Paul Palmer Wickre; From our trash bin
Ya know, some people should just shut up so they don’t make themselves look stupid. These are things that he wanted to make public in the comments, so I’m helping him out here;
From: paul wickre
Date:09/23/2014 11:19 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Jonn Lilyea ,”Seavey, Mark C.”
Cc: “Jared K. Stern, PRUDENTIAL Associates”
Subject: To Sociopath, mentally ill Lilyea and Cameron, as well as law enforcement in two states
WVA promises me two strikes your out. Handcuffs you wheelchair nut. Md
has been heard.The rest on on thier way.
Jared will come out to “take pictures” I will be on sight as well to
confront this cancer. L/E lets set the date before the next hearing.“Dear Jack,
This is an expedited peace order against Jonn Victor Lilyea. Lilyea
has an HC address as follows:HC 86 Box 411
Fort Ashby WVA
26719I spoke with the planning and mapping commission in Keyser, a Mr.
Dennis McGann at (304) 788-4111. He has reconciled the address to#33 Darick Circle
Ft. Ashby WVADirections:
From the intersection of Rt 46 and RT 28 ( East Washington St),
proceed SE down to Co Route 28/5 Painter Hollow Road, turn Right.
Make an imeadiate right on Sunrise Drive. Turn left onto Lakview then
immeadiately right back onto Sunrise Drive.Turn Right on Darick Circle. The first structure on the right is a
carport. The Second structure ( the first house) is #33 Darick Circle.Description:
The house is described as one story tan brick with white trim and
carport on the left
Lilyea phone number is 240-425-7154Denis McGann will fax a picture of the property to Sandy at the
Sheriffs Department and he just needs the fax number.The Google page with the Google map is : ( just paste in browser)
Please call the Montgomery County Sheriffs office at 240-777-7016 and
fax the proof of service. Also call Paul Wickre at (301) 320-0626 and
leave a msg of service completion, as I am the petitioner.This is a rush order on a peace restraining order mentioning gun
violence. Please expedite
Many Thanks—
Paul K Wickre
VP DHS Business DevelopmentFirstTech, Inc.
See, he’s the one who needs a restraining order. All we’ve done is post his own words that he sent to a public forum.
Category: Politics
And I thought the week couldn’t get any better. And I’ll but you have much more of this stuff. Amazing.
What a basket case…a wickre basket case…
Here all week, meatloaf, tip you waitress, etc…
It would be poetic justice if that photo was taken by a process server. And by “process server”, I’m not talking about anything related to IT. (smile)
What. The. Hell.
Do you even grammar, bro?
It’s like he took grammar and english leassons from Lewis Carroll.
This Ain’t Hell … but you can obviously see it from here.
Man, that whole crew of Wickre, Bernath, and their friends sound like a collection of psychopaths and sociopaths.
They’re bullies who got smacked down and are now screeching like little girls to try and shift blame from their own actions to someone else.
These losers need to just crawl back into their dark basements and open up another bottle of cheap hooch. It’s apparently the only thing they’re successful at.
My consolation, though, is that at some point the Feds will have had enough of these terroristic threats and take action to shut them all down and lock them away.
Then they’ll each learn what it’s like to be someone’s plaything. 🙂
Is it possible Paul WiCkREs house is old enough to have lead paint in it? This turd huffer has gotta eating paint chips still in addition to licking the windows on the sHoRT BuS express.
Threatening to go after women and the handicapped.
Wow, if those ain’t some tough dudes.
Grow a pair and c’mon down to Texas boys and we’ll show you some real Texas hospitality. Then I can tell you to your sorry, dick sucking faces:
I really don’t like you.
Projection…they know it real well.
Wonder how that fuckstick DA in MD would feel if those emails were directed towards him and his family? Think he’d refuse to prosecute because he doesn’t understand the Internet?
Said it before, say it again–Wickre belongs in Jessup. End of story.
Why does the justice system allow him to abuse the law like this?
Ironic isn’t it that we serve in the military to protect the rights of people and a system like this.
I don’t like these people.
Technically, Wickre could be charged with numerous crimes based on this, to include attempted extortion and conspiracy going back to the Phil Monkress genesis of this. The issue is that individual prosecutors and law enforcement don’t always take it seriously. But all it takes is one to get the ball moving.
Its funny how Phony Phil Monkress continues to surface as the mess progresses.
That would be Phillip K. Monkress of All Points Logistics you are referring to, yes?
He is our special boy, isn’t he?? Goddamn what a fucking idiot. Outright threats of bodily harm, made in an open forum. You just can’t buy stupid like that, not even at the good stores.
Paulie, you are going to continue to reap what you sow there pal. Enjoy the humiliation. I am pretty sure it will continue for an extended period of time. Because you are too damn stupid to realize you are the cause of it all.
Awful lot of talking from a couple of retarded inbreds who have been talking a losing battle this whole time…
Those images, were they things that crew of cowards attempted to post here that got caught and placed in a pile waiting for moderation or what?
The only thing Paul Wickre is better at is being a full-blown racist bigot with no class, tact, integrity, or success… with anything… except being a racist failure.
At this point, the fact that the FL Congressman Sutherland, accomplice Karen Williams, and Jared the “distinguished” Marine washout Stern are letting Wickre use their names and jobs unfettered leaves me to believe they are passively endorsing Wickre’s open and public hatred toward minorities, veterans, women, children, and the afflicted. I won’t settle for anything less than a written statement disavowing and fisassociating them from the Wickres.
Sure makes me wonder what the Congressman, who is in one of the most competitive races in the country, would say when all this is dropped in his lap?
Not sure if you saw it in the earlier Jared Stern thread, but he is on record admitting to leaving a thinly veiled threat on Kathleen Willey’s answering machine. I would not expect him to disavow of disassociate. He was a scumbag before he joined Team Wickre.
Psulmer Wickre, perpetual LOSER extraordinaire!
Extra ballsack he is.
The comments in those screen grabs. WOOF! And these men are supposedly college edgehmuhkated?
Wow. Just wow.
Honestly, this is just depressing. You have someone here is is clearly mentally deranged, at least on some level and possibly completely voluntarily driven, who apparently really does think that he is some sort of “elite,” despite the complete absence of any evidence to support such a stand, and who has utterly impotent rage-fueled violent fantasies that have zero grounding in any potential reality. Then you have the whole made-up corporate standing, complete with fanciful orders being issued to equally fictional underlings and unknowing outside agencies, when Paul here is the only one whom has been arraigned on any connected charges, so far as I am aware.
Reading those bankruptcy papers the other day was even more depressing, recalling his braggadocio about his home, cars, heritage, spousal status, social standing, genealogy, work history and so forth.
Samuel Johnson said it best, “Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.”
Hey Mr. Wickre – just trying to help you out here, because I know your background is EE and not fabrication, and Bernath can’t even operate an airplane engine. Before you fire up the “blowtorch”, BE SURE to put a little bit of machine oil on the threads of the oxygen cylinder regulator. Most people don’t know it, but oil on the threads can make a world of difference and you cannot use too much oil. Best of luck – GDC
ROTFL!! ALL the difference.
Quit giving him good advice dammit.
Echoing nbc – come on to Texas, boys, we can play pinball. There’s a reason Houston dominates the feel-good stories and it ain’t just because it’s a big city.
Sure does seem that something is amiss in the Lucky Smegma Club.
So Jared, how you feeling having your name associated with shitbags like this? Step up, huh? Or is that down?
Jared can’t answer right now – he’s got his mouth full.
Paul Palmer Wickre skews the curve enough to make me look normal…and height/weight proportional.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
I really like how Jared the German/Irish PI is supposed to be some absolute wizard detective, and yet he requires turn by turn directions and pictures in order to find a freaking house. I guess Wickre’s afraid Jared will get caught in the tractor beam of a Subway…. or maybe take a wrong turn and end up hiking in the mountains of Algeria.
My neighbor is going to be mad when they follow those directions, by the way.
I’m going to assume that he, too, is a collector of fine weapons.
And here I thought the cockroaches in North Florida were big… Keep on shining that light on them Jonn!
He – no, ‘they’! The invisible ‘we’ found me?
Oh, dear me! Whatever shall I do?
I can’t go for gunpowder therapy until the middle of next month.
But hunting season starts around then, so now, do I have to make a choice between pheasants and peasants?
This guy is SO boring and SO functionally illiterate, it is painful to read what he cranks out! I was thinking of creating a dictionary as a guide for those unfamiliar with the ramblings, rantings and rampages (verbal) of psulie-o the uncoolie-o, aka pickwicker peckerwood.
But I hvae other things to do, pupmkins to pick, apple pies to bake, turkeys to roast.
Carry on!
Can you at least tell us what “she sure runs when Phil is Hinstville” means? Pretty please???
A lot of what he wrote was difficult to follow!
I’m still digesting that one, but I believe he thinks it means ‘she’s no afraid of me and I don’t like that’.
I believe that ‘Hintsville’ is actually located in psul plamre’s not-so-vivid imagination, because I have not yet found it on any map known to Man, ancient or modern. I will continue to investigate. It might be on the Moon.
My suggestion would be to use Red Hat Linux to effect advanced statistical stochastic analysis as you continue in your investigation. I think the key is in deciphering “Hintsville”. It could very well be the Rosetta Stone of WickreSpeak.
One thing I am taking away from this, is that the only customer certifiably stupid enough to buy generic shit from Wickre FirsTech et al, is our government. Wickre’s sisters are smarter than our government in that they cut him off and sued his ass. Not a ringing endorsement of their intellect, but for members of the Wickre family it is not bad. Go MESNA!
must be Huntsville
I am functionally literate in Wickrese. I think that what he was trying to say is that they found someone named Julie Weir who they think lives in Huntsville, AL and who disappears whenever Phildo comes to Huntsville. I’m sure that it never dawned on Psul that this Julie Weir doesn’t actually live in Huntsville, so her “hiding” might just be that his crappy PI found the wrong person in the wrong place. Hell, he still can’t find me, and I’m right under his nose.
I think I get it. So “Huntsville”, in Wickrese, translates to “lying sack of shit”. Because our Viking muppet said “Phil is Hintsville”. I’ll run that through my Red Hat Linux advanced stochastical algorithms and see what other hidden messages I can derive. If I don’t make it back, you’ll know a Black Swan got me, or in Bernath’s case, maybe a black call girl.
Put it on the record player and play it backwards…
I like pie.
Did you say apple pie? **PERK**
Speaking of … if you make your own crust I have a recipe for a sour-dough crust that is phenomenal with apple pie. If you’d like I can get it to you sometime.
All recipes are always welcome, and can be posted any time for all of use to use.
I have recently made several batches of chocolate chip cookies, using the classic Toll House recipe, but using dark brown sugar instead of light brown sugar (more molasses) and adding an extra splash of vanilla. I meant to bake half the batch and freeze the rest of the dough, but I baked the entire batch every time.
To make them chewy, bake for 9 to 10 minutes. For crispy, 11 to 12 minutes. Same thing with oatmeal raisin nut cookies: extra vanilla, dark brown sugar, choose time for chewy or crisp. Test the timing, too.
And yes, please give us the sourdough pie recipe. I’m thinking of wrapping a good tart apple in it to bake it, served warm with vanilla ice cream after a nice roast beef dinner.
Oh, and I always crock pot the roast beef because it cooks better that way, and then use the beef broth for gravy. I did that with the remaining roast chicken last night: pan drippings into the skillet, slice up the chicken, add some veggies and tuck into it. The gravy is its own food group.
Ok. Can do. The girls are due here to clean and put away laundry any minute. While they’re here I’ll have them get my cookbooks out of the cabinet for me.
And yeah it makes equally good pie as it does wrapped around whole apples. I’ve used it both ways. But, fair warning … it takes 4 days for the sour dough mixer to ferment in a bowl on the counter.
Time is on my side. Yes, it is.
Add me to the list clamoring for the recipe. We’re going to be culling a baker’s dozen of our sheep in the next couple weeks, which means I’ll need to feed the hungry masses working on the slaughtering and butchering. I’ll happily trade my chicken stew recipe, or ‘bad Jewish girl’ baked beans recipe!
Tollhouse cookies sound yummy. Passing that to the resident cookie baker.
Don’t suppose Hintsville is a typo for Huntsville? Too easy.
And of COURSE he wants Toasty Coasty and PH2’s addresses… any normal guy would. Wait – there’s a flaw in that logic…. I think it’s the word “normal”
Two of Wickre’s cohorts have twice accused the wrong man of being me, the first one wrongly impugned was in CA, the second in VA, whom Bernath still accuses of being me, and I’ve heard rumor that he’s accusing yet another man of it. I’ve posted it repeatedly here on TAH as well as the Stolen Valor thread on Lars Larson’s website where Witless the Dingleberry has repeatedly promised me “The *SLUUURP*Man cometh” and I’ve repeatedly replied that not only are they accusing the wrong men of being me, their sleuthing skills are less than that of a one-eyed lobotomized rhesus monkey on meth and LSD to which they post the usual replies. My response to any and all of them when they post their usual crap to me is “*YAWN*, you jokers really bore the crap out of me.”
I don’t worry or fret one bit about any of those impotent jokers anymore, like the rest of the fine People of TAH, I have a life!
I guess he thinks that since his address and phone is written on every truckstop bathroom wall between DC and Tampa, he should have access to the same info from some of the TAH Nation’s Finest citizens.
He is a NO-GO at this station.
He can have mine (ha-ha) and then I could make it very clear that I do not like him very much.
My wife is trying a new crock pot roast beef recipe tonight. If it’s worthwhile, I’ll share it.
Ex , do you need a loaner? A really fast shooting crossbow or other higher form of self defense caliber? Joe
I’m trying to decide between the compound bow and the crossbow, although I leaning toward the crossbow because you can mount a laser site on it.
Autumn hunting sales are underway, you know.
I don’t understand. He’s looked up all of your information to serve you with a peace order? What’s wrong with the guy? Clearly I need to do a search on your website and get some background info about his beef with you. He sounds pretty unstable and saying he’s gonna piss on your grave is about as hateful as it comes.
Actually, the smoke alarm in your home is smarter than he is.
It knows when to stop.
I just looked up some of Jonn’s old posts about him. The listing of “delightful invitations by the State of Maryland to engage in some judicial jousting, some of which might have been criminal, but by no means is limited to only criminal” kind of speaks volumes.
Do keep some sort of liquid refreshment within reach, plus something to nibble on.
You could view this as an expedition into unknown territory. And watch out for STOBOR!
Gentle Men,wicker does not have to so far as Texas and down to Houston. Psul can come to my part of Oklahoma. He will need a long rest after driving so far. Joe
My question is will ANY of his old junky Jaguars even make it fifty miles before it breaks down?
Oh, did I mention I do not like this insult of/to the Male Gender. Joe
I wonder if he and Bernath will stay in cahoots? Neither has found me, and Bernath continues to accuse the wrong man of being me!!
I’m pretty sure I couldn’t make sense of half his writing if I was drinking. Maybe if I squint and hold my breath…nope still makes my head hurt.
He is proof that we still need to be allowed to lock up the mental unstable.
Just think Jonn, you could have started a knitting blog instead.
In just about a month it will be halloween, The little kids that show up at my door dressed as Iron Man, Ghost and even Princesses will do a better job of trying to intimidate and instill fear than you do. Hell at least they have the guts to “Trick”.
Think about that for a second Paul, How does it feel to know an * year old child with a roll of toilet paper causes more concern than your band of misfits.
Hell I think its funny that you have to resort to using other people as a threat. But then again we all know you are about as intimidating as a Bowel Movement.
I dunno, Enigma, explosive diarrhea is pretty damn intimidating! Just sayin’….
True dat !
And as stinky as one.
You forgot about the eggs….You should never forget the eggs on Halloween….
Or silly string, gotta have the silly string..that stuff is a nightmare to get off..
Of course Psul would probably think the silly string is some kind of kinky sex toy and get all excited about having some sprayed at his squat and gobble.
Great idea I love silly string,
I wish I could still find tail pipe whistles those were great
Enigma, try this:
Anybody remember the old “Flaming bag of dog poo” prank?
Two thoughts
1. I thought Jared Stern denied ever working for Wickre? Seems like he was running a few errands in those ramblings.
2. WTF is an ontologist?
“We had an ontologist listen”
Uh….okay, I will grant you that I am not an MD, but I have been doing this medical gig for about 30 years now.
Ontology is a philosophical field of study…perhaps the brain trust meant “Oncology”?
Didn’t mean to sidetrack the topic.
This dude definitely must be living in a hell of his own making….everything he aspires to be,Is right here in this forum…People with respect, integrity, accomplished lives.
How it must infuriate and gall him to know that these “little people” that he looks down upon have surpassed him in every arena of life….what impotent rage he must feel when he reads the post made here by Men and Women superior to him in every way.
Laughing at him….mocking him…and perhaps even feeling some degree of pity for this miserable creature ( hey, I don’t know…it could happen, right?….right folks?….*crickets*…okay then)
Paul….I KNOW you will read this…you cant help yourself…you have issues, you REALLY need to get help…and I don’t mean the kind that comes from a PI with questionable creds.
You can’t win…there is no war…its YOU.
You keep shooting yourself in the foot every time you come back here and open your pie hole.
We are not defaming you and making you look bad…you are doing a superb job all by yourself.
Do yourself a favor…find a good therapist….and stay away from the internet when you have a few too many…I swear to god…every time you roll back in here it’s like watching a monkey on a pogo stick in a mine field.
I was going to say like watching a monkey fuck a football, but I like yours better Doc!
‘monkey on a pogo stick in a minefield’ – Doc Savage.
Oh, I want to use that elsewhere SO badly! I really do. I hope it’s okay with you?
Please feel free….call it an even trade for the thoughts of apple pie you just gave me.
I swear the Chow Hall LOOKS for ways to destroy food here….
Doc, you have my sympathies. There is nothing worse than bad food in the chow hall.
But you’d be amazed at what you can do with a two-burner hot plate and a countertop convection oven.
Ex, if Doc is out here in Kandahar, we have the “Room Police” that look for stuff like microwaves, hot plates, coffeemakers, etc. because they are supposedly fire hazards.
That’s just a shame.
How about a campfire with a turnspit, stone surround, and iron grid for roasting potatoes? And marshmallows?
Hey Doc, are you at Kandahar?
Yeah…I’m in Kandahar…..and yes, the room Nazi’s are in full swing….cant even have a coffee pot here.
Only saving grace is the Afgan coffee shop a few pads down from mine…its open 24 hours.
Mustang1Lt…next to Monti DFAC..Area 3 Pad 1, Room #40….my Roshon# is on the door with my name if you wander through the area.
Cant miss it…I have the high class cable spool table that serves as a smoking area right in front of my room…only the best for us in the Lego Land “man cans”.
Give a holler if you feel like it.
You are right next to my area. I’m site 2, pad 8. So you’re by the laundry facility, right? I’ve walked past your smoke pit.
The laundry facility is right behind my pad…I’m on the inside road that runs the length of our area…the concrete barrier next to my roomhas to VW bugs spray painted on it..
Yep, I know exactly where you’re at. I’ll swing by later and bring my pipe and smoke a bowl.
I’ll be here all day…Friday ya know
If either of you has access to the Kindle Lending Library, let me know through Jonn Lilyea. I have some stuff you can get for $0.00 from KLL.
PH….I don’t have my kindle anymore….my daughter “appropriated’ it while I was home on leave…..much like she does with my tee shirts
And you need to get paid, Palmer (of the Ballsack).
I seem to recall some court ordered mental counseling for Psul after one of his many arrests. Apparently it didn’t get the result that the judge was looking for.
Captain Crunch is out to lunch,
sailing the high Seas of Thorazine(150cc).
He spends half the day serving invisible tea
to the make-believe Peters of his conspiracy.
When roiling waves slap the hull,
the marbles in his skull, clink and clank,
roll out his ears, then walk the plank.
He rants and raves,
he sneers and jeers,
he bellows-out bellicose boasts.
He sees images of Peter in nearly everything;
in the clouds, in the sails,
he even sees images of Peter in his toast.
And just when Captain Crunch believes
he’s made some headway in the hunt,
he shakes and heaves
when he sees an image of Peter
reflected in the cabin’s mirror,
seemingly mimicking his every move,
leaving the Captain, utterly confused.
I dub this clown….Pablo el Pendejo!
Man, Spanish is such as good language for profanity and insults!
Not “pendejo de puta”?
I guess that would work, too. I just like that his name translates to Pablo and well, Pendejo just follows from there.
Here’s an old one from the movie “Repo Man”, just turn the lyrics around to”Pablo Pendejo was ALWAYS called an asshole”!
If you want to go long, I’d use “Hijo de la puta grande”!
Or, we could just go with the first scene from this video. Man, Eli Wallach was a talented actor! And of course, this is one of the greatest movies of all time!
^^^^ LMAO! ^^^^ x’s 2!
Then may I tell him ‘Ve a chuparle el peson ha un chango’ ?
You could say that, but what’s the monkey ever done to any of us to deserve meeting Pablo?
Good point.
Well, I have a little something in Norwegian, which he pretends to understand. (Remember Karmoy west of Stavanger, and all that crap he tried to post?)
Vess du fan ikke kan oppfør dæ årntli så ska æ stapp høue ditt opp i ræva di, så kan du sett dær, aleina i mørtna, å prat mannskit me dæ sjøl.
Oh shit Ex- that was beautiful, such a shame the dumbass won’t comprehend it, bwahahaha
I have lots of stuff like that. 😉
Oh I remember from back then lol
Glad you’re here, Heidi!
Buckle your seatbelt. It may just be a bumpy ride.
Pablo sablo, el pendejo de puta especial con… oh, never mind.
This is just getting better by the second.
As a side note, Eric Holder is resigning,
And no champagne to be had for thousands of miles….
Thank you very much, General Order 1A!
I’ll just leave this here:
I put this on an earlier thread but it seems appropriate yet again…today.
Lou Reed said it best:
Palmer traveled down to F.L.A.
Tonguing two holes across the U.S.A.
Plucked his eyebrows on the way
Shaved his legs and then he was a she
He says, “Hey, Phil,
Take a walk on the wild side.”
Said, “Hey, Monk,
Take a walk on the wild side.”
Monkress came from out on the Island
In the back room he was everybody’s darling
But he never lost his head
Even when he was giving head
He says, “Hey, Paul,
Take a walk on the wild side.”
Said, “Hey, Wick,
Take a walk on the wild side.”
And the APL guys go
“Doo do doo do doo do do doo…”
So true.
Danny never once gave it away
Thought he was a Chief all the way
Then one day he had a crash
A full tank would have stopped that fact
But he said
Hey dAlLaS,
Take a walk on the wild side
Said hey Cheezey,
Take a walk on the wild side
I’m reading terrorist threats in those. Isn’t that a Federal Crime?
Should I be upset that, despite the fact that my statements made the court records and that I got a death threat, he isn’t still looking for me. It’s a shame, because I’m just down the road. I need another Wickre death threat, but with some more substance. I’m itching for one of those DC concealed carry permits.
The more I think about it, the more I believe that TAH should have left him in the trash bin.
That is where he and his “cabal” belong.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. This dude is a lunatic. Hey Paul, go fuck yourself and your phony butt buddy Monkress. Paul Wickre: knob-jockey extraordinaire. Pual, why don’t you get in your piece of shit Jag and visit some of us poor people that live “inland.” What a complete shitbag.
I live closer to the ocean than he does, yet neither he nor his ninja dickweed death squad has seen fit to show up here.
Maybe it’s because I live in a shall-issue state?
I’m guessing that the more liberal permitting laws are a part of what’s keeping Psul’s fat ass north of the Potomac. That and he needs to borrow gas money from his sister just to get one of those POS Jags out from under the tent he calls a garage.
Jeez…. I take a sabbatical from commenting and Fuckery breaks out…
Rumor has it Al Gore called up Bernath, DullASS, and Wickre on a conference call and told them all, “I didn’t invent the Internet for your faggotry!”
So that’s what “Rosy Palmer” looks like?
Nice sweater,he must have been first in line at the Goodwill store.
Lucky sperm club my ass, fat and stupid is no way to go through life you jackass.
He looks like a homeless Carl Reiner. Probably smells like Rob Reiner.
Wow … just wow!
Heard a saying somewhere about “Being rode hard and put up wet.” Yep, that’s what the pic at the top of the page looks like.
Video of Jared Sterns’s Covert Black Ops Special Warfare Team in foot hills of West Virginia preparing for raid on TAH World HQ compound:
Well….not exactly a monkey on a pogo stick in a minefield….but just as entertaining.
I said this to my Soldiers after I saw this video for the first time about six months ago and I will say it here for the benefit of the assembled masses:
The smartest primate in that video is the one who is not wearing clothes.
That group of idiots who hand the AK to the chimp remind me of our beloved Cabal of Fucktardery, who’s self-proclaimed leader is the subject of this thread.
“Hey, let’s give a loaded weapon to an animal that has opposable thumbs and can figure out how to use tools! What could possibly go wrong?”
OT, sort of. How do you get an RSS feed of just the TAH comments with Firefox? I had it once, accidentally, and it was great…all new comments on TAH scrolled by and I didn’t have to dig into the posts. Can’t replicate that now. Danke.
The link in the right hand margin under the header “meta”….click on the comments rss link. It works for me when I am on a pc w firefoz. Doesn’t work when I’m on my Android tablet.
SJ: there’s a “Comments RSS” selection in the front page’s META section. Don’t use RSS feeds personally, so I can’t say if that’s what you need to explore to get that working again or not.
Go suck Tranny cock, Paul, it’s the only thing your mouth is good for.
Palmie is living proof you can stuff 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound sack. He’s also nuttier than a Christmas fruit cake.
I think “Nuttier than a mountain of squirrel shit” describes him a little more accurately!
HAHA! Can it be a mountain of flaming squirrel shit?
If he is such a federal government contractor powerhouse, he should be KILLING it with all the new business since this is the end of the fiscal year.
Oh wait, still shows his fraduelent economically disadvantage woman business is sucking turds. I guess spending so much time on blasting TAH is his focus, not red hat software. Not sure if this is the black swan event he predicted.
I submit government purchase requests frequently, so I went to the GSA Advantage website and entered “Red Hat”. No list for vendors named FirstTech nor FirsTech selling Red Hat software. I did see that a few companies are selling red baseball caps. Maybe that is what Paul is selling, softball team uniform accessories. Once he gets the seed money in hand, he can expand to t-shirts and beverage cooler wraps with government agency logos.
I don’t think he was involved in Operation Red Hat either. That’s when we transported the chemical munitions from Germany to Johnston Island.
Perhaps he’s involved in Red ASS, like what you find at the 6 o’clock position on a baboon. That does seem to be more his speed.
Given his age/appearance/weight/apparent consumption of intoxicants, I’m thinking Psulie-boi is more likely to be involved in OPERATION BLUE BALLS.