The Quartet of Retardation (Wickre, Bernath, Wittgenfeld, Visconi) up to their normal nonsense.

| January 6, 2015

Retard quartet

Comment from Palmer Paul Wickre (IP , sockpuppeting under the name of “Elaine Ricci”* and threatening to hire hitmen to torture people:

Lilyea is a cadaver. Seavey is now a “thing” an object.

HAckstone thanks for recording the Stalking. Helps with the MD States Attorney. Driving by, peeping, tormenting, I will get a Court order to rip open your Blog, find your identity, by any means and when I do, you will have a very short, and painful end to your blathering stupid mouth.

I will find you and when I do you can expect the worst. The last sound you will hear is a click. When humans shut down it is like a machine or computer being shut off. For you there is no afterlife, just a click. I will find you smart boy, and have the money and means to get you physically into a warehouse situation, where my ” crack smokin’ brothers, can get medieval on your ass”. You think the anonymity will shield you?

You Horses ass, read the transcripts, you worm and slug. I will locate you. When I do, bleeding out of orifices, you will forget your jolly free speaking days, you human piece of meat.

You will wind up unlocated and the last 72 hours of your life, we will stuff ou with IV’s and play back to the 14th century. That is your path and destiny, cockroach

*Note that “Elaine Ricci” was the person that Wickre allegedly substituted for Karen Williams as Chairman of the Board for his company when we pointed out that it ran afoul of congressional regulations to have someone who was a Legislative Director for a Congressman pimping out federal contracts.  I don’t believe anyone has ever found this “Elaine Ricci.”  Either way, Karen’s Congressman boss got shit canned, and so apparently this is her new/old job again.  Since Palmer Psul Wickre continues to levy death threats, I’ll be doing a new series on his contracting irregularities and forwarding the contact information for agencies that are hiring this ex-con to do their work.  More on that later.

Anyway, another threat from Palmer Psul Wickre, socket puppeting “Hack Stone” again from IP

YOu are a fucking dead man. You r stalking days are over. I will get teh TAh list, find you and then you can expect hell on worth, by littl jr friend..

Raw met on the curb

As an aside here, I appreciate law enforcement, and stand behind cops.  That said, Federal Law Enforcement sucks ass.  All of them.  All four of these individuals drop death threats like it was bread for ducks, and LEO do nothing.  (The Indy PD increased patrols in my area, but because it is interstate their hands are tied.)  We’ve had about 15 FBI agents say they were working on it, and then jack shit happens.  I have zero faith in them at all.  I fully expect that the first time they will show any interest is when I have to shoot one of these assholes coming into my house.  And then they’ll point at each other and blame someone else.  Whatever, I never expected any of them to help me out, so that’s why I have some truly awesome weaponry awaiting the Quartet’s arrival.  Thankfully I have hardwood floors, so there won’t be any blood in the carpet.

Anyway, I forwarded Wickre’s comment threat the other day back to him (Palmer Psul Wickre) in an email and said:

Threats again, eh?

Just can’t help yourself can you?  You leave threats from your IP on the blog, and now this one.

If you would just stop firing this shit up again and again it would go away.  But I guess you want more exposure.  Ok.  Can do.

You know I am not a child molester, and you published this.  Ergo Defamation per se.

Now, if you google my name with “child molester” you’ll find like 9 things.  All of them of course track back to Bernath.  He’s flat out defaming me, thinking (I guess) that I won’t go through the trouble of suing him since he doesn’t have any money.  This was a miscalculation on his part, for reasons I will share at a later date.  But nonetheless, the entire quartet thinks this defamation is a winning gambit.  The problem with that theory is that no one who knows me actually thinks that, so it’s just these morons talking to each other.

Anyway, Wickre in turn took my email, and forwarded to the rest of the quartet, and said this:

From: Paul Wickre <>
To: Dan Bernath <>; Dallas Wittgenfeld <>; Frank Visconi <>
Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 4:09 AM
Subject: Seaveys vilnerability– This molesatation charge running around the Internet really really bothers him

Here are ll the sites to pound away on google hits on SEavey pederast, convictedd sex offender and little boy child molestor

He deos not like it. I say repeat it 1000 times so he gets the hits just as he did to ou

Frnak, Dan Dllas, just put out several posts to day.

Notify the other anti TAH and get every one on this



[And then a bunch of links to Bernath’s defamations against me.]


Now, how do I know he sent this email?  Because Visconi forwarded it to me, with his sage words of wisdom.

From: Frank Visconi <>
Date: Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Seaveys vilnerability– This molesatation charge running around the Internet really really bothers him
To: “” <>
Seavey.  Don’t even attempt a “defamation per se” or defamation/libel suit.  Take it from someone who knows.  The COURTS DO NOT want to bother with it and it will cost you plenty of money for NOTHING.  I don’t even pretend to be your friend as I am a victim of your buddies on TAH (Lilyea, etc.)  But I’ve been down this road with another idiot and it took me eight years of time, money, and frustration.  You also won’t find a lawyer to take a defamation case.  Too much work.  They want easy money like divorces, bad credit, and shit like that.  They make thousands a week just doing those.  Defamation is too complicated.  Again, I KNOW!!  On the other hand, talk about defamation.  You and your buddies have long surpassed the elements of the tort of defamation.  You take any one of these guys to court and it will backfire on you so fast you won’t know what hit you.  Best thing:  Take your own advice…..LET IT GO!!  Shut the fuck up!   You can’t win!!

So they are working together, admittedly in an attempt to defame me, and one of them is so idiotic as to email me the evidence.  No one ever accused these guys of being MENSA.

Here’s the thing, in Indiana, a communication constitutes defamation per se if it imputes:

  1. criminal conduct;
  2. a loathsome disease;
  3. misconduct in a person’s profession or occupation; or
  4. sexual misconduct.

These guys communicated repeatedly that I was a convicted child molester, that I did so at work, and as part of my job, and that I engaged in sexual misconduct numerous times with underage children.

In contra distinction, Visconi’s claim for defamation was someone saying he never earned certain medals, something that the 6th circuit had said was 100 percent accurate statement.

I’m not filing suit (at least not yet), but I suspect highly that this will end up in court, for reasons I can’t disclose quite yet.  Either way, they’re going to keep going full retard, and that’s a guarantee.

Speaking of which, these assclowns are saying that they will picket the American Legion convention next year in Baltimore to get me fired.  I actually pray they do this.  A phony Green Beret, phony SEAL, phony marine Combat Vet, and phony Vietnam medic/Maryland prison graduate gathering together to protest me in front of 10,000 honorably discharged veterans?  There is no way that doesn’t help me.  I bet I wouldn’t have to pay for a beer all week.

BTW: Forgot to mention this earlier, but you really should track Bernath’s comments on blogs HERE, there are gems.  Among them his new racist policy of discussing African American’s as “knee grows.”

A few weeks ago our Executive Director for our Washington, DC office (where I do not work) left for another job opportunity that was great for him and his family.  It sort of broke my heart because he was among my favorite people of all time, and a close friend.  I worked with him when he first came to us, and his wife even gave me a laptop to use when I started law school.  So, it was with a heavy heart I said good bye (at least in a work sense.)

But the Legion hired a young lady who I absolutely adore.  She’s a former attorney who is REALLY active in VA issues. She’s also whip smart, attractive both in terms of looks and television charisma. She’s also a close friend, and I love spending time with her because she’s hilarious. Of course, Bernath immediately leaped to her ethnicity, and sent this email:

If this negress is going to go around the country and ‘chide’ the military for not treating women soldiers well because of sex and rape THEN WE’VE GOT TO GO ON THE AIR with her and after each of her speeches to tell the reporters that the American Legion is a nest of pedophiles, rapists, sexual harassers and she should shut the fuck up until after she fixes her own nest.

Not content with that casual slander, he decided to post some bullshit to his blog:

“Verna Jones is the Uncle Tom of the White American Legion. She is the token who sits by the window so that people will forget the racists practices of the American Legion”, says American Legion member Daniel A. Bernath, an attorney and veteran of the Vietnam War and former officer of Homeland Security…

“It is important to remember that the American Legion was formed on the foundations of the murderous acts of American Legionnaires by lynched a veteran in Chehalis where the American Legion broke into a jail, castrated a union member, shot bullets into him and then hanged him from a bridge*”, reminded attorney Daniel A. Bernath.

“With so many black working men lynched in the same way in the Old South, it is a disgrace that Verna Jones is permitting herself to be used by the American Legion to wash away the American Legion’s sins and murderous, lynching history.”

Every part of that is ridiculous. He’s referring to some event that took place in 1920. [Not for nothing by the way, but this guy killed was not castrated, was not black, and was in jail because he had killed 3 Legionnaires the day before. He was also not shot until after dead by hanging. So, his “facts” are as accurate as you might expect.] Verna wasn’t chosen for the position because of race or anything else, she’s by far the best ED we could have asked for.

When I informed her about this jackass she giggled at first, and then told me to let Bernath know she’s not a “Negress” she’s actually a Native American.

But I figured I should take this opportunity to show just what kind of racist douchenozzle this guy is.

Category: Politics

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My head hurts more from reading their drivel than from the botched steroid injections into my shoulders this morning.
I make a few spelling errors myself, but I am not of such special DNA as Wickre is…

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

Hopefully all four of them will fly together with my man DanDan at the stick and I will continuously keep my needle of FULL, :):):)

Dave Hardin

To whom it may concern,

I live right down the road from TSO, if you are going through all the trouble of visiting him, make sure you stop by here. Generally home after 9:00, weekends after about 10:00. Doors open.


I would ask how anyone can be so stupid as to forward the proof of a ‘conspiracy to commit’ charge, but he did it. You know, this might be the infinite monkey scenario. However, rather than giving you a word-for-word copy of Romeo and Juliet, they’ll give you a perfect copy of a court document that will win against them.

NR Pax

You hear that sobbing, Psul? You made my high school English teacher cry, you monster!

Green Thumb

Is it me or does “Forgin'” Frank Visconi look eerily similar to Palmer (of the Ballsack) Wickre in the pictures above?

If I did not know better, I would say they could be brothers.

That would explain a lot.

Posers working together. That is funny!


You know what they say dogs and their owners…

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Hey, retards! The tourney is over, you lost! (Even you, Catheteraddict Bernath!!) Unless you are gunning for a seed in next year’s tourney, you failed reverse mental abortions should give it up already!


BTW – go check out Ace of Spades HQ, under last nights “Overnight Open Thread”. They have a pic of Fabricatin’ Frank listed under the Stolen Valor 2014 link…

The Internet is gonna keep makin’ these guys famous!


Ace’s blog is one of them “smart military blogs” for those of you that haven’t been there before…


Has Dan chimed in anywhere on winning the Tournament? Acceptance speech etc?


a cage of inbred monkeys, playing with a typewriter that only have five letters and one vowel has a better chance of writing a best seller than the combination of these four fucktards does of being right about anything.

They have also accused me of being a child molester.
I think its a sad thing. The reason I think its sad is because its Bernath goto insult. We all know the he is just trying to get a rise.

Hey Bernath, I know you and your ass clowns are reading this. According to a Profiler who has looked at your history and read your drivel you like to project onto others your own worst traits.

DId your Daddy used to get drunk and pound your ass?
Did you carry that on to your owns kids? Why is it they keep you at arms distance? You beg them to see you and they find reasons not to. or just ignore you.

I bet you felt a little guilt when your baby girls would be forced to sit on your lap. You could not wait until you were alone with them huh?

YOu sick perverted fuck. You lie. you cheat. you steal.

RUn and Hide fuckers, Run and hide.


Talk about Club Circlejerk in action . . . .


The first rule of CircleJerk Club is no one talks about CircleJerk club.

B Woodman

Club Dutch Rudder?


So he is going to be bleeding out of his orifices when he finds you? That doesn’t sound very frightening to me. He sounds like Ralphies dad from the movie “The Chistmas Story” when the furnace took a shit or when Ralphies mom broke the lamp. Actually now that I think about it Ralphies dad was a helluva lot more coherent than the “Fuckstain” known as Psul “Palm hair” Wickre.


I truly DO NOT understand why these guys are not locked up. WTF?


Simple, as my dad likes to say “The FBI will investigate the shit out of anything but don’t expect them to actually do law enforcement.”

The Febs just wait until the locals do the arrest and then come in and take over from there – unless its high profile, then they will be in front of every camera they can find from the get go.


I do believe that you’ve had a working relationship with the Feebs.


Law enforcement family. Dad was state and NCIS, brothers are local and (god help me) I’m testing in a few months to join the family business.


If Wickre is trying to use this blatant defamation (thanks for the proof Visconi (yikes, that was dumb!)) to force you into removing the posts about him and his wife (maybe Monkress is still around in some kind of weird thing again too), you have quite a bit to prove an extortion conspiracy beyond the civil lawsuit. Their computers would be considered criminal tools under that context.

For a lawsuit, you could potentially name Karen Williams, FirsTech, Bernath’s wife, whatever Visconi’s got, and maybe even Bernath’s daughter Nicole (who I read Bernath may have transferred his plane into her name before he ran out of gas to avoid liability for his various other transgressions). They could conceivably be named if they are aware of what is going on and allow the Fun Club to use their shared computers to engage in such tortious activity. For example, if Mrs. Bernath is paying the internet bill, she should be named. It also would be appropriate to name Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics to the lawsuit since there is enough proof that he started the whole thing; let him prove in discovery that he’s not involved.


Looks like the perfect legal shit storm… and I would dare to guess who would be the first one to throw the others under the bus if this were to happen.


I don’t think the laws of physics would apply for each to pick up each other to throw under the bus. At that point, it will be the judge playing legal duck-hunt after they all decide “joint and severally liable” doesn’t apply to them.

Green Thumb

And once again, it goes back to Phildo and All-Points Logistics.

There are very few givens in life. The sky is generally blue, the oceans contain water, humans breath oxygen and Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics is a felonious shitbag.

Hack Stone

Say what you want about Phil Monkress, but he was smart enough to send Paul Wickre on this career kamikaze mission, and Phil still has his job, AND he fucked Paul out of that $40K a month he was supposed to pay under the table. That is some funny shit.


I know its costs money for things like lawyers, expert witnesses and such, and while I’m not a laywer, I’ld be more than happy to offer up any needed cyber investigative/analysis work pro bono.


Psul, I’m disappointed. I’ve driven by your house almost as many times as Hack, and I don’t even get an honorable mention? The last time you started down this path with me, it was enough to convince the wife that I needed two new pistols and holsters. Santa didn’t leave me the Springfield Armory M1 under the tree this year, but I’m guessing that letting her know that you’re running your trap again might be just enough to get the go ahead.

I’ll swing by your place tonight after the snow gets cleared up and see if the incredibly affluent, Jag driving members of the lucky sperm club have enough shekels to rub together now that the bread winner is unemployed to pick up a new mail box at Home Depot. Hell, it’s still Christmas. Maybe I’ll pick one up for you and toss it on the lawn as I go by. Sometimes I’m just nice like that.


It’s so refreshing, isn’t it? To start the New Year with a special message from pickwickre peckerwood, loaded to the gills with misspelled words, bad punctuation, slaughtered English and battered grammar.

Just a few questions, AS TO the meaning of it all:

1 – Who is Dan Dllass? Is that a new character in the plot to incinerate everyone in sight?

2 – Has psulie-o the uncoolie-o got that mailbox fixed yet? I have some bag twists left over from the raisin bread that I could send to him on Wilson Lane.

3 – Is this whole thing a manifestation of a severe or mild version of obssessive crapweasel disorder? I need a bit of clarificatio on that part.

I keep hoping that we’ll get a message that one of these birdbrains has popped a gasket some place and can no longer function without a caregiver. They are so boring, they make the bubbles I blew and froze yesterday look smarter than they are.


Thank you!

Now if you ever do need a method for removing bloodstains from hardwood flooring, this link gives pretty good instructions.

That’s just in case you ever need it.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I think if they ever got drunk enough to actually show up any anyones house it would be more about cleaning up the piles of shit they leave when they find out what its like to meet a real man.

Combat Historian

“Raw met on the curb”…Is that like ramin ?


Could be ‘raw meth’.

Pinto Nag

I think they meant “Raw MEAT on the curb.”


Now, now, don’t put words in their mouth. God knows they have enough problems swallowing the ones they already have.


I heard they had NO problem swallowing!


Maybe that line was left over from someones CL ad?

Stick Stickly

“and one of them is so idiotic as to email me the evidence. ”

I’ve been having a rough day, and I needed a laugh. Thanks, TSO.


Good line, but I LOVE this one:

“Thankfully I have hardwood floors, so there won’t be any blood in the carpet.”



I don’t know what’s worth having to deal with this or having to read those emails/posts.

I’m wondering if these guys didn’t start thier pretending even further back like faking thier high school diplomas.

good grief.


They didn’t fake their HS diplomas.

They got them outta Crackerjack boxes.


It goes farther back than that Steadfast. These fools have been faking their entire existences. I doubt if one truthful thing has come out their mouths in the last 40 years.

Bernath's HS Debate Coach

I can tell you that Bernath did NOT fake his HS diploma. I did it for him. Otherwise, I never would have gotten him out of my classroom!

Of course, my class is the only one he could pass…


Wow, just wow. Incredible that these idiots don’t realize they are in a tunnel and that bright light moving towards them is an oncoming train.

A Proud Infidel®™

They’ll just accuse the train of perversity and threaten to sue it thinking that will make it get out of their way.


TSO – Since Bernath and the others has such an obsession with you and the Legion for going after Vietnam Vets, and his continued asshattery towards you (at work and at home), why don’t they just revoke their membership? For each one of these assclown, there are countless others that probably would be members that would like to join, but don’t because of individuals like Bernath?

As for him attacking Ms. Jones… well, there are a few of these fools that have a problem hiding their true colors (white bed sheet/pillowcase).

HS Junior

In honor of the addition of another member to the Lemon Party Triad, I would like to formally place Proud Infidel’s suggestion from the other day on the floor for a vote.

If the motion passes, the name of the Lemon Party Triad shall be forever changed to “The Dutch Rudder Quartet”, also replacing the quartet of retardation.

All in favor, say “aye” in the replies.


Fuckin’ aye, Bubba!

A Proud Infidel®™

I second the motion. AYE!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Either “The Dutch rudder Quartet” or “The Dutch Rudder Boys”!

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I was thinking “The four-skins”




In the Chicago tradition, Aye x 1000!




Remember to save room for Jared of the 1000 yard goat stare and LTCPL Chevy who is trying to mend his broken heart.


We cannot let Chevy Down! You get an Aye from me.

B Woodman

AYE!! (see comment above)


Can the American Legion kick a member out for using his status as a member to defame and make unfounded sexist/racist/bigoted accusations? Seems like Bernath has established quite a record for justifying such an action, if the bylaws provide for it.

I also should ask… is he even a dues paying member like he says?


He was last year. He posted his Legion membership on his abortion of a web page.

No idea if Fucktadrus Maximus, General of the Dutch Rudder Legions, has renewed same.

As for me, paid for life. And worth every dime.


I thought those guys “disappeared” Elaine Ricci after she became a liability to their company?

Or did I misread that chapter.

Ok skip to the end, did the butler do it?


It was Colonel Mustard, in the Library, with a candlestick… but, if Charlie Chan is involved in solving the mystery, then it was the Filipino Houseboy that did it.


And Bernath HATES any mention of the PI.

Methinks he got rolled by a Benny Boy.

More than once.

And he liked it.

B Woodman

Ahhhh. . . . so the DRQ (Dutch Rudder Quartet) can afford a butler? Interesting. . . . so they have some assets after all, something to sue for.

A Proud Infidel®™

OY VEY, those dreks NEVER stop going full throttle at proving to the world just what a group of shmendricks they are!! Keep kvetching, schmucks!!! What a bunch of man-lusting flesh pickle-sniffing Smurf molesters!!!


Full throttle? More like afterburner…in a powerdive…from 100,000 feet.

Their crash will be spectacular.


The one in the f’d up uniform – HE did it!!!

Wait!! That’s unclear! What to do….? Ah! Hold a Spanish Inquisition, because NOBODY expects a Spanish Inquisition!




lets see if this works…….


Dammit! I now have that song in my head, and I can’t get it out.


This is to the 4 ass holes who are the subject of this thread. In a way I hope you do get my name and address. I do hope you come to do the things to me, you threaten Jonn and TSO with. I would love the opportunity to take self defense measures against any or all of you.

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t think they ever leave their hovels except on a few occasions (court date, attention-whoring in public places). The don’t know who among us has regular everyday shovels or something like the “Sooperdooper Ninja3000®™” streamlined assault shovel! They’ll also be going to Pro-2nd Amendment locales where Concealed carry is legal, as well as locales like mine (And I ASSume it’s the same in Jonn’s corner of “West By-God”) where the locals believe in “The Three S’s”, Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up!


Is their any way I get these guys to come visit me and Elvira (my shovel)?


For they are…..

the most incompetent group of evil villians ever assembled.

AW1 Tim

Made my day, that.

I’m thinking that if/when a lawsuit is filed, Ms. Ricci’s name ought to appear as well, just so that during the Discovery phase, it can be determined whether or not she actually exists.

At this point, seeing the lack of interest from the various federal agencies, I’d give real consideration to putting together a nice, cogent and coherent story about all of this, and especially those 4 musketeers of moronocy, and shop it to 60 Minutes, or Dateline, etc.

I’ll bet they’d eat up a story like this, and wouldn’t those 4 Crapweasel Commandos shit a brick if a 60 minutes film crew was standing on their doorstep? 🙂


I was also wondering where the Washington Post was with this. It has all the traits of a good Post story: ex-con husband of a Republican staffer sets up a contracting company under questionable minority status with an imaginary executive staff and uses his staffer wife to hustle software to the government, all the while making death threats over the Internet to disabled veterans while federal law enforcement does nothing despite being informed. I smell a Pulitzer!


I’m wondering why they haven’t put it Page 1 above the fold yet.


“ex-con husband of a Republican staffer sets up a contracting company under questionable minority status with an imaginary executive staff and uses his staffer wife to hustle software to the government, …”

Keep in mind that in Pslmer’s filing with the court AS TO when he sued Phildo, he certified that HE was the sole owner and stockholder of FirsTech Inc. Seems like FirsTech is a “woman owned business” only when it needs to be.

Hack Stone

Since his wife is the primary breadwinner, that makes him the wife in the relationship, hence the woman owned business.


“especially those 4 musketeers of moronocy,”

Morons for Moronica! 😀


I believe there was mention of Hannity at one point.


It amazes me that they use the failed gambling theory that if one keeps doubling down, eventually they’ll hit a winner and come out ahead, however slightly.

Doesn’t work that way, boys. You’ve shot your wad. You have nothing else to use. The world has seen what you are, and in the ill-advised event Bernath, et al, try another bullshit suit, you’ll receive another curbstomping.

Again, you think putting assets in someone else’s name prevents being sued? Geniuses, at this point, it ain’t about money–although having as many judgments against you as you do, it is rather satisfying to see you scramble.

Threaten TSO, Jonn, or anyone else? Bitches, I am not in NH right now. I am in a “may issue” state. Bernath has my number. Call. I’ll give you turn by turn directions.

Bring it. End it. But you won’t. None of you crapweasels has a working ball or brain cell among you.

You fuckers read lips? Fuck you. Not a hair on your fucking asses.


And for the record, that may issue state doesn’t recognize my CCW permit, meaning I am unarmed.

And I still don’t think any of you fucking dickweeds would have the stones to show up.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong. Pretty please, cocksuckers.


They have Jonn’s freaking address and Psul is only a short Sunday drive away from his place, but neither He, nor any of the four, nor any of their hired assassin have yet to make an appearance.

We are again seeing the manifestation of Wickre’s psychosis brought in by an unloving and disapproving father from whom Psul constantly sought affirmation. To him, negative attention is the only sign of true love, and he’ll do anything that he can to get it, including assaulting police officers, threatening, and being arrested multiple times. His resurrection is in self destruction, and only then will he be truly loved. Psul, you are one sick bastard.


They have mine too. Strange how I never get to see how well the optics on my new bang sticks work on a moving target.

Jonn Lilyea

Yeah, I noticed that he falls back on the “Lilyea is dying” thing as an excuse for me continuing to draw a breath despite the 9000 death threats over the last two years. So, apparently, because he believes Wikipedia that I only have two years left (from a year ago when he found out about my condition – because nothing happens unless Wickre knows about it). I’m not worth a jail sentence since he expects me to pass before the end of this year. Someone tell him that Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with ALS in 1974. But his threats are all empty, especially if they’re made towards someone who will put his chickenshit ass in a grave. He’s brave and a bully in Maryland – he forced his way into someone’s home there when they disagreed about business.

But, he has Low-T when it comes to anyone else outside of Maryland.


“Low-T”? More like “No-T”, IMO.

But I guess I could be wrong.

A Proud Infidel®™

No-T, no class, no money, no decent car, no door on his mailbox, no balls, and NO BRAINS!! I could go on all night like this…


Did they hire Kornflake? That would explain things.


For what it’s worth… Bernath conduct seems to fall under Section 2, but it appears that if the Department does not want to wade into this, it would be up to his local Post to conduct a trial. Heck, I’d volunteer to take a trip to Oregon to present the case on behalf of the accusers.

But wouldn’t that be something; conducting an administrative trial at his local Post by presenting all of his posts, attacks, bigotry, stolen valor, dishonesty, conduct unbecoming, etc, and watching him hang himself through his own defense and inane tactics. And with no rules of evidence, Bernath would find that with no real evidence on his side, trial tactics are a two-way street.


Section 1. Each Post of THE AMERICAN LEGION shall be the judge of its own membership, subject to the restrictions of the Constitution and By-Laws, except that no person who is a member of an organization which has for its aim the overthrow of the United States Government by force or violence, or who subscribes to the principles of any group opposed to our form of government, shall be eligible to become or remain a member of THE AMERICAN LEGION.

Section 2. Members may be suspended or expelled from the Legion only upon a proper showing of cause. Charges shall be based upon disloyalty, neglect of duty, dishonesty and conduct unbecoming a member of THE AMERICAN LEGION. All charges must be made under oath in writing by the accusers, and no member in good standing shall lose his membership until given a fair trial by the Post or Department in such manner and form as the Department By-Laws and Department Executive Committee shall prescribe.


Does the VFW have similar bylaws?


I think that just one appearance by Judge Hyatt would be enough to show dishonesty and conduct unbecoming a member of the American Legion. Then just submit the findings from the Oregon Bar, and he’s done.


I think you present the entire casefile against him and then use the clincher, which are all of his demented, calculated attacks where he signs his name with “American Legion.”

NHSparky… yes, the VFW has similar administrative trial procedures for disciplining Bernathian members.

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

If you do and it should happen to be an open meeting, JAGC, do let us know. I’m not so far a drive from Portland that I might not make it!

Joe Williams

No offense intended JagC but if you are a female this is icing on on the cake for TAH. Sorry about the runon sentence. Danny boi says females should not be Lawyers, cause they(females) are too emotional. That would be a double pimp slap. Joe


How often has the AL or VFW done this in the past? I don’t think that the local posts would do anything, just look the what the local VFW post did to him. It would probably need to be addressed at a higher level – and if it succeeded, would send a resounding message to the others out there.

This may be the impetus that VSO’s need to clean house of people who have either lied about their service or have embellished it.


He’d end up suing everyone involved in the trial. Then add all of our names for no apparent reason.


Please be careful all of you at TAH.
One can only hope that we find one of these idiots before it gets out of control even more than it is right now.
We got your six if needed.
Talk about stupid though, send death threats to combat Veterans…
Now that is stupid…
ISIS has nothing on this bunch of clowns…
And I am sorry for insulting the clowns…


That’s nice of you, Thunderstixx, but some of us know the neighborhood polease people very well and are on a friendly basis with them, such as stopping one of them in his prowler to ask him if you have a burned-out taillight on the car, or something like that.

Semper Idem

What, exactly, is up with this crowd?

I mean…here in Virginia, these guys would be looking at jail time. Our cyberstalking laws are pretty strict that way. Apparently not so in Oregon!

I really, really hope that no one winds up getting shot over this. But the way things look now, at least one of the Quartet will be bleeding it out in a self-defence killing.

Sad but true – some people just need to learn the hard way.

Big Steve

Only a quartet of retardation? Surely John and co. can anoint a couple more, and we can make it a six pack.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

There’s *plenty* of candidates!


Hmm. “Sextet of Suck” does have a bit of a ring to it – as does “the Smegma Six”.

Big Steve

A sextet “sucks to be us.”


You would think a “pure blue blood” like Psul could spell by now, what a tool he is as usual.

B Woodman

I am really really jealous and feeling left out. How do I get the attention of the DRQ (Dutch Rudder Quartet) to get in on some of the fun? It would really be a kickass highlight to the sunset of my life.

A Proud Infidel®™

The “Dutch Rudder Boys” are up to their usual idiocy on Disqus, looks like Dingleberry Dallas Wittgenfeld and M. T. Fueltank!


What a fucking twat waffle. Must be hard to live with that amount of hate eating them up all the time.

Personally, I would love if they came down my way since I’m a very good shot and so is my wife.

JarHead Pat

Gawd he spelz luk a 3 yr old gurl.

A Proud Infidel®™

Daniel A. Bernath ought to have to spend at least a week handcuffed to Army E8 Katrina Moerk.


LOL……You guys rock!


Visconi’s angry ’cause his ass got waxed in the Blue Falcon tourney, and he’s venting his spleen to anyone who will listen (and those who won’t).

Fuck you, Visconi. Burn those worthless phony documents that you bought on line, admit that you’re a fraud, and take a hike.


Verna Jones is and will continue to be a credit to the Legion and most importantly to Veterans. Wishing her well in all of her endeavors.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur! Just the little bit I saw of her in the attached video impressed me, she appears to be the kind of articulate and professional Woman that Daniel A. Bernath is afraid of! I wish her well, and I’m glad to see her working for The American Legion!!

Delilah T.

Proud, bernutsless really doesn’t like women. Not. One. Bit.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have absolutely ZERO doubt about that, Ma’am! He erroneously accuses nearly everyone else of being homosexual at every drop of his slobber on his shirt and lap while he posts his inane drivel, I see it as a sign of what Psychologists refer to as “Projection”. According to Freud. projection is when someone is threatened by or afraid of their own impulses so they attribute these impulses to someone else. It is my opinion that Daniel A. Bernath projects his own inner mind every time he slanders, libels, or defames someone!

Hack Stone

Paul, why all of the hate? We are not the ones that got you fired. In fact, when Phil Monkress tossed you under the proverbial short bus, it was TAH that stepped up and offered you tips on polishing your resume and job interviews skills. In fact, we even offered you some solid leads on new career opportunities available on Craig’s List, like being a semi-professional dog catcher. It’s not our fault that you could not pass the background check.

As to (see what I did there?) threats allegedly made by me, I would never bring harm to you, except in an instance of self defense. Left to your own inclinations, you are doing all of the damage to your reputation and lifestyle yourself. Why would we want this freak show to end? As far as you threatening physical harm to myself, from your post above, it is obvious that you are such a fucking pussy, you would have to pay someone else to do it for you. My advice to anyone contemplating exerting physical force on behalf of Paul K. Wickre is to get paid up front, in cash, since Paul has a habit of not paying his debts. I doubt that anyone would provide muscle for you anyway. They would probably take your money, beat your ass, and take a shit on your Jaguar.

I have not been on Wilson Lane for over a year. Why should I? I know that you are a broke dick mf’er, and are too incompetent, to fix the mailbox and clean the gutters.

Finally, let’s all put the hate aside and come together so that we can find Elaine Ricci back home to her family.



Hack, you’re just reminding him that a MAN would go to work to bring home the support necessary to take care of his family.

But he’d rather blow bums in the DC alleys for Thunderbird money.

Hack Stone

As to me stalking him, there is a thing called Streetview. That is how I know of the expanded car tents, upturned soil on the front lawn, and the still missing mailbox door. If I was law enforcement searching for Elaine Ricci, I would be a bit curious as to (there Zi go again) what could be buried there. Maybe the Wickre mailbox is a portal to another dimension, and when Elaine Ricci went to retrieve all of the government contracts that FirsTech Solutions received that day, she got pulled in. That can be the only logical explanation.



AS TO my previous statement on the subject of Palmer, anytime he is the subject of a thread, I will post a video that reminds us of his excessive consumption of cheap booze. Here we go!


These guys really are stupid. I mean really stupid. And they are apparently trying to figure out away to be even more stupid. These idiots should have their balls freeze dried…. make sure they don’t pass those genes on.

Hack Stone

I was able to acquire a video of a FirsTech Solutions board meeting with the elusive Elaine Ricci.

Joe Williams

Paulie and Witless If you have to go to Dannie boi’s for the trial and decide to drive. I am about at the halfway marker. You guys can stop to dance or rest at my place. God manners are required at all times.Now let us if ALL the parties are legally going to have yours sefl inflated heads.I suspect THE HAIR and Jonn and TSO will be strongly represented. The one I would be worried about is that retired Bull Chief From NY. The Chief a Nuke Finish and will deliver. Joe


I met Verna Jones when she came to visit the Department of New Mexico with Mike Helm last November and she is the nicest, sweetest lady in the world. Mike is a damn fine guy too.

Green Thumb

Working turds.

They hate me.

But hopefully you folks do not.

Kiss Rocks!

Poser music.

Just an Old Dog

Gee, what a gaggle of moronic cock-juggling ass-lords

Hack Stone

Paul, if you do have the money to hire some crackheads to go “medieval” on my ass, can you set aside $40 to buy a new mailbox from Home Depot? You could even save 10% with a military discount. Forget that I said that. Maybe they will offer a Montgomery County Inmate discount.

As to (oops, I did it again) me hearing a click, that click will be the sound of the police placing handcuffs on you, again. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get ready for work.

Hack Stone

I’m sorry, I forgot the most important part of my comment:


Delilah T.

Just send him some bag ties leftover from a loaf of bread or dinner rolls.

Works fine back in the holler.


Ugh! I need to report to sick call after reading that screed or crud or crap, from those asshats. Hack, I may have found Elaine Ricci…I’ll forward the file.