up the dogs, and a couple of firearms, (one sidearm, one lever gun), distracted me. I even left the phone laying there.
A couple of other photos will be in your inbox by morning, if not sooner.
I guess Wittgenfeld is shopping for a new cohort. He was trolling at the Ron Mailahn post.
There are a few and I didn’t see LOngRanGESchLUrpper there….
Please share. I love ZOMBIE THREADS
That shitbag. Fuck you too, Wittgenfeld.
He’s spewing a bunch of Bernathian blither on Google:
I’m a little confused about whipitnflogit. Has he been bounced out of the ‘net? Or is he just driveling for the sake of drivel?
Man, that hurt trying to decipher. Makes as much sense as what you would find on A Speecial Day website, or whatever Bernasty is calling it this week.
DITTO that Hack Stone, it makes me wonder which one of that duo is more mentally deficient than the other?
I’ll give that a third for a vote… my head is still spinning
Per my Wife… WHAT A F&$KING LOSER….
Looks to me he may have obsessive compulsive disorder. or I’ll refer to what da Boss said up top Lol….
That is an extra-large shot potful of stupid there
How did he find 29 people so utterly lacking in intellect that they would sign up to ‘follow’ that POS’s web drivel?
I just want him to tell us what he has done for the last 45 years that even slightly justifies his frickin existence? So you was in Vietnam, and then? What a waste of oxygen.
DITTO that!
Bet Danny-boi had a Bernathian-class meltdown and decided to no-show. I’m surprised that Judge Armendariz and Ms. Joyce put up with his crap for as long as they did. I also wonder if there is enough evidence to turn over to a DA somewhere and throw him in front of a jury.
As for DuLlAsS… told you that hanging on to Danny-boi’s ballsack was going to get you thrown under a bus… but you’re to STUPID to listen.
Just wait until the Ace Brush Bomber gets the bill from the State Bar Court!
Oh, that’s gonna hurt!
Danni “Scrooge McDuck” Birdbath…..How bout THEM apples there turd brain!!
Danny-boi will “hire” Forgin’ Frank Visconi to represent him in a $10,000,000.00 against the CA State Bar for “hurtin’ his widdle feelins”.
Forgin’ Frank will do all of the legwork for “$20.00/hr”, represent him in court and make an ass out of himself an get pimp slapped by the judge for being a dumbass – this is now know in legal circles as “The Bernathian Gambit”.
I wonder what he’ll use for an excuse, his catheter, the TAH/NASA/SSI/MS13 conspiracy, somebody watering his aviation fuel, or a combo thereof?
I heard Jonn flew to CA and duct taped a dogs legs to his catheter bag then crashed his plane after hiding in his bushes and all while doing a driveby on his house
Did anyone even hear the bushes rustle when it allegedly happened, or is he really that badassed when it comes to being stealthy?
Ouch ! ! !
In theory, the transcript recordings should be available on Monday. Here’s hoping for a speedy turn-around of them being posted here for our entertainment pleasure.
Word ^^^^^^^
I Need a Good Laugh =======
I would normally say ‘screw so-and-so’, but I need brain bleach to apply that to our dumb assed basterd.
Instead, I’ll go directly to this news report from Reuters about the growing influx of migrants from the Middle East, to the tune of 8,000 per day, described as the tip of the iceberg.
Scroll down to the middle of the article, to the paragraph that starts with ‘The greater number of asylum seekers’. Note the places of origin.
If the Middle East and African countries are emptying out, and none of the migrants are being vetted before entry, where is this leading?
I know the answer, but I will let you all have a go at it. And yes, it pisses me off no end that it is not being dealt with as what it really is: a political problem, NOT a humanitarian crisis.
I am still waiting for that Pope guy to set up bunk beds in the Vatican. And invite a few thousand friendly Muslims in to make s’mores and sing kumbaya with him.
he already took in two families
Yeah, I was thinking how quaint it would be if there was a gathering over there in St. Peter’s Square. You know, hot dogs, beans, chips, slaw, a little singalong by the fire – that sort of thing.
But the Pope is over the USofA visiting da beeg cities, so I guess that won’t happen soon.
The cock-mole Birdbath probably had a meltdown. I remember the Judge in his suit in Oregon actually treated him like he was a kid and was very lenient on him.
It sound like Judge Armendariz didnt put up with his shit. He is no longer on the hearing schedule.
I do hope he has to pay court costs before he left.
He is probably behind the dumpsters near LAX letting Hobos beard-fuck him for airline fare.
Bwa-ha-haha Dannii boi
Now this comes as a total surprize to me … really. I did not see this coming!
I was very confident that he would prevail in his pursuit of justice.
Perhaps this video will sum things up:
birdbath bores the living shit out of me, so I want to change the subject, if I may.
There is a full lunar eclipse on Sunday.
Sky & Telescope has kindly offered to provide live viewing on their website to anyone who lives in an area that may be clouded over or which is out of the viewing range.
Here’s the link to it:
It ought to be fun, and will provide all the tinfoil hat people with some episodes of angst when the world doesn’t end. 🙂
WAIT, wasn’t the world supposed to have ended in a fiery cataclysm at midnight on Wednesday? Lately I’ve been wondering which I’ve seen more of lately on the Internet, “GET RICH YESTERDAY/Nigerian lottery emails” or “END OF THE WORLD ON XX/XX/XXX” posts and ads?
End of world night is Sept. 28. There’s another one in 13 years or something like that.
Wait! What?!?! Sept 28th??? Well that sucks. The world’s going to end two days before my birthday.
And I was so hoping to get a pony.
Does Miller Beer still sell those?
Ex-PH2 – thanks for the intel on tomorrow’s eclipse and the link (weather in my AO is supposed to be clear). I’ve started getting S&T just in the last few months (I have an 8″ SCT for 25 years) and thinks it’s a petty good mag for amateur astronomers.
Right after that eclipse you’ll see a full moon.
Take that, Birdbath!
Would somebody hurry up and please put Bernath under guardianship, before he fucks himself up any further?
I’ve said before that I think it is an indictment of his family that they have not put Uncle Danny in a happy place to protect what little dignity he might have left.
Or maybe/probably, they don’t give a shit about Uncle Danny and are fed up with his lunacy and would just as soon see him go to the Big House and get out of their hair.
I’m going with his kids are embarrassed as fuck to be associated with him and can’t wait until he goes room temperature.
As far as I know he has not had a single supporter outside the dutch rudder gang.
The FAA has been known to take more than a casual interest in the exhibition of “aberrant” behavior. With all of Brush Master Dan’s medical attestations… and disabilities… maybe that’s why he has been “wing’n it” with a Sport Pilot certificate instead of earning an actual Private Pilot license.
I’m so broken up, can’t you see these tears?
Oh wait, these are tears from laughing so hard at dickweed’s misfortune.
Here’s to this and much more misery for the DRC. Merry Christmas, motherfuckers.
Bernath and Wittgenfeld are laboring under the assumption that you’re a 60-year-old woman.
Wow. I’m secretly Caitlin Jenner?
Who knew?
I know Sil Est Aur and she is no where near 60!
More like 30, 5’11’, 140 pounds of muscle and looking SMOKIN’ HOT in that red cocktail dress thingy at the Mid-Lantic gathering of last week.
But what do I know …
One more little hint: she is a ranked golden glove boxer, graduated Columbia Law and crewed on the Dennis Conner’s Liberty when she was a teenager.
One final hint: Patent Pending 2013 – Areospace Ceramics.
I see that Bermaggot hasn’t accused any others of being me lately. Instead of that, he’s accusing one of the past GUYS, Frankie was dead right in giving him the title of “MEGA-CLASS PATHETIC LOSER”!
Update: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MMioYmZE2vU
Awesome movie.
That particular line was ad libbed. The director liked it so they kept it in.
My FaceBook friends know what inspired this link.
My friend had a little much today at the bar and had to evacuate his stomach outside.
I went to check on him and a saw a very impressive pile of vomit on the ground.
And behold, right next to it, on the ground, was a less-than-steaming pile of Phil Monkress.
And I thought to myself, being sober at the time, a pile of vomit next to a pile of Phil Monkress could not be more telling.
It seems that impending lunar eclipse is bringing the natural order of things back in line…..
Well Bernath, all I can say is..
I like and yes it’s fits to a T
In an update from Scotty on another piece of Dog Shit “Mac” McQuown, the foot mobile ass-clown has been spotted in Vegas.
Apparently he has worn out his welcomne with his scamming in the south, with a few LEOs giving him rides to the county line and telly him to stay the fuck out.
He has tried to scam his way into an apartment with charities paying the first 6 months.
Google hasnt been kind to him.
I hope the ruling comes out in pdf soon. I could use some reading material next week.
Dallas did not like being called Bernath’s Queef last week.
Hey Dallas,
I have told you before, I never even knew who you were before you emailed me. GO back and look, I never said a word about you, that is until you gave me a reason.
DO you remember bragging that you had a great lawyer? How did that work out for ya?
You are nothing more than the drunk that sits around the Bar bragging about what he used to be. The sad part is you lie about what you used to be. You are a joke.
Oh BTW Dallas you keep using the term ” Millennial” wrong. The term had two accepted definitions, one being someone born between the early 80’s and the early 2000’s. The other is someone who became a young adult in the late 90’s to early 2000’s.
I, for your information do not fit in either group. But my kids do.
The reason I called to a Queef was you make a funny noise, and in the right situations you are fun to laugh at.
DuLlAsS can’t face the fact that his butt-buddy Bernastypants isn’t a “great lawer”… and he “doesn’t know how to quit him”
Possible spew alert
Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Dullass. You could at least fix the drunk part.
Yes, ShOrTbUsWiNdOwLiCkEr41… your sekrit TAH name is now QUEEFER!!!
“Queef Monkey” might be a good one as well, remember that cheesy suit with the winged shoes we saw a picture of him in some time ago? He looked like a San Foo-foo street performer in that!!
I don’t understand the DRC lingo very much: is Dullass threatening to “cometh” yet again? He’s been “comething” for years.
Intel is that Queefer “cometh” in his Vietnam-era wool “happy sock” after a heavy night of gargling DRC “cocktails” or when he’s pining to suck start his buddy’s catheter
Trivia Time
Who would get lost falling out of an airplane if it weren’t for gravity?
If he does not like queef, just refer to him as a steaming pile of Phil Monkress.
I reckon the truth hurts, doesn’t it Dullass the Queef? If you’re such a traveler, come on over to Slammintonio. We’ll give you a real nice face to face Texas welcome.
LRP41 – does that mean that he is the 41st Little Retarded Phucker and that there are 40 others out there like him somewhere?
(he’s not going to understand that, is he?)
You want me to go beat him up for you E4U? I have a busy day ahead of me, clearing the decks for fall and winter, but I think I could spare a few seconds to kick the sLuRPEE to the curb.
Just let me know.
I hope you’re archiving all that quackery for future use, too.
I wish that those turd stabbers would hurry up and figure out who I am. Apparently I need proof of threats against me to have my DC carry permit approved. Just one good e-mail from that drunken buffoon or any of his running buddies should be more than enough to forward to Metro PD.
Of course I don’t expect that any of them will actually have the balls to come to my doorstep. It seems that they have all been no balls when it comes to actually following through on any physical threats.
HEY DallASS WiTlEsSfArT, yeah you *SLUUURRP!*41 the QUEEF! You and that slovenly toad snot-brained taint-sniffing glittery gargoyle gonad-ogling fart-huffing catheter-obsessed Non-CPO of a non-Oregon Attorney promised you were gonna find and visit me in no time, and *YAWN*, nothing, you idiots have so far accused 8 or 9 other men of being me, and you’ve been wrong as hell each time, GO GOOGLE YOURSELF!!!
P.S. I’ve met and known real LRP’s and LRRP’s, all of them were very down-to-Earth, likable Men as well as real-life badasses. None of them ever ran around with diarrhea of the mouth like you perpetually display (Which is a side effect of having SHIT FOR BRAINS), and they went on to live very useful and productive lives after they either ETS’ed or retired.
Queef = Queer Cow?
“Queef. It’s what’s for dinner”
“Queef Wellington”
“A side of queef”
If it’s seen masturbating, would you call it “Queef Strokinoff”? Just curious.![:mrgreen:](https://valorguardians.com/blog/wp-includes/images/smilies/mrgreen.png)
He’d really get pissed if he was called a Queef LEG.
That or say HEY DallASS WiTlEsSfArT, you’re lower than a leg, ya fungus-faced mucous-head!!
I love seeing these guys all broken up and butthurt.
Oh, their tears. They taste so sweet.
We ain’t seen nothing yet?
Great news!
Hey NON-Lawyer, Non-CPO, Honourable or otherwise….
Perhaps you should stop suckling those Hobo Nips in Florida…You are nothing but a dancing monkey, redneck buckle bunny wanting nothing more out of life than a double wide trailer on someone else’s property and a beat-ass pickup.
Quit while you’re ahead you Bum Boil…Oh wait..too late..Your’re still some sort of completely incompetent bag of stupid. Exactly what kind of jackhammer do we need to mount this point on to gain some penetration through your apparently Molecularly bonded skull that nobody cares what you say or do?
You and Qeef Boi Wittengenfeld are good for each other…So I came up with a new title for you seeing as you have none…
“The Turd Soup Conductor and his Hobo Queef Sniffer side kick”…
I hope you like it 😈
So now that you’ve dug yourself a nice little hole with the spade of pretentiousness, all you have accomplish is coming across as a gigantic sparkly donkey ass. And EVERYONE IN THE WORLD KNOWS!
You have no place to hide. You, you Unfortunate Shaped Phallic, Santorum Stained, Hypocrite Daniel A Bernath and Farty Megalomaniac Dallas Wittegenfeld have done the world a favor…EVERYONE now know about you two and will call an exterminator should they ever see you pair of cockroaches around…
Your forced, stilted, and sanctimonious commentary on comments and posts, coupled with your parasitic intellect, make me wonder what you’re angling at these days. But it doesn’t matter Dear Little Sparkle Pony and Queef Sniffer. You are now and completely irrelevant… What a wonderful outcome for you “evil”
So on that note Daniel, be careful with your next catheter…Because Your colon is brim full of Orca tranquilizers we’d hate to read about you falling into a truck hood and try to skrew it again.
Oh one last thing my tat is still not where and what you think it is….
You’re being awfully nice today, TC.
You feeling okay?
Well Ex-PH2, I think I’m still giddy from the Hot Air Balloon ride I had….went 5k ft into the air and guess what???? We didn’t run out of fuel so when we landed in the field it was like landing on cotton…simply beautiful… So maybe that’s what my problem is lol
The hobo Nipple Sucking Bernath and his Purple Swampy Donkey Queef Buddy Wittegenfeld will never have know what that is like because neither of them know how to read a fuel gage 😈
GOOD to hear from you again, Toasty!
Toasty’s back!
Phildoman, Fuck Boy, The Beefeater, Taint Right, Molesto, Dildocuda, Absolute Zero, the Two-Hole Avenger.
These are some of less-than-super hero names I have given to various members of the DRC and their close associates and allies.
Would anyone care to match the name with the shitbag for which it corresponds?
I guess everyone who sues Bernath gets a new truck. The new MCPO-mobile;
Sweet, Those Danny-Bucks are sure giving the economy a boost.
Are you gonna put some chrome spinners on that?
Sweet ride!!!
Does the fuel gauge work?
I think that Bernath’s new nickname should be Oprah, because https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XcI-rHO0yko
Damn ! ! ! ! Talk about a private sector stimulus. After a while you would think that it would be cheaper to move on… then for one to continually make a Ass out of them selfs, But then again maybe not… LMAO , , ,
Q: what’s the only thing that you can’t buy with Bernath Bucks?
A: Fuel.
Thank you. Thank you. Try the veil, and be sure to tip your waitress.
Fine by me as long as she’s good looking, I’ll tip her at least far enough to see up her skirt!
NICE! You mean he’s still insured by some outfit?
Isn’t this worth it’s own post instead of being buried in a weekend thread? Awesome news.
Wish TAH had something like Ace’s flaming skull for especially noteworthy DRC news. Maybe that poop from last week being flamed?
Much more news in the future from reliable sources. Checkmate was called long ago (several times), each game was won. The wheels of justice turn painfully slow, for a purpose. Everything said and done (past, present and future) is in play.
Purchase popcorn, plenty of popcorn.
Does that news involve someone wearing shiny silver bracelets and doing a perp walk? Possible new roomies by the name of Bubba, Thor, Julio and Mr. Tiny?
Got a 45 gallon bag at the ready
Yeah, pretty much.
Gee, I don’t know if I can beat the shiny red SUV, but this phone call should give you all some amusement.
I got my BIG Laugh for the day here Thnk you PH-2….
I nearly cracked a rib laughing at that recording. I know it’s old, but it’s funnier than a squirrel in a bin full of corncobs.
If I could figure out how to do that now, I’d make it something about chicken and my cat.
I’ve begun to think that Bermaggot and DallASS have enough squirrels in their attics and bats in their belfries that they can be considered to be animal hoarders!! 😀 Neither of those two slovenly roach turds has found me yet, let alone visited me like the *SLUUURP!*41 said it would almost two years ago!
API, they can’t find their way out of a paper bag. So how on earth would they find you, especially when you live in Idaho?
I might have been in Wyoming lately, except for the recent trip to Rochelle, IL and spent some time train-watching in their Railroad Park as well. The ex-C&NW Now UP) double track Right of Way (ROW) there intersects with the ex-CB&Q (Now BNSF) double track ROW and between the two of them, up tp 90 trains a day pass by.I might even be down around Daytona Beach, FL a little later this month, there or around Denver, CO!
Speaking of the DRC and railroads, here is a thought:
Hide strap their asses to a pine rail and send them up up Monon line.
The SLUUUUURP41 especially, since he has dishonored the Indiana Rangers.
API, let’s set a date now.
The day that the Challenger Big Boy makes it out of the Cheyenne rebuild shop, I’ll be there. We can meet up.
Which one? Seriously, the Challenger is UP#3985, it has a 4-6-6-4 wheel arrangement and was used for heavy passenger trains as well as fast freight. UP#4014 is the “Big Boy” being restored, she has a 4-8-8-4 arrangement. There’s also UP#844 a 4-8-4 and the only steam locomotive owned bu a major American railroad that’s never been retired. I’ll be there to ride behind at least one of those soon enough!
I meant the UP#4014.
I guess I kinda screwed up by mixing the two names together. I did indulge in a couple of adult beverages last night while commenting, so let’s blame that on the confusion.
But yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing her on the move again in a few years.
I shake my head ruefully as to how Bernasty’s abortion of a website continues for months with obvious libel and copyright/trademark infringement. I know, wheels of justice grind slow. Pisses me off that TSO and Jonn are slandered everyday. I’ll now STFU and go color.
I just saw a commercial for adult coloring books while watching a rerun of Starsky & Hutch. Of course, all episodes of S& H are reruns, but I felt the need to be more redundanter. If Bernath purchases a set, the company better be sure to slap a sticker on it stating that the markers are not to be consumed internally, or they may find that they will suffer the same fate as Yelp and Flight Design.
Speaking of which, has the airplane suit been thrown out yet?
The judge allowed the plaintiff to withdraw, subsequent to the defendant’s motion for summary dismissal. As usual, the joker-hoaxer was late in responding and missed the court appointed deadline to file a response with prejudice and the tone of judge’s decision implies that he was not looking forward to ever hearing from Bernath, in the matter, again.
At this point, Bernath may only participate as a member of a class, should a class action ever arise from the matter.
You are probably aware that one of the proceedings in the California State Bar Court, last week, included Bernath’s filing of that suit in Oregon in the absence of being an active member of the Bar.
The other case that was heard, against him, was in the Yelp matter, another bad landing for Air-Dan. Busted flat in Flight Design, bitch-walked and yelping against Yelp, defaulted on both matters before the California Bar and now he will be getting one hell of bill from the Court.
Bless his heart, he still has his “dignity”!
I made it!
The night is over and it’s Sunday morning!
I’m awake and I can go to church!
TONIGHT, I’ll get to see that Moon that everybody is talking about.
And I can bay at it and sing to it.
TOMORROW, there’s supposed to be a MAJOR announcement of some sort regarding the planet, Mars, by the National Aeronautical and Space Administration.
Words and Music by:
Sunday 04 July 1993
Salt Lake City, Utah
When the full moon
Climbs over the mountain
Shining cold
And lonesome up above:
Like a lone wolf
Howling through the darkness,
My heart aches
For a woman I can love.
Hear that locomotive
Cross the desert
As it wails
And thunders through the night:
And I know
It’s time to wander onward;
Find the love
Who’ll make my world all right.
VERSE # 1:
Somewhere out there,
Beyond the far horizon,
Lies a destined
Answer to a prayer.
There’s a woman;
Lonely, lost, and looking
For someone to come
And rescue her out there.
VERSE # 2:
In a plane,
I’ll fly across the heavens.
In a ship,
I’ll sail across the sea.
Through hot jungle
And the freezing tundra,
Fight my way
To true love’s victory!
VERSE # 3:
It’s not right
To live without a woman.
No one knows
The lonely tears I’ve cried.
So, I’ll search,
As all the world I wander,
Until at last,
My true love’s by my side.
That is classified!
But since YOU let the cat out of the bag. Here is a cut and paste from radio traffic …
TS//NASA//NSA//NOFORN: NASA will announce in late September that intelligent life forms (full beings) have been discovered on Mars. Further, NASA and NSA are in direct communication with the beings. XXX END XXX
NASA waited to break the news out of respect to the Pope and his visit to the US, because the announcement could potentially topple organized religion as we know it.
Are any of those lifeforms named either Willis or Gekko, Master Chief?
Willis, the Martian Roundhead, is extremely important to all Martian life. I know, because Robert Heinlein told me so a very long time ago.
I was correct:
Valentine Michael Smith could not be reached for comment, nor could the Old Ones.
Yesterday, I was very pleasantly surprised to receive a nice comment from a stranger about one of my homemade amateur video recordings of ME (!) performing the classic cowboy ballad, “GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY”.
VERSE # 01:
An old cowpoke
Went riding out
One dark and windy day.
Upon a ridge, he rested
As he rode along his way,
When, all at once,
A mighty herd
Of red eyed cows, he saw,
A ploughing through
The ragged skies,
And up a cloudy draw.
Yippee yi yay!
Yippee yi yo!
Ghost riders in the sky.
VERSE # 02:
Their brands were
Still on fire,
And their hooves
Were made of steel.
Their horns were
Black and shiny,
And their hot breath,
He could feel.
A bolt of fear
Shot through him
As they tore across
The sky.
He saw the riders coming hard,
And he heard
Their mournful cry.
VERSE # 03:
Their faces gaunt,
Their eyes were glazed,
Their shirts,
All soaked with sweat.
They’re riding hard
To catch that herd,
But they ain’t caught ’em yet.
‘Cause they’ve got to ride forever
On that range up
In the sky.
On horses breathing fire,
As they ride hard,
Hear them cry.
VERSE # 04:
As the riders loped
On by him,
He could hear one
Call his name.
“If you want to save
Your soul from Hell,
A riding on our range,
Then, Cowboy, mend your ways
Today, or with us,
You must ride,
Trying to catch the Devil’s herd
Across this endless sky.”
I went to a ball game yesterday and used the porta-jon outside the stadium.
I looked down and saw a HUGE steaming pile of Phil Monkress.
It seems that when Phildo is not losing contracts at All-Points Logistics because of his false Native American, SEAL and Law Enforcement claims, he is hanging out with his peers (such as Turd Bolling) in the bottom of public latrines. And here I thought it was only gay bars that one would find the False Commander Phil Monkress when not at the offices of All-Points Logistics pocketing misappropriated taxpayer dollars.
I guess you learn something new everyday.
I just now saw this.
France has launched air strikes against an ISIS training camp in Syria.
You can watch it in French or have it translated to English.
I was poking around on YouTube for an appropriate “Weebles” short for my comment on that wannabe’s thread, and came across this almost by accident, an old Steam tractor vs. a souped up John deer, ENJOY!
I can’t resist right now, here’s a 110HP Case steamer having NO problem at all with a pull sled, get a load of the hot cinders blowing out of his stack, he obviously had a Fireman that knew what he was doing as well, I wonder if he didn’t blow his whistle in mid-pull to keep his poppet valve from tripping?
Steam tractors, hopped up tractors, draft horses and county fairs.
Now if someone (who is a lot smarter than me on how to post videos) would find the videos on YouTube about Tractor Square Dancing and post them here for everyone’s enjoyment, we’d be all set.
Your wish is granted. Here’s a high speed version from this year’s Pennsylvania Farm show.
We’ll leave the light on for you.
Thank You !! Thank You very much !!
Who says farmers are just a bunch of old pud knockers and don’t know how to have fun?
KEWL!! 😀
Well, you could go to a county fair and watch the stone boat pulling competitions with draft horses.
Here’s a nice little video of a Belgian being trained with the stone boat.
Oops! Sorry, I got the wrong one. That’s Dolly the Appaloosa, not the Belgian.
Nice video, I’ve never heard of “Stone boat Pulling” but now you’ve piqued my interest, I’m gonna have to check that out!
Went to the local fair yesterday. Actually a pretty decent affair, really.
Horse pulls were my favorite. Seeing a 2-horse team pulling a 7000-lb plus load without benefit of wheels, etc. Impressive to say the least.
And the horses love it. They frequently anticipate the starter’s gun, if there is one.
I’ve seen Percherons go up against Shires, snorting all the way.
It’s all in the technique.
I just saw a rather disturbing news article onvFox News about the treatment an RAF member received in a British Hospital.
Well, that just sucks.
‘Other cultures’??? Since when does that have anything to do with emergency treatment? Does this mean that the only place I or anyone else can go for emergency care IS the VA, because we’re vets?
There’s a LOT too much accommodation of ‘other’ and not enough accommodation of those who are ‘us’.
That’s all I have to say.
In honor of ALL you veterans of the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps:
And in other news, there are only three states which do not tax feminine hygiene products, but it is now under discussion AS TO dropping the tax. A little something from the old homestead.
Yesterday I rode my motorcycle out to the farm for a quick trip to move the cows into a different pasture and put out a little feed for them. Somehow I made it 350 miles without having a black leather vest, no chevrons, no fake military service, no fake PHM, no fake SSM, and no bandana on my head. To my recollection, I called no one “bro”.
I buried my USAF Master Sgt father-in-law yesterday. He had nothing in his house or vehicles indicating service. Got his 214 and other records and he had been in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines. Ask him and he’d say he was just a crew chief on Gooney Birds.
Gotta hand it to the Air Force: a nearby (100 miles) Base sent an honor guard – 6ea Airmen First Class (E-3). NO NCO’s/Officers. These guys/gals were fantastic. Sharp uniforms, perfect ceremony including Flag Folding. 3 volleys of 3 rifles…sounded like one rifle, not 3. Perfect military courtesy.
I’ve been to too many at Arlington and can say these Airmen rivaled what they do. Hooah to the Air Force. I wrote the Base Commander this AM. Imagine…6 E-3’s.
I’m sorry that you lost your Father-in-Law and a Brother, SJ. You have always spoken highly of him and it is sad to know that he is gone. He lives on in your memory and in the pages here at TAH. Thanks for sharing him with us. You have represented him well.
Prayers for you and your family, sj. May your father-in-law rest in peace.