Bad news delivered by a phony Green Beret with BSM+V

| April 5, 2014

Well seasoned indeed. Like roadkill left too long on a Texas highway.

Daniel A Bernath upsets the Stolen Valor Reich-1

Category: Phony soldiers

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That would need to be on pay for view!


That guy should be put in a straightjacket and not allowed to touch a computer. Sick old man running around playing war on the internet.


Who pissed in his oatmeal?? What I really like is all that HOT AIR coming this way, sure been cold in Missouri lately.

OIF '06-'07-'08

This is classic Dallas Wittgenfeld writing.

Eagle II

CAUTION: The LRRP Commeth ( in his own mouth )Wittgenfeld will send you nasty pics


I’d like to think I’m doing my small part in driving Bernath irreversibly around the bend.

And Bernath? You call someone a quivering coward, but what sort of sandy crusty pussy would call the cops over shaking in the bushes?

And when are you gonna have me served? All the process servers here are scared shirtless for some reason, because none of them will come anywhere near me. Huh. Go figure.

OIF '06-'07-'08

SHorTBuSRIdER41 has drank a few too many cans of Sterno with the Psul.

AW1 Tim

You know, you can’t make this sort of stuff up. He’s the gift that keeps on giving. Sort of like VD.

Please put me on the witness list. Please. 🙂


VD you can cure…don’t think there is a cure for stupid yet


Looks like someones MANGINA needs some Vagisil for that chronic itch and stench coming out of it.

Danny-boi – you’re still a LIAR, FRAUD and DEADBEAT DAD!!!


OHHHH!! It’s this jerk

Toasty Coastie

Updated again…***8pew Alert***

Screenies needied..


Is that Dilly Dallas in there also? I still got the screen saves from where he was going to “cometh” to my town and take care of me, been over a year now,,,,,no “elite” idiot has shown up yet!

Toasty Coastie

I didn’t see him on the page, it keeps refreshing every minute or two…he now has a pic of a mom on her child’s grave, some bloody hands and the usual nonsense of molestation claims etc. family pics too of some posters here.

Delilah T.

That photograph is not a mother on her child’s grave.

The young woman is the fiance of the man who was buried in that graveiste at Arlington.

Obviously, stealing copyrighted photography by other people is okay for bernastypants, but no one can steal what he thinks he did.


TC I believe it keeps refreshing so he can keep track of who looks at it.

Toasty Coastie

Thanks Sparks…

Its such a fubar site..creeps me out to look at it…


Creeps me too. He is obsessed with child molestation and seems to enjoy pics of nearly nude little boys and bloodied girls, and stories of molestation (note to Phony Chief Bernath: be careful what icky brews you choose to stew in, lest you become one of those stories).

Frankly, I’d visit his page more often just to savor the blossoming insanity, but the unmistakable slime trails of pedophilia keep me away.

Delilah T.

I took care of the screen shots this morning. Only a couple of changes since yesterday.

He just wants to know if anyone is NOTICING his handiwork. Waste of time.

Delilath T.

… and he’s changing it as we speak.

Boring twit, he is.

Farflung Wanderer

Anyone else notice that rough photoshop job of Bernath standing in uniform? His face doesn’t match how the picture looks, his hat/cover/whathaveyou suddenly looks very blocky,band in pretty sure it’s the exact same face as the face in that now famous image of him…

And seriously, what is with this guy with all the pedophile stuff? It’s just… Ew.

Also, I like his attention to detail with all the subsections and how the text matches how Scotty types stuff up on his blog. Guy spent a lot of time on this. 100% disabled my arse, this guy is capable enough to make this.

Eagle II

Damn.. and I thought I was the only one he promised to visit.


This guy appears to be a real work of art.
I found this while digging around. You may already have it.
Strange to say the least. Seems he thrives on making threats in order to intimidate.

Jonn Lilyea

Still waiting on my restraining order.

Toasty Coastie

It may be a while..I had a premonition that it went by the way of the Malaysia Plane.


Jonn, do you mean the “retraining” order?

Over, under and out. Maybe.

(Still chuckling over the dickless folks wearing women’s gowns. Shocking.)


You’d think he would step it up and get the ball rolling. Those Yelp judgments aren’t gonna pay themselves.

JarHead Pat

Bahahahahaha,I would pay to see that,and it looks like the old thunder cunt dIlLy dALlaS..


He must have ShOrTbUs41 hand delivering those restraining orders Jonn.

currahee John

Well, the one thing that stands up and springs to mind is the really hard question, how does Birdbreath know this? First hand, so to speak?


I think his machines to poop with are hooked up to the wrong end again.


“Your honor no further witnesses will be called considering the evidence above … We rest our case”.

Delilah T.

The photograph used by bernastypantsman of the young woman on someone’s grave at Arlingotn Cemetery is copyrighted by the photographer.

The young woman is Mary McHugh. The man buried in that grave is her fiance, SGT James Regan.

This just adds to the level of tacky and disgusting tricks that bernutsless is willing to use.

And he wants to know that we’re looking at him and what he does, so he raises the disgustingness bar at every opportunity.

Delilah T.

The photographer is John Moore for Getty Images. Not a royalty-free image, either.

Toasty Coastie

Thanks for the info Delilah…

I just thought it was a mom…its a heart wrenching photo..


Did we notify Getty. Getty will go for the throat (figure of speech).

Delilah T.

Not yet. I have to dig up that info.


Per their website, contact info listed for Getty Images can be found at


Do we all get to join in on the field trip? I’ll bring the hankies, but I don’t believe it’ll be TSO that needs them.

Toasty Coastie

Are they made of flannel?


No, the hankies are leather. You know how much us lesbos love our leather. I guess we could mix it up a little, leather thongs and flannel hankies.

Toasty Coastie


How about a little of each? Line the leather thong with flannel, (gotta protect those lady bits ya know), and then line the hankies with leather to make them waterproof?


photos or it didn’t happen.


Wait, I thought the thongs were flannel.

Toasty Coastie

Maybe a matched set Chief?


OK, NOW I’m upset! Someone forgot to distribute the memo that we were to adopt upset posture. Is that the emotion for the day? Or the entire week?

These guys are seriously messing things up for themselves. Can you imagine what their income might be if they directed all this comedy gold into something worthwhile instead of on bolstering their defective egos?

Anyone have a early draft of the potential witness list?


Is it just me or does that sound like ShOrTbUsRiDeR?


Wow, WTF?

Did he insert his batteries backwards?


I have a suggestion as to where he should insert those batteries, BinhTuy66.

I’ll spare everyone the details. (smile)


Only if they’re car batteries. Or perhaps deep-cycle marine batteries.

And who left the electrolyte cap off, I wonder? (smile)


NHSparky: the square 6v lantern batteries would work, too.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure THIS is what he/it uses, made for 120VAC plugged into a 240VAC socket on full throttle!!

A Proud Infidel®

I see that one thing is for sure, and it’s that Daniel A. Bernath THE PHONY CPO is making maximum effort to stay in the #1 slot for this year’s SV/Village Idiot Contest!

Mr. Blue

Crash does have talent… for teh crazy. He is going Full Wickre, and with the Wickre, too.

But, Cheezy Chevelar has heart, and while not as talented with teh Crazy, he’s plugging away with the misdirection, rants, and other classic Poser behavior.

This will truely be an interesting tourney.


Oh, yeah, they’d be rocking in the courtroom – but from uncontrollable laughter, not the tears that these clowns dream of. Well, after enough laughter, there could be some tear ducts activated, but as a result of the jovial outbursts.


OMG – Mark I will give you ANYTHING to be able to be in the court room IF it really comes to that. ANYTHING.


I wonder if a videographer would allowed?

I suspect that, ah … donations … to TAH for copies (strictly for educational purposes, of course) might keep Jonn and TSO in ceegar and brewski money for a while.


“Shaking uncontrollably” and “weep”

There have been 4 occasions that I’ve shaken uncontrollably.

1. Laughter (for instance, laughing at your posts)

2. Took a shit that felt like I had eaten 7 pounds of cheese.

3. Hypothermia

4. First time I went skydiving (sport jumps, I’ve never done any military jumps)


2 occasions for that

1. When they shot Ol’ Yeller
2. Death in the family.

This should be fun when the SREYWAL after action report is debriefed.

The SREYWAL are coming. Are you prepared to meet them Daniel-san?


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot …… OVER?



Okay so if there are women in the press corp…… What a charmer! Where you been all my life Romeo?

2/17 Air Cav

There are actual rules of evidence and eliciting testimony is not an informal exercise unlike, say, at a social security disability hearing. I can hear it now:

Plaintiff’s counsel: “Blah, blah, blah?”

Defendant’s counsel: “Objection.”

Court: “Sustained.”

Plaintiff’s counsel: “Blah, blah, blah?”

Defendant’s counsel: “Objection.”

Court: “Sustained.”

Plaintiff’s counsel: “Blah, blah, blah?”

Defendant’s counsel: “Objection.”

Court: “Sustained.”

“Dammit! Can’t I get a single question asked and answered? At least tell me what I’m supposedly doing wrong, will you? Or are you all in on this? Is that it, you’re all in on this? Sure, that’s it. You’re all in on this! This case is fixed! We can’t get a fair hearing!”

Court–banging gavel: “Counselor. Counselor. Counselor! You are in contempt of this court! Bailiff. Take that man into custody!”


I foresee things turning out more like this, 2/17 Air Cav.

“Bailiff, whack his . . . .” (smile)

2/17 Air Cav

Yes–or it could go like this before his pee-pee gets whacked:


Crash, you really need to take your act on the road.

Laughing Wolf

I have the feeling that if this goes to court, it will be the first time in a civil trial that the plaintiffs end up on death row.

OIF '06-'07-'08

The executioner being the presiding judge!

Laughing Wolf

Think that depends on how done: rope or firing squad. While those are not currently used methods, my awe of the legal prowress that is Bernutless (and deranged screechings of WitlessWonder) is such that I figure they will bring one or the other back for immediate implementation. Then again, given the personalities involved, there are likely to be enough volunteers that lots or raffle will have to be done to decide who gets to take part.



Bernath is not, never has been nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO.

One other thing:

The SREYWAL are coming and they will employ ARIMK tactics!

Just An Old Dog

By “seasoned” does he mean being a complete idiot in the courtroom and the laughing stock of the Oregon legal system?


No … “Seasoned” as in what happens before getting cooked!


Dullass – the word is not “seasoned”. It’s “marinated”. Or “pickled”.


“Seasoned litigation attorney?” You got to be kidding me! Danny Bunghole attempted to be an ambulance chaser and failed. Every time he tried to follow the ambulance he burned his lips on the exhaust pipe.

Let’s see; disbarred in California, rejected in Oregon due to his lies and fraud…

Oh yeah, and the bushes are shaking.

Inserts batteries backwards and pushes in a LARGE pickle for courtroom drama. Yep, that’s danny!


We must be precise – he has been suspended in California. He hasn’t been disbarred in California…yet.


Sorry, my mistake. Suspended in California.

Farflung Wanderer

That was physically painful to read. This man’s grammar is worse than mine when I was in 4th Grade.

Besides, hasn’t his argument been thrown out time after time because what you guys say here is opinion? I don’t know why he thinks he’ll accomplish anything.


Because he’s a failure at everything he’s ever done in his life, and why should he change now?

Farflung Wanderer

Isn’t a definition of insanity to do something over and over again expecting different results?


The BBB gives Bernath’s law business a F rating. Is anyone surprised?

A Proud Infidel®™

Has he threatened to sue the BBB yet? Maybe THAT’S who’s shaking the bushes?

Some Marine

“Well seasoned indeed. Like roadkill left too long on a Texas highway.”

Jonn, in Texas, roadkill like that wouldn’t even have brake skid marks in front of it…you would see brake marks after as they hit the pedal to stop and back up to run it over again.

what a turd…


What is this “Rebel Squadron” thing he is talking about? If he means my participation and membership in the Rebel Legion, then he should definitely watch himself. Lucasfilm and Disney doesn’t take lightly to attacks on their franchise, especially not by hacks who call themselves ‘lawers.’


You guys are using the wrong address for the codes messages:



A Proud Infidel®™

PENGO Dak frog pork, OVER AND OUT!!


Dillwad Whitlessone the Blunderpidgeon strikes again…

A Proud Infidel®™

Daliel A. Bernath THE PHONY CPO sure loves to fling accusations of sexual fetishes and improprieties, I’m sure that one of these toys was modeled after him/it, and that they have a bald-headed model patterned after you-know-who!!

Green Thumb

Extra shitbag.


I have to wonder Daniel-san, in your letter to the American Legion, you ask at the end for a copy of their mailing list. And you sign it

“Daniel A. Bernath
Member American Legion”

With all of the other crap you say about the American Legion, do you really expect them to even acknowledge it.

What crap you ask?

I’ve got a whole page of links that I’ve made screenshots of.

SREYWAL will be dealing with you. And they won’t be hiding in a any bushes either. You’ll know when SREYWAL makes first contact.


Dunno. He should probably have more fear of SPOCDEF when that operation begins.


Badmouth the Legion, then go crying to them.

Something tells me that Buttblast hasn’t quite thought his clever plan all the way through.


Wow. Looks like phony CPO (Hon) Daniel A. Bernath fed a monkey a can of alphabet soup and a box of Ex-lax then pointed its ass at a ream of paper to write that.

Just a Grunt

This had me laughing so hard I almost pissed my pants. The comments should be recognized for some kind of award. As far as this turd Bernath goes, I doubt he could even find his way to the courthouse. Didn’t his wife have to “learn how to be a lawyer” (lawer), because Bernath was to retarded to wipe his own ass, let alone practice law?


After reading OAE and CPO’s posts to linking “a special day.” WOW! What a vindictive, five cards short of a deck sociopath bernath is. I bet I already have an idea what Tigard, OR is thinking about him.

They’re probably out there shaking the bushes. Hoping he will leave their fair community

I really enjoy all his legalese talk. It sounds like he thinks it will appear before the Supreme Court of the United States.

Birmbutt (batteries included) with pickle inserted vs TAH.

What a fu*ing Idiot!

Delilah T.

Bernastypants, you really need to consider changing jobs.

You’re giving bad lawyers a bad name.

Eagle II