Justin Doolittle; Making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep

| November 12, 2013

Islandofmisfittoys sends us a link to Newsbusters’ Noel Sheppard report on a Salon article by Justin Doolittle entitled “Stop thanking the troops for me: No, they don’t “protect our freedoms!”. Yes, it’s exactly what you’d expect from Salon. Doolittle looks in his trousers and finds himself woefully unprepared for life.

The corollary to the claim that our freedom exists only at the pleasure of the military, of course, is that the same military can revoke said freedom if it so desires. Indeed, as Hibbert so bluntly put it, “obviously we wouldn’t have freedom without them.” This widely held belief, that our freedom is bestowed on us by soldiers, has obvious implications for how the public views the military. One such implication of the ubiquity of this myth is that people will feel they owe boundless gratitude to the military as an institution and all the men and women who serve in it.

Yeah, well, Justin, your corollary doesn’t hold up, because, while it’s true that they we would be less free if our military shirked their collective duty, they are required by their oaths and their personal commitment to the Constitution to do otherwise. The military can’t “revoke said freedom” on a whim. And Americans have faith in the fact that they won’t. It takes a special, unselfish person to defend our freedoms. And the only reason that you can express your vacuous opinion is because they stand in the breach for you.

The root of your complaint is that they’ve never failed to stand in the breach, and so you really don’t appreciate the fact that they protect your freedoms. You don’t even realize that they have secured your freedom for centuries before you were even conceived.

We need not thank the troops for every breath we take. When we do, we reduce our entire existence as free people to something that only exists at the whim of the U.S. military, and suffocate critical thought about the military and what it’s actually doing in the world.

Yeah, well, we had a sample of what you think is “critical thought” following the Vietnam War and veterans and servicemembers were ostracized and denigrated by your ilk. They did their jobs when their country called, but I’m thinking Doolittle wouldn’t lift a finger to defend this country and what it stands for in the world if it meant a measure of discomfort on his part. But he’d be the first to demand that someone save him if he was threatened.

I get the impression that Doolittle thinks that somehow it’s lawyers and judges that protect his freedoms. In a world jammed-packed with terrorists and nuclear rogues, that’s more that just little naive. And if you can’t take one day out the rest of the year to thank folks for something you don’t fully understand, you’re a self-centered little prick.

Category: Shitbags

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If you look at his faceyspace hes a typical occupy turd at Stoneybrook


Well according to the prevailing views of those who agree with him, it is really the occutards and traitors like manning and snowden who are protecting their freedom.
Where the fuck did these idiots come from??


“…is cheaper than them uniforms, are they’re starvation cheap”

Yeah lefties love to talk about “critical thinking”, but they parrot the groupthink more than any group in recorded human history.

The ubiquitous “thanks for your service” makes me a little uncomfortable, but that’s because for some I think it’s pro forma. Still, I recognize and appreciate the intent.

2/17 Air Cav

“This widely held belief, that our freedom is bestowed on us by soldiers….” Who holds that belief? I don’t anyone who does and I certainly don’t. Or did I miss that point in grade school, that the US military doles out our freedoms to move freely about the country and to exercise, at our discretion, the rights accorded us in the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution? This guy is either a fool, a common miscreant who seeks attention through outlandish and stupid opinion, or both.

Ranger Pat

I didn’t want his thanks anyway.

A head nod from the kinds of people who write and comment here, and the fact that men whom I fought alongside were willing to travel to be with me at my wedding, mean far more than anything Mr. Doolittle could ever offer.



Dear Justin,

I don’t see you putting your ass on the line, so kindly say, “Thank you,” or pick up a rifle and stand a post.

Old Trooper

Meh, another leftist that doesn’t have the ability to think for himself. He doesn’t see that we don’t dole out his freedoms, but we protect his right to be a douchenozzle from those that want to see to it that he can’t be free to be a douchenozzle and express his opinion that confirms he’s a douchenozzle. A used douchenozzle at that.

defensor fortisimo

it’s gotten to the point where I’m not even surprised when hippies act like hippies. Oh he’s speaking out against the military? How edgy and original. Honestly it’s when I hear the same rhetoric from libertaians and other self proclaimed guardians of liberty that I start to feel depressed

Combat Historian

This whiny little hissy-face writes for SALON…nuff said…


In the words of the great Hermione Granger: “What an idiot!” This numbnut does even know what the hell he is talking about.


Mr. Doolittle certainly does live up to his name, doesn’t he?

He’s in that line of people who want everything handed to them, and I’m sure supports all the ‘green’-oriented programs that the left can stuff down his throat, no matter how poorly they perform. This article is extremely revealing about the true cost of the current administration’s push to crank up ethanol production. Read it and weep.


Note that an Iowa Dept. of Ag spokesman was muzzled when he discussed the true cost of this program.

When people like Doolittle run off at the mouth, it is out of pure ignorance. The only thing that stands between him and those who want to destroy his freedom to run his silly mouth and live in a semblance of peace, is us.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I can’t stand these little f#cking turds who can’t understand that a person can actually be critical of the use of the military while still showing respect to those who serve in it. His diatribe that those who oppose the use of the military are no longer welcome at the table is without merit, this is a nation long built on dissent. FFS all he has to do is look on these pages to see people who have served the nation who are p1ssed off at the direction that some of our military leaders are taking with the troops or who are p1ssed off about the use of that military. It doesn’t mean any of us are disrespecting those who serve, it just means we don’t like what’s being done to or with those who serve. Democracy is a noisy, cantankerous, and dangerous affair I would have it no other way, for people like Justin who absolutely don’t understand that laws and judges don’t deter “true believer” they prefer a pablum soaked cloak of servility that keeps them safe while stripping away all their humanity and dignity. Justin and those like him are about as useful as cock flavored lollipops in the national debate over our foreign policy and the corresponding use of the military. Their views are based on inaccurate observations and incomprehension of the basic functions of government, consequently their arguments stand without merit. I will continue to thank the brave men and women who serve our nation their willingness to sacrifice on behalf of the nation and all of us who make up that nation is an admirable act. It is unconscionable that anyone who sits comfortably in a Long Island suburb never having sacrificed a moment of discomfort to the greater good of the nation and claiming a world class education is so completely incorrect in every aspect of their view on the laws of the nation, the reason for our freedoms and the very real threats that have been held in check by the men and women of the US Military. Justin Doolittle, you sir… Read more »


I went on twitter and called this little bitch out. He basically told me I do not understand his point. He is too fucking smart for me. I understand his point entirely. He put out a controversial piece of crap on Veterans Day and cannot for the life of him understand how all of us knuckle draggers could not get it. I would like to drag this fuckstain by his greasy hair on a tour of the war memorials in D.C. and let him explain to me how those brave men did not protect our freedom. They didn’t dole it out, the PROTECTED it!! God damn!! I hate me a hippy!!!


Ain’t just you, Master Guns. Ain’t just you.

It is the Soldier, who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protestor to burn the flag.


Love the commenter “Jamie Commie” over there self-identified former MLRS crewman- typical shithouse lawyer tool who probably was one of those loudmouth specialists who never had the balls to speak up and out in public but ran his mouth incessantly when leadership wasn’t around.

Now he’s out, knows everything and demands moral authority while he condescendingly wags his finger at everyone else.

The author- “Doolittle”- is appropriately named in this case.


Official Re-naming Ceremony for Justin Doolittle:

MCPO: Attention! At ease! Ladies and gentlemen. Today we gather to re-name Justin Doolittle. Based on his limited intelligence, zero knowledge of American Revolution, demostrated void in basic hisrory, basic lack of understanding of the great accomplishments of the US military and his obvious confusion regarding the meaning of freedom … I here by and forever declare and re-name Justin Doolittle … Justine Donelittle! That is all … carry on!

Note: This POS has ZERO experience in anything. Read a few of his articles and view his LinkedIn page … he is essentially looking for work. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/justin-doolittle/59/58/82


Dear Justin,

The Constitution spells out what your freedoms are. The Military ensures that you keep them.

P.S. Eat a bag full of dicks.


Take Justin and a shitload of other useless assholes like him and you have your explanation for the last two Presidential elections. Some days, I wish the country would be in danger and call on Justin and his ilk to defend it – I suspect instead of help she’ll get ‘strongly worded screeds’ or some such. But it’s only schadenfreude.


@18, Justin and his ilk are the ones who would quickly become collaborators, rats, traitors, etc…

Lazarus Long

Ladies and Gents:
It’s not worth getting whipped up over; Salon ran this on vererans day as a cheap ploy to boost readership.
Doolittle is just a hack writer hoping to get an audience, then sit in his trendy bar with a G&T, whining how the military fools just don’t get it. Just another example of the military civilian divide that everyone is bitchin’ about.
Ruck up and move on.

A Proud Infidel

Justin Doolittle, you don’t want to stand behind us, so kindly take your rightful place in front of us downrange and spout your shit!!
Shit in your Momma’s face!!

2/17 Air Cav

@16. Thanks for the link. I read his mess and here’s my take:

Our boy can’t land a job and claims one year, five months as an teaching assistant in a SC school district. Gee, I didn’t know that SC has year-round school. And Justin here isn’t very good at math. He lists eight months for the period May-December 2012. Um, Justin, that’s seven months. What threw you off is that you counted May as one and June as two when, in actuality, your first month was the date you started in May to the corresponding date in June. In fact, Justin, you made the same error on each of your very brief periods of employment. Now let’s look at this boy’s schooling. First, who in the hell lists his courses taken? Nobody except Justin. One lists courses taken that are pertinent to a particular job sought, certainly. But to just list your coursework, helter-skelter? No wonder he can’t get a steady job. Second, our boy here took some time to get that MA. He began his undergraduate work in 2002 and, 10 years later, voila!, he has a master’s degree in, of all things, public policy. I really do hope that a cabbie’s license came with that. He is one of life’s failures. I get it. So, now, it is his aim in life to try to disparage those who actually contribute and contributed something to society and preserving our unique freedoms. He ain’t shit, by any measure. F him.

Green Thumb

No surprise here.


Dear Justine Donelittle,

No doubt you will have visited here today, because thanks to the internet YOU will be infamous by days end.

I might caution you not to go much further than to say … read the uplifting comments left here about you.

TAH readership is linked to hundreds and if not thousands of other like minded sites more than willing to roast your dumb ass!

So if you want a fight with Veterans about freedom … bring it on you POS … you will find that we don’t back down … EVER!


People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. George Orwell

The Other Whitey

Consider this, Dolittle. If you are able to read this, i.e. recognize the verbal sounds represented by each letter and how they combine into a linguistic element to convey a message, thank a teacher. They taught you how to read. If you are ALLOWED to read it, without fear of government reprisal, of “Thought Police” scrutinizing you every move, poised to torture and/or kill you or your loved ones if you show the slightest sign of dissent, thank a veteran. They have paid the price to make sure you won’t have to worry about that. Dolittle, you don’t get it. Our freedoms come first and foremost from our Creator (if you’re an atheist, tough shit). They are legally guaranteed by the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights. And they are protected against oppressors by the Soldier sweating his ass off in the desert, by the Marine trying not to get seasick in an amtrack, by the Sailor scrubbing the deck of a destroyer, by the Airman loading ordnance onto a B-52, by the Coastie who saves your ass when you get too drunk on your boat. Where do you think Hitler would have stopped had my grandfather not manned an antiaircraft gun on a ship in the Atlantic, or if my Great-Uncle Ollie hadn’t roasted his balls off in the North African desert to keep the 12th Air Force’s B-17s running, or if my Great-Uncle Jim hadn’t carried his M1 rifle from Normandy all the way to Austria, helping liberate a Nazi death camp at the end, or if millions of others hadn’t stepped up and done what had to be done, often at the cost of their lives? You think you could stop the 3rd Reich with an Occupy protest? That would be interesting, and horrifying, to watch. Have you studied the Cold War at all? Do you know what the Soviet Russians did with any country that didn’t have a strong military to oppose them? I’ll offer just one example: read about what happened in Hungary in the 50s. Cliffnotes version: East European hippies found out the… Read more »


Oh, it’s just the typical libby habit of projecting their own failings on others, while denying their failings.

They lie when they take their oaths to uphold the US Constitution, so they assume that everyone lies when they take their oaths to uphold the US Constitution. The last thing they are interested in is understanding that freedom is precious whether it is their brand of freedom or mine. They refuse to consider that when they try to control my freedoms that they put their own in jeopardy.

If only they were a bit smarter they might see that their continuing to exercise their freedom to act stupid in public is a constant reminder to the rest of us that we have done our jobs well. Alas, they are neither that smart nor a bit grateful for the gift we, and so many before us, gave to them.


@20: This x 1000. A cheap ploy to try to stir up a little fake “controversy.”

Really just a slightly higher grade of what, on internet message boards, is called “trolling”, i.e. posting something that will anger a large number of people for the sole purpose of generating traffic.


That must be a pen-name. It’s just too appropriate.

I posting this link here, because it’s worth listening to every minute, and in addition, it is proof that even TED gets it:

Peter Van Uhm: Why I Chose A Gun

2/17 Air Cav

What Justin boy has done is bring the attention to himself that he does not want. Sure, he wanted to stir the pot but he has, in doing so with this piece, advertised both his muddled cthinking and his lousy writing. His effort reminds me of the scene in “History of the World” where Mel Brooks steps up to clerk (Bea Arthur) at the unempoyment window and is asked what sort of work he does. He replies, “Stand-up philospher” and she glares and says, “Oh, a bullshitter.”


@26–In other news, this is what happens elsewhere in the world when those veterans who are supporting and defending the Constitution aren’t there anymore:


This is what happens in places you support, Donelittle. Might I suggest you move there? Hell, I’ll even kick in a couple of ducats for the ticket.

Common Sense

This is the kind of crap we get because our public education system has been co-opted by the far left. From kindergarten through college, they collectively brainwash our young.

Most colleges and universities no longer require US history, economics, or math to graduate. Most don’t require a foreign language or literature.

Teachers and professors are spawned by the same system, most of them never having left the education system to work in the real world.

And you wonder why they spit out scum like this guy.

If you really want to change the direction of this country, support homeschooling, charter and private schools and consider a Thiel Fellowship scholarship for NOT going to college.


Sparky-stuff like that is a feature, not a bug, to little shitstains like Doolittle.

“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”
? Robert A. Heinlein

Doolittle would happily lick the boot that would be forever stomping his face. He hates and resents those of us who resist that and so deny him his subservience, he should hire a good dominatrix.


@32–it’s at the point right now I don’t want to send my kids to college. Right now, a public school in New England goes for about $30K/year. By the time the older one graduates, it’ll be pushing $50K/year, and probably $80-100K/year for the younger one.

$200-300K (or more) for a job that MIGHT get them a barista position at Starbucks making $10/hour?

Can you say, “shitty return on investment?”

Put two kids through college–there goes most of my retirement. Then, if I’m stupid enough to cosign a student loan for them and they default, guess whose Social Security gets garnished!

I’m at the point right now if they don’t get full rides, I’m pushing for them to go to tech school or learn a trade. College is becoming more and more irrelevant if you want to make a living.

2/17 Air Cav

@34. There are few solid reasons for attending college nowadays. A BA/BS is prequisite to the professional schools, so that’s one. Another is to acquire a decent job with the state, local, or federal governments. A third, and the most important to most red-blooded college students, is to get laid.


AirCav–all true. And while I’m not going to be some sort of luddite and claim NOBODY needs a college education, we (by which I mean the K-12 public system) foists the “need” of a degree on kids who neither need nor want to go to college to earn a damn good living.

Maine and Massachusetts Maritime Academies, for example, are two excellent schools that are very results-oriented. A number of folks where I work are graduates of these programs, which are also MUCH less expensive than a traditional college.

Graduates, if they’re willing to work and travel, are making excellent money right out the gate.

Again, not all tech schools are a bag of chips, but certainly there are a lot out there, along with just doing some grunt work and OJT to get a license that are far better than spending 5-6 years doing kegstands and getting a degree in Womyn’s Studies or Navel Gazing.

2/17 Air Cav

@37. One of my nephews is a recent merchant Marine Academy graduate and is already making serious coin. He was always a solid kid but never brilliant.


So I was doing some research for one of my books, and picked up my copy of Ayn Rand’s collection of essays titled ‘The Virtue of Selfishness’, because my main character has to tread the fine line between the crusader and the monster, which encompasses a certain amount of self-preservation/selfishness, and I found this quote, which clearly defines what is going on now with Done-as-little-as-possble, and our most recent local troll, vwp,: ‘If it’s true, that what I mean by ‘selfishness’ is not what is meant conventionally, then this is one of the worst indictments of altruism: it means that altruism permits no concept of the self-respecting, self-supporting man — a man who supports his life by hisown effort and neither sacrifices himself or others. It meanst that altruism permits no view of men except as sacrificial animals and profiteers-on-sacrifice, as victims and parasites; that it permits no concept of a benevolent co-existence among men; that it permits no concept of justice.’ Then I went to the ‘Answers’ website to do further research, and found this quote from one of her essays: There have never been any “masses” in America: the poorest American is an individual and, subconsciously, an individualist. Marxism, which has conquered our universities, is a dismal failure as far as the people are concerned: Americans cannot be sold on any sort of class war; American workers do not see themselves as a “proletariat,” but are among the proudest of property owners. It is professors and businessmen who advocate cooperation with Soviet Russia — American labor unions do not. Here’s the link for those of you interested: http://www.aynrandanswers.com/ Her introductory essay on ‘selfishness’, as most people define it, has this quote (continuing from my first quote, above) which I think applies succinctly to Done-as-little-as-possible: ‘If you wonder about the reasons behind the ugly mixture of cynicism and guilt in which most men spend their lives, these are the reasons: cynicism, because they neither practice nor accept the altruist morality; guilt, because they dare not reject it.’ – Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness. When you have the sloppy,… Read more »


I like and agree with all the posts but I think we need more counter-points/conflict to make it interesting. Whatever happened to Insipid?


Insipid, a/k/a splinky and spiffy, is busy translating foreign porn into English.


And the minute a terrorist or pirate tried to kill him, somebody in a uniform would have to pry him off their leg.

Idiots like this would be simply boring, if they weren’t so annoying.


PN, you are too funny!!!!! 🙂

A Proud Infidel

Ex-PH2, that, or he’s in his Mommy’s basement playing WoW wearing only his skidmarked underoos!

Mr Wolf

Sorry guys- but he’s likely right. It *IS* the judges and lawyers and politicians who protect our rights.


Who protects THEIR ability/right to defend us? Who is ensuring THEY can be safe in their courthouses and legislatures across the land?

Why, the military, of course!

WE protect the protectors, right???


Guys like him don’t look for jobs, they look for “funding”.


Very humorous article, as always…trying to justify his lack of service by demeaning the honorable service of others. Its so easy to see through. Life is too short to worry about these clowns.


Freedom is not “bestowed upon us by the military” you rat turd, it is guarded by those of us who thought there was something worth guarding namely asshats like you spouting your nonsense.

Perry Gaskill

It seems to me that the really creepy thing about Doolittle’s nasty little screed isn’t so much what he said, but instead how his worldview might have been shaped by his educational experience at Stony Brook and Coastal Carolina. It’s been my experience, based on purely anecdotal evidence, that such a worldview tends to be common in the cloistered environment of the faculty lounge where there’s still a sanctimonious worship of Marx-Engels on one hand, and disdain for the working class on the other.

Which further results in the view that liberty should be regarded as some sort of ripe cherry to be plucked with no consideration for those who tend the orchard.

What also makes for a grim prospect is that Doolittle’s background in political science/public policy means there’s a good chance he could wind up either as a politician, or as a staffer for an elected official.

This is seriously evil stuff.


Remember, Salon and other left-wing media hate that the Occupy
“movement”, hippies and their ilk are hated and the military is still held in high regard.

So they tear us down when their phony soldiers don’t sell. When OIF kicked off they tried to get the IVAW and Code Pink’s phony brigade. No draft and the internet meant that lead balloon sank.

So now they say that soldiers aren’t all that.

Just wait, there will be another rash of movies, videogames and tv shows with “evil soldiers” and “murderous military” to follow up. It’s battlespace prep for when the left attacks our pay, budget and bennies.


I’m with #5 Ranger Pat on this. His (Doolittle) existence or lack there of is of no importance to me. A nod from my military brothers & sisters carries far more weight. The least of me is forever beyond Doolittle’s reach.

Luck in Battle