Palmer Paul Wickre issues new death threats (Updated)
Whelp, here we go again. He is probably right on one thing, the police probably won’t do anything, but in case either Jonn or I show up dead, you’ll at least know who did it. This email came in at 12:08 AM this morning:
I am on the phone to the police to shut you down. I have contacted my
lawyers. This is not going to court you slug. If you ever threaten my
wife again, interfere in her commerce or my business, I will hunt you
down like an animal. If you sustain this pattern of attacking our
jobs and life by your words I will locate you.I am the progenitor of Jim Williams daughter and i will not tolerate
you attacking and upsetting my wife, under any circumstances. I have
called in the police again on Lilyea, I have contacted my lawyer and
Called on Judge McHugh to revisit this case. I don’t give a shit what
you say. MY lawyer advises me this is a “mutual affray” . If you do
not leave my wife alone and keep attacking her , her job and well
being, I will put you in the hospital and raise the spectre of the
worst human conduct to your person that you can imagine. I am calling
the Indianapolis Police as you are badgering my wife and my person and
urge them to take action.You Sir are tormenting us I have called your employer i am calling
your representatives. I f you DONT SHUT UP and leave my family alone,
and the police do not act, I will confront you in person as a husband,
see you physically and break your bones put you in the hospital, and
reverse the physical torment into your living room in front of your
wife.NOW SHUT UP and leave us alone. I am not going to tolerate your
ruthless attacks on our well being, our livelihoods and income, as
well as reputations. I have called the WVA police and instructed them
to drive buy and pick up Lilyea. I am sick of this. If you EVER
mention my wife, or threaten my family again, you are not in the
Internet, I will personally come out to Indainapolis, hunt you down,
and cause you your worst nightmare in physical and upfront direct
suffering and pain, that you can imagine. Ductape on your mouth and
and blowtorches to your genitals. You will not stop and we are sick
of it.Either me or my well heeled agents.
I f you and Lilyea dont stop your torment to my family, and in
particular, stop posting my Fathers picture, putting up shots of my
families headstones in their graves, no Judge will ever convict me,
and harming us, I will make it my lifes work to locate you both, blow
you away and you will suffer an agonizing death.I am copying my lawyer and directly threatening you both, as the
police will not act. You get out of our lives and take down those
tormenting posts, against my family, name and business, else I take
direct matters to you to force you to stop it.Let me make it direct. If you dont stop posting my Fathers image on
your garbage blog I will shoot and kill Lilyea until you stop the
torment. If that does not move you, I will shotgun Lilyeas wife and
family, for your ceaseless torment of mine.Leave US ALONE, else you get dire and direct action.
To keep the peace, all you have to do is as I have instructed. STOP
CONTACTING And perturbing us, STOP commenting on my business, STAY
AWAY FROM MY WIFE, and her job. You stop it or I will STOP YOU by
violent and vicious means. Take down those posts, most disturbing is
your manipulation of my dead Fathers image.You keep that up and I will arrive in WVA in hours to brutally shoot
Lilyea for defacing my families graves, as you did for two years
through CHIPNASA, fomenting excrement on my mothers Tomb.Don;t Obey? i will kill you after a long talk.
So, if any LEOs out there have advice, please pass along. Meanwhile Jonn and I are armed, so there is that.
And for the record, I have no clue what he is talking about regarding his fathers tombstone. Maybe it is in the comments or something? I have no idea, but I certainly don’t endorse anything if it is. The problem is with Wickre, not his family.
UPDATE: Here’s another I missed. He says he’s going to shotgun and kill my family in 24 hours if I don’t take down some picture that as far as I know isn’t up anywhere.
Take down every word against me and my Fathers image on your blog,
else I come to your door and blow your family away, point blank. You
are threatehing my wife and performing the worst excreable nonsense to
my family, name and image.You have perturbed me to no end. You have tormented myself, my
business associates,, employees and friends to no end, for two years.I don’t know how to pressure you more. You stop the Internet nonsense
and interference to my name, business and wife, or I will force you
in your house up close, and personal with the same murderous guns you
threaten me with.You yield. and LEAVE US ALONE, in peace, or I will shotgun your
family in 24 hours.Stop attacking us, and leave my wife and my dead relatives out of it you cur.
You take down that insidious blog as to my Fathers image and my
mothers tombstone else you incur the appropriate rath, on your
BTW- For what it is worth, he sent the first to his criminal attorney, and I just forwarded the second to him as well, so he knows what Paul is doing. I told him this, and I’ll tell you guys too. I doubt he’ll do anything. But if he comes and kills me, so be it. I went to war once as a soldier, I went once as a journalist. I’ve lived a blessed life, married a wonderful woman who makes me happy, and most importantly, I’m right with God. So, what comes comes. It is what it is.
Category: Politics
Not one to beat around the bush (pun intended) is he.
“I have called the WVA police and instructed them to drive buy and pick up Lilyea”.
Drive “buy”?
I can hear the conversation on the phone now:
911: West By God Virginia 911, where is your emergency?
Wickre: You tell your cops to drive “buy” and pick up Lilyea, immediately, damn it, I demand you do so immediately
911: Click(call disconnected) operator leans to the operator at the next station, “that fucking lunatic called yet again, must be a full mooon”.
OH, you missed his mistake. It’s ‘drive , buy, and pick-up Lilyea’.
He wants the po-po to go buy something for Jonn, pick it up, and drive over to Jonn’s house and drop it off with him.
Isn’t that a nice gesture? I think that’s a nice gesture. That way, they can make sure that Jonn is okay and drop off whatever they were supposed to buy and pick-up for him.
(sarc off)
While he’s buying and delivering, I wonder if he could snag me a pizza? Palmer, I’d like a Pepperonis Lovers, extra cheese, extra sauce and a side of bread sticks.
I like how he seems to think he can “instruct” WV’s lawmen to do anything. It’s funny in a pathetic sort of way.
TSO, Jonn: CALL THE FUCKING FBI ON HIM. He just made terroristic threats across both the internet, and state lines. And I think I read something about him paying someone to either assault or kill you. That makes it Federal. As does the cyber aspect of this harassment. So: CALL IN THE FBIES!!
You’re assuming that I don’t want him to come to my house.
Jonn can I come watch I will bring steaks for the Barbie….or booze…or would you prefer ammo?
If hard evidence were to materialize that Palmer Paul Wickre was enroute to carry out that threat just say the word, I’m only four or so hours out.
Your home is wheelchair friendly; and I have guns, will travel. And I have zero qualms defending innocent people from a raving lunatic on a rampage.
Same for you TSO.
Well it DOES sound like he’s giving you an open invitation to shoot him in the face; he’s just sparing you travel expenses. Early Christmas present!
Ditto. I have a new M4 that I haven’t had time to zero the BUS yet. I’m guessing that there might be 50 good meters in WV that I can use.
Mine are zeroed, and if you live west of West Virginia you can zero yours on your way east.
Cool, you can help me zero my new optics in, and I just bought 500 rounds for the M4.
Or is that the Ruger .222 ammo? So fucking hard to keep their claims straight.
500 rounds? hahahahahahaha OK …
*cough* lightweight *cough cough*
Hey, got a family to support and all that. Back in my single days it wouldn’t have been a question of a case of ammo, but HOW MANY I would buy at a time.
I feel your pain as I have a kid in college … an expensive college. However, I am single and I only have the one kid, so I buy ammo when I can … which is whenever local stores have it in stock. So, never fear, I have plenty to share.
What’s that saying?
Praise the Lord, and pass the ammo.
Or something like that.
I wonder if Psulmer can drive even twenty or thirty miles from his hovel in Bethesda without either having to have another bottle of T-bird or his junk-jag falling apart all over the highway?
I bet at those DC freaky Illuminati sex parties his wife gets him in to, he’s the cat with a red ball in his mouth walking around with a bright-red ass from everyone switching it. Kind of like here.
Well, since we all know that psul the pestilent pustule reads this stuff and wants attention, I thought I’d just drop this in here.
I found a place where I can not only rent range time and bullets, but can also rent a gun for a reasonable fee, with free help thrown in for good measure. When I get a chance, after the first of the year, I shall hie me to said shooting facility, and get some gunpowder therapy. Subsequent to my visits, I will forward my results to SGT Lilyea and MCPO NYC Ret.
This should be fun. I haven’t killed anyone since the Tet Offensive. 😉
I very much wanna be there and take pix. How far we have drag the remains down the hill to be off yer patch? Those monitoring… I mean the remains of the celebratory BBQ.
Will there be a video we can watch online?
I mean, I can drive there for the event, but I need enough notice so that I can take the car to the shop for new tires and brakes and an oil change.
You can’t.
Palmer (of the Ballsack) claims that he is an FBI agent.
Ooooh! Isn’t that impersonating a Federal officer?
Psul must be drinking again. He really is a special kind of stupid.
Is it time to hit the insults in foreign languages part again?
Why yes EX-PH2 it is…Let ’em rip m’lady 🙂
See below, TC.
It’s fun, you know, especially with repairs to the water main going on outside.
Indeed Ex fun times
See below, Heidi. Auf Deutsch.
Sounds like the Wickre family resumes are not garnering many bites these days as the chickens come home to roost. I suppose not many employers in the DC area are in the market for liabilities invoking racist, hate-filled anti-veteran screed.
Last week, an attorney and her husband acted on a vendetta in suburban DC and attacked, tortured a law partner and his wife. Sounds like a case could be made to law enforcement that Wickre is threatening a copycat attack. Personally, I think the Wickre family should team up on the French frie machine where they belong and can get hired.
Don’t worry. Things will pick up for FirsTech during the next computer flea market at The Dulles Expo Center. If course, Paul won’t be able to scratch up the $100 for a table, so he will be selling his software out of his classic Jaguar in the parking lot.
That’s only IF he can make the thing go more than ten or fifteen miles before it falls apart or breaks down. I’m sure that just putting a roll of duct tape in it for “just in case” would double that junker’s resale value!!
Dulles? Oh, that’s too far away, isn’t it? It’s about 75 miles from where he lives, over near Stirling, VA. Seriously, I doubt he could even find his way onto the Beltway, never mind off at the right exit.
It’s not that far from Stately Wickre Manor/FirsTech corporate headquarters to the Dulless Expo Center. The only issue is that the Jaguar would have to navigate a slight incline from River Road to the outer loop of the Beltway, and there may be legal issues with him crossing state lines.
Well, then, he should probably stay home and stop pretending that he actually has a business.
After all, what he’s ‘selling’ is dated and almost an antique… kind of like writing everything in ASCII code and working MAC Junior.
Re graves. Is he thinking of Bernasty’s threat yesterday to drop urine from his airplane on Jonn’s grave? I.e.,: Urine.
Little airplane. Funeral and burial soon = watering the grass with organic liquid waste.
Then I’ve got to wait for Jane Fonda to also assume room temperature. Wash, rinse. Repeat.”
Palmer (of the Ballsack) is nothing more than a giant pussy.
And he was fired from APL.
That is low.
Wouldn’t being fired from a shitty company like All Points Logistics be considered a double negative, so that would be one for the win column?
Kinda like Daniel A. Bernath being canned from the TSA?
Daniel A. Bernath had a photoshop of Psulmer as some superhero which disappeared later. Did he have some half-assed legal caper planned that went down the shitpipe? AS TO calling the FBI as well as other agencies, yeah, I second that, we know that a number of Law Enfoecement entities already have files on Psulcakes and the rest of the idiot squad!
Palmer Paul Wickre writes in the past few days saying that he wants more attention. Today, we successfully fill his need for the attention he wants.
Putting all of these ijiot attention whores on “permanent ignore” would piss them off more than anything said in these posts.
Yeah, but then we wouldn’t have as good of a laugh as the monkey smears excrement all over its own face in a failed throw attempt.
I can’t help but think that what’s really bothering him is that he has constructed an image of himself as an influential and powerful figure… and nobody’s buying it.
Buying it, or bying it?
+10 COOL POINTS for Hack Stone!!
Took me a second. Well played.
Et tu, Bluto!
I just thought that I would give the Paul Wickre thread a touch of class with some Bill Shakespeare.
As I recall, the Mrs is unemployed as soon as the new Congress is sworn in. With that sack of balls around her neck, I’m guessing that it will be terminal.
Also, no idea about Psul Sr’s head stone. I’ve looked on so I could find out where I need to go to pay my respects, but it isn’t listed.
Paul had to sell the bronze marker at a scrap yard so that he could purchase another $5 suit.
It’s not Psul you really have to worry about. It’s his “well – heeled agents”.
I wonder if those well-heeled agents are tranny strippers in stilettos.
Also, don’t forget that he contacted his lawyer with these criminal threats. I wonder if it’s an actual attorney or Bernath. Either way, Paul is screwed.
Would said “well-heeled agents” be spandex-clad trannies in stiletto heels dispatched from his favorite tranny bar?
I “buy” well heeled agents he means that dipshit phony Marine/ hack PI who couldn’t find his ass with both hands, a map, and a compass.
Don’t forget went UA and got shitcanned.
Wow … just WOW!!!
Palmer Paul Wickre is unhinged. If ever there was a case to be made for a mental person being picked up by the cops, forcibly detained for a psychological exam, and having his firearms legally removed (as well as forbidding any future ownership of firearms) he just made it for himself.
This threat needs to be addressed at local, state, and federal levels.
Got some news for you, the entire Triumvirate of Stoopid fall under this category. Bernasty, Wittless, and Wick-Lickre
It’s your first time with pickwickre peckerwood, isn’t it, Gravel?
May I refer you to the threads from last winter, for some of which we stayed up nights for the purpose of guarding the fortress from intrusion by this escapee from Bedlam?
It was constant. It was insane. It was pure gibberish. And it all came from him. So we answered, we rebuffed, we sent him packing.
Good times.
No. This isn’t my first rodeo with Palmer Paul Wickre. I’m up-to-date on all of the threads, emails, comments. It’s just that I’m amazed at the level of bile, hate and mental issues really coming out in the two emails that TSO posted today.
Oh, sorry – it’s just that the vituperative quality of peckerwood’s attacks has degenerated recently into ‘look at me, I hate you’. I thought maybe you had seen only those.
Oh, that stuff we did last winter! The watch posted on the walls of the fortress. The guidon flowing in the wind. The night air sparkling with stars and planets.
And then there was psulie-o the uncoolie-o trying to ‘destroy’ us in a language he couldn’t understand or use properly. It’s stuff you just can’t make up.
And Psul, since I know that you’re reading this, no one honestly belives that one of your POS Jags will actually haul your fat ass to WV, much less to Indiana, so you can just STFU. Besides, there are a lot of much more lucrative targets who laugh at your stupid ass and are living just across the river in NOVA. I bet that even your worst hoopty could make it to my driveway. But, we all know that you don’t have the balls to cross the bridge into the land of easy to obtain concealed carry permits.
He doesn’t have the money to take the Dulles Toll Road, so he will have to take Rte 7 West. He should be there in a day or two, if the Jag is able to ascend any of the West Virginia Hills.
“I am copying my lawyer”…
Does he mean cc-ing his lawyer that email? No lawyer with an actual law degree would okay that! First of all, it’s terrorizing and openly threatening and that’s illegal (what motard does that VIA EMAIL? Paper trail, anyone?), and secondly, it’s pure drivel and it gave me a migraine trying to decipher that piss-poor sentence structure.
I need a drink.
Stay safe out there.
I disagree.
Bernath would have no issue with this line of action or behavior.
He also cc’d a bunch of phonies, like he’s their protector.
Is he still using that stellar real estate attorney for this?
Let’s review: Guy nobody heard of comes here, screeches unintelligible mutterings, and is laughed at and ignored by the posters and commenters. Apparently being ignored and laughed at is unacceptable, so the guy nobody heard of files a contrived law suit, which is laughed out of court. Sane folks continue to ignore him because, well, he’s just not worth being taken seriously.
That’s really about all there is to that one. A fool breaks in, takes a dump in the middle of someone else’s living room, then gets his feelings hurt when folks find him disgusting.
Claiming responsibility for his own actions isn’t high on this guy’s list of things to do, is it?
Not all of us ignored him. Some of us were having fun poking him with a stick through the bars.
Not a LEO, but I AM a criminologist (and a real, quite good one, unlike Chevyliar).
My advice? Bitch can suck it. It isn’t ‘harassment’ to tell the truth.
Yup, this entire message, and the previous one(s) he sent need to go directly to the FBI. Also, I’d be right on the horn with his email provider as he has also directly violated his TOS agreement with them. They can, and will, shut down his email account over this.
You could also contact his internet service provider and have it shut off. he has also, IMHO, violated his TOS agreement with the service provider by sending these terrorist threats over their lines.
Lastly, I’d consider putting together an entire package of info on him and going straight to the AG’s office in his state. Let him/her know that the local folks have refused to get involved and you need help from the highest level of the state to fix this problem.
Anyway, that’s my humble opinion. This man is obviously unhinged and has passed beyond the level of ignoring his threats.
Well now…..wasn’t that just all kinds of special and stupid??
That HAD to be the finest example of why one should never hit the juice and keyboard at the same time.
“I am the progenitor”… he said in his best Darth Vader voice. I also like how he is “instructing” the WVA police to do things. Impressive.
Tell you what Palmer, as I know that you are constantly reading this site: I’m going to start my own site where it’s only subject will be you and all things you. Jonn and TSO have been too nice to you. You started this with your own BS but can’t seem to handle the results. You’ve made it personal, but failed to realize that the Profession of Arms is a big family. You threaten one, you threaten all.
We here in Texas will be eagerly awaiting your arrival, if the Mrs will loan you your balls. You’ve been on the site enough to know where I am, so if you’re waiting for an invite, here it is.
So, what’s your favorite soft drink? I’m big on Doctor Pepper.
(If you’re wondering why the hell I’m talking about soda, read my comments from the last Wickre post)
I like Root Beer.
Coca-Cola (PEPSI SUCKS!!) or Dr. Pepper.
You’re a man after my own heart, Infidel.
A fresh Dr.Pepper Float made at the Waco Pepper plant. Joe
Uncivilized heathens all. Royal Crown Cola. Served ice cold with a Moon Pie. The epitome of gastronomic delight.
That’s the true traditional Southern snack. But Moon Pies go well with “Co-Cola”, too. (smile)
FWIW: one reason RC Cola became so popular in the Deep South was that – from the Depression onwards – the “large” bottles of Coke and Pepsi were 10 oz bottles (Coke did have the small 6 1/2 oz bottle also). RC cost the same, but came in a 12 oz bottle. When you don’t have much “hard money” to your name, you make a habit out of stretching the hell out of what little you have.
(For those of you without older relatives from the Deep South or who grew up elsewhere – “Co-Cola” was the common pronunciation of “Coca-Cola” in many parts of the Deep South some years ago.)
When I was young, I remember my mom walking my sister and I down to the corner store and getting RC Colas and Moon Pies, or sometimes Goo Goo Clusters. We’d bring them home and sit on our front porch to enjoy them. Wonderful memories.
One way that I always know I’ve crossed into the south, is when I pull into a rest stop, and the vending machines have those little cans of Vienna Sausages. 🙂
Diet Coke, Diet Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
Hey Ex-PH: your language skills are needed over at the WIAT – Bernasty page. about the 5th comment down.
I saw that. It’s Icelandic.
I don’t know who Wolczyk is trying to insult.
Sorry, I thought that drivel was from some guy named Wolczyk. But it wasn’t.
It was dumbuttski whipitnflogit, the great flying thunderclownchicken itself, wittgenfeld, pretending he’s intelligent.
My bad, and apologies to Wolczyk.
Diet Coke and Diet Canada Dry ginger ale, the last with a splash of good bourbon.
Can someone just go and find this boy and lobotomize him to put him out of our misery? That, or kneecap him, cut off/ out and cauterize fingers and tongue? He is now beyond tiresome.
“Well heeled agents”? They must have sytopped off at the shoe cobbler before setting out on their mission of retribution.
I think he may have a pet that is “well heeled”.
Maybe a Pomeranian will bite your heels when you least expect it.
Funny, the only mention of a Jim Williams that I can find is James Arthur Williams, who was arrested in 1981 for the shooting death of Danny Hansford, with whom he had a sexual relationship.
If the shoe fits, I guess.
Is that shoe well heeled?
I see what you did there. Well played.
This is what we have in Washington state:
Cyberstalking. His threats appear to me to meet the test for probable cause. I see this charged used quite a bit from threats made on Craigslist. I would think the feds would have something that would cover the interstate crime.
They really don’t get it. They never will. Some people will never understand Walt. Stay off his lawn.
The First Eck website lists a bunch of “supposed” companies that use their services. Wonder what that would do to his business if all of those companies were forwarded copies of his death threats?
Or if they were asked why they do business with someone like him?
Hmmm. Mr. Foot meet Mr. Shit.
I will bring my last Cuban cigars if I can come to the party.
Once again Psul the tool has shown his true colors.
Wife not getting work because of her relationship with him……There goes the money tree.
APL fires him… more income….
My guess, the tool is running out of cold hard cash and is lashing out once again. As we get closer to the new congress, he is getting more belligerent.
Psul the tool is losing his disposable income. No classic Jaguars for you Psul!
And more importantly, no door for the mailbox!
I really wouldn’t be too worried about the ravings of a Man with a Paper Asshole. If you ever did meet in person it would east to pick Wickre out, he would be the one with the stream of urine running down his leg ….
…while wearing smelly soiled spandex.
Oh dear Paul Palmer Psul Wickre and his Chucky Doll Wife Karen Williams are at it again… Hey PSUL~ Have you not figured out that you are the verbal equivalent of a medieval hair shirt dipped in a sack of fleas, and no one is interested in your melodramatic defecation-induced orgasms? By the gods, reading your ramblings is like a blind man trying to read braille on a stuttering vagina. Your blind, raging, spittle-flecked misplaced fury while amusing most of the time is now perilously close to becoming redundant. Death threats? REALLY!! You can’t even tie your own shoes for gawds sake and you think you’re going to “harm or kill” combat vets? lol..You need to join the circus with the rest of your Klowne Krewe….You can be highlighted as the Racist Viking Bucket of Wombat Snot with the Unemployable Pathetic Sloth Wife. Oh wait..they won’t have you either…. Did you not learn from your last go around here or is your mind a stew of confusion and frustration because you ran out of MD 20/20 and Colt 45 and put a hole in your Glittery Sparkled Spandex? In case you have forgotten you arrogant Blow Up Doll, you will NOT EVER WIN against TAH or us posters because you are an Illiterate Hobgoblin and your Trans-dimensional Space Goat wife of an enabler are an unholy combination of paranoia, delusional thinking with rage problems, and narcissism. In other words,a mismanaged carnival of stupidity mixed with jealousy, and impulse control problems who deserve to be paraded naked through the streets of Minot, North Dakota on Groundhog’s Day to see if your shadows are as faint as your sense of dignity. Now please do us a favour and unplug your computer, put a nipple on your bottle of Md 20/20 and rock back and forth until you pass out. There is no place in this plane of reality that wants you…Perhaps the Toad Snot of the Pac NW can fly out to you and keep you company as you rot away from consuming to many Glittery Gargoyle Gonads. Scandal on the web… Read more »
That was a beautifully written piece of prose.
The vitriol was heartfelt and sincere, but the descriptions were creative enough to keep it from being pedantic.
Overall I rate it a 9/10. Well done.
Chucky doll wife, hahahahahah, best line so far, you win the interwebs for today. This sack 0 hadji cum, must really have no fucking life, oh and the truth is not harassment.
Wow … just wow. That was beautiful.
Another classic from our beloved TC!! Psulmer is more fxxked than a hadji’s goat on “Man-love Thursday”!
Sheer poetry, one of your finest works!
If I remember correctly, Psulmer/Psul Wickre once bragged about his purchase of a new Aston Martin. I wonder if it was one of the bigger die cast models or just a Matchbox or Hot Wheels model. Either way, I hope he didn’t spill some of his T-bird or Cisco on it, that would strip the paint right off!!
I believe that was the same time he kept yapping about his fancy bloodline.
Yeah, that too!
So I’m confused. Apparently threats of violence, grievous bodily harm, and murder are okay when psul-tard is the one making them? Did his parents have any offspring that lived?
Yeah, he’s got a sister he borrowed 50K from, then filed Bankruptcy. Bet the holidays are fun around those MFr’s!
That sounds like a real, specific, threat. The kind of thing that should be acted upon by police.
Just saying.
BTW, Daniel A. Bernath is going ape yet again on the comments thread of the WIAT article.
I saw that. I took some fire from him over my comments. It’s amazing that with all his alleged skills he can’t find any accurate info on me or my Navy service. It’s not like I’m that hard to find, you know?
He truly is living in some alternate reality.
He brags about his sleuthing skills, but he’s accused at least three different Men of being me! His sleuthing skills are about one tenth of what a lobotomized one-eyed baboon on LSD in a dark broom closet would have!!
I’m sure he has enough on me to file an FOIA. And I’m also reasonably sure he did an Intelius search on most of us.
Sorry you wasted all that money, Bernath. On second thought, no–I’m glad you’re wasting it. I’m glad you’re also having to pay all the lawyers instead of collecting. That alone makes my day every time I think about it.
How long has he been off his meds.
I like to make full use of any opportunity to study the mindless, toad-bloated drivel that comes off the keyboard of one psulie-o the uncoolie-o, as it might have some use in future literary pursuits.
As long as I can wade through the sewage-laden venomous bile that shows up wherever pickwickre peckerwood flops his flabby ass, it does come up with some very odd uses of words. I think that, somehow, he just doesn’t understand English very well.
‘Progenitor’? He got Jim Williams’ wife pregnant? Huh? With what? A turkey baster? If Jim Williams’ daughter is his wife, he’s saying he’s married to HIS OWN DAUGHTER.
Now – think about that for a few seconds.
Yeah. He’s a short step away from being one full blown bull goose looney, or he’s illieterate, or both. And that would not surprise me.
Okay, peckerwood, here’s one for you. Read carefully.
Willst Du mit mir ficken oder was? Deine Leben ist nur ein Haufen Kacke, und du kennst es, hundeschiss. Du scheißt’ mich an, ein geiler, und deine frau ist kesser vater. Geh Einhandsegeln!
bwahahaha perfect
Actually, Ex-PH2 – I think this is less verbose and more direct:
(Short, but very NSFW)
Well, I guess whatever software he was using that made his writing marginally less retarded didn’t work.
Is he consuming alcohol via enema? How crazy does one have to become before his institutionalized?
Back at this one job I held, I would help out a co-worker periodically with emails and letters he had to compose for his child’s school and to answer a summons from NYC. He could explain what he wanted to say but English wasn’t his native language so he wanted me to help get his point across.
Why do I mention this? Because that co-worker’s grasp of basic English is far better than what I wasted my time reading up there. Psul, I’d help you out like I did him but I don’t do death threats and I doubt you could afford me.
I’m willing to bet, if TSO and Jonn report this to the proper authorities, that Palmer Paul Wickre will claim that he did not send these emails and that his computer was somehow hacked.
Oh my, I fear my last post as to love and kisses to the missus has been fearfully misinterpreted by Psul(of the ballsack). It is just and expression Palmer, I wouldn’t touch that nasty bitch with a 10 foot Polish. Especially after you’ve been there. So, my abject apologies good sir.
I don’t think that Paul has ever successfully moved his ball into her end zone. Now, if you are talking Paul and Phil Monkress,…. After al, he did say that Phil “broke his heart”. I am just wondering if it was in seventeen places.
His rants are pretty bad, but y’all’s comments have me in stitches. Best comic relief I’ve had in days. Keep up the good work, guys.
Paul, someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.
I certainly wouldn’t let him clean my house.
Yeah…Theivin’ bastad
I’d be suspicious of any comestible he handed me on a tray or in a cup.
No one caught the film reference yet?
Yes, Dr. Vinkman, I certainly did.
It’s true. Paul Wickre has no dick.
Speaking of high heeled boys:
I would ride the river with Mark or Jonn anyday,
Contact me if you guys need anything, I got your back
36 entries in Maryland Judiciary Case Search since 1991. My my, Paul, you’ve been a very bad boi!
His stupidity intensity meter is now inop. Those emails made the meter needle spin so fast that it broke right off when it hit the 100% peg.
There’s gotta be an NSN for one out there, how ’bout it you supply types?
Don’t know about a stock number but he definitely has the MOS one-delta-ten-tango locked up.
Well fuck you PSul ( of the ballsack), Many many moons ago, when you ( at the behest of the phony SEAL Phil Monkey-ass Monkress) came on here as a troll you spit out venomus hatred aimed at veterans and their loved ones. Your true identity was discovered and you glaring faults as a human being were exposed. You continued to barge in on a conversation that originally had nothing to do with you and make personal attacks on veterans on thier venue.
The solution to your problem is clear. Simply stop contacting people here and posting. You will simply fade into an obscure memory.
To be honest, the things that Phil Monkress has to say about you as a former employee and your criminal record is enough to inhibit any future hopes of gainful employment.
With the Holidays drawing near Psul ( of the tthe balsack) is probably forced to remember the somber days of his childhood. While other kids remember quaint holidays his memories are filled with thoughts of his drunken parents fighting and his father drooling over the table as the medications for his mental breakdown kicked it.
At the same time, his mother was probably absent a lot. She was quite the socialite and more than likely had one or two “boy-toys” on the side.
Carrie Haynes Wicker was no fool, She had risen from the hard-scrabble dirt of Texas to the social scene of Washington by “typing” her way through government offices.
Her marriage to the draft dodger Paul Wickre Sr probablt didnt slow her down.
Now history is replaying itself.
Palmer ( of the ballsack) is a broken mentally ill man and HIS spouse is about to lose her DC connections. I imagine the holidays this year will be full of her making frantic “one last time” liasons with her male co-workers who have been filling the viod for PSUL over the years.
Log she is looking for some real companionship, Ft Myers, 8th & I, Andrews and Bolling aren’t too far. Paul will be busy at Bethesda trying to knock disabled servicemen out of their wheel chairs. And the servicemen will still kick his ass.
That should read “If she is looking for some real companionship”. Hack Zstone Publishing regrets the error.
Hack, you left out Anacostia, next to Bolling. It used to be the home of the Naval Photo Center. Now it’s the home of the Ceremonial Guard. I’m quite sure there are plenty of people located there who could give her comfort and joy.
I wonder if Bolling AFB still has that shooting range?
Bolling and Anacostia merged a few years back. It is not known as Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). They have some nice base housing there. Primary tenants are DIA, Ahite House Communications Agency, Navy and Air Force Ceremonial Units, and some Marine Reserve and DC National Guard units. If you are ever back in DC, the Navy chow hall accross from WHCA has great food. When I was working on base, Wednesday’s were theme day at the chow hall. Mongolian barbecue, pasta station, but I really loved when the featured the Caribbean Jerked Chicken. A lot of Boy Scout Troops touring DC would bring the kids there to eat since it so inexpensive, and the food is sufficient in quantity and quality.
They always had good food at that chow hall. The OIC of that department used to flirt with me a lot if I went there for lunch.
A great chow hall, indeed.
Best in the MDW area.
I think the only shooting they have now is outside the gate in the Barry Farms Housing Project.
Hey! You forgot the Washington Navy Yard! How could you leave out our brethren from the soggy service like that?
I was always curious how was it that Wickre The Senior did not serve in WWII. Hack’s father received his draft notice about the time of his 17th birthday, and a month later he was no longer in high school and in Army boot camp. Maybe Paul witnessed his father being emasculated by a few GI’s as his wife gave them the once over (since she finally got to see a real man), and much like the young Bruce Wayne, that was the beginning of Spandex Man.
But remember, every time Palmer (of the Ballsack) comments about anything, one assumes and remembers his connection to Commander Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics.
Even though Palmer (of the Ballsack) was “sacked” by APL in their quest to silence the truth (Phil Monkress’ Native American, SEAL and LEO claims), Palmer (of the Ballsack) fought back and …….lost.
While he is a mega, pathetic, first class loser (shout out to Frankly Opinionated), look who hired him in the first place and asked him to lie for their cause.
Commander (False) Phil Monkress and his loser senior staff at All-Points Logistics.
Jerk-off turd soup.
The standard in government contracting they (All-Points Logistics: CEO: Commander Phil Monkress)are.
Yeah, Frankly O nailed it when he called Wickre a MEGA-CLASS PATHETIC LOSER.
This motherf*cker is a piece of work.
Remember when Paul and Monkress first started this and they had no clue that some “mongrel” military folk would have the wherewithal to out Wickre? That’s when the mrs bought her hubby the $5 shovel derived from her being a “member of congress” and they started digging together. Good luck with that.
Yeah, I do remember that. To be honest, I miss the drunken ramblings he would post with the one sentence paragraphs and the way they would devolve into an incoherent mess of misspelled and barely decipherable brain farts.
As for this latest missive; I don’t think TSO or Jonn have anything to worry about. I’ve had beer farts that were far more threatening than what he espoused in that mess. Anyone that he could attempt to hire to do his dirty work wouldn’t make it very far, since we have seen that in action, as well. He’s a carbuncle on the ass of the world that should have been lanced and drained years ago. Or, as I would say in my rude, crude, and socially unacceptable Army days; he’s a load that should have been swallowed.